The following table outlines the current software revisions for gateways,
terminal servers, and protocol translator. See transfer section below on
how to ftp the images.

NOTE: 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 images are available concurrently. 8.2 and 8.3
      images for CSC/2 processors exist only for execution from ROM
      due to memory limitations. Please be aware that support for 8.1
      is no longer provided.

NOTE: The STS-10 8.2 ROMs provides the 8.0(13) version features but has
      netbooting capability included. The ROMs are provided to permit
      users to netboot the STS-10X images which support full 8.2 terminal
      server features. 


   s -  standard system software
   r -  standard system software which executes out of ROM
   f -  standard system software with cBus complex
   x -  standard + Commercial/DDN X.25 software
   b -  standard + Bridging software
   l -  standard + LAT software
   p -  standard + protocol translation



 Version       image type  # ROMs       filename in bin directory
 number                                 of

 8.2(7)  CSC/3   gs3-f     (8 ROMs)     gs3-f.82-0007
                    -fx       "         gs3-fx.82-0007
                    -bf       "         gs3-bf.82-0007
                    -bfx      "         gs3-bfx.82-0007

 8.2(7)          tr3-x     (8 ROMs)     tr3-x.82-0007

 8.2(7)          pt3-lx       "         pt3-lx.82-0007

 8.2(7)          ts3-l     (4 ROMs)     ts3-l.82-0007
                 ts3-s        "         ts3-s.82-0007

 8.2(7)  CSC/2   gs2-r     (8 ROMs)     N/A
                    -rx       "         N/A
                    -br       "         N/A
                    -brx      "         N/A

 8.2(7)          ts2-r     (4 ROMs)     N/A
                    -lr    (8 ROMs)     N/A

 8.2(7)          tr2-rx   (8 ROMs)      N/A

 8.2(7)          pt2-lrx  (8 ROMs)      N/A

 8.2(1)          sts-s     (2 ROMs)     N/A (see above NOTE section)
                    -l        "         N/A           "

 8.2(7)          stsx-s    (2 ROMs)     stsx-s.82-0007
                     -l       "         stsx-l.82-0007

 8.2(7)          igs-s     N/A		igs-s.82-7	*
                 igs-b     N/A		igs-b.82-7	*
                 igs-x     N/A		igs-x.82-7	*
               * Please note that netbooting is only supported on the IGS
                 when it is equipped with 4 MB of CPU RAM.
                 igs-r     (8 ROMs)     N/A	(ROM image)
                 igs-br       "         N/A	(ROM image)
                 igs-rx       "         N/A	(ROM image)
                 igs-bprx     "		N/A	(ROM image)

            Secondary Bootstraps for the STS10 and STS10X

 8.2(7)          boot-sts10   N/A       boot-sts10.82-0007
                 boot-sts10x  N/A       boot-sts10x.82-0007

Version       image type  # ROMs       filename in bin directory
 number                                 of

 8.2(8)  CSC/3   gs3-f     (8 ROMs)     gs3-f.82-0008
                    -fx       "         gs3-fx.82-0008
                    -bf       "         gs3-bf.82-0008
                    -bfx      "         gs3-bfx.82-0008

 8.2(8)          tr3-x     (8 ROMs)     tr3-x.82-0008

 8.2(8)          pt3-lx       "         pt3-lx.82-0008

 8.2(8)          ts3-l     (4 ROMs)     ts3-l.82-0008
                 ts3-s        "         ts3-s.82-0008

 8.2(8)  CSC/2   gs2-r     (8 ROMs)     N/A
                    -rx       "         N/A
                    -br       "         N/A
                    -brx      "         N/A

 8.2(8)          ts2-r     (4 ROMs)     N/A
                    -lr    (8 ROMs)     N/A

 8.2(8)          tr2-rx   (8 ROMs)      N/A

 8.2(8)          pt2-lrx  (8 ROMs)      N/A

 8.2(8)          sts-s     (2 ROMs)     N/A (see above NOTE section)
                    -l        "         N/A           "

 8.2(8)          stsx-s    (2 ROMs)     stsx-s.82-0008
                     -l       "         stsx-l.82-0008

 8.2(8)          igs-s     N/A          igs-s.82-8      *
                 igs-b     N/A          igs-b.82-8      *
                 igs-x     N/A          igs-x.82-8      *
               * Please note that netbooting is only supported on the IGS
                 when it is equipped with 4 MB of CPU RAM.
                 igs-r     (8 ROMs)     N/A     (ROM image)
                 igs-br       "         N/A     (ROM image)
                 igs-rx       "         N/A     (ROM image)
                 igs-bprx     "         N/A     (ROM image)

            Secondary Bootstraps for the STS10 and STS10X

 8.2(8)          boot-sts10   N/A       boot-sts10.82-0008
                 boot-sts10x  N/A       boot-sts10x.82-0008


Version System  Description    # of ROMs	Image filename

8.3(1)  GS3     CSC/3 Gateway Server Sets:
		GS3-F   	8		gs3-f.83-1
		GS3-BF  	8		gs3-bf.83-1
		GS3-FX  	8		gs3-fx.83-1
		GS3-BFX 	8		gs3-bfx.83-1

8.3(1)  GS2     CSC/2 Gateway Server Sets:
		GS2-R   	8		N/A
		GS2-BR  	8		N/A
		GS2-RX  	8		N/A
		GS2-BRX 	8		N/A

8.3(1)  TR3     CSC/3 TRouter Sets:
		TR3-X   	8		tr3-x.83-1

8.3(1)  TR2     CSC/2 TRouter Sets:
		TR2-RX  	8		N/A

8.3(1)  IGS     IGS Server Sets:
		IGS-S   	N/A		igs-s.83-1
		IGS-B	  	N/A		igs-b.83-1
		IGS-X	  	N/A		igs-x.83-1
		IGS-BPX         N/A		igs-bpx.83-1
		IGS-BX 		N/A		igs-bx.83-1
		IGS-R   	8		N/A
		IGS-BR  	8		N/A
		IGS-RX  	8		N/A
		IGS-BPRX        8		N/A
		IGS-BRX 	8		N/A

8.3(1)  PT2     CSC/2 Protocol Translator Set:
		PT2-LRX 	8		N/A

8.3(1)  PT3     CSC/3 Protocol Translator Set:
		PT3-LX          8		pt3-lx.83-1

8.3(1)  TS3     CSC/3 Terminal Server Sets:
		TS3-X           8		ts3-x.83-1
		TS3-S           8		ts3-s.83-1
		TS3-L           8		ts3-l.83-1

8.3(1)  TS2     CSC/2 Terminal Server Sets:
		TS2-R           8		N/A
		TS2-LR          8		N/A

8.3(1)  STS-10x Extended Small Terminal Server Sets:
		STSX-R          2		N/A
		STSX-LR         2		N/AA

Version       image type  # ROMs       filename in bin directory
 number                                 of

8.3(3)  GS3     CSC/3 Gateway Server Sets:
                GS3-F           8               gs3-f.83-3
                GS3-BF          8               gs3-bf.83-3
                GS3-FX          8               gs3-fx.83-3
                GS3-BFX         8               gs3-bfx.83-3

8.3(3)  GS2     CSC/2 Gateway Server Sets:
                GS2-R           8               N/A
                GS2-BR          8               N/A
                GS2-RX          8               N/A
                GS2-BRX         8               N/A

8.3(3)  TR3     CSC/3 TRouter Sets:
                TR3-X           8               tr3-x.83-3

8.3(3)  TR2     CSC/2 TRouter Sets:
                TR2-RX          8               N/A

8.3(3)  IGS     IGS Server Sets:
                IGS-S           N/A             igs-s.83-3
                IGS-B           N/A             igs-b.83-3
                IGS-X           N/A             igs-x.83-3
                IGS-BPX         N/A             igs-bpx.83-3
                IGS-BX          N/A             igs-bx.83-3
                IGS-R           8               N/A
                IGS-BR          8               N/A
                IGS-RX          8               N/A
                IGS-BPRX        8               N/A
                IGS-BRX         8               N/A
8.3(3)  PT2     CSC/2 Protocol Translator Set:
                PT2-LRX         8               N/A

8.3(3)  PT3     CSC/3 Protocol Translator Set:
                PT3-LX          8               pt3-lx.83-3

8.3(3)  TS3     CSC/3 Terminal Server Sets:
                TS3-X           8               ts3-x.83-3
                TS3-S           8               ts3-s.83-3
                TS3-L           8               ts3-l.83-3

8.3(3)  TS2     CSC/2 Terminal Server Sets:
                TS2-R           8               N/A
                TS2-LR          8               N/A

8.3(3)  STS-10x Extended Small Terminal Server Sets:
                STSX-R          2               N/A
                STSX-LR         2               N/A

Version       image type  # ROMs       filename in bin directory
 number                                 of

8.3(5)  GS3     CSC/3 Gateway Server Sets:
                GS3-F           8               gs3-f.83-5
                GS3-BF          8               gs3-bf.83-5
                GS3-FX          8               gs3-fx.83-5
                GS3-BFX         8               gs3-bfx.83-5

8.3(5)  GS2     CSC/2 Gateway Server Sets:
                GS2-R           8               N/A
                GS2-BR          8               N/A
                GS2-RX          8               N/A
                GS2-BRX         8               N/A

8.3(5)  TR3     CSC/3 TRouter Sets:
                TR3-X           8               tr3-x.83-5

8.3(5)  TR2     CSC/2 TRouter Sets:
                TR2-RX          8               N/A

8.3(5)  IGS     IGS Server Sets:
                IGS-S           N/A             igs-s.83-5
                IGS-B           N/A             igs-b.83-5
                IGS-X           N/A             igs-x.83-5
                IGS-BPX         N/A             igs-bpx.83-5
                IGS-BX          N/A             igs-bx.83-5
                IGS-R           8               N/A
                IGS-BR          8               N/A
                IGS-RX          8               N/A
                IGS-BPRX        8               N/A
                IGS-BRX         8               N/A
8.3(5)  PT2     CSC/2 Protocol Translator Set:
                PT2-LRX         8               N/A

8.3(5)  PT3     CSC/3 Protocol Translator Set:
                PT3-LX          8               pt3-lx.83-5

8.3(5)  TS3     CSC/3 Terminal Server Sets:
                TS3-X           4               ts3-x.83-5
                TS3-S           4               ts3-s.83-5
                TS3-L           4               ts3-l.83-5

8.3(5)  TS2     CSC/2 Terminal Server Sets:
                TS2-R           8               N/A
                TS2-LR          8               N/A

8.3(5)  STS-10x Extended Small Terminal Server Sets:
                STSX-R          2               N/A
                STSX-LR         2               N/A


To transfer software images:

   The files in the bin directory are retrieved in the following

   1) Be sure to set up data transfer to binary mode. Usually "binary"
      will do it.
   2) First connect to the "bin" directory in your FTP software. Usually
      "cd bin" will do it.

   3) Expand the filename of your choice, using the method shown below. But
      when retrieving the file do NOT specify "bin/" before it. For example,
      to retrieve gateway server (router) software with x.25 support, first
      connect to "bin" and then retrieve:


      and *not*


NOTE: You must have ROMs that support the software load being booted. For
      example, you cannot get X.25 support in a router with "gs2-b" ROMs
      by booting a "gs2-bx" image.