Network Working Group                                    S.E. Kille
INTERNET--DRAFT                           University College London
                                                         March 1991

         Replication and Distributed Operations extensions
           to provide an Internet Directory using X.500

Status of this Memo

Some requirements on extensions to X.500 are described in the
INTERNET--DRAFT [Kil91], in order to build an Internet Directory as
described in the INTERNET--DRAFT [Kil90].  This document specifies
a set of solutions to the problems raised.  These solutions are
based on some work done for the QUIPU implementation, and
demonstrated to be effective in a number of directory pilots.  By
documenting a de facto standard, rapid progress can be made towards
a full-scale pilot.  These procedures are an INTERIM approach.
There are known deficiencies, both in terms of manageability and
scalability.  Transition to standard approaches are planned when
appropriate standards are available.  This INTERNET--DRAFT will be
obsoleted at this point.

This draft document will be submitted to the RFC editor as a
protocol specification.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
Please send comments to the author or to the discussion group

INTERNET--DRAFT      Internet Directory Replication      March 1991


1  Approach                                                       2

2  Extensions to Distributed Operations                           3

3  Alternative DSAs                                               5

4  Data Model                                                     5

5  DSA Naming                                                     6

6  Knowledge Representation                                       6

7  Replication Protocol                                           9

8  New Application Context                                       12

9  Policy on Replication Procedures                              12

10 Use of the Directory by Applications                          12

11 Migration and Scaling                                         12

12 Security Considerations                                       13

13 Author's Address                                              13

A  ASN.1 Summary and Object Identifier Allocation                14

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List of Figures

   1   Knowledge Attributes  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .        8

   2   Replication Protocol  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .       10

   3   Summary of the ASN.1  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .       17

1  Approach

There are a number of non-negotiable requirements which must be met
before a directory can be deployed on the Internet [Kil91].  These
problems are being tackled in the standards arena, but there is
currently no stable solution.  One approach would be to attempt to
intercept the standard.  Difficulties with this would be:

  o Defining a coherent intercept would be awkward, and the effort
    would probably be better devoted to working on the standard.
    It is not even clear that such an intercept could be defined.

  o The target is moving, and it is always tempting to track it,
    thus causing more delay.

  o There would be a delay involved with this approach.  It would
    be too late to be useful for a rapid start, and sufficiently
    close to the timing of the final standard that many would
    choose not to implement it.

Therefore, we choose to take a simple approach.  This is a good
deal simpler than the full X.500 approach, and is based on
operational experience.  The advantages of this approach are:

  o It is proven in operation.  This INTERNET--DRAFT is simply
    documenting what is being done already.

  o There will be a minimum of delay in starting to use the

  o The approach is simpler, and so the cost of implementation is
    much less.  It will therefore be much more attractive to add
    into an implementation, as it is less effort, and can be
    further ahead of the standard.

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These procedures are an INTERIM approach.  There are known
deficiencies, both in terms of manageability and scalability.
Transition to standard approaches are planned when appropriate
standards are available.  This INTERNET--DRAFT will be obsoleted at
this point.

2  Extensions to Distributed Operations

The distributed operations of X.500 assume that all DUAs and DSAs
are fully interconnected with a global network service.  For the
Internet Pilot, this assumption is invalid.  DSAs may be operated
over TCP/IP, TP4/CLNS, or TP0/CONS.

The extension to distributed operations to support this situation
is straightforward.  We define the term community as an environment
where direct (network) communication is possible.  Communities may
be separated because they operate different protocols, or because
of lack of physical connectivity.  Example communities are the
DARPA/NSF Internet, and the Janet private X.25 network.  A network
entity in a community is addressed by its Network Address.  If two
network entities are in the same community, they can by definition
communicate.  A community is identified by a set of network address
prefixes.  For the approach to be useful, this set should be small
(typically 1).  For TCP/IP Networks, and X.25 Networks not
providing CONS, the approach is described in [Kil89] allows for
communities to be defined for the networks of operational interest.

This model can be used to determine whether a pair of application
entities can communicate.  For each entity, determine the
presentation address (typically by directory lookup).  Each network
address in the presentation address will have a single associated
community.  The set of communities to which each application entity
belongs can thus be determined.  If the two application entities
have a common community, then they can communicate directly.

Two extensions to the standard distributed operations are needed.

 1. Consider a DSA (the local DSA) which is contacted by either a
    DUA or DSA (the calling entity) to resolve a query.  The local
    DSA determines that the query must be progressed by another DSA
    (the referred-to DSA). The DSA will make a chain/referral
    choice.  If chaining is prohibited by service control, a
    referral will be passed back.  Otherwise, if the local DSA
    prefers to chain (e.g., for policy reasons) it will then chain.
    The remaining situation is that the local DSA prefers to give a

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    referral.  It shall only do so if it believes that the calling
    entity can directly connect to the referred-to DSA. If the
    calling entity is a DUA, it should be assumed to belong only to
    the community of the called network address.  If the calling
    entity is a DSA, its communities should be determined by lookup
    of the DSA's presentation address in the directory.  The
    communities of the referred-to DSA can be determined from its
    presentation address, which will either be present in the
    reference or can be looked up in the directory.  If the calling
    entity and the referred-to DSA do not have a common community,
    then chaining shall be used.  Otherwise, a referral may be
    passed back to the calling entity.

 2. Consider that a DSA (or DUA), termed here the local entity is
    following a referral (to a referred-to DSA). In some cases, the
    local entity and referred-to DSA will not be able to
    communicate directly (i.e., not have a common community).
    There are two approaches to solve this:

   (a) Pass the query to a DSA it would use to resolve a query for
       the entry one level higher in the DIT. This will work,
       provided that this DSA follows this specification.  This
       default mechanism will work without additional

   (b) Use a ``relay DSA'' to access the community.  A relay DSA is
       one which can chain the query on to the remote community.
       The relay DSA must belong to both the remote community and
       to at least one community to which the local entity belongs.
       The choice of relay DSA for a given community will be
       manually configured by a DSA manager to enable access to a
       community to which there is not direct connectivity.
       Typically this will be used where the default DSA is a poor
       choice (e.g., because relaying is not authorised through
       this DSA).

    A DSA conforming to this specification shall follow these
    procedures.  A DUA may also follow these procedures, and this
    will give improvements in some circumstances (i.e., the ability
    to resolve certain queries without use of chaining).  However,
    this specification does not place requirements on DUAs.

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3  Alternative DSAs

There is a need to give information on slave copies of data.  This
can be done using the standard protocol, but modifying the
semantics.  This relies on the fact that there may only be a single
subordinate reference or cross reference.

If there is a need to include references to master and slave data
(EDB copies) in a referral, then this should be done in a referral
by specifying a subordinate reference with multiple values.  This
cannot be a standard subordinate reference, which would only have a
single value.  Therefore, this usage does not conflict with
standard references.  The first reference is the master copy, and
subsequent references are slave copies.

4  Data Model

The X.500 data model takes the unit of mastering data as the entry.
A DSA may hold an arbitrary collection of entries.  We restrict
this model so that for the replication protocol defined in this
specification the base unit of replication (shadowing) is the
complete set of immediate subordinate entries of a given entry,
termed an Entry Data Block (EDB). An EDB is named by its parent
entry.  It contains the relative distinguished names of all of the
children of the entry, and each of the child entries.  For each
entry, this comprises all attributes of the entry, the relative
distinguished name, and knowledge information associated with the
entry.  If a DSA holds (non-cached) information on an entry, it
will hold information on all of its siblings.  One DSA will hold a
master EDB. This will contain two types of entry:

 1. Entries for which this DSA is the master.

 2. Slave copies of entries which are mastered in another DSA,
    indicated by a subordinate reference.  This copy must be
    maintained automatically by the DSA holding the master EDB.

Thus the master EDB contains a mixture of master entries, and
entries which are mastered elsewhere and shadowed by the DSA
holding the master EDB on an entry by entry basis.  Other DSAs may
hold slave copies of this EDB (slave EDBs), which are replicated in
their entirity directly or indirectly from the master EDB. This
approach has the following advantages.

  o Name resolution is simplified, and performance improved.

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  o Single level searching and listing have good performance, and
    are straightforward to implement.  In a more general case of
    applying the standard, without sophisticated replication, these
    operations might require to access very many DSAs and be
    prohibitively expensive.

5  DSA Naming

All DSAs must be named in the DIT, and the master definition of the
presentation address stored in this entry.  X.500 (including some
of the extension work) implies that the presentation address
information is extensively replicated (manually).  The management
overhead implied by this is not acceptable.

Care must be taken to prevent deadlock in determining a DSAs
address.  This is solved by:

 1. Use of a well known DSA with ``root knowledge''

 2. Naming DSAs in a manner which prevents deadlocks.  Currently
    this is done by giving DSAs names high in the DIT.

The Internet Pilot will need to define detailed policies for naming
DSAs, in conjunction with the replication policy.  This will be
defined in a future RFC.

6  Knowledge Representation

Knowledge information is represented in the DIT. It seems
unreasonable to manage this by any other means.  Knowledge
information is represented in an entry by use of knowledge
attributes.  These attributes are considered separately from all
the other attributes in the entry which are termed ``user
attributes''.  Each entry in a master EDB will be in one of four

 1. The entry is a leaf entry mastered in this EDB, and so only
    contains user attributes

 2. The level below has an associated EDB (i.e., the DIT continues
    downwards to use the data model of this specification).  All
    attributes of this entry will be mastered in this entry.  The

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    entry will contain an attribute with the name of the DSA which
    holds the master of the associated EDB. Optionally, it will
    contain an attribute holding the names of DSAs which hold slave
    EDBs.  The entry may not hold a subordinate reference
    attribute.  The DIT is followed by use of the master and slave

 3. The entry is mastered in a DSA which does not follow this
    specification.  The entry in the EDB will contain a master
    attribute, which holds a subordinate reference (or cross
    reference) to the DSA which holds the master entry.  The user
    attributes of the entry will be mastered in the DSA pointed to
    by the reference.  The DSA holding the master EDB, which
    actually acts as an intermediate shadow for this entry, will
    read these attributes from the DSA indicated by the reference,
    so that it will have a full copy of the entry, using a
    standared DSP Read operation.  This technique is called ``spot
    shadowing''.  Any access control on the entry being spot
    shadowed must be configured so that all attributes can be
    copied by the DSA holding the master EDB. DSAs taking slave
    copies of the EDB will not do spot shadowing.  However, the
    knowledge attributes will be copied, and may be used by this
    DSA (e.g., for modify operations).

 4. The entries at the level below are held in DSAs which do not
    follow this specification, and all of these are indicated by a
    set of NSSRs (Non Specific Subordinate Reference).  The NSSRs
    are stored as an attribute of the entry.  The user attributes
    are either mastered in the EDB, on remotely as in 3.

    It is important to note that NSSRs are stored at the level
    above subordinate references.  At a given point in the DIT, if
    there are subordinate references, these are stored in shadow
    entries below that point, and named by the RDN. If there are
    NSSRs, they are stored in the entry itself, as there is no RDN
    associated with an NSSR. This approach is cleanest where there
    are either NSSRs or subordinate references, but not both.  For
    example, consider an Organisation HP, whose many OUs are stored
    in a set of DSAs indicated by by NSSRs.  Here, the NSSR
    attributes will be used to identify these DSAs.

    This model of replication is not tightly integrated with NSSRs.
    Where there is a mixture of NSSRs and Subordinate references at
    a given point in the DIT, this is handled by giving a single
    subordinate reference to a DSA which follows standard X.500
    distributed operations and can cleanly handle this mixture.

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The information framework needed to support this is defined in

InternetDSNonLeafObject ::= OBJECT-CLASS
        SUBCLASS OF top
        MUST CONTAIN {masterDSA}
        MAY CONTAIN {slaveDSA}

ExternalDSObject ::= OBJECT-CLASS
        SUBCLASS OF top
        MAY CONTAIN {SubordinateReference, CrossReference,       10
                        -- will contain exactly one of these references

    WITH ATTRIBUTE-SYNTAX distinguishedNameSyntax

    WITH ATTRIBUTE-SYNTAX distinguishedNameSyntax
SubordinateReference ::= ATTRIBUTE

CrossReference ::= ATTRIBUTE

NonSpecificSubordinateReference ::= ATTRIBUTE
    WITH ATTRIBUTE-SYNTAX AccessPoint                            30

AccessPoint ::= SET {
        ae-title [0] Name,
        address  [2] PresentationAddress OPTIONAL }

                -- Same definition as X.500 AccessPoint,
                -- but presentation address is optional


Two object classes are defined to support this approach:

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InternetDSNonLeafObject This is for where the level below follows
    the model defined here, and there is an Entry Data Block (EDB)
    containing the sibling entries.  The Entry itself contains
    master data.  The associated attributes are:

    MasterDSA The name of the DSA where the master EDB is held.

    SlaveDSA The names of DSAs which hold slave copies of the EDB
       for public access.

ExternalDSObject This is for where the entry and levels below are
    mastered according to X.500.  There are attributes
    corresponding to the standard knowledge references, which are
    used to resolve queries.  The presentation address is optional
    in these attributes.  If not present, it should be looked up in
    the DSAs own entry.  For NonSpecificSubordinateReference, the
    master of the entry will be in the master EDB, For
    SubordinateReference or CrossReference(1) the DSA which masters
    the EDB will ``spot shadow'' the entry, by reading it at
    intervals.  This will ensure that the master EDB contains a
    copy of each entry.  Single level searching can then be done
    efficiently where it is not required to access the master copy
    of the data.  DSAs holding slave copies of the EDB do not
    perform spot shadowing, but do receive copies of the


        ARGUMENT GetEntryDataBlockArgument
        RESULT GetEntryDataBlockResult
        ERRORS {nameError,ServiceError,SecurityError,EDBVersionError}

        PARAMETER versionHeld EDBVersion

GetEntryDataBlockArgument ::= SET {                              10
        entry [0] DistinguishedName,
        CHOICE {
                sendIfMoreRecentThan [1] EDBVersion,
(1)These references are really the same.  The function
and value are the same.  The name depends on where the reference is
stored.  It may be preferable to have only one attribute.

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                getVersionNumber [2] NULL,
                getEDB [3] NULL,        -- force retrieval
                continuation [4] SEQUENCE {
                        nextEntryPosition INTEGER }
        maxEntries [5] INTEGER OPTIONAL                          20
                        -- if omitted return whole EDB in
                        -- one operation

GetEntryDataBlockResult ::= SEQUENCE {
                versionHeld [0] EDBVersion,
                [1] SEQUENCE OF RelativeEntry OPTIONAL,
                        -- if omitted, only version is returned
                nextEntryPostion INTEGER OPTIONAL
                        -- if omitted there are no more entries  30

RelativeEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        SET OF Attribute


EDBVersion ::= UTCTime                                           40


A ROS operation to support replication is defined in Figure 2.
This pulls an entire copy of the EDB. In normal use, the initiator
specifies the EDB Version held.  If the responder has a more recent
version, then all of the entries in the EDB are returned.  There
are options to rerequest only the version of EDB held, or to return
the full EDB irrespective of the version held by the initiator.

For large EDBs, transfer of an entire EDB in a single operation
would lead to very large ROS PDUs.  This gives a definite scaling
limitation.  To overcome this, the protocol allows an EDB to be
retrived in chunks of a size (in number of entries) specified by
the initiator.  The responder specifies a number which indicates
the next entry to be transferred.  The same operation can be used
to retrieve the next chunk of the EDB, with EDBVersion and the same
integer as parameters.

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This approach is simple to implement.  It is less efficient than an
incremental technique.  When scaling dictates that an incremental
technique must be used, it is expected that a suitable standard
will be available.

An implementation issue that must be noted is how to deal with
updates whilst a multi-operation transfer is in progress.  There
are two possible approaches:

 1. Refuse/block updates until the EDB is transferred.  This may
    cause problems where the rate of update and transfer is high,
    as this may make update very difficult (for the manager).

 2. Create a new version of the EDB, whilst retaining the old EDB
    to complete the bulk transfer.  A suitable retentions strategy
    would be to hold an EDB version as long as the association on
    which it is being pulled it remains active.

 3. Allow the update and fail subsequent transfer requests for the
    EDB. This may cause both transfer failure and excessive waste
    of bandwidth due to retries if the rate of update and transfer
    is high.

If option 1.  or 3.  is chosen, for a widely replicated EDB where
the update rate is greater than a few changes per day, it is
recommended to configure the master EDB in a DSA which only
replicates to one other DSA. This second DSA can then control its
update rate, and safely perform a large fanout of replications
(option 3).  The first DSA will have reasonable availability for
modifications (option 1).

This protocol will be used by DSAs to obtain copies of EDBs high in
the tree (typically root and national EDBs).  DSAs which need these
copies should establish bilateral agreements to access them(2).

This protocol should only transfer user attributes.  In particular,
implementation specific attributes such as those needed to support
private access control should not be transferred.  There may be
bilateral agreements on access control policy of the information
(e.g., size limits on listing), which are implemented by
(different) system specific techniques.
(2)QUIPU defines some attributes to register such agreements, but
these are probably not appropriate for this specification.

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8  New Application Context

A DSA which follows these procedures will support a new
ApplicationContext ``Internet DSP'' defined in Appendix A. This
will be stored in the DSAs entry, so that support of the extensions
defined here can easily be determined.

9  Policy on Replication Procedures

To be effective, a directory configuration must be laid out.  These
protocols will need to be used in the framework of a pilot, and
service providers making available data for replication.

There is a requirement to manage the replication process.  This can
be done by a combination of local configuration (to register
shadowing agreements) and directory operations to set pointers to
master and slave copies of the data.

10  Use of the Directory by Applications

Care must be taken by users of the directory when replication is
available.  This is not a change from current use of X.500, but is
noted here as it is important.  Normal read requests should allow
use of copy information.  If the user of the directory believes
that information may be out of date (e.g., because an association
could not be established), then the request should be repeated and
use of copy data prohibited by service controls.

11  Migration and Scaling

The major scaling limit of this approach is the non-incremental
update.  This will put a limit on the maximum DIT fanout which can
be supported.  Given an average entry size of around a thousand
bytes, and a maximum reasonable transfer size is tens of megabytes,
then the fanout limit of this approach is of order 10 000.  Note
that smaller organisations will tend to be registered
geographically (e.g., in the US, by State), so that the limit of
the number of Organisations is somewhat larger.  It should be noted
that although the replication technique described here is general,
it is only intended for high levels of the DIT. These figures
assume this.

These techniques do not preclude use of other techniques for
replication.  It would be quite reasonable to replicate data using

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this approach, and that which will be defined in X.500(92).


[Kil89] S.E. Kille. An interim approach to use of network
        addresses. Research Note RN/89/13, Department of Computer
        Science, University College London, February 1989.
        Internet Draft:  draft-ucl-kille-networkaddresses-02.txt,
[Kil90] S.E. Kille. Building and internet directory using X.500,
        November 1990. Internet Draft:

[Kil91] S.E. Kille. Replication requirement to provide an internet
        directory using X.500, January 1991. Internet Draft:

12  Security Considerations

Security considerations are not discussed in this INTERNET--DRAFT .

13  Author's Address

    Steve Kille
    Department of Computer Science
    University College London
    Gower Street
    WC1E 6BT

    Phone:  +44-71-380-7294

    EMail:  S.Kille@CS.UCL.AC.UK

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A  ASN.1 Summary and Object Identifier Allocation


InternetDSP  TAGS ::=

        FROM Remote-Operations-Notation-extension {joint-iso-ccitt
        remote-operations(4) notation-extension(2)}

   id-as-mrse, id-as-mase, id-as-ms
        FROM MTSAccessProtocol {joint-iso-ccitt mhs-motis(6)
        protocols(0) modules(0) object-identifiers(0)}

   chainedReadASE, chainedSearchASE, chainedModifyASE
        FROM DirectorySystemProtocol {joint-iso-ccitt ds(5)
                modules(1) dsp(12)}

   DistinguishedName, RelativeDistinguishedName, Attribute
        FROM InformationFramework {joint-iso-ccitt ds(5)         20

                modules(1) InformationFramework(1)}

        FROM InformationFramework {joint-iso-ccitt ds(5)
        modules(1) informationFramework(1)};

internet-dsp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {ccitt data(9) pss(2342)      30
        ucl(19200300) internet-dsp(107)}

-- General

at OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {internet-dsp at(1)}
oc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {internet-dsp oc(2)}

-- Object Classes needed for association

id-ac-idsp  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {internet-dsp ac-idsp(3))}

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id-as-idsp  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {internet-dsp as-idsp(4))}
id-ase-replication  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {internet-dsp ase-replication(5))}

-- Attribute Types

master-dsa MasterDSA ::= {at 1}
slave-dsa SlaveDSA ::= {at 2}
subordinate-reference SubordinateReference ::= {at 3}            50
cross-reference CrossReference ::= {at 4}
nssr NonSpecificSubordinateReference ::= {at 5}

-- Object Classes

internet-ds-non-leaf-object InternetDSNonLeafObject ::= {oc 1}

external-ds-object ExternalDSObject ::= {oc 2}

-- Operation and Error bindings                                  60

getEntryDataBlock GetEntryDataBlock ::= 10

eDBVersionError EDBVersionError ::= 10

-- Protocol Definitions

    OPERATIONS {getEntryDataBlock}                               70
    ::= id-ase-replication

    BIND MSBind
    UNBIND MSUnbind
    OPERATIONS OF { chainedReadADSm chainedSearchASE,
        chainedModifyASE, replicationASE }
    ABSTRACT SYNTAXES {                                          80

        id-as-idsp }
    ::= id-ac-idsp

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InternetDSNonLeafObject ::= OBJECT-CLASS
        SUBCLASS OF top
        MUST CONTAIN {masterDSA}
        MAY CONTAIN {slaveDSA}

ExternalDSObject ::= OBJECT-CLASS
        SUBCLASS OF top
        MAY CONTAIN {SubordinateReference, CrossReference,
                        -- will contain exactly one of these references100

    WITH ATTRIBUTE-SYNTAX distinguishedNameSyntax

    WITH ATTRIBUTE-SYNTAX distinguishedNameSyntax

SubordinateReference ::= ATTRIBUTE
    WITH ATTRIBUTE-SYNTAX AccessPoint                            110

CrossReference ::= ATTRIBUTE

NonSpecificSubordinateReference ::= ATTRIBUTE

AccessPoint ::= SET {                                            120
        ae-title [0] Name,
        address  [2] PresentationAddress OPTIONAL }

                -- Same definition as X.500 AccessPoint,
                -- but presentation address is optional

        ARGUMENT GetEntryDataBlockArgument
        RESULT GetEntryDataBlockResult
        ERRORS {nameError,ServiceError,SecurityError,EDBVersionError}130

        PARAMETER versionHeld EDBVersion

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GetEntryDataBlockArgument ::= SET {
        entry [0] DistinguishedName,
        CHOICE {
                sendIfMoreRecentThan [1] EDBVersion,
                getVersionNumber [2] NULL,                       140
                getEDB [3] NULL,        -- force retrieval
                continuation [4] SEQUENCE {
                        nextEntryPosition INTEGER }
        maxEntries [5] INTEGER OPTIONAL
                        -- if omitted return whole EDB in
                        -- one operation
GetEntryDataBlockResult ::= SEQUENCE {
                versionHeld [0] EDBVersion,
                [1] SEQUENCE OF RelativeEntry OPTIONAL,
                        -- if omitted, only version is returned
                nextEntryPostion INTEGER OPTIONAL
                        -- if omitted there are no more entries


RelativeEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        SET OF Attribute

EDBVersion ::= UTCTime


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