March 10, 1994

Susan Vaillette
Internet Society
1895 Preston White Drive
Suite 101
Reston, Virginia 22091

Dear Ms. Vaillette,

Thank you for your inquiry about the Internet Society Organizational
Membership.  I have included membership information for your consideration.
If you desire I would love to send you a hard copy of our Organizaitonal
Membership package and a copy of our latest newsletter.  I will need your
postal address to send this information to you.  If you choose to become an
Organizational Member, please let us know by completing and returning the
application sent through e-mail with payment or by marking the box
requesting your organization to be billed.

If you have any additional questions please contact me by one of the following:

(after March 21)                        (before March 21)
Internet Society                        Internet Society
12020 Sunrise Valley Drive              1895 Preston White Drive
Suite 270                               Suite 101
Reston, Virginia  22091                 Reston, Virginia 22091
+1 703-648-9888                         +1 703-648-9888
+1 703-648-9887 - fax                   +1 703-620-0913
1 800 468-9507 (US only)      

Warmest regards,

Susan Vaillette
Corporate Membership Services