


            Corporations, Educational Institutions, Libraries
                   and Other Interested Organizations

The Internet Society is a new, individual, international, professional
membership organization, which provides a focus for evolution of the Internet
technology, and promotes the use of the Internet for research, scholarly communication and collaboration.

The Internet Society (ISOC) is a non-profit organization, incorporated in the
District of Columbia, U.S.A., to conduct scientific, technical and educational
activities.  The main offices of ISOC are located at 1895 Preston White Drive,
Suite 100, Reston, Virginia 22091, U.S.A.  ISOC's federal identification number
is 54-1650477.

Organizations may also join the Internet Society and contribute to its operation
and evolution. By joining before 1993, organizations have an opportunity to
become Founding Members, receiving special recognition in Society publications
and functions. All organizational members receive discounts for selected Society
functions and services, complimentary copies of Society publications and an
opportunity to designate a representative and an alternate to the Internet
Society Advisory Council.

Provisions of Corporate and Institutional Membership

Founding Members

A Founding Member is any corporation or other organization which provides a
specified level of financial support for the Society during 1992 and 1993 and
maintains a continuing membership thereafter. Founding memberships may be obtained by for-profit corporation upon payment of $10,000 per year for 1992 
and 1993, or payment of $20,000 in 1993.  Non-profit research and educational organizations or government agencies may become Founding Members upon payment 
of $5,000 per year for 1992 and 1993 or payment of $10,000 in 1993. Founding
Memberships will not be available after 1993.

Regular Members

Regular Membership in the Internet Society will be available to for-profit
organizations starting in 1993 upon payment of $10,000 annually. Non-profit
research and educational organizations and government agencies are eligible 
for Regular Membership on payment of $5,000 per year, beginning in 1993.

Start-up Members

New companies are eligible for a reduced membership fee of $1,000 per year
during their first three years of operation after which they become Regular
Members paying the regular for-profit or non-profit rates.  Start-up Members 
are not eligible for Founding Membership.

Other Provisions

Corporate and institutional members may designate a representative and an
alternate to the Advisory Council of the Internet Society, which will meet at
least once a year, and which will be charged with advising the Board of Trustees
on matters of special concern to corporate and institutional members, as well as
on other issues of interest or concern to the Society.  The representative and
alternate receive free regular individual memberships in the Society.

Corporate and institutional members of the Society are not eligible to vote for
the election of Trustees or on other matters of Society governance.

Special provisions are available for new, start-up organizations.


Dr. Vinton G. Cerf                                 Tel:    +1 703 648 9888
Internet Society                                   Fax:    +1 703 620 0913
1895 Preston White Drive, Suite 100                Email:  isoc@isoc.org
Reston, VA 22091