INET '93 Developing Countries Network Training Workshop
                       Application for Admission







Electronic mail address (if any):


Knowledge of English:

Track applied for:    |__|   Basic technical track
    (check one)        __
                      |__|   Advanced technical track
                      |__|   Network services track

1. Please summarize your educational background and relate your training 
to the prerequisites for the track you would like to attend.

2. Please describe your current job and duties and how they relate to 
data networking activities in your country.

3. Please describe how you expect to implement the knowledge you gain 
through attendance at the workshop and conference(s) upon your return to 
your country.  Do you anticipate any change in your position or duties 
when you return as a result of your participation in these events?

4. If you are requesting financial aid from INET '93 for attending the 
workshop and conference, please provide an itemized expenditure budget 
for your travel and expenses.  Please also provide an income budget 
containing sources of income that are available to you for attending.  
Please include with your application a signed statement from the head of 
your institution stating that no additional funds (beyond those included 
in your income budget) are available to you for the purpose of 
undertaking this travel and participating in this training and 
conference activity.

5. Please describe any issues or circumstances that would affect your 
participation in the workshop, e.g. physical disabilities, medical 
conditions, or dietary restrictions.

Signature: ________________________________    Date: _________________

Please return this application to:  

        Mail:  INET '93 Developing Countries Workshop
               c/o USRA
               625 Ellis Street, Suite 205
               Mountain View, California  94043

        Voice:      1.415.390.0317
        Facsimile:  1.415.390.0318

        Telex: 235128 NYU UR
               (Attention: INET '93 Developing Countries Workshop)

Applications may be submitted electronically by sending electronic mail 


George Sadowsky, Director                     Phone: (212) 998-3040
Academic Computing Facility                     Fax: (212) 995-4120
New York University                           Telex:  235128 NYU UR
251 Mercer Street                           Bitnet: sadowsky@nyuacf
New York, New York  10012-1185           Internet: