Abstracts from files in info-mac/app/time as of Sun 20 Mar 2005 #### BINHEX a-clock.hqx **** From: "Isaiah" <isaiah@yourhead.com> Subject: aClock submission aClock -- A nicely rendered clock designed to look just like your iMac. Don't let you desktop go naked. #### BINHEX alarm-cd-20.hqx **** Subject: submit program Date: Wed, 9 Jun 99 22:09:39 -0700 This HyperCard stack allows your computer to act as a CD alarm clock and is designed to function in similar fashion to a standard alarm radio. #### BINHEX alarm-timer-10.hqx **** From: Michael Hanna <taojones@sympatico.ca> Subject: AlarmTimer1.0.dmg.hqx Alarm Timer is a useful repeating timer, and simple alarm clock. Use it as a reminder to get up and take rest, time your egg, an exercise timer or even run an AppleScript(R) after the time is up. What makes Alarm Timer different is that you can have it signal to you continuously, without the need to constantly close dialog boxes. For an alert sound you can choose any sound located on your computer, even an AAC file or MP3 file. Alarm Timer also serves as a simple alarm clock. Features � simple and easy-to-use interface � alert you via a sound, dialog box or window 'flash' � run an AppleScript� after the time is up, once or repeatedly � choose your own sound, including AAC or MP3, to signal or alarm you � set your signal or alarm message easily and intuitively � clock window can be virtually any size � have the timer/alarm run only from your dock, including a dock menu � your feature request here! Requires: Mac OS X 10.2 or higher Alarm Timer is $5USD shareware. You can use Alarm Timer as much as you wish, but after the 14-day evaluation period you'll be periodically notified of it's unregistered status. Contact Information Web Site: http://www.siddha.ca/software/ Order Online: Paypal: http://www.siddha.ca/software/17/alarm-timer Product Support: http://www.siddha.ca/software/17/alarm-timer Support and Feedback: michaelkhanna@gmail.com #### BINHEX aqua-calendar.hqx **** From: Daryl Hansen <daryl@MauiMail.com> Subject: Aqua_Calendar1.0.sit.hqx - Calendar Scheduling Application Re: Aqua_Calendar1.0.sit.hqx DESCRIPTION: Aqua Calendar is a calendar based scheduling application with daily, weekly, monthly and yearly views. You can also post a repeating schedule quickly and easily. Shareware $49 (Fully Functional, Non-Expiring) PRODUCT HPOME PAGE: http://store.alohasoftware.net/*ws4d-db-query-QuickShow?calendar AUTHOR'S EMAIL: daryl@macbox.com SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 1.) Power Macintosh or Mac OS computer with a PowerPC 601 processor or higher 2.) At least 16 MB of RAM 3.) A hard disk with at least 24 MB of free space 4.) A CD-ROM drive 5.) System 8.1 or later RELEASE DATE: 11/28/00 This program may be included in online file areas and archives. It may be distributed through user groups and shared with other users. CD-ROM publishers MUST contact me at daryl@macbox.com before including Aqua Calendar 1.0 on a CD-ROM product. #### BINHEX bab-chron.hqx **** From: Lars Gislen <larsg@thep.lu.se> Subject: BabChron BabChron Abstract BabChron is a (Classic) Macintosh application that relates dates in the Babylonian calendar with the Christian(Julian) calendar. The application can handle years from 626 BC to AD 75. The application is freeware. #### BINHEX background-calendar-10.hqx **** From: Saint John <StJ@brain-sucker.com> Subject: Background Calendar v1.0 Everyone needs a calendar. Not everyone needs a scheduling program. Background Calendar is a low-impact, easy-to-use solution for most needs. It has a lot of options, but once you like the way it looks, you don't have to fiddle with it any more. A lot of your computer experience is based on real artifacts. A word processor's measurement bar looks like a typewriter's margin slider. A database program may have a display like a Rolodex. To discard a document, we put it in the trash. This technique frees us from having to learn different ways of doing things when we're using a computer; it's good sound cognitive psychology. It's hard to beat a paper calendar for ease of use. All you have to do is hang it up where you'll see it when you need it, and remember to flip the page every month. You can write on it and check it easily to see what events you have coming up in the next two days, this day next week-- whatever. By comparison, scheduling programs require learning, have little to do with the way we use these existing artifacts, and must be specially launched-- they aren't always available. It is with this in mind that I wrote Background Calendar. The Desktop Picture is available at all times. Sure, it may be blocked by windows, but there are easy ways to get rid of them momentarily. So, Background Calendar is like a paper calendar: it's always available. If you have more than one screen, it's particularly handy to set it up on one of them which is left relatively uncluttered. Writing on it? Easy. We have another real-world artifact called the "Post-It Note." On the Macintosh, they exist as "Stickies." So: Why not use them as little "reminders" on a "calendar?" When run, Background Calendar will generate a calendar for the current month, with whatever options you have selected-- such as outlining the current date, applying colors, leaving margins, drawing on top of an existing desktop picture, and so forth-- and then sets the desktop picture of your preferred monitor to the result. You'll always have a current calendar at your fingertips! #### BINHEX better-alarms-20.hqx **** From: Charles Haspel <chaspel@kagi.com> Subject: BetterAlarms 2.0.0 BetterAlarms BetterAlarms is a program that reminds you of important events. It lets you set alarms to remind you of anything you want, by sending a dialog box warning and playing a sound at the desired date and time. Alarms can repeated on a daily, monthly, or yearly basis for different types of recurring events (such as birthdays and meetings). Category: MacOS Home & Business, Productivity, Utilities Keywords: Alarms, Reminder, Utility, Calendar, Time, Date Company: Charles Haspel Version: 2.0.0 Release date: 10/07/02 File size: 592K License: Shareware Price: $25.00 Minimum requirements: Mac OS 8.6 or greater, Mac OS X, Carbonized #### BINHEX beyond-all-date-12.hqx **** From: Michael Rathmann <rathmann@milesinfo.com> Subject: Version 1.2 of Beyond All Date Version 1.2 of Beyond All Date is now available. Beyond All Date is an incredible flexible calendar which includes holidays, moon phases, sun set and rise and a lot more information. Use alarms to remind you of important meetings, birthdays, events. Use a well designed task list to keep track of all your important activities. Beyond All Date allows you to specify repeatable and recurring events to handle any kind of appointments. Use Beyond All Date's AppleScript functionality to better suit it for your personal needs. Minimal configuration to install Beyond All Date Power PC Macintosh computer System 7.5 or higher 32 MB RAM #### BINHEX big-red-button.hqx **** From: Allan Udy <allan@golden.co.nz> Subject: Big Red Button Submission Big Red Button 1.5.1 The Big Red Button is a simple, freeware timer/stopwatch. Whether you will find this application useful or not, will depend very much on how you work at your computer. The program itself was designed to solve one very specific requirement that I had-I needed a very quick and easy way to start recording a block of time, while sitting in front of my computer. Other timing apps can be great and very useful. I continually use TimeSlice by Maui Software, and this has one very useful function-after several minutes of inactivity the timer automatically turns off. This means if I get up from my desk to make a cup of coffee, the timer does not continue to record time against the project that I'm working on. However, there are times, such as when the phone rings, or when someone walks into my office when the 'auto-pause' feature of TimeSlice is not what I need. In these cases I need some form of stopwatch to record the amount of time I spend in this unexpected activity-thus the Big Red Button was born. Double-click the application and it will start timing. Press the start/stop button to turn it on/off. The top portion of the window is editable, so you can modify times, add notes and so on. The notes section can be printed, or you can use drag and drop to drag it someplace else. Simple. Probably been done a million times before. System Requirements The Big Red Button will run on all PowerPC-based Macintosh computers. It requires 800K of free RAM, and a minimum of System 7.1. A version for Windows 95 (minimum) is also available. #### BINHEX busstop-121.hqx **** From: RoboDog <robodog@geocities.co.jp> Subject: busstop-121.hqx BusStop is a clock. But its way of displaying a time is unusual. Let's suppose that you are watching a busstop from an opposite side of a street. As there's an excellent bus service in a town, a bus comes every five minutes. You can see a route number, persons, sparrows and a bench. The route number indicates an hour. A person comes every one minute. A sparrow appears every five minutes. A bench has an ad on its back. It changes everyday. You can set your strings for it. Enjoy! #### BINHEX cal-x-11.hqx **** From: Karl Kornel <kornel.1@osu.edu> Subject: cal.X 1.1 cal.X is a Cocoa-based program, displaying a window showing the current month. Users can jump to past and future months and years, as well as jumping back to the current month. If the current month is being displayed, todays date will be highlighted yellow. Any space in the calendar not being taken up by the current month will be used to display dates from adjoining months (using a grey text color). Users can write a small note for each day of each month. Clicking on a day in the calendar highlights it blue and displays the note for the day (if any). Days with notes attached will be highlighted in a light grey color. If there is a note for todays date, it will be displayed when the program is launched. Software and source code are available from the cal.X homepage at <http://karl.kornel.name/cal.X/>. GPG signatures and checksums are available (at the web site) for both the installer package and the source code. This software is freeware, but donations are welcome! See the web site for details. #### BINHEX calendar-conversion.hqx **** From: Panda Systems <PandaSystems@PandaCorner.com> Subject: Calendar Conversion-MacOS program to convert dates between calendar systems Calendar Conversion is a MacOS application designed to calculate dates past and future, with the ability to convert dates between the Gregorian, Julian, and Jewish calendar systems. It is especially useful for historical research, genealogies, date planning, etc. Version 2.1 - Added printing of date windows. Fixed a cosmetic bug that prevented the Gregorian monthly calendar from ever displaying the twenty-ninth of February. #### BINHEX calendar-menu-10.hqx **** From: wtudor@nycap.rr.com Subject: Calendar Menu 1.0 The Calendar Menu package contains the Calendar Menu Control Panel, which places a calendar menu in the menu bar, and the Calendar Menu Control Strip module, which places a calendar menu in the control strip. Both menus show you the current day of the month when they are not "popped open", and show you a small monthly calendar when they are opened. System Requirements: Calendar Menu Control Panel requires Power-PC based Macintosh Calendar Menu Control Strip Module requires Apple's Control Strip or equivalent program Shareware: $10 #### BINHEX calendar-note-05.hqx **** From: nchamnon@ratree.psu.ac.th Subject: CalendarNote V. 5, FMP desktop calendar and note collector CalendarNote V. 5, July 26, 1999 Calendar-Note5 is a pakage of FileMaker Pro databases (v 4.x) for desktop calendar and message note collection. These files are very simple and easy to use including many functions: - Any month or year can be added to make a new calendar. - The message can be added and edit individauly to each day. - The month calendar can be print out. - US date format, British date format and International format are included. - etc. This file can be distributed on CD-ROM, WWW or FTP internet sites without asking for the permission from auhor. ------ nchamnon@ratree.psu.ac.th #### BINHEX calnote.hqx **** From: nchamnon@ratree.psu.ac.th (Chamnong Nopparatana) Subject: Calnote v5.1, desktop calendar and note collection for Filemaker Pro 4 CalendarNote V. 5.1, March 3, 2000 is a pakage of FileMaker Pro databases (v 4.x) for desktop calendar and message note collection. These files are very simple and easy to use including many functions: - a new calendar can be easily created by typing 4-digit year. - a message note can be added and edit individauly to each day. - a month calendar and note list can be print out. - the day and message of today are highlight and shown at starting up. - etc. -------------- Calendarnote 5.1 can be distributed on any medias without asking for the permission from me. Any helps about this file, please e-mail to me : nchamnon@ratree.psu.ac.th #### BINHEX ccalendar-converter-11.hqx **** From: joseph@nats.informatik.uni-hamburg.de Subject: CCalendar Converter 1.1 CCalendar Converter is a utility for conversion between often used calendars. In this version (1.10), it supports the conversion between Gregorian, Julian, Sinic (a.k.a. Chinese, as PRC insists), ISO, Islamic, and Hebrew calendars. Many festivals are also supported so that you can easily find when is Easter, Orthodox Easter, Chinese New Year, Hanukkah, and Ramaden. You can also find the sunrise/sunset time and the moon phase in the city where you live. V1.1 added a calendar window so that you can have an overview of the whole month. The holidays in the month are shown in a different color. By placing the cursor on the calendar cell, the holiday information will be shown in a balloon. You can also edit holiday file(s) to place holidays in your country and other important dates of your own. V1.1 also added the ephemeris of the sun, the moon, and the nine planets. You can easily find in which zodiac sign is Venus. Cheers, PS. I sent the same file to macgifts@info-mac.org more than a week ago (and sent an older version of it SEVERAL weeks ago) but didn't receive anything from the archivist and didn't see the file appears on the info-mac digest. So I uploaded it again to your ftp site. -- Joseph C.H. Chen Computer Science Department, University of Hamburg http://nats-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/~joseph/ +49-40-5494-2523 (O) +49-40-2517827-1 (H) PGP Public Key: http://nats-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/~joseph/joseph.pgp.asc #### BINHEX ccn-plus-166-ppc.hqx **** From: Brian Stevens<brilor@fastq.com> Subject: CCN Plus 1.6.6 (PowerPC version) CCN Plus (CCN+) has several integrated components: * Calendar Monthly calendar with a digital clock and chime. Scroll by year or month and also jump to a specific year quickly Countdown event or date shown based on preferences Options configurable including a 24-hour clock, daynote retention and color and more. * Day Notes (notes associated with a date) are just one click away A pageable weekly view is also printable. A monthly view is also printable. List View shows all the notes in chronological order US holidays can be added for any year via the preferences option * Countdown - a realtime Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds countdown to the date of your choice. * Notes - a general notepad for collecting To Dos and other important ideas you want to save. All printable. * Timers short-term reminders with automatic repetitions. * Recurring Day Notes can be created automatically for those events that happen every week, month or year. Components are independent with levels of integration with each other and emphasize small desktop size. Version 1.6.6 adds the following: * Added CMD equivalents for BOLD and UNDERLINE in Style menu * Monthly & Weekly view windows remember their desktop locations & automatically open on launch * Bug fix - Type 2 error in OS 9.1 when program started #### BINHEX ccn-plus-166-x.hqx **** From: Brian Stevens<brilor@fastq.com> Subject: CCN Plus 1.6.6 (68k version) CCN Plus (CCN+) has several integrated components: * Calendar Monthly calendar with a digital clock and chime. Scroll by year or month and also jump to a specific year quickly Countdown event or date shown based on preferences Options configurable including a 24-hour clock, daynote retention and color and more. * Day Notes (notes associated with a date) are just one click away A pageable weekly view is also printable. A monthly view is also printable. List View shows all the notes in chronological order US holidays can be added for any year via the preferences option * Countdown - a realtime Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds countdown to the date of your choice. * Notes - a general notepad for collecting To Dos and other important ideas you want to save. All printable. * Timers short-term reminders with automatic repetitions. * Recurring Day Notes can be created automatically for those events that happen every week, month or year. Components are independent with levels of integration with each other and emphasize small desktop size. Version 1.6.6 adds the following: * Added CMD equivalents for BOLD and UNDERLINE in Style menu * Monthly & Weekly view windows remember their desktop locations & automatically open on launch * Bug fix - Type 2 error in OS 9.1 when program started #### BINHEX ccn-x-135.hqx **** From: Brian Stevens <brilor@fastq.com> Subject: CCN X 1.35 (Carbon version) CCN X works in BOTH OS 8/9 and OS X but requires CarbonLib 1.4 or higher for OS 8 & 9. CCN X is the successor to CCN Plus and has several integrated components: * Calendar Monthly calendar with a digital clock and chime. Scroll by year or month and also jump to a specific year quickly Countdown event or date shown based on preferences Options configurable including a 24-hour clock, daynote retention and color and more. * Day Notes (notes associated with a date) are just one click away A pageable weekly view is also printable. A monthly view is also printable. List View shows all the notes in chronological order US holidays can be added for any year via the preferences option * Countdown - a realtime Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds countdown to the date of your choice. * Notes - a general notepad for collecting To Dos and other important ideas you want to save. All printable. * Timers short-term reminders with automatic repetitions. * Recurring Day Notes can be created automatically for those events that happen every week, month or year. Components are independent with levels of integration with each other and emphasize small desktop size. CCN X Version History: 1.35 (April 28, 2003) * Enhancement - Add Daylight saving Time Begin date and end date to holidays. * Enhancement - Make printing work on extra general notes * Bug fix - All three characters of Wednesday now show up weekly view * Bug fix - Minor changes to export file format * Bug fix - Add error check for corrupt registration file * Bug fix - Related to running CCN X with unsupported CalCountNote daynotes file. 1.29 (January 20, 2003) * Enhancement: Daynotes export file name and location can be selected . * Misc minor bug fixes for calendar display and User note pads. 1.22 (January 6, 2003) * Bug fix: crash at startup in OS X 1.20 (January 1, 2003) * Enhancement: Daynotes can be exported to a text file for archiving or backups * Enhancement: Multiple user note pads can be created * Enhancement: Weekly view opens to same year/month (relative to 1st of month) displayed on calendar - consistent with behavior of monthly view. * Creating daynote holidays now prevents adding duplicate holiday daynotes. * "Delete if older than " in Preferences now allows up to 9999 days to provide another option to keep older notes (KEEP and EXPORT daynotes are helpful with very old notes too). * Daynote check boxes de-selected on weekly view after using delete button * Internal changes for "trial" mode only 1.13 (October 17, 2002) * Bug fix - display on calendar wrong after setting a recurring daynote * Bug fix - some dates don't display correctly when bolded in OS X 1.15 (November 12, 2002) * Daynote check boxes de-selected on weekly view after using delete button * Internal changes for "trial" mode only 1.1 (September 28, 2002) * Quick delete added to weekly view * Document icon fixes * Internal fixes 1.0.7 (September 19, 2002) * changed application icons * Bug fix - for opening daynotes from weekly planner that cross monthly boundary * Bug fix - keep button checked when new daynotes opened from weekly planner * Bug fix - calendar dates resized * Bug fix - changed menu to use CMD W for closing windows * Bug fix - unwanted window would show up if BRING to FRONT used from WINDOWs menu. * Bug fix - calendar color not changed when daynote opened via weekly view. 1.0 (August 25, 2002) * Initial release - successor to CCN Plus application * Application carbonized to run in OS X. Minor changes to some interface elements to accommodate windows in OS X. * Changed calendar and daynotes to use full month names instead of 3 character month abbreviation for foreign language compatibility * Clicking on days in the weekly view now opens the daynote for that day. * Can now stop an active timer - only stops the active timer not the repetitions if those are turned on. * Window names in menu always active. Selecting an already open window from the menu just brings it to the foreground. * Preferences for calendar starting day internationalized to display Sunday or Monday in local language. * Clicking on time/month and year at top of the calendar opens the Goto Year window. * Balloon help has been replaced (not supported in OS X) with a scrolling help window * Preference to turn audible click on or off when opening daynotes or notes. * Added standard WINDOWS navigation menu * Bug fix - Calendar wouldn't change days at midnight if running if 24-hour time mode. * Bug fix - Daynote bolded in calendar when saved on today's date in another month. * Bug fix - weekly planner display not updated after daynote close if planner on different month from calendar. #### BINHEX chac-111.hqx **** From: Warren Anderson <waanders@wyoming.com> Subject: Chac 1.1.1 This is an update to my Maya Calendar for the Mac. Version 1.1.1 fixes some minor bugs in version 1.1. Warren Anderson #### BINHEX chronocalculator-10.hqx **** From: gparashis@earthlink.net Subject: Chronocalculator 1.0 Chronocalculator is a calculator for adding and subtracting clock time. Clock time is added and subtracted in terms of hours, minutes, and seconds, so there is no need to convert times to a decimal number first. If you've ever needed to add or subtract clock time, such as when recording songs on CD's or tapes, this small application can help out! System requirements: * Minimum of System 7 For more information, please read the Read Me First file enclosed, or visit my Web page: http://home.earthlink.net/~gparashis Thanks, George Parashis #### BINHEX chronomenon-30.hqx **** From: George <gparashis@earthlink.net> Subject: Chronomenon3.0Folder.sea.hqx Chronomenon is a multisonic alarm clock and timer. Long: Chronomenon is an alarm clock and timer which crows, speaks, plays QuickTime movies, and can command applications to do something when the alarm goes off. Chronomenon can be set to go off on a certain day as well as at a certain time. Also, Chronomenon will wake sleeping computers so that you can hear its alarm. Furthermore, Chronomenon's appearance can be changed. There are other features beyond these as well. Chronomenon 3.0 requires at least Mac System 7. Thank you! Cordially, George Parashis, creator of Chronomenon Conductus Productions chronomenon@conductusproductions.com #### BINHEX clock-talk-151.hqx **** From: Robert Chancellor <creality@earthlink.net> Subject: Clock Talk 1.5.1.hqx #### BINHEX coffee-break-lite.hqx **** From: Thomas Reed <thomasareed@earthlink.net> Subject: Coffee Break Lite 1.0 Coffee Break Lite is an application designed to prevent (or improve) repetitive stress injuries (such as carpal tunnel syndrome). It does this by making the user take periodic breaks. It also provides some basic user activity data, such as key presses or mouse clicks per second. Coffee Break Lite is freeware, but has fewer features than it's big brother, Coffee Break Pro. Coffee Break Lite requires System 7.0 or later to run. It is not MacOS X-native. You can find information about Coffee Break Pro or e-mail me at: <http://home.earthlink.net/~thomasareed/shareware/> <ThomasAReed@earthlink.net> #### BINHEX coffee-break-pro-22-x.hqx **** From: Thomas Reed <thomasareed@adelphia.net> Subject: Coffee Break Pro BitJuggler Software announces the release of Coffee Break Pro 2.2! Coffee Break Pro is an application designed to prevent (or improve) repetitive stress injuries. It does this by making the user take periodic breaks. It also provides some basic user activity data, such as key presses or mouse clicks per second. Coffee Break Pro is shareware ($20 US). Coffee Break Pro for Classic requires System 8.1 or later to run. Coffee Break Pro X runs under Mac OS X, including Jaguar (10.2). More information is available at: <http://www.bitjuggler.com/products/> #### BINHEX coffee-break-pro-22.hqx **** From: Thomas Reed <thomasareed@adelphia.net> Subject: Coffee Break Pro BitJuggler Software announces the release of Coffee Break Pro 2.2! Coffee Break Pro is an application designed to prevent (or improve) repetitive stress injuries. It does this by making the user take periodic breaks. It also provides some basic user activity data, such as key presses or mouse clicks per second. Coffee Break Pro is shareware ($20 US). Coffee Break Pro for Classic requires System 8.1 or later to run. Coffee Break Pro X runs under Mac OS X, including Jaguar (10.2). More information is available at: <http://www.bitjuggler.com/products/> #### BINHEX corner-clock.hqx **** From: bill.m.catambay@lmco.com Subject: CornerClock v2.2.1 CornerClock v2.2.1 CornerClock is a desktop utility which provides the option of displaying a chiming clock in the top left corner of the screen. You can have the time or the date displayed by default (the other will display upon placing the cursor over the corner). You can also turn off the display and just use the chime functionality. CornerClock includes some chimes of it's own, and also loads the system sounds for optional chimes. You can add or change chimes to CornerClock by using ResEdit. Edit the "snd" resource. Chime sounds run from ID 140 through 199 (must be successive... when CornerClock detects an unused slot, it stops loading sounds). These chimes can be played at the hour, or 15, 30, and 45 minutes after the hour (with the option of playing different chimes at different time slots). CornerClock also supports a quiet tick sound to be played each minute. To edit these sounds, use ResEdit, and update the "snd" resource IDs from 200 on. Other options include: DD/MM or MM/DD date format, 12-hour or 24-hour clock, Black-on-White or Yellow-on-Black display, and the choice of chiming once or chiming the number of hours on the hour. #### BINHEX countdown-2000.hqx **** From:"J.B. Baker" <linda@sd.cybernex.net> Subject:COUNTDOWN 2000 COUNTDOWN 2000 by J.B. Baker Version 1.0 This program shows you the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds left until the year 2000. The numbers are displayed in different colors. If you decide to keep this program for longer than 10 days, please send $5 dollars to the address written below. Thanks. J.B. Baker 716 Tomar Ct Sioux Falls, SD 57105 #### BINHEX countdown-pro-101.hqx **** From: "Immortal Software" <webmaster@immortalsoftware.de> Subject: Countdown Pro 1.01 Countdown Pro 1.01 Ever wanted to know how long left exactly until next weekend or how long you have been married? This software is what you need. Countdown Pro calculates the time until or since any event, counts down any period of time, shows the time until the next occurring of a repeating event or counts up the time from now on. All the data is displayed in a customizable window which you can leave in background while you're working. What's new in version 1.01 ? - Changes made in the preferences dialog are now shown immediately - Fixed a bug that caused Countdown Pro to calculate the time wrong if "show months" was selected - It is now possible to let Countdown Pro switch between Countdowns without a graphical transition effect - Several minor bug fixes System Requirements � Any Power Macintosh � Mac OS 8 or higher � 700 KB or free RAM Pricing Countdown Pro is shareware and costs US $ 7. For more information visit: http://www.immortalsoftware.com #### BINHEX countdown-reminder-201.hqx **** From: "Taylor R. Flagg" <trflagg@radioactivereverie.com> Subject: Countdown Reminder v2.0.1 Countdown Reminder is a neat little utility that takes in an event and the date, and then counts down the number of days to the event. When placed in your startup folder, Countdown Reminder will remind you of the number of days left everytime you startup your computer. There is an auto-close feature and a ending message. Enjoy! #### BINHEX daemon-cron-lite-15.hqx **** From: "David C. Oshel" <dcoshel@mac.com> Subject: DaemonCron Lite 1.5 This small daemon posts messages to the screen, and will launch applications, documents, AppleScripts, sound files, etc., on any schedule you set. Possible uses include nagging yourself (via Notification Manager alerts or AppleScripts), launching Netscape at 3 A.M. to drive your cat nuts, whining soulfully when someone else is using your computer, turning your house lights on or off (requires wiring and additional stuff not provided), doing things at startup or shutdown, listening to your ex's dead dog bark every now and then, and so forth. Hey, it's daemonic! Use your imagination! DaemonCron is freeware for private use. Requires PowerPC and OS 7.5 or better (OS 9.1 recommended). Requires ResEdit or Resorcerer for configuration, and you should be comfortable with no-holds-barred system spelling bees when you configure launchfile names. ;-) NOTE: Support for 68k machines has been discontinued. Changes in this version: 1.5 - 6 June 2001 - Removed the seriously outdated PlaySound code because it was asynchronous and too buggy under OS 9. Sounds are now managed by launching sound files instead. Also, enhanced the random cron so that users may "tune" how often a random item (usually a sound file) will be launched. Fixed a bug that forced DaemonCron to play ALL the random crons, instead of selecting one at random. #### BINHEX date-paster-101-68k.hqx **** From: "Satinder S. Sidhu" <sssidhu@mac.com> Subject: DatePaster 68k 1.0 DatePaster is simple utility that allows you to select any date and copy its long form to the system clipboard for pasting into any application that allows text to be pasted in. DatePaster has no side-effects other than what it puts on the clipboard. In particular, it does not change or reset your system date. **** Why DatePaster? **** One of the minor annoyances of life is receiving a message announcing some event on some date, such as "We will have a picnic on June 15, 2000." This immediately sends the receiver looking for a calendar to find out what day of the week June 15 falls on. Wouldn1t it be nicer if all senders took the trouble to put the weekday in their messages? For instance, "We will have a picnic on Thursday, June 15, 2000." A few do this, but sometimes end up making mistakes that result in further, "Oops!" messages. I wrote DatePaster to help me be a good citizen-communicator. It gives you a floating window in which you can easily select any date and click a button to copy its long form (including the weekday, of course) to the clipboard for pasting in your documents. ** DatePaster is freeware; it may be used and distributed freely, including by storing it on file servers and magazine, user group and Info-Mac CDs. I retain the title, ownership rights, intellectual property rights, and all other legal rights. ** #### BINHEX date-paster-101-ppc.hqx **** From: "Satinder S. Sidhu" <sssidhu@mac.com> Subject: DatePaster PPC 1.0 DatePaster is simple utility that allows you to select any date and copy its long form to the system clipboard for pasting into any application that allows text to be pasted in. DatePaster has no side-effects other than what it puts on the clipboard. In particular, it does not change or reset your system date. **** Why DatePaster? **** One of the minor annoyances of life is receiving a message announcing some event on some date, such as "We will have a picnic on June 15, 2000." This immediately sends the receiver looking for a calendar to find out what day of the week June 15 falls on. Wouldn1t it be nicer if all senders took the trouble to put the weekday in their messages? For instance, "We will have a picnic on Thursday, June 15, 2000." A few do this, but sometimes end up making mistakes that result in further, "Oops!" messages. I wrote DatePaster to help me be a good citizen-communicator. It gives you a floating window in which you can easily select any date and click a button to copy its long form (including the weekday, of course) to the clipboard for pasting in your documents. ** DatePaster is freeware; it may be used and distributed freely, including by storing it on file servers and magazine, user group and Info-Mac CDs. I retain the title, ownership rights, intellectual property rights, and all other legal rights. ** #### BINHEX days-between-dates.hqx **** From: "J.B. Baker" <linda@sd.cybernex.net> Subject: Days Between Dates 1.0 Days Between Dates by J.B. Baker Version 1.0 This program calculates the number of days between two dates that you specify. The program also calculates the day of the week for each date. If you decide to keep this program for longer than 10 days, please send $5 dollars to address written below. Thanks. J.B. Baker 716 Tomar Ct Sioux Falls, SD 57105 #### BINHEX days-to-go-212.hqx **** From: Jason Anderson <midnight@kagi.com> Subject: Days To Go 2.1.2 - simple reminder program Have you planned a big holiday, and want to count the days remaining until you can escape from work. Wondering how many days it has been since you were married? Then this program is for you. Days To Go is a simple reminder program that can be used for a variety of purposes. As the name suggests, it can be used to count how many days it is until a specific date. In addition, Days To Go can be used count how many days it has been since a specific date. Recurring dates can be entered (for example, Christmas or a birthday), and entries can be automatically deleted once the date has passed (useful for once off occasions). This version of Days To Go adds a delay option at startup (to increase the time the messages are displayed on the screen), moves the documentation out of the program and into a separate file, and updates the contact information for Beyond Midnight Software. Attachment Converted: "H:\info-mac in\daystogo.sit"-- Jason Anderson, <mailto:midnight@kagi.com> Beyond Midnight Software, <http://www.bmsw.com.au> #### BINHEX double-timer-21.hqx **** From: MacMuse@aol.com Subject: DoubleTimer 2.0 MacMuse Software announces the release of DoubleTimer version 2.0 Double Timer 2.0 is the convenient solution for timing any activity on your Macintosh. A simple interface containing 2 side-by-side timers and small RAM footprint make Double Timer easy to use. Customize the popup menus for your own needs and set the preferences for your convenience, all within the program. The ONE PASSWORD feature allows for convenient storage of the many passwords and user names which may be encountered in computing today. Double Timer is great for businesses and educational settings alike. Help is available from within the application by choosing �Help� from the Apple Menu after launching the application. Double Timer is shareware. A single registration is $7 and site licenses are available for $50. Choose �About Double Timer...� from the program�s Apple Menu for registration materials or contact macmuse@aol.com �1998 Roger M. Clary, MacMuse Software all rights reserved. REQUIREMENTS: --> Tested under Macintosh Sys7 and OS 8.1 --> Requires 750K of RAM --> Needs Mac Plus or better, works on any size screen (incl. 9�) --> Uses only 340K of hard disk space #### BINHEX ephemerid-121.hqx **** From:Mikaeru <mikaeru@worldnet.fr> Subject:Ephemerid 1.2.1 Ephemerid 1.2.1 - Pop-Up Calendar & Clock - Freeware This control panel allows you to display the current date and time as a block calendar and an analog clock in a "pop-up" window which can be brought up on the screen at any moment using a customizable hot key. WorldScript-aware (Japanese, Chinese, ...). Requires Mac OS System 7.0 or later (System 7.5 or newer is recommended). Compatible with Mac OS 8.5. "What's New since Version 1.2" - The control panel is now theme-savvy when the Appearance Manager is available. - Added a shortcut key ('O') to automatically open the control panel from the pop-up calendar/clock window. --Michel MARIANI (a.k.a. Mikaeru) Mikaeru Software: <http://home.worldnet.fr/mmariani/mikaeru/soft.html> #### BINHEX event-countdown-10.hqx **** From: paradox@avana.net Subject: Event Countdown 1.0 Event Countdown is a program that counts the number of certain days between two dates and creates a bar graph showing the percentage of days gone. You choose which days of the week you want it to count, and only those days will be counted. Holidays can also be added so those days will not be counted. This program is ideal for students counting the number of days until school is out for the summer, or other people counting the number of work days until vacation! #### BINHEX ez-calendar-101.hqx **** From: "John V. Holder" <jvholder@mail.northcoast.com> Subject: EZCalendar v1.01 released! Announcing the release of the Mac-only utility EZCalendar (from the author of ScrapIt Pro, QuickScrap, EZNote, PopAddress and others)! What is EZCalendar? Have you ever needed to quickly jot down a note for a particular day on a calendar and be able to easily find it later? Ever wanted to have an alarm tell you a meeting is going to happen tomorrow or in an hour? Want an instantly accessible, password protected daily journal/diary? EZCalendar can do these things and more at the touch of a key (which will instantly bring up a calendar) without having to leave the application you are in! EZCalendar will also show you the phases of the moon, allow you to set yearly events (holidays, birthdays, etc.), appointments (and set alarms to remind you if you wish) and have a note (up to 32k of text) for each day of every year. Of course, you'll be able to search notes, yearly events or appointments with ease! Some uses for EZCalendar: * set alarms for events in the future. EZCalendar will remind you (minutes, hours or days) before the appointment is to happen! * keep a daily electronic journal (password protected if you like)! Bug fix in version 1.01: * Fixed bug, was not searching yearly events System Requirements. Min. System..: 7 on up (Works great with OS8.x!) Min. Hardware: Mac SE or better (Works great on PowerMacs!) Shareware....: $20 Author.......: John V. Holder email address: johnholder@aol.com Home Page....: http://www.northcoast.com/~jvholder #### BINHEX fm-egg-timer-12.hqx **** From: nault@ix.netcom.com Subject: FM Egg Timer 1.2 Control Strip Module FM Egg Timer 1.2 �1998 LizardBreath Software (All rights reserved!) http://www.bozos.com/lizardbreath/ The FM Egg Timer is a Control Strip module designed to help you keep track of time while you're working at your computer. Set the timer to remind you that your laundry will be done in 45 minutes. Use it to give yourself a coffee break in half an hour. Set it because you just put a pot of water on the stove and if you forget about it all the water will boil away and leave that nasty white stuff on the bottom of your pot. The FM Egg Timer is free, easy to use, nice to look at, incredibly handy, and free. Requirements: Apple's Control Strip control panel or a Control Strip clone such as Ammon Skidmore's Extensions Strip or Proteron's GoMac. What's new in 1.2: -- Added customizable alert sound and reminder message. -- Resolved issues with GoMac and Extensions Strip that would prevent the module's menu and dialogs from appearing. -- The timer should now function properly even if its parent folder is named something other than "Control Strip Modules" (this was causing problems on international systems). -- Added the Face application to handle modeless dialogs. -- Smoothed out a few cosmetic quirks. #### BINHEX freetime.hqx **** From: ke4qdz@korrnet.org Subject: FreeTime 1.2 FreeTime 1.2 is a free utility for Macintosh which will set your system clock to within one-half of one second of exact universal time. Unlike similar programs, FreeTime obtains its data over the Internet directly from the US Government, and does not require a long distance telephone call. FreeTime also features basic functions to determine your system clock's overall accuracy. #### BINHEX g3-101.hqx **** From: RoboDog <robodog@geocities.co.jp> Subject: g3-101.hqx G3 is an accesory clock. A Sherpinski's Gasket, which is wellknown shape in Mathematics or Computer Art, is embedded in 3D space. G3 is a three-dimensionalized version of my application named 'Gasket'. The objects rotate and their colors change accordingly. #### BINHEX haxial-world-clock-11.hqx **** From: Haxial <support@haxial.com> Subject: World clock Haxial WorldClock is useful when you communicate with people around the world in different time zones. It gives you what the local time (and date) is in the cities you choose. It takes into account daylight savings, so the time should be exactly correct. It also includes a Calendar, and a Time Converter. Haxial WorldClock is available for: MacOS 9 or better (with CarbonLib 1.3.1+). MacOS X (10). Windows 95 or better. The Product Page is here: http://www.haxial.com/products/worldclock/ And the company website is: http://www.haxial.com ________________________________________________________ http://www.haxial.com support@haxial.com #### BINHEX im-on-time-101.hqx **** From:"Expersys Software" <expersys@bellsouth.net> Subject:File Submission iMOnTime, a new personal reminder program for the Macintosh iMOnTime is a simple, easy-to-use personal reminder program. It is designed to allow fast and easy scheduling of reminders. Features of the software include: ? Set one-time or repeating reminders with complex repeating options ? Record voice reminders ? Classify reminders into categories ? Create and use templates for scheduling reminders quickly ? Use your own sounds for reminders ? Have reminders read the message when they are displayed (using text-to-speech) ? Use the Find feature to look for reminders by keywords ? Schedule reminders using Applescripts ? Use the control strip module for scheduling reminders quickly ? Schedule launching of applications iMOnTime can be customized in many ways to suit your preferences. iMOnTime 1.0 runs on any Power Macintosh with Mac OS 8.1 or later. The product is available at: http://www.kagi.com/mp #### BINHEX imon-time-10.hqx **** From: Expsyssw@aol.com Subject: iMOnTime 1.0 iMOnTime, a new personal reminder program for the Macintosh iMOnTime is a simple, easy-to-use personal reminder program. It is designed to allow fast and easy scheduling of reminders. Features of the software include: ? Set one-time or repeating reminders with complex repeating options ? Record voice reminders ? Classify reminders into categories ? Create and use templates for scheduling reminders quickly ? Use your own sounds for reminders ? Have reminders read the message when they are displayed (using text-to-speech) ? Use the Find feature to look for reminders by keywords ? Schedule reminders using Applescripts ? Use the control strip module for scheduling reminders quickly ? Schedule launching of applications iMOnTime can be customized in many ways to suit your preferences. iMOnTime 1.0 runs on any Power Macintosh with Mac OS 8.1 or later. The product is available at: http://www.kagi.com/mp #### BINHEX iroku-13-x.hqx **** From: Catara Software <catara@mac.com> Subject: iRoku 1.3 iRoku is an elegant desktop calendar for your computer. It is akin to the traditional desk or wall calendar. iRoku allows you to instantly see a calendar representing the current month or day by simply glancing at your computer screen. We have found it is best used by placing it in a corner of the screen or in the Dock. iRoku complements MacOS X and will quickly become one of the most frequently used additions to your computer. Requires MacOS X For more information about iRoku or any of our other products surf to: http://homepage.mac.com/catara/products #### BINHEX just-a-calendar.hqx **** From: "Jeffrey Frey" <frey@UDel.Edu> Subject: FTP justacalendar.bin Ever wondered what day of the week the 25th of March fell on back in 1977? Or have you ever needed to just look up the next time there's a Friday the 13th? JustaCalendar does just that...and that's all! No appointments, no trickery, it's just a calendar! #### BINHEX kalender-20-de-fat.hqx **** From: Frank Olschewski <fao@folsch.de> Subject: Kalender D-2.0 German application Kalender D-2.0 FAT Dieses Programm zeigt eine Jahresuebersicht. Es koennen alle Jahre von 1583 bis 29.940 angezeigt werden. In jedem Monat werden die Wochennummern angezeigt und die Feiertage sind hervorgehoben. Die Namen der Feiertage koennen der aktiven Hilfe entnommen werden. Systemvorraussetzungen: 68020 oder PPC Prozessor und System 7.0 oder neuer. Freeware 30.05.2000 von Frank Olschewski www.folsch.de #### BINHEX kevs-calendar.hqx **** From: Kevin Capwell <capke@mail.onalaska.k12.wi.us> Subject: Kev's Calendar Have you tried to make a calendar with Claris assistants recently? Could be a Y2K bug, but you cannot make calendars for 2000 and beyond with ClarisWorks 4.0. Unless... you have have Kev's Calendar! Please read the "Read Me" file and install. Share with others and make calendars till 2999! *** Freeware - enjoy NOTE: This is the ClarisWorks assistant only! You will need ClarisWorks 4.0 to run this assistant. #### BINHEX kitchen-timer-ppc.hqx **** From: "Frank M. Ryan" <FMR@thewiredshark.com> Subject: File Submission (Kitchen Timer) Kitchen Timer v1.0.0 Release Date: 9/01/99 Requirements: System 7.1 or later recommended. Memory: 2 MB of available Memory recommended. Hard drive: 1MB of available Hard drive space PPC or 68k version available File size: 796k (68k) and 939k (PPC) Shareware: US $ 2.00 A 3 in 1 Kitchen Timer Pizza Clock: Ever went into that heavy computing state, like making icons or writing a letter to Grandma explaining the features of your brand new G3? Well, while into you totally forgot about that great looking pizza in the oven. And as you run to the kitchen through all that smoke, that great looking pizza has converted itself in something prehistoric you don't recognize anymore. Ever happen to you? Well it happen to me, so I wrote Pizza clock. Now when that good thing is in the oven, I launch Pizza Clock, set the time and I'm safely reminded when that Pizza is just crusty right. Pizza Clock is fairly simple to use, but if you need some help, Balloon help is fully supported. Stove & Oven Timer: Well, somehow you can apply above experience to the cake, the dinner or whatever you got on the stove plate or in the oven. The Turkey on Thanks Giving Day, the goose at Christmas. There so many busy occasions and so little time for heavy computing. The Stove & Oven Timer has 5! individual timers. One for each stove plate and another one for the oven. If you have more then 4 stove plates (I have actually seen this at someone house), then you would be better equipped then we are and because I won�t tolerate this, you are out of luck. You have to go to your appliance store and get one with 4 ;-) Tea Timer: Mrs. Audrey Kiehtreiber, a dedicated Pizza Clock User, wrote me one day a letter. Stating just how much she likes Pizza Clock and describing how she uses Pizza Clock for her daily tea. So, what an idea I thought and I wrote back if she would be interested to help me developing the Tea Timer (I didn't know anything about Tea), she agreed and sure enough some time later I found Icons, information, links and more in my mailbox (I actually didn�t know that there is a whole science to Tea!). From there it was only the coding part what needed to be done. The Result: Tea Timer. Installation: Place it in your Apple Menu Items Folder or anywhere else you like. Registration: Kitchen Timer is Shareware US $ 2.00 (Cash only), if you like it you should register by choosing Register under the Apple Menu in Kitchen Timer and print out the created Document. Then please, send it to: Frank M. Ryan FMR Software P.O.Box 122 San Simon, AZ 85632 Registered User of Pizza Clock, can upgrade to Kitchen Timer for US $ 1.00 (Cash only). Contact: E-mail: fmrmacs@vtc.net URL: http://www.thewiredshark.com Thank you for downloading and supporting shareware. Kitchen Timer may be included on CD's or other Media with my written permission. This ReadMe file must be included. �FMR 1999 All rights reserved. #### BINHEX klock-10.hqx **** From: Andrew Cantino <cantino@tectonicdesigns.com> Subject: Klock 1.0 Klock 1.0 By Andrew Cantino cantino@tectonicdesigns.com http://tectonicdesigns.com/mac Introduction * Klock is a useful program that can generate a clock in a floating window on your Macintosh. Klock can appear as either an analog or digital clock. It can be set-up to start up when you turn on your computer. Klock's colors and sizes are customizable. System: * You will need a PPC Macintosh. Contact My name is Andrew Cantino. I enjoy programming and I wrote this program in my spare time. If you have used the program and feel that I did a good job, or if you have comments or suggestions, please let me know. I can be contacted at cantino@tectonicdesigns.com anytime. I also run an extensive web site here: http://tectonicdesigns.com/mac Klock MAY be put in CD-ROM distributions if I am contacted first. #### BINHEX mac-grayliner-22.hqx **** From: Chris Smolinski <csmolinski@erols.com> Subject: Mac Grayliner 2.2.0 Mac Grayliner displays a map of the entire Earth, showing day, night, and more importantly, the terminator between day and night. Studies have shown that enhanced radio propagation occurs between two points which are both on the day/night terminator. Now with version 2.1.1, the locations of active NCDXF/IARU beacons can be displayed in real time, along with the beacon callsign, country, and location. This should be helpful for identifying DX openings. Mac Grayliner requires a Mac with a color display. Shareware: $15 Chris Smolinski #### BINHEX mac-minder-12b.hqx **** From: Warren Furman <wfurman@epix.net> Subject: MacMinder 1.2b MacMinder is a fun and user-friendly appointments book that will alert you with sounds or speech to upcoming appointments, birthdays, etc each time you start your computer. It also contains a securable diary, an alert to let you know when your extensions have loaded and a log for archiving old appointments. #### BINHEX mac-planner-12-ppc.hqx **** From: Michel Boulet <support@macplanner.com> Subject: MacPlanner v1.2 - Daily planner / scheduler SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: PowerPC Processor (Including G3 & G4) MacOS 8.x or 9.x 6 MB Free Hard Disk Space 8 MB Available Application RAM SHAREWARE PRICE: $15.00 (usd) SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION: MacPlanner is a daily planner / scheduler for the Macintosh, but unlike other planners of the kind, MacPlanner does not need to be opened (or kept opened) to be consulted, because it places your schedule as your desktop background picture, where it can be consulted quickly and easily, all the time! MacPlanner will also notify you of your upcomming events. You can also customize your calendar's look by choosing one of our many background themes. Five (5) themes are bundled in the software installer package and additional themes are available from our web site. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT OUR WEB SITE AT: http://macplanner.com - GigaMouse Softwares - #### BINHEX mbeat-11.hqx **** From: catara@idir.net Subject: mBeat 1.1 - An internet time clock mBeat is a program that displays a clock in metric time. Metric time is a new global concept of time that divides a day into 1000 Beats. Each beat is equivalent to 1 minute 26.4 seconds, this means that 12 noon in the old time system is equivalent of 500 beats. There are two standards for metric time, Udt and Internet Time. Udt is sponsored by universal-time.org and uses UTC as its prime meridian. Internet Time is sponsored by Swatch and uses BMT (Biel Mean Time) as its prime meridian. mBeat displays metric time using the Internet Time standard supported by Swatch. All of this means that there are no more time zones or geographic boundaries. Since metric time is the same all over the world, a person in New York can communicate with a friend in Rome by simply agreeing to chat at a specific time, say @730. There are numerous possible uses for metric time including online auctions, web casts, etc. To use mBeat you first need to make sure that you have your current location set properly. If you are using MacOS 7.5, use the "Date & Time" Control Panel to set the time zone to the city closest to you. If you are using a version of MacOS prior to version 7.5, make sure the "Map" control panel is set properly. Using mBeat is very straight forward. Simply double click the mBeat icon to launch mBeat. mBeat will remember the window position the next time it is run. To have mBeat run automatically, place an alias in the "Startup Items" folder in the System Folder. New in Version 1.1 - mBeat now supports three metric time standards - mBeat can display the metric time in several formats. - Some small bug fixes System Requirements - 680x0 or PowerPC - System 7 - 256K of Free Memory #### BINHEX mbeat-x-114.hqx **** From: Catara Software <catara@mac.com> Subject: mBeat 1.1.4 One world, one time. mBeat is a new clock that displays time in Swatch beats. The Swatch Beat is a new global concept of time that divides a day into 1000 units and defines a new global time zone. Each unit, called a beat, is equivalent to 1 minute 26.4 seconds, this means that 12 noon in the old time system is equivalent to 500 beats. Because mBeat uses the same timezone no matter where in the world you are it is an excellent way of coordinating online chats with your friends or business colleagues. Requires MacOS X For more information about mBeat or any of our other products surf to: http://homepage.mac.com/catara/products #### BINHEX millennium-bug-104.hqx **** From: jcr2@cornell.edu Subject: Millennium Bug 1.0.4 Returns the months, days, hours and minutes until the year 2000. Takes you with a click to Apple's Y2K web page. With another click, puts Apple's Year 2000 Compliance Statement on the clipboard. Unprotected Applescript may be interesting to those learning the language. Free. May be included on AMUG, Info-Mac and Umich CD's. John Rethorst #### BINHEX moms-calendar-35-cbn.hqx **** From: tony@luckymesoftware.com Subject: Mom's Calendar 3.5.0 Carbon license: Freeware -The software is free to use and distribute as long as the ReadMe file is included. Requirements: 9.1 or later with CarbonLib or 10.1 or higher. Description: This program provides a simple printable calendar that is great for keeping track of events. Print it out blank and fill it in later or add a few short notes before you print. It can also export a calendar to html. Website: http://www.luckymesoftware.com email: support@luckymesoftware.com or tony@luckymesoftware.com #### BINHEX moms-calendar-35-ppc.hqx **** From: tony@luckymesoftware.com Subject: Mom's Calendar 3.5.0 Classic license: Freeware -The software is free to use and distribute as long as the ReadMe file is included. Requirements: 9.1 to 9.2.2. Description: This program provides a simple printable calendar that is great for keeping track of events. Print it out blank and fill it in later or add a few short notes before you print. It can also export a calendar to html. Website: http://www.luckymesoftware.com email: support@luckymesoftware.com or tony@luckymesoftware.com #### BINHEX my-birthdays-10-osx.hqx **** From: pleonard@emsb.qc.ca Subject: My Birthdays 1.0 (MacOS X) My Birthdays v1.0 (MacOS X) By Peter E. Leonard Do you have trouble remembering dates, particularly birthdays? My Birthdays is a simple application for managing the birthdays of your friends, relatives, clients and co-workers. If you use My Birthdays, you'll never forget another birthday. Main Screen The main screen is broken down into 2 sections, Today's Birthday (which lists everybody who is celebrating a birthday today) and Birthdays this month (which list everybody who is celebrating a birthday this month). Simple. To manage (adding or deleting) your birthdays, click on the Manage button. Managing Birthdays To add a birthday, enter a person's name and select the Month and Day of their birthday, then click on the Add button. My Birthdays saves your entries automatically. To delete a birthday, click on the person's name in the list at the bottom of the window, then click on the Delete button. Deleting a birthday is permanent and cannot be undone. To return to the main screen, click on the Return button. Version History January 2004: V1.0 First public release. My Birthdays (c) 2004 Peter E. Leonard. All rights reserved pleonard@emsb.qc.ca Thanks to windwardskies and Jenn Borton #### BINHEX my-birthdays-10.hqx **** From: pleonard@emsb.qc.ca Subject: My Birthdays 1.0 (MacOS 8-9) My Birthdays v1.0 (MacOS 8-9) By Peter E. Leonard Do you have trouble remembering dates, particularly birthdays? My Birthdays is a simple application for managing the birthdays of your friends, relatives, clients and co-workers. If you use My Birthdays, you'll never forget another birthday. Main Screen The main screen is broken down into 2 sections, Today's Birthday (which lists everybody who is celebrating a birthday today) and Birthdays this month (which list everybody who is celebrating a birthday this month). Simple. To manage (adding or deleting) your birthdays, click on the Manage button. Managing Birthdays To add a birthday, enter a person's name and select the Month and Day of their birthday, then click on the Add button. My Birthdays saves your entries automatically. To delete a birthday, click on the person's name in the list at the bottom of the window, then click on the Delete button. Deleting a birthday is permanent and cannot be undone. To return to the main screen, click on the Return button. Version History January 2004: V1.0 First public release. My Birthdays (c) 2004 Peter E. Leonard. All rights reserved pleonard@emsb.qc.ca Thanks to windwardskies and Jenn Borton #### BINHEX oddly-enough-calendar-102.hqx **** From: "C.A.K.E. Software" <David@CakeSW.com> Subject: Oddly Enough Calendar 1.02 INTRODUCTION Do you know that A Laugh A Day, Keeps The Doctor Away? Now, C.A.K.E. Software can help you to achieve that as your daily goal. Introducing the Oddly Enough Calendar. � FEATURES This calendar is packed with 366 FULL Color humorous cartoons from Oddly Enough by Ron Therien. These cartoons are somewhat realistic and with hilarious views on life. From doctors and lawyers, to people and pets, from stressed out businessmen to the armchair quarterback. This collection has something for everyone. You shouldn't miss this opportunity to start your days off with a hilarious look at the lighter side of life. With the Oddly Enough Calendar, you can write down important reminders or to-do lists for each day. This can also be used as your personal digital diary at home. It also comes with an alarm clock function that can alert you in either silent mode or with various sound clip files. This is a great tool for reminding you about those important meetings. You can also change the look of the calendar with different styles (a la skins). This Skins feature is very popular with MacAmp (a cool MP3 Player). It is the first time this type of feature has been implemented in a calendar program. More skin files and alarm sound clips are available for download at the home page http://www.CakeSoftware.com � REQUIREMENTS PowerPC; 2 MBytes free memory; Mac OS 7.5 or later; 640x480 or larger monitor supporting 16-bit colors; � DISTRIBUTION Oddly Enough Calendar is 15$ shareware. You can distribute Oddly Enough Calendar freely, provided that you leave the software and the accompanying documentation unchanged. You can include Oddly Enough Calendar in CD-ROMs and other software collections only by previous agreement. #### BINHEX on-timers-10-jp.hqx **** From: ChrisLi@Bridge1.com Subject: OnTimers 1.0J - Japanese version This is the Japanese version of the OnTimers package. OnTimers (tm) is a comprehensive timer and alarm clock application that allows a user to run multiple concurrent timers, enable warnings before a timer completes, and activate multiple options when a timer finishes. These options include launching applications, multichannel sound, speech, and more. OnTimers can even awaken your computer from sleep at just the right time and save frequently-used timers to a catalog! #### BINHEX pando-calendar-603.hqx **** From: PandaSystems@PandaCorner.com Subject: PandoCalendar 6.0.3 - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac. This useful Mac-only program places a fully functional calendar on your desktop. The look is completely customizable. You can change the calendar's font, size, and the colors used to draw the calendar; the background can be entirely transparent, so you can still see your desktop picture; you can center the current week (so you are always able to look back and ahead a full month at a time). PandoCalendar can display the numerical number of the weeks of the year, display the calendar with European style weeks (Monday being the first day and Sunday being the last), assign notes to any day of the year by clicking on the day in the calendar, and set alarms to remind you of time sensitive events. You can also have PandoCalendar automatically plot the days you work. Great for people who don't have a Monday-Friday work schedule! Version 6.0.3 - Fixed a bug that would cause standard style frames to draw improperly on Mac X 10.3. Fixed a rare bug that could cause the calendar text to display in a distorted color. Fixed a bug that prevented the import notes/appointments dialog from working. Panda Systems <http://www.PandaCorner.com/> #### BINHEX paragon-snoozer-102.hqx **** From: sales@shareware.qed-online.com Subject: Paragon Snoozer 1.0.2 Paragon Snoozer is a fully featured alarm clock with 'real' snooze function. Includes a 'talking' appointment diary and clock screen saver. Several alarm sounds to choose from. If you have trouble getting up in the morning or you want to impress your PC using clients with your 'talking' appointment scheduler then this is for you! REQUIRES: System 7.0 or later. 2MB RAM. (optional Speech Manager to make diary talk). LICENSE: Shareware US$10. #### BINHEX photo-advent-201.hqx **** From: support@photoadvent.com Subject: PhotoAdvent 2.01 - Personalized Advent Calendar PhotoAdvent is an Advent Calendar for your computer. It comes with 25 built in pictures, and allows you to personalize the calendar by importing your own pictures. It's a fun Christmas activity for everyone, and ideal for families with young children. The program opens on a snow scene with 25 numbered boxes. You click on the dates in order to expand them and then click and drag your mouse to gradually reveal the pictures hidden behind the dates. Although PhotoAdvent is not a screen saver, certain entertaining things do happen when PhotoAdvent is left idle for a period of time. PhotoAdvent 2.01 is an update release of PhotoAdvent 2.0. It fixes: * a bug which affected the display in registered versions. * a bug in the Help screen which could cause crashes in certain situations. * other minor cosmetic flaws. PhotoAdvent is Shareware from InstantWorld Software. Minimum System Requirements: System 7.0, 8 MB RAM, 68030 Processor, 640x480 Monitor (PPC or better and a monitor capable of Thousands of Colors strongly recommended.) InstantWorld Software WWW: www.photoadvent.com E-mail: instantworld@kagi.com #### BINHEX pizza-clock-100.hqx **** From: "Frank M. Ryan" <FMR@thewiredshark.com> Subject: Pizza Clock v1.0 Requirements: System 7.1 or higher 2MB of available Ram PPC or 68k Release Date:6/15/99 What is Pizza Clock: Ever went into that heavy computing state, like making icons or writing a letter to Grandma explaining the features of your brand new G3? Well, while into you totally forgot about that great looking pizza in the oven. And as you run to the kitchen through all that smoke, that great looking pizza has converted itself in something prehistoric you don't recognize anymore. Ever happen to you? Well it happen to me, so I wrote Pizza clock. Now when that good thing is in the oven, I launch Pizza Clock, set the time and I'm safely reminded when that Pizza is just crusty right. Pizza Clock is fairly simple to use, but if you need some help, Balloon help is fully supported. #### BINHEX print-calendar-11.hqx **** #### BINHEX project-timer-11.hqx **** From: julian miller <julian@scriptsoftware.com> Subject: Project Timer 1.1 Released for Mac OS X, Classic and Windows Great software! Project Timer is the simplest and easiest to use time tracking software available. Excellent for independent contractors, consultant and anyone who needs to monitor the time they spend on various tasks. Project Timer is the best way of recording the amount of time that is spent working on a project, contract or anything. Project Timer uses tab delimited text as its file format. You can import Project Timer files in to mainstream applications. Now you can save time and make money by using Project Timer. Features: * this application works on OS X, Classic and Windows * simple to use * a click of the button to start and stop timing * totals are then generated * works unattended in the background * open Project Timer files in AppleWorks or Microsoft Excel * only 20 us dollars * AutoSave restores unsaved files after a crash * Add, Edit or Remove comments from time entries * Recent Items For questions contact: projecttimer@scriptsoftware.com #### BINHEX project-timer.hqx **** From: julian miller <julian@scriptsoftware.com> Subject: Project Timer - Time Tracking Software Released for OS X and Classic Project Timer is the simplest and easiest to use time tracking software available. Excellent for independent contractors, consultant and anyone who needs to monitor the time they spend on various tasks. Project Timer is the best way of recording the amount of time that is spent working on a project, contract or anything. Project Timer uses tab delimited text as its file format. You can import Project Timer files in to mainstream applications. Now you can save time and make money by using Project Timer. Features: * this carbon application works on OS X and Classic * simple to use * a click of the button to start and stop timing * totals are then generated * works unattended in the background * open Project Timer files in AppleWorks or Microsoft Excel * only 20 us dollars * AutoSave restores unsaved files after a crash * Add, Edit or Remove comments from time entries * Recent Item PURCHASE Project Timer is $20 For questions contact: projecttimer@scriptsoftware.com #### BINHEX quick-to-dos-101.hqx **** From: alastair.matthews@st-hughs.oxford.ac.uk Subject: Quick ToDos 1.0.1 Quick ToDos allows you to keep a list of tasks and be notified about them at any time. Notification can occur once only, or repeat, for example every week. ToDos can be assigned colour-coded priorities. Version 1.0.1 fixes a problem whereby background notification did not work properly. Quick ToDos can open automatically when you start up your computer, and can be hidden when not in use. You can print out a list of your ToDos. The Appearance Manager and Drag and Drop are supported. Requirements: MacOS 8.5 or later. For screenshots, and download links, see the Quick ToDos web page at http://users.ox.ac.uk/~shug0945/clksoft/programs/td.html Questions? email clicksoft@kagi.com Alastair Matthews #### BINHEX quickset-alarm-21.hqx **** From: panoply@bellsouth.net Subject: Quickset Alarm 2.1 Quickset is an efficient alarm timer written in AppleScript. It requires very simple data entry via your keyboards numbers row or your numeric keypad. Alarms can be set to any time within the next twenty four (24) hours. Once you learn proper format, any time can be entered in under 5 seconds. Quickset can have multiple pending alarm times and the next pending alarm time is displayed as the running application. A more complete description is in the download. New in this version& 1. Fixes a bug when your computer is set to various non U.S. and custom time formats in the Date & Time control panel. 2. Fixes a bug when canceling the removal of a pending alarm time. System Requirements& Quickset Alarm has been tested in OS 9.x. It should work on OS 8.5 or later. It uses only Standard Addition and Finder dictionary AppleScript terms. Cost& Quickset Alarm 2.1 is intended as Shareware at a suggested price of $4.00. Written by& Quickset Alarm is by Terrance P. Burnett (panoply@bellsouth.net). #### BINHEX scheduler-211.hqx **** From: Joao Varela <jvarela@clix.pt> Subject: Scheduler 2.1.1 Scheduler 2.1 is a FREE utility that will remind you of remember important meetings and launch applications on a given date and at a certain time. It can also be used to manage the launching of applications upon startup or when your computer has remained idle for a certain amount of time. *The repeat pop-up menu is now updated correctly in systems running on MacOS 8.1; *The AM/PM button now works in systems running on MacOS 8.1; *Periodicity of "Every half hour" and "Every hour" corrected in 68k code running on MacOS 8.1 thru 9.0.4 and PowerPC code running system software earlier than MacOS 9; oddly enough this bug didn't crop up in PowerMacs on MacOS 9; apparently this was caused by a bug in the MacOS itself; I had to rewrite Scheduler in order to work around this system software bug that, occasionally, made Scheduler quit with an error of type 2; *The Edit menu and the Close item on the File menu are now disabled correctly when no window is visible; and *Scheduler no longer freezes when you launch an application upon idle time or when Scheduler is in the background; #### BINHEX session-timer-pro-433.hqx **** From: info@rootsolutions.de Subject: SessionTimerPro 4.3.3 Requirements: Any Mac with FileMaker Pro 5.0 or later. Standalone applications for OS X and OS Classic available from http://www.rootsolutions.de/sessiontimer/ info@rootsolutions.de SessionTimer Pro is a handy time logging tool for multiple projects. It is not affected by accidental closing, quitting, or even a system crash. Key features * intuitive, point and click interface. * freeware for up to three timers. * optional registration allows for an unlimited number of timers and other features. * overview window with shortcuts and sorting functions. * optional display of payment, based on an hourly or flat rate. * context-sensitive documentation. #### BINHEX simple-days-121.hqx **** From: Terry Findlay <terry_findlay@telus.net> Subject: simpleDays 1.2.1 simpleDays is a unique personal information and time management tool. Features include: a perpetual calendar, popup reminders of special events, "to do" management, a personal journal, a day planner, contact information management, storage of and access to internet favorites, on-line help, and more. #### BINHEX simple-to-do-10.hqx **** From: carstens@verticalsolutions.com Subject: Simple To Do 1.0 Simple To Do is a list manager. Use it for making to do lists, managing small projects, outlining, or simply organizing your thoughts. There are also unexpected features that make Simple To Do intelligent and easy to use: - A status bar so users can tell at a glance how far they have worked through a list and how much remains. - The ability to have Simple To Do generate a status report that can easily be pasted into e-mail and sent to an archive, to peers or supervisors. - The ability to drop multiple items from e-mail or other documents onto a list in order to quickly add items without having to re-type them. - The ability to ask Simple To Do what to work on next. An even shorter description follows: -------------------------------- Simple To Do is a list manager. Use it for making to do lists, managing small projects, outlining, or simply organizing your thoughts. Includes a status bar for visual feedback, accepts drags from e-mail, generates status reports and can suggest the next item to work on. #### BINHEX sinic-calendar-102-ch.hqx **** From: Joseph Chen <joseph@nats.informatik.uni-hamburg.de> Subject: Sinic (Chinese) Lunar Calendar (1.0.2)-- Chinese Version This is the Chinese version of Sinic (Chinese) Lunar Calendar (1.0.2). SLC is an implementation of the traditional lunar calendar used in East Asia (China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, etc.) It was also the official calendar in Japan until 19th century. You can also find the 24 solar terms and sunrise/sunset time and the moon phase in the city where you live. Furthermore, the traditional fortune telling symbols (8-characters) are also calculated. You can convert dates between Gregorian calendar and Sinic lunar calendar with a click. Most Christian holidays (Easter, etc) are also included. SLC is a shareware $15. -- Joseph C.H. Chen #### BINHEX sinic-calendar-102.hqx **** From: Joseph Chen <joseph@nats.informatik.uni-hamburg.de> Subject: Sinic(Chinese) Lunar Calendar 1.0.2 (English Version) Sinic (Chinese) Lunar Calendar (1.0.2) is an implementation of the traditional lunar calendar used in East Asia (China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, etc.) It was also the official calendar in Japan until 19th century. You can also find the 24 solar terms and sunrise/sunset time and the moon phase in the city where you live. Furthermore, the traditional fortune telling symbols (8-characters) are also calculated. You can convert dates between Gregorian calendar and Sinic lunar calendar with a click. Most Christian holidays (Easter, etc) are also included. SLC is a shareware $15. -- Joseph C.H. Chen #### BINHEX sippans-klocka-11.hqx **** From: sippan@macnytt.com Subject: Sippans Klocka 1.1 A fuzzy clock. New in 1.1: Fixed a few bugs and replaced the fuzziness slider with a popup button. sippan@macnytt.com #### BINHEX speak-time-21.hqx **** From: kenny grant <kennygrant@mac.com> Subject: SpeakTime 2.1 SpeakTime version 2.1 is a new version of the utility for speaking the time and reminders under the classic Mac OS or OS X. SystemRequirements: Mac OS 8.6 or greater (inc. Mac OS X), CarbonLib 1.3 or greater and Speech Manager HomePage: http://charmedbaryon.com/SpeakTime/ Changes with this release: SpeakTime Version 2.1 Now utilises proper preferences menu in the application menu under OSX. Added Speak Selection menu command. Menus rearranged to provide easier access to functions. Announcement menu added. Fixed cosmetic redraw problem if cols resized past table edges in OS 9. #### BINHEX sun-clock-122.hqx **** From: darikdatta@mac.com Subject: SunClock 1.2.2 SunClock is a nifty little application that shows what part of the world the sun is shining on. The shape of the shadow changes with the season. It is a port of the UNIX program sunclock. The first time I saw sunclock was on a Sun 3 running SunView back around 1989, and I thought it was a pretty neat program. Since the Mac is so insanely cool, I figured it was just a matter of time before someone came out with the same program for it. So, I waited... ... and waited... ... and waited. Well, a couple of programs that sort of did the same thing did come out, but they sucked. One was a HyperCard stack, so it doesn't really count as a program. The other was OK, but it did all this other stuff that I didn't want, plus I used it once to change my timezone and it screwed up my PRAM. I couldn't get my Date & Time control panel to set correctly until I zapped my PRAM. The author wanted something like $25 to get rid of the shareware dialog so I could fry my PRAM more efficiently. No thanks. So, 8 years later, I finally got off my butt and ported the UNIX source (it has always been public-domain) to the Mac, and prettied it up a bit. #### BINHEX talk-time-10.hqx **** From: Simon Kornblith <simon_k@bigfoot.com> Subject: TalkTime 1.0 - a talking scheduling application TalkTime is a simple scheduling application for the Macintosh. It speaks data about the events using Speech Manager. It can also display an alert if you are going to be away from your computer at the time the event occurs. This can help you if your forgetful, or if you just want the scare your friends while they're near your computer. The unregistered version does not allow you to make an alert appear (as described above) and will not let you run the program for over 100 runs. #### BINHEX the-countdown-10.hqx **** From: davdap79@hotmail.com Subject: The Countdown counter The Countdown is a days-left-to-the-year-2000 counter. It's freeware, wich means you're free to use it how you want, but you are not allowed to change the author's name in the Get Info dialogbox. Feel free to send a mail! The Author: David Pettersson davdap79@hotmail.com 1999 Sweden #### BINHEX ticalendar-11-demo.hqx **** From: spicerj@ezol.com Subject: TiCalendar 1.1 TiCalendar is a small calendar program with notes by day. A one trick pony, but small and cute! Features * Balloon Help * Both a PPC and 68K version included (for small file size) * Printing of a month's notes. More information on the program can be seen at my web site, <http://www.ezol.com/~spicerj/index.html> #### BINHEX tide-stamp-australia.hqx **** From: bcburke@socrates.berkeley.edu Subject: Tide Stamp Australia Tide Stamp is a tide and current predictor. Tide Stamp Australia calculates tides or currents for over 390 locations on or near Australia. Tide Stamp will run on any Mac with System 7 or later. Version 2.0 fixes all known bugs in 2.0b and is valid thru 2000. #### BINHEX tide-stamp-canada.hqx **** From: bcburke@socrates.berkeley.edu Subject: Tide Stamp Canada Tide Stamp is a tide and current predictor. Tide Stamp Canada calculates tides or currents for over 1000 Canadian locations. Tide Stamp will run on any Mac with System 7 or later. Version 2.0 fixes all known bugs in 2.0b and is valid thru 2000. #### BINHEX tide-stamp-north-america.hqx **** From: bcburke@socrates.berkeley.edu Subject: Tide Stamp North America Tide Stamp is a tide and current predictor. Tide Stamp North America calculates tides or currents for 900 locations on or near North America. Tide Stamp will run on any Mac with System 7 or later. Version 2.0 fixes all known bugs in 2.0b and is valid thru 2000. #### BINHEX tide-stamp-world.hqx **** From: bcburke@socrates.berkeley.edu Subject: Tide Stamp World Tide Stamp is a tide and current predictor. Tide Stamp World calculates tides or currents for 880 locations world wide not including North America locations. Tide Stamp will run on any Mac with System 7 or later. Version 2.0 fixes all known bugs in 2.0b and is valid thru 2000. #### BINHEX time-cache-301.hqx **** From: The PandaWare Company <info@pandaware.com> Subject: TimeCache 3.0.1 If you need to know here your time is going, check out PandaWare(r) TimeCache(tm) 3.0x. This popular Macintosh application makes it easier than ever for freelancers, consultants and small companies to tracks time and expenses to accurately bill your clients. Track any number of clients and projects. The emphasis is on simplicity of data entry and reporting. You can print reports directly from TimeCache or export data to other applications. New features include: - Quick Enter mode makes it even quicker to enter data - Track client contact information to include in printed reports and exported data - Compare actual project charges against project estimates with a mouse- click - Multi-Job Reports let users quickly create reports for any of their projects - Printing enhancements give users far greater control over how printed reports appear; add logo graphics to reports As in earlier versions, you can apply different billing rates to user-defined billing categories. TimeCache totals charges for every data entry. TimeCache automatically times your work, or you can enter time in hours or minutes. TimeCache 3.0x also automatically creates reports that summarize time and charges by billing categories. You can try TimeCache 3.0x for free. If you like it, register your copy with The PandaWare Company and we'll send you a registration key that lets you unlock your copy of TimeCache 3.0x for unlimited use. TimeCache 3.0x requires: PowerMac or Macintosh II or later System 7.0 or higher 3 Mbytes application RAM TimeCache 3.01 includes printing enhancements, other application-wide enhancements and some minor bug fixes. #### BINHEX time-label-16.hqx **** From: Bernhard Liebl <liebl@cccrew.com> Subject: TimeLabel 1.6 TimeLabel 1.6 TimeLabel is a project managment utility to help you keep track of how much time you spend on projects. It's easy to use and integrated into the system through an additional menu in the menu bar, so you don't have to deal with floating windows or the like. System Requirements: 68K or PPC, System 7.1.1 or higher. Version 1.6 fixes bugs. TimeLabel can be included in CD-ROMs or posted to any software archives or BBS's. For more information read the "Read Me" file. #### BINHEX time-palette-54.hqx **** From: support@timepalette.com Subject: Time Palette 5.4 Time Palette provides extensive features for the international business traveler including: world time, alarms, international call scheduling, an extensive almanac, distance calculator and worldwide weather. An extendable database containing detailed time zone information for more than 10,000 cities is included. In addition, Time Palette displays multiple world maps demarcating the earth's sun and moon illumination in real-time. More information is available at: http://www.timepalette.com #### BINHEX time-plan-calculator-10.hqx **** From: rob <RobCostin@earthlink.net> Subject: TimePlan 1.0 Filemaker Pro template Time Plan Calculator is a FileMaker Pro template. Use it to plan busy days, projects, presentations. Quickly calculates a list of activities in increments from 1 min to 12 hours. Unique mover buttons make it easy to insert and change the order of activities. Helps you hit target times with color-coded highlights. Instant help menu. requires: Mac System 7+ FileMaker Pro 4+ 180 Mhz + recommended Shareware, $10 US Rob Costin 584 Castro Street PMB 490 San Francisco, CA 94114-2594 #### BINHEX time-slice-26.hqx **** From: bill@modesittsoftware.com Subject: TimeSlice 2.6 TimeSlice is an easy-to-use time-tracking and billing applications for Mac OS 8.6 through Mac OS X. TimeSlice is used every day by small and large businesses, consultants, and contractors to track billable time spent on clients, business projects, specific jobs and more! TimeSlice requiers CarbonLib 1.4 or newer when running in OS 8 or 9. CarbonLib is free from Apple and can be updated by using your Software Update control panel. TimeSlice Partial Feature List - Start, Stop, Pause, Resume, and Restart time records - Direct In-line text editing in the main window time table as well as using the Edit Time Record window. - Expense column which stores a currency amount with each Time record. - Sort time records by clicking on the column titles. - Budget feature to keep track of cost and /or time against a budget amount. - Find and mark time records by date, category, client, and project. - Project, Category and Client columns - Pop-up menu for quickly selecting a client/project/category. - Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete Time records - Set the default values for a new Time Record - Print / Print Preview Time Events report - Time Display Increment of 1 second or 1, 6, 15 30 minute. - Export time records to other programs - Ability to select which columns are displayed on the screen, printed and exported - Hourly Rate settable per record - Easy method to Add Time Information manually - Create folders to help organize your work. - And much more... #### BINHEX time-tool-20.hqx **** From: Frank Kane <fkane@worlds.com> Subject: Time Tool 2.0 Time Tracker is a time clock, invoice generation, and timesheet generation tool designed for consultants, freelancers, or anybody who needs to track time spent at the computer and bill for it. An underlying relational database manages your clients, jobs, timesheets, and invoices, eliminating double-entry of data. Invoices or timesheets may be automatically printed based on the time you've billed toward a job or client for a given period of time, or you may create free-form invoices from scratch. It's easy to use - if you can punch in and out of a time clock, you can use Time Tool. Formerly known as Time Tracker, this new version adds timesheets, fixes a sorting problem, and exports directly to your email program. Shareware $15. http://home.cfl.rr.com/computingedge/timetracker/ computingedge@kagi.com Permission is granted to include this file in its entirety on CD-ROM compilations. #### BINHEX time-tool-202-osx.hqx **** From: frank.kane@gmail.com Subject: TimeTool OSX 2.0.2 Time Tracking & Billing Combines a punch clock, invoice generator, and time sheet generator in one simple application. Track time billed to any number of clients and projects, and automatically create customizable reports, invoices, and time sheets. A relational database ties it all together, and all of the underlying data may be edited by the user, making it easy to fix missed punches. Invoices and time sheets may be printed and emailed directly from the program. Invoices are fully customizable, may feature your company's logo, and can be created from scratch if you wish to track your time using some other method or just from your head. Data may also be exported for use in other applications or spreadsheets. A comprehensive, inexpensive solution for contractors, consultants, freelancers, or anybody who needs to track time spent at the computer and bill for it. Includes online help and documentation. This version is for MacOS X only. Visit http://www.the-computing-edge.com/ for cross-platform versions and more product information. Shareware, $15 registration fee. Fully functional for 30 days; invoice generation will be disabled if unregistered after 30 days. #### BINHEX time-tracer-13.hqx **** From: maui@mauisoftware.com Subject: TimeTracer 1.3 TimeTracer 1.3 TimeTracer is a Macintosh time-tracking application for cybercafes, copycenters, schools, libraries, or anyone who rents out computer time to the public or simply wants to keep track of computer use. TimeTracer - Tracks user time, and optionally prints a receipt. - Has security precautions built in. - Keeps a system log in the event of a system crash. - Optionally keeps a time log file for logging system activity. - Counts printer usage (requires PrintLogger). - And more... Prices $39 each license $149 for a 5 license pack $199 for a 10 license pack For more information, please contact Maui Software at: Web page: http://www.mauisoftware.com/ Order page: http://www.mauisoftware.com/MS_ORDER.html Sales & Info: mailto:sales@mauisoftware.com #### BINHEX time-zones-hc-112.hqx **** From: o.van.vlijmen@tip.nl Subject: TimeZonesHC 1.1.2 / HyperCard stack time in ALL timezones including DST Contents: TimeZonesHC timezones.gif AboutTimeZonesHC.html TimeZonesHC needs Apple's HyperCard player - see your MacOS CD or Apple's web site. It could be compatible with SuperCard, Serf, MetaCard and/or Revolution. This HyperCard stack by Oscar van Vlijmen can show the time in ALL known time zones, taking the daylight saving time (summertime) into account. Enter a time, set a few time zones, and this stack will compute the correct time in the set time zones. From base time to zone time and vice versa. If you enter a date as well, the correct daylight saving time corrections (summertime) are taken into account. This version can show up to 12 timezones simultaneously. This stack is a Macintosh application of the TZ UNIX timezone database, but only for the current timezone information, not the historical information. This stack is updated to TZdata2003a. What is so special about this stack? * You can find information about ALL known time zones of the world. The database has 406 zone cards. * ALL known information about daylight saving time (summertime) is included. * Calculations are made with a precision of one minute, even in the case of a transition from summer time to winter time (or vice versa) right now. * The information is extremely up to date. * You can study and change all information yourself, nothing is hidden. Freeware; not to be used for commercial applications; not on CD-ROM's. Internet page: http://www1.tip.nl/t876506/AboutTimeZonesHC.html Oscar van Vlijmen 2003-03-31 #### BINHEX true-clock-20.hqx **** From: "jean-francois burnol" <j_burnol@francemail.com> Subject: Trueclock 2.0 (time utility; freeware; MacOS 7.0+) This is a small time utility for Macintoshes running system 7.0 or higher. It displays up to 64 clocks on the screen, round or rectangular, with analog or digital display. This software was created back in November 1997, and shared at that time only with a few friends. You can save clocks in a configuration file that you can exchange with friends, or copy-paste them as PICTs to export to graphic-editors. You can copy-paste time to a text-document you are currently editing. Example: 12:54:47 jeudi 19 juillet 2001. It also includes a screen-saver. Well, I think using TrueClock is pretty much self-explanatory. For kids, too. #### BINHEX u-calendar-21-68k.hqx **** From: Waki Riuzo <wriu@pop11.odn.ne.jp> Subject: uCalendar 2.1 68K uCalendar 2.1 What is uCalendar? uCalendar is a personal scheduling calendar with text, banner & icon reminders. Features: * Very simple and easy to use interface. * Three different views -- Calendar / Week / Day view * Unique banner memo with selected shape and color * Simple memo and repeated event which is weekly, biweekly, monthly etc. * Plot Icon and customize it by Drag & Drop. * Add Alarm and ToDo facilities into each memo. * Customize background colors, day number font and others. * Add the categories with color to memo and banner. * International the names of months and days. * Week number * Apple Script (GetMemo, PutMemo) * Customized holidays, birthdays and other special days * Importing / exporting * Save memos as TEXT like setext format and calendar as HTML System requirements: MacOS 7.6 or later 2 MB RAM 2 MB Hard Disk Shareware fee: US$25 #### BINHEX u-calendar-21-ppc.hqx **** From: Waki Riuzo <wriu@pop11.odn.ne.jp> Subject: uCalendar 2.1 PPC uCalendar 2.1 What is uCalendar? uCalendar is a personal scheduling calendar with text, banner & icon reminders. Features: * Very simple and easy to use interface. * Three different views -- Calendar / Week / Day view * Unique banner memo with selected shape and color * Simple memo and repeated event which is weekly, biweekly, monthly etc. * Plot Icon and customize it by Drag & Drop. * Add Alarm and ToDo facilities into each memo. * Customize background colors, day number font and others. * Add the categories with color to memo and banner. * International the names of months and days. * Week number * Apple Script (GetMemo, PutMemo) * Customized holidays, birthdays and other special days * Importing / exporting * Save memos as TEXT like setext format and calendar as HTML System requirements: MacOS 7.6 or later 2 MB RAM 2 MB Hard Disk Shareware fee: US$25 #### BINHEX world-calendar-11.hqx **** From: woody@pandawave.com Subject: World Calendar v1.1 uploaded. World Calendar can convert between 15 different calendar systems, and displays a list of holidays from each of these calendars. Calendar systems that World Calendar can convert between include Gregorian, Hebrew, Chinese, Islamic, and Persian (Iranian). This is an upgrade to our previous version, and adds 4 new calendrical systems including Indian Civil. World Calendar is shareware, $10. Registered owners can upgrade for free. For more information about World Calendar, check our web site at http://www.pandawave.com/wc/ Thank you. - Bill Woody woody@pandawave.com The PandaWave http://www.pandawave.com -- William Edward Woody http://www.alumni.caltech.edu/~woody In Phase Consulting http://www.pandawave.com #### BINHEX world-clock-deluxe-32-osx.hqx **** From: MaBaSoft <info@mabasoft.com> Subject: World Clock Deluxe 3.2 for Mac OS X World Clock Deluxe for Mac OS X is a powerful but easy-to-use time tool. It displays up to 24 clocks in a horizontal or vertical palette and in the Dock, can show UTC and Internet Time, lets you assign labels and colors to clocks and allows you to add custom cities and time zones and calculate date and time conversions. World Clock Deluxe for Mac OS X runs in English, Japanese, German, Dutch, French, Spanish and Italian. System Requirements: World Clock Deluxe for Mac OS X needs Mac OS X 10.0 or later. Major New Features: - The Clocks palette can be transformed into a non-floating window, can be made transparent and can be quickly shown and hidden from any application using an editable keyboard shortcut. The palette's size can be reduced by using a smaller font and by hiding scroll arrows. - Clocks can now be hidden and rearranged by option-clicking them in the palette and dragging them. - In Mac OS X 10.1 or later clocks can be displayed rotating in the Dock icon. - The incompatibility with UFS volumes has been fixed: preferences are now stored and retrieved using the Mac OS X preferences system. - Multiple screens are now correctly supported. - Several interface improvements have been introduced. #### BINHEX y2k-mac-10.hqx **** From: csmolinski@erols.com Subject: Y2K Mac 1.0.0 Y2K Mac is a calendar which counts down to the year 2000, displaying the months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds until the new millenium. Along the way, it identifies critcal dates for Y2K compliance, such as the day many older GPS navigation units may fail. Shareware: $10 Chris Smolinski #### BINHEX y2kcd-103.hqx **** From: brilor@mail.doitnow.com Subject: Abstract of new version of Y2KCD version 1.03 This version corrects the "days" display bug in version 1.02. Shows up when the computer clock reaches January 1, 1999. Thank you and Best Regards, Brian Stevens Brilor Software #### BINHEX zenmai-clock-306.hqx **** From: Katsuya FUJIWARA <fujisoft@yahoo.co.jp> Subject: ZenmaiClock 3.0.6 - Freeware ZenmaiClock is a simple analog clock simulator for Macintosh. ZenmaiClock for MacOS requires MacOS 7.0 or later. ZenmaiClock for MacOSX requires MacOSX 10.1.4 or later. This package contains: ClockPlayer - An Analog Clock Simulator ClockEditor - An Analog Clock Editor Convert to AfterDark Module - converts clocks to AfterDark Modules. Convert to DA - converts clocks to Desk Accessories. Convert to Clock File - converts clocks to ClockPlayer files. and examples.