A Time to Sow
ICLnet Guide to Christian Missions on the Internet

v 1.32
Part 4 of 17
October 10, 1997
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4. Organizations: CHR

"Reaching The Nations with the message of Christ's Redeeming Love and Grace." Christ to the Nations is working in Lithuania, The Philippines, Cuba and the USA. Their biggest need is new committed missionaries. Their mission is supporting many churches all over the world. The mission also has a support program, "Bless The Children", for the poorest children in Lithuania (400 children are in the program already). Information on line includes a specialized search utility to search Christian Research Institute Journal and Newsletters articles. Available is a list of staff members and a list of their mission churches. Lithuanian text files are available in compressed (.zip) form, and software utilities are also available for downloading. Included are The Gospel by John, Texts of Songs and Hymnals (both Lithuanian and English), Texts of more Songs (only in Lithuanian); Bible answers, by Dr. David L. Ralston (only in Lithuanian); Gospel by John studies, by Dr. David L. Ralston (only in Lithuanian); Personal testimonies about salvation (used in Bible studies by post), Different tracts from the Bible, and Picture files on a Bible topics. Also available is the on-line version of Christ to the Nations Newsletter.

CHRISTIAN AID [new 6/96]
Helping Indigenous Ministries Around the World. Half a century ago, one outstanding advocate of foreign missions was the network broadcaster and eminent Bible expositor, Donald Grey Barnhouse. In 1952 he journeyed around the world to visit missionaries and mission stations. Upon his return he shocked evangelical audiences across the nation with a startling prediction:"Within 20 years there will be no further need for American missionaries serving overseas as they have in the past." Christian Aid has served as a communications link between U.S. churches and native missionary ministries based in poorer countries overseas, especially those that are closed to missionaries from America. Over four decades, a competant staff of qualified professionals has traveled millions of miles to visit and evaluate indigenous missions in the most remote places on earth. Christian Aid staff now have information on about 6000 different ministries, of which more than 500 have been fully evaluated and approved for support. These groups have a combined total of more than 30,000 missionaries on the field. They operate over 200 Bible institutes and missionary training centers. None are branches of foreign denominations or organizations. All are fully indigenous within the area where their work is located. Missionary minded churches in America are encouraged to "adopt a mission board" by choosing a specific indigenous mission and sending support for it through Christian Aid. This well organized web site provides a good overview of the concept of growing mission involvement through the indigenous Church. The site provides information about its involvement in India, Africa, The Middle East, Latin America, Eastern Europe, the former USSR, The Philippines, China, and Southeast Asia. Recommended.
Index/Contents: http://www.christianaid.org/camindex.htm
Christian Aid of Canada: http://www.niagara.com/~camcan/
Hearing Africa's Heartbeat: http://www.christianaid.org/africa.htm

The opening page of the C&MA site branches out to other pages: Churches (which includes an international list of connections to Alliance Churches); Missions (which includes related organizations and projects of the CM&A); and, Unreached (which serves as an Unreached People Resource Index). Also highlighted from the main page are an abundance of links to a host of information files describing C&MA's Denomination, Mission, Churches, CM&A Colleges and Seminary, Publications and C&MA Participation Pages. CM&A very large Unreached People Resource Index itemizes Unreached People groups in need of people group profiles, to which qualified researchers may wish to contribute. More information about How to Adopt an Unreached People, and connections to Other Research Sources is provided. The Alliance Churches Section includes a large number of connections arranged in the following manner: Newest Alliance Churches, District Offices, Alliance Quizzing, Alliance by States, Churches in Canada, and Australia, World Alliance Churches, and New Untested Alliance Links. The Missions Section includes information about the CM&A Within Our Reach Program, Weekly Alliance Requests Online, Missionary Prayer Cards Online, Missionary Newsletters (including Missionaries, Prayer Journeys, Praying Through the 1040 Window, and Links to Other Missions Pages), Opportunities for Short Term Missions, and CM&A Missions in South America, Brazil, and Portugal. The section for Unreached is detailed in the next entry within this guide, Within Our Reach. Highly Recommended.

An excellent resource for people who wish to become more involved in missions. Find more information about the CM&A's Within Our Reach Program. Goals include 166+ CM&A Unreached People Profiles and 1800+ Unreached People Index and Profiles. Also provided are Country statistics and Profiles from Operation World, Religious Profiles (under development at the time of our survey), and Maps of People Groups. Find a host more of informative documents under the following sections: Biblical Basis of Reaching Unreached Peoples; Other Adopting Congregations; How to Adopt a People; Working and Networking for Unreached Peoples; Praying for Unreached Peoples; and, Publications on Reaching the Unreached. There are on line versions of Parousia! Let's Awake! newsletter (detailed in the newsletters and journals section of this guide), and information on how to subscribe to various Parousia e-mail conferences. Highly Recommended.
CM&A Home Page: http://www.goshen.net/alliance/welcome.htm

Christian Artists Finland CAF is a non-profit organisation, aiming to bring artists and art lovers and friends together, to support their identity based on christian faith and ethics, and to promote interaction of art with cultural and society life. CFA has a role of building the Finnish relations with corresponding organisations in other countries.

Christian Artists Finland CAF on rekisteröity yhdistys, jonka tarkoituksena on koota taiteilijoita sekä taiteen harrastajia jaystäviä, tukea heidän identiteettiään kristillisen uskon ja el�m�nkatsomuksen pohjalta sek� edist�� taiteen vuorovaikutusta muun kulttuurin ja yhteiskunnan kanssa. Toimintatavoista enemm�n s��nn�iss� ja luonteesta my�s oheisessa kirjoituksessa.

...Networking Businesses and Executives in more than 65 nations ...expanding the Kingdom of God in the Marketplace ...building up its members and serving the needs of others ...and more... The Christian Business Network is an extension of the International Christian Chamber of Christ whose aim is to put the Kingdom of God as the first priority in our business lives and to teach and train men and women to respond to the biblical challenge of a walk with Christ in the market-place. ICCC chairman and founder Gunnar Olson often speaks about " a release under the Lordship of Christ" when he is teaching. Drawing on insights and wisdom from walking with the Lord in his own business life, coupled with the foundational Word of God, he wants to show that, through the redemptive work of Jesus, there is indeed a freedom from slavery to be experienced also in our professional and business lives. The door into that freedom is Jesus, and is accessed through faith in Him. ICCC is represented in all continents of the world with members in over 65 nations. National ICCC chambers have been established in countries such as Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, U.K., France, Switzerland, Romania, The Faroe Islands, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Togo, Nigeria, Congo, Cameroun, Gabon, Zaire, South Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, USA, Colombia, Canada, Latvia, Kazachstan and New Zealand. Provided on site, in addition to detailed information about ICCC and an extensive calendar of ICCC events, is information for locating Key Business Resources, Key Christian Resources, World News Resources, and Search Resources on line.
ICCC on CIN: http://www.i-c-c-c.com/

Our way of living and working in daily life expresses our calling. As we make ourselves and everything we have available to God, His blessings will overflow in our lives and His plan for us will be thus realised. One of the foundations for the freedom and independence of a nation, is a self-sufficient agricultural base providing the country's needs for quality nutrition. There are forces at work today within the various agricultural sectors attempting to break them down and thereby create an unhealthy state of dependence. The Christian Farmers want to expose these forces. Through their lives, families and work, yielded to God, we want to show the possibilities of agriculture that is submitted to the dominion of Christ. Christian Farmers has a calling to walk within its field with a prophetic clear-sightedness, and to prepare as forerunners in these times when nations are shaking and uncertain. Christian Farmers work through Literature (The Trumpet etc.), conferences and local meetings in order to inspire, encourage and teach according to the light that comes forth from the Word of God through the revelation of the Holy Spirit. Assisting people in special need (individuals or groups) either individually or through training programmes or projects. Christian Farmers is a section of the International Christian Chamber of Commerce (ICCC). - Adapted from the introduction, The Christian Farmers.
ICCC Main Page: http://www.iccc.net/

A well organized and very helpful homeschool information site originating on the Christian Interative Network (CIN). The developers of this site provide plenty of information via the internet, and also more information on how to join a large array of conferences through CompuServe subscription. This web site provides information organized as follows: The Information Desk (Getting Started, Homeschool FAQs; and, Homeschool Lists, including books, magazines, catalogs, typical and unusual days, Sciptures); Family Lounge (Favorite tips and inspiration, Reviews, descriptons of CHF Online Conferences on CompuServe, and Online book discussions and studies); and, Convention Center (including information files about the Christian Homeschool Forum, and the Christian Interactive Network). Recommended.

A detailed description is unavailable at this time. An English language presentation is planned.

An article included in the Protestant Reformed Theological Journal, Vol. 30, No.2 (1996:Nov.). Protestant Reformed Theological School. Recommended.
Protestant Reformed Theological Journal: http://www.iserv.net/~prc/prtj/index.html
Protestant Reformed School: http://www.iserv.net/~prc/seminary.html

Information at this site includes direct links to SIM, however this archive distinguishes itself as a ministry in Christian mission networking information. Included are links to other missions web sites, e-mail links to mission organizations on the internet, a prayer request section, letters and thoughts on missions, missionary biography, events, links to commercial sites related to missions, and resources for world Christians, including very important international news sources.

Maintained by Steve Hayes, the purpose of this page is to provide links to, or information about, electronic communications networks for Christians in Africa, and especially Southern Africa. Most of the links are to Web pages, but information about other means of communication, such as bulletin board networks, is also included. Contents are ordered in the following fashion: African web sites, Church web sites, Education and training, Mission and evangelism, Church, society and culture, History and research, Liturgy, music and worship, Books and publications, Monasteries and other Christian communities, Links to other continents, Personal links, Non-Christian religions & philosophies, Bulletin Board Systems (BBSs), Miscellaneous, and, Best of their kind.

This site has been assembled to promote communication from within the CRC, to be an introduction for others who wish to know more about the CRC, and for those who wish to know more about Jesus Christ. Provided is "A Contemporary Testimony" authorized by the 1986 CRC Synod, a response to the secularization of modern life and culture. Documents and/or news stemming from the 1995 and 1996 Synod of the Christian Reformed Church are included on this site. There is a section that provides documents explaining the positions and goals of the CRC, and another that includes historic creeds and confessions upheld by CRC. A substantial archive of CRWRCybernews, a publication of the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee is made available. Other publications include the full text of "The Bible and Islam: Sharing God's Word With a Muslim", by Bassam Michael Madany, a Back to God Hour publication. A link to Today Online, another Back to God Hour ministry, is also provided. There are links to local and regional CRC member sites. Steve Tryon has also provided archive space to house the CRC-VOICES FAQ, an adjunct to the discussion list being distributed from Calvin College.

The Christian Research Institute has established an official site on the internet. The site will eventually include sections providing Free Resources, Other CRI Resources Available, Ask the Bible Answer Man Online, Listen to the Bible Answer Man, The Christian Research Journal, and More About CRI. At the time of our survey there are form based utilities allowing users to order Free Resources, or to order many, many other CRI publications. There is also an online contact form for presenting questions to CRI staff members. CRI has provided an exhaustive list of available publications under the following topics: Angels, Apologetics, Astrology, Bible (General), Branham, William, Charismatic Issues (General), Children of God/ The Family, Christadelphianism, Christian Doctrine (General) Christian Living (General), Christian Research Institute, Christian Research Journal, Church Universal and Triumphant, Computers/ Computer Software, Cults (General), Eschatology, "est" Seminars (The Forum), Faith Movement, Foreign Language Materials, Freemasonry, Jehovah's Witnesses, "Kingdom Now" Theology, Liberalism, Local Church/ Witness Lee, Martin Under Fire, Mind Sciences/ New Thought, Moral and Ethical Issues, Mormonism, New Age Movement/ Neopaganism, Oneness Pentecostalism, Origins/ Science and Christianity, Reincarnation, Roman Catholicism, Rosicrucianism, Salvation/ Evangelism, Scientology, Self-Esteem/ Robert Schuller, Self-Realization Fellowship, Seventh-Day Adventism, Spiritual Warfare/ Occult/ Satanism, Transcendental Meditation, UFOs, Unification Church, Unitarianism, Way International, and, World Religions. CRI has also included an online contact form. Highly recommended.

CRI is the leading international organization providing apologetics and addressing concerns regarding cults and abberant Christian groups. Provided at this unofficial site is a substantial archive of CRI Journal, CRI Newsletter, and BBS-FYI articles. These are carefully researched authorative documents. Highly recommended
FTP Access: ftp://iclnet93.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/cri/
CRI OFFICIAL SITE: http://www.equip.org/

A project of the Computer Aides Ministry Society, headed by Greg Slade, the CTT incorporates an immense amount of current information of use to ministries who wish to use on-line services or go on line. The stated purpose of CTT is to gather all of the information possible on electronic communications, and make it available to churches and other Christian organisations in a convenient format. That is the reason for the Christian Telecommunications Toolkit. The Christian Telecommunications Toolkit will be a book with articles on general aspects of telecommunications..." Included on site are sections of the Toolkit, including inforation on: BBS Networks, Commercial Systems, Using FAX modems, a Christian and Messianic Jewish BBS List, Lists of Discussion Areas, a FAX/E-mail Directory of Christian Organizations, Software for the Toolkit, a Glossary of Telecommunications Terms and Online Shorthand, etc. As with all of Greg's work, this information is extremely well articulated, and despite the technical nature of the subjects presented, easily understood and, yes, even entertaining. Read the book!
aFTP: ftp://bible.acu.edu/technology/ctt/
Gopher: gopher://bible.acu.edu/11gopher_root%3a%5bTechnology.CTT%5d
CAMsoc: http://bible.acu.edu/ctt/camsoc.htm

The Christian Zone!! is a set of local and internet resources provided through the work of James MacDonnell from the University of Edinbourgh. Mr. MacDonnell has provided a number of interesting personal resources. Included are his testimony, and a review of his 6-week stay in Papua New Guinea under the auspices of New Tribes. (Anyone considering a visit to PNG or neighboring areas or who has ever been in the area will appreciate James' account.) Another file, called Four Persons provides a lesson about responsibility. Despite its simplicity, it still made this Christian stop and think. There is a poem for suffering disciples, God Hath Not Promised. Mr. MacDonnell also provides a number of internet links under section for Quiet Time, Bible Study, Christian Radio (which also references radio ministries that do not yet have an internet presence), and Missions. He has collected a great set of links for mission related sites. Which brings us back to the six weeks in Papua New Guinea. The pages represented here are not impersonnel pages. They represent something special and personal from James MacDonnell. It is not the wonder of web page building that has made this set of pages something more than a set of web pages. It is the wonder of God in a Christian life. May we recommend a visit.

From Greece, this site features connections to Radio Station 93.9 FM, a Hellenic Christian Radio program. It provides the first Hellenic Christian newspaper, Christianity, in Greek, English and Spanish languages. Forthcoming will be an edition of the Bible in ancient Greek text. More information will include the history and related information of the Free Apostolic Church of Pentecost. To read portions of the information on this site, the administrators also provide downloadable access for Greek fonts. The pastor is a cardiologist who was converted to Christ in 1946, called ten years later to serve the Lord as pastor of Free Apostolic Church of Pentecost (FAPC) which is rapidly expanding itself abroad. Churches have been established in Germany, Belgium, Nigeria, and USA where in 1995 the first Greek American convention took place, in Warren. Ohio.

English and Welsh languages. Christians Against Torture (CAT) is a growing voluntary human-rights organisation, affiliated to Amnesty International and working 'under the umbrella' of Cytun (the Council of Churches in Wales). CAT campaigns on behalf of "adopted" political prisoners or issues, publishing details of these campaigns through "Action Sheets" with updates appearing in their regular newsletters. Some CAT supporters are also members of Amnesty International's Urgent Action Scheme. Information about CAT's campaigns is posted at the web site. Campaigns include: Greetings (sending messages of hope to prisoners); Street Children; Disappearances; Urgent Action; and, Adopted Prisoners. Docuents available include: Why Christians Should Be Concerned About Human Rights Abuses; About Torture; How to Start a Christians Against Torture Group; How to Write Letters on Behalf of Prisoners...; and, Some Sample Letters. This organization has also made its latest newsletter available at the web site, and which is described in the Journals/ Newsletters section of this guide.

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