From: (B.A. Davis-Howe)
Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana

The following is a draft of a reading list on Ceremonial Mysticism.
Before reading the list, I ask that you read my definitions and judge it
in that context.  Please feel free to either post sugestions or mail
them to me. Questions regarding my reasons are welcome as well, but
gratuitous flames by those who view things very differently are not.  If
you don't agree with my definitions or approach, that's fine--but it is
not what I'm asking.  I'm looking for feedback on my approach--how to
refine it and communicate it most effectively.  Thanks for your help.

Ceremonial Mysticism is a term I coined to express my approach to
Ceremonial Magic.  I do not claim to have the TRVTH, but this is
consistent with my life and world-view.  Ceremonialism is one style of
magic (there are many styles) which includes a number of approaches.
Ceremonialism is a Mentalist style, that is, it works primarily with the
power of the mind (as distinct from working with nature, spirits, or
vital force); these powers are focussed through symbols, which may be
words, images, rituals, etc.  Ceremonialism works through the
disciplined manipulation of the mind (on all its levels) by the
conscious use of symbology--this can have a multitude of results.
Mysticism is the process of connecting, in some way which we cannot
describe or define, with the Divine.  We do not understand what the
Divine is, and we use many names for it; however, on a deeper level, all
Gods are One God.  The one sure sign of mysticism is Love.  Those who
have experienced the Mystery will feel themselves called to loving,
though the expression will vary.  One  of the goals of Ceremonial
Mysticism is the deeper connection to the Divine.  The methods are all
ultimately devoted to preparing us to experience this Mystery
continually.  This takes a great deal of transformation on our part,
which is the point of learning to exert change within our psyche.  One
of the reasons which led me to use the term Ceremonial Mysticism instead
of the more usual Ceremonial Magic, is that I accept that Angels and
Gods are real, i.e. they have an existence outside of my psyche.  This
is also true of elementals, etc. I hope that this paragraph is not
completely opaque, and that it explains my biases accurately enough.


Copyright 1992
B.A. Davis-Howe

Kurtz, Katherine; Camber of Culdi, Saint Camber, and Camber the Heretic (F)
King, Francis; Magic: The Western Tradition (NF)
Bradley, Marion Zimmer; The Forbidden Tower (F)
Ashcroft-Nowiki, Delores; The Ritual Magic Workbook(RMW): pp. 1-26 (NF)

RMW: I (pp. 27-44)
Bonewitz, Isaac; Real Magic (NF)
Caldecott, Moyra; Tall Stones Trilogy (F)
RMW: II (pp. 44-62)
Starhawk; Dreaming the Dark (NF)
Kurtz, Katherine; The Adept (F)
RMW: III (pp. 63-81)
Dennings and Phillips; The Magical Philosophy, Vol. I (NF)
Crowley, John; Little, Big (F)
RMW: IV (pp. 82-100)
Theresa of Avila; Interior Castle: pp. 7-94 (NF)
Kurtz, Katherine; Harrowing of Gwynedd (F)
Kurtz, Katherine; Deryni Magic (NF)
RMW: pp. 101-240
Dennings and Phillips; Magical Philosophy, Vol. V: pp. 3-161 (NF)

For Further Reading:
Anthony, Piers; Tarot (F)
Butler, W.E.; Lords of Light (NF)
Halevi, Z'ev ben Shimon; Kabbalah: Tradition of Hidden Knowledge (NF)
Kurtz, Katherine; Works (F)
Lewis, C.S.; Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, and That Hideous Strength (F)
River and Gillespie; The Knot of Time (NF)
Theresa of Avila; Interior Castle: pp. 96-235 (NF)

Anonymous; The Bible: "Psalms"; "The Song of Songs"
Booth, Leo; When God becomes a Drug (NF)
Crowther, Patricia; Lid Off the Cauldron: pp. 114-148 (NF)
de Lint, Charles; Works (F)
Dennings and Phillips; Magical Philosophy, Vol. II and Vol. V: pp. 3-161 (NF)
Eliade, Mircea; Works (NF)
Garrett, Randall; Works (F)
Hancock, Neil; Works (F)
Le Guin, Ursula; A Wizard of Earthsea; The Tombs of Atuan; and  The Farthest Shore (F)
L'Engle, Madeleine; Works (F and NF)
Jung, C.G.; Works (NF)
Kelly, Thomas; A Testament of Devotion (NF)
Kempton-Smith, Debbi; Secrets From a Stargazer's Notebook (NF)
Lao Tzu; Tao Te Ching (NF)
Musashi, Miyamoto; The Book of Five Rings (NF)
Shah, Idries; Tales of the Dervishes
Woods, Margo; Masturbation, Tantra, and Self Love (NF)

QUESTIONABLE (for various reasons, including my not having read it yet):
Carroll, Peter; Liber Null and Psychonaut (NF)
Mathews and Green; The Grail Seekers Companion (NF)
Reed, Ellen Cannon; The Witches' Qabala and The Witches' Tarot (NF)
Scully, Nicki; The Golden Cauldron: Shamanic Journeys on the Path of Wisdom (NF)
Stein, Diane; The Kwan Yin Book of Changes
Tyson, Donald; The New Magus (NF)
Underhill, Evelyn; Mysticism (NF)

Mythology from all cultures
Mystical writings, especially auto-biographies