
Echo Flag :         Permanent: N       Export: N      Personal Read: N

 BBS: SWEDX           Conference: SHORTWAVE       Imported:  2/21/1993
  To: ALL                             Num: 9311       Date:  2/18/1993
From: REID KELLY                       Re:            Time: 11:05 am
Subj: New Antenna Tuner              Prvt: N          Read: N

Hello Wayne!
Friday February 12 1993, Wayne Sarosi writes to John Mudge:

        This is also worth asking for comments on.  Here
is a test case, though.  It is a simple Pi-network antenna tuner for MF/HF 
receiving applications.  Still a bit crude, but better than straight ascii 
characters. Also I would very much like to hear comments from all readers one 
way or the other in regard to using hi-bit ascii for purposes of diagramming 
things.  I am not in any manner advocating their use for cosmetic signatures, 
                 .01 mf      L1
      TO RCVR >**************************************************< TO ANT
                        *          *       >       * *****
                   365 ***>       ***>365  < 1 Meg ***    ***
                    pf ***        ***  pf  > 1/2 W   ***** *
                        *          *       <         1N914A *
      TO  GND >**************************************************< TO GND
      NOTE:  L1 will vary in size depending on frequency range desired.
      NOTE:  Voltage rating of components is not critical for receiving
      NOTE:  Connectors should be good quality coax connectors.
      NOTE:  Use a good earth ground, not water pipes.
      NOTE:  Tuner should be constructed in a shielded housing.
      NOTE:  1 Meg resistor is for static discharge.
      NOTE:  Back to back 1N914 diodes protect against strong local
             signals such as a transmitter in close proximity.
John Mudge
-!- FMail 0.92
 ! Origin:  -->point MUDGE bbs * V.32b * Shelton, WA  USA<-- (1:352/111)
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.11
--- GEcho 1.00/beta+
 * Origin: The CatWalk BBS  Davie, Fl  305-370-3528  ZyXel 16.8K V.32