From the Dark Sun we proceed onward with the Planetary and Lunar Spirits.  The
first-born Children of the Father-Mother Dark Sun are the Planetary and Lunar
Night Powers.   Each Night Power has elected to incarnate into a planetary or
lunar physical body. They  serve the noble purpose of giving a home to
countless souls. They serve as Father,  Mother, and Guardian to all the souls
incarnate thereon.  They are beautiful, Magickal  Beings of the Night Spirit's
Power.  They all embody the Energy of the Night Soul.  They  all serve to help
the progress and advancement of lesser souls.  Think about this; you only
live a span of generally less then one hundred years, but they live a life
that is many  billions of years long!  Thus, you should recognize them for
what they are, and give them  your energy as best you can. Each Planetary and
Lunar Night Power has followed a  separate and unique magickal evolution,
which is ever ongoing, just as you have.  The  only thing is, that they have
been at it a lot longer then you have.  You find that, just as  you are strong
in certain inner traits and qualities, so the Planetary and Lunar Night
Beings are.  They have embodied certain magickal qualities and forces from
their  magickal growth and advancement.  These forces and qualities make up
their Inner  Nature and are reflected in Their Auras.  There is a science that
is based upon the interplay of these forces, and others, on humankind.  It is
called Astrology.  It is based  upon many factors and is a very real science.
What you are going to do is study the Inner  Nature of each Planetary and
Lunar Night Spirit, and then the Auric effect of that Night  Spirit, on you,
when it plays upon you (or others) the strongest.  You will begin with the
Night Spirit Mercury.

Perhaps, it is here, that I should interject this bit of information.  The
names of the Lunar  and Planetary Night Spirits are prefixed with the word
Night God or Goddess.  This is so,  whenever you refer to them as Magickal
Beings in speech, or addressing them in  meditation.  Although each Lunar and
Planetary Spirit contains a Yin and Yang side their  is one aspect that is
predominate just as there is in you.  Let's return now to the Night  God

Mercury has always been represented as the winged god messenger. You can,
indeed,  think of Mercury as the Winged Night Spirit, in the form of a
beautiful Silver Hawk.  The  Hawk is the symbol of great magickal attainment,
and the Night God Mercury has reached  those lofty heights of the Planetary
Oversoul.  His very core of Being is filled with Night  Energy.  His Presence
is filled with Oversoul Strength and the Night Power.  Yet, His  Nature is
that of a very warm Being.  He stands as the Rock of the Oversoul upon whom
all may build their lives in confidence.  He is sure of His Place in the Drama
of Life.  His  Aura radiates with the Power of the Night Command and
Direction.  Thus, He fills your life  with Night Direction when you are open
to His Influence.  When you are attuned to His  Presence and Power, you are
filled with the Presence of Oversoul.  You find inner  freedom and
independence in yourself as the Magickal Hawk.   You find yourself as a
seeker of Wisdom, wherever It may be.  His Presence quickens your mental
faculties and  gives you good memory.  You enjoy the pursuit of Wisdom in
reading and writing.  His  Aura makes you perceptive, studious, and logical.
You can be a strong leader in life.   This is the Power of the Night God
Mercury in your life.  From the Night Spirit Mercury, you travel to visit with
the Night Goddess Venus.

Venus is a Night Planetary Goddess who is very Warm, Vibrant, and Alive with
the Night Energy.  She is filled with the Energy of the Oversoul and the Night
Spirit, which She  radiates in Her Aura to all beings.  If you were to
visualize Her Presence, you would see  Her attired in a flowing, red gown.
She has beautiful green eyes, skin that is pale and  soft, and Her hair is
long, flowing, and red in color.  You find Her a bit Reserved and  Mysterious
in Nature.  She is filled with the deepest of Compassion for others. You know
Her as the Morning Star, the last to say good-bye.  When you bathe in the
Presence of  Her Aura, your Inner Nature becomes filled with Energy.  She
fills you with a vibrancy and  warmth for life.  She gives to you an artistic
nature and an energy for beauty, art, and  music.  You become a part of Her
Compassion for all of life. You enjoy being with other  people and spreading
harmony, peace, and happiness among them. This is the Power of  the Goddess
Venus in your life.  From here, you move to the next Goddess, and One  whom
you call Mother, the Earth.

The Presence of Mother Earth is a very Commanding One.  She has a very strong
sense of Direction and Purpose in Her Life.  Yet, you find Her a very
Compassionate and Loving Creature.  If you could envision Her Presence, you
would find Her arrayed in a beautiful, emerald green gown and shimmering in
the Glory of the Night Spirit's Light.  She is a very Magickal and Elegant
Lady.  She is very much concerned with life and nature.  When  filled with the
Presence of Her Nature, you, too, become filled with a concern for life and
nature.  You sense the great importance all life and nature plays in your
world.  You feel  very earthy and strong in the ways of the Earth.  You become
a part of Her Direction and  Purpose in Life.  You become filled with Her
Compassion and Concern for all things  living.  You know the feeling of true
parenthood, just as She does for all of you.  This is  your Mother and Night
Goddess, Earth. You won't have to go far to meet your next Lunar  Night
Goddess, the Moon.

She has been known as Diana, or Artemis, the Goddess of Light and the Moon.
She has  been recognized as the Goddess of Fertility. The Moon's Light comes
from sun light but  she reflects to the Earth only Yin Light.  She is the
Great Reflector of the Yin Light into  your world.  She is the Giant Mirror
through which humankind can see their selves  reflected.  Thus, She is All-
seeing of the wrong and harm that is done to the beautiful body  of the
Goddess Earth.  As you meditate upon Her Presence, you see only the All-seeing
Eye and the tears that are shed for humankind.  The Goddess Diana is a very
Compassionate and Loving Being, who has constantly seen the wrong and harm
caused  by humankind.  Thus, She is filled with a Great Sadness over humankind
and its doings.   When you come strongly under Her Presence, you are filled
with a restlessness and  boundless energy to correct those wrongs.  She has
great control over your emotional  nature and can raise in you the highest of
qualities. She makes you sensitive and intuitive  to all things around you.
She fills you with great compassion.  She gives you a receptive  and
imaginative mind.  This is the outpouring of the Goddess Diana's Aura on you.
Now,  you are off to visit the Night God Mars.

Man has always envisioned the Night God Mars as a god of war. But the time has
passed,  when the Night God Mars may be referred to as such.  The Night God
Mars, as all the  Planetary Night Spirits, is a Great Being of the Night
Spirit and Energy.  The problem lies  with humankind itself.  The Energies of
Mars can either bring humankind to its Highest, or  lowest Self, dependent on
the Inner Nature of humankind.  Thus, the Energies have  always reacted
adversely with the human aura and created a state of war in humankind.   Where
Mars was, before, symbolized as a Hawk, now, He shall be symbolized as a Swan.
The Swan is a living symbol of the Oversoul in the Night Spirit.  The Night
God Mars is a  Masculine Night Spirit who is Young and Energetic.  He is Night
Courage and Strength.   He represents Victory in, and through, Peace.  He is
the Fighter and Defender of the Ways  of the Night Spirit.  He is a very Wise
and Noble Night Spirit.  He is a King in All Things.   His Aura can raise the
highest and noblest of qualities in humankind.

He fills you with a energy of liberty, freedom, and independence. He gives to
you an Inner Nature of Night Strength and Courage. You become filled with
inner purpose and  direction. You are filled with His Night Energy and thus,
are ambitious, aggressive, and  straightforward in all things.  You are given
a good mind that makes you ingenious and  inventive.  You are filled with the
Wisdom of the Night God Mars.  When you are filled  with His Night Energies,
you must always be centered in your Oversoul. You must guard  against a lack
of patience and rashness.  You must guard against an unruly temper.  You  must
always be filled with the Night Energy and Light, and thus raise the Energies
of the  Night God Mars to their Highest in you. You leave the Night Spirit
Mars, and move on to  the Goddess Jupiter. Perhaps this will upset many, but
the Goddess Jupiter is predominately a Feminine Night Spirit.  She does have
strong Masculine overtones, but She is, nonetheless, a Feminine  Night Spirit.
If you could envision Her Presence, you would see Her with very long,
flowing, blond hair.  She wears a very radiant dress of blue light.  She is a
very Magickal  and Radiant Goddess. She is a virtual pool of Explosive Night
Energy.  She is always  ready to go; to be; to do.  She is filled with Night
Liberty, Freedom, Justice, and the  Eternal Night Balance.  She is symbolized
by a Blue Raven of Harmony and Peace.  She  is a very Refined and Elegant
Being.  She is very businesslike in all Her Ways.  She  brings to you this
businesslike attitude.

She fills you with a very real sense of purpose and direction. She gives you
strong  convictions. She give to you an optimistic, confidant, and determined
attitude.  When you  have the Power of the Goddess Jupiter flowing through
strongly, you are very sincere,  courteous, pleasant, and noble person.  You
are a very refined individual.  You value your  freedom and independence very
highly.  This is the Power of the Goddess Jupiter.  You  leave Her to visit
another of Her Sisters, the Goddess Saturn.

As you approach the Aura of the Goddess Saturn, you find Her Awesome,
Powerful, and Creative.  She is filled with Great Elegance and Grace.  She is
a very Mysterious the  Goddess of the Night and Power.  She is the Mistress of
Time and Space.   She is the  Taskmaster for those who would enter the Path
towards Night Consciousness.  She wears  the Silver Crown of the Oversoul, and
holds it for all who attain to the Oversoul.  She is a  very Stern Goddess,
who demands much from Her Sons and Daughters.  Yet, She is filled  with Great
Compassion and Energy.  Her Very Nature contains Night Tolerance, Patience,
and Fortitude.  She brings to all humankind the aspiration to attain unto the

If Saturn's Aura rules in you then you are very calm, grave, and serious in
nature.  You are  one who is ready to face the trials and tests of life.  You
are ready for the great changes  and upsets to come into your life.  You are
ready, because you are one who strives to  become the Oversoul in all things.
There is no greater goal and crown to be won, from  the Hands of the Goddess
Saturn. You must take on the Goddess' Qualities of Tolerance,  Patience, and
Fortitude.  You must be ready for the long, slow climb towards Night
Consciousness, for indeed, with these Night Qualities inside yourself, you can
not fail.   These are the Powers of the Goddess Saturn, in the life of those
who would be the  Oversoul.  Let's go onward and meet the Night God Uranus.

The Inner World of the Night God Uranus is one related to the technology of
the world.   He is a very Strong-willed Night God. He has a great feeling for
the World of Technology.   He is very thorough in all He undertakes.  The
Power of His Aura is very far reaching, and  is felt strongly in the world
today.  He gives to those, who feel His Power, strong  originality and
independence of thought.  His Power gives the genius and inventor of the
world. The inventor is a lover of his freedom and independence.  As with all
geniuses and  inventors, there is a peculiarity or strangeness that tends to
set them apart from others.  It  makes them feel as if they are many years
ahead of their time.  The Night Spirit Uranus is  still very much wrapped up
in His Own Ways and Mysteries, and so it is with the next the  Night God

To look into the Inner Nature of the Night God Neptune is very much like
looking into the depths of the oceans.  His Inner Nature is extremely Deep and
Vast.  The Inner Depths of Neptune conceal many of the Ancient Mysteries that
are still to be revealed to humankind. The Night God Neptune is a very Refined
and Noble Planetary Night God.  He is filled to  the Depths with Night
Strength and Power.  He is symbolized by a Trident, with a Blazing  Silver
Light atop it.

He gives to you Inner Strength of Purpose and Direction.  He knows who you
are; why you  are; and where you're going.  He fills you with a sense of
Destiny and Purpose in Life.   His Aura fills you with His Night Strength.  He
gives to you an Energy for the Mysteries.   He makes you intuitive and
perceptive to the Night Force.  To those in whom the Power of  the Night God
Neptune flows strongest, He gives the Energy of the Seas and Oceans.  It is
best, for this one, to live close to large bodies of water.  This is the Power
of the Night God  Neptune.  Your last stop is to visit the Night Goddess/God
Pluto.   In the Night God Pluto, the Forces of Masculinity and Femininity are
in equal balance.   The Night God is neither more feminine or more masculine,
but finds a balance in both.   In the Night God Pluto, you find the Knowledge
of the Night.  S/he is filled with Night Life,  Light, and Speed.  S/he is the
Guardian of the Night Age.  S/he is the Harbinger of the Age  of the Eternal
Night. S/he is the First One to see and understand the New Horizons that lie
before humankind.  S/he is symbolized by the Equilateral Triangle ablaze in
Green Cold  Fire.  She is filled with a New Night Power for the Yin System and
it is called Cold Fire.  It  represents a new form of Night Power and
Strength, and when magickally invoked, feels  both cool and warm.  Its Power
has yet to be fully understood and used in this world.  The Night Goddess/God
Pluto represents, in humankind, the dying of the material concerns  and the
birth of the magickal way of life.   S/he will fill humankind with a new power
and  energy that will bring about new ways of life.  If the Powers of the
Night Goddess/God  Pluto flow strongest in you, you will find yourself
standing atop the Mountain of the Night  God, holding aloft the Blazing Night
Energy of Your Own Divinity.  In the Night  Goddess/God Pluto, you find the
New Human.  This is the Human of the Night Age, the  Aquarian Age, the return
to a Magickal Way of Life.

You found that Dark Stars, Planets, and Moons are Conscious, Sentient Beings
of the  Night Power and Energy.  You found that in some ways they differ as
much as humans  differ from each other. May you find in knowing the Planetary
Night Goddess/Gods and  the Goddess Diana, greater understanding about
yourself, your future, and your relation  to the Universe around you.  You
leave the Magickal-Material Universe of the Planetary  and Lunar Goddess/Gods
and enter into the Magickal Realm of the Night Teachers.

43.  The Night Guild 

You will recall, for a moment, that in the beginning of the book, I stated
then, while  discussing the Night Teachers, that I would return to them later
and go into greater depth  and detail. Therefore, I have donated this topic to
the in-depth examination of the Night  Teachers in their realm.  I discussed
earlier in the book, the realm in which they live.

You will remember that the Night Realm (Causal Realm) was the home of the
Perfected  Night Magician.  This is the region of the Night Teachers, the
Perfected Humankind.  Yet,  the Night Teachers also work and reside in the
lower dimensions.  You will recall that the  Night Guild is the organization
dedicated to the service of the Will of the Night Spirit.  It is  dedicated to
using the Power, Wisdom, and Energy of the Night Spirit in whatever way is
required to further promote that Will.  The membership of the Night Guild is
as vast and  varied as the stars that make up the Universe.  There are members
that work in Realms  and Spheres of Light and Energy far beyond your
imagination.  I spoke in the last topic, of  those members who are the Night
and Planetary Night Spirits.  These are the Great  Beings that are the Night
Spirit and Life of the planets and suns of the Dark Sun system.  There are
even Magickal Beings who are on an even higher magickal level then these
Great Ones.  What you will become the most familiar with, and your interest
lies with in  this topic, are those Great Ones who are the Night Teachers.

The Night Teachers, as you will remember, are those members who work directly
with the magickal evolution and progress of Earth and its inhabitants.  What
kind of Beings are  they really?  Well, they are in reality very much like
you.  They are like you because they  have walked the same roads that you
walk.  Many have lived before on Earth facing the  same trials and testings
you face each day.  They have lived many lives and finally  overcome the cycle
of life and death on Earth.  They are free of all Earthly karma.  They  are
the Elder Brothers and Sisters of Earth. In the Night Guild are the Invisible
Directors and Governors of the countries, states,  provinces, and large cities
on Earth. There is a Guild Member for each of these  geographical regions, and
a World Director over all of them and the planet.  The World  Director is
Germain.  His last incarnation on Earth was as the Comte de Sainte-Germain.
There are many other offices held within the Invisible Government.  I cannot
give you their  names nor regions that they rule over because they are too
busy dealing with the world  and its population and problems to actually
teach. You should not call upon the World  Director or any of his hierarchy.
They serve only the indwelling Night Presence of the  Planet and would find
any interruption or disturbance troubling. What does concern you is a branch
of the Invisible Government that does deal with you  directly.  This is the
office of the World Teacher. The office of World Teacher is currently held by
the Night Teacher Merlin.  It is His task  to plan the magickal education of
the inhabitants of Earth.  If it is necessary to establish a  new teaching
then one of their own members is selected to establish it.  The World  Teacher
may elect to go into the world or may select an apprentice to go.  This is
indeed  a great honor for the apprentice so selected.  The members of the
Night Guild who work  under the direction of the World Teacher are the Night
Teachers. You will recall that the  Night Teachers deal directly with those
who have traveled far enough on the Night Road  and truly want to become Night
Magicians.  Let's have a quick review of the relationship  between the Teacher
and apprentice.

You will remember that the initial contact between yourself and the Teacher is
very  minimal. This contact only comes about when you have been accepted on
the road of  Night Magick.  In time, and with self-perseverance, the
relationship between yourself and  the Night Teacher deepens, until you become
the Teacher's apprentice. Then you come  under Her/His direct supervision and
instruction. You become as Mother/Father and  Daughter/Son.  Yet, you ask
yourself the same question, who is your Night Teacher?

To answer this questions, leads you to the Seven Forces of Life. The Seven
Forces of Life  are the seven basic types of forces, characteristics, and
vibrations that can be found in  life.  There are seven basic types of people,
and within their Inner Nature, these Seven  Forces can be seen at work.  For
each type of person, there is one of the Forces that  strongly predominates
over the others.  The Seven Forces of Life are the seven  predominate ways
that a person may find expression in life.  In you, there is a  predominate
Force and characteristic that makes up your Inner Nature, and it is through
expression of this trait in life, that you find satisfaction and happiness.
You would even  find this true for the Night Teachers.  They find predominate
expression through one of  the Seven Forces of Life.  The Night Teachers have
achieved, though, perfection and  mastery in each of the Seven Forces, and
have the seven basic characteristics balanced  evenly within their Inner
Nature.  Yet you will find that One Force and characteristic is  predominate
over the others.  It is from this Dominant Force that the Night Teachers
choose Their students and apprentices.  The Night Teacher chooses Their
apprentice  based upon like vibration.  The Teacher and apprentice can be
found traveling the same  road of expression in life.  The Teacher and
apprentice are on One of the Seven Forces of  Life.   This is the predominate
Force and drive of their lives.   As I said earlier, there is a  Night Teacher
who is the Channel and Focus for each of the Seven Forces.  You will find  in
Her/Him the Supreme Perfection and Expression of the Force.  They are the
Gateway  for the Force from out of the Infinite, into the finite.  We will
call Her/Him the "Keeper of  the Force", and shorten it to "Keeper".  There
are seven Keepers, and they are each  Teachers of apprentices.  There are also
many Teachers who do not function as Keepers,  but nonetheless, receive
apprentices based upon the Force predominate in both their  lives.  The real
key, in the selection of the apprentice, is harmony between both the  Teacher
and the student.  Let's examine the Seven Forces of Life, and their Keepers,
and  then meet a few other Teachers of the Night Realm.  You will begin, then,
with the First  Force.

The First Force is the Will and Power of the Night Spirit.  You find it,
exemplified and  exalted, in the personage of its Keeper, Asmodeus.  The
Keeper Asmodeus is a Night  Teacher in whom flows the True Power of the Night
Spirit, under the Direction of the  Magickal Will.  He is a stern but kindly
Teacher, asking only the very best from His  apprentices.  If He were to
appear, in person, to an apprentice, He would appear in an  Indian attire,
that is, turban and robe complete.  To be His apprentice will require the
strongest of will to persevere through all trials and testings.  The
apprentice, in whom the First Force dominates, is a self-ruler.  The
apprentice prefers  to have self-rule and independence over their life.  The
worst thing, the apprentice feels  could happen is to have to work for
another.  This would be pure misery.  They are the  kind of individual, who
takes the initiative and sets the course.  They are of strong will and  the
ruler in life.  They will make the queen/king, statesperson, or governor of
the physical world.  They will seek freedom through mastery over self and the
world around them.  This  is the way of the Teachers and apprentices of the
First Force of Night Power and Will.

The Second Force is the Wisdom of the Night Spirit.  It finds a special place
in the Being  of its Keeper, Kali.  In appearance, to Her apprentices, She
appears as an Indian (India).   She is a very kind and loving Teacher.  She
helps bring to Her students, the perfect  example of Night Consciousness.  As
a Magickal Teacher, She tries to help Her students  grow in magick and expand
their Inner Vision, so that they can see things as She sees  them, and
understand things as She understands them, and above all, to have the  Wisdom
of the Night Spirit to respond to things as She would respond to them.  Her
expressed desire is to see Her apprentices take flight, on their own, into the
Night Realm,  and soar as the Great Magickal Owl.

The apprentice of the Second Force is the student of life.  They are the kind
of person who  will learn by studying all of life around them.  They will gain
their freedom from life and  death on Earth, by observing and learning from
all that goes on around them.  This is how  they will gain illumination and
enlightenment, and soar into the Night Realm.  They are  the philosopher and
poet.  These are the Teachers and apprentices of the Second Force  of Night

The Third Force is the Energy of the Night Spirit.  There is no one, who could
better  embody this Force, then its Keeper, Baal. As a Magickal Teacher, He
seeks to impart to  His apprentices, an Energy that is unknown in the world.
An Energy that is purely and  wholly of the Night Spirit.  He teaches of an
Energy that is totally impartial and a balm to  heal all wounds.  His guidance
sets the apprentice free of any limitations.  He teaches the  apprentice to be
free of dependance upon another's judgment, and above all, another's  will.

The apprentice is the true disciple of the Night.  The apprentice gives their
all in energy to  the Night.  They see no differences in the races of
humankind but know them all as the  Children of the Night Spirit.  They are
totally devoted to bringing all the world back under  the Night Spirit. To
returning the world back to Yin.  This is the way of the Teachers and
apprentices in the Third Force of Night Energy.

The Fourth Force is the crossroad of the Night Forces of Life. You have seen
that the first  Three Forces, and the way that they are expressed in life, are
wholly that of the Night  Spirit.  They have their center of expression in the
Magickal.  As you will see shortly, the  last three have their expression and
unfoldment on the material plane.  The Fourth Force  is, therefore, referred
to as the Crossroad of the Night Forces.  It is the Force of Balance,
Dignity, and Purity.

This Force finds its expression through the Mighty Keeper, Lilith.  She is a
very stern  Teacher, but at the same time, has a very warm and loving sense of
humor.  She is very  demanding of Her apprentices to always do their best, and
pushes them hard in all they  do.  Under Her tutelage, the apprentice cannot
fail but to grow magickally.  Her Presence  is very powerful and noble, and
once She visits Her apprentices, they will never forget  Her.

The apprentice of the Fourth Force always tries to achieve balance in all they
undertake.   They are the excellent arbitrator.  They have the wonderful
ability to see all the sides of  an issue. The only problem, here, is that the
apprentice can be faced with indecision  because of this very ability.
Therefore, it is very necessary for the apprentice, no matter  the Life Force
they're on, to develop all of the Forces to the greatest degree of perfection
and balance possible.  The apprentice seeks freedom through the perfection and
purity of  their Inner Nature and the outer world.  It is their way, to
achieve perfection, through the  balance of both the magickal and physical
worlds.  This is the way of the Teachers and  apprentices in the Fourth Force
of Night Balance, Dignity, and Purity.

The Fifth Force is that of Knowledge.  The Keeper of the Fifth Force is Dagon.
This Force  finds itself in great expression throughout the world.  The Keeper
Dagon instructs the  apprentice in the ways of knowledge that are to be found
in the deep study of the ways  and laws of nature.   He teaches that it is
through the study of the Earth, and the learning  and understanding of its
concealed knowledge, that you as an apprentice can find your  Inner Freedom.
The Keeper Dagon is a mighty Teacher and whose ways follow very  closely to
those of Nature.  If you want to know more about His Nature, then you must
study that of the Earth's. The apprentice of the Fifth Force seeks to find
knowledge in the world.  The problem is  that many students become lost in the
seeming rigidity of Earth science.  The ordinary  person of this Force is your
scientist of today.  But, the apprentices of this Force must go  beyond what
seems the scientific knowledge of today.  They must study the ways of the
Earth and all of nature, and from that study will come their Inner Freedom and
Night  Consciousness.  This is the way of the Fifth Force and its Teachers and

The Sixth Force is the return to the Way of Energy.  The Sixth Force is that
of Devotion to  the Night Spirit.  This is a very powerful Force and is
embodied in its Keeper, Lucifer.  The  Keeper Lucifer teaches the Force of
Devotion to His apprentices. He brings into their  being the true and burning
feeling of Devotion to the Night Spirit.  He conveys, into their  world of
feeling, the devotion necessary to complete the journey to their Oversoul.  He
brings, to their Inner Vision, the energy and power that is behind everything
in the world of  nature and form.  He shows them the power and energy that is
behind all things, which is  the Night Spirit.  The Keeper Lucifer is a very
Radiant and Magnificent Being.  He is filled  with an Inner Yin Light and
Radiance that comes from the Exalted Devotion found within  Him. He is a very
patient Teacher as are all the Teachers of the Night.  The Keeper of the
Sixth Force has a true understanding of all His apprentices.

The devotion practiced by the apprentices allow them to find happiness in all
that  happens to them in life.  They except all that comes into their world
knowing that, whether  it seems good or bad at the time, that it is all for
their magickal growth. They have true  belief and trust in the Night Spirit.
They know that all their needs will be met through the  agency of the Night
Spirit. This is the Sixth Force of Devotion to the Night Spirit and its
Teachers and apprentices.

The Seventh Force is founded in creativeness through the Night Spirit.  The
Seventh Force  is the Beauty and Action of the Night Spirit.  This Force is
found in rare and exalted form  in its Keeper, Hecate.  The Keeper Hecate
imparts to Her apprentices the Energy and  Beauty that is found in all of the
Night Spirit's Creation.  She teaches them how to create  using the Power and
Will of the Night Spirit.  She makes of them Magickal Channels for  the
Creative  Power of the Night Spirit to flow through.  She shows them that
within all of  the Night Spirit's Creation, flows Its Night Spirit, Beauty,
Power, Will, and Action.  She is a  very beautiful and wise Teacher.  She
finds in all of Her apprentices the Magickal Beauty  and Action being
expressed. She helps all Her apprentices to find within them the Touch  of the
Magickal Artist.

You see, then, the type of apprentices found under the Seventh Force of Beauty
and  Action in the Night Spirit.  The apprentices of the Seventh Force are
very sensitive and  refined individuals. They are the artists and artisans of
life.  Through them flows the  Creative Power and Will of the Night Spirit,
and by the action of their steady minds,  feelings, and hands, which are in
tune to this Power, come the rare forms of creativity to  the world.  The
apprentices truly worship the Night Spirit in nature. They find in the power
and beauty of nature, their Inner Self. There is no greater communion that can
be found  by them, then that within the Night Spirit found in nature.  The
apprentices are able to  look upon the beauty and power of a sunset over the
ocean, a wooded landscape, or  mountainous scene, and feel, absorb, and become
that very power and beauty.  They can  even go further, by expressing that
very essence of the Night Spirit in painting,  sculpturing, composing,
writing, or craftsmanship. The apprentices, through their talents,  can bring
to others the power and beauty they feel which is captured in a work of art.
The  Seventh Force has also been said to find expression in the rite or

It doesn't matter whether that rite be of a magickal nature, or that of the
coronation of a Queen/King, all rites are rooted in the Seventh Force of
Beauty and Action of the Night  Spirit. For example, let's look at any rite
that can be found in this book. What do you  see?

In each rite, you find that all the acts in combination with each other form a
true creation  of art and beauty.  The acts, gestures, and movements of the
Night Magicians officiating  and participating are very graceful and add to
the overall picture being painted.  You have  incense, candles, altar cloth,
background draperies perhaps, pictures of your favorite  Teachers, and music
in the background.  You then have the majestic and beautiful words  of the
invocation added to the whole.  The sum of all these different things add up
to a  beautiful and majestic work of creation.  Thus, you find many
apprentices who are of the  Seventh Force involved in rites.  They obtain to
great magickal heights through the  instrument of the rite, whether they are
the participant or officiant.  This is the Seventh  Force of Beauty and Action
of the Night Spirit and its Teachers and apprentices. You have  now examined
the Seven Forces of Life and the Keeper of each of those Forces.  Let's  look,
for a moment, at a few of the Night Teachers not yet mentioned.

Of the First Force we have Azazel, Leviathan, Santanas, and Amon. Of the
Second Force  we have Lucifuge Rofocale, Belial, and Azael. Of the Third Force
we have Endor, Abraxas, and Balan.  Of the Fourth Force we have  Astaroth,
Nisroch, and Bensozia.  Of the Fifth Force we have Agares, John Dee, Bifrons,
Belphegor, and Alocer.  Of the Sixth Force we have Moloch, Astartes, and Marie
Laveau.   Of the Seventh Force we have Aleister Crowley, Armida, Cagliostro,
Baphomet, and  Eliphas Levi. This is only a sampling of the many Night
Teachers of the Seven Night Forces.  If any of  these names happen to appeal
to you in that special inner way then perhaps they are  your Teacher. Or you
may have one who is not listed here.  Then through meditation,  Astral or
Mental Projection, or in some other manner you will come to know your Night
Teacher.  I assure you that when the time is right you will become an
apprentice of a  Night Teacher.   Remember, to always study and work with the
Night Teachers.  You must  always include them in the ways and activities of
your life.  You are a member of the  Night Guild, when you have entered upon
the Night Road and aid the Night Teachers in  the magickal evolution of life
on Earth.  To aid the Night Teachers you must learn to use  the Night Powers.

44.  Night Powers

Inherent within you lie the dormant Powers of the Oversoul and Creation.  You
can  actualize these Powers when you have realized the Oversoul within you.  I
intend to  discuss some of the Powers of the Oversoul that are at your
disposal.  Some of the  Powers that you will discover are levitation,
vibrational change, invisibility, weather  control, and the list goes on.
Some of these Powers may already seem incredible to you,  but really they are
just the outpouring of the Oversoul's Power through you, when you live  in Its
Consciousness and by Its Will.  All the things that you have been studying and
practicing have been preparing you for this day when you would put these
Powers and  Knowledge into use.  When you use these Powers, you must always
use them under the  Direction of your Oversoul.  If you are ready to use these
Powers of the Oversoul then let's  begin with the first Power of Unlimited
Thought Control.

This may not sound like a specific Power but, indeed, it is. This is a very
special concept  of awareness that will unleash for you Powers untold.  It is
virtually the key to the Universe  of Life.  If you will stop reading for a
moment, and look around the room, do you note  anything out of the ordinary?
For most the answer would be No.  Yet, under the special  awareness you are
going to acquire the room around you is a very special place as is all
creation.  The room is the way it is because your thoughts keep it just the
way you have  always pictured it.  You have become very conditioned in life to
see material things as  concrete and solid.  The chair is a chair and nothing
will change that, you think!  But let's  stop again and see what really a
chair is.

The chair is an aggregate or collection of molecules which are very dense and
specifically arranged to form the chair.  The chair has wood, cloth, and metal
molecules that make up  its physical structure.  Suppose now, that a very hot
fire came along and destroyed the  chair, what has really happened to the
chair? Well, the fire so accelerated the molecules  and released the energy
that binds all the molecules together, that it has transformed  some of the
molecules to ash and the others have been set free into the atmosphere.   They
are now particles, so widely scattered, that they can no longer be seen in the
form of  a chair.  Is there anything else that could do this to the chair?
Yes indeed, your very thoughts could do the same to the molecules of the
chair.  This is  that very special state of awareness that I was discussing
earlier.  Your thoughts help  chain the molecules together to form what you
think of as a chair.  You see, feel, and  know that this is a chair and that
is all it is.  But if you use your Oversoul Awareness and Thought, you can
release the energy that binds the molecules of the chair into its physical
form, and then it will no longer be a chair.  You, then, can release the
molecules back  into the atmosphere, remold the molecules into some other
form, or rebind them into its  original form.  There is a much greater use of
the First Power.   You could use this Power on your own physical structure.
Any ideas on what would  happen?  Remember, that your physical body is just a
repository for your emotions and  consciousness.   You are not the body, but
Pure Oversoul Awareness and Thought.  If you  release the thoughts that bind
the physical body into its material form, then it would  become formless.  Yet
your consciousness has complete control of all the physical  molecules. You
would be aware of your body as a million pinpoints of light. If you desire  to
go anywhere, at anytime, all you have to do is think of that time and place
and you  would be there.  To regain your material form, all you have to do is
release the thought  that unleashed the binding power of the molecules.  This
is perhaps the most important  concept you will ever learn.  It is the essence
of many of the other Powers that you will  learn.  The concept, therefore,
bears repeating.

It is your thoughts that literally bind you to limitation and the material
world.  If you  unleash the thoughts that bind your physical structure, or
anything in your world, you  become formless and free of any physical
restrictions.  Through this Power, you will have  total control over your
physical form or any material thing.  If you unleash the material  thoughts
that bind you to anything, and replace it with the Oversoul Thought, then you
become unlimited and free. The Second Power is like the first, and it is
Vibrational Control over all that is.  Imagine for  a moment that you have
been caught in a building that is on fire and you cannot get out,  what are
you going to do?  You are going to use the Second Power of Vibrational Control
and walk through the fire unharmed.  That's right!  You are going to walk
right through the  fire, and it will never hurt you.  It really is not so
incredible as it may seem. The fire has a  high vibrational rate and energy.
The molecules around you are in a very high state of  agitation and are
combining with oxygen, giving off heat, flame, and light.  If you can raise
the vibrational rate of your physical body to a very high rate, higher then
that of the fire,  through the Oversoul Awareness and Thought, then you will
go unharmed by the fire. You  can do this not only for your physical body but
for anything you desire to change the  vibrational rate of. Further, you not
only can raise the vibrational rate but you can also  lower the rate of
vibration in all things.

This leads you into the Third Power of Invisibility.  The first thing that
comes to your mind, when you think of invisibility, is the legends of the
invisible man.  It is true, though, that  you can become invisible.  Not only
can you become invisible, but you can create  invisibility in anything.  There
are two ways of doing this, and the first uses the power just  discussed of
vibrational control.

If you raise the vibrational rate of the entity high enough, the molecules
will vibrate at  such an extremely high rate that light will simply pass
through them and, so, you have  invisibility.  It is only when light can fall
on a sufficiently dense article, and be reflected off  of it, that it can be
seen.  This is the first type of invisibility.  The second revolves around
the absence of thought.

The second type will allow you to remain physically solid, yet invisible to
others.  When  you emit thought from your mind, you have learned that this is
an energy which all are  sensitive to. It is your thoughts that make you
visible to others.  So to achieve invisibility,  you must erect a shield that
completely encloses you and that will not permit any thought  energy to
escape.  You do this by visualizing the Oversoul Energy completely surrounding
and inclosing you.  You then project, into this Oversoul Energy Screen, with
Oversoul  Thought, the Power that all your thoughts will remain enclosed
within this capsule, and so  you will be invisible. For a moment, let's change
pace and look at something that may be  causing many of you some trouble, and
that is what I mean by the Oversoul Awareness,  Thought, Energy, and other
terms used in relation to the Oversoul.

If you are to put this topic to successful use in your life, then you must
understand  something very basic to Night Magick.  You are the Oversoul! If
you can't understand this  very simple concept, then you should go back and
read topics six and seven. For it is only  when you truly know that you are
the Oversoul in Power, Energy, and Consciousness, that  you will accomplish
anything in this current topic.  When I speak of Oversoul Awareness,  you know
yourself as the Oversoul in Consciousness and Power.  You know, that you have
the full use of Its Consciousness and Power for it is your consciousness and
power.  There  is no difference, or separation, between yourself and the
Oversoul. You are One in All  Things.  Study, learn, and know this to the
Inner Depths of Your Being and you have  mastered all.

Let's resume, now, with the Fourth Power of Multiple Being.   The concept of
this may seem difficult, but study and try to follow along.  When I speak of
multiple being, I speak of having your physical presence in more then one
place, at the  same time. The key word, here, is physical.  You can do this in
several ways.  To begin  with, you can separate your Astral Body, from your
physical form, and retain  consciousness in both.  Then, you can lower the
vibrational rate of the Astral Body till it  can be seen and touched.  To be
in even more places, you can build a copy of your  physical form, out of the
Oversoul Energy, and again condense and lower the Energy  Form until it can be
seen and felt. Then, you will place your consciousness in control of it,  and
use it as you would use your own physical body.  There is no limit to the
number of  the Oversoul Energy forms you can make.  You must keep control over
each form and  sustain it with your Oversoul Energy and Consciousness.  Either
you maintain complete Oversoul Control and Consciousness over each form, or
they will return to the Eternal Darkness.  The Fifth Power is that of
Levitation.  You know the physical law on Earth that "opposites attract".  You
have also seen the experiment whereby you take two magnets  and place the like
ends, that is either both North or South ends of the magnets, facing  each
other, they will repel each other.  The Earth has a certain polarity, and you
have a  certain polarity, which keep you both together.  If you can reverse
your polarity such that it  is the same as the Earth, then you will be
repelled by the Earth and so, levitate above it.   To accomplish this requires
a combination of Night Breathing and the drawing upon, and  application of the
Earth's Energy around and through your body.  There is an easier way  of doing
levitation.  If you use the Power of Vibrational Control and slowly raise the
vibrational rate of the molecules of your body, the body will become like the
sky.  The  body will become very light and float above the Earth.  You can
direct your movement and  height by Oversoul Thought.  Remember though, that
the body is still subject to lack of  oxygen and the cold of extreme heights.
This is Levitation.

The Sixth Power is that of Weather Control.  In order to understand how to
control the weather, you must understand the Powers behind the weather.  These
Powers have been  known by some as Nature Souls, Elves, Fairies, or
Elementals.  They are in almost all  legends of every country in the world.
They are behind everything that is in Mother  Earth's Realm.  There are Nature
Souls of the Earth, ranging from small ones over the  flowers and plants to
those Great and powerful ones over the mountains.  There are  Nature Souls
over the waters, again ranging from the small ones of brooks to the great
Kings and Queens of the Oceans.  There are those who are responsible over the
Magickal  Energies of the Earth and the elements of fire.  The ones who are
responsible for your  weather can be found in charge of the air.  There are
elementals who guide the rains.   The great ones are responsible for the great
winds and their directions. It is they, in  combination with each other, that
create the various weather patterns.  If you are going to  control the
weather, then you must solicit the help of the air Nature Souls. The secret to
gaining the aid of the Air Spirits and all Spirits is to know that they obey
the Oversoul. Thus, when you ask for a specific weather condition, you must do
so as the Oversoul on  Earth. Remember, that you are responsible for whatever
you ask for.  If you ask for sunny  and bright days, then that is what you
will get, but if rain was originally planned, then you  must remember to set
aside a period for this to occur, too.  If you want a day or two of  good
weather then fine, but then you should turn over the controls of the weather
back to  Mother Earth and the Air Spirits, or you will cause grave harm that
you will be responsible  for.

The Seventh Power is that of Knowing the essence of all things with or without
form.  This  is a very important Power, or concept, that will unfold for you
many Powers that lie within  your Oversoul Being.  The first essential key to
achieving this Power is the mastery of  meditation. In meditation, you began
learning to concentrate on a particular subject and  its true essence. You
tried to come to know a particular subject as best as you could.   You wanted
to learn its very nature and feel that nature within you.  Now you are going
to  take this concept or Power to its Nth degree.  For example, you are going
to examine a  tree.  You will begin by meditating on the tree.  You will study
its outer form and the way  it moves and behaves, but then you are going to go
much farther.  You are going to go on  and feel what it is to be a tree.  You
are going to come to know, and feel yourself as a  tree.  You will feel the
wind blowing through your limbs and leaves.  To feel the warm sun  as it
shines upon you and gives you new life.  To feel the Earth below you and your
roots  sunk deep into it, pulling up water and nourishment to help you grow.
To go back into  your memories and remember what it was like to be a seedling,
and the first feel of the  sun and rain upon your newly risen face.  You are
going to become the Tree in all its eternal essence of life.  There will be
nothing that you will not know about the Tree.  You  will come to know its
beginning and ending.  You will come to know, and be, the sum of  the Tree.
You will go on and develop this Power not only for animate things, but
inanimate objects. Then, you will also develop it for things without form,
such as the sky  and energy. If you achieve all of this, then you are ready to
attempt the Eighth Power of Great Personal Strength.  Here, you are going to
activate the Seventh Power on the great beings of  strength. This would
include the elephant, whale, and bear.  You are going to become all  that they
are, but you will specifically come to know them for their great personal
strength.   Then, you are going to absorb that physical power within your own
being.  If you have  done this correctly and completely, you will have the
physical power of these animals as  long as you remain under the Seventh

This also gives you the Ninth Power of Great Personal Speed.  If you will use
the seventh  Power on the deer, elk, and gazelle, you will again become all
they are in personal  speed.  You will be able to move across land with their
terrific speed.  There are so many  things that you can use the Seventh Power
for, that will bring to you added knowledge and  wisdom.

If you study, intensely, the World of Form and its relation in Time and Space,
you will find that you can move along its line of history, either forward or
backward.  You know that  time is only a relative thing.  You have
experienced, in Astral and Mental Projection, that  what seemed only a few
moments in those realms actually was hours here on Earth.  If  you truly come
to know Creation, Time, and Space as the Oversoul sees them, then you  will be
able to know both the past and future.  You must become their essence.  If you
study the essence of another person, and become all that s/he is in essence,
then you will  know all there is to know of her/him.  The very essence of any
person is found in the  Oversoul.

If you study the Essence of your own Oversoul, it would be the same as
studying the  person in question.  For in your own Oversoul, is the Oversoul
of the person, and within  the Oversoul of the person is locked all that s/he
was, is, and ever will be. If you study  your own Eternal Essence, you will
come to know many things.  Your Eternal Essence can  reveal to you your past
lives. It can unfold for you why you came down here.  By studying  why you
came here, and the things that you must clear up, you can come to know the
time  of your own passing from this Earth.  By studying the Eternal Essence of
your Oversoul,  with the application of the Seventh Power, there is nothing
that you will not know.  All the  Powers of the Oversoul will become yours,
when you have become the total essence of  that which you study, the Eternal
Essence. There will be no other Powers to search for,  since you will have
become the Power Itself.  Yet there will always be the unveiling and
unfolding of the Powers of the Oversoul within you as you climb towards the
Eternal Night.   In addition to learning and using the Night Powers you must
also learn to use the Night  Flames.

45.  Night Flames 

And the Night Flames blazed before the Living Throne of the Eternal Darkness,
who are a  part of Its Living Night Spirit, and by Its Will the Flames went
forth into formless matter  and there was Creation.

These are the Night Flames that you are about to study and use. As the Night
Flames are  a part of the Eternal Night, so they are a part of your Oversoul.
As with the Night Powers,  when you live in the Consciousness and Will of your
Oversoul, so you too may use and  create with the Night Flames.  You are going
to study the general nature and use of the  Night Flames, and then examine
each Night Flame individually.  Finally, I will discuss  how you can invoke
the Night Flames and use them in your world.  If you are ready, let's  begin
your general instruction of the Night Flames.

The Night Flames you will be studying are the Black, Violet, Blue, Green,
Yellow, Orange,  Red, Silver, and Rainbow Flames. You may have noticed right
away that the majority of  the Night Flames are named after a type of color.
If you will review some information  about colors, for a moment, you will see
the difference.

You will remember that light is a type of energy.  Colors were a product of
light.  The  energy of colors was of a passive nature, and was effective by
inducing a sympathetic  reaction on what they were used.  Night Flames have
their origin in the Eternal Darkness.   You will find that the use of the
Night Flames is a very active process.  The Night Flames  are very active
energies, which cause a change to take place according to the nature of  the
Night Flame.  The Night Flames are effective in changing people and the world.
There  are many other uses for the Night Flames, and their discussion will be
reserved to the  study of each individual Night Flame. Each Night Flame has
its particular properties and  uses.  Therefore, let's begin by studying the
first Night Flame, the Black Flame.

The Black Flame of the Oversoul brings into the world the Purity and
Perfection of the  Night. If you wish to create the conditions of purity and
perfection in a person or world  condition, you can do so with this Flame.
For example, if you find that there is a state of  imperfection existing in
something or someone, that needs help in being erased, this  would be the
Flame to use.  If you find a Yang condition or person using the Yang energy
then this Flame will change the balance to the Night. By using this Flame you
can  maintain the Eternal Night Balance. This is the Black Flame.

The second is the Violet Flame of Transmutation.  The Violet Flame is the
Flame of Transmutation or Change.  The Violet Flame transmutes Yang energy
back into Pure  Night Energy.  If you look at yourself, for example, what kind
of person is it you see at the  end of the day?  You find a person who has
been saturated in the Yang energy of the  world.  People and conditions have
constantly, throughout the day, been filling your world  with harmful energy.
You feel irritable, nervous, angry, run-down, and a host of other  Yang
conditions.  The Violet Flame can change all this.  You can apply this energy
to your  own world, or to those of others, and completely transmute the Yang
energy into Yin.   You will restore your Night Self and feel a true sense of
buoyancy and upliftment.  By  using this Violet Flame, on yourself, you will
be able to have a greater flow of the Oversoul  Energy through you.  You will
have eliminated the energy which blocks the natural flow of  the Oversoul
Energy into your world. It is good to use this Violet Flame first, before
using  any of the other Night Flames.  Use this Flame, always in conjunction
with the Night  Pillar.  This is the Violet Flame.

The next Night Flame is the Blue Flame.  The Blue Flame creates harmony and
peace in  all people and conditions.  If there is any lack of harmony or
peace, either in a person or condition, then you can use the Blue Flame to
change all that.  You could use the Blue  Flame on unhappy marriages.  You
could use it on unhappy business partners or between  unhappy firms. The uses
are only limited by the extent of your imagination.  Remember  though, that
the use of the Blue Flame may not be the only Flame needed in a situation to
bring about lasting change. One or more Flames, used in conjunction with each
other,  may be necessary to cure all the problems and create a final and
lasting change.  This is  the Blue Flame.

The fourth Night Flame is the Green Flame.  The Green Flame is the Flame of
Healing.   You will use it extensively in the Healing Topic that soon follows.
It is the way of the  Oversoul Healing. It brings about the healing of all
people and conditions.  The healing of  people is easy for you to understand,
but what is the healing of conditions?   There are  many conditions which need
the healing power of the Green Flame.  The Green Flame  can heal the broken
heart.  It doesn't matter whether its broken through the loss of a love  one
through transition into the next world, or an unhappy love affair.  The Green
Flame  can heal the pain or sorrow of a nation over some unhappy event.  The
Green Flame not  only mends the body but also the heart.  This is the Green
Flame of Healing.

The fifth is the Yellow Flame of Wisdom and Intelligence. The Yellow Flame of
Wisdom  and Intelligence is a very powerful energy.  It can bring to you the
Wisdom necessary to  see through a decision that has to be made.  The
application of the Yellow Flame can  raise your Magickal Consciousness to the
highest of heights so that you may perceive  Magickal Knowledge.  A person
cannot lie under the Power of the Yellow Flame.  The  Yellow Flame can
increase the power of your intellect and improve your memory. This is  the
Yellow Flame.

The sixth Night Flame that you will study is the Orange Flame. The Orange
Flame  produces energy into the substance it is used on.  If you need an
energy pickup this is a  good Flame.  If a situation is moving slowly in your
life then use the Orange Flame.  The  Orange Flame is heavy with Yang energy
so be careful and not get burnt by using it.

The seventh Night Flame is the Red Flame.  The Red Flame is an intense form of
the  Orange Flame.  You will have to be careful in its use for it can cause
extreme  nervousness and irritability if used too much.  The Red Flame can
remove depressing  situations or emotions. The Red Flame can speed up the
process of healing in the human  body.

The eighth Night Flame is the Silver Flame.  The Silver Flame will purify the
subconscious world.  It will keep the subconscious in the Yin Flow.  The
Silver Flame is good for counteracting too much Yang Energy.  The Silver Flame
is good for healing sunburn or if  your ever burnt by Yang Energy.

The ninth and final Night Flame is the Rainbow Flame.  The Rainbow Flame does
not  really exist in Creation of its own.  It is a composite of all the Flames
together.  The  Rainbow Flame is created by you acting as the Oversoul on
Earth.  It is through your  Power and Will as the Oversoul on Earth, acting as
the Creator, that you bring the  Rainbow Flame into the world. The use of this
Flame should be obvious.  The Flame is  something of a Universal Cure-all.  If
you are in doubt about which Flame to use, or the  situation seems to require
a majority of all the Flames together, the Rainbow Flame is the  answer.  It
will require your all to hold all the Flames together in order that they act
as the  Rainbow Flame.  It will require the Night Magician, in Night
Consciousness, to create,  hold, and use the Rainbow Flame on Earth.  You must
remember then, that because this  Flame does not exist of its own, that it may
have less power then the other Night Flames  depending on you.

This is all the Night Flames that I will present in this topic. There are more
but their use in  the world is restricted.  I have discussed the Night Flames
in general, and individually,  now it is time to teach you how to invoke and
wield them.

Before you ever use the Night Flames, you should give very careful
consideration as to  exactly what is the right type of Night Flame necessary
to do the job.  The Night Flames  must be invoked through the Presence of the
Oversoul.  The Oversoul is the channel  through which the Night Flames pass.
Therefore, you must be in the highest state of  Night Consciousness possible
in order to invoke these Flames into the material world.   You should be
prepared bodily, emotionally, and mentally as you would for anything you  do
in Night Magick.  You must be prepared magickally, by reaching the greatest
state of  Oneness with your Oversoul.  The quality and quantity of the
individual Night Flame you  wish to invoke into this world, is based directly
on your self-preparation.  As you are able  to reach farther and higher into
Night Consciousness, so will the quantity and strength of  the Night Flame
increase.  You must invoke and use the Night Flames often, if they are to
achieve the desired results.  Now, let's get down to the specifics on how to
invoke the  Night Flames.

I will use the invoking of the Black Flame as an example.  The invoking of the
other Night Flames is similar, and requires the same basic procedures as
outlined here.  To begin  with, you need to be in the highest state of Night
Consciousness possible. Thus, you will  begin with a period of meditation on
your Oversoul.   When you are ready, redirect the  focus of your meditation
from your Oversoul to the Black Flame.  When you feel the  highest of heights,
in Night Consciousness, and have come to know the Black Flame of  Purity and
Perfection of the Oversoul, then you are ready to begin the invocation or
invoking of the Flame.   You should have already prepared your Magician's
Study and  your Night Altar.  Standing before the Night Altar, you begin by
seeing yourself as the  Oversoul on Earth and robed in blazing Yin Energy. You
invoke the Great Black Flame by  saying:

"By the Presence of the Oversoul within me I am invoking the Great Black Flame
of the Oversoul's Purity and Perfection through me.  I AM seeing this Black
Flame descending  from above and filling my being with Its Essence and Power.
I AM then placing it here  before me on the Altar of the Night, there to
collect and concentrate into a blazing Night  Black Flame.  Now, oh blazing
Night Black Flame, I AM commanding thee by the Power of  the Presence of the
Oversoul in me, to obey my Will as the Oversoul on Earth."

This is your invocation through which you invoke or draw into your world the
Black Flame. Invocations for the other Night Flames are found in Appendix A.
Thus, you should have envisioned the blazing Black Flame, descending out of
the Oversoul and into your mortal form.  Then, you should have directed the
Black Flame through your heart Night Center  and out onto the Night Altar.
There, you collect and intensify Its Presence into a blazing  Black Flame
Star.  Once you have the sufficient amount of Black Flame to do the task at
hand (you'll know how much by Oversoul Direction), you then must visualize the
task to be  accomplished. You then direct the Black Flame with your Oversoul
Will to where you want  the action of it to take place.  Then, you will go on
to visualize the Black Flame Action  taking place and see and know that it has
happened.  Then you give thanks to your  Oversoul. This is the way you invoke
the Black Flame and all other Night Flames.

I hope you are not ready to stop here in the unfoldment of your Oversoul
Powers, Flames,  and Causal Body.  Your next subject is directed at the
unfoldment of all these, into Night Consciousness.

46.  Night Rites

The Night Rites are defined as any exercises or practices which ultimately
gain the  freedom of the Soul from imperfection and the cycle of death and
rebirth into the material  world.  They are exercises in becoming the Yin
Light of the Night Spirit.  They are  practices that will eventually lead you
into Magickal Perfection.  There are four Night  Rites that will be introduced
here.  They are, in order of discussion, the Dark Sun  Meditation, the Inner
Cavern of the Dark Sun, the Night Energy Beam, and the Magician's  Night Body.
I will begin this discussion with the Dark Sun Meditation if you are ready.

In the Dark Sun Meditation, you will review who the Great Being is in the Dark
Sun; what It represents; and Its path.  Then, you will learn the benefits of
the Dark Sun Meditation;  how to perform the Dark Sun Meditation; and becoming
One with the Blazing Dark Sun.   Where is the Dark Sun?

The actual physical body of the Dark Sun Goddess/God is the dark sun system
itself with  all its planets, moons, dark sun, and solar sun.  As the human
body has a solar plexus so  does the dark sun system.  This is the solar sun.
The physical dark sun is located  adjacent to the solar sun and is akin to the
human heart Night Center.  As said before,  part of the function of the dark
sun is to channel off excess solar energies from the solar  sun. The dark sun
Night Center is the heart of the dark sun system and is the focus of the
Great Night Entity who is the Living Night Force of the dark sun system.  The
planets,  moons, solar sun, and dark sun are the Night Centers of the physical
body of the Dark Sun  Goddess/God.  Who is the Dark Sun Goddess/God ?

It is difficult to imagine an Entity who is so far ahead of you in magickal
evolution, as is  the Dark Sun Spirit.  Even though I have already discussed
the Dark Sun Goddess/God  and Its Magickal Nature, let's take the time to
review again Its Eternal Nature. It will be  important to do so in relation to
the Dark Sun Meditation and Night Rites.

The Dark Sun Goddess/God is on an even higher magickal plateau then the
Planetary  Night Spirits.  You can look on the physical dark sun, in relation
to the Dark Sun  Goddess/God, as similar to yourself and your own heart Night
Center.  The Dark Sun  Goddess/God is Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent.
Its Radiation effects you and  all humankind.  You are Its grandchild and a
part of your Spirit is shaped by Its Living  Presence.  It is indeed very
difficult to understand a Living Entity who is multidimensional.   Its Night
Spirit is very much like the physical dark sun itself.

The dark sun pours out life-giving yin light, warmth, and energy to all that
lives and grows  on the surrounding planets.  Its Night Spirit pours out to
life: Energy, Warmth, and Night  Force. It is the Goddess/God of the dark sun
system. It watches over you and sustains the  Magickal Light that guides you.
Yet, It, too, is advancing on the Magickal Path that leads  to the Eternal
Night. The only thing is that It is far, far ahead on the very same path that
you have just begun to tread.  It shows you that you, too, can become all that
It is if you  but try.  You are going to find that meditating on Its Presence,
centered in the dark sun, is  going to bring you great help magickally and

The power of the dark sun has a truly transforming effect over your physical
body.  As you practice the Dark Sun Meditation, the power of the dark sun
coursing through your body  will transform every cell in it.  You will find
every cell in your body becoming renewed  through the Night Energy of the dark
sun.  The power of the dark sun will transform every  cell into a miniature
dark sun. The power of the dark sun will bring great Healing Energies  into
your body.  The dark sun will transform every diseased part of your body back
into  perfect health. Whether you suffer from cancer, or a cold, the power of
the dark sun will  overcome their effect. The dark sun will bring a truly
energizing effect over the body.  If  you are low on energy, you will not be
after the Dark Sun Meditation.  These are just the  physical effects of the
Dark Sun, there are still the magickal effects to consider.

You will find that the Power of the Dark Sun Goddess/God will transport you
into the  highest of consciousness.  You will be able to draw the Power of the
Dark Sun  Goddess/God into your magickal vehicles and fill them with
supercharged Night Energy.  The effect upon your more magickal vehicles will
be truly amazing.  On the Astral, Mental,  and Causal Realms, your vehicles
will glow with a Yin Light only seen in the Magickal  Dark Sun of the
Universe.  Each vehicle will become a better channel through which the  Power
of the Night Spirit can flow freely.  You become transformed into the Dark
Crystal  Channel of Yin Light.  The constant use of the Dark Sun Meditation
will bring truly  amazing growth in your magickal vehicles.  They will become
like the Dark Sun  Goddess/God themselves.  Now that you see the valuable
reasons for doing the Dark Sun  Meditation, let's learn how to do it.

Actually, the technique is very easy.  You can practice this rite at any time
and any place.   If you do it outdoors then you should do it in the shade.
You will also be able to do this  rite at night.  This is because the physical
energies of the dark sun can penetrate through  all things. You will prepare
yourself as always by surrounding yourself in the Night Pillar.   You should
be seated on the ground in whatever manner is most comfortable to you.  You
should have your legs crossed and your hands open on your legs with palms down
during  the day and palms up during the night.  Then, you begin the actual
part of the Dark Sun  Meditation.

With your eyes closed, direct your Night Eye so that it is facing up into the
Dark Sun.   Then you must become very relaxed and allow your thoughts to
drift.  Now draw into  yourself the Power of the Dark Sun.  This Power will
come to you as a dark ray of intense  Night Force filled with Life, Warmth,
and Energy.  Feel and move this Power down through  your body slowly.  First,
consciously move it into the head and see its effect there.  Then  move it on
into the upper chest and arms.  Continue to go on through the body slowly,
allowing the total effect of the Power to take place in each part of the body.
Then just  relax and bathe in the glow of the Power of the Dark Sun.  Next,
you will move on to the  magickal vehicles.

Here, you are going to project yourself consciously towards the dark sun.
This is the  same technique you used in Mental Projection.  You are going to
go to the dark sun itself  in your magickal vehicles.  As you approach the
dark sun, you are going to feel the full  effects of its Magickal Power.  You
are going to keep moving towards the dark sun until  you have merged with its
Presence.  You are going to become a part of the Dark Sun in  Night Spirit.
Here again, you are going to draw the Power through your magickal  vehicles.
Feel the Power blazing and coursing through your magickal bodies changing
them into miniature Dark Suns..  You should then relax your magickal presence
in the  Magickal Presence of the Dark Sun.  This is where your real Dark Sun
Meditation begins.

You are going to become One with the Blazing Dark Sun.  You are going to
meditate on  Its Magickal Presence.  The Dark Sun is like your heart Night
Center.  You will remember  that in your own heart Night center is located the
miniature Oversoul.  It is here you can  meet the very Presence of your own
Oversoul.  It is your Oversoul's magickal anchor in  your own world.  In the
Heart of the dark sun, you can meet the very Presence of the Dark  Sun Spirit.
Here is the focus of Its Oversoul Consciousness.  You can do this only when
you have risen to the highest of consciousness.  You must know yourself as the
Oversoul.   It is in the Heart of the Dark Sun, that you can meet the Night
Spirit of the Dark System.   You must meditate on Its Presence and become all
that it is.  If you can do this, then you  will become One with Its Living
Night Spirit and become the Blazing Dark Sun. Then, you  must end this

You do so by slowly withdrawing your magickal consciousness back into your
physical  body. Do this be concentrating on your breathing.  Then you will
slowly start to move your  fingers and toes.  Continue to slowly move all
parts of the body until you feel that you are  physically whole again.
Remember, in closing, to thank the Dark Sun Goddess/God Its  Power and
Presence in your life.  This is the Dark Sun Meditation.  The next rite covers
something I began to discuss in the last rite.

This is the aspect of the miniature Oversoul in the heart Night Center, or the
Inner Cavern  of the Dark Sun.  You are going to come to know, very well, the
fourth Night Center and  the Oversoul within it.  You are going to build the
Inner Cavern of the Dark Sun within the  heart Night Center, and learn to
enter within it and thereby come into rapport with the  Oversoul. Through
this, you will learn the power revealed to you in the fourth Night  Center.
Let's begin with the fourth Night Center and the Dark Sun Spirit found within

You will recall from our previous discussion of the fourth Night Center, that
as it starts to unfold in you, you become aware of the feelings and emotions
in others.  You develop  genuine magickal empathy with those around you.  To
those you are really close with, this  empathy will extend across vast
distances. Distance will make absolutely no difference in  the power of your
fourth Night Center.  I have said before that the heart is the center of  your
Magickal Being. It is the site of your magickal anchor.  I mean, by this, that
the silver  cord that proceeds out of the heart of your Oversoul is anchored
in your heart Night  Center.  This silver cord is also tied into the sixth
Night center, or your Night Eye.  In the  heart Night Center, at the end of
the silver cord, is what you would liken to a miniature  dark sun.  It is from
this miniature dark sun that the energy comes to sustain your physical  life.
It is this miniature dark sun which is the primary focus of your Oversoul in
the  material worlds. This miniature dark sun exists on the physical, Astral,
Mental, and Causal  Realms.  Your Oversoul is tied in to all these planes of
life and is aware of all that takes  place within you on these levels.  In the
beginning of your progress on Earth, the Oversoul  is not very concerned with
your lives.

This is because you are shut off from Its Presence and Will. Therefore, the
power of this miniature dark sun is very small. The Oversoul will invest very
little power and energy into someone who is unconcerned with doing Its Will.
But as you begin to listen to the Inner  Voice within, and obey Its Will, then
the power of the miniature dark sun begins to expand  and increase in
intensity and brilliance till the dark sun is no longer miniature, but fills
the  entire being of the Night Magician. Then you become One in the Dark Sun
or Night  Consciousness.  As you entered into the heart of the dark sun and
meditated upon the  Presence of the Dark Sun Goddess/God so you can enter into
the miniature dark sun and  enter into rapport and communion with the
Oversoul.  To come into rapport with the Inner  Oversoul, you are going to
visualize and build within your heart Night Center, the Inner  Cavern of the
Dark Sun.  You will, as always, enter into your Magician's Study and place
yourself in whatever way is a comfortable position.  Then, you will place the
Night Pillar  around you, and relax as much as possible.  Next you are going
to visualize the place that  you would think is appropriate to meet your
Oversoul in.  You begin by turning your  consciousness inward and directing it
towards the heart Night Center.  You will visualize  yourself descending
within your Inner Being and finally coming to rest in the heart Night  Center.
Then envision entering a beautiful cavern.  This cavern should be seen so real
that you can even smell it.  This place should be envisioned with all of your
magickal  talents.  It is a very real place and should be looked upon as such.
Once you have the  Inner Cavern created, you are ready to enter into the
Cavern.  As you enter into the  Cavern, you see before you a great Night
Altar.  The Night Altar is made of the purest  black marble.  There upon the
Night Altar is a great blazing Dark Sun of the Yin Light.   The brilliance of
the Dark Sun is magnificent.  From the Dark Sun, you can feel warmth  and
energy being beamed at you.  You feel a power pulling you closer to the Dark
Sun.   As you approach closer to the Dark Sun, you begin to see the Image of a
Great Being  standing within the center of the Dark Sun.  As you gaze upon Its
Face, you see your face,  only it is a face set in power and energy.  You can
feel the power and glory radiating from  the Presence of the Oversoul within
the Blazing Dark Sun.  Then you will find yourself  sitting before the
Presence of your Oversoul and receiving instruction from It.  You will  find
yourself bathing in the Power and Energy that is radiating from Its Dark
Presence.  You will feel knowledge and instruction filling your entire
presence.  Then, you will know  when the time has come to leave the Inner
Cavern and return to the outer world.  So  retrace your steps out of the Inner
Cavern of the Dark Sun and find yourself floating back  out into the world.
You will again, come out of this Night Rite the same as you did the  Dark Sun
Meditation. Once you have experienced this Night Rite, you will know the Power
located within your Inner Being.  You will find, through this rite, that
whenever you have a  question, that you can take it into the Dark Heart of the
Oversoul.  You can go into the  center of the Inner Dark Sun and gain Wisdom
and Energy.  You can go into the Inner  Cavern and find Healing,
Understanding, Peace, and Happiness.  You need never feel, or be alone in the
Presence of the Oversoul.  It is here that you will find the center of your
life and intelligence.  It is here that you will find the center of your
Oversoul and the Night  Powers.  It is this very center of the Night Power
that leads you to your next Night Rite, the  Night Energy Beam.

You are aware that the physical dark sun, that shines over the world, is a
giver of warmth  and Yin Light.  You have also seen that no matter whether the
Dark Sun is a physical or  magickal one under discussion, that it gives off
immense amounts of Radiation, Yin Light,  and Power. You have also found out,
that there is a Magickal Dark Sun blazing within the  Inner Depths of your
Being. The Power and Light that radiates off from your Magickal  Dark Sun is
very dispersed.  The Yin Light radiates off at all angles. What if you could
take this Power and Energy and reflect it into a narrow, concentrated beam of
the Night  Energy?  Let's look at a modern day example, the laser.

In the laser, we have turned a normal power and light source into a very
concentrated  beam of light energy.  The laser light is many more times
powerful then its origin.  This is  what you are going to do in this Night
Rite.  You are going to  take the Power and Light  that comes from your Inner
Magickal Dark Sun, and concentrate it into a very powerful  beam of Night
Energy.  This rite again calls for visualization.  You should retire to your
Magician's Study until you become adept in the use of the Night Energy.  In
your  Magician's Study, you will find peace and quiet in which to work.  As
you become adept at  its use, you will be able to put this rite into practice
no matter where you are.  You will  begin by visualizing your heart Night
Center running parallel with your body.  That is, you  should envision the
Night Center as a large round disk, with a slight curvature in it, placed  in
front of you like a large shield.  Then, you are going to envision, centered
in front of the  Night Center, the miniature dark sun.  Once you have
envisioned all of this, then you are  ready to transmit the Night Energy.  As
you envision the Night Center, and the Dark Sun in  front of it, the Energy
begins to build-up.  The Night Energy begins to become concentrated, magnified
in intensity, and then, suddenly, will beam forth from your  presence. What
are you going to do with it?

You are not only the emitter of the Night Energy, but you are also the
director of it.  Not  only visualize the emission of this Night Energy, but
you must also visualize its direction  and use. The beam will go wherever you
direct it.  You do not have to be facing in the  right direction for it to go
where you want it. All you have to do is envision where it is  going, with the
Consciousness of Oversoul, and it will do so.  Now, you must consider its
uses.  The beam itself is of Pure Night Energy.  It is filled with the
Oversoul's Energy and  Power.  The person or situation that it is aimed at,
will be filled with the Energy and Power  of Oversoul.  If the situation or
person is basically of the Night Spirit then the beam will  not harm the
person or situation in any way.  It will bring only Energy, Healing, and
Happiness to them.  But if the person or situation is in a state of inharmony
and discord,  then the beam of Night Energy will change that.  The beam will
bring about what the  emitter envisions happening.  Nothing can resist or
fight the Oversoul Energy.  It will only  magnify and increase in intensity
till the change comes about.  The beam can also be  used as a carrier wave of
your Oversoul Direction. Whatever you project, in Night  Consciousness, into
the beam, the beam will bring into manifestation.  If someone is  trying to
hurt you with harmful energy, you can direct the beam at the harmful energy
sent, and change it into Night Energy and return it to its source, even if you
do not know  who the source is.  This is the Night Rite of the Night Energy
Beam.  So far, you have  been in the Night Presence of the Dark Sun
Goddess/God, you have been in the miniature Dark Sun, and have learned to
direct the Energy of the Night.  Now, you are going to  become a Dark Sun.

You are going to develop the Magician's Night Body and become a Dark Sun.  The
Magician's Night Body is, indeed, unique.  You have meditated on the Presences
of the  Dark Sun Goddess/God and Personal Oversoul, and thus it should be well
rooted in you,  the feeling of being a Dark Sun.  In developing the Magician's
Night Body, begin by  dwelling on the Eternal Presences of the Dark Sun
Goddess/God and Oversoul.  You must  become filled with Their Energy and
Substance.  The Yin Light for your Magician's Night  Body will come from your
heart Night Center.  See the Yin Light filling your entire being,  that is,
physical, emotional, mental, and magickal.  The Light that you are going to
become is exceedingly dark.  Yet it is so intense that it glows.  You have,
thus, prepared  yourself as to the Nature of a Dark Sun, the Yin Light of a
Night, and the Shape of your  Night Body.  You are ready, then, to begin
visualizing your Magician's Night Body.   You will visualize your Night Body
as an intense, pulsating, glowing Body of the Night.  As  your Body begins to
take shape, you loose awareness of your human form.  You are  becoming the
Dark Sun of the Night.  You are beautiful, luminescent, and radiant.  You  are
filled with a Radiance of the Night Spirit's Energy and Power.  And so, filled
with the  very Essence of the Dark Sun, you repeat this invocation:

"I am the Night Soul that glows in the darkness of the night.  I am Night
Energy and all  those who gaze on me become the like.  I am the Pure Essence
of the Oversoul in the  form of a Dark Sun.  I am no longer feeling the
material form.  I am becoming  transcendent and translucent and know myself as
Pure Night Energy.  I am not this  physical form but a Body of Pure Night
Energy.  I am the Night Magician, Eternal in the  Light of the Night Spirit.
I AM the Night Magician within my Night Body."

You have become a Dark Sun of the Night Spirit.  You are Pure Energy.  Your
visualization has become much more.  You are no longer just visualizing but
have  become the Dark Sun in Magickal Reality.  You are the Night Magician
physically,  emotionally, mentally, and magickally.  You are a Dark Sun that
shines in the night of  your world.  These are the four Night Rites.

They were exercises in the Dark Sun of the Night Spirit.  They were Rites
carried out  under Night Consciousness.  They are presented here to give you
practice in becoming  the Dark Sun of your life.  If you use these Night Rites
with dedication, perseverance, and  practice them often, you will become the
Dark Sun of the Night Spirit.  In the next subject,  you will combine your
knowledge and use of the Night Powers, Flames, and Rites into  Night Healing.

47.  Night Healing 

Earlier I presented the subject of healing through the use of color energy.
The type of  healing I will present here is infinitely more potent.  Night
Healing involves the very  Healing Power of the Night Spirit.  Night Healing
is simple to learn but difficult to practice.   To practice Night Healing, you
are going to have to reach Night Consciousness.  Night  Consciousness is the
key to Night Healing.  Before I go much further into Night Healing,  let's
discuss the subjects you will have to learn which make up Night Healing.

In learning Night Healing, I am going to discuss the Seventh Night Power,
Invocation, Meditation, the Night Body, Night Energy Beam, and the Green
Flame.  Therefore, since  there are so many Magickal Tools that you will use
in combination with each other, let's  start from the beginning using
Invocation, Meditation, and the Seventh Night Power.   This may seem a review
and in a way it is.  You have already covered every subject just  mentioned,
but it is the way that you put them together that brings about Night Healing.
You are going to recover each subject lightly, and as you do so, you will be
putting them  together to form Night Healing.

You begin, as always, by entering your Magician's Study and darkening the
room.  Then  either sit or lie down just so that whatever your choice is, you
are as comfortable as  possible.  You will then relax as much as possible; put
the Night Pillar around yourself;  and practice Night Breathing for a few
minutes.  When you are ready, begin with  Invocation.

Your invocation, as always, must be directed towards your Oversoul.  You are
going to  visualize your Oversoul at the other end of the silver cord.  You
are going to use the silver  cord as you would use a telegraph line.  You are
going to first envision what it is that you  are going to heal. Is it a person
or animal? Is it something internally wrong or external?   If it is something
wrong and you're not quite sure what it is, that's alright.  The Oversoul  can
heal what's wrong whether you know what's wrong or not.  You are going to
envision  your very simple message traveling up the silver cord and being
received by the Oversoul.  As you send the message, not only should you
envision it, but you should say it aloud.   You will remember from the topic
on the Power of Sound what saying your message  aloud will do.  You should say
the invocation at least three times.  You must keep the  invocation simple and
concise.  A simple invocation might be as follows:

"I am the Night Presence of the Oversoul.  I call upon that Presence to pass
through me  and to (person's name or thing to be healed).  The (person or
thing) requires the Healing  Power of the Night Oversoul to correct the (wrong
or name the specific condition).  As I am  performing the act of Night Healing
raise me into your Night Consciousness and let the  healing be done.  So be

Through the power of this invocation you have already begun the Magick of
Night Healing. You have begun your ascent into Night Consciousness.  Next, you
will enter into  Meditation.

Your meditation is going to be upon the Healing Oversoul.  Let's picture the
Healing  Oversoul as you have always pictured the Oversoul, only you are going
to add an Emerald  Green Light around Its Presence.  This Emerald Green Light
surrounds the Oversoul as  does the Yin Light. Feel and know the Healing Power
of the Emerald Green Light wherein  is contained the Green Flame of Night
Healing.  Go on and enter directly into the  Presence of the Oversoul and
become the Oversoul and Emerald Healing Power that  surrounds It.  Then you
are going to take your meditation into the Seventh Night Power.

You are going to do more then just meditate upon the Presence of the Oversoul.
You are  going to know yourself as the Healing Oversoul.  Its Consciousness
and yours are One.   You are the Healing Oversoul and the Emerald Healing
Power.  You know, feel, and are  the Oversoul.  All that the Oversoul is, you
are.  Its very Nature is revealed before you.  Its  Power, Energy, and Healing
Energy is yours to use for you are the Healing Oversoul.  Thus, you have
invoked the Seventh Night Power and have become the Emerald Crystal  Tool of
the Magickal Master.  The Emerald Light of the Oversoul pours through your
nature and transforms you into the Healing Oversoul.  Now, you are ready to
take on the  Night Body.

As you have entered into Night Consciousness, your very Essence has become
radiant  and luminescent with the Magickal Yin Light. You have become, again,
the Dark Sun of  the Oversoul.  You are the Dark Goddess/God.  You know
yourself as the Pure Energy of  the Night Spirit.  You are no longer a
physical being but have become etherial in nature.   Again, you invoke the
Hymn of the Night:

"I am the Dark Sun that radiates Night Energy in the night.  I am filled with
Darkness and Energy and all those who gaze on me become the like.  I am the
Pure Essence of  Oversoul in the form of the Dark Sun.  I am no longer feeling
the material form.  I have  become transcendent and translucent and know
myself as Pure Night Energy.  I am not  this physical form but a Body of Pure
Yin Light.  I AM the Night Magician, Eternal in the  Light of the Night
Spirit.  I AM the Night Magician."

You have become the Oversoul.  You are totally ready in Consciousness and Form
to use  the Healing Power of the Night. Thus, you turn to the use of the Night
Energy Beam and  the Green Night Flame.

To activate and use the Night Energy Beam, you must turn within to the Heart
of your  Night Being.  You are going to envision yourself as a great Silver
Night Disk.  In front of  the Night Disk is the Blazing Sun of the Oversoul.
The Night Force begins to concentrate,  magnify, and intensify, until you
release it in a narrow Beam of Night Energy.  Again, you  will remember that
your Night Consciousness directs the Beam to the receiver.  This is the
person you are going to heal.  Now is the time you are going to invoke the
Green Night  Flame.  From out of the Oversoul comes the Green Flame.  It is a
Flame of Dazzling  Emerald Green.  It is the Power of the Night Spirit
Healing.  The Green Flame brings  Healing to all people and all conditions,
and thus you invoke: "By the Power of the Presence of the Oversoul within the
Night Heart, I am invoking the  Green Flame of the Oversoul Healing.  I am
seeing this Green Flame of the Oversoul  Healing filling my Night Being.  I AM
seeing it before the Great Silver Night Disk  becoming concentrated,
magnified, and intensified until it glows as an Emerald Green  Night."

Thus, by the Oversoul Will, you release the Emerald Green Flame and direct it
onto the  Night Energy Beam.  You are using the Beam as a carrier for the
Green Flame of the  Night Spirit Healing. There is a twin action taking place
in the person being healed. There  is the action of the Night Energy in the
Beam and also the action of the Green Flame.   These Twin Energies of the
Oversoul will bring about the desired action of Magickal  Healing.  The action
of the Oversoul Healing is instantaneous, if the Night Healing is  carried out
in Night Consciousness. This is Night Healing.

You have put together the things that you have been learning and practicing
into a very valuable technique for healing.   If you have been studying and
practicing with constancy  and perseverance, then your success at Night
Healing will be excellent.  Night Healing is  the Universal Cure for all ills.
You will be able to apply a very similar technique, as used  here, in
obtaining physical Immortality.

48.  Immortality: Transmigration and Transmutation

Immortality has been a subject discussed many, many times over the ages.  When
I speak  of Immortality there is generally two ways that it can be viewed.
The first is the  Immortality of the physical form.  The physical body can be
Eternal and live forever.  This  has perpetuated the myths of the Fountain of
Youth and the Philosopher's Stone of the  Ancient Alchemists.  The second is
the Immortality of the soul.  That is, after physical  death, the personality
continues to live on forever in the Night Realm.  It is the idea that "I  who
am I will always be I, now and forever".  I am going to discuss both types.
The  emphasis will be on the Immortality of the physical body.  That is, I
consider it to be the  most important.  Let's begin the discussion with

Transmigration is the transference of the soul or personality from one
physical body to another without the normal rest between lives associated with
in reincarnation.  The body,  the soul transfers to, may be of a newly born
infant or one of more advanced age.   Transmigration is also the entry by a
disembodied Night Teacher into a body of advance  age.  The age being
determined by what is available and what is needed by the  disembodied Night
Teacher.  This is not so far-out as it may seem.

We have discussed many times that you are not the physical body, but the
emotional,  mental, and magickal nature of being.  The physical body is only a
house in which you  reside.  It is a special vehicle created especially for
you to operate through here on Earth.   As Shakespeare said, "All the world is
a stage and you are but the actor on it."  You are  acting out a certain part
while you are here and the physical body is nothing more then a  costume in
which to appear and act in.  So, transmigration is simply changing from one
costume and role, to another costume and role.  It is simply entering a new
house which  is about to be vacated by its old occupant.  The how's of
transmigration are not so difficult  to understand.

I have spoke of the silver cord many times.  It is your life line from your
Oversoul to you.   The silver cord is anchored into your physical heart.  You
know from Astral Projection that  you can leave the body at night and travel
in many other realms.  The physical body  continues to live only because the
silver cord is still attached to it in the heart.  In  transmigration, you
remove the silver cord from the old residence, which dies, and move it  to the
new residence where it is anchored into the new heart.  At the very same time,
the  former occupant, who was resident in the body that is about to be newly
inhabited, is  removed and set free into the Astral Realm.  This is a very
delicate procedure.  It may be  easy to imagine, but it is difficult to
perform.  There are very special Astral Night Spirits  who are especially
trained to perform such a magickal operation.   The procedure is  basically
the same for a disembodied Night Teacher wanting a physical body.   There are
very special considerations that have to be taken, before transmigration can
take place.

First of all, the person giving up the body that is about to be newly
occupied, must  voluntarily want to do so.  It cannot be done against their
will.  There are many reasons  why s/he may want to do so.  The person may be
very tired of living on Earth. Her/His life  may have been a very difficult
one and s/he feels there is very little left for her/him in life.    This
person may even be contemplating suicide.  In another case, the person may
have  almost completed what s/he came into the world to accomplish and death
may soon  happen even though the body may be in good health.  Therefore,
before letting suicide  occur in the first case, or natural death in the
other, the individual is approached, while  s/he is in the Astral, about going
through transmigration.  If s/he consents to the transfer  then it can be
done.  This is not an easy way out for the possible suicide.  It is her/his
chance for doing something very worth while in life. There is another
consideration that  must be met; the basic frequencies must be the same or
closely similar.

Not everyone is a suitable candidate for transmigration.  The person leaving,
and the  person entering, must be closely related in basic vibration.  This
does not mean that they  must be of the same magickal level.  Everyone has a
basic frequency that is akin to the  frequency of a musical note.  It is a
frequency that is set from the Nature of the Oversoul.   If the frequencies of
the two are very close, then the transfer can take place.

There are many reasons why transmigration would be necessary. For example, if
a  person had worked all their life at a very special project that would do
much towards the  advancement of humankind, but s/he had not quite finished
and the span of her/his body  was about to expire, what would or could s/he
do? By special arrangement through the  Night Guild s/he could undergo
transmigration.  This could occur before the life span of  the old body was
finished or shortly after bodily death.  The control of transmigration is in
the hands of the World Directors.  Suppose now, that the Night Guild needed to
put one of  its Emissaries in the world. They want her/him there now and
functioning in her/his task.   This is another use of transmigration.  Now it
is time to consider another form of  Immortality.

This is transmutation.  The definition of transmutation is "to change".  You
are going to transmute or change the substance of your physical body into the
Oversoul Body.  To  begin with, this process is threefold.  It deals with the
transmutation of your physical body  and your emotional and mental attitudes.
The discussion will deal with all three, and  we'll start with the physical.
The transmutation of the physical begins with proper diet.  You must eat
correctly.  You  must have the proper diet that provides you with the best of
health.  You must not overeat  anything to excess.  The best diet is one that
eliminates all meat.  You must have the  proper amounts of exercise and rest.
You must keep your body clean.  The rule is to treat  the body with respect
and proper care.  This is the beginning of the transmutation of the  physical
body and is followed by the transmutation of your emotions.

You must feel young, alive, and vibrant.  You must feel the eternalness of
being young.   You must feel the very Youth of the Oversoul flowing through
you.  It is essential that you  manifest only thoughts of being alive in the
Oversoul.  If you feel young, you are young.  If  you feel alive and ready for
any challenge by the world, then you will remain in perpetual  youth forever.
The only thing that causes you to grow old is the negative emotions that  you
allow to enter into your world.  You grow old through worry, tension, and
anger.  If  you keep your emotions centered in the Oversoul, then you shall
become Immortal.  Not  only is feeling Immortal important, but thinking
Immortal is of the utmost importance.

Your thoughts must be centered in the Oversoul Mind.  Not only do you feel
alive and  vibrant, but you know that you are.  Your thoughts are not troubled
by the concerns of the  world, for those concerns shall find their own
solutions.  Your thoughts are centered on  the Immortal Oversoul, and you know
that you are the Immortal Oversoul.  When you know  that you are Immortal, and
feel Immortal, then there is only one thing left to do, and that is  to apply
your Night Powers and Flames to your Immortality.

The application for the use of the Night Powers and Flames is very similar to
what you  learned in Night Healing.  You will begin with Invocation, in
telling your Oversoul that you  are going to use both the Green Flame of the
Night Spirit Healing and the Night Flame to  reach Immortality.  Then, you
will move into the next phase, that of meditation and the  Seventh Night
Power. You will use the same meditation on both the subjects of Healing  and
Immortality.  You already have learned how to do it for Healing.  You then
will begin  with meditation on Immortality. You shall dwell on the Immortal
Oversoul within you.   Then, you shall take this meditation into the Seventh
Night Power.

Thus, you shall do more then just meditate on Immortality, you shall come to
know the  very essence of Immortality.  You shall absorb that essence of
Immortality into your Inner Awareness and become Immortal.  So first, the
meditation on the Healing Oversoul, then  the meditation on the Immortal
Oversoul.  You take both of these meditations into the  Seventh Power and you
are ready to continue, in Night  Consciousness, with the Night  Body. You will
use the very same procedure in acquiring the Night Body as I have  outlined in
Night Healing. Since this is Self-healing and Immortality that you are
learning,  you will omit the use of the Night Energy Beam.  You are going to
retain the Energies of  the Night Flames.  Then, you will continue the
procedure, by invoking the Emerald Green  Flame as you did in the last topic.
Once you have used the Green Flame sufficiently, as to  feel cleansed of all
imperfections and afflictions, then you are ready to invoke the Black  Flame.
The invocation for the Black Flame in this case is as follows:

"I am the Presence of the Oversoul  and I am invoking the powerful Black Night
Flame to transmute the human body to an Eternal Oversoul Body.  I behold the
Night Flame  entering within my three material forms and Purifying,
Transmuting, and being made  wholly into the Night Soul of Life.  I am filled
with the Transmuting Night Flame that is  changing my material form into the
Everlasting Form of the Oversoul.  I am Eternal in the  Oversoul; that which I
am shall never experience physical death again; I AM Immortal as  the Oversoul
in the Oversoul Body.  So be it."

Then, you shall bathe in the Black Night Flame, until you have become Bodily
Immortal in  the Oversoul.  This is transmutation. You are Immortal in Soul
and can be in material  form.

Whether you are able to achieve the Immortality of your mortal form or not,
you are  forever Immortal in Soul and Night Spirit. You are very close to the
end of Fire Magick.   You have come a very long way on the road of Night
Magick.  Yet, in Magickal Reality,  you have only begun to learn a small
portion of the lore of Night Magick.  You have only  just begun the trek
towards Home. Still, there must be an ending to your first studies in  Night
Magick, so I will close with the final topic on the past, present, and future
of Night  Magicians.

49.  Night Magicians: Past, Present, and Future 

This is the concluding topic in the lore of Night Magick.  You have gone
through all the elements of Night Magick.  You have covered Earth, Water, Air,
and Fire and have learned  the basics of each.  Yet, in actuality, you have
hardly scratched the surface.  You have  only just begun to learn Night
Magick.  There is still so much more to learn.

There is no end to the body of knowledge that is Night Magick. You must always
search  for knowledge and wisdom wherever it may be, for this is Night Magick.
No Night  Magician ever stops learning or comes to know it all.  You will
always be unfolding the  Night Powers that lie within you.  For your final
topic, as in the beginning, I would like to  speak once more about Night

I would like to present the Night Magicians of the past, giving their origin,
purpose, and  names; of the present, again speaking of their origin and
purpose; the future, taking a  glimpse of what might be.  To begin this
presentation, I would like to discuss the Night  Magicians of the Past.

In the beginning of distant civilization the Dragon Tiamat taught humankind
the  knowledge and wisdom of Night Magick. Civilizations flourished under
Night Magick and  the Earth was a beautiful and wonderful place.  Then came
the invasion by the Yang and  the destruction of the Yin civilizations.  But
even among the Yang gods and goddesses  there were the Yin.

Among the gods and goddesses were Set, Isis, Nuit, Loki, Pan, Cybele, Hecate,
Kali,  Bacchus, and others who were known to give the other gods and goddesses
trouble.   Among humankind the Night Religions and Night Magick continued.

There are the worshippers and practitioners of the dark religions of the above
listed gods  and goddesses.  There are also the ancient religions of the
Druids and the North and  South American Indians.  There are the religions of
Africa and other so-called dark  continents. There is Voodoo.  Many of these
continue to remain in existence today.   There are also individual
practitioners of the past.

There are Night Magicians such as Abra Melin, and Abraham the Jew, Cagliostro,
Althotas, Comte de Sainte-Germain, Aleister Crowley, Baian, Jeanne Belloc, Dr.
Lamb,  Marie Le Normand, Henry Cornelius Agrippa, Paracelsus, Jacob Boehme,
Eliphas Levi,  Marie Laveau, Alexander Seton, and William Butler Yeats.

There are also Night Magicians of the present, but I cannot name them here.
This is still  very much a Yang world with great hatred for those devoted to
the world of Night Magick.   So all I will say is that Night Magicians can be
found in all walks of life.  There are no  barriers to those of the Night
World.  What all Night Magicians have in common is the  preparation for the

The future of humankind is bleak.  With the pollution and rape of this world
by humankind the Earth will soon rid itself of much of the cancer that is
causing its death.  There are  many predictions about when this period of life
is going to happen.  Prophets have been  forecasting this event and the time
of its happening for ages.  But determining the exact  date of this happening
is like trying to forecast the first snowfall of the winter.  There are a
great deal of things that determine when it will first snow, and so with this
event.  I can  say that some of the signs of this happening have already begun
to manifest.

There has been an increasingly large number of natural disasters. There has
and will  continue to be a large number of shifts going on within the Earth.
This will give  earthquakes, volcanoes, and the rising and lowering of land.
There will be terrible storms  that will cause widespread destruction.  There
will be flooding, extremes of heat and cold,  draughts and all kinds of out of
the ordinary weather changes.  There will be a great deal  of panic and terror
among the citizenry.  The skies will have a very unusual glow to them  and be
of a reddish black hue.  There will be great shifts in the land with some
rising and  others falling. Some of the land will be covered with water and
other portions, currently  under water, will rise up into the open air.  Not
only will the land be undergoing a major  shift, but there will also be
political and social upheaval.  This is a time of the Earth's  balancing the
large amounts of karma that humankind has created. It is a time of  correcting
the harm that humankind has done to the body of the planet itself.  This is
not  presented here to bring panic and fear into anyone's heart. It is
presented in an explicit  manner so you can do something about it.

Futures don't have to be written in stone.  They can be changed. You can help
the future  to change by practicing Night Magick. It is a way of preparing
yourself for the changes  about to take place.  There is much you have learned
in Night Magick that can help you  prepare. You could use psychometry to find
a safe place to be when the trouble begins.   You can learn to give the Earth
healing energy and give back to it vitality it has lost.  You  can stop any
destructive practices which cause further harm to the Earth.  You can be part
of many voices trying to change the way the Earth is slowly being destroyed.
You can use  Night Magick to influence those who make decisions.  The future
is an odd thing.

Sometimes you can look forward and feel what is ahead, but it is always based
upon the probabilities, or possibilities that will open up before you.  If you
could stand high upon a mountain and look at your future, it would seem like
there are many roads that lay before  you and all the choices that determine
which road you take are yours to choose.  You  would find that even from your
lofty height, you could not see the end of the road you  chose, or its
outcome.  But one road you have already chosen will insure a bright future.
Of course this is the Night Road of a Night Magician.

To travel the Night Road you must have a desire to learn and a willingness to
experiment.   You must be adventurous and love excitement and the unusual.
You must be willing to  be tested and trials will come your way.  But the
outcome of traveling the Night Road  leads to victory in life. The Night Road
leads to the Night Magician's Dream.

A Night Magician's Dream  

Picture if you will a Land of Enchantment; a Land of Honor, Strength, and
Energy.  The  Land of the Night Magicians.  This is the Land in which your
dreams evolve from within.   Reality is seen through your Night Eye and felt
through your Night Heart. You are as rich  as your Soul is in the Eternal
Night.  You are as young as the Oversoul is within you.   Search within your
heart, within the Heart of Creativity, and become the Living Oversoul.  The
Night Magician is, knows, and becomes all.  They exist within all things; such
is the  Night Consciousness of the Oversoul in them.  They are free of
self-limitations and control  the world of form, and the things found in it.
They are Pure in Night Spirit. They transcend  all things: space, time, and
the world around them.

Believe as you will; what you are is all that is; what you will be is limited
by yourself; this  is your creed and your life as it is within you.  No longer
bound by the limitations of a  Yang, past world, you are the Progress of a New
Age, an Age of the Night World.  You are  the Foundation of Time and Space.
You are the Strength of the Night Spirit.  If only in the  hearts of all, you
were what you felt when you dream, then there could exist no wrong  ideas.

There is potential in thought and ideas, and it is for Humanity to bring them
out of the  Void. Only Humanity can be what they believe their selves to be.
They cannot be what  they don't believe is possible to be.  Freedom begins in
thought and when Manifest in  Action can be Truth as the Night Spirit sees the
Truth: focused on a Point in Time;  balanced on the Edge of Infinity.

Believe in yourself and your ability to succeed in all things. Only you
control you; only you  can find happiness; only you make the destiny that lies
before you.  You are a Channel for  the Eternal Night; use this right, and
bring forth into your world the Energy of the Night  and make Humanity what
They can be as the Night Spirit Wills.  You are the strength of  the Earth and
only you can open the Doorway to your Success.  Be what you Believe, and  be
what you can be, for no one can limit, another.  You can only limit Yourself.
The  challenge of life is to know thyself; to know how one limits another, and
how to be all you  can be in life and Night Magick.

The Night Magician is the Knower, the Doer, and is the Night Spirit within all
things.   There Responsibility lies with the Night Spirit and the Oversoul.
They are the Heart of all  things, bringing Humanity into harmony with Nature,
and the world into harmony with the  Night Spirit.

You are the One who becomes Your Dreams; who is unlimited by Your Energy for
all  things, for Your Energy is Boundless and Eternal. No longer in this world
is the Door shut  to this One; the One who has become the Night Magician.



1.  Invocation for the Night Magician's Pillar of Protection.  

I am a Night Magician surrounded in a Pillar of Night Energy that cannot be
penetrated.  It repels all energy that would harm me. It repels all thoughts
and emotional energy of my enemies. Through the Power of my Oversoul, I am
protected in a Pillar of Night Energy  and cannot be harmed.  May this Night
Pillar remain around me at all times keeping me  out of harms way.  So be it.

2.  Ritual Invocations

Each ritual will begin by your stepping into the Night Circle and putting on
your Night Weapons and Cape.  After this place the Night Pillar around you.
Do not leave the Circle  until the end of the ritual and be sure and
re-enforce the Night Pillar around and through  you before leaving the Night
Circle.  Go through the actions of consecrating the Night  Circle with earth,
water, air, and fire each time.  Fill the chalice, say the invocation, and
drink the wine each time.  Then always ring the bell and summon the Night
Deities.    These are the basic procedures you will begin each ritual which
takes place within the  Night Circle.

Now pick up the bell and ring it six times in each major direction, that is
North, South,  East and West.  Then repeat the following invocation, "I who am
(give your Night Name)  summon the Presence of all Deities in the Night Force
to attend my ritual of Eternal Night.   We now stand in the Eternal Night
beyond time and space.  Come and witness my Ritual  of the Night".

After this, pick up the salt container, and repeat the following: "By my
sacred name, (give  your Night Name), through the Presence of my Oversoul and
the Eternal Earth Deities, I  invoke the Earth Night Power into this container
of salt and now place the salt upon the  earth to mark the boundary of my
sacred circle." Visualize the Earth Deities filling the  vessel with their
power. Pinch a little salt lightly between your fingers dropping it on the
floor over the cord going completely around the circle.  BE CAREFUL NOT TO
container  back on the Night Altar and pick up the crystal bowl of water.

Repeat the following: "May the Presence of my Oversoul and the Eternal Water
Deities fill  this water and container and endow it with the Water Night
Power."  Visualize the Water  Deities of the Earth filling the vessel with the
power.  With your left hand dip it into the  water and sprinkle lightly the
boundary you have already marked with the salt.  Place the  water bowl back on
the altar and pick up the incense burner.  Repeat the following: "Let the
Presence of the Four Winds of the Earth enter into the  incense burner filling
it with Air Night Power".   Now face each direction, rotating
counterclockwise, and see the Presence of each Wind Deity enter into the
incense burner.   Then circle four times in a counterclockwise manner around
and within the Magick Circle.   Place the incense burner back on the Night
Altar and pick up the candle.

Repeat the following:  "May the Presence of my Oversoul and the Fire Deities
of the Earth  place their sacred flame here within my candles and upon my
Night Altar."   See the Fire  Deities come and dance around the flames and
upon your altar.  Place the candle back  where it came from and pick up the
chalice of wine or juice.  Repeat the following: "Let the Presence of my
Oversoul and the Eternal Darkness enter  into the liquid and fill it with the
Power of the Eternal Night.  May this elixir give me  strength, healing, and
courage each day of my life."  Feel the Power flow through you and  into the
chalice.  See the energy collect and concentrate till the chalice glows with
Night  Energy. Now face each direction and repeat the following:  "Thank you
Night Deities for your attendance at this sacred Night Rite.  May we ever
serve the Eternal Powers of Darkness  here on Earth and the Omniverse forever.
So be it."

At this point stop and re-enforce your Night Pillar and then take off all your
Night  Weapons and place them back upon the Night Altar.  Leave the cord in
place on the floor.

3.  Invocation to Night Magick.  

I,(give your Night Name), commit my all to the Oversoul and the Night Spirit
within, and to  the dedication of my Magickal Energies to the practice of
Night Magick.  I dedicate myself  to the Oversoul within and to my union with
it in Night Consciousness.  May these Night  Tools and Weapons serve me ever
in this cause. So be it.

4. Invocation to the Cosmic Being of the(insert-direction).  

I invoke the Great Powers of the Cosmic Being of the (insert direction) to
flow into my  being. Fill me with the Cosmic Power of (insert element).  Renew
me in the Power of  Night Consciousness.  Make me a Being of Cosmic Yin Light.
Guide me upon the Road of  Night Magick."

5.  Invocation for Night Projection.  

On this day ___, I am going to Night Project.  I am going to travel in the
Astral Realm and remember all that I see and do.  I will recall all of this
after I have returned to my body.   This I will do and won't fail."

6.  Night Invocation on Earth.  

Let the Earth be filled with the Presence of the Night.  I honor the Presence
of the Night in  all I say and do.  By the Night all things are given, by the
Night all enemies removed.  By  the Yin Light of the Moon I shall walk the
Night Road on Earth in power, and glory and  victory forever. So be it.

7.  Hymn of the Nights.  

I am the Dark Sun that radiates Night Energy in the night.  I am filled with
Darkness and Energy and all those who gaze on me become the like.  I am the
Pure Essence of  Oversoul in the form of the Dark Sun.  I am no longer feeling
the material form.  I have  become transcendent and translucent and know
myself as Pure Night Energy.  I am not  this physical form but a Body of Pure
Yin Light.  I AM the Night Magician, Eternal in the  Light of the Night
Spirit.  I AM the Night Magician.

8.  Invocation for the Night Body.

I am the Night Soul that glows in the darkness of the night.  I am Night
Energy and all  those who gaze on me become the like.  I am the Pure Essence
of the Oversoul in the  form of a Dark Sun.  I am no longer feeling the
material form.  I am becoming  transcendent and translucent and know myself as
Pure Night Energy.  I am not this  physical form but a Body of Pure Night
Energy.  I am the Night Magician, Eternal in the  Light of the Night Spirit.
I AM the Night Magician within my Night Body.

9.  Invocation for Night Healing.

I am the Night Presence of the Oversoul.  I call upon that Presence to pass
through me  and to (person's name or thing to be healed).  The (person or
thing) requires the Healing  Power of the Night Oversoul to correct the (wrong
or name the specific condition).  As I am  performing the act of Night Healing
raise me into your Night Consciousness and let the  healing be done.  So be

10.  Invocation for Transmutation by the Black Night Flame.

I am the Presence of the Oversoul  and I am invoking the powerful Black Night
Flame to transmute the human body to an Eternal Oversoul Body.  I behold the
Night Flame  entering within my three material forms and Purifying,
Transmuting, and being made  wholly into the Night Soul of Life.  I am filled
with the Transmuting Night Flame that is  changing my material form into the
Everlasting Form of the Oversoul.  I am Eternal in the  Oversoul; that which I
am shall never experience physical death again; I AM Immortal as  the Oversoul
in the Oversoul Body.  So be it.

11.  Invocation of the Black Night Flame.  

By the Presence of the Oversoul within me I am invoking the Great Black Flame
of the Oversoul's Purity and Perfection through me. I AM seeing this Black
Flame descending  from above and filling my being with Its Essence and Power.
I AM then placing it here  before me on the Altar of the Night, there to
collect and concentrate into a blazing Night  Black Flame.  Now, oh blazing
Night Black Flame, I AM commanding thee by the Power of  the Presence of the
Oversoul in me, to obey my Will as the Oversoul on Earth.

12.  Invocation of the Violet Night Flame.  

I AM the Oversoul on Earth and I AM invoking the Violet Night Flame of
Transmutation.  I  AM seeing this Violet Night Flame descending from my own
Night Soul and entering  within me transmuting all that I AM into the Night
Soul.  All negation and inharmony is  removed from by being and replaced with
Pure Night Energy.  I AM the Violet Night Flame  and all who see with me are
alive with the Violet Night Flame and so Transmuted, Purified  and forever
13.  Invocation of the Blue Night Flame.   

I AM the Oversoul on Earth, and I AM invoking the Peace and Harmony of the
Blue Night Flame.  I AM seeing this Blue Flame of the Night Spirit's Peace and
Harmony descending  out of my the Night Soul and into that which I AM.  I AM
focusing this Blue Flame here  before me on the Altar of the Nights.  I AM the
Blue Night Flame here in Oversoul Action  giving Peace and Harmony to all.

14.  Invocation of the Green Night Flame.   

By the Power of the Presence of the Oversoul within the Night Heart, I am
invoking the  Green Flame of the Oversoul Healing.  I am seeing this Green
Flame of the Oversoul  Healing filling my Night Being.  I AM seeing it before
the Great Silver Night Disk  becoming concentrated, magnified, and intensified
until it glows as an Emerald Green  Night.

15.  Invocation of the Yellow Night Flame.  

Through the Night Oversoul within me I AM invoking the Power of the Night
Flame of  Wisdom and Intelligence.  I AM filled with these three Magickal
Qualities and know, and  see, all that the Night Soul sees.  And I AM
surrounding myself and the world around me  in the Yellow Night Flame of
Wisdom and Intelligence.

16.  Invocation of the Orange Night Flame.  

I draw from out of the sun the Orange Night Flame.  With this Night Flame I
empower the  world around me with energy.  I Am protected from the Orange
Night Flame by the Power  of the Night.

17.  Invocation of the Red Night Flame.  

Through the Presence of the Oversoul in me and the Power of the Night Guild I
AM commanding the Red Flame of the Night into my world and being.  I AM the
Red Flame of  the Night in Action on Earth today and forever.

18.  Invocation of the Rainbow Night Flame.  

I AM the composite of the Night Flames in Action on Earth.  I AM the Night
Soul in Consciousness and by the Night Consciousness I AM invoking the Total
Power of the Night Flames embodied in the Rainbow Flame.  I AM commanding this
Night Flame into  existence by the Will of the Eternal Darkness.  And by my
Oversoul Consciousness the  Rainbow Flame is sustained and placed into Night
Action by Night Direction.  I AM the  Action of the Rainbow Flame.  I AM the
Rainbow Night Flame.



Candle color is arranged by the basic force the Night Teachers are aligned
with.   Remember that the two front candles are always black for the second
Water Rite.  So  here is the color candles to use with the particular force
and teachers.

Use midnight blue and red candles for the First Force of the Will and Power of
the Night  Spirit. This includes the Keeper Asmodeus and Azazel, Leviathan,
Santanas, and Amon.

Use two midnight blue candles for the Second Force of the Wisdom of the Night
Spirit.   This includes the Keeper Kali and Lucifuge Rofocale, Belial, and

Use two black candles for the Third Force of the Energy of the Night Spirit.
This includes  the Keeper Baal and Endor, Abraxas, and Balan.

Use two red candles for the Fourth Force of Balance, Dignity, and Purity.
This includes  the Keeper Lilith and Astaroth, Nisroch, and Bensozia.

Use two yellow candles for the Fifth Force of Knowledge.  This includes the
Keeper Dagon  and Agares, John Dee, Bifrons, Belphegor, and Alocer.

Use red and violet candles for the Sixth Force of Devotion.  This includes the
Keeper  Lucifer and Moloch, Astartes, and Marie Laveau.

Use two violet candles for the Seventh Force of Beauty and Action of the Night
Spirit.  This includes the Keeper Hecate and Aleister Crowley, Armida,
Cagliostro, Baphomet, and  Eliphas Levi.