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                                INET '93
         Network Training Workshop for Developing Countries

                                                      February 2, 1993

In conjunction with the INET '93 Conference, the Internet Society is 
sponsoring a workshop for networking training for developing countries 
prior to the conference itself.  The workshop will be held at Stanford 
University during August 10-16, 1993.


The goals of the workshop are:

  1. To train a critical mass of trainers/professionals in network 
infrastructure, transport and services to be able to support an 
extension of meaningful networking activities leading to Internet 
connectivity within developing countries represented.

  2. To identify and share individual and institutional contacts as well 
as information sources that will assist the process of development, 
using international connections to and on the Internet.

  3. To build robust professional linkages between all participants in 
the programs so that the mentor-student and peer relationships formed 
during the workshop and conference will remain strong and of continuing 
usefulness well beyond the workshop and conference.

  4. To increase the level of cooperation among existing projects and 
activities for establishing data networks in developing countries.


An intensive program of instruction is planned for each of three program 

  1. Basic technical transport training.  This training is designed for 
network technicians and technical staff focusing upon the establishment 
and operation of an initial network presence in a country and possibly 
initiating the deployment of a basic national network infrastructure in 
the country.  It is anticipated that this initial network presence will 
be upgraded at a later time to support full Internet connectivity.

Participants in the basic technical track should have some hands-on 
experience administering a computer system.  Additional experience with 
operating systems, modems, basic communications protocols and related 
topics is highly desirable, but not required.  Upon completion, 
participants will be expected to teach these skills to others in their 
country, expanding the breadth of networking knowledge available 

Topics covered will include:

 -  Overview of computer systems, operating systems, and data
 -  Store-and-forward and packet network concepts; alternative
      network development approaches and protocols
 -  Modem technology
 -  UUCP networking: principles, operation, and management
 -  Internet-connected electronic mail services
 -  Internet basic structure and services
 -  Organizational steps to setting up national nets

Participants will work in small groups to configure a network of store-
and-forward UUCP mail nodes, and will install electronic mail services 
on the network.

  2. Advanced technical transport training.  This training is designed
for network engineers who may have operational UUCP or FidoNet links
within their country and/or to other countries and who want to learn
about establishing and maintaining an IP network.  This track will 
teach how to install and operate low cost Internet links within a
country and between countries.  Philosophy and administration will be
taught as well as host, router, and physical link operation.  Upon
completion, participants will be expected to teach these skills to
others in their country, expanding the breadth of networking knowledge
available nationally.

Participants should know basic communications concepts and some
protocols and should have had experience operating a network node,
such as FidoNet, UUCP or IP.  As most work will be done with DOS and
routers, participants need have no UNIX experience, but it would be
helpful.  Attendees should be engineering-capable.

Topics covered will include:

 -  TCP/IP protocols; IP routing principles and capabilities
 -  Routers: DOS-based and commercial products
 -  The domain naming system; name servers and services
 -  Management and debugging of routed networks
 -  Issues in multi-protocol environments
 -  Functions and operation of a network information center (NIC) and a
      network operations center (NOC)
 -  Network administration and security

Participants will engage in extensive hands-on training, setting up a 
group of prototype low-cost IP-based nodes and establishing a network 
with them.  In addition, participants will be able to take advantage of 
the workshop's location in Silicon Valley to visit several major 
suppliers of networking hardware and software for technical 
presentations and discussions.

  3. Network navigation and services training.  This training is 
designed for network information specialists focusing upon how to use 
connectivity to the Internet to obtain access to specialists, network 
resources, and information in electronic data bases.  This group 
includes but is not limited to librarians, development specialists, and 
information specialists within government, higher education, and non-
governmental organizations (NGOs).

The purpose of the track is to provide participants with the skills to 
discover and exploit the various network services available on the 
Internet worldwide.  Upon completion, participants will be expected to 
teach these skills to others in their country, expanding the breadth of 
networking knowledge available nationally.

Participants should have had some hands-on experience using a computer 
system.  Additional experience with operating systems, modems, basic 
communications protocols and related topics is highly desirable, but is 
not assumed.

Topics covered will include:

 -  Development of global data communications and impact upon developing
 -  Personal electronic communication: locating experts and establishing
      effective communications
 -  Many-to-many communication: UseNet News
 -  Telnet: Remote access to computing systems and information services
 -  FTP: Finding and retrieving network-accessible information files
 -  Electronic libraries: on-line catalogs, periodicals and databases
 -  Internet navigation tools and information search strategies

Participants will engage in extensive hands-on training, accessing and 
using actual Internet resources through Stanford University's computing 

In additional to undergoing technical training and laboratory work, 
participants in all three tracks will have an opportunity to have dinner 
and spend an evening with a host family in the Silicon Valley area.


The workshop will be held at Stanford University, in Palo Alto, 
California, U.S.A.  Palo Alto is approximately 30 kilometers south of 
the San Francisco International Airport and 50 kilometers south of the 
city of San Francisco.  Limousine transport is available from San 
Francisco Airport to Palo Alto.

Workshop sessions will take place in the Jordan Quadrangle and at the 
Elliott Program Center.  Participants will be housed in student housing 
within the Sterling Quadrangle, located a 5 minute walk away from 
workshop session locations.


Participants should plan to arrive at Stanford University on the 
afternoon of Tuesday, August 10th.  Workshops sessions will be held all 
day from Wednesday, August 11th through Monday, August 16th. 
Transportation will be provided to San Francisco at the end of the 

The INET '93 Conference will be held at the Hyatt Embarcadero Hotel in 
San Francisco.  The Conference begins on the evening of Tuesday, August 
17th and continues through Friday, August 20th.

Working language

The working language of the workshop will be English.  A working 
knowledge of English will be required of each participant.  Additional 
language skills will be supplied by members of the workshop training 


The workshop is specifically directed toward the needs of people from 
developing countries who are playing or will play an important part in 
introducing and extending networking in their countries.  Attendees 
should be involved in establishing a networking presence in their 
countries, in institutionalizing its operation, and in assisting the 
country's schools and universities, governmental agencies, non-
governmental organizations, local firms, and residents in learning about 
and exploiting the range of services available through such network 
connectivity.  Staff members of international and bilateral technical 
co-operation agencies, as well as professionals involved in 
international technical and development assistance, are eligible for 

It is the responsibility of participants to obtain appropriate visas for 
travel to the United States, if needed, to attend the workshop and the 
related conferences.

Enrollment is limited to about 100 people.  We encourage you to apply as 
early as possible.


The cost of attending the workshop and the INET '93 conference is U.S. 
$1,500.  This fee includes:

  o  All tuition and fees for the workshop

  o  All lodging and meal charges, starting with dinner on Tuesday
     evening, August 10th through lunch on Monday, August 16th

  o  Transportation to industrial site visits and from Stanford
     University to the San Francisco hotel district at the end of
     the workshop on Monday, August 16th

  o  Registration at the INET '93 Conference (August 17-20), including
     meals and social events included in conference registration.
     Almost all meals during the Conference are covered by this fee.

The fee does not include any transportation costs except for local 
transportation in the San Francisco area as noted above.

Participants will be housed in student housing in the Sterling 
Quadrangle at Stanford University, along with some of the workshop 

Participants should plan to budget an additional amount in the range of 
$75-$100 per day for food and lodging for 4 days and nights in San 
Francisco.  (Almost all meals during INET '93 are included in the 
conference registration fee and are therefore included in the workshop 
fee.)  Participants wishing to remain in San Francisco for an additional 
week for the INTEROP '93 Fall Conference and Exhibits should budget an 
additional $100-$125 per day for 7 days to cover lodging and meals plus 
approximately $1,000 for INTEROP '93 Fall conference registration and 

Financial assistance

Financial assistance to cover a part or all of each participant's 
expenditures is expected be available to deserving and financially needy 
candidates.  The total resources expected to be available to INET '93 
for financial assistance are adequate to meet a significant portion but 
by no means all of the demand from participants requiring such 
assistance.  Participants needing financial assistance are strongly 
encouraged to seek other sources of funding to meet a part of their 
expenses in addition to requesting funds from INET '93.

Financial assistance will be allocated to participants on the basis of 
both their financial need and their expected contribution to network 
development in their country.  If you request financial assistance for 
the workshop, please provide the financial information requested in the 
application for admission.

Financial assistance for workshop and conference attendance will be 
disbursed in one or more of the following forms: partial or total 
support of the workshop and conference registration fee, prepaid airline 
tickets available at point of departure, and cash stipends for INET '93 
living expenses, which will be disbursed during the workshop.

Application for admission

To apply for admission to the workshop, please complete the attached 
form and submit it to INET '93 Workshop Headquarters by May 1, 1993.  If 
you expect to attend the workshop as the result of being awarded a 
United Nations or similar fellowship awarded by a multilateral or 
bilateral aid agency, it would be useful if a copy of the fellowship 
application were appended to the application.

Applicants will be notified of their acceptance to the program and the 
amount of financial assistance available for them during the first week 
of June.  Applicants who are admitted will be asked to verify their 
attendance by mid-June, based upon the amount of assistance that can be 
made available.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit some form of electronic 
address when available (possibly telex or fax) in order to expedite 
notification of their acceptance as well as further correspondence 
regarding participation.


          INET '93 Developing Countries Network Training Workshop
                       Application for Admission







Electronic mail address (if any):


Knowledge of English:

Track applied for:    |__|   Basic technical track
    (check one)        __
                      |__|   Advanced technical track
                      |__|   Network services track

1. Please summarize your educational background and relate your training 
to the prerequisites for the track you would like to attend.

2. Please describe your current job and duties and how they relate to 
data networking activities in your country.

3. Please describe how you expect to implement the knowledge you gain 
through attendance at the workshop and conference(s) upon your return to 
your country.  Do you anticipate any change in your position or duties 
when you return as a result of your participation in these events?

4. If you are requesting financial aid from INET '93 for attending the 
workshop and conference, please provide an itemized expenditure budget 
for your travel and expenses.  Please also provide an income budget 
containing sources of income that are available to you for attending.  
Please include with your application a signed statement from the head of 
your institution stating that no additional funds (beyond those included 
in your income budget) are available to you for the purpose of 
undertaking this travel and participating in this training and 
conference activity.

5. Please describe any issues or circumstances that would affect your 
participation in the workshop, e.g. physical disabilities, medical 
conditions, or dietary restrictions.

Signature: ________________________________    Date: _________________

Please return this application to:  

        Mail:  INET '93 Developing Countries Workshop
               c/o USRA
               625 Ellis Street, Suite 205
               Mountain View, California  94043

        Voice:      1.415.390.0317
        Facsimile:  1.415.390.0318

        Telex: 235128 NYU UR
               (Attention: INET '93 Developing Countries Workshop)

Applications may be submitted electronically by sending electronic mail 



George Sadowsky, Director                     Phone: (212) 998-3040
Academic Computing Facility                     Fax: (212) 995-4120
New York University                           Telex:  235128 NYU UR
251 Mercer Street                           Bitnet: sadowsky@nyuacf
New York, New York  10012-1185           Internet: sadowsky@nyu.edu