Network Information Systems Center                             January 1993
SRI International                                    Internet Domain Survey

 The Domain Survey attempts to discover every host on the Internet by doing a
 complete search of the Domain Name System.  The latest results gathered
 during mid-January 1993 are listed.  For more information see RFC 1296; for
 detailed data see the pub/zone directory on  This survey
 was done using the census program developed at the University of California
 on Santa Cruz; see technical report UCSC-CRL-92-34 on host
 The statistics below were generated by running the collected host data
 through a number of utility programs.
                                                          -- Mark Lottor

         January 1993      Oct 92   Jul 92   Apr 92   Jan 92   Change (Jan-Jan)
 Hosts:     1,313,000   1,136,000  992,000  890,000  727,000    80.6%
 Domains:      21,000      18,100   16,300   20,000   17,000    23.5%

                  Number of Networks (based on DNS IP addresses)

         January 1993      Oct 92   Jul 92   Apr 92   Jan 92   Change (Jul-Jan)
 Class A:          54          52       60                      -9.0%
 Class B:        3206        2985     2714                      18.1%
 Class C:        4998        4468     3795                      31.7%
 Total:          8258        7505     6569                      25.7%

                Host Distribution by Top-Level Domain Name
                     and Percent Change since Jan 92

 410940 edu  69%    23581 ch  86%     3542 kr 136%     782 is   *    29 cy   *
 347486 com  92%    23197 jp 171%     3451 hk 684%     692 us 475%   17 my   *
  79772 gov  72%    20109 no  97%     2418 be 588%     610 hu   *    13 tn -52%
  67111 de  116%    16356 fi  36%     2053 nz  84%     349 cl   *    11 yu   *
  62327 mil 127%     9986 net 26%     1912 cs   *      121 lu   *     8 lv   *
  61429 au   94%     9052 at 172%     1910 br 536%     112 ve   *     5 th   *
  58431 uk  208%     7834 it 188%     1882 pt 141%     105 ar   *     5 gb   *
  52755 ca   95%     5911 es 256%     1663 pl   *       89 ee   *     4 aq   *
  31490 org  64%     5459 dk 204%     1365 sg 182%      79 in   *     3 cr   *
  26014 fr  100%     4356 za 368%     1330 ie 259%      63 su -67%    1 si   *
  25991 se   40%     4143 il 104%     1239 mx 339%      58 int n/a    1 bg   *
  25665 nl  101%     4021 tw 398%      860 gr 160%      45 ec   *
                           [* = over 1000%]

                              Top 50 Host Names

     633 venus      475 mac2        380 mac4      326 mac11      311 sirius
     595 cisco      452 pc2         379 eagle     326 hermes     311 mac9
     590 pluto      443 mercury     358 mac5      324 mac7       311 calvin
     562 mars       443 iris        358 gauss     323 merlin     302 mac14
     527 pc1        435 charon      354 mac10     321 mac12      301 mac15
     522 zeus       411 mac3        338 mac6      320 thor       300 athena
     519 gw         409 orion       338 hobbes    319 mac8       292 mac16
     496 jupiter    385 pc3         335 pc4       319 mac13      289 phoenix
     494 mac1       382 newton      332 apollo    318 alpha      285 pc5
     484 saturn     381 neptune     330 fred      313 titan      284 gateway

                Frequently Asked Questions about the Domain Survey

 What'da all those domain names stand for?
    See pub/zone/iso-country-codes on

 Why does the domain count go up and down?
    I don't know.  Do you want to count them?

 Are all those hosts really on the Internet?
    You would have to ping them to find out.  If they each took 100
    milliseconds to reply to a ping, you could find out in only 37 hours.

 How many users are on the Internet?
    Some people estimate around 10 per host (13 million people).
    If all of them were appropriately registered, the birthday-daemon
    would have to deliver 35,616 email messages each day.

 Where can I get more information?
    See the pub/zone directory on