NSFNET Traffic Distribution Highlights

                             February 1993

                      Packet Total:  30,006,999,150

                      Byte Total:    5,437,317,967,750

 Service Name       Port  Rank Packet Count % Pkts  Rank   Byte Count  % Byts
 ============       ====  ==== ============ ======  ==== ============= ======
 ftp-data             20     1   7115687250 23.713     1 2514638790500 46.248
 telnet               23     2   4766186200 15.884     4  322953829050  5.940
 nntp                119     3   2580606700  8.600     2  541514466350  9.959
 smtp                 25     4   2138597700  7.127     3  351940605500  6.473
 domain               53     5   1616739000  5.388     5  145411803750  2.674
 ftp                  21     6    609081250  2.030     9   53725828050  0.988
 irc                6667     7    601829250  2.006     8   55562910400  1.022
 icmp                 -1     8    562605400  1.875    10   49872298650  0.917
 vmnet               175     9    408769650  1.362     6  144729610150  2.662
 gopher               70    10    256061750  0.853     7   60897391700  1.120
 X0                 6000    11    228771100  0.762    11   40003337350  0.736
 login/who           513    12    195784900  0.652    13   19020881100  0.350
 (unknown)          1023    13    164069000  0.547    14   17996807450  0.331
 talk                517    14    159947200  0.533    15   16425401050  0.302
 finger               79    15    144621300  0.482    19   13534490000  0.249
 snmp                161    16    141282350  0.471    16   16166783150  0.297
 ntp                 123    17    114501900  0.382    22    8720814550  0.160
 (unknown)          1022    18     85080150  0.284    17   15199132250  0.280
 cmd/syslog          514    19     72135250  0.240    12   22025055400  0.405
 uucp                540    20     54686850  0.182    20   10303646050  0.189
 (unknown)          1021    21     45599150  0.152    21    8774225550  0.161
 efs/router          520    22     44598000  0.149    18   14150743750  0.260
 ntalk               518    23     43542850  0.145    29    4652704100  0.086
 (unknown)          1020    24     32170700  0.107    24    7605114200  0.140
 (unknown)            76    25     24301650  0.081    26    5919793000  0.109
 (unknown)           700    26     22256250  0.074    25    5942729800  0.109
 bgp                 179    27     21648350  0.072    45    1270457000  0.023
 (unknown)           703    28     18679650  0.062    27    5609950550  0.103
 z39.50              210    29     16575600  0.055    30    4591203100  0.084
 (unknown)          1019    30     15661300  0.052    35    2880455250  0.053
 X1                 6001    58      2969200  0.010    62     502135550  0.009
 shilp/sun-nfs      2049    70      2047150  0.007    69     378441900  0.007
 www                  80    72      1969900  0.007    61     511666150  0.009
 iso-ip              -80    86      1203650  0.004    60     566187350  0.010
 X2                 6002   223       146050  0.000   309      15443300  0.000
 X3                 6003   470        47150  0.000   432       8786800  0.000
 prospero            191   680        14250  0.000   389       9921450  0.000

 Ordered by decreasing packet counts, this table includes the top 30
 services and highlights other selected services.

 Information for this report is available only for TCP/UDP port
 numbers 0-1023, 2049, 6000-6003, 6667, and all Internet Protocols
 (differentiated from TCP/UDP ports by negating the protocol number).

 More detailed information is available for Anonymous FTP from
 NIC.MERIT.EDU (the Merit NIC Services machine) in the file
 "nsf-9302.ports" on the nsfnet/statistics/1993 directory.