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                               FULL TEXT OF BILLS

                          103RD CONGRESS; 1ST SESSION
                       IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES
                          AS INTRODUCED IN THE SENATE

                                      S. 4 

                                  1993  S. 4; 

                                 A BILL
To promote the industrial competitiveness and economic growth of the
United States by strengthening and expanding the civilian technology
programs of the Department of Commerce, amending the Stevenson-Wydler
Technology Innovation Act of 1980 to enhance the development and
nationwide deployment of manufacturing technologies, and authorizing
appropriations for the Technology Administration of the Department of
Commerce, including the National Institute of Standards and Technology,
                         and for other purposes.



Mr. HOLLINGS (for himself, Mr. MITCHELL, Mr. ROCKEFELLER, Mr. 
MOSELEY-BRAUN, and Mr. LEAHY) introduced the following bill; which was
read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and

*  Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United*
*States of America in Congress assembled,                                *
                        TITLE I-GENERAL PROVISIONS
  (a) SHORT TITLE.-This Act may be cited as the "National Competitiveness
Act of 1993".
                        TITLE I-GENERAL PROVISIONS
Sec. 101. Short title; table of contents.
Sec. 102. Findings.
Sec. 103. Purposes.
Sec. 104. Definitions.
                          TITLE II-MANUFACTURING
Sec. 201. Short title.
            Subtitle A-Manufacturing Technology and Extension
Sec 211. Findings and purpose.
Sec 212. Manufacturing technology and extension amendments to the
Stevenson-Wydler Act.
Sec 213. Miscellaneous and conforming amendments.
Sec 214. Manufacturing Technology Centers.
Sec 215. State Technology Extension Program.

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Sec 216. American workforce quality partnerships.
Sec 217. Report on options for accelerating the adoption of new
manufacturing equipment.
       Subtitle B-National Science Foundation Manufacturing Program
Sec 221. National Science Foundation manufacturing activities.
Sec 301. Findings.
            Subtitle A-Advanced Technology Program and Related
Sec 311. Development of plan for the Advanced Technology Program.
Sec 312. Advanced Technology Program support of large-scale joint
Sec 313. Technical amendments.
Sec 314. Technology monitoring and competitive assessment.
Sec 315. Commerce Technology Advisory Board.
Sec 316. Study of semiconductor lithography technologies.
              Subtitle B-Technology Financing Pilot Programs
Sec 321. Findings and purpose.
Sec 322. Civilian Technology Loan Program.
Sec 323. Assistance to critical technology investment companies.
Sec 324. Assistance to State technology development programs.
Sec. 401. International standardization.
Sec. 402. Malcolm Baldrige Award amendments.
Sec. 403. Cooperative research and development agreements.
Sec. 404. Clearinghouse on State and Local Initiatives.
Sec. 405. Use of domestic products.
Sec. 406. Severability.
Sec. 407. Wind engineering research program.
Sec. 501. Technology Administration.
Sec. 502. National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Sec. 503. Additional activities of the Technology Administration.
Sec. 504. National Science Foundation.
Sec. 505. Availability of appropriations.
Sec. 601. Short title.
Sec. 602. Findings and purpose.
Sec. 603. Information Infrastructure Development Program.
Sec. 604. Applications for education.
Sec. 605. Applications for manufacturing.
Sec. 606. Applications for health care.
Sec. 607. Applications for libraries.
Sec. 608. Access to scientific and technical information.
  Congress finds and declares the following:
      (1) In an increasingly competitive world economy, the companies and
    nations which lead in the rapid development, commercialization, and
    application of new technologies, and in the low-priced, high-quality
    manufacture of products based on those technologies, will lead in
    economic growth, employment, and high living standards.
      (2) While the  United States remains the world leader in science
    and invention, it has not done as well as it should in
    commercializing and manufacturing new inventions. This lag and the
    unprecedented competitive challenge that the Nation has faced from
    abroad have contributed to a drop in real wages and living standards.

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      (3) While the private sector must take the lead in the development,
    application, and manufacture of new technologies, the Federal
    Government should-
          (A) assist industry in the development of high-risk, long-term
        precommercial technologies which promise large economic benefits
        for the Nation;
          (B) support industry-led efforts to develop and refine advanced
        manufacturing technologies;
          (C) work with States, the private sector, and worker
        organizations to help small- and medium-sized manufacturers
        throughout the Nation to adopt best current manufacturing
        technologies and practices, to improve worker skills, and
        prepare, as appropriate, to adopt the advanced
        computer-controlled manufacturing technologies of the 21st
        century; and
          (D) cooperate with industry and academia to help create an
        advanced information infrastructure for the  United States.
      (4) In working with industry to promote the technological
    leadership and economic growth of the  United States, the Federal
    Government also has a responsibility to consult with business leaders
    on industry's long-term technological needs, to monitor technological
    trends and technology targeting efforts in other nations, and
    generally to ensure that Federal technology programs help  United
    States to remain competitive and create good domestic jobs.
      (5) The Department of Commerce, and particularly its Technology
    Administration and National Institute of Standards and Technology, is
    and should remain the civilian government agency which helps
    commercial industry to speed the development and commercialization of
    new technologies, improve manufacturing, and ensure a growing and
    healthy national industrial base and good manufacturing jobs. To
    promote the long-term economic growth of the Nation, these Department
    of Commerce programs should be strengthened and expanded.
  The purposes of this Act are to-
      (1) strengthen and expand the ability of Federal technology
    programs, particularly those of the Department of Commerce, to
    support industry-led efforts to improve the technological
    capabilities, manufacturing performance, information infrastructure,
    and employment opportunities of the  United States;
      (2) promote and facilitate, particularly through the Advanced
    Technology Program of the Department of Commerce the creation,
    development, and adoption of technologies that will contribute
    significantly to  United States economic competitiveness, employment,
    and prosperity;
      (3) develop a nationwide network of sources of technological advice
    for manufacturers, particularly small- and medium-sized firms, and to
    provide high quality, current information to that network;
      (4) encourage the development and rapid application of advanced
    manufacturing technologies and processes;
      (5) create pilot programs to stimulate and supplement the flow of
    capital to business concerns engaged principally in development or
    utilization of critical civilian and other advanced technologies;
      (6) ensure the widest possible application of high-performance
    computing and high-speed networking and to aid  United States
    industry to develop an advanced national information infrastructure;

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      (7) enhance and expand the core programs of the National Institute
    of Standards and Technology.
  For purposes of this Act-
      (1) the term "advanced manufacturing technology" includes-
          (A) numerically-controlled machine tools, robots, automated
        process control equipment, computerized flexible manufacturing
        systems, associated computer software, and other technology for
        improving manufacturing and industrial production which advance
        the state-of-the-art; and
          (B) novel techniques and processes designed to improve
        manufacturing quality, productivity, and practice, and to promote
        sustainable development, including engineering design, quality
        assurance, concurrent engineering, continuous process production
        technology, energy efficiency, waste minimization, design for
        recyclability or parts reuse, inventory management, upgraded
        worker skills, and communications with customers and suppliers;
      (2) the term "Director" means the Director of the Institute;
      (3) the term "Institute" means the National Institute of Standards
    and Technology;
      (4) the term "modern technology" means the best available proven
    technology, techniques, and processes appropriate to enhancing the
    productivity of manufacturers;
      (5) the term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Commerce; and
      (6) the term "Under Secretary" means the Under Secretary of
    Commerce for Technology.
                          TITLE II-MANUFACTURING
  This title may be cited as the "Manufacturing Technology and Extension
Act of 1993".
            Subtitle A-Manufacturing Technology and Extension
  (a) FINDINGS.-Congress finds and declares the following:
      (1) United States manufacturers, especially small businesses,
    require the adoption and implementation of both modern (that,
    appropriate and currently available) technologies and advanced
    manufacturing and process technologies to meet the challenge of
    foreign competition.
      (2) The development and deployment of modern and advanced
    manufacturing technologies are vital to the economic growth,
    environmental sustainability, standard of living, competitiveness in
    world markets, and national security of the United States.
      (3) New developments in flexible, computer-integrated
    manufacturing, electronic manufacturing communications networks, and
    other new technologies make possible dramatic improvements across all
    industrial sectors in productivity, quality, and the speed with which
    manufacturers can respond to changing market opportunities.
      (4) The Department of Commerce's Technology Administration can
    continue to play an important role in assisting United States
    industry to develop, test, and deploy modern and advanced
    manufacturing technologies.
  (b) PURPOSE.-It is the purpose of this subtitle to help ensure the
continued leadership of the United States in manufacturing by enhancing
the Department of Commerce's technology programs to-

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      (1) provide domestic manufacturers, especially small- and
    medium-sized companies, with ready access to high quality Federal
    advice and assistance in the development, deployment, and improvement
    of modern manufacturing technology, and in solving their specific
    technology-based problems; and
      (2) encourage, facilitate, and promote the development and adoption
    of advanced manufacturing technologies by the private sector.
  The Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 3701
et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following new title:
  "Congress declares that it is the policy of the United States that-
      "(1) Federal agencies, particularly the Department of Commerce,
    shall work with industry and labor to ensure that within 10 years of
    the date of enactment of this Act the United States is second to no
    other nation in the development, deployment, and use of advanced
    manufacturing technology;
      "(2) all the major Federal research and development agencies shall
    place a high priority on the development and deployment of advanced
    manufacturing technologies, and shall work closely with United States
    industry and with the Nation's universities to develop and test those
    technologies; and
      "(3) other Federal departments and agencies which work with
    civilian industry and labor shall be encouraged, as appropriate and
    consistent with applicable statutes and duties, to work with and
    through the programs of the Department of Commerce.
  "(a) IN GENERAL.-The Department of Commerce shall, consistent with the
policies and purposes of section 301, work with United States commercial
industry and labor to-
      "(1) help develop new generic advanced manufacturing technologies,
    including advanced flexible computer-integrated manufacturing systems
    and electronic communications networks; and
      "(2) assist the States and the private sector to help United States
    manufacturers, especially small and medium-sized manufacturing
    enterprises, to adopt best current manufacturing technologies and
    practices and, as appropriate, new advanced manufacturing equipment
    and techniques.
one important step to carry out the responsibilities of the Department of
Commerce under subsection (a) of this section, there is established
within the Institute a Twenty-First Century Manufacturing Infrastructure
Program, which shall include-
      "(A) the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Development Program
    established under section 303 of this title; and
      "(B) the National Manufacturing Outreach Program established under
    section 304 of this title and the associated programs established
    under sections 25 and 26 of the National Institute of Standards and
    Technology Act (15 U.S.C. 278k-l).
  "(2) The Secretary, through the Under Secretary and the Director, may
accept the transfer of funds from any other Federal agency and may use
those funds to implement the Twenty-First Century Manufacturing
Infrastructure Program and support its activities.

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  "(a) PROGRAM DIRECTION.-The Secretary, through the Under Secretary and
the Director, shall establish an Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Development Program which shall include advanced manufacturing systems
and networking projects.
  "(b) PROGRAM GOAL.-The goal of the Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Development Program is to create collaborative multiyear technology
development programs involving United States industry and, as
appropriate, other Federal agencies, the States, worker organizations,
universities, and other interested persons, in order to develop, refine,
test, and transfer design and manufacturing technologies and associated
applications, including advanced computer integration and electronic
  "(c) PROGRAM COMPONENTS.-The Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Development Program shall include-
      "(1) the advanced manufacturing research and development activities
    at the Institute; and
      "(2) one or more technology development testbeds within the United
    States, selected in accordance with procedures, including cost
    sharing, established for the Advanced Technology Program under
    section 28 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act
    (15 U.S.C. 278n), whose purpose shall be to develop, refine, test,
    and transfer advanced manufacturing and networking technologies and
    associated applications through a direct manufacturing process.
  "(d) ACTIVITIES.-The Advanced Manufacturing Technology Development
Program, under the coordination of the Secretary, through the Director,
      "(1) test and, as appropriate, develop the equipment, computer
    software, and systems integration necessary for the successful
    operation within the United States of advanced design and
    manufacturing systems and associated electronic networks;
      "(2) establish at the Institute and the technology development
    testbed or testbeds-
          "(A) prototype advanced computer-integrated manufacturing
        systems; and
          "(B) prototype electronic networks linking manufacturing
      "(3) assist industry to develop, and implement voluntary consensus
    standards relevant to advanced computer-integrated manufacturing
    operations, including standards for networks, electronic data
    interchange, and digital product data specifications;
      "(4) help to make high-performance computing and networking
    technologies an integral part of design and production processes
    where appropriate;
      "(5) conduct research to identify and overcome technical barriers
    to the successful and cost-effective operation of advanced
    manufacturing systems and networks;
      "(6) facilitate industry efforts to develop and test new
    applications for manufacturing systems and networks;
      "(7) involve in the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Development
    Program, to the maximum extent practicable, both those United States
    companies which make manufacturing and computer equipment and a broad
    range of company personnel from those companies which buy the
      "(8) identify training needs, as appropriate, for company managers,

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    engineers, and employees in the operation and applications of
    advanced manufacturing technologies and networks, with a particular
    emphasis on training for production workers in the effective use of
    new technologies;
      "(9) work with private industry, universities, and other interested
    parties to develop standards for the use of advanced computer-based
    training systems, including multi-media and interactive learning
      "(10) involve small- and medium-sized manufacturers in its
    activities; and
      "(11) exchange information and personnel, as appropriate, between
    the technology development testbeds and the electronic network
    created under section 303.
  "(e) TESTBED AWARDS.-(1) In selecting applicants to receive awards
under subsection (c)(2) of this section, the Secretary shall give
particular consideration to applicants that have existing computer
expertise in the management of business, product, and process information
such as digital data product and process technologies and
customer-supplier information systems, and the ability to diffuse such
expertise into industry, and that, in the case of joint research and
development ventures, include both suppliers and users of advanced
manufacturing equipment.
  "(2) An industry-led joint research and development venture applying
for an award under subsection (c)(2) of this section may include one or
more State research organizations, universities, independent research
organizations or Regional Centers for the Transfer of Manufacturing
Technology (as created under section 25 of the National Institute of
Standards and Technology Act) and other organizations as the Secretary
considers appropriate.
  "(f) ADVICE AND ASSISTANCE.-(1) Within 6 months after the date of
enactment of this title, and before any request for proposals is issued,
the Secretary shall hold one or more workshops to solicit advice from
United States industry and from other Federal agencies, particularly the
Department of Defense, regarding the specific missions and activities of
the testbeds.
  "(2) The Secretary shall, to the greatest extent possible, coordinate
activities under this section with activities of other Federal agencies
and initiatives relating to Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistics
Support, electronic data interchange, flexible computer-integrated
manufacturing, and enterprise integration..
  "(3) The Secretary may request and accept funds, facilities, equipment,
or personnel from other Federal agencies in order to carry out
responsibilities under this section.
  "(g) APPLICATION OF ANTITRUST LAWS.-Nothing in this section shall be
construed to create any immunity to any civil or criminal action under
any Federal or State antitrust law, or to alter or restrict in any matter
the applicability of any Federal or State antitrust law.
  "(a) ESTABLISHMENT AND PURPOSE.-There is hereby established a National
Manufacturing Outreach Program (hereafter in this section referred to as
the 'Outreach Program'). The Secretary, acting through the Under
Secretary and the Director, shall implement and coordinate the Outreach
Program in accordance with an initial plan to be prepared and submitted
to Congress within 6 months after the date of enactment of this title and
a 5-year plan for the Outreach Program to be submitted to the Congress

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within a year after the date of enactment of this title and to be updated
annually. The purpose of the Outreach Program is to link and strengthen
the Nation's manufacturing extension centers and activities in order to
assist United States manufacturers, especially small and medium-sized
firms, to expand and accelerate the use of modern manufacturing
practices, and to accelerate the development and use of advanced
manufacturing technology.  "(b) COMPONENTS.-The Outreach Program shall be
a partnership of the Department of Commerce, the States, the private
sector, and, as appropriate, other Federal agencies to provide a national
system of manufacturing extension centers and technical services to
United States companies, particularly small and medium-sized
manufacturers. The Outreach Program shall include the following
      "(1) Manufacturing Outreach Centers, as provided for under
    subsection (c) of this section;
      "(2) Regional Centers for the Transfer of Manufacturing Technology,
    as established under section 25 of the National Institute of
    Standards and Technology Act, and the State Technology Extension
    Program, as established under section 26 of the National Institute of
    Standards and Technology Act;
      "(3) an organization, coordinated and funded by the Institute,
    which links and supports Manufacturing Outreach Centers and Regional
    Centers for the Transfer of Manufacturing Technology, and which
    operates the Technology Extension Network and Clearinghouse
    established under subsection (d) of this section; and
      "(4) such technology and manufacturing extension centers supported
    by other Federal departments and agencies as the Secretary may deem
    appropriate for inclusion in the Outreach Network.
  "(c) MANUFACTURING OUTREACH CENTERS.-(1) Government and private 
organizations, actively engaged in technology or manufacturing extension
activities, may apply to the Secretary to be designated as Manufacturing
Outreach Centers. Eligible organizations may include Federal, State, and
local government agencies, their extension programs, and their
laboratories; small business development centers; and appropriate
programs run by professional societies, worker organizations, industrial
organizations, for-profit or nonprofit organizations, universities,
community colleges, and technical schools and colleges, including, where
appropriate, vendor-supported demonstrations of production applications.
  "(2) The Secretary shall establish terms and conditions of
participation and may  provide financial assistance, on a cost-shared
basis and through competitive, merit-based  review processes, to
nonprofit or government participants throughout the United States to
enable them to-
      "(A) join the Outreach Program and disseminate its technical and
    information services to United States manufacturing firms,
    particularly small and medium-sized firms; and
      "(B) strengthen their efforts to help small and medium-sized United
    States manufacturers to expand and accelerate the use of modern and
    advanced manufacturing practices.
  "(3) Each Manufacturing Outreach Center shall have the option of
affiliating or not affiliating with one or more Regional Centers for the
Transfer of Manufacturing Technology. If such a Manufacturing Outreach
Center chooses to make such an affiliation, the Secretary, through the
Director, shall take such steps as appropriate to ensure a productive
working partnership between such center and the Regional Center or

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Centers with which it affiliates.
Department of
Commerce shall provide for an instantaneous, interactive communications
network to serve the Outreach Program, to facilitate interaction among
Manufacturing Outreach Centers, Regional Centers for the Transfer of
Manufacturing Technology, and Federal agencies and to permit the
collection and dissemination in electronic form, in a timely and accurate
manner, of information described in subsection (e). Such communications
infrastructure shall, wherever practicable, make use of existing computer
networks, data bases, and electronic bulletin boards. Communications
infrastructure arrangements, including user fees and appropriate
electronic access for public and private information suppliers and users
shall be addressed in the 5-year plan prepared under subsection (a) of
this section.
  "(e) CLEARINGHOUSE.-(1) The Secretary shall develop a clearinghouse
system, using the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the
National Technical Information Service, and private sector information
providers and carriers where appropriate, to-
      "(A) identify expertise and acquire information, appropriate to the
    purpose of the Outreach Program stated in subsection (a), from all
    available Federal sources, and where appropriate from other sources,
    providing assistance where necessary in making such information
    electronically available and compatible with the electronic network;
      "(B) ensure ready access by United States manufacturers and other
    interested private sector parties to the most recent relevant
    available such information and expertise; and
      "(C) to the extent practicable, inform such manufacturers of the
    availability of such information.
  "(2) The clearinghouse shall include information available
electronically on-
      "(A) activities of Manufacturing Outreach Centers, Regional Centers
    for the Transfer of Manufacturing Technology, the State Technology
    Extension Program, and the users of the electronic network;
      "(B) domestic and international standards from the Institute and
    private sector organizations and other export promotion information,
    including conformity assessment requirements and procedures;
      "(C) the Malcolm Baldrige Quality program, and quality principles
    and standards;
      "(D) manufacturing processes minimizing waste and negative
    environmental impact;
      "(E) federally-funded technology development and transfer programs;
      "(F) responsibilities assigned to the Clearinghouse for State and
    Local Initiatives on Productivity, Technology, and Innovation under
    section 102 of this Act;
      "(G) how to access data bases and services; and
      "(H) other subjects relevant to the ability of companies to
    manufacture and sell competitive products throughout the world.
  "(f) PRINCIPLES.-In carrying out this section, the Department of
Commerce shall take into consideration the following principles:
      "(1) The Outreach Program and the electronic network shall be
    established and operated through cooperation and co-funding among
    Federal, State, and local governments, other public and private
    contributors, and end users.
      "(2) The Outreach Program and the electronic network shall utilize
    and leverage, to the extent practicable, existing organizations, data

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    bases, electronic networks, facilities, and capabilities, and shall
    be designed to complement rather than supplant State and local
      "(3) The Outreach Program should, to the extent practicable,
    involve key stakeholders at all levels in the planning and governance
    of modernization strategies; concentrate on assisting local clusters
    of firms; promote collaborative learning and cooperative action among
    small and large manufacturers; link industrial modernization programs
    tightly to existing and future Federal training initiatives,
    including those for youth apprenticeship programs; encourage small
    firms to seek modernization services by working with major
    manufacturers to strengthen and coordinate their supplier assessment,
    certification, and development programs; identify and honor best
    practices by firms and the programs that support them; provide
    funding based on performance and ensure rigorous evaluation of
    extension services; as appropriate, coordinate Federal programs that
    support manufacturing modernization; and work with Federal, State,
    and private organizations so that Outreach Centers and Regional
    Centers for the Transfer of Manufacturing Technology can provide
    referrals to other important business services, such as assistance
    with financing, training, and exporting.
      "(4) The Outreach Program and the electronic network and
    communications infrastructure provided for under subsection (d),
    shall be subject to all applicable provisions of law for the
    protection of trade secrets and business confidential information.
      "(5) Local or regional needs should determine the management
    structure and staffing of the Manufacturing Outreach Centers. The
    Outreach Program shall strive for geographical balance with the
    ultimate goal of access for all United States manufacturers.
      "(6) Manufacturing Outreach Centers should have the capability to
    deliver outreach services directly to manufacturers; actively work
    with, rather than supplant, the private sector; and to the extent
    practicable, maximize the exposure of manufacturers to demonstrations
    of modern technologies in use.
      "(7) Manufacturing Outreach Centers shall focus, where possible, on
    the development and deployment of flexible manufacturing practices
    applicable to both defense and commercial applications.
      "(8) The Department of Commerce shall develop mechanisms for-
          "(A) soliciting the perspectives of manufacturers using the
        services of the Manufacturing Outreach Centers and Regional
        Centers for the Transfer of Manufacturing Technology; and
          "(B) evaluating the effectiveness of the Manufacturing Outreach
  "(a) ESTABLISHMENT.-The Director of the Office of Science and
Technology Policy, after consultation with the Secretary of Commerce and
other appropriate Federal officials, shall establish within that office a
Manufacturing Advisory Committee (hereafter in this section referred to
as the 'Committee'), led by industry officials, to provide advice and, as
appropriate, guidance to Federal manufacturing programs.
  "(b) FUNCTIONS.-The Committee shall-
      "(1) collect and analyze information on the range of factors which
    determine the success of United States-based manufacturing
    industries, and particularly factors regarding the development and
    deployment of advanced manufacturing technologies and the application

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    of best manufacturing practices;
      "(2) identify areas where appropriate cooperation between the
    Federal Government and the private sector, including Government
    support for industry-led joint research and development ventures and
    for manufacturing extension activities, would enhance United States
    industrial competitiveness, and provide advice and guidance for such
    cooperative efforts;
      "(3) provide guidance on what Federal policies and practices are
    necessary to strengthen United States-based manufacturing,
    particularly Federal policies and practices regarding research
    budgets, interagency coordination and initiatives, technology
    transfer, regulation, and procurement; and
      "(4) generally develop recommendations for guiding Federal agency
    and interagency activities related to United States-based
  "(c) MEMBERSHIP AND PROCEDURES.-(1)(A) The Committee shall be 
of 13 members, 7 of whom shall constitute a quorum.
  "(B) The Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, the
Secretary, the Secretary of Defense, and the Director of the National
Science Foundation, or their designees, shall serve as members of the
  "(C) The President, acting through the Director of the Office of
Science and Technology Policy, shall within 120 days of the date of
enactment of this Act appoint 9 additional members from the private
manufacturing industry, worker organizations, State technology agencies,
and academia. At least 1 such member shall be from small business.
  "(2) The Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy or the
Director's designee shall chair the Board.
  "(3) The chairman shall call the first meeting of the Board within 30
days after the appointment of members is completed.
  "(4) The Board may use such personnel detailed from Federal agencies as
may be necessary to enable it to perform its functions.
  "(5) Members of the Board, other than full-time employees of the
Federal Government, while attending meetings of the Board or otherwise
performing duties of the Board while away from their homes or regular
places of business, shall be allowed travel expenses in accordance with
subchapter I of chapter 57 of title 5, United States Code.
  "(6) The Board shall submit a report of its activities once every year
after its establishment to the President, the Committee on Science,
Space, and Technology of the House of Representatives, and the Committee
on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate.
  "(d) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.-There are authorized to be
appropriated to carry out this section such sums as may be necessary for
the fiscal years 1994 and 1995.".
  (a) DEFINITIONS.-Section 4 of the Stevenson-Wydler Technology
Innovation Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 3703) is amended by adding at the end
the following new paragraphs:
      "(14) 'Director' means the Director of the National Institute of
    Standards and Technology.
      "(15) 'Institute' means the National Institute of Standards and
      "(16) 'Assistant Secretary' means the Assistant Secretary of
    Commerce for Technology Policy.
      "(17)  'Advanced manufacturing technology' includes-

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          "(A) numerically-controlled machine tools, robots, automated
        process control equipment, computerized flexible manufacturing
        systems, associated computer software, and other technology for
        improving manufacturing and industrial production which advance
        the state-of-the-art; and
      "(B) novel techniques and processes designed to improve
    manufacturing quality, productivity, and practices, and to promote
    sustainable development, including engineering design, quality
    assurance, concurrent engineering, continuous process production
    technology, energy efficiency, waste minimization, design for
    recyclability or parts reuse, inventory management, upgraded worker
    skills, and communications with customers and suppliers.
      "(18) 'Modern technology' means the best available proven
    technology, techniques, and processes appropriate to enhancing the
    productivity of manufacturers.".
  (b) REDESIGNATIONS.-The Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of
1980 (15 U.S.C. 3701 et seq.) is amended-
      (1) by inserting immediately after section 4 the following new
    title heading:
      (2) by redesignating sections 5 through 10 as sections 101 through
    106, respectively;
      (3) by striking section 21;
      (4) by redesignating sections 16 through 20, and 22, as sections
    107 through 112, respectively;
      (5) by inserting immediately after section 112 (as redesignated by
    paragraph (4) of this subsection) the following new title heading:
      (6) by redesignating sections 11 through 15 as sections 201 through
    205, respectively;
      (7) by redesignating section 23 as section 206;
      (8) in section 4-
          (A) by striking "section 5" each place it appears and inserting
        in lieu thereof "section 101";
          (B) in paragraphs (4) and (6), by striking "section 6" and
        "section 8" each place they appear and inserting in lieu thereof
        "section 102" and "section 104", respectively; and
          (C) in paragraph (13), by striking "section 6" and inserting in
        lieu thereof "section 102";
      (9) in section 105 (as redesignated by paragraph (2) of this
    subsection) by striking "section 6" each place it appears and
    inserting in lieu thereof "section 102";
      (10) in section 106(d)-(as redesignated by paragraph (2) of this
    subsection) by striking "7, 9, 11, 15, 17, or 20" and inserting in
    lieu thereof "103, 105, 108, 111, 201, or 205";
      (11) in section 202(b) (as redesignated by paragraph (6) of this
    subsection) by striking "section 14" and inserting in lieu thereof
    "section 204";
      (12) in section 204(a)(1) (as redesignated by paragraph (6) of this
    subsection) by striking "section 12" and inserting in lieu thereof
    "section 202";
      (13) in section 112 (as redesignated by paragraph (4) of this
    subsection) by striking "sections 11, 12, and 13" and inserting in
    lieu thereof "sections 201, 202, and 203";
      (14) in section 206 (as redesignated by paragraph (7) of this

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      (A) by striking "section 11(b)" in subsection (a)(2) and inserting
    in lieu thereof "section 201(b)"; and
      (B) by striking "section 6(d)" in subsection (b) and inserting  in
    lieu thereof "section 102(d)"; and
      (15) by adding at the end of section 201 (as redesignated by
    paragraph (6) of this subsection) the following new subsection:
technology transfer mechanisms set forth in this section and section 202
of this Act, the heads of Federal departments and agencies also may
transfer technologies through the technology transfer, extension, and
deployment programs of the Department of Commerce and the Department of
  Section 25 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act
(15 U.S.C. 278k), is amended-
      (1) by amending the section heading to read as follows:
      (2) in subsection (c)(5), by striking "which are designed" and all
    that follows through "operation of a Center" and inserting in lieu
    thereof "to a maximum of one-third Federal funding. Each Center which
    receives financial assistance under this section shall be evaluated
    during its sixth year of operation, and at such subsequent times as
    the Secretary considers appropriate, by an evaluation panel appointed
    by the Secretary in the same manner as was the evaluation panel
    previously appointed. The Secretary shall not provide funding for
    additional years of the Center's operation unless the evaluation is
    positive and the Secretary finds that continuation of funding
    furthers the goals of the Department. Such additional Federal funding
    shall not exceed one-third of the cost of the Center's operations";
      (3) by striking subsection (d); and
      (4) by adding at the end the following new subsections:
  "(d) If a Center receives a positive evaluation during its third year
of operation, the Director may, any time after that evaluation, contract
with the Center to provide additional technology extension or transfer
services above and beyond the baseline activities of the Center. Such
additional services may include, but are not necessarily limited to, the
development and operation of the following:
      "(1) Services focused on the testing, development, and application
    of manufacturing and process technologies within specific technical
    fields such as advanced materials or electronics fabrication for the
    purpose of assisting United States companies, both large and small
    and both within the Center's original service region and in other
    regions, to improve manufacturing, product design, workforce
    training, and production in those  specific technical fields.
      "(2) Industrial service facilities which provide tools to help
    companies with the low-cost, low-volume, rapid prototyping of a range
    of new products and the refinement of the manufacturing and process
    technologies necessary to make these products.
      "(3) Programs to assist small and medium-sized manufacturers and
    their employees in the Center's region to learn and apply the
    technologies, techniques, and processes associated with systems
    management technology, electric commerce, or improving manufacturing
      "(4) Industry-lead demonstration programs that explore the value of

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    innovative nonprofit manufacturing technology consortia to provide
    ongoing research, technology transfer, and worker training assistance
    for industrial members. An award under this paragraph shall be for no
    more than $500,000 per year, and shall be subject to renewal after a
    1-year demonstration period.
  (a) Section 26(a) of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
Act (15 U.S.C. 2781(a)), is amended-
      (1) by inserting immediately after "(a)" the following new
    sentence: "There is established within the Institute a State
    Technology Extension Program."; and
      (2) by inserting "through that Program" immediately after
    "technical assistance".
  (b) Section 26 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
Act (15 U.S.C. 2781) is amended by adding at the end the following new
  "(c) In addition to the general authorities listed in subsection (b) of
this section, the State Technology Extension Program also shall, through
merit-based competitive review processes and as authorizations and
appropriations permit-
      "(1) make awards to States and conduct workshops, pursuant to
    section 5121(b) of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988,
    in order to help States improve their planning and coordination of
    technology extension activities;
      "(2) assist States, particularly States which historically have had
    no manufacturing or technology extension programs or only small
    programs, to plan, develop, and coordinate such programs and to help
    bring those State programs to a level of performance where they can
    apply successfully for awards to establish Manufacturing Outreach
    Centers, Regional Centers for the Transfer of Manufacturing
    Technology, or both;
      "(3) support industrial modernization demonstration projects to
    help States create networks among small manufacturers for the purpose
    of facilitating technical assistance, group services, and improved
    productivity and competitiveness;
      "(4) support State efforts to develop and test innovative ways to
    help small and medium-sized manufacturers improve their technical
      "(5) support State efforts designed to help small manufacturers in
    rural as well as urban areas improve and modernize their technical
    capabilities, including, as appropriate, interstate efforts to
    achieve such end;
      "(6) support State efforts to assist interested small defense
    manufacturing firms to convert their production to nondefense and
    dual-use purposes;
      "(7) support worker technology education programs in the States at
    institutions such as research universities, community colleges, labor
    education centers, labor-management committees, and worker
    organizations in production technologies critical to the Nation's
    future, with an emphasis on high-performance work systems, the skills
    necessary to use advanced manufacturing systems well, and best
    production practice; and
      "(8) help States develop programs to train personnel who in turn
    can provide technical skills to managers and workers of manufacturing

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  (a) PROGRAM AUTHORIZED.-(1) The Secretary, after consultation with the
Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of Education, may make awards to
eligible applicants to establish and operate American workforce quality
partnerships in accordance with the provisions of this section. The
purpose of these partnerships is to provide training to industrial
employees, particularly in order to enable them to utilize best current
manufacturing technologies and practices, including total quality
management techniques.
  (2) An American workforce quality partnership shall be a collaboration
      (A) one or more technology-based or manufacturing sector firms, in
    conjunction with a labor organization when appropriate or worker
    representatives or employee representatives; and
      (B) a local community or technical college, other appropriate
    institution of higher education, a vocational training institution, a
    Regional Center for the Transfer of Manufacturing Technology, a
    Manufacturing Outreach Center, or a consortium of such institutions,
to train the employees of the participating industrial firms through both
workplace-based and classroom-based training programs.
  (b) AWARDS.-(1) Awards made under this section may be for a period of 5
years. The Federal share of the cost of an American workforce quality
partnership may not exceed 50 percent of the total cost of the
partnership. The non-Federal share of such costs may be provided in-cash
or in-kind, fairly valued.
  (2) The Secretary shall  make awards under this section on a
competitive basis.
  (c) USE OF FUNDS.-(1) An American workplace quality partnership may use
Federal funds for-
      (A) the direct costs of workplace-based and classroom-based
    training in advanced technical, technological, and industrial
    management, skills, and training for the implementation of total
    quality management strategies, or other competitiveness strategies,
    contained in the plan;
      (B) the purchase or lease of equipment or other materials for the
    purpose of instruction to aid in training;
      (C) the development of in-house curricula or coursework or other
    training-related programs, including the training of teachers and
    other eligible participants to utilize such curricula or coursework;
      (D) reasonable administrative expenses and other indirect costs of
    operating the partnership which may not exceed 10 percent of the
    total cost of the program.
  (2) Federal funds may not be used for nontraining related costs of
adopting new competitive strategies including the replacement of
manufacturing equipment, product redesign and manufacturing facility
construction costs, or salary compensation of the partners' employees.
Grants shall not be made under this section for programs that will impair
any existing program, contract, or agreement without the written
concurrence of the parties to such program, contract, or agreement.
  (d) ADVISORY BOARDS.-Each partnership receiving assistance under this
section shall establish an advisory board, which shall-
      (1) include representatives from participating firms, labor
    organizations or worker representatives, and the education partners;

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      (2) advise the partnership on the direction, policies, and
    activities of the partnership, including training, instruction, and
    related issues.
  Within one year of the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary
shall submit to Congress a report on-
      (1) the degree to which both small and large manufacturing
    enterprises in the United States have difficulty obtaining financing
    for the purpose of purchasing new equipment and modernizing
      (2) the policies and practices followed in other industrialized
    countries to help manufacturing firms obtain financing for
      (3) the advantages, disadvantages, and costs of major options by
    which the Federal Government might help stimulate the flow of capital
    to manufacturers and thus accelerate industrial modernization,
          (A) creation of a Government-sponsored enterprise to stimulate
        the flow of capital to manufacturing;
          (B) increasing technical advice to banks and other financial
        institutions, perhaps through the National Manufacturing Outreach
        Program, in order to increase their ability to judge whether or
        not individual manufacturers have sound modernization plans; and
          (C) tax incentives.
      Subtitle B-National Science Foundation Manufacturing Programs
  (A) IN GENERAL.-The Director of the National Science Foundation, after,
as appropriate, consultation with the Secretary, the Under Secretary, and
the Director, shall-
      (1) work with the United States industry to identify areas of
    research in manufacturing technologies and practices that offer the
    potential to improve United States productivity, competitiveness, and
      (2) support research at United States universities to improve
    manufacturing technologies and practices; and
      (3) work with the Technology Administration and the Institute and,
    as appropriate, other Federal agencies to accelerate the transfer to
    United States industry of manufacturing research and innovations
    developed at universities.
RESEARCH CENTERS.-The Director of the National Science Foundation shall
strengthen and expand the number of Engineering Research Centers and
strengthen and expand the Industry/University Cooperative Research
Centers Program with the goals of increasing the engineering talent base
versed in technologies critical to the Nation's future, with emphasis on
advanced manufacturing, and of advancing fundamental engineering
knowledge in these technologies. At least one Engineering Research Center
shall have a research and education focus on the concerns of traditional
manufacturers, including small and medium-sized firms that are trying to
modernize their operations. Awards under this subsection shall be made on
a competitive, merit review basis. Such awards may include support for
acquisition of instrumentation, equipment, and facilities related to
research and education activities of the Centers and support for
undergraduate students to participate in the activities of the Centers.

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  (c) GRADUATE TRAINEESHIPS.-The Director of the National Science
Foundation, in consultation with the Secretary, may establish a program
to provide traineeships to graduate students at institutions of higher
education within the United States who choose to pursue masters or
doctoral degrees in manufacturing engineering.
Director of
the National Science Foundation, in consultation with the Secretary, may
establish a program to provide fellowships, on a cost-shared basis, to
individuals from industry with experience in manufacturing to serve for 1
or 2 years as instructors in manufacturing at 2-year community and
technical colleges in the United States. In selecting fellows, the
Director of the National Science Foundation shall place special emphasis
on supporting individuals who not only have expertise and practicable
experience in manufacturing but who also will work to foster cooperation
between 2-year colleges and nearby manufacturing firms.
of the
National Science Foundation, in consultation with the Secretary, the
Under Secretary, and the Director, may establish a program to develop
innovative curricula, courses, and materials for use by institutions of
higher education for instruction in total quality management and related
management practices, in order to help improve the productivity of United
States industry.
  The Congress finds that-
      (1) the rapid, effective use of advanced technologies in the design
    and production of products is a key determinant of economic
      (2) investment in the development and adoption of advanced
    technology contributes significantly to long-term economic growth and
      (3) the governments of our most successful competitor nations in
    the global marketplace have created supportive structures and
    programs that have been effective in helping their domestic
    industries increase their global market shares;
      (4) agriculture and aerospace are two examples of industries that
    have achieved commercial success with strong support from the United
    States Government; and
      (5) the United States Government must promote and facilitate the
    creation, development, and adoption of advanced technologies to
    ensure long-term economic prosperity for the United States.
            Subtitle A-Advanced Technology Program and Related
  The Secretary, acting through the Under Secretary and the Director,
shall, within 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act, submit to
the Congress a plan for the expansion of the Advanced Technology Program
established under section 28 of the National Institute of Standards and
Technology Act (15 U.S.C. 278n), with specific consideration given to-
      (1) closer coordination and cooperation with the Defense Advanced
    Research Projects Agency and other Federal research and development
    agencies as appropriate;
      (2) establishment of staff positions that can be filled by
    industrial or technical experts for a period of one to two years;
      (3) broadening of the scope of the program to include as many
    critical technologies as is appropriate;

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      (4) changes that may be needed when annual funds available for
    grants under the Program reach levels of $200,000,000 and
    $500,000,000; and
      (5) administrative steps necessary for Program support of
    large-scale industry-led consortia similar to, or possibility
    eventually including, the Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology
  Section 28 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act
(15 U.S.C. 278n) is amended by adding at the end the following new
  "(k) In addition to the general authority under this section to provide
financial assistance to joint ventures, the Secretary, through the
Director, also may, as permitted by levels of authorizations and
appropriations, provide financial support to large-scale joint ventures
requesting $20 million or more a year in Department funds. Any such
support shall be subject to the matching funds requirements of in
subsection (b)(1)(B)(ii) of this section, except that the Secretary may
provide assistance to such large-scale joint ventures for up to 7 years.
The Secretary may work with industrial groups to develop such proposed
large-scale joint ventures and shall give preference to proposals which
represent a broad spectrum of companies for a given industry and which
focus on either speeding the commercialization of important new
technologies or in accelerating the development, testing, and deployment
of valuable new process technologies. The Secretary and Director, as
appropriate, shall obtain independent technical review of industry
proposals submitted under this subsection.".
  Section 28 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act
(15 U.S.C. 278n) is amended-
      (1) in subsection (b)(1)(B)(ii), by striking "provision of a
    minority share of the cost of such joint ventures for up to 5 years"
    and inserting in lieu thereof "the option of provision of either-
              "(I) a minority share of the cost of such joint ventures
            for up to 5 years; or
              "(II) only direct costs, and not indirect costs, profits,
            or management fees, for up to 5 years"; and
      (2) by adding at the end the following new subsection:
  "(k) Notwithstanding subsections (b)(1)(B)(ii) and (d)(3) the Director
may grant an extension of not to exceed 6 months beyond the deadlines
established under those subsections for joint venture and single
applicant awardees to expend Federal funds to complete their projects, if
such extension may be granted with no additional cost to the Federal
  Section 101(e) of the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of
1980, as redesignated by section 213(b)(2) of this Act, is amended to
read as follows:
The Secretary, through the Under Secretary, shall establish within the
Technology Administration an Office of Technology Monitoring and
Competitive Assessment, to collect, evaluate, assess, and disseminate
information on-
      "(A) foreign science and technology, specifically information

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    assessing foreign capabilities relative to the United States; and
      "(B) policies and programs used by foreign governments and
    industries to develop and apply economically important critical
    technologies, how these policies and programs compare with public and
    private activities in the United States, and the effects that these
    foreign policies and programs have on the competitiveness of United
    States industry; and
      "(C) the way in which the economic competitiveness of United States
    industry can be enhanced through Federal programs, including
    Department of Commerce programs, and evaluations of the effectiveness
    of Federal technology programs in helping to promote United States
    industrial competitiveness and economic growth.
  "(2) Based on the information gathered under paragraph (1) of this
subsection, the President, with the assistance of the Secretary, shall
submit to Congress an annual report on United States technology and
competitiveness analyzing the condition of United States technology
relative to major trading partners, key trends in foreign technology and
competitiveness policies and targeting, and the degree to which Federal
programs are helping the United States to stay competitive with other
  "(3) The Office of Technology Monitoring and Competitive Assessment is
authorized to-
      "(A) act as a focal point within the Federal Government for the
    collection and dissemination, including electronic dissemination, of
    information on foreign process and product technologies, including
    information collected under the Japanese Technical Literature
      "(B) coordinate the extensive foreign technology monitoring and
    assessment activities already under way in the Federal Government;
      "(C) act as an electronic clearinghouse for this information or
    otherwise provide for this function;
      "(D) direct and fund the collection of additional information;
      "(E) direct and fund analysis of foreign research and development
    activities and technical capabilities, particularly in those
    technical areas where the United States is considered to be at par or
    lagging foreign capabilities;
      "(F) establish a program to identify technical areas needing a
    full-scale technical evaluation, and provide grants, on a cost-shared
    basis, to private sector or government-industry joint ventures, to
    conduct the evaluation;
      "(G) establish and administer a fellowship program to support
    Technology Fellows in those countries that are major competitors of
    the United States in critical technologies to collect and provide
    initial analysis of information on foreign science and technology
    capabilities; and
      "(H) work with the Department of State to place technical experts
    from the Institute and other Federal laboratories into United States
    embassies to serve as technology attaches and counsellors.
  Title I of the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (as
amended by title II of this Act) is further amended by adding at the end
thereof the following new section:
  "(a) ESTABLISHMENT.-There is established a Commerce Technology Advisory
Board (hereafter in this section referred to as the 'Advisory Board'),

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the purpose of which is to advise the Secretary, Under Secretary, and
Director regarding ways in which to-
      "(1) promote the development and rapid application of advanced
    commercial technologies, including advanced manufacturing
      "(2) strengthen the programs of the Technology Administration; and
      "(3) generally improve the global competitiveness of industries
    within the United States.
  "(b) COMPOSITION.-The Advisory Board shall be composed of at least 17
members, appointed by the Under Secretary from among individuals who,
because of their experience and accomplishments in technology
development, business development, or finance are exceptionally qualified
to analyze and formulate policy that would improve the global
competitiveness of industries in the United States. The Under Secretary
shall designate 1 member to serve as chairman. Membership of the Advisory
Board shall be composed of-
      "(1) representatives of-
          "(A) United States small businesses;
          "(B) other United States manufacturers;
          "(C) research universities and independent research institutes;
          "(D) State and local government agencies involved in industrial
          "(E) national laboratories;
          "(F) industrial, worker, and professional organizations; and
          "(G) financial organizations; and
      "(2) other individuals that possess important insight to issues of
    national competitiveness.
  "(c) MEETINGS.-(1) The chairman shall call the first meeting of the
Advisory Board not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this
  "(2) The Advisory Board shall meet at least once every 6 months, and at
the call of the Under Secretary.
  "(d) TRAVEL EXPENSES.-Members of the Advisory Board, other than
full-time employees of the United States, shall be allowed travel
expenses in accordance with subchapter I of chapter 57 of title 5, United
States Code, while engaged in the business of the Advisory Board.
  "(e) CONSULTATION.-In carrying out this section, the Under Secretary
shall consult with other agencies, as appropriate.
  "(f) TERMINATION.-Section 14 of the Federal Advisory Committee Act
shall not apply to the Advisory Board.".
  Within 9 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Critical
Technologies Institute established under section 822 of the National
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991 (in this section referred
to as the "Institute") shall, after consultation with the private sector
and appropriate officials from other Federal agencies, submit to the
Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology of the House of
Representatives a report on advanced lithography technologies for the
production of semiconductor devices. The report shall include the
Institute's evaluation of the likely technical and economic advantages
and disadvantages of each such technology, an analysis of current private
and Government research to develop each such technology, and any
recommendations the Institute may have regarding future Federal support
for research and development in advanced lithography.

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              Subtitle B-Technology Financing Pilot Programs
  (a) FINDINGS.-Congress finds and declares the following:
      (1) In recent years, financing from venture capitalists and banks
    appears to have become more difficult for technology firms in the
    United States to obtain.
      (2) While tax incentives are often the preferred method to help
    firms accelerate the development, commercialization, and production
    of advanced technology products, these incentives are of limited
    value to those firms, including start-up firms, which have limited
    revenues but nonetheless provide much of the Nation's innovation and
    new employment.
      (3) Difficulties in obtaining financing particularly hurts those
    technology firms which face foreign competitors which have received
    substantial direct or indirect financial help from their governments.
          (4) The Nation would benefit from pilot programs which involve
    Government-industry partnerships to develop and test innovative
    industry-led methods to increase the amount of financing available to
    United States technology firms.
  (b) PURPOSE.-It is the purpose of Congress in this subtitle to
establish, under the Department of Commerce's Technology Administration,
three experimental technology financing pilot programs.
  (a) AUTHORITY TO MAKE LOANS.-The Secretary of Commerce may make 
      (1) acting through the Under Secretary of Commerce for technology,
    to small and medium sized businesses eligible for assistance under
    section 28 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act
    (15 U.S.C. 278n), to the extent provided in section 504(b) of the
    Congressional Budget Act of 1974; or
      (2) acting through critical technologies development companies
    licensed under section 323 of this title, to small and medium sized
  (b) PURPOSE.-Loans under this section shall be for growth,
modernization, and expansion of small and medium sized businesses engaged
in research, development, demonstration, or exploitation  of advanced
technologies and products, including those  in fields such as automation,
electronics, advanced materials, biotechnology, and optical technologies.
  (c) INTEREST RATE, TERMS, AND CONDITIONS.-Loans under this section
shall be made at an interest rate equal to the Government borrowing rate
plus an insurance surcharge of up to 2 percent, and shall be subject to
such terms and conditions as the Secretary may prescribe.
  (a) IN GENERAL.-(1)  The Secretary, through the Under Secretary,   is
authorized  to provide financial assistance to critical technology
investment companies licensed under this section, for the purpose of
stimulating and expanding the flow of private capital to qualified joint
ventures and qualified individual firms in order to help them finance the
development and commercialization of critical civilian technologies.
  (2) Each critical technology investment company licensed under this
section may provide venture capital to qualified joint ventures and
qualified individual firms, in such manner and under such terms as the
licensee may fix in accordance with the regulations of the Secretary.
Venture capital provided to incorporated qualified joint ventures and
individual firms may be provided directly or in cooperation with other
investors, incorporated or unincorporated, through agreements to

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participate on an immediate basis.
  (3) Each licensee may make loans, directly or in cooperation with other
lenders, incorporated or unincorporated, through agreements to
participate on an immediate or deferred basis, to qualified joint
ventures and qualified individual firms to provide such ventures and
firms with funds needed for sound financing related to development or
utilization of critical civilian technologies.
  (4) This section shall be carried out in a manner that will ensure the
maximum participation of private financial sources and ensure prudent
diversification and sound management of operations.
  (b) REQUIREMENTS AND AUTHORITIES.-Except as provided in subsections 
and (d) of this section, the Secretary shall, in providing financial
assistance to licensees under the provisions of this section, follow the
statutory requirements and use the statutory authorities which apply to
the Small Business Administration's Small Business Investment Program, as
set forth in subchapter 14B of title 15, United States Code (15 U.S.C.
681 et seq.). Any amendments to subchapter 14B enacted after the date of
enactment of this title shall not apply to this section unless explicitly
provided for in statute.
  (c) ADDITIONAL AUTHORITIES.-In addition to the authorities provided to
the Secretary under subsection (b) of this section, the Secretary is
authorized to-
      (1) purchase nonparticipating preferred securities from licensed
    critical technology investment companies as one way to provide
    financial assistance to those companies;
      (2) issue trust certificates representing ownership of all or a
    fractional part of preferred securities issued by licensees and
    guaranteed by the Secretary under this section, with such trust
    certificates based on and backed by a trust or pool approved by the
    Secretary and composed of preferred securities and such other
    contractual obligations as the Secretary may undertake to facilitate
    the sale of such trust certificates;
      (3) guarantee, upon such terms and conditions as are deemed
    appropriate, the timely payment of the principal of and interest on
    trust certificates issued by the Secretary or the Secretary's agent
    for purposes of this section, provided that such guarantee shall be
    limited to the extent of the redemption price of and dividends on the
    preferred securities, plus any related contractual obligations, which
    compose the trust or pool; and
      (4) issue its own rules and regulations concerning how it will
    carry out this section under the applicable requirements and
  (d) OTHER PROVISIONS.-(1) Amounts received by the Secretary from the
payment of dividends and the redemption of preferred securities pursuant
to this section, and fees paid to the  United States by a licensee
pursuant to this section, shall be deposited in an account established by
the Secretary and shall be available solely for carrying out this
section, to the extent provided in advance in appropriations Acts.
  (2) Nothing in this section or in any other provision of law imposes
any liability on the  United States or the Secretary with respect to any
obligations entered into, or stocks issued, or commitments made by any
licensee operating under this section.
  (a) IN GENERAL.-The Secretary, through the Under Secretary, may provide
financial, technical, and business assistance to programs run by or

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chartered by State governments for the purpose of accelerating the
development and commercialization of critical civilian technologies,
including technologies developed by universities and colleges within the
States. Such State technology development programs may-
      (1) directly fund critical civilian technology development projects
    at qualified joint ventures and qualified individual firms; and
      (2) when appropriate, assist intermediary organizations, including
    universities, to develop new critical civilian technologies to the
    point where qualified joint ventures and qualified individual firms
    will invest in their further development and commercialization.
  (b) FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE.-(1) The Secretary may make awards for up to
three years to any State technology development program which meets the
eligibility requirements of paragraph (2). State programs which win
awards may reapply if they still meet eligibility requirements. Any
financial assistance from the Secretary to State technology development
programs shall be made only through a competitive, merit-reviewed
  (2) A State technology development program must meet the following
requirements before it shall be eligible to apply for and receive
assistance under this section:
      (A) at least one-third of the cost of the proposal to which such
    assistance applies must be provided by such State program; and
      (B) the State program must demonstrate that any technology or
    intellectual property developed under the program shall be made
    available only to joint ventures and individual firms which legally
    commit to manufacture substantially in the  United States any
    products resulting from any project funded in whole or in part by
    Federal funds provided under this section.
  (a) FINDINGS.-The Congress finds that-
      (1) private sector consensus standards are essential to the timely
    development of competitive products;
      (2) Federal Government contribution of resources, more active
    participation in the voluntary standards process in the United
    States, and assistance, where appropriate, through government to
    government negotiations, can increase the quality of United States
    standards, increase their compatibility with the standards of other
    countries, and ease access of United States-made products to foreign
    markets; and
      (3) the Federal Government, working in cooperation with private
    sector organizations including trade associations, engineering
    societies, and technical bodies, can effectively promote United
    States Government use of United States consensus standards and, where
    appropriate, the adoption and United States Government use of
    international standards.
  (b) STANDARD PILOT PROGRAM.-Section 104(e) of the American Technology
Preeminence Act of 1991 is amended-
      (1) by inserting "(1)" before "Pursuant to the"; and
      (2) by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
  "(2) As necessary and appropriate, the Institute shall expand the
program established under section 112 of the National Institute of
Standards and Technology Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1989 (15
U.S.C. 272 note) by extending the existing program and by entering into
additional contracts with non-Federal organizations representing United

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States companies, as such term is defined in section 28(d)(9)(B) of the
National Institute of Standards and Technology Act (15 U.S.C.
278n(d)(9)(B)). Such contracts shall require cost sharing between Federal
and non-Federal sources for such purposes. In awarding such contracts,
the Institute shall seek to promote and support the dissemination of
United States technical standards to additional foreign countries, in
cooperation with governmental bodies, private organizations including
standards setting organizations and industry, and multinational
institutions that promote economic development. The organizations
receiving such contracts may establish training programs to bring to the
United States foreign standards experts for the purpose of receiving
in-depth training in the United States standards system.".
  (c) REPORT ON GLOBAL STANDARDS.-The Secretary, in consultation with 
Institute and the Commerce Technology Advisory Board established under
section 204 of this Act, shall submit to the Congress a report describing
the appropriate roles of the Department of Commerce in aid to United
States companies in achieving conformity assessment and accreditation and
otherwise qualifying their products in foreign markets, and in the
development and promulgation of domestic and global product and quality
standards, including a discussion of the extent to which each of the
policy options provided in such Office of Technology Assessment report
contributes to meeting the goals of-
      (1) increasing the international adoption of standards beneficial
    to United States industries; and
      (2) improving the coordination of United States representation to
    international standards setting bodies.
  (d) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ROLE.-Section 508(a) of the American 
Preeminence Act of 1991 is amended by adding at the end the following new
      "(6) The appropriate role of the Federal Government in aid to
    United States companies in achieving conformity assessment and
    accreditation and otherwise qualifying their products in foreign
    markets, and in the development and promulgation of domestic and
    global product and quality standards, including a discussion of the
    extent to which each of the policy options provided in the Office of
    Technology Assessment report on global standards contributes to
    meeting the goal of improving the coordination of United States
    representation to international standards-setting bodies.
  (a) Section 108(c)(3) of the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act
of 1980, as so redesignated by section 206(b)(4) of this Act, is amended
to read as follows:
  "(3) No award shall be made within any category or subcategory if there
are no qualifying enterprises in that category or subcategory.".
  (b)(1) Section 108(c)(1) of the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation
Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 3711a(c)(1)) is amended by adding at the end the
following new subparagraph:
      "(D) Educational institutions.".
  (2)(A) Within 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the
Secretary shall submit to the Congress a report containing-
      (i) criteria for qualification for a Malcolm Baldrige National
    Quality Award by various classes of educational institutions;
      (ii) criteria for the evaluation of applications for such awards
    under section 108(d)(1) of the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation
    Act of 1980; and

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      (iii) a plan for funding awards described in clause (i).
  (B) In preparing the report required under subparagraph (A), the
Secretary shall consult with the National Science Foundation and other
public and private entities with appropriate expertise, and shall provide
for public notice and comment.
  (C) The Secretary shall not accept applications for awards described in
subparagraph (A)(i) until after the report required under subparagraph
(A) is submitted to the Congress.
  Section 202(d)(1) of the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of
1980 (15 U.S.C. 3710a(d)(1)), as redesignated by section 206(b)(6) of
this Act, is amended by inserting "(including both real and personal
property)" after "or other resources" both places it appears.
  Section 102(a) of the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of
1980, as so redesignated by section 206(b)(2) of the Act, as amended by
striking "Office of Productivity, Technology, and Innovation" and
inserting in lieu thereof "Institute".
A person shall not intentionally affix a label bearing the inscription of
"Made in America", or any inscription with that meaning, to any product
sold in or shipped to the United States, if that product is not a
domestic product.
  (2) A person who violates paragraph (1) shall not be eligible for any
contract for a procurement carried out with amounts  authorized under
this Act and the amendments made by this Act, including any subcontract
under such a contract pursuant to the debarment, suspension, and
ineligibility procedures in subpart 9.4 of chapter 1 of title 48, Code of
Federal Regulations, or any successor procedures thereto.
  (b) COMPLIANCE WITH BUY AMERICAN ACT.-(1) Except as provided in
paragraph (2), the head of each agency which conducts procurements shall
ensure that such procurements are conducted in compliance with sections 2
through 4 of the Act of March 3, 1933 (41 U.S.C. 10a through 10c,
popularly known as the "Buy American Act").
  (2) This subsection shall apply only to procurements made for which-
      (A) amounts are authorized by this Act, and the amendments made by
    this Act, to be made available; and
      (B) solicitations for bids are issued after the date of enactment
    of this Act.
  (3) The Secretary, before January 1, 1994, shall report to the Congress
on procurements covered under this subsection of products that are not
domestic products.
  (c) DEFINITIONS.-For the purposes of  this section, the term "domestic
product" means a product-
      (1) that is manufactured or produced in the United States; and
      (2) at least 50 percent of the cost of the articles, materials, or
    supplies of which are mined, produced, or manufactured in the United
  If any provision of this Act, or the application thereof to any person
or circumstance, is held invalid, the remainder of this Act and the
application thereof to other persons or circumstances shall not be
affected thereby.

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  (a) SHORT TITLE.-This section may be cited as the "Wind Engineering
Program Act of 1992".
  (b) FINDINGS AND PURPOSES.-Congress finds the following:
      (1) Hurricanes and tornadoes kill more Americans and destroy more
    property than any other natural disaster.
      (2) Each year, in the United States, extreme winds  cause billions
    of dollars of damage to homes, schools, and other buildings, roads
    and bridges, electrical power distribution networks, and

    communications networks.
      (3) Research on wind and wind engineering has resulted in improved
    methods for making buildings and other structures less vulnerable to
    extreme winds, but additional research funding is needed to develop
    new, improved, and more cost-effective methods of wind-resistant
      (4) Federal funding for wind engineering research has decreased
    drastically over the last 20 years.
      (5) Wind research has been hampered by a lack of data on
    near-surface wind speed and distribution during hurricanes,
    tornadoes, and other severe storms.
      (6) Many existing methods for wind-resistant construction are
    inexpensive and easy to implement but often they are not applied
    because the construction industry and the general public are unaware
    of such methods.
      (7) Various Federal agencies have important roles to play in wind
    engineering research, but at present there is little interagency
    cooperation in this area.
      (8) Establishment of a Federal Wind Engineering Program would
    result in new technologies for wind-resistant construction, broader
    application of such technologies in construction, and ultimately
    decreased loss of life and property due to extreme winds.
  (c) PURPOSE.-The purpose of this Act is to create a Wind Engineering
Program within the National Institute of Standards and Technology, which
      (1) provide for wind engineering research;
      (2) serve as a clearinghouse for information on wind engineering;
      (3) improve interagency coordination on wind engineering research
    between the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Science
    Foundation, the Federal Aviation Administration, and other
    appropriate agencies.
  (d) ESTABLISHMENT.-Within the National Institute of Standards and
Technology, there shall be established a Wind Engineering Program which
      (1) conduct research and development, in cooperation with the
    private sector and academia, on new methods for mitigating wind
    damage due to tornadoes, hurricanes, and other severe storms;
      (2) fund construction and maintenance of wind tunnels and other
    research facilities needed for wind engineering research;
      (3) promote the application of existing methods for, and research
    results on, reducing wind damage to buildings that are usually
    incompletely- or non-engineered, such as single family dwellings,
    mobile homes, light industrial buildings, and small commercial
      (4) transfer technology developed in wind engineering research to

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    the private sector so that it may be applied in building codes,
    design practice, and construction;
      (5) conduct, in conjunction with the National Oceanic and
    Atmospheric Administration, post-disaster research following
    hurricanes, tornadoes, and other severe storms to evaluate the
    vulnerability of different types of buildings to extreme winds;
      (6) serve as a point of contact for dissemination of research
    information on wind engineering and work with the private sector to
    develop education and training programs on construction techniques,
    developed from research results, for reducing wind damage;
      (7) work with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
    the Federal Aviation Administration, and other agencies as is
    appropriate, on meteorology programs to collect and disseminate more
    data on extreme wind events; and
      (8) work with the National Science Foundation to support and expand
    basic research on wind engineering.
  (a) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.-There are authorized to be
appropriated to the Secretary, to carry out the activities of the Under
Secretary and the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Technology Policy-
      (1) for the Office of the Under Secretary, $5,000,000 for fiscal
    year 1994 and $8,000,000  for fiscal year 1995;
      (2) for Technology Policy $5,000,000 for fiscal year 1994 and
    $6,000,000 for fiscal year 1995;
      (3) for Japanese Technical Literature, $2,000,000 for fiscal year
    1994 and $3,000,000 for fiscal year 1995; and
      (4) for the Office of Technology Monitoring and Competitive
    Assessment, $1,500,000 for fiscal year 1994 and $2,500,000 for fiscal
    year 1995.
  (b) TRANSFERS.-(1) Funds may be transferred among the line items listed
in subsection (a), so long as-
      (A) the net funds transferred to or from any line item do not
    exceed 10 percent of the amount authorized for that line item in such
      (B) the aggregate amount authorized under subsection (a) is not
    changed; and
      (C) the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation of the
    Senate and the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology of the
    House of Representatives are notified in advance of any such
  (2) The Secretary may propose transfers to or from any line item listed
in subsection (a) exceeding 10 percent of the amount authorized for such
line item, but such proposed transfer may not be made unless-
      (A) a full and complete explanation of any such proposed transfer
    and the reason therefor are transmitted in writing to the Speaker of
    the House of Representatives, the President of the Senate, and the
    appropriate authorizing Committees of the House of Representatives
    and the Senate; and
      (B) 30 days have passed following the transmission of such written
As part of
its modernization effort and before signing a new facility lease, the
National Technical Information Service, in consultation with the General
Services Administration, shall study and report to Congress on the

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feasibility of accomplishing all or part of its modernization by signing
a long-term lease with an organization that agrees to supply a facility
and supply and periodically upgrade modern equipment which permits the
National Technical Information Service to receive, store, manipulate, and
print electronically created documents and reports and to carry out the
other functions assigned to the National Technical Information Service.
There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary, to carry out
the intramural scientific and technical research and services activities
of the Institute, $250,000,000 for fiscal year 1994 and $300,000,000 for
fiscal year 1995.
  (2) Of the amount authorized under paragraph (1)-
      (A) $1,000,000 for fiscal year 1994 and $1,000,000 for fiscal year
    1995 are authorized only for the evaluation of nonenergy-related
      (B) $9,000,000 for fiscal year 1994 and $10,000,000 for fiscal year
    1995 are authorized only for the technical competence fund; and
      (C) $5,000,000 for fiscal year 1994 and $5,000,000 for fiscal year
    1995 are authorized only for the standards pilot project established
    under section 104(e) of the American Technology Pre-eminence Act of
  (b) Facilities.-In addition to the amounts authorized under subsection
(a), there are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary
$105,000,000 for each of fiscal years 1993 and 1995, for the renovation
and upgrading of the Institute's facilities. The Institute may enter into
a contract for the design work for such purposes only if Federal
Government payments under the contract are limited to amounts provided in
advance in appropriations Acts.
amounts authorized under subsections (a) and (b), there are authorized to
be appropriated to the Secretary, to carry out the extramural industrial
technology services activities of the Institute-
      (1) for the National Manufacturing Outreach Program, $150,000,000
    for fiscal year 1994 and $280,000,000 for fiscal year 1995, of which-
          (A) $50,000,000 for fiscal year 1994 and $80,000,000 for fiscal
        year 1995 are authorized only for the support of Regional Centers
        for the Transfer of Manufacturing Technology;
          (B) $40,000,000 for fiscal year 1994 and $100,000,000 for
        fiscal year 1995 are authorized only for the support of
        Manufacturing Outreach Centers;
          (C) $40,000,000 for fiscal year 1994 and $70,000,000 for fiscal
        year 1995 are authorized only for the State Technology Extension
          (D) $20,000,000 for fiscal year 1994 and $30,000,000 for fiscal
        year 1995 are authorized only for the Institute activities in
        support of the Outreach Program, including support of the
        Technology Extension Communications Network and the associated
        Clearinghouse; and
      (2) for the Advanced Technology Program, $210,000,000 for fiscal
    year 1994 and $420,000,000 for fiscal year 1995, of which $30,000,000
    for fiscal year 1994 and $50,000,000 for fiscal year 1995 are
    authorized only for support of the Advanced Manufacturing Technology
    Development Program established under section 303 of the
    Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980.

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  (d) WIND ENGINEERING.-(1) There are authorized to be appropriated to
the Institute for the purposes of title V of this Act, $1,000,000 for
fiscal year 1994 and $3,000,000 for fiscal year 1995.
  (2) Of the amounts appropriated under paragraph (1), no less than 50
percent shall be used for cooperative agreements with the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Science Foundation,
and Federal Aviation Administration, or other agencies, for wind
engineering research, development of improved practices for structures,
and the collection and dissemination of meteorological data needed for
wind engineering.
  In addition to the amounts authorized under sections 601 and 602, there
are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary-
      (1) for the Civilian Technology Loan Program established under
    section 322 of this Act, $60,000,000 for the period encompassing
    fiscal years 1994 and 1995;
      (2) for the Civilian Technologies Venture Capital Program
    established under section 323 of this Act, $105,000,000 for the
    period encompassing fiscal years 1994 and 1995;
      (3) for assistance to State Technology Assistance programs, as
    provided under section 324 of this Act, $25,000,000 for fiscal year
    1994 and $50,000,000 for fiscal year 1995; and
      (4) for carrying out the American workforce quality partnership
    program established under section 216 of this Act $50,000,000 for
    fiscal year 1994 and $50,000,000 for fiscal year 1995.
Amounts appropriated under paragraph (1) or (2) shall remain available
for expenditure through September 30, 1996. Of the amounts made available
under paragraph (1) for a fiscal year, not more than $2,000,000 or 10
percent, whichever is greater, shall be available for administrative
expenses. Of the amounts made available under paragraph (2) for a fiscal
year, not more than $5,000,000 or 10 percent, whichever is greater, shall
be available for administrative expenses. The Secretary, through the
Under Secretary and the Director, may accept the transfer of funding
appropriated to any other agency for purposes similar or related to those
of the programs established and carried out under title III of the
Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980, or the programs
established and carried out under sections 25 and 26 of the National
Institute of Standards and Technology Act, and to use those funds to
implement such programs as provided in those statutory provisions.
  In addition to such other sums as may be authorized by other Acts to be
appropriated to the Director of the National Science Foundation, there
are authorized to be appropriated to that Director, to carry out the
provisions of section 221 of this Act, $50,000,000 for fiscal year 1994
and $75,000,000 for fiscal year 1995.
  Appropriations made under the authority provided in this title shall
remain available for obligation, for expenditure, or for obligation and
expenditure for periods specified in the Acts making such appropriations.
  This title may be cited as the "Information Infrastructure and
Technology Act of 1992".
  (a) FINDINGS.-The Congress finds the following:

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      (1) High-performance computing and high-speed networks have proven
    to be powerful tools for improving America's national security,
    industrial competitiveness, and research capabilities.
      (2) Federal programs, like the High-Performance Computing Program
    established by Congress in 1991, have played a key role in
    maintaining  United States leadership in high-performance computing,
    especially in the defense and research sectors.
      (3) High-performance computing and high-speed networking have the
    potential to revolutionize many fields, including education,
    libraries, health care, and manufacturing, if adequate resources are
    invested in developing the technology needed to do so.
      (4) The Federal Government should ensure that the technology
    developed under research and development programs like the
    High-Performance Computing Program can be widely applied for the
    benefit of all Americans.
      (5) A coordinated, interagency program is needed to identify and
    promote development of applications of high-performance computing and
    high-speed networking which will provide large economic and social
    benefits to the Nation. Those so-called "Grand Applications" should
    include tools for teaching, digital libraries of electronic
    information, computer systems to improve the delivery of health care,
    and computer and networking technology to promote  United States
      (6) The Office of Science and Technology Policy is the appropriate
    office to coordinate such a program.
  (b) PURPOSE.-It is the purpose of this Act to help ensure the widest
possible application of high-performance computing and high-speed
networking. This requires that the  United States Government-
      (1) expand Federal support for research and development on
    applications of high-performance computing and high-speed networks
          (A) improving education at all levels, from preschool to adult
        education, by developing new educational technology;
          (B) building digital libraries of electronic information
        accessible over computer networks like the National Research and
        Education Network;
          (C) improving the provision of health care by furnishing health
        care providers and their patients with better, more accurate, and
        more timely information; and
          (D) increasing the productivity of the Nation's workers,
        especially in the manufacturing sector; and
      (2) improve coordination of Federal efforts to deploy these
    technologies in cooperation with the private sector as part of an
    advanced, national information infrastructure.
  The National Science and Technology Policy, Organization, and
Priorities Act of 1976 (42 U.S.C. 6601 et seq.) is amended by adding at
the end the following new title:
  "SEC. 701. The Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy,
through the Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and
Technology (hereafter in this title referred to as the 'Council'), shall,
in accordance with this title-
      "(1) establish an Information Infrastructure Development Program
    (hereafter in this title referred to as the 'Program') that shall

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    provide for a coordinated interagency effort to develop technologies
    needed to apply high-performance computing and high-speed networking
    in education, libraries, health care, manufacturing, and other
    appropriate fields; and
      "(2) develop an Information Infrastructure Development Plan
    (hereafter in this title referred to as the 'Plan') describing the
    goals and proposed activities of the Program.
  "SEC. 702. (a) The Plan shall contain recommendations for a five-year
national effort and shall be submitted to the Congress within one year
after the date of enactment of this title. The Plan shall be resubmitted
upon revision at least once every two years thereafter.
  "(b) The Plan shall-
      "(1) establish the goals and priorities for the Program for the
    fiscal year in which the Plan (or revised Plan) is submitted and the
    succeeding four fiscal years;
      "(2) set forth the role of each Federal agency and department in
    implementing the Plan;
      "(3) describe the levels of Federal funding for each agency and
    department, and specific activities, required to achieve the goals
    and priorities established under paragraph (1); and
      "(4) assign particular agencies primary responsibility for
    developing particular Grand Applications of high-performance
    computing and high-speed networks.
  "(c) Accompanying the Plan shall be-
      "(1) a summary of the achievements of Federal efforts during the
    preceding fiscal year to develop technologies needed for deployment
    of an advanced information infrastructure;
      "(2) an evaluation of the progress made toward achieving the goals

    and objectives of the Plan;
      "(3) a summary of problems encountered in implementing the Plan;
      "(4) any recommendations regarding additional action or legislation
    which may be required to assist in achieving the purposes of this
  "(d) The Plan shall address, where appropriate, the relevant programs
and activities of the following Federal agencies and departments:
      "(1) The National Science Foundation.
      "(2) The Department of Commerce, particularly the National
    Institute of Standards and Technology, the National Oceanic and
    Atmospheric Administration, and the National Telecommunications and
    Information Administration.
      "(3) The National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
      "(4) The Department of Defense, particularly the Defense Advanced
    Research Projects Agency.
      "(5) The Department of Energy.
      "(6) The Department of Health and Human Services, particularly the
    National Institutes of Health and the National Library of Medicine.
      "(7) The Department of the Interior, particularly the United States
    Geological Survey.
      "(8) The Department of Education.
      "(9) The Department of Agriculture, particularly the National
    Agricultural Library.
      "(10) Such other agencies and departments as the President or the
    Chairman of the Council considers appropriate.
  "(e) In addition, the Plan shall take into consideration the present

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and planned activities of the Library of Congress, as deemed appropriate
by the Library of Congress.
  "(f) The Council shall-
      "(1) serve as lead entity responsible for development of the Plan
    and interagency coordination of the Program;
      "(2) coordinate the high-performance computing research and
    development activities of Federal agencies and departments undertaken
    pursuant to the Plan and report at least annually to the President,
    through the Chairman of the Council, on any recommended changes in
    agency or departmental roles that are needed to better implement the
      "(3) review, prior to the President's submission to the Congress of
    the annual budget estimate, each agency and departmental budget
    estimate in the context of the Plan and make the results of that
    review available to the appropriate elements of the Executive Office
    of the President, particularly the Office of Management and Budget;
      "(4) consult and ensure communication between Federal agencies and
    research, educational, and industry groups and State agencies
    conducting research and development on and using high-performance
  "(g) The Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall
establish an advisory committee on high-performance computing and
high-speed networking and their applications, consisting of prominent
representatives from industry and academia who are specially qualified to
provide the Council with advice and information on uses of
high-performance computing and high-speed networking. The advisory
committee shall provide the Council with an independent assessment of-
      "(1) progress made in implementing the Plan;
      "(2) the need to revise the Plan;
      "(3) the balance between the components of the Plan;
      "(4) whether the research and development funded under the Plan is
    helping to maintain United States leadership in the application of
    computing technology;
      "(5) ways to ensure government-industry cooperation in implementing
    the Plan; and
      "(6) other issues identified by the Director.
  "(h)(1) Each Federal agency and department involved in the program
shall, as part of its annual request for appropriations to the Office of
Management and Budget, submit a report to that Office identifying each
element of its high-performance computing activities, which-
      "(A) specifies whether each such element (i) contributes primarily
    to the implementation of the Plan or (ii) contributes primarily to
    the achievement of other objectives but aids Plan implementation in
    important ways; and
      "(B) states the portion of its request for appropriations that is
    allocated to each element.
  "(2) The Office of Management and Budget shall review each such report
in light of the goals, priorities, and agency and departmental
responsibilities set forth in the Plan, and shall include, in the
President's annual budget estimate, a statement of the portion of each
appropriate agency or department's annual budget estimate that is
allocated to efforts to develop applications of high-performance
  "SEC. 703. In this title, the following definitions apply:

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      "(1) The term 'Grand Application' means an application of
    high-performance computing and highspeed networking that will provide
    large economic and social benefits to a broad segment of the Nation's
      "(2) The term 'information infrastructure' means a network of
    communications systems and computer systems designed to exchange
    information among all citizens and residents of the United States.".
AGENCIES.-In accordance with the Plan developed under section 701 of the
National Science and Technology Policy, Organization, and Priorities Act
of 1976 (42 U.S.C. 6601 et seq.), as added by section 3 of this Act, the
National Science Foundation and other appropriate agencies shall provide
for the development of high-performance computing and high-speed
networking technology for use in education at all levels. Such
applications shall include but not be limited to the following:
      (1) Pilot projects that connect primary and secondary schools to
    the Internet and the National Research and Education Network to aid
    in development of the software, hardware, and training material
    needed to enable students and teachers to use networks to-
          (A) communicate with their peers around the country;
          (B) communicate with educators and students in colleges and
          (C) access databases of electronic information; and
          (D) access other computing resources.
      (2) Development of computer software, computer systems, and
    networks for teacher training.
      (3) Development of advanced educational software.
  (b) COOPERATION.-In carrying out this section, the National Science
Foundation shall work with the computer and communications industry,
authors and publishers of educational materials, State education
departments, local school districts, and the Department of Education, as
  (c) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.-There are authorized to be
appropriated to the National Science Foundation for the purposes of this
section, $20,000,000 for fiscal year 1993, $40,000,000 for fiscal year
1994, and $60,000,000 for fiscal year 1995.
accordance with the Plan developed under section 701 of the National
Science and Technology Policy, Organization, and Priorities Act of 1976
(42 U.S.C. 6601 et seq.), as added by section 3 of this Act, the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (hereafter in this section referred
to as the "Institute") shall, as provided under section 303 of the
Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act (as amended by title II of
this Act) shall establish an Advanced Manufacturing Program, including
advanced manufacturing systems and networking projects. Activities under
the Advanced Manufacturing Program shall, as appropriate, be coordinated
with activities of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the
National Science Foundation, other Federal agencies, and the States to
develop, refine, test, and transfer advanced computer-integrated
electronically-networked manufacturing technologies and associated
The Director
of the Institute may request and accept funds, facilities, equipment, or

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                 1993 S. 4;  JANUARY 26, 1993     -- VERSION: 1                 

personnel from other Federal departments and agencies in order to carry
out responsibilities under this section.
accordance with the Plan developed under section 701 of the National
Science and Technology Policy, Organization and Priorities Act of 1976
(42 U.S.C. 6601 et seq.), as added by section 3 of this Act, the National
Institutes of Health, and particularly the National Library of Medicine,
in cooperation with the National Science Foundation and other appropriate
agencies, shall develop technologies for applications of high-performance
computing and high-speed networking in the health care sector. Such
applications shall include but not be limited to the following;
      (1) Testbed networks for linking hospitals, clinics, doctor's
    offices, medical schools, medical libraries, and universities to
    enable health care providers and researchers to share medical data
    and imagery.
      (2) Software and visualization technology for visualizing the human
    anatomy and analyzing imagery from X-rays, CAT scans, PET scans, and
    other diagnostic tools.
      (3) Virtual reality technology for simulating operations and other
    medical procedures.
      (4) Collaborative technology to allow several health care providers
    in remote locations to provide real-time treatment to patients.
      (5) Database technology to provide health care providers with
    access to relevant medical information and literature.
      (6) Database technology for storing, accessing, and transmitting
    patients' medical records while protecting the accuracy and privacy
    of those records.
  (b) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.-There are authorized to be
appropriated to the National Library of Medicine for the purposes of this
section, $20,000,000 for fiscal year 1993, $40,000,000 for fiscal year
1994, and $60,000,000 for fiscal year 1995.
  (a) DIGITAL LIBRARIES.-In accordance with the Plan developed under
section 701 of the National Science and Technology Policy, Organization
and Priorities Act of 1976 (42 U.S.C. 6601 et seq.), as added by section
3 of this Act, the National Science Foundation, the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency,
and other appropriate agencies shall develop technologies for "digital
libraries" of electronic information. Development of digital libraries
shall include the following:
      (1) Development of advanced data storage systems capable of storing
    hundreds of trillions of bits of data and giving thousands of users
    nearly instantaneous access to that information.
      (2) Development of high-speed, highly accurate systems for
    converting printed text, page images, graphics, and photographic
    images into electronic form.
      (3) Development of database software capable of quickly searching,
    filtering, and summarizing large volumes of text, imagery, data, and
      (4) Encouragement of development and adoption of standards for
    electronic data.
      (5) Development of computer technology to categorize and organize
    electronic information in a variety of formats.
      (6) Training of database users and librarians in the use of and

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                 1993 S. 4;  JANUARY 26, 1993     -- VERSION: 1                 

    development of electronic databases.
      (7) Development of technology for simplifying the utilization of
    networked databases distributed around the Nation and around the
      (8) Development of visualization technology for quickly browsing
    large volumes of imagery.
  (b) Development of Prototypes.-The National Science Foundation, working
with the supercomputer centers it supports, shall develop prototype
digital libraries of scientific data available over the Internet and the
National Research and Education Network.
Aeronautics and Space Administration shall develop databases of software
and remote-sensing images to be made available over computer networks
like the Internet.
  (d) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.-(1) There are authorized to be
appropriated to the National Science Foundation for the purposes of this
section, $10,000,000 for fiscal year 1993, $20,000,000 for fiscal year
1994, $30,000,000 for fiscal year 1995, $40,000,000 for fiscal year 1996,
and $50,000,000 for fiscal year 1997.
  (2) There are authorized to be appropriated to the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration for the purposes of this section, $10,000,000
for fiscal year 1993, $20,000,000 for fiscal year 1994, and $30,000,000
for fiscal year 1995.
  (a) ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS.-Section 203 of the National Science and
Technology Policy, Organization, and Priorities Act of 1976 (42 U.S.C.
6612) is amended-
      (1) by striking "four" in the second sentence and inserting in lieu
    thereof "five"; and
      (2) by adding at the end the following new sentence: "Among other
    duties, one Associate Director shall oversee Federal efforts to
    disseminate scientific and technical information.".
  (b) FUNCTIONS OF DIRECTOR.-Section 204(b) of the National Science and
Technology Policy, Organization, and Priorities Act of 1976 (42 U.S.C.
6613 (b)) is amended-
      (1) by striking "and" at the end of paragraph (3);
      (2) by striking the period at the end of paragraph (4) and
    inserting in lieu thereof "; and"; and
      (3) by inserting immediately after paragraph (4) the following new
      (5) assist the President in disseminating scientific and technical
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