NREN for All:
Insurmountable Opportunity

c. 1993 Jean Armour Polly
Manager of Network Development and User Training
NYSERNet, Inc.

This was originally published in the February 1, 1993 issue of 
Library Journal (volume 118, n. 2, pp  38-41.
It may be freely reprinted for educational use, please let me know if 
you are redistributing it, I like to know if it's useful and where it's 
been. Please do not sell it, and keep this message intact.

When Senator Al Gore was evangelizing support for his visionary 
National Research and Education Network bill, he often pointed to 
the many benefits of a high-speed, multi-lane, multi-level data 
superhighway. Some of these  included:

-- collaborating research teams, physically distant from each other, 
working on shared projects via high speed computer networks. 
Some of these "grand challenges" might model global 
environmental change, or new therapeutic  drug research, or the 
design of a new airplane for inexpensive consumer air travel.

-- a scientist or engineer might design a product, which could be 
instantly communicated to a manufacturing plant, whose robotic 
machine could turn the drawing-board product into reality. One 
example of this is the capability  to digitally measure a new recruit  
for an army uniform,  transmit the information to a clothing 
manufacturer, and take delivery of a custom-tailored uniform the 
next day.

-- access to digital libraries of information, both textual and graphic. 
Besides hundreds of online public access catalogs, and full text 
documents, color illustrations of photographic quality,  full motion 
videos and digital  audio will also be available over the network.

In his many articles and speeches touting the bill, Gore often used 
an example of a little girl, living  in a rural area, at work on a school 
project. Was she information-poor due to her physical location, far 
from the resources  of large cities? No-- the National Research and 
Education Network would give her the capability to dial into the 
Library of Congress-- to collect information on dinosaurs.

Now that the NREN bill has been signed into law  (12/91), and 
committees are being formed, and policies are being made, I'm still 
thinking about that little girl, and her parents, for that matter.  In 
fact I've got some  "Grand Questions" to pose.

1- How will we get access?
The Internet has been called the "Interim NREN", since it's what we 
have in place now.
I'm wondering how the family is going to get to the Internet "dial 
tone", let alone the NREN, especially since they live in a rural area. 
The information superhighway may be miles from their home, and 
it may be an expensive  long-distance call to the "entrance ramp".

Or, the superhighway may run right through their front yard,  but 
they can't make use of it because they have no computer, no 
modem, and no phone line to make the connection. What 
good is a superhighway if all you've  got is a tricycle?

2- What will they  be able to gain access to, and will their privacy be 
Beyond the infrastructure issues,  I'm concerned about what kind of  
things will be available for them once they do get connected, 
how the resources will be arranged, and how they will learn to use 
these tools to advantage.  Beyond that, how authoritative is the 
information in the digital collection, and how do we know for sure 
it came from a legitimate source? How confidential will their 
information searches be, and how will it be safeguarded?

3- Who will get access?
I'm concerned that even if the infrastructure and resource problems 
are resolved, that little girl still won't be allowed access, because a 
lot of folks don't think the Internet is a safe place for 
unaccompanied minors.

4- Does the family have any electronic rights? Electronic 
responsibilities? Are dinosaurs and a grade-school project too 
trivial for NREN?
Some people think the NREN should be reserved for scientists 
working on "Grand Challenges", not ordinary ones. Who will 
decide what constitutes "acceptable use"?

5- What is the future of the local public library?
Worse yet, I'm worried that the reason they are phoning the Library 
of Congress in the first place is that their local public library has 
shut its doors, sold off the book stock, and dismissed the librarian. 
What can public  libraries do to avoid that future?

Brief Background: The Internet Today

Computers all over the world are linked by high speed 
telecommunications lines. On the other side of their screens are 
people of all races and nationalities who are able to exchange ideas 
quickly through this network.

This "brain to brain" interface brings both delight and despair, as 
evidenced by the following True Tales from the Internet:

-- Children all over the world participate in class collaborations, 
sharing holiday customs, local food prices, proverbs, acid rain 
measurements, and surveys such as a recent one from a fifth grade 
class in Argentina who  wanted to know (among other things) "Can 
you wear jeans to school?".

-- During the Soviet coup in the summer of 1991, hundreds read 
eyewitness accounts  of developments posted to the net by 
computer users in Moscow and other Soviet cities with network 
connectivity. A literal hush fell over  this side of the network after a 
plea came across from the Soviet side. We appreciate your 
messages of encouragement and offers of help, it said, but please 
save the bandwidth for our outgoing reports!

- Proliferation of discussion groups on the Internet means one can 
find a niche to discuss everything from cats to Camelot, from 
library administration to lovers of mysteries, from Monty Python to 
Medieval History.

-- Predictably, Elvis has been sighted on the Internet.

Besides electronic mail, full text resources may be downloaded 
from many Internet host computers. Some of these are religious 
materials, such as the Bible, and the Koran, others are the complete 
works of Shakespeare, Peter  Pan, and Far From the Madding 

Searchable resources include lyrics from popular songs, chord 
tablature for guitar, recipes, news articles, government information, 
Supreme Court Opinions, census data, current and historical 
weather information, dictionaries,  thesauri, the CIA World Fact 
Book, and much more.

Hundreds of library OPACS may be searched, and those with 
accounts set up at CARL may use UnCover to find articles of 
interest, which then may be faxed on demand.

The richness of the Internet changes on a daily basis as more data 
resources, computer resources, and human resources join those 
already active on the net.
But, back to that little girl�.

How will she get access?

She'll need a plain old telephone line, a modem, a computer, and 
some communications software. Will her family be able to afford it? 
If not, will she be able to dial in from her school? Her Post Office? 
The local feed store?  A kiosk at  K-Mart?

At the American Library Association's 1992 convention in San 
Francisco, Gloria Steinem said "the public library is the last refuge 
of those without modems." I'm sure she meant that the library will 
act as information provider  for those unable to get their 
information using a home computer's telecommunications 
connections. But it could be taken another way. Couldn't  the public 
library act as electronic information access centers, providing public  
modems and telecommunications alongside the books and videos?

Why the Public Library is a good place for NREN access

The public library is an institution based on long-standing beliefs in 
intellectual freedom and the individual's right to know. Let's revisit 
ALA's LIBRARY BILL OF RIGHTS, Adopted June 18, 1948; 
amended February 2, 1961,  and January 23, 1980, by the ALA 

The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are 
forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic 
policies should guide their services.

      1.  Books and other library resources should be provided for the
interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the 
community the library serves.  Materials should not be excluded 
because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to 
their creation.

No problem here. The Internet's resources are as diverse as their 
creators, from nations all over the world. Every community can 
find something of interest on the Internet.

      2.  Libraries should provide materials and information 
presenting all points of view on current and historical issues.  
Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan 
or doctrinal disapproval.
      3.  Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of 
their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.
       4.  Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups 
concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free 
access to ideas.

Again, global electronic communication allows discussion and 
debate in an instant electronic forum. There is no better "reality 
check" than this.

      5.  A person's right to use a library should not be denied or 
abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.

In a public library, the little girl won't be barred from using the 
Internet  because of her age. The ALA interpretation of the above 
right states:
"Librarians and governing bodies should not resort to age 
restrictions on access to library resources in an effort to avoid actual 
or anticipated objections from parents or anyone else.  The mission, 
goals, and objectives of libraries do not authorize librarians or 
governing bodies to assume, abrogate, or overrule the rights and 
responsibilities of parents or legal guardians.
Librarians and governing bodies should maintain that parents - and 
only parents - have the right and the responsibility to restrict the 
access of their children - and only their children - to library 
Parents or legal guardians who do not want their children to have 
access to certain library services, materials or facilities, should so 
advise their children. Librarians and governing bodies cannot 
assume the role of parents or the functions of parental authority in 
the private relationship between parent and child.  Librarians and 
governing bodies have a public and professional obligation to 
provide equal access to all library resources for all library users."
      6.  Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms 
available to the public they serve should make such facilities 
available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or 
affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use."

The Internet provides the equivalent of electronic meeting rooms 
and virtual exhibit spaces. Public libraries will offer access to all 
comers, regardless of their status.

Further, as part of the Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights, 
this statement appears:
"The U.S. Supreme Court has recognized that `the right to receive 
ideas follows ineluctably from the sender's First Amendment right 
to send them. . . . More importantly, the right to receive ideas is a 
necessary predicate  to the recipient's meaningful exercise of his 
own rights such as speech, press, and political freedom' Board of 
Education, Island Trees Union Free School District No. 26 v. Pico, 
457 U.S. 853, 866-67 (1982) (plurality opinion)."

Clearly, reception and sending of ideas is a First Amendment issue. 
Oral, written, and electronic speech must be equally protected so 
that democracy may flourish.

Public libraries also provide "free" services, though in fact the costs 
are just deferred. Taxes, state aid derived from taxes, federal aid 
derived from taxes, and private funds all pay for the "free" services 
at public  libraries. Public libraries may be thought of as 
Information Management Organizations (IMO's), similar to Health 
Management Organizations, where patrons/patients contribute 
before they need information/health care, so that  when they do 
need it, librarians/doctors are available to render aid.

Why NREN in the Public Library is a bad idea

On the surface, the public library looks like an excellent place to 
drop Internet/NREN connectivity. Libraries are veritable temples 
of learning, intellectual freedom, and confidentiality.

However, most public libraries lack what computer experts call 
infrastructure. If there are computers, they may be out of date. Staff 
may not have had time to learn to operate them, and the computers 
may literally be collecting  dust.

There may be no modems, no phone line to share, no staff with 
time to learn about the Internet and its many resources.  Money to 
update equipment, hire staff, and buy training is out of the 
question. Public libraries face  slashed budgets, staff layoffs, 
reduced hours, and cutbacks in services.

Many of these drawbacks are noted in the recent study by Dr. 
Charles R. McClure, called Public Libraries and the 
Internet/NREN: New Challenges, New Opportunities.

Public librarians were surveyed about their attitudes toward NREN 
in interviews and focus groups. According to the study, public 
librarians thought that the public had a "right" to the Internet, and 
its availability in their  libraries would provide a safety net for the 

On the other hand they felt that they could not commit resources to 
this initiative until they knew better what the costs were and the 
benefits might be. They longed for someone else to create a pilot 
project to demonstrate  the Internet's usefulness, or lack thereof, for 
public library users.

The study describes several scenarios for public libraries as the 
NREN evolves. Some may simply choose to ignore the sweeping 
technological changes in information transfer. They may continue 
to exist by purveying high-demand  items and traditional services, 
but they may find it increasingly difficult to maintain funding 
levels as the rest of the world looks elsewhere for their information 
and reference needs. The public library may find itself  servicing 
only the information disenfranchised, while the rest of the 
community finds, and pays for, other solutions.

 As the study explains:

"While embracing and exploiting networked information and 
services, [successfully transitioned libraries] also maintain high 
visibility and high demand traditional services. But resources will 
be reallocated from collections  and less-visible services to support 
their involvement in the network. All services will be more client-
centered and demand-based, and the library will consciously seek 
opportunities to deliver new types of information resources  and 
services electronically."

"In this scenario, the public library will develop and mount services 
over the NREN, provide for public access to the NREN, and will 
compete successfully against other information providers. In its 
networked role, the library  can serve as a central point of contact as 
an electronic navigator and intermediary in linking individuals to 
electronic information resources- regardless of type or physical 
location. The public library in this second scenario  will define a 
future for itself in the NREN and develop a strategic plan to insure 
its successful participation as an information provider in the 
networked environment."

What Should Happen

Senator Gore has proposed what has been variously called Son of 
NREN or Gore II, which should help address many of these 
infrastructure problems.

Unfortunately, the Bill was not passed and the closing of the last 
Congress. There is hope, however, that it will be reintroduced this 

Specifically, Gore's bill would have ensured that the technology 
developed by the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 is 
applied widely in K-12 education, libraries, health care and 
industry,  particularly manufacturing.   It would have authorized a 
total of $1.15 billion over the next five years.

According to a press release from Senator Gore's office,

"The Information Infrastructure and Technology Act charges the 
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) with 
coordinating efforts to develop applications for high-performance 
computing networking and assigns  specific responsibilities to the 
National Science Foundation, the National Aeronautics and Space 
Agency, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and 
the National Institutes of Health.  It would expand the  role of 
OSTP in overseeing federal efforts to disseminate scientific and  
technical information."

"The bill provides funding to both NSF and NASA to develop 
technology for 'digital libraries'-- huge data bases that store text, 
imagery, video, and sound and are accessible over computer 
networks like NSFNET.  The bill  also funds development of 
prototype 'digital libraries' around the country."

The public needs NREN because 300 baud used to be fast and low-
resolution graphics used to be pretty. Now we get impatient 
waiting for fax machines to print out a document from half a 
continent away, when a few years ago  we would have been 
content to wait days or weeks for the same article to arrive by mail. 
We are satisfied with technology until it starts to impede our lives 
in some way. We wait impatiently, sure that we spend half our  
lives waiting for printers, and the other half waiting for disk drives. 
Time is a commodity.

I can envision that little girl walking into the public library with the 
following request:
"I'm doing a school report on the Challenger disaster. I need a video 
clip of the explosion, a sound bite of Richard Feynman explaining 
the O-ring problem, some neat graphics from NASA, oh, and 
maybe some virtual reality  mock-ups of the shuttle interior. Can 
you put it all on this floppy disk for me, I know it's only 15 minutes 
before you close but, gee, I had band practice�."  This is why 
public libraries need NREN.

We would do well to remember the words of Ranganathan, whose 
basic tenets of good librarianship need just a little updating  from 

"[Information] is for use."
"Every [bit of information], its user."
"Every user, [his/her bit of information]."
"Save the time of the [user]."
"A [network] is a growing organism."

And so is the public library. A promising future awaits the public 
library that can be proactive rather than reactive to technology. 
Information technology is driving the future, librarians should be at 
the wheel. It is  hoped that the new Administration in Washington 
will provide the fuel to get us going.

Excerpts from S.2937 as introduced July 1, 1992
102nd Congress
2nd Session

     Mr. GORE (for himself, Rockefeller (D-WV), Kerry (D-MA),
Prestler (R-SD), Riegle (D-MI), Robb (D-VA), Lieberman (D-CT),
Kerrey (D-NE) and Burns (R-MT)) introduced the following bill; 
which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, 
Science and Transportation.

                           A BILL
To expand Federal efforts to develop technologies for applications 
of high-performance computing and high-speed networking, to 
provide for a coordinated Federal program to accelerate development
and deployment of an advanced information infrastructure, 
and for other purposes.

     Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

     This Act may be cited as the "Information Infrastructure and 
Technology Act of                                1992".

          (a) DIGITAL LIBRARIES.--In accordance with the Plan 
developed under section 701 of the National Science and 
Technology Policy, Organization and Priorities Act of 1976 (42 
U.S.C. 6601 et seq.), as added by section  3 of this Act,  the National 
Science Foundation, the National Aeronautics and Space 
Administration, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, 
and other appropriate agencies shall develop technologies for 
"digital libraries"  of electronic information. Development of digital 
libraries shall include the following:
               (1) Development of advanced data storage systems
          capable of storing hundreds of trillions of bits of data
          and giving thousands of users nearly instantaneous
          access to that information.
               (2) Development of high-speed, highly accurate
          systems for converting printed text, page images,
          graphics, and photographic images into electronic form.
               (3) Development of database software capable of
          quickly searching, filtering, and summarizing large
          volumes of text, imagery, data, and sound.
               (4) Encouragement of development and adoption of
          standards for electronic data.
               (5) Development of computer technology to
          categorize and organize electronic information in a
          variety of formats.
               (6) Training of database users and librarians in
          the use of and development of electronic databases.
               (7) Development of technology for simplifying the
          utilization of networked databases distributed around
          the Nation and around the world.
               (8) Development of visualization technology for
          quickly browsing large volumes of imagery.
          (b) DEVELOPMENT OF PROTOTYPES.--The National 
     Foundation, working with the supercomputer centers it
     supports, shall develop prototype digital libraries of
     scientific data available over the Internet and the National
     Research and Education Network.
     IMAGES.--The National Aeronautics and Space Administration
     shall develop databases of software and remote-sensing images
     to be made available over computer networks like the

              (1) There are authorized to be appropriated to the National 
Foundation for the purposes of this section, $10,000,000 for  fiscal 
year 1993, $20,000,000 for fiscal year 1994, $30,000,000 for fiscal year 
1995, $40,000,000 for fiscal year 1996, and $50,000,000 for fiscal year 
               (2) There are authorized to be appropriated to the National 
Aeronautics and Space Administration for the purposes of this 
section, $10,000,000 for fiscal year 1993, $20,000,000 for fiscal year 
1994, $30,000,000  for fiscal year 1995, $40,000,000 for fiscal year 
1996, and $50,000,000 for fiscal year 1997.


McClure, Charles R., Joe Ryan, Diana Lauterbach and William E. 
Public Libraries and the INTERNET/NREN: New Challenges, New 
1992. Copies of this 38-page study may be ordered at $15 each from 
the Publication Office, School of Information Studies, Syracuse 
University, Syracuse, NY 13244-4100  315/443-2911.

The U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information 
Science (NCLIS) has issued a Report to the Office of Science and 
Technology Policy on Library and Information Services' Roles in 
the National Research and Education  Network. The 25-page 
document, released in late November, 1992,  summarizes the results 
of an open forum held in Washington during the previous summer. 
Topics addressed include funding NREN, charging for use, 
commercial  access, protection of intellectual property, and security 
and privacy. The report "focuses on fulfilling the potential for 
extending the services and effectiveness of libraries and 
information services for all Americans  through high-speed 
networks and electronic databases."  A limited number of copies are 
available from NCLIS at 111 18th St., NW, Suite 310, Washington, 
D.C. 20036  202/254-3100.

Grand Challenges 1993: High Performance Computing and 
Communications. The "Teal Book" (because of its color) "provides a 
far-sighted vision for investment in technology but also recognizes 
the importance of human resources  and applications that serve 
major national needs. This � investment will bring both economic 
and social dividends, including advances in education, 
productivity, basic science, and technological innovation."
Requests for copies of this 68-page document should go to: Federal 
Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering and Technology, 
Committee on Physical, Mathematical, and Engineering Sciences 
c/o National Science Foundation,  Computer and Information 
Science and Engineering Directorate, 1800 G St. NW, Washington, 
D.C. 20550

Carl Kadie operates an excellent electronic resource of documents 
pertaining to academic freedom, the Library Bill of Rights, and 
similar policy statements. Those with Internet access may use File 
Transfer Protocol (FTP)  to ( Login as 
anonymous, use your network address as the password. The 
documents are in the /pub/academic directory.

Further Reading

Kehoe, Brendan. (1993). Zen and the Art of the Internet: a 
Beginner's Guide (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
The first edition is available for free from many FTP sites. (see 
below) This version has about 30 pages of new material and 
corrects various minor errors in the first edition. Includes the story 
of the Coke Machine on the  Internet. For much of late
1991 and the first half of 1992, this was the document of choice for 
learning about the Internet. ISBN 0-13-010778-6. Index. $22.00

To ftp Zen: [] in /inet/doc
[] in pub/zen [] in
pub/zen as zen-1.0.tar.Z, zen-1.0.dvi, and zen-1.0.PS
[] in pub/nic as zen-1.0.PS

Krol, Ed. (1992). The Whole Internet User's Guide & Catalog.
Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly & Associates.
Comprehensive guide to how the network works, the domain name 
system, acceptable use, security, and other issues. Chapters on 
telnet/remote login, File Transfer Protocol, and electronic mail 
explain error messages, special  situations, and
other arcana. Archie, Gopher, NetNews, WAIS, WWW, and 
troubleshooting each enjoy a chapter in this well-written book. 
Appendices contain info on how to get connected in addition to a 
glossary. ISBN 1-56592-025-2. $24.95

LaQuey, Tracy, & Ryer, J. C. (1993). The Internet Companion: a
Beginner's Guide to Global Networking. Reading, MA: Addison-
Beginning with a foreword by Vice-President Elect Al Gore, this 
book provides an often- humorous explanation of the origins of the 
Internet, acceptable use, basics of electronic mail, netiquette, online 
resources, transferring  information, and finding email addresses. 
The In the Know guide provides background on Internet legends 
(Elvis sightings is one), organizations, security issues, and how to 
get connected.
Bibliography. Index. ISBN 0-201-62224-6 $10.95

Polly, Jean Armour. Surfing the Internet 2.0. An enthusiastic tour of 
selected Internet resources, electronic serials, listserv discussion 
groups, service providers, manuals and guides and more. Available 
via anonymous FTP  from ( in the 
directory /pub/resources/guides surfing.2.0.txt.

Tennant, Roy, Ober, J., & Lipow, A. G. (1993). Crossing the Internet 
Threshold: An Instructional Handbook. Berkeley, CA: Library 
Solutions Press.
A cookbook to run your own Internet training sessions. Real-world 
examples. Foreword by Cliff Lynch. Library Solutions Institute and 
2137 Oregon Street Berkeley, CA 94705
Phone:(510) 841-2636  Fax: (510) 841-2926
ISBN: 1-882208-01-3 $45.00