Abstracts from files in info-mac/dev/card as of Sun 20 Mar 2005

#### BINHEX     about-box-scroll-11-xcmd.hqx   ****

From: mail.hsv.tis.net@traveller.com (John Sudderth)
Subject: AboutBoxScroll 1.1 XCMD

An XCMD which displays an "About Box" with a scrolling field. Version 1.1 
fixes a PowerMac bug. Part of the Core Collection.

#### BINHEX     about-xcmd-11r.hqx   ****

From: (Perry Barton) pbarton@cris.com
Subject: About XCMD 1.1r

Replaces "About HyperCard..." in the Apple menu with your own menuItem.
Also enables you to place an additional menuItem immediately below it.
Version 1.1r contains the _final_ registration information.

#### BINHEX     ac-visual-hc.hqx   ****

From: (Brainfreeze) gudas@interlog.com
Subject: ACvisual stack -- ideas for AddColor transitions

Type: HyperCard stack
Requires: 8-bit colour, HyperCard 2.2 or newer

AddColor's transitions, when chosen from the menu in the color palette,
are assigned to a card, so that you get the transition whenever you go
the card. But what if you wanted to have separate transitions, so that
the transition depends on what card you started out from? The problem is
solved in the simple scripts of this stack. Full on-line documentation
of what goes on.

#### BINHEX     action-script-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: macsupport@pcmac.co.il
Subject: scriptAction XFCN

scriptAction XFCN enables you to use appleScript scripts from within
HyperTalk handlers. Free of charge.

Tech Support

PCMac Computers, Software & Communications Ltd.
Mordei Hagetaot 103 Beersheva, Israel

#### BINHEX     add-color-button-anim-11-hc.hqx   ****

From: Stan Soria <stan128@ix.netcom.com>
Subject: AddColor Button Animations 1.1 - animate 3D buttons in HyperCard

A demonstration of the use of AddColor and PICT images to animate 3D
buttons in HyperCard.  The technique employs a modification of Mark
Klink's button animation technique for cicns.

This version of the stack shows the user how "play" a series of PICTs for
button animation.

Requires HyperCard 2.2 or higher.

Stan Soria

#### BINHEX     animate-xcmd-hc.hqx   ****

From: nshockey@lancnews.infi.net
Subject: ++ ANIMATE XCMD 1.0 ++

Subject:  +ANIMATE XCMD 1.0
Author:  Nikki Shockey
Uploaded By:  NShockey         

File:  ANIMATE XCMD 1.0 (504352 bytes) 
Estimated Download Time (28800 baud):  < 4 minutes

Equipment:  Mac, HyperCard, CompileIt!
Needs:  HyperCard and 32-bit QuickDraw


+ Staff Pick -- Color graphics zip across the screen (or crawl -- it's
your choice ;). No flicker. Works on top of AddColor. Cool demo stack.
How could it *not* be a Pick?

+++ ANIMATE XCMD 1.0 +++

The ANIMATE XCMD provides a simple way of adding flicker-free graphic
animations to a HyperCard stack.  You can animate any size picture over
any background picture you specify.  The animation is produced using the
same methods for animation used in today's computer games.  

The stack includes several demonstrations of the XCMD in action.  The
stack is totally open for all eyes to view the scripts.

The ANIMATE XCMD was created using HeizerSoftware's CompileIt! 2.6.1.

The stack and XCMD are not free. If you use the XCMD in any of your
stacks, you must pay the shareware fee.  A registration payment of $5
will allow you to include the XCMD in as many stacks as you like, and
you will receive a copy of the updated versions. If you wish to use this
XCMD in commercial stacks, $10 will allow you unlimited use. This stack
and the ANIMATE XCMD are both shareware.  You may freely distributed
this stack as long as it is not changed in anyway.

#### BINHEX     array-master-10b1-hc.hqx   ****

From: Ben Lawson, benl@resunix.ri.sickkids.on.ca
Subject: ArrayMaster 1.0b1

ArrayMaster 1.0b1 � Ben Lawson 1996. Free for personal use. This HyperCard
2.2+ stack is compressed and BinHexed with DropStuff. It can be used as a
tutorial on how to simulate arrays with HyperTalk, as a HyperTalk scripting
example, or as a tool to process up to 30 K of array data directly.
(Basically, it makes heavy use of the "itemDelimiter" property.)

Five Hypertalk functions provide this array functionality.
    Get an array element's value:      getArrayElement().
    Change an array element's value:   setArrayElement().
    Insert an array element:           insertArrayElement().
    Delete an array element:           deleteArrayElement().
    Change an array's delimiters:      convertArray().

   put "11,12,13,14" & return & "21,22,23,24" into theArray
   answer getArrayElement(theArray,2,3) -- returns "23"

This is a moderately tested beta version, please send comments or bug
reports to <benl@sickkids.on.ca> or <benl@cmac.org>

#### BINHEX     ask-password-223-sc.hqx   ****

From: Hugh Senior, flco@macline.co.uk
Subject: askPW() dialog

The attached project contains a means of implementing an askPassword dialog
in SuperCard, suspending the script execution until a result is returned.
All Info is contained in the project, with parameters and application

Hope it proves useful to others.


#### BINHEX     associative-arrays-hc.hqx   ****

From: (Chris Culy) cculy@blue.weeg.uiowa.edu
Subject: Associative arrays for HyperCard

This stack contains 2 XFCNs and 2 XCMDS to manage associative arrays.

Associative arrays are arrays which can have strings as indices. For example,


Of course, the indices can be numbers as well, so these externals provide
true arrays for HyperCard. 

These externals are free for non-commercial use, and may be freely 

If you like them, or are inspired to do a better job on associative
arrays, send me e-mail: chris-culy@uiowa.edu



#### BINHEX     auto-check-1b-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: paul_consolo@mix.it (Paul Consolo)
Subject: AutoCheck XFCN - The only "char-by-char" text validity checker.

AutoCheck XFCN
�1996 ZiggySoft, By Paul Consolo
e-mail: paul_consolo@mix.it

   The Mac graphic environment is very different from the one of IBM
mini-systems (like old AS400). Yes, this is well-known. But, although the
many advantages of our Mac, some little feature, especially for commercial
purposes, is not present.
   In Macintosh, the editing of standard fields, for example, rarely can be
controlled "as-you-type", but only checked after the text is completely
entered. Thus, also in HyperCard.
   AutoCheck is an XFCN that, involving the "keyDown" hyperTalk function,
allows a "char-by-char" control of the text you type on a field; you can
decide to enter only numbers, letters, regular dates, formatted text, or
any group of predefined chars. The entered char can be automatically
modified (upper case, lower case, initial caps) and the total string lenght
can be limited to any number of chars.

#### BINHEX     best-of-hc-externals-20d.hqx   ****

From: (Moritz Grund) moritz.grund@rhein-neckar.netsurf.de
Subject: Best of HC Xtensions - MAC

That�s a compilation of the best Hyper Card XMCDs and XFCNs...

German Version
Text from Mathias Khalert...


So long! Moritz Grund
When do you use pgp please tell me that!

#### BINHEX     button-talk-141.hqx   ****

From: stephen@sirajule.t3.com (Stephen Linhart)

ButtonTalk is an easy to use tool for creating interactive
fiction.  It may also be useful for documentation, and for
scripts or prototypes of interactive products.  My goal is
to explore some notions of how writers can create interac-
tive fiction and what the possibilities are.  My method is
to give you a simple and powerful authoring tool that lets
you create finished products.

ButtonTalk 1.4 adds: improved reliability, improved compatibility
with system 7.5.5, multi-file HTML support, page numbers when
writing text files, support for alternate fonts, cut and copy
of page trees, searching for orphaned links, a new shortcut for
removing links, plus minor bug fixes.

Personal Use Is Free - Commercial Use $50 - Educational Use $5
Copyright 1996 by Stephen Linhart -- Macintosh Required

#### BINHEX     caps-changer-10.hqx   ****

From: Ken Dunham <kdunham@eosc.osshe.edu>
Subject: CapsChanger1.0

CaPs ChAnGeR is a HyperCard 2.1 utility stack that enables users to 
change uppercase text to properly formatted lower case text.  You can 
also change lower case text into all uppercase if you're looking to 
shout in someone's direction.  This product has been designed for a 
commercial product "HyperCard Roundup" but may be registered separately 
if so desired.

You have my permission to include this archive on commercially available 
CD-ROM's.  Please contact the author at kdunham@eosc.osshe.edu if you 
have any further questions.

#### BINHEX     card-organizer-10-hc.hqx   ****

From: (Ken Dunham) kdunham@eosc.osshe.edu
Subject: Card Organizer 1.0

Card Organizer 1.0 is a shareware 2.2X stack, �1996 Ken Dunham, that 
enables users to easily organize the order of cards within a HyperCard 
stack.  You can also rename cards, delete cards, or merge cards with 
another stack.  Direct questions, comments, and bugs to Ken Dunham at 

You have my permission to include this archive on commercially available 

#### BINHEX     change-case-12-xcmd.hqx   ****

From: benl@resunix.ri.sickkids.on.ca (Ben Lawson)
Subject: ChangeCase 1.2 XFCN

ChangeCase XFCN 1.2. Copyright Ben Lawson, 1993-96. All rights reserved.
Free for personal use, shareware fee $25.00 (CDN or US) for professional or
commercial use.

    The ChangeCase XFCN contained in the enclosed HyperCard stack
(compressed with DropStuff 3.5.2) takes text input and quickly (1000 times
faster than pure HyperTalk) returns that text with the case of its
characters changed according to the specified conversion method. This
version adds the "random" conversion method.

Options: flip (reversed), lowercase, random, sentence, title, uppercase
Syntax: ChangeCase(Container,<Case>,<SentenceEndings>)
Example: answer ChangeCase("abc","Title") -- returns "Abc"

#### BINHEX     change-curs-xcmd-10r.hqx   ****

From: (Perry Barton) pbarton@cris.com
Subject: ChangeCurs XCMD 1.0r

Use the ChangeCurs XCMD to replace the hand cursor with a different one of
your choosing.  Unlike the HyperTalk "set cursor to xxx", ChangeCurs exists
OUTSIDE of a handler.  The cursor that you specify will remain in effect
until you change it back to the hand cursor (or any other)  Version 1.0r
contains the _final_ registration information.

#### BINHEX     change-delimiter-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: (John Sudderth) mail.hsv.tis.net@traveller.com
Subject: ChangeDelimiter XFCN

An XFCN that will change the delimiter of a given list. ChangeDelimiter 
is part of the Core Collection v2.2.

#### BINHEX     check-gestalt-for-xcmd-10a.hqx   ****

From: nwcs@usit.net (Neil Schulman)
Subject: CheckGestaltFor XCMD 1.0a

This is a slightly revised version of CheckGestaltFor XCMD.
It is now version 1.0a. What's different? The biggest difference
is that it was compiled with Codewarrior DR9 (original was
DR 4.5) and it eliminated one library file. Also, the code is
more compact and faster. Added a selector (well, not a real
selector) that returns the version information, too. Revised
the documentation some.

This program is completely free for any use. If you use it,
all I ask is that you put my name in the about box or somewhere
appropriate. I'd also love to know what programs it will be
used in. If you're feeling generous, please send me a copy!
Otherwise it is free. Not public domain, mind you. There is
restricted commercial for-profit distribution with the
exception of PHT CD-ROMs of Info-Mac archives. I do this to
support the Mac community.

If you have any questions about this program, please feel free
to contact me!

Neil Schulman: nwcs@delphi.com, nwcs@usit.net, nschulman@aol.com

#### BINHEX     click-scripts-217.hqx   ****

From:Nemesis <Beate.Schmidt@radiol.med.uni-giessen.de>
Subject:Click Scripts 2.1.7

Create your own HyperCard scripts with a few mouse clicks. No knowledge
of HyperTalk is required therefore!

#### BINHEX     collection-ops-108-fr.hqx   ****

From: em57@calva.net
Subject: Collection OPS F-1.0.8

This is a set of more than 70 objects to be used with OpenStack.

You'll find objects classified in different folders like ready-made 
buttons and fields, tools for buttons, fields, cards, stacks, tools for 

OpenStack is a software made by Harry Alloul that enables the 
installation of elements like buttons, scripts, images by drag & drop 
in HyperCard� stacks. Version 1.1 allows you even to colorize your 
stacks without using the tools provided with the complete version of 
HyperCard� and in a more powerfull an easy way.

Note: this set of OpenStack objects is the french version. An US 
version will perhaps be provided.


#### BINHEX     color-navigator.hqx   ****

From: spidermanic@earthlink.net
Subject: custom Navigator

This File is a hypercard stack that includes a colorful custom Navigator 
Palette. It is postcardware.

#### BINHEX     color-text-xcmd.hqx   ****

From: (Jesse Boettcher) boettche@execpc.com

Subject: ColorText XCMD

ColorText is an XCMD for HyperCard that allows you to draw color text

quickly and easily.

#### BINHEX     compare-12-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: Matthias Kahlert <matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de>
Subject: Compare XFCN, Version 1.2

An external function for Apple HyperCard 2.x

This XFCN closes a gap in HyperCard. With it you can compare two strings, but this XFCN is, unlike HyperCard, case sensitive.
This XFCN is accelerated for PowerPC (only for HyperCard >= 2.3). Also a version for 68K Machines is included.

For more information use:
   E-Mail: matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de
   Internet: http://rfhs0002.fh.uni-regensburg.de/~s1830/hypercard_e.html

   Matthias Kahlert, Regensburg/Germany, January 4th 1996

#### BINHEX     compare-string-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: mail.hsv.tis.net@traveller.com (John Sudderth)
Subject: CompareString XFCN

An XFCN that will do a case sensitive string compare. CompareString is 
part of the Core Collection 2.2.

#### BINHEX     controlkey-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: rolf.heller@magnet.at
Subject: ControlKey XFCN 1.3

This stack contains an XFCN that returns the state of the control key. 
Usage in HyperTalk: 
if controlKey() is up|down then ... 
The XFCN needs System 6.0.5 and any version of HyperCard. 
Rolf Heller <rolf.heller@magnet.at>  

#### BINHEX     core-collection-25-xcmd.hqx   ****

From: sudderth@traveller.com (John Sudderth)
Subject: Core Collection 2.5

The Core Collection is a set of 55 XCMD's and XFCN's developed for use 
with HyperCard, SuperCard, 4th Dimension, and FoxPro. Check out the tool 
that has been used by in-house developers and shareware authors to help 
meet project deadlines and add extra functionality in a snap. The Core 
Collection can help you too!

Version 2.5 consists of the following externals:

AboutBoxScroll, BootVolume, BumpDate, ChangeCreator, ChangeDelimiter, 
ChangeType, CompareDate, CompareString, CopyFile, CreateAlias, 
CreatePath, DeleteFile, DeleteFolder, DoesExist, EjectDisk, 
FolderContents, FolderIsShared, FolderPath, GetAppPath, GetComment, 
GetDefaultFile, GetDepth, GetFileName, GetFileSize, GetFolder, 
GetInfoBox, GetManager, GetRAM, GetSetup, GetString, GetTypeCount, 
GetVersion, IsAppleShare, IsRunning, IsVirtualOn, LockFile, LockName, 
Mount, MoveToTrash, PadList, PasswordDialog, ProgressBar, PutDefaultFile, 
ReadWritePrefs, RenameFile, RestoreClut, SetComment, SetDepth, SetTitle, 
SetVisible, ShowAboutBox, StripList, Unmount, UseCustomIcon and Volumes.

For more information please visit our web site at < 
http://www.hsv.tis.net/~sudderth> or contact us via email at 

#### BINHEX     developer-scripts-temp-hc.hqx   ****

From: (Ken Dunham) kdunham@eosc.osshe.edu
Subject: Developer Scripts Temp.sit.hqx

Developer Scripts Template 1.0 is a shareware 2.2X stack, �1996 Ken 
Dunham, that enables users to easily change the userlevel, blind typing, 
arrow keys, power keys, and copy objects from one layer to another.  A 
lot of tips and tricks for scripting and design are also included.  
Direct questions, comments, and bugs to Ken Dunham at 

You have my permission to include this archive on commercially available 

#### BINHEX     differsifier-211-ppc.hqx   ****

From: Mark Schonewille <Europe@iHUG.org>
Subject: DIFfersifier HyperCard2DIF conversion

File: differsifier211ppc.hqx

Software name and version: DIFfersifier 2.1.1

Category: Utility, Database

Author's homepage: http://home.zonnet.nl/marksch

Author's e-mail: marksch@zonnet.nl


DIFfersifier 2.1.1 lets you convert HyperCard stacks to DIF files. DIF files
are recognized by several databases, one of them being FileMaker Pro. One of
the main purposes of this application is to increase compatibility of
HyperCard with non-Macintosh databases. 


MacOS 7.5.3 up to and including 9.2.2. DIFlet may not work with pre-8 OSs.
AppleScript 1.1 or later.
Memory requirements depend on size of converted HyperCard stacks.

New in this version

Bug in help file resolved.
Small interface improvements.
DIFfersifier Help menu item added to Help menu.

License information

DIFfersifier is freeware and may be distributed for non-commercial pusposes.
Read the Read Me file for full license information.

#### BINHEX     drag-select-rect-12.hqx   ****

From: pbarton@concentric.net
Subject: DragSelectRect XFCN 1.2

The latest version of DragSelectRect (1.2).  Replaces 1.1.

DragSelectRect is an XFCN which enables you to drag a gray or "marching
ants" selection rectangle within the card window of your stack, returning
the local or global coordinates of that rectangle.

#### BINHEX     drag-select-rect-xfcn-11.hqx   ****

From: (Perry Barton) pbarton@cris.com
Subject: DragSelectRect XFCN 1.1

The latest version of DragSelectRect (1.1).  Replaces 1.0 and 1.0.1.

DragSelectRect is an XFCN which enables you to drag a gray or "marching
ants" selection rectangle within the card window of your stack, returning
the local or global coordinates of that rectangle.

#### BINHEX     draw-cicn-xcmd.hqx   ****

From: (Jesse Boettcher) boettche@execpc.com

Subject: DrawCicn XCMD

DrawCicn is an XCMD for HyperCard that allows you to draw 'cicn', or color

icon resources into your stack quickly and easily.

#### BINHEX     extractit-for-stacks.hqx   ****

From: MorganBolt@aol.com
Subject: ExtractIt! for Stacks - The ultimate in stack editing

So, you think you've seen a stack hacker.  A script editor.  A stack pirate.
 Well, you haven't seen anything until you've seen THIS.  What we're dealing
with here is a super-fast stack, resource, file, script, property,
you-name-it editor/browser with advanced technologies and integration never
seen before!

ExtractIt! for Stacks is an all-purpose stack development tool with a
powerful, easy-to-use interface and a flexible system.  Not only does this
program let you edit any property of any object of any stack, it lets you
edit resources and files, do mass extractions, object counts, stack
protection, and much, much more.  It uses a unique, OpenDoc-like integration
approach, where every component is a "browser", much like a Finder window,
and they are all linked to a single, all-purpose "editor".  ExtractIt! for Sta
cks even includes a 490-card online HyperTalk reference browser!  This is an
absolute MUST for any HyperCard developer!  Best of all, it's FREE!

System Requirements:
 - Mac Plus or better w/HyperCard 2.3+
 - About a meg of disk space and a meg of RAM
 - QuickDraw GX or Word 6 to view the manuals

For more quality HyperCard programs, visit <http://lightningbolt.base.org>.

Tim Morgan
Lightning Bolt Software

#### BINHEX     file-manager-10.hqx   ****

From: kdunham@eoni.com
Subject: development/hypercard/file management

File Manager 1.0 is a freeware application authored by Ken Dunham, �1997.  This
program is for users of protection programs like At Ease or Foolproof.  Lab
managers and parents will appreciate the option to bypass security measures
within a given folder where users can manage their own files.  This program
enables lab managers to set up save folder with full file management point and
click utilities available to the user.  It can also be used for conditional file
management rights on a simple AppleTalk network.  The author takes no
responsibility for any problems or damage associated with the use of this

You have my permission to include this archive on commercially available CD ROMs.
 Contact the author at kdunham@eoni.com with questions and comments.

#### BINHEX     find-first-char-1b-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: Paul Consolo, Paul_Consolo@mix.it
Subject: FindFirstChar XFCN

FindFirstChar is a small XFCN for Hypercard, that allow a simple but
unusually search on a standard list, by returning the first occurrence
in the list where a line begin with a given letter; it may be also
useful to control by script the selection of an item by typing its first
letter on the keyboard.

   FindFirstChar is EmailWare - and is free for anyone that wants to use
it. All I ask is that you put the following lines in a visible place in
your stack:
     FindFirstChar XFCN
     �1996 ZiggySoft, By Paul Consolo
and if you like it (or even if you don't!) then email me at
Paul_Consolo@mix.it and tell me what you think (suggestions, bug
reports, etc.).

#### BINHEX     folder-contents-xfcn-15.hqx   ****

From: mail.hsv.tis.net@traveller.com (John Sudderth)
Subject: FolderContents 1.5

An XFCN which returns the contents of a folder in a return delimited 
list. New version adds a "recursive" option. It's really fast too. Enjoy.

#### BINHEX     font-utility-101-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: Matthias Kahlert <matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de>
Subject: Font Utility XFCNs, Version 1.0.1

A set of external functions for Apple HyperCard 2.x

They help you managing with fonts, especially converting between the fonts names and id-numbers.

For more information use:
   E-Mail: matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de
   Internet: http://rfhs0002.fh.uni-regensburg.de/~s1830/hypercard_e.html

   Matthias Kahlert, Regensburg/Germany, January 4th 1996

#### BINHEX     get-addressing-mode-xfcn-25.hqx   ****

From: j5rson@prairie.lakes.com (Jeffrey D. Iverson)
Subject: GetAddressingMode XFCN 2.5

GetAddressingMode takes no parameters. It returns three items, in a
comma-delimited list. Item 1 is true if the machine started up with
32-bit addressing. Item 2 is true if the machine has 32-bit compatible
system zone. Item 3 is true if the machine is 32-bit capable.

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-apple-talk-xfcn-25.hqx   ****

From: j5rson@prairie.lakes.com (Jeffrey D. Iverson)
Subject: GetAppleTalk XFCN 2.5

GetAppleTalkVersion takes no parameters. It returns the version of
AppleTalk installed in the machine, it returns 0 if AppleTalk is
currently turned off. Click on and/or examine the script of the button
above to see how it works!

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-card-services-xfcn-10.hqx   ****

From: j5rson@prairie.lakes.com (Jeffrey D. Iverson)
Subject: GetCardServices XFCN 1.0

GetCardServices takes no parameters. If the PC Card Manager is present
the function returns two items: the first tells whether Card Services
are present, the second tells whether the manager supports I/O requests.
The function returns Undefined if the PC Card Manager is not present. 

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-conn-mgr-xfcn-25.hqx   ****

From: j5rson@prairie.lakes.com (Jeffrey D. Iverson)
Subject: GetConnectionManager XFCN 2.5

GetConnectionManager takes no parameters. It returns 4 items. Item 1 is
true if the connection manager is present. Item 2 is true if the
connection manager has been fixed to allow the CMAddSearch routine to
work over the mAttn channel. Item 3 is true if CMGetErrorString() is
present. Item 4 is true if multiple asynchronous routines are supported

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-cur-os-10-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: j5rson@prairie.lakes.com (Jeffrey D. Iverson)
Subject: GetCurOS XFCN 1.0

GetCurOS takes no parameters. It returns the currently running OS
(either A/UX or MacOS).

Click on and/or examine the script of the button above to see how it

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any "in-house" corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE "for sale" product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-dbamgr-xfcn-25.hqx   ****

From: j5rson@prairie.lakes.com (Jeffrey D. Iverson)
Subject: GetDatabaseAccessManager XFCN 2.5

GetDBAccessManager takes no parameters. It returns true if the database
access manager is present, false if not. 

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-default-file-11-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: John Sudderth, sudderth@traveller.com
Subject: GetDefaultFile XFCN 1.1

An XFCN which will open a standard SFGetFile dialog box at a given path.
This will override the "Documents" setup in the General Controls Control
Panel when using System 7.5. New version has an optional "type" filter.
GetDefaultFile is part of the Core Collection 2.1. Enjoy.

#### BINHEX     get-depth-11-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: sudderth@traveller.com (John Sudderth)
Subject: GetDepth XFCN 1.1

An XFCN which will return the current or maximum depth of the main monitor.
Version 1.1 - Fixed maximum depth function for PowerMacs.

#### BINHEX     get-ditlext-xfcn-25.hqx   ****

From: j5rson@prairie.lakes.com (Jeffrey D. Iverson)
Subject: GetDITLExtensions XFCN 2.5

GetDITLExtensions takes no parameters. It returns true if the dialog
manager extensions are present. 

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-edition-mgr-xfcn-25.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetEditionManager XFCN 2.5

GetEditionManager takes no parameters. It returns true if the edition
manager is present. 

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-ejectable-xfcn-30.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetEjectable XFCN 3.0

GetEjectable takes one parameter, the name of the volume to examine. It
returns true or false indicating whether the volume is ejectable media
or not.

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-extended-toolbox-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetExtendedToolbox XFCN 1.0

GetExtToolbox takes no parameters. It returns the base address of the
extended toolbox trap table, or unknown. 

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-file-exists-xfcn-15.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetFileExists XFCN 1.5

GetFileExists takes one parameter, the pathname of the file to check. It
returns true or false telling whether the file exists or not.

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-folder-13-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: John Sudderth, sudderth@traveller.com
Subject: GetFolder XFCN 1.3

GetFolder ( [<path>] ) is an XFCN which will present a standard file
selection dialog containing only folders. Path is optional and will point
the dialog at a specific folder and override the "Documents" setup in the
General Controls Control Panel in System 7.5. GetFolder is part of Core
Collection 2.1. Enjoy.

#### BINHEX     get-font-manager-xfcn-25.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetFontManager XFCN 2.5

GetFontManager takes no parameters. It returns information about the
Font Manager. Item 1 is true if outline fonts are supported. 

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-free-k-xfcn-25.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetFreeK XFCN 2.5

GetFreeK takes one parameter, the pathname of the volume to examine. It
returns the number of free bytes available on the volume.

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-gestalt-version-xfcn-25.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetGestaltVersion XFCN 2.5

GetGestaltVersion takes no parameters. It returns the version of the
Gestalt Manager installed in the machine. 

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-hypertext-xcmd-11.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetHyperText XCMD 1.1

GetHyperText takes four parameters, the id of the field, a flag
indicating a card field, a quoted string indicating the styles of the
hot text, and the id of the cursor to use. The field id is just a unique
number that HyperCard assigns to every object. The flag should be true
if used in a card field, false if used in a background field. The quoted
string can contain any of the characters "biuosce" which stand for bold,
italic, underline, outline, shadow, condense, and extend, respectively.
These characters can be used in any combination. The cursor id is any
valid cursor id (this stack contains a magnifying glass cursor with id =
666, the HyperCard hand cursor id = 128).

In order to make this external work with scrolling fields it is
necessary to check the scroll of the field to see if it has changed. If
it has changed, I force HyperCard to update the screen which in turn
causes it to update the data that the external uses to determine if the
mouse is over styled text.

The idea for this external was a similar external by Stan Gilbert,
however, since I wasn't able to locate him to license his, I had to roll
my own. I hope you like it.

As you move the cursor over certain items of text, the cursor changes to
a magnifying glass. Clicking on this text then could take the user to
another card, another stack, or just pop up some useful information as
I've done.

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-keyboard-xfcn-25.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetKeyboard XFCN 2.5

GetKeyboard takes no parameters. It returns the type of keyboard that is
currently attached to the system. If the Apple Desktop Bus is in use,
there may be multiple keyboards or other ADB devices attached to the
machine. GetKeyboard returns the type of the keyboard on which the last
keystroke occured.

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-local-volumes-xfcn-25.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetLocalVolumes XFCN 2.5

GetLocalVolumes takes no paramters. It returns a list of all volumes
connected locally and a copyright message.

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-low-memory-size-xfcn-25.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetLowMemorySize XFCN 2.5

GetLowMemorySize takes no parameters. It returns the size (in bytes) of
the low-memory area used for vectors, global variables, and dispatch

Click on and/or examine the script of the button above to see how it

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-mac-name-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetMacName XFCN 1.0

GetMacName is an XFCN that allows the user to get the name of the
Macintosh as it was entered in the Network Identity area of the Sharing
Setup control panel.

Click on and/or examine the script of the button above to see how it

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-machine-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetMachine XFCN 2.5

GetMachine takes no parameters. It returns the name of the machine
currently running. 

Click on and/or examine the script of the button above to see how it

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-mmu-xfcn-25.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetMMU XFCN 2.5

GetMMUtype takes no parameters. It returns the type of memory management
unit present, if any. 

Click on and/or examine the script of the button above to see how it

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-monitors-xfcn-15.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetMonitors XFCN 1.5

GetMonitors takes no parameters. It returns the following info:
MonitorNumber, IsMainScreen, HasColor, BitDepth, BottomCoordinate,

MonitorNumber tells the order that the monitor's card was encountered,
IsMainScreen is true if the screen has the menubar, HasColor is true if
the monitor is set to a color mode (not grays or Black & White),
BitDepth is the current setting for that monitor, BottomCoordinate is
the bottom pixel on that screen, RightCoordinate is the rightmost pixel
on that screen. 

Here's what I had when I wrote it:


Since the monitors sit next to each other, and the one on the right has
the menubar it is considered the main screen, so it's topleft is
considered the Origin, or 0,0 so it's RightCoordinate is 640, and it's
BottomCoordinate is 480. The monitor next to it runs off of the built in
video card, so it loads first, but it's RightCoordinate is 1280, which
is 640 from the first monitor, plus 640 which is its width, and it's
BottomCoordinate is 480, the same as the main screen. This is controlled
by how you move the screens around in the Monitors control panel.

Click on and/or examine the script of the button above to see how it

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-open-transport-xfcn-10.hqx   ****

From: j5rson@prairie.lakes.com (Jeffrey D. Iverson)
Subject: GetOpenTransport XFCN 1.0

GetOpenTransport takes no parameters. If OpenTransport is loaded, the
function returns a list of 9 items, otherwise it returns 'Undefined'.

The returned items:
     1. Open Transport Present (true/false)
     2. Open Transport Loaded (true/false)
     3. Open Transport AppleTalk Present (true/false)
     4. Open Transport AppleTalk Loaded (true/false)
     5. Open Transport TCP/IP Present (true/false)
     6. Open Transport TCP/IP Loaded (true/false)
     7. Open Transport IPX/SPX Present (true/false)
     8. Open Transport IPX/SPX Loaded (true/false)
     9. Open Transport Version

Click on and/or examine the script of the button above to see how it

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-os-table-xfcn-25.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetOSTable XFCN 2.5

GetOSTable takes no parameters. It returns the base address of the
Operating System trap table. 

Click on and/or examine the script of the button above to see how it

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-outline-method-xfcn-15.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetOutlineMethod XFCN 1.5

GetOutlineMethod takes no parameters. It returns two items, the first
indicates whether TrueType outline fonts are supported, and the second
item indicates whether Adobe Type Manager is present.

Click on and/or examine the script of the button above to see how it

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-physical-ram-xfcn-25.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetPhysicalRAM XFCN 2.5

GetPhysicalRAMSize takes no parameters. It returns the number of bytes
of RAM currently installed. 

Click on and/or examine the script of the button above to see how it

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-popup-xfcn-25.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetPopUp XFCN 2.5

GetPopUp takes no parameters. It returns true if the version 7.0 pop-up
control definition procedure is present.

Click on and/or examine the script of the button above to see how it

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-power-manager-xfcn-25.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetPowerManager XFCN 2.5

GetPowerManager takes no parameters. It returns information about the
power manager. Item 1 is true if the power manager exists, item 2 is
true if the CPU can idle, item 3 is true if the machine can stop the SCC
clock, and item 4 is true if the machine can shut off sound circuits.

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any "in-house" corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE "for sale" product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-processor-xfcn-25.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetProcessor XFCN 2.5

GetProcessor takes no parameters. It returns the type of CPU currently
installed. (Actually it returns the value of the logical CPU, rather
than the physical CPU, thus on a Power Macintosh this external will
return MC68020, which is what the PowerPC emulates, there is another
external, called GetRealProcessor XFCN, which returns information about
the physical CPU.)

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any "in-house" corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE "for sale" product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-quick-time-10-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: j5rson@prairie.lakes.com (Jeffrey D. Iverson)
Subject: GetQuickTime XFCN 1.0

GetQuickTime takes no parameters. It returns the version of QuickTime
that is in use if any. If version 1.6.1 of QuickTime is installed, the
function will return a value of 0161.

Click on and/or examine the script of the button above to see how it

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any "in-house" corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE "for sale" product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments I can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-quickdraw-xfcn-25.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetQuickDraw XFCN 2.5

GetQD takes no parameters. It returns information about the version of
QuickDraw currently installed. Item 1 is the version of QuickDraw
installed, item 2 is true if color QuickDraw is present, item 3 is true
if GWorlds can be deeper than 1-bit, item 4 is true if PixMaps can be
direct (16 or 32-bit) and item 5 is true if QuickDraw supports text mode

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any "in-house" corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE "for sale" product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-ram-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: sudderth@traveller.com (John Sudderth)
Subject: GetRAM XFCN

GetRAM is a HyperCard external that will return available physical and
logical RAM.

#### BINHEX     get-res-name-xfcn-10.hqx   ****

From: (Mike Byrne) byrne@cc.gatech.edu
Subject: getResName XFCN 1.0

getResName is a HyperCard xfcn/XFCN which performs a simple but sometimes
critical function: given a resource type and number, it will return the
resource name.

Free for non-commercial use, includes both 68K (XFCN) and PPC (xfcn) versions.

For more info:


Mike "Sunburn" Byrne

#### BINHEX     get-rom-version-xfcn-25.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetROMVersion XFCN 2.5

GetROMVersion takes no parameters. It returns the version number of the
installed ROM. 

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any "in-house" corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE "for sale" product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-script-mgr-xfcn-25.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetScriptManager XFCN 2.5

GetScriptManager takes no parameters. It returns the version number of
the Script Manager. 

Click on and/or examine the script of the button above to see how it

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any "in-house" corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE "for sale" product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-set-create-date-25.hqx   ****

From: j5rson@prairie.lakes.com (Jeffrey D. Iverson)
Subject: Get/SetCreateDate XFCN/XCMD 2.5

GetModDate takes one parameter, the pathname of the file to examine. It
returns the time in seconds which can be converted to a date. SetModDate
takes two parameters, the pathname of the file to work on, and the
datetime in seconds.

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-set-mod-date-15.hqx   ****

From: j5rson@prairie.lakes.com (Jeffrey D. Iverson)
Subject: Get/SetModDate XFCN/XCMD 1.5

GetModDate takes one parameter, the pathname of the file to examine. It
returns the time in seconds which can be converted to a date. SetModDate
takes two parameters, the pathname of the file to work on, and the
datetime in seconds.

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-set-name-lock-25.hqx   ****

From: j5rson@prairie.lakes.com (Jeffrey D. Iverson)
Subject: Get/SetNameLock XFCN/XCMD 2.5

GetNameLock takes one parameter, the pathname of the file you want to
examine. SetNameLock takes two parameters, the pathname of the file and
true or false to set the nameLock. 

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-set-stationery-25.hqx   ****

From: j5rson@prairie.lakes.com (Jeffrey D. Iverson)
Subject: Get/SetStationery XFCN/XCMD 2,5

GetStationery takes one parameter, the pathname of the file you want to
examine. SetStationery takes two parameters, the pathname of the file
and TRUE or FALSE indicating your choice of setting. 

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-set-type-30.hqx   ****

From: j5rson@prairie.lakes.com (Jeffrey D. Iverson)
Subject: Get/SetType XFCN/XCMD 3.0

GetType takes one parameter, the pathname of the file you want to
examine. SetType takes two parameters, the pathname of the file and the
4 letter TYPE to use. 

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any �in-house� corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE �for sale� product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-size-30-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: j5rson@prairie.lakes.com (Jeffrey D. Iverson)
Subject: GetSIZE XFCN 3.0

GetSIZE takes one parameter, the pathname of the application to examine.
It returns two items, the current size of the application, and the
minimum size of the application. Size is reported in bytes.

Click on and/or examine the script of the button above to see how it

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any "in-house" corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE "for sale" product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-sound-xfcn-25.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetSound XFCN 2.5

GetSound takes no parameters. It returns five items, in a
comma-delimited list. Item 1 is true if sound hardware has stereo
capability, item 2 is true if the machine mixes stereo signal for
internal speaker, item 3 is true if the Sound I/O Manager is present,
item 4 is true if built-in Sound Input hardware is present, and item 5
is true if some Sound Input device is available. 

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any "in-house" corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE "for sale" product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-speech-busy-xfcn-15.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetSpeechBusy XFCN 1.5

The GetSpeechBusy external function return true or false telling you if
the speech manager is in use. 

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any "in-house" corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE "for sale" product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-speech-mgr-xfcn-15.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetSpeechManager XFCN 1.5

GetSpeechManager takes no parameters. It returns true if the Speech
Manager is present.

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any "in-house" corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE "for sale" product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-standard-file-xfcn-25.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetStandardFile XFCN 2.5

GetStandardFile takes no parameters. If true the machine supports the
four new procedures StandardPutFile, StandardGetFile, CustomPutFile, and

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any "in-house" corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE "for sale" product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-standard-nbp-xfcn-25.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetStandardNBP XFCN 2.5

GetStandardNBP takes no parameters. It returns true if StandardNBP is

Click on and/or examine the script of the button above to see how it

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any "in-house" corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE "for sale" product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-startup-drive-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetStartupDrive XFCN 1.0

GetStartupDrive is an XFCN that allows the user to get the name of the
drive that contains the active system folder.

To Get the Startup Drive use:  getStartupDrive()

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any "in-house" corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE "for sale" product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     get-time-manager-xfcn-25.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: GetTimeManager XFCN 2.5

GetTimeManager takes no parameters. It returns the version of the time
manager that is present. 

Click on and/or examine the script of the button above to see how it
This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any "in-house" corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE "for sale" product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     graph-lib-11-xcmd-hc.hqx   ****

From: Gigagraph@aol.com
Subject: GraphLib 1.1 XCMD for Hypercard

GraphLib 1.1 is an XCMD library of color QuickDraw commands for drawing to the
screen from Hypercard. GraphLib is shareware and sells for $25.

Why not just use the built in drawing commands in Hypercard?

GraphLib is much faster than Hypercard for scripted drawing to the screen.
GraphLib draws in 24 bit color and is designed for scripting. Hypercard drawing
is optimized for drawing manually with the tool palette.

GraphLib has the following commands:

Bezier, ClosePoly, DrawPictureFile, DrawString, EraseOval, EraseRect, FrameArc,
FrameOval, FramePoly, FrameRect, FrameRoundRect, GetPixel, InvertRect, KillPoly,
Line, LineTo, MoveTo, OpenPoly, PaintArc, PaintOval, PaintPoly, PaintRect,
PaintRoundRect, PenMode, PenPat, PenSize, RGBBackColor, RGBForeColor, SetPixel,
TextFont, TextSize

See the information reference provided with GraphLib for more information.
GraphLib is c1996 by Michael Frazier and Gigagraphica

#### BINHEX     graph-lib-11-xcmd-sc.hqx   ****

From: Gigagraph@aol.com
Subject: GraphLib 1.1 XCMD for SuperCard

GraphLib 1.1 is an XCMD library of color QuickDraw commands for drawing to the
screen from Supercard. GraphLib is shareware and sells for $25.

Why not just use the built in drawing commands in Supercard?

GraphLib is much faster than Supercard for scripted drawing to the screen.
GraphLib draws in 24 bit color and is designed for scripting. Supercard drawing
is optimized for drawing manually with the tool palette.

GraphLib has the following commands:

Bezier, ClosePoly, DrawPictureFile, DrawString, EraseOval, EraseRect, FrameArc,
FrameOval, FramePoly, FrameRect, FrameRoundRect, GetPixel, InvertRect, KillPoly,
Line, LineTo, MoveTo, OpenPoly, PaintArc, PaintOval, PaintPoly, PaintRect,
PaintRoundRect, PenMode, PenPat, PenSize, RGBBackColor, RGBForeColor, SetPixel,
TextFont, TextSize

See the information reference provided with GraphLib for more information.
GraphLib is c1996 by Michael Frazier and Gigagraphica

#### BINHEX     guide-to-hypercard.hqx   ****

From: rgriffin@mail.erols.com
Subject: Guide to HyperCard

This is Andrew's Guide to HyperCard! by: Prisim

This is a quick and easy way to learn HyperCard without having to read
any large manuals!  This is great for those of you who hate reading
alot, or want to just learn about a certaing point.

Warning: This will not teach you everything there is to know about
HyperCard, only the basics to help you get started.

You can also get more programs from our web page which also features two
bi-weekly comics at:


Note:  You will need HyperCard 2.x to run this. It should work with any

Another Note:  Pass this to all who need it, it's freeware!

#### BINHEX     hack-a-stack.hqx   ****

From: rgriffin@mail.erols.com
Subject: Hack-a-Stack

Hack-a-Stack by PRISIM is a simple hacking utility for those pesky
stacks that you just can't get into.


De-protecting feature.

Quick hacking.

Enables disabled menus.

Automatically opens the stack info dialog box.

Perfect for hacking low level security stacks.

Attempts to set userlevel to 5.

Informs the user of its progress.

--This is a very SIMPLE tool.  It will not break passwords or any high
level security stacks.
--Good for those that know how to use HyperCard.

Requirements:  HyperCard 2.x, and a Macintosh.

Visit PRISIM's web page at:

#### BINHEX     hc-native-12-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: Matthias Kahlert <matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de>
Subject: HCNative XFCN, Version 1.2

An external function for Apple HyperCard 2.x

HCNative checks, if your stack is running using the PowerPC or 68K version of HyperCard (2.3).
This XFCN is accelerated for PowerPC (only for HyperCard >= 2.3). Also a version for 68K Machines is included.

For more information use:
   E-Mail: matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de
   Internet: http://rfhs0002.fh.uni-regensburg.de/~s1830/hypercard_e.html

   Matthias Kahlert, Regensburg/Germany, January 4th 1996

#### BINHEX     hc-project-manager-11.hqx   ****

From: lfuller@mindspring.com
Subject: HyperCard Project Manager is a developer's tool for HyperCard.

It provides developer buttons that are linked to a card or background of
the target stack and contain handlers that are written and used during
development, but are not part of the final release.
These handlers may be used to ...
<> Layout the buttons and fields of a card or background; 
<> Draw borders and dividers;
<> Type titles and labels;
<> Run a test;
<> Import data from a file.
These handlers are saved in the Project Manager and are available
when you develop the next version of your project.

Documentation and an example stack is included.

New in version 1.1 - A Tools popup button that allows you to:
<> Record the tools windows that are open and their locations so that
   they always re-open where you want them.
<> Do a Script Search (ss) from an Ask dialog instead of the message
   This allows you, for example, to simply type 'field "fieldName"'
   instead of '"field "&quote&"fieldName"&quote'.

Also includes a copy of Script Scribe 2.3.

#### BINHEX     hc-roundup.hqx   ****

From: kdunham@eoni.com
Subject: development/hypercard/HCRoundup.sit.hqx

The HyperCard Roundup is a shareware HyperCard 2.3.X stack with tons of scripts
and easy to use features for all levels of HyperTalk and HyperCard programming:  
 Common questions and scripts, users can add their own scripts to the stack for
later reference, an interactive script tester for buttons and fields, powerful
find and replace scripts, design guidelines, complex scripts, 26 utility stacks
for registered users, and much more.  This stack is a utility that HyperCard
users can�t live without!

You have my permission to include this stack on commercially available CD ROMs. 
Contact the author, Ken Dunham, at kdunham@eoni.com for questions or

#### BINHEX     hc-text-to-speech-tricks.hqx   ****

From: MKlink@aol.com
Subject: HyperCard Text-To-Speech Tricks

This stack provides a variety of scripting techniques for accessing the
Speech Manager using either the commands built into HyperCard 2.3 or XCMDs.
The stacks greatest value, however, may be that it documents the use of
inline commands and phonemic symbols. These methods greatly increase an
author's control over the Speech Manager. They are not discussed in the
documentation that comes with HC 2.3

#### BINHEX     hc-to-sc-syntax-aid-131-sc.hqx   ****

From: (Hugh Senior) flco@macline.co.uk
Subject: HC to SC Syntax 1.31

Please find attached version 1.31 of the HC>SC Syntax Comparer to
ensure your site is up to date. It corrects some typographical errors
and clarifies some item descriptors.

You may wish to delete version 1.3 from public domain servers


Hugh Senior
The Flexible Learning Company

#### BINHEX     hier-pop-up-34-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: jonpugh@netcom.com (Jon Pugh)
Subject: HPopupMenu 3.4 XFCN (Native!)

Here's a new version of my popular Hierarchical Popup Menu for Hypercard.
There's no real functionality added, but I have recompiled the whole thing
into a native 'xfcn' resource for use in Hypercard 2.3.5.  This will help
with lengthy menu lists, but the difference should generally be negligible.
I did it mostly for the exercise.

This and my other externals can be found on my HyperStuff web page:



What are you doing to oppose the Microsoft juggernaut?

#### BINHEX     home-sweet-home-20-hc.hqx   ****

From: jde@webnet.com.au (Joseph Debono)
Subject: HomeSweetHome

A great replacement Home stack for HyperCard.
Useful for both the novice and experienced scripter.

Uploaded by the Author:

  Joseph Debono
  jde@webnet.com.au    -   jde@pa.ausom.net.au

#### BINHEX     hyped-201.hqx   ****

From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <jonrelay@napanet.net>
Subject: Hyped 2.0.1

Hyped is a HyperCard operating system, designed as the Finder for The Slate,
a fictitious PDA computer that runs entirely on HyperCard.

Hyped is written entirely in HyperTalk for the highest compatibility with
any implementation of HyperCard, except for a small part of it, called a
Lightbox, which makes all the calls for managing files, folders, and disks.
This way, no matter what form of HyperCard you are using, it will still
work, since the Lightbox makes all the calls and is easy to replace with
another. Hyped includes several Lightboxes; one uses AppleScript and makes
calls to the Finder, one makes calls to CreySoft 2000's Icebox Kernel, one
uses Rinaldi XCMDs, one uses Core Collection XCMDs, and the last one is a
Rinaldi/AppleScript hybrid. Lightboxes can also be written in other OSA
languages or XCMDs.

Hyped is now at version 2.0.1. It is faster with its Rinaldi/AppleScript
hybrid Lightbox and more convenient with redesigned icons, multiple Hyped
windows, icon-only view, and a QuickMenu. HyperWrite and the GUI Builder are
now ready to be run (although still no HyperPaint as of yet). Version 2.0.1
includes various bug fixes and cosmetic changes.
Future plans include Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, etc. control panels,
contextual menus, other Hyper* applications... hold on there!

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation.

#### BINHEX     hyper-46k-10.hqx   ****

From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <jonrelay@napanet.net>
Subject: Hyper4.6K 1.0

Hyper4.6K is a HyperCard database of around 4700 names and their meanings.
Also searches for variations and other referenced names.

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation.

#### BINHEX     hyper-card-basics.hqx   ****

From: Cindy Carney <cindy@halcyon.com>
Subject: HyperCard Basics 1 & 2

HyperCard Basics 1 and 2 will teach a person how to program in 
HyperCard. Requires the full version of HyperCard 2.1 or higher.

#### BINHEX     hyper-card-grey-dlog-patch.hqx   ****

From: moritz.grund@rhein-neckar.netsurf.de
Subject: HC Grey Dlog patch

Hi there! 
Here�s my new MAC software... please put this into folder "hyperCard"

This patch changes the colour of all dialoges in hyperCard to a grey.
Its requiers hc 2.1

there is nothing to say more about it...
ps: i�am not very good in english. i�am a german ;)

Its Freeware


#### BINHEX     hyper-talk-quick-ref.hqx   ****

From: jaed@jaedworks.com
Subject: hyper-talk-quick-ref.hqx

Hi. Enclosed is a new version of /dev/card/hyper-talk-quick-ref.hqx. It
should replace the copy currently in info-mac. (This version has updates
for HyperCard 2.4, and also a change of email address.)

If you have any questions or if I need to do anything else, please let me
know. Thanks!

jeanne a. e. devoto ~ jaed@jaedworks.com

#### BINHEX     hyper-turtle-tools-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: Chris Hvid, chvid@mail.educ.gov.bc.ca
Subject: Hyperturtle Tools XFCN

The HyperTurtle Tools  XFCN is an excellent turtle graphics add-on module
for basic animation effects in HyperCard and SuperCard and is also useful
for creating geometric art for HyperCard and SuperCard cards. HyperTurtle
Tools was written using the powerful C language and is less than 26K in
size!. The stack with the XFCN copiously documents all of the built-in
TurtleTalk commands and gives plenty of snappy examples of direct Quickdraw access
from SuperCard.

HyperTurtle tools has support for drawing lines; rectangles,
roundrectangles; ovals; arcs; polygons; icons; color pict resources; color
icons ("cicn" resources); black and white fill patterns; RGB colors; color
fill patterns ('ppat resources'); absolute, relative, and turtle graphics
relative coordinate systems; real or integer coordinate system; basic
turtle graphics primitives - writing to the clipboard and on top of
SuperCard and HyperCard.

HyperTurtle Tools will work with either color or black and white machines.

HyperTurtle Tools is shareware for 25$ with unlimited royalty free distribution
 in your stackware.

Chris Hvid
Research Officer
Accountability Team
Ministry of Education

#### BINHEX     hyperCard-dummy-121.hqx   ****

From: ferris@proaxis.com
Subject: HyperCard Dummy 1.2.1

Dummy�s sole purpose in life is to keep HyperCard running. HyperCard has
a bad habit of requiring at least one stack open at all times when it is
running, making it necessary to switch to some other stack before you
close the one you are working with. So if you are working on a stack,
say HyperWorldPeace, and you want to use ResEdit to add a sound to it,
and you don't want to bother quiting HyperCard, and restarting it, just
leave Dummy open, and you don�t have to.

Dummy�s second sole purpose in life complements the first one: Dummy can
automagically close as many stacks as you can open, and do it many times
faster than you could do manually.

Requires: HyperCard 2.1 or so

Seth Hill -- seth@kagi.com

#### BINHEX     hypercard-basics-1-and-2.hqx   ****

From: (Cindy M. Carney) cindy@halcyon.com
Subject: HyperCard Basics 1 & 2

HyperCard Basics 1 & 2 is a set of 2 stacks that will teach you how to 
program in HyperCard.  Requires HyperCard 2.1 or higher.

#### BINHEX     hypercard-menus-10r.hqx   ****

From: (Perry Barton) pbarton@cris.com
Subject: HyperCard Menus 1.0r

HyperCard Menus is a set of external commands and external functions that
allow you create and manipulate your own custom menus within HyperCard.
Includes support for hierarchical menus with AS MANY levels of submenus as
you desire, and ICONs, SICNs, and scaled-down ICONs for menu items.
Version 1.0r contains the _final_ registration information.

#### BINHEX     hypercard-roundup-10.hqx   ****

From: kdunham@eoni.com
Subject: HyperCard Roundup 1.0

"The HyperCard Roundup 1.0," �1997 Ken Dunham & Sharon Porter, is an
invaluable resource for the beginning, intermediate, and advanced
HyperCard and HyperTalk developer.  It features hundreds of ready to use
scripts, commonly used scripts, and advanced scripts for users of all
levels.  Some of the basics are reviewed along with help for
understanding scripts, resources, design, and more!  Features like
syntax windows, powerful find and find/replace features, and interactive
test script features make this a one of a kind application.  Works best
with HyperCard 2.3 or better.

You have my permission to put this stack on commercially available CD
ROM's.  Email comments and questions to to the author at

#### BINHEX     init-global-list-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: parnassien@netins.net (Tracy L. Hinshaw)
Subject: InitGlobalList XFCN. HyperCard & SuperCard

InitGlobalList.  XCMD for HyperCard� and SuperCard�

Copyright � 1996. Tracy L. Hinshaw, Parnassien Language Software.

InitGlobalList is an XCMD that takes a comma-delimited list of global
variables and "initializes" to the value you provide. Handy when you have
several variables that need set same value.  Much faster than setting
values by scripts and saves many lines of code.

InitGlobalList is Freeware although I would appreciate an email message
just to let me know that someone is using it.

Any commercial use of InitGlobalList must be licensed and approved by the

Tracy L. Hinshaw
Parnassien Language Software
P.O. Box 142
Kellogg, IA 50135-0142


#### BINHEX     internet-xfcns-11.hqx   ****

From: mkahlert@kagi.com
Subject: Internet XFCNs v1.1

Internet XFCNs v1.1 (e)

In this small HyperCard stack you will find some nice XFCNs that help you
to read the Internet Preferences of your target Macintosh. The XFCNs use
the Internet Config System from Peter N. Lewis to read the settings and
they return them as string. Just open the stack to take a look at them. 8-))

This stack and the XTernals in it are cool-ware. If you like them or if
you use then in your own stacks, please send me something cool. Send me
anything you like and that you find COOL. I would also be happy, if you
send me a short E-Mail with some comments.

Matthias Kahlert



#### BINHEX     kellys-player-20.hqx   ****

#### BINHEX     key-xfcns-10.hqx   ****

From: rolf.heller@magnet.at
Subject: Key XFCNs V1.0

This stack contains three XFCNs and one XCMD, all related to key events. 
keyIsDown (<virtual key code>|-1) 
returns true if the specified key is pressed. With -1 as key code, the 
returns true if at least one key ist pressed, false if no key is 
virtualKeyCode () 
returns a comma delimited list of the virtual key codes of all currently 
pressed keys. 
charKeyCode (["m[odifiers]"]) 
returns the character of the currently pressed key. If "modifiers" is 
specified, the function returns them too. If command-option-x is 
pressed, the function returns the string "cmd opt x". 
removes keyDown, keyUp, and autoKey events from the OS event queue. 
This stack needs at least System 7.1 and HyperCard 2.2 
Rolf Heller <rolf.heller@magnet.at> 

#### BINHEX     key-xfcns-20.hqx   ****

From: rolf.heller@magnet.at
Subject: Key XFCNs V2.0


Key XFCNs V2.0 (replaces Key XFCNs V1.0 and the ControlKey XFCN) 
New in this version: 
   xfcns and xcmds for PowerMacs added. 
This HyperCard stack contains four XFCNs and one XCMD, all related to 
key events. 
The ControlKey XFCN, that came in a separate stack before, is now 
included in this file. 
   returns "down" if the control key is pressed, "up" otherwise. 
keyIsDown (<virtual key code>|-1) 
   returns true if the specified key is pressed. With -1 as key code, 
the XFCN 
   returns true if at least one key ist pressed, false if no key is 
virtualKeyCode () 
   returns a comma delimited list of the virtual key codes of all 
   pressed keys. 
charKeyCode (["m[odifiers]"]) 
   returns the character of the currently pressed key. If "modifiers" is 
   specified, the function returns them too. If command-option-x is 
   pressed, the function returns the string "cmd opt x". 
   removes keyDown, keyUp, and autoKey events from the OS event queue. 
   This stack needs at least System 7.1 and HyperCard 2.2 
Rolf Heller <rolf.heller@magnet.at> 

#### BINHEX     khyx-35.hqx   ****

From: "Jonathyn Bet'nct" <jonrelay@napanet.net>
Subject: KHyX 3.5

KHyX is the ultimate HyperCard enhancement. It adds a diamond menu with many
useful commands, more palettes, commands, and functions, and it's expandable
with modules. HyperMath is included, adding loads of mathematical functions,
including base 10 logarithms, base conversion, and even complex numbers.

(C) 2001 Kreative Software, a division of Kreative Korporation.

#### BINHEX     leading-zero-11-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: Matthias Kahlert <matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de>
Subject: LeadingZero XFCN, Version 1.1

An external function for Apple HyperCard 2.x

This XFCN fills a integer to a given number of digits by putting Zeros before it.
This XFCN is accelerated for PowerPC (only for HyperCard >= 2.3). Also a version for 68K Machines is included.

For more information use:
   E-Mail: matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de
   Internet: http://rfhs0002.fh.uni-regensburg.de/~s1830/hypercard_e.html

   Matthias Kahlert, Regensburg/Germany, January 4th 1996

#### BINHEX     led-20.hqx   ****

From: mkahlert@kagi.com
Subject: L.E.D. v2.0

Attached to this e-mail you will find my HyperCard stack "L.E.D. v2.0".

Please add the file(s) to the Info-Mac/UMich archive (in the chapter

Thanks in advance!

Matthias Kahlert, Germany

My E-Mail Address:
My MacOS Homepage:
Best of E-Mail Signatures

     There are two major products that come out of Berkeley:
     LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.

#### BINHEX     list-processes-10-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: j5rson@prairie.lakes.com (Jeffrey D. Iverson)
Subject: ListProcesses XFCN 1.0

ListProcesses takes no parameters. It returns the name of the process,
and the amount of memory (in bytes) that process is using.

Click on and/or examine the script of the button above to see how it

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any "in-house" corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE "for sale" product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     machine-id-13-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: Matthias Kahlert <matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de>
Subject: MachineID XFCN, Version 1.3

An external function for Apple HyperCard 2.x

The XFCN lets you identify your Mac by returning it's id-number stored in the ROM routines.
This XFCN is accelerated for PowerPC (only for HyperCard >= 2.3). Also a version for 68K Machines is included.

For more information use:
   E-Mail: matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de
   Internet: http://rfhs0002.fh.uni-regensburg.de/~s1830/hypercard_e.html

   Matthias Kahlert, Regensburg/Germany, January 4th 1996

#### BINHEX     make-alias-xcmd-15.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: MakeAlias XCMD 1.5

MakeAlias takes two parameters, the full pathname of the original file,
and the pathname of the alias file to be created. This external is for
creating aliases of files on the same volume as the alias. I will be
writing one which will create aliases of files on remote volumes.

Click on and/or examine the script of the button above to see how it

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any "in-house" corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE "for sale" product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     master-spell-20-hc.hqx   ****

From: jaylich@interaccess.com
Subject: Master Spell 2.0

Master Spell 2.0 by Jay Lichtenauer

Master Spell is a spelling tester using the Macs speech capabilities and
requires HyperCard Player or HyperStack Player and Apple�s Text to
Speech software.

Master Spell includes two levels of tests in this stack:

Master Spell Adult I have included an extensive list of almost 1,000
spelling words for adults.

Master Spell Kid. I left the kids spelling test area quite vacant so
that parents and teachers can add their own spelling words or those that
may be assigned at school.

This is emailware.  Please email me if you use it and like it. It may be
included on any CD.

Jay Lichtenauer jaylich@interaccess.com homepage:

#### BINHEX     mega-window-31-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: AL300@aol.com
Subject: MegaWindow XFCN v3.1

Note: If you're a registered owner of 3.0, you can upgrade instantly and for
free. Instructions are in the SimpleText file.

This is the latest upgrade to the popular MegaWindow external for HyperCard.
It requires System 7 and HC 2.1 or higher. (Some features of the two stacks
require v2.2, but if you don't have it, it'll still run.) The MegaWindow XFCN
lets you create and manage powerful external windows with only HyperTalk
scripts. It's kind of like WindowScript, yes, but some say it's better, and
it's definitely a lot cheaper.

New featuresth includeth, but art not limiteth to:
 * A revamped Workshop stack, with an index, zoom controls, a color picker,
and more.
 * Each object can have a script to execute when it's clicked.
 * Multi-column Lists, and scroll bars to match.
 * Buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, popups, and text fields all disable.
 * You can use the Mac OS control styles if you want, instead of the MW ones.
 * You can get and set the styles in a TextEdit field from a script. You can
also emboss their frames, scroll them by script, change their justification
and alter the word wrap.
 * Various aethetic enhancements.

And there's even more in the stacks. If you've never tried MegaWindow, here's
your chance. It's only ... sit down ... $20 for new users. I can't keep those
prices down much longer, people!

Once you've purchased it, you can distribute as much freeware as you want.
Shareware and commercial software must still be licensed through me at

#### BINHEX     menu-bar-height-21-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: Matthias Kahlert <matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de>
Subject: MenuBarHeight XFCN, Version2.1

An external function for Apple HyperCard 2.x

It returnes the height of the menubar (given in pixels).
This XFCN is accelerated for PowerPC (only for HyperCard >= 2.3). Also a version for 68K Machines is included.

For more information use:
   E-Mail: matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de
   Internet: http://rfhs0002.fh.uni-regensburg.de/~s1830/hypercard_e.html

   Matthias Kahlert, Regensburg/Germany, January 4th 1996

#### BINHEX     menu-bar-visible-10-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: Matthias Kahlert <matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de>
Subject: MenuBarVisible XFCN, Version 1.0

An external function for Apple HyperCard 2.x

It tells you weather the menubar is visible or hidden.
This XFCN is accelerated for PowerPC (only for HyperCard >= 2.3). Also a version for 68K Machines is included.

For more information use:
   E-Mail: matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de
   Internet: http://rfhs0002.fh.uni-regensburg.de/~s1830/hypercard_e.html

   Matthias Kahlert, Regensburg/Germany, January 4th 1996

#### BINHEX     menu-flash-23-xcmd.hqx   ****

From: Matthias Kahlert <matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de>
Subject: MenuFlash XCMD, Version 2.3

An external command for Apple HyperCard 2.x

It let's you change the number of times a menuitem is flashing when you select it.
This XCMD is accelerated for PowerPC (only for HyperCard >= 2.3). Also a version for 68K Machines is included.

For more information use:
   E-Mail: matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de
   Internet: http://rfhs0002.fh.uni-regensburg.de/~s1830/hypercard_e.html

   Matthias Kahlert, Regensburg/Germany, January 4th 1996

#### BINHEX     message-box-rebounder-101.hqx   ****

From: mwolfg1@icarus.cc.uic.edu
Subject: Message Box Rebounder 1.0

The Message Box Rebounder is a small tool which simply revitalizes the
HyperCard Player's message box.  In essence, it "bounces" the contents of
the message box back up the passing path in a form the Player will
directly execute instead of beeping at.  The Rebounder automatically
distinguishes between commands and expressions and includes these
features: retrieval of the last message typed, instant reporting of "the
result" function, support for the standard "it" global variable, and an
available multi-line "Batch Message" field.  I can't say what this stack
should be used for -- it really has as many uses as the message box
itself.  If you're clever, you could even use this stack to edit most
object scripts.

Wolfgang McKeown

#### BINHEX     msg-mem-11.hqx   ****

From: stoedle@online.no
Subject: MsgMem 1.1

MsgMem is a HyperCard utility. It allows you to store, reinsert and
execute commands entered in the message box. All commands executed via
the message box are saved to a menu until a user-definable threshold is
reached. Then the older commands are erased. You can also execute
commands without reinserting them in the message box.

MsgMem is shareware. More information on pricing is included with the

If you have any questions, comments or bugs, please report them to
either <yls@kagi.com> or <stoedle@online.no>.

For updates, other products from Yellow Lemon Software and more, check
out the YLS web site, located at

This version fixes bugs that would disable MsgMem from running at all.
It now runs, though it still has some minor bugs which are mainly
related to HyperCard limitations.

Daniel St�dle
Yellow Lemon Software

#### BINHEX     multiple-text-11-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: Matthias Kahlert <matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de>
Subject: MultipleText XFCN, Version 1.1

An external function for Apple HyperCard 2.x

This XFCN let's you "multiply" a text by repeating it a number of times.
This XFCN is accelerated for PowerPC (only for HyperCard >= 2.3). Also a version for 68K Machines is included.

For more information use:
   E-Mail: matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de
   Internet: http://rfhs0002.fh.uni-regensburg.de/~s1830/hypercard_e.html

   Matthias Kahlert, Regensburg/Germany, January 4th 1996

#### BINHEX     my-c-cursor-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: parnassien@netins.net (Tracy L. Hinshaw)
Subject: MyCCursor XFCN - HyperCard & Supercard

MyCCursor. XCMD for HyperCard� & SuperCard�

Copyright � 1996. Tracy L. Hinshaw, Parnassien Language Software.

  MyCCursor is an XCMD for HyperCard and SuperCard which allows you use
colour cursors in your stacks/projects. Colour cursors are stored in the
resource fork of your stack/project and need only be identified by ID to

  MyCCursor is probably most effective when used with SuperCard where
persistent cursors are supported (i.e.: set the lockcursor to true)
although it can be quite useful in HyperCard too.

  MyCCursor is provided as freeware for personal use.  If you do
incorporate MyCCursor in your stacks/projects, I would appreciate an email
message just to let me know how and where my program is being used.

  If you intend to use MyCCursor in any commercial/shareware product, you
must contact the author for licensing and distribution approval at:

Tracy L. Hinshaw
Parnassien Language Software
P.O. Box 142
Kellogg, IA 50135-0142


#### BINHEX     my-compare-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: parnassien@netins.net (Tracy L. Hinshaw)
Subject: MyCompare XFCN. HyperCard & Supercard

MyCompare(TargetString,TestString). XFCN for HyperCard� & SuperCard�

Copyright � 1996. Tracy L. Hinshaw, Parnassien Language Software.

  MyCompare is an XFCN that "compares" two strings and returns an
"analyzed" or "marked" version showing discrepancies between the two.
MyCompare uses three symbols in its return value:

  "*" = Indicates a non-matching character in the
        test string.
  "-" = Indicates a missing character in the
        test string.
  "+" = Indicates an extra character in the
        test string.


  TARGET STRING: "Elvis cannot be dead."
  TEST STRING:   "Elvira can be dad."
  RETURN VALUE:  "Elvi*+ can--- be d***-."

  At this point in its development, MyCompare is fairly strict.  It is
case-sensitive and requires that all punctuation, diacriticals and spacing
be exact.  If you have a stack or project in which you would rather allow
some latitude (capitalization, punctuation, sloppy typing etc.), simply
convert both strings to upper case and strip out "extraneous" characters
(spaces, punctuation marks...) before comparing.  You'll find that with a
little "pre-processing", MyCompare can actually be quite flexible.

  MyCompare only recognizes the first 255 characters of input strings at
this point.  The next version will recognize up to 30000 chars.

  MyCompare is provided as "AnyWare." That is, if you use it, please let me
know by sending "Anything" you have cluttering up your desktop:  a poem
you've written, a picture of your dog, a program you've developed, money, a
postcard from your hometown etc. - just something to let me know that my
programs are being used and that they're not gathering cyberdust in a
virtual warehouse somewhere.

  Any commercial use of this xfcn must be licensed and approved by the author.

Send treasures to:
Tracy L. Hinshaw
Parnassien Language Software
P.O. Box 142
Kellogg, IA 50135


#### BINHEX     my-drag-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: parnassien@netins.net (Tracy L. Hinshaw)
Subject: MyDrag. XFCN for Hypercard.

Copyright � 1992, 1996.  Tracy L. Hinshaw, Parnassien Language Software.

The MyDrag XFCN draws an object (rectangle, rounded rectangle, oval) which
then follows your cursor until the mouse button is released.  MyDrag
returns the new "rect" of your object.
 MyDrag allows you to set the following properties:

          *Object Shape:   Draws rectangles, rounded rectangles
                           or ovals.

          *Pen Size:       The thickness (in pixels) of your
                           object's border

          *Pen Pattern:    The pattern used to draw the border
                           (Gray or Black).

          *Limit Rect:     The rectangle in which your object
                           may be "dragged" (if different from
                           the window or screen rect).

          *Constrain:      "Constrain To Vertical" or "Constrain
                           to Horizontal" - Limits the movement
                           of the object to the direction you

  MyDrag is provided as "AnyWare." That is, if you use it, please let me
know by sending "Anything" you have cluttering up your desktop:  a poem
you've written, a picture of your dog, a program you've developed, money, a
postcard from your hometown etc. - just something to let me know that my
programs are being used and that they're not gathering cyberdust in a
virtual warehouse somewhere. (Please don't send any America On-line disks
though, the 3000 or so that I have on-hand already should see me through!)

  Any commercial use of MyDrag must be licensed and approved by the author.

Send your treasures to:
Tracy L. Hinshaw
Parnassien Language Software
P.O. Box 142
Kellogg, IA 50135


Permission is granted to include this package on CD-ROM collections.

#### BINHEX     new-delimiter-11-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: Matthias Kahlert <matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de>
Subject: NewDelimiter XFCN, Version 1.1

An external function for Apple HyperCard 2.x

This XFCN can replace the delimiter of any list by another (e.g. replacing comma by return).
This XFCN is accelerated for PowerPC (only for HyperCard >= 2.3). Also a version for 68K Machines is included.

For more information use:
   E-Mail: matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de
   Internet: http://rfhs0002.fh.uni-regensburg.de/~s1830/hypercard_e.html

   Matthias Kahlert, Regensburg/Germany, January 4th 1996

#### BINHEX     new-picker-xfcn-demo.hqx   ****

From: Lawrence_D#213#Oliveiro <ldo@waikato.ac.nz>
Subject: NewPicker XFCN


Enclosed is a HyperCard stack that shows off NewPicker, an external that gives access to the functionality of the Color Picker extension by allowing you to put up modeless colour picker dialogs.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro
University of Waikato
New Zealand

#### BINHEX     notifier-10-xcmd.hqx   ****

From: j5rson@prairie.lakes.com (Jeffrey D. Iverson)
Subject: Notifier XCMD 1.0

Notifier takes no parameters. When called, it puts a flashing sicn in
the application menu, and marks the application with a diamond, if the
calling application is in the background. If the calling application is
in the foreground, nothing happens. This is useful for long scripts to
let the user switch out of HyperCard and work on something else, but
then let them know when HyperCard is ready to interact again.

Click on and/or examine the script of the button above to see how it

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any "in-house" corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE "for sale" product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     null-set-11.hqx   ****

From: brj@fremontlaw.com
Subject: NullSet.sit

Nullset is a trio of Hypercard externals that handle the null character.
Null is ascii 0, and is treated inconsistently by Hypercard, which
sometimes sees it as a space, and sometimes sees it as an end of file
marker.  If you don't know what a null is or why you would need to deal
with it, you don't need Nullset.

#### BINHEX     num-stringer-10-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: j5rson@prairie.lakes.com (Jeffrey D. Iverson)
Subject: NumStringer XFCN 1.0

NumStringer is a function that takes two parameters. The first parameter
is a number that will be operated on. The second parameter is the number
of digits that the first number should occupy. If the first parameter
has fewer digits than the second parameter, the result will be the first
parameter padded with leading zeros to fill all the digits. If the first
parameter has more digits than the second parameter, the result will be
the first parameter. I've found this useful in applications where I
needed to serialize a set of documents and could simply append a number,
and still keep them in order.

    NumStringer(999,4)           -> 0999
    NumStringer(1234,4)          -> 1234
    "Doc#" & NumStringer(99,3)   -> Doc#099

Click on and/or examine the script of the button above to see how it

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any "in-house" corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE "for sale" product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     online-help-xcmd-10r.hqx   ****

From: (Perry Barton) pbarton@cris.com
Subject: OnlineHelp XCMD 1.0r

OnlineHelp XCMD displays a floating window containing context-sensitive
help screens.  The help screens can be changed manually, allowing the user
to "browse" OnlineHelp, or can be manipulated via HyperTalk, allowing for
automation of the Help system.  The OnlineHelp window can display full
color.  Version 1.0r contains the _final_ registration information.

#### BINHEX     openstack-111-fr.hqx   ****

From: (Harry Alloul) objectivesw@dial.oleane.com
Subject: OpenStack 1.1.1 French Pkg

* OpenStack 1.1.1 French Pkg ** (also as numbered: F2-1.1).

OpenStack is a Multimedia Extension System for HyperCard and HyperCard
Player. A taste of HyperCard 3.0. Install OpenStack and adds the drag and
drop to HyperCard 2.2 or above (or the player).

OpenStack requires at least System 7.5 (also 7.1 with Drag And Drop
installed) to run and a 2.5 Mo minimum RAM
allocation to HyperCard (or HyperCard Player).

OpenStack supports the following Apple technologies:

- Apple Guide (System 7.5 at least)
- Macintosh Drag and Drop
- Open Scripting Architecture (AppleScript, Frontier, _)
- QuickTime
- QuickTime VR
- QuickDraw 3D (System 7.5 or above and PowerMac only)
- Balloons help
- HyperTalk (HyperTalk scripts can be included directly in your object)
- AddColor / Color Tools
(provided with the full version of HyperCard - OpenStack enhances the
Color tools with its own Color Library - QuickColor)
- ...

Please eMail any comments or inquiries to:
<objectivesw@dial.oleane.com (Harry Alloul)>

---------- URLs -----------------------

Here is an URL for finding OpenStack on ftp sites :

Here is an URL for the French Commercial Pkg of OpenStack on CD-ROM :

OpenStack 1.1.1 Copyrights 1994-1996 by Harry Alloul - All Rights Reserved.
All informations in this mail are subject to change without notice.
All trade-marks are registered.

Harry Alloul
Objective Software
OpenStack WEB: http://www.netinfo.fr/objectivesw/

#### BINHEX     openstack-111.hqx   ****

Subject: OpenStack 1.1.1z US Pkg
From: objectivesw@dial.oleane.com

(This version replace the old 1.1.1 US version *ONLY* - not the French
version, thanks)

OpenStack is a Multimedia Extension System for HyperCard and HyperCard
Player. A taste of HyperCard 3.0. Install OpenStack and adds the drag and
drop to HyperCard 2.2 or above (or the player).

OpenStack requires at least System 7.5 (also 7.1 with Drag And Drop
installed) to run and a 2.5 Mo minimum RAM
allocation to HyperCard (or HyperCard Player).

OpenStack supports the following Apple technologies:

- Apple Guide (System 7.5 at least)
- Macintosh Drag and Drop
- Open Scripting Architecture (AppleScript, Frontier, _)
- QuickTime
- QuickTime VR
- QuickDraw 3D (System 7.5 or above and PowerMac only)
- Balloons help
- HyperTalk (HyperTalk scripts can be included directly in your object)
- AddColor / Color Tools
(provided with the full version of HyperCard - OpenStack enhances the
Color tools with its own Color Library - QuickColor)

Please email any comments or inquiries to:
<objectivesw@dial.oleane.com (Harry Alloul)>

Here is an URL for finding OpenStack on ftp sites :

OpenStack 1.1.1z Copyrights 1994-1996 by Harry Alloul - All Rights Reserved.
All informations in this mail are subject to change without notice.
All trade-marks are registered.

Harry Alloul
Objective Software
OpenStack WEB: http://www.netinfo.fr/objectivesw/

#### BINHEX     openstack-buttons-family-fr.hqx   ****

From: ha002@dial.oleane.com (Harry Alloul)
Subject: Deux nouvelles bibs pour OpenStack "Famille de boutons"

En francais maintenant (French Translation):
Deux nouvelles bibliotheques d'objets sont disponibles pour OpenStack
(d'autres viendront). La premiere est la bibliotheque "Famille de boutons"
qui permet d'installer des boutons de navigation dans vos piles. Les
boutons proposes sont de 6 styles differents. La seconde est la
bibliotheque "Jeux" qui vous permet de construire des jeux de plateaux tels
que les echecs, la marelle, les petits chevaux_ Tous les elements
necessaires sont fournis (de, pieces et plateaux).

Ces bibliotheque necessitent OpenStack pour fonctionner, vous pouvez
telecharger le logiciel ici:
OpenStack WEB: http://www.netinfo.fr/objectivesw/

Vous pouvez nous faire part de vos suggestions et remarques et faire
vos commentaires sur la nouvelle version d'OpenStack.
Certains commentaires seront mis sur le Web dans la zone pr�vue a cet

Si vous etes interesses par le developpement d'objets pour OpenStack
faites-le nous savoir. Nous etudions en ce moment la possibilite de
diffuser en shareware une version limitee du kit de developpement (ODK)...

Merci pour l'interet que vous portez a OpenStack,

Harry Alloul
Objective Software
OpenStack WEB: http://www.netinfo.fr/objectivesw/

#### BINHEX     openstack-buttons-family.hqx   ****

From: ha002@dial.oleane.com (Harry Alloul)
Subject: OpenStack library "Buttons family"

Two new libraries for OpenStack are available (some others will come soon).
The first one is the "Buttons family" library that allows you to install
navigation buttons in your stacks. The buttons are provided in 6 different
styles. The second one is the "Games objects" library that allows you to
build board games like chess, little horses_ All the needed pieces are
provided (dice, checks, boards).

Theese libraries are free! Try it NOW! :-)

This libs need OpenStack to work, you download it at this address:
OpenStack WEB: http://www.netinfo.fr/objectivesw/

You can make your suggestions, remarks or comments on the new version
of OpenStack. Some comments will be placed in our web pages.
If you're interested in developing objects for OpenStack, let us know
it. We're thinking about the release of a limited version of the
development kit.

Thanks for your interest in OpenStack,

Harry Alloul
Objective Software
OpenStack WEB: http://www.netinfo.fr/objectivesw/

#### BINHEX     openstack-collection-109-fr.hqx   ****

From: em57@calva.net (Eric Miclo)
Subject: OPS Collection F-1.0.9

This is a set of more than 70 objects to be used with OpenStack.
You'll find objects classified in different folders like ready-made
buttons and fields, tools for buttons, fields, cards, stacks, tools for

OpenStack is a software made by Harry Alloul that enables the
installation of elements like buttons, scripts, images by drag & drop in
HyperCard stacks.

Version 1.1 allows you even to colorize your stacks without using the
tools provided with the complete version of 
HyperCard and in a more powerfull an easy way.

Note: this set of OpenStack objects is the french version.
A US version will perhaps be provided.


#### BINHEX     openstack-games-objects-fr.hqx   ****

From: ha002@dial.oleane.com (Harry Alloul)
Subject: Deux nouvelles bibs pour OpenStack "Jeux"

En francais maintenant (French Translation):
Deux nouvelles bibliotheques d'objets sont disponibles pour OpenStack
(d'autres viendront). La premiere est la bibliotheque "Famille de boutons"
qui permet d'installer des boutons de navigation dans vos piles. Les
boutons proposes sont de 6 styles differents. La seconde est la
bibliotheque "Jeux" qui vous permet de construire des jeux de plateaux tels
que les echecs, la marelle, les petits chevaux_ Tous les elements
necessaires sont fournis (de, pieces et plateaux).

Ces bibliotheque necessitent OpenStack pour fonctionner, vous pouvez
telecharger le logiciel ici:
OpenStack WEB: http://www.netinfo.fr/objectivesw/

Vous pouvez nous faire part de vos suggestions et remarques et faire
vos commentaires sur la nouvelle version d'OpenStack.
Certains commentaires seront mis sur le Web dans la zone pr�vue a cet

Si vous etes interesses par le developpement d'objets pour OpenStack
faites-le nous savoir. Nous etudions en ce moment la possibilite de
diffuser en shareware une version limitee du kit de developpement (ODK)...

Merci pour l'interet que vous portez a OpenStack,

Harry Alloul
Objective Software
OpenStack WEB: http://www.netinfo.fr/objectivesw/

#### BINHEX     openstack-games-objects.hqx   ****

From: ha002@dial.oleane.com (Harry Alloul)
Subject: OpenStack library "Games objects"

Two new libraries for OpenStack are available (some others will come soon).
The first one is the "Buttons family" library that allows you to install
navigation buttons in your stacks. The buttons are provided in 6 different
styles. The second one is the "Games objects" library that allows you to
build board games like chess, little horses_ All the needed pieces are
provided (dice, checks, boards).

Theese libraries are free! Try it NOW! :-)

This libs need OpenStack to work, you download it at this address:
OpenStack WEB: http://www.netinfo.fr/objectivesw/

You can make your suggestions, remarks or comments on the new version
of OpenStack. Some comments will be placed in our web pages.
If you're interested in developing objects for OpenStack, let us know
it. We're thinking about the release of a limited version of the
development kit.

Thanks for your interest in OpenStack,

Harry Alloul
Objective Software
OpenStack WEB: http://www.netinfo.fr/objectivesw/

#### BINHEX     optimize-scripts-219.hqx   ****

From: Nemesis <Beate.Schmidt@radiol.med.uni-giessen.de>
Subject: Optimize scripts 2.1.9

Optimize scripts is a HyperCard stack which optimizes HyperCard scripts
for size and for speed!

#### BINHEX     pad-list-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: mail.hsv.tis.net@traveller.com (John Sudderth)
Subject: PadList XFCN

An XFCN that will left or right pad a given list or string. PadList is 
part of the Core Collection 2.2.

#### BINHEX     pane-windows-for-sc-11.hqx   ****

From: niozzo@staff.uiuc.edu (Nick Iozzo)
Subject: pane windows for supercard

The attached file is an example on doing pane windows within supercard.
This will allow you to create a tool bar region and a scrolling working
region. Either region can have any type of interactive objects.

This is a common type of window within the mac world and this project is an
aid in teaching scripters how to do this within supercard.


Nicholas F. Iozzo
Dept of Mech & Ind Engin
U of Illinois U-C

#### BINHEX     pict-size-13-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: Matthias Kahlert <matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de>
Subject: PictSize XFCN, Version 1.3

An external function for Apple HyperCard 2.x

Now with this XFCN it's possible to get the size of PICT files (meaning the height and width in pixels).
This XFCN is accelerated for PowerPC (only for HyperCard >= 2.3). Also a version for 68K Machines is included.

For more information use:
   E-Mail: matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de
   Internet: http://rfhs0002.fh.uni-regensburg.de/~s1830/hypercard_e.html

   Matthias Kahlert, Regensburg/Germany, January 4th 1996

#### BINHEX     player-helper-23-hc.hqx   ****

From: murdock@csulb.edu
Subject: Player Helper 2.3

The Player Helper stack provides a way to create up to 20 buttons and 20
fields on each card in your own stack using only the HyperCard Player
(available free from Apple Computer).  

You can develop and edit HyperTalk scripts for the buttons and fields
you create.  You can also create and edit card scripts.  

You can create as many Helper cards as you want in a stack.

#### BINHEX     power-off-key-xcmd-10.hqx   ****

From: (Mike Byrne) byrne@cc.gatech.edu
Subject: powerOffKey XCMD 1.0

powerOffKey is an XCMD that can be used to disable or enable the "Are
you sure you want to shut down your computer now?" dialog that comes up
under System 7.5 when the power key is pressed.  Why? Because there are
certain situations under which it is a Bad Thing for the user to be able
to shut down the computer while in the middle of a stack. Unfortunately,
Apple didn't realize this until System 7.5.3 so this XCMD does indeeed
require System 7.5.3, sorry.

For more info:

#### BINHEX     processor-13-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: Matthias Kahlert <matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de>
Subject: Processor XFCN, Version 1.3

An external function for Apple HyperCard 2.x

This external function gives you the type of processor in your Mac, including the FPU.
This XFCN is accelerated for PowerPC (only for HyperCard >= 2.3). Also a version for 68K Machines is included.

For more information use:
   E-Mail: matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de
   Internet: http://rfhs0002.fh.uni-regensburg.de/~s1830/hypercard_e.html

   Matthias Kahlert, Regensburg/Germany, January 4th 1996

#### BINHEX     progress-xcmd-20r.hqx   ****

From: (Perry Barton, pbarton@cris.com
Subject: Progress XCMD 2.0r

Progress XCMD displays a positionable dialog containing your prompt string
and a graphic display indicating "Percent Complete".  The graphic can be
"Standard Scale" or "Pie Scale."  The window can be "modal" or "windoid."
Version 2.0r contains the _final_ registration information.

#### BINHEX     quick-replace-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: parnassien@netins.net (Tracy L. Hinshaw)
Subject: QuickReplace. XFCN for HyperCard & SuperCard

	QuickReplace is an XFCN that allows you to find and replace all
occurences of a string in any valid HyperCard/SuperCard container
(variable, field). QuickReplace is case-sensitive and, unlike HyperCard,
distinguishes between accented characters (diacriticals) and their
non-accented counterparts
(for example: �<>e;  �<>n, etc.).

    QuickReplace will find and replace strings up to 255 characters in
length.  If an optional fourth parameter is set to "TRUE", QuickReplace
will also return the number of "replacements" performed.

    QuickReplace will also find and replace non-printing characters such as
carriage returns, tabs and line-feeds (see "Tips" below).

    QuickReplace is provided as "AnyWare." That is, if you use it, please
let me know by sending "Anything" you have cluttering up your desktop:  a
poem you've written, a picture of your dog, a program you've developed,
money, a postcard from your hometown etc. - just something to let me know
that my programs are being used and that they're not gathering cyberdust in
a virtual warehouse somewhere. (Please don't send any America On-line disks
though, the 3000 or so that I already have should see me through!)

    Any commercial use of QuickReplace must be licensed and approved by the

     Send your treasures to:
     Tracy L. Hinshaw
     Parnassien Language Software
     P.O. Box 142
     Kellogg, IA 50135


     Parnassien's Little Page Of Externals:

#### BINHEX     quickdraw-utilities.hqx   ****

From: (Lawrence_D#213#Oliveiro) ldo@waikato.ac.nz
Subject:     Update for QuickDraw Utilities

Enclosed is a new version of my QuickDraw Utilities package; please
replace the existing file info-mac/dev/card/quickdraw-utilities.hqx with
this one.

The update fixes a bug in the ScrapToPicture XFCN. Also I've added
another card to the QuickDraw Utilities Demo stack, with some additional
colour demos.


Lawrence D'Oliveiro
University of Waikato
New Zealand

#### BINHEX     restore-clut-xcmd.hqx   ****

From: sudderth@traveller.com (John Sudderth)
Subject: RestoreClut XCMD

An XCMD which will restore the default system palette.

#### BINHEX     rinaldi-xarchive-51.hqx   ****

From: ikrieg@rc.net
Subject: Rinaldi's X-Archive 5.1

	This is version 5.1 of Rinaldi's X-Archive. As of 8/27/98, it has
all his latest XCMDs and XFCNs for Hypercard and Supercard. the archive
itself also has a few new features: a seach engine by topic, a button to
copy an external over while in Hypercard. There are well over 100 externals
in this package, and if you're a person who ever needs an external, then at
some point, you'll surely find something to fit your needs here. This
version of the archive was compiled by Ian Krieg and tested by Alan Bott.
Since version 5.0, we have added and updated externals, as well as fixing a
few bugs.

#### BINHEX     rtf-conversion-xcmd-sc.hqx   ****

From: stepup@onramp.net
Subject: SuperCard XFCN

Enclosed is a SuperCard project containing two shareware ($30) XFCN's 
which import/export styled SC text to/from RTF files.

Jeff Benjamin
StepUp Software

#### BINHEX     scale-list-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: parnassien@netins.net (Tracy L. Hinshaw)
Subject: ScaleList XFCN for HyperCard & SuperCard

ScaleListMin. XFCN for HyperCard� & SuperCard�.  Copyright � 01/96 Tracy L.

  The ScaleListMIN XFCN takes a delimited list of values, removes the
lowest values and returns:

     a) The "average" of the remaining items.
     b) The original list with the lowest values removed.

  The user decides how many values to remove from the original list and
defines the "item delimiter."

  This external is most useful in grade or score-keeping applications where
you wish to figure a scaled or curved note.  For example, if, in a given
course, only the top 30 of 35 homework scores were to be included in a
final grade, ScaleListMIN would automatically drop the 5 lowest scores and
return an adjusted average.    This external is provided as "AnyWare." That
is, if you use it, please let me know by sending "Anything" you have
cluttering up your desktop:  a poem you've written, a picture of your dog,
a program you've developed, money, a postcard from your hometown etc. -
just something to let me know that these programs are being used and that
they're not gathering cyberdust in a virtual warehouse somewhere. (Please
don't send any Republican Presidential Candidates though. The 30 or 40 here
in Iowa already should see me through!)

   Any commercial use of ScaleListMIN must be approved and licensed by the

Send treasures to:

     Tracy L. Hinshaw
     Parnassien Language Software
     P.O. Box 142
     Kellogg, IA 50135


     Parnassiens Little Page of Externals:

     The Foreign Language Resource Centre:

Tracy L. Hinshaw
Parnassien Language Software
PO Box 142
Kellogg, IA 50135-0142

#### BINHEX     screen-size-xfcn-12.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: ScreenSize XFCN 1.2

ScreenSize takes no parameters. What it does is look at the main
graphics device (the screen with the menubar) and returns the size in
the form "left, top, right, bottom".

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any "in-house" corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE "for sale" product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     script-extractor.hqx   ****

From: Paul Gronemeyer <franz@hdk-berlin.de>
Subject: ScriptExtractor

ScriptExtractor expands the functionality of HyperCard vers 2.4
This is primary a tool for advanced HyperTalk programmers.

The card window as a palette
Simply switch to userlevel 5 and open msg window and the variable watcher
Open a stack and extract scripts of stack, bgs, cards and buttons.
Install scripts in the target stack to install a menu "*"
This will allow to export scripts from within the stack.
Note, that this is different from the menuItem "Install Menu..."
Btn scripts are not exported... (yes, its a little bit of chaos, up to now :-)
Open help

Menu "Special"
Get info about a stack
"Compress Stack..."
Delete unused lines in the script
"Zapp commends..."
Delete commends
"Install Menu..."
Install a menu to remote edit scripts.
To use the menu, ScriptExtractor must be open.
Choose menuItem "Remove me" otherwise.

F1: Message Window
F2: Variable Watcher
F3: Message Watcher
F4: Toggle palette
F5: Change creator of text output
     Default is TBB6 : Tex-Edit Plus
Switch the palette to the four corners of the screen

#### BINHEX     scripters-scrap-book-sc.hqx   ****

From: flco@macline.co.uk (Hugh Senior)
Subject: ScriptersScrapBook_SC

Requires SuperCard

A shell for keeping useful codelets and solutions. Comes with annotated
functions, handlers, information... just add your own. I believe all
codelets included are public domain and /or freely available. If not,
*PLEASE* contact me and I will adjust the offering accordingly.


#### BINHEX     sequencer-xcmd-15.hqx   ****

From: nfo@knowsoft.com
Subject: SequencerXCMD 1.5

Sequencer xcmd  v 1.5
�Paul B. Beeken,  Knowledge Software Consulting,  info@knowsoft.com

This is a simple XCMD for hypercard designed to access the Connectix 
QuickCAM? but it will control and capture from almost any QT compliant 
camera.  It uses the quicktime sequencer API to access the default 
sequencer.  It allows you to pop up a window which displays a preview of 
the output of the camera.  Optionally, you can specify the port, size, 
and style of the window.  It even snaps pictures!  Now  it has been 
tested with the color QuickCam and works with the built in video ports of 
the PM 8500 series.  Read on.

The general syntax this command understands is:
QuickCamSeq	open [, upperLeftLoc ][, full | half | quarter ]
           [,printerPort | modemPort ][,' style' ][,dontFloat]
          	 'style' can be one of the following:
                    	pallete, plain, box, shadow, side, top
                     where top is the default.  The order after the 
"open" command
                     does not matter.
          the value returned is empty if there were no errors

The command creates a window  which has the following properties over the 
standard set:
	brightness   	03�4b3�4100
 contrast   	03�4b3�4100
 saturation   	03�4b3�4100
 sharpness   	03�4b3�4100
 hue   	03�4b3�4100
	port		  printerPort | modemPort   (Why  did I do this? who changes ports 
 filename    ClipBoard | full path name   sets a file or clipboard for 
pict save
The window responds to the following messages:
snap	           	- snaps the picture to clipboard
pause		         - pauses the preview
continue	     - starts the preview
settings       - opens the standard QT dialog for the video settings.

The window's name is "�PaulBeeken,KnowSoft"  just in case you forget.

#### BINHEX     set-date-xcmd-35.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: SetDate XCMD 3.5

SetDate takes only one parameter, the seconds of the date and time that
you want to change to.

Click on and/or examine the script of the button above to see how it

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any "in-house" corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE "for sale" product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     set-depth-11-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: sudderth@traveller.com (John Sudderth)
Subject: SetDepth XFCN 1.1

An XFCN which will set the bit depth of the main monitor.
Version 1.1 - Fixed maximum depth function for PowerMacs.

#### BINHEX     set-globals-xcmd-35.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: SetGlobals XCMD 3.5

SetGlobals takes two parameters, the value to use, and a quoted, comma
delimited, list of global variables.

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any "in-house" corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE "for sale" product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     set-version-xcmd-10r.hqx   ****

From: (Perry Barton) pbarton@cris.com
Subject: SetVersion XCMD 1.0r

The SetVersion XCMD and FileVersion XFCN provide a method for creating,
modifying and accessing the fields of the vers resources of your stack.
The vers resources contain the information shown in the Finder's "Get Info"
box.  Version 1.0r contains the _final_ registration information.

#### BINHEX     show-dialog-xcmd-167r.hqx   ****

From: (Perry Barton) pbarton@cris.com
Subject:     ShowDialog XCMD 1.6.7r

The _final_ release of the ShowDialog XCMD, by the late Jay Hodgdon,
including stack fixes, and updated "donationware" info.

ShowDialog XCMD displays a modal dialog which can have a popup menu,
unlimited radio buttons or check boxes, text fields, color/b&w icons and
PICTs. Includes several bonus externals. Requires: Compact Pro or Stuffit
Expander, HyperCard 2.x, ResEdit or other utility for creating DLOG/DITL

#### BINHEX     showmodal-xfcn-101.hqx   ****

From: dennisb@halcyon.com
Subject: ShowModal XFCN 1.01

ShowModal XFCN is an external function that lets you enhance HyperCard
stacks with customized modal and movable modal dialogs, just like real
Macintosh applications use. It lets you display dialogs with up to 31
interactive items, including a text list or popup menu, text entry boxes,
"static" text prompts, checkboxes, radio buttons, pictures and regular or
icon buttons, in nearly any combination.

ShowModal XFCN has several nice extra features:
*  For dialogs with text entry boxes, you can use character filters to
allow only
    certain text to be entered
*  You can create splash screens that automatically close after a timeout
    you specify
*  You can use the "Special Key" feature to assign a command-key to one
    button in any dialog
*  You can specify locating the dialog at any location, or  automatically
    dialogs in the screen or in the current card window
*  You can cancel a dialog by typing Command-Period or Escape

ShowModal XFCN requires HyperCard 1.2 or higher (this stack requires
HyperCard 2.0 or higher), a Mac Plus or better, and System 6.05 or higher.

ShowModal XFCN is CharityWare (details in the stack).

#### BINHEX     showmodal-xfcn-102.hqx   ****

From: dennisb@halcyon.com
Subject: ShowModal XFCN 1.01

ShowModal XFCN is an external function that lets you enhance HyperCard
stacks with customized modal and movable modal dialogs, just like real
Macintosh applications use. It lets you display dialogs with up to 31
interactive items, including a text list or popup menu, text entry boxes,
"static" text prompts, checkboxes, radio buttons, pictures and regular or
icon buttons, in nearly any combination.

ShowModal XFCN has several nice extra features:
*  For dialogs with text entry boxes, you can use character filters to
allow only
    certain text to be entered
*  You can create splash screens that automatically close after a timeout
    you specify
*  You can use the "Special Key" feature to assign a command-key to one
    button in any dialog
*  You can specify locating the dialog at any location, or  automatically
    dialogs in the screen or in the current card window
*  You can cancel a dialog by typing Command-Period or Escape

ShowModal XFCN requires HyperCard 1.2 or higher (this stack requires
HyperCard 2.0 or higher), a Mac Plus or better, and System 6.05 or higher.

ShowModal XFCN is CharityWare (details in the stack).

Version 1.02 adds new functionality over Version 1.01, and also includes
minor bug fixes as well as additions and revisions to the documentation.

#### BINHEX     sl-10-demo.hqx   ****

From: m-kris@post3.tele.dk
Subject: Supercard scripting utility

This file is a Supercard scripting utility for drag-and drop scripting and
building script libraries from the site:   http://home3.inet.tele.dk/imagine/ScriptLib.html.
A descriptive file is included.
The files require the software Supercard.

#### BINHEX     sound-utilities-hc.hqx   ****

From: ldo@geek-central.gen.nz
Subject: sound-utilities.hqx

The Sound Utilities are a set of HyperCard externals to give low-level
access to the services of the Macintosh Sound Manager and Sound Input
Manager. Features include:

* Multi-channel 8/16-bit mono/stereo recording and playback (limited only
by the available hardware)
* Recording direct to disk
* Playback direct from disk (synchronous or asynchronous)
* Synchronized playback of multiple channels
* Control over virtually all the capabilities of your sound input hardware,
including input source selection, automatic level control, and
voice-activated recording (depending on what your sound hardware driver

The only thing new in this release is the inclusion of the "Register"
application from Kagi Shareware. This means I can now receive payments via
credit card.

Please replace the existing file info-mac/dev/card/sound-utilities.hqx with
this one.

Thank you.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro

#### BINHEX     sound-vol-xcmd.hqx   ****

From: (Jeffrey D. Iverson) j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Subject: SoundVol XCMD 1.0 update

SoundVol is an XCMD that allows the user to get or set the volume of the
Macintosh internal speaker.

To Get the volume use:  SoundVol "Get"
                        SoundVol "G"

The volume will be returned in the result.

To Set the volume use:  SoundVol "Set",<volume>
                        SoundVol "S",<volume>

Where <volume> is a number from 0 to 7. If a number less than 0 is sent,
0 is used. If a number greater than 7 is sent, 7 is used.

This external is free for purely personal use. A license fee of $10.00
is required if you use this external in any "in-house" corporate,
shareware or freeware products. The license fee for unlimited commercial
use in a SINGLE "for sale" product is $25.00. The license fee for
unlimited commercial use with MULTIPLE products is $100.00.

Permission is hereby granted to all groups who distribute demo software,
either for profit (such as EduCorp) or not for profit (such as a
Macintosh Users Group), to include this file in their collection. My
goal is to get as much exposure for my products as possible, and I
believe that these groups offer an invaluable service to shareware
publishers like myself.

If you have questions or comments we can be reached through the

Iverson Software Co.          507.625.7355
522 Record St.                j5rson@prairie.lakes.com
Mankato MN  56001-2546        http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/

#### BINHEX     speech-manager-ext-updt.hqx   ****

From: (Lawrence_D#213#Oliveiro) ldo@waikato.ac.nz
Subject: Speech Utilities externals for HyperCard

Enclosed is an update to my Speech Utilities externals, which give you
access to most of the capabilities of the Speech Manager from HyperCard.
A new feature is support for speech dictionaries. Also, I have updated
the demo stack to work with current Macintalk Pro voices.

Thank you.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro
University of Waikato
New Zealand

#### BINHEX     speech-utilities.hqx   ****

From: ldo@geek-central.gen.nz
Subject: info-mac/dev/card/speech-utilities-hc.hqx

The Speech Utilities are a set of HyperCard externals to give access to the
services of the Macintosh Speech Manager, beyond the limited functions
built into HyperCard 2.3. You can do fully asynchronous multi-channel
speech, control all available voice parameters, use speech dictionaries,
and even generate sound files from the Macintalk Pro voices.

This release contains several enhancements to the demo stack, including
sliders for real-time manipulation of speech parameters while speech is in

Thank you.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro

#### BINHEX     spy-384-fr-hc.hqx   ****

From: em57@calva.net
Subject: Spy F-3.8.4

This stack is provided for:

- manipulating scripts of objects and 'TEXT' resources in different 
ways (edit, view, extract, export, replace, modify�),
- creating a report about a chosen stack,
- creating a report about HyperCard�s environment.

This is the french version of the stack. An US version called Spy 
US-3.8.4 is available.

Note: this stack is free!


#### BINHEX     spy-384-hc.hqx   ****

From: em57@calva.net
Subject: Spy US-3.8.4

This stack is provided for:

- manipulating scripts of objects and 'TEXT' resources in different 
ways (edit, view, extract, export, replace, modify�),
- creating a report about a chosen stack,
- creating a report about HyperCard�s environment.

This is the US version of the stack. A french version called Spy 
F-3.8.4 is available.

Note: this stack is free!


#### BINHEX     stack-peeker-22.hqx   ****

From: pokras@castle.net (Bruce A. Pokras)
Subject: Stack-Peeker-22

Keywords: Scripts Stacks HyperCard Player Peek View Modify

Shareware $5

This fast, feature-laden, but easy to use HyperCard script viewing utility
now has MORE POWER. You can now view and modify the CONTENTS of locked
and/or hidden fields.

Stack Peeker 2.2 allows you to view and MODIFY the "stack" script of a
target stack, AND do the same to the scripts of ALL cards, backgrounds,
buttons and fields anywhere in a target stack, even in stacks which has
been set up to prevent access to the scripts. In this upgrade, you get the
power to modify the contents of every field on every card in a stack
regardless of whether the field is locked, hidden, or both.

Using Stack Peeker, you can create a text file containing the scripts of
every object in a stack. This text file can be opened and printed using any
of the popular word processing or "works" programs.  Stack Peeker also
includes the ability to create a searchable library of individual scripts.

All of the above functions can by performed while running Stack Peeker with
the HyperCard PLAYER, even though the Player does not support scripting!
So now, Player owners can view and experiment with the scripts which make
HyperCard stacks work.

Stack Peeker may now be conveniently registered through the Kagi Shareware
service using their REGISTER program which is included with Stack Peeker.
Registration may be made by credit card via E-mail or fax (with
automatically encrypted credit card information for E-mail users), or by
credit card, cash or check (in U.S. dollars) via snail mail.

#### BINHEX     strip-char-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: parnassien@netins.net (Tracy L. Hinshaw)
Subject: StripChar. XFCN. HyperCard & SuperCard

Copyright � 1/96 Tracy L. Hinshaw

  Here is a handy xfcn that removes all instances of a given character from
any valid HyperCard/Supercard container or field.  If the optional third
parameter is set, StripChar replaces the instances of the "CharToStrip"
with the new one.

  This is handy whenever you want to convert delimited data to a different
formt, when you need to control user input (i.e.: Strip colons, commas,
diacriticals, carriage returns from a response) or when you just want to
get rid of an annoying character for whatever reason.

  StripChar will work with containers up to 30000 chars in size.  It may
work with containers larger than that but, to tell the truth, I've never
tried it.

  StripChar is provided as "AnyWare." That is, if you use it, please let me
know by sending "Anything" you have cluttering up your desktop:  a poem
you've written, a picture of your dog, a program you've developed, money, a
postcard from your hometown etc. - just something to let me know that my
programs are being used and that they're not gathering cyberdust in a
virtual warehouse somewhere.

Any commercial use of StripChar must be licensed and approved by the author.

Send treasures to:
Tracy L. Hinshaw
Parnassien Language Software
P.O. Box 142
Kellogg, IA 50135


#### BINHEX     strip-links-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: (Nick Iozzo) niozzo@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
Subject: stripLinks XFCN, WWW

Striplinks is a XFCN that strips HTML tags out of a container.

StripLinks is courtesy ware. Please acknowledge the author in the about box
or documentation if you use striplinks. The author of stripLinks is Jason
Buberel. the contact person for stripLinks is Nick Iozzo (niozzo@uiuc.edu).

#### BINHEX     system-font-201-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: Matthias Kahlert <matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de>
Subject: SystemFont XFCN, Version 2.0.1

An external function for Apple HyperCard 2.x

This is a small XFCN which lets you know what system font is defined in your system.

For more information use:
   E-Mail: matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de
   Internet: http://rfhs0002.fh.uni-regensburg.de/~s1830/hypercard_e.html

   Matthias Kahlert, Regensburg/Germany, January 4th 1996

#### BINHEX     text-to-html-entities-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: parnassien@netins.net (Tracy L. Hinshaw)
Subject: text-to-html-entities-xfcn HyperCard/SuperCard

There was no problem with the first version - I've
simply added the option of returning HTML entity Names as well as decimal
(ASCII) equivalents as per popular request.

Tracy L. Hinshaw

#### BINHEX     text-utility-12-xfcn.hqx   ****

From: Matthias Kahlert <matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de>
Subject: Text Utility XCMDs, Version 1.2

A set of external functions for Apple HyperCard 2.x

This set of functions helps you converting a text into upper- and lowercase chars.
This XFCNs are accelerated for PowerPC (only for HyperCard >= 2.3). Also a version for 68K Machines is included.

For more information use:
   E-Mail: matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de
   Internet: http://rfhs0002.fh.uni-regensburg.de/~s1830/hypercard_e.html

   Matthias Kahlert, Regensburg/Germany, January 4th 1996

#### BINHEX     time-utility-10-xcmd.hqx   ****

From: Matthias Kahlert <matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de>
Subject: Time Utility XCMDs, Version 1.0

A set of external commands for Apple HyperCard 2.x

This XCMD and XFCN lets you change the settings of your Macs clock (the time and the date).
This XCMDs are accelerated for PowerPC (only for HyperCard >= 2.3). Also a version for 68K Machines is included.

For more information use:
   E-Mail: matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de
   Internet: http://rfhs0002.fh.uni-regensburg.de/~s1830/hypercard_e.html

   Matthias Kahlert, Regensburg/Germany, January 4th 1996

#### BINHEX     true-color-102-hc.hqx   ****

From: alainsta@generation.net (Alain Stalder)
Subject: trueColor 1.0.2 for HyperCard 2.1

trueColor provides an intuitive way to work in color in HyperCard.

You can give buttons and fields colors and color pictures.
Buttons can have color icons.

You can cut, copy and paste color pictures and icons
to and from the clipboard.
You can move fields and buttons in color.

The information about the color properties is
stored within the buttons and fields,
so eg. moving a button with a color icon
requires only to move the button, 
not the button first, and then a color overlay.

trueColor now works with HyperCard 2.1 or later.
This was possible, because an external function is used
to collect part properties with the additional result that
painting cards is now about 50-100% faster.

As a side effect, trueColor is no longer slow in HyperCard 2.2
on PowerMacs that have Connectix SpeedDoubler installed.

The screen is now locked before going from card to card.
Color fillings are no longer shown on screens with less
than 16 colors/grays (wrong colors were displayed).

trueColor requires HyperCard 2.1 or later
a 68020 or higher, preferably a PowerPC or a fast 68k Mac.
Some features require 32-bit QuickDraw (included in Sys 7),
QuickTime, or a monitor with at least 16 colors/grays.

#### BINHEX     true-color-hc.hqx   ****

From: astalder@webshuttle.ch
Subject: true-color-103-hc.hqx

trueColor provides an intuitive way to work in color in HyperCard.

You can give buttons and fields colors and color pictures.
Buttons can have color icons.

You can cut, copy and paste color pictures and icons
to and from the clipboard.
You can move fields and buttons in color.

The information about the color properties is
stored within the buttons and fields,
so eg. moving a button with a color icon
requires only to move the button, 
not the button first, and then a color overlay.

Version 1.03 contains my new web and e-mail addresses,
otherwise it is identical to version 1.02.

Since version 1.02 trueColor works with HyperCard 2.1 or later.
This was possible, because an external function is used
to collect part properties with the additional result that
painting cards is now about 50-100% faster.

As a side effect, trueColor is no longer slow in HyperCard 2.2
on PowerMacs that have Connectix SpeedDoubler installed.

The screen is now locked before going from card to card.
Color fillings are no longer shown on screens with less
than 16 colors/grays (wrong colors were displayed).

trueColor requires HyperCard 2.1 or later
a 68020 or higher, preferably a PowerPC or a fast 68k Mac.
Some features require 32-bit QuickDraw (included in Sys 7),
QuickTime, or a monitor with at least 16 colors/grays.

#### BINHEX     true-tools-hc.hqx   ****

From: astalder@webshuttle.ch
Subject: true-tools-103-hc.hqx

trueTools contains these five stacks:

truePrint lets you copy the card picture to the clipboard
and, if you want, to print it.

trueConvert converts stacks that use trueColor
to stacks that are colorized using Apple's Color Tools.

vue uses HyperCard's picture command (XCMD)
to display pictures at full screen.
You can view picture files, resources or the clipboard,
zoom in and out, move around and take screen shots.

JPEGtoPICT converts all JPEG files in a folder to jpeg-compressed
PICT files, which are placed in a new folder.

spider lets you weave your web pages in HyperCard.
You create special, simple stacks in HyperCard
and then convert them to web pages.

All these stacks are intended for use with HyperCard 2.1 or later.
For two of them (trueConvert and spider), you will also need
a newer version of HyperCard Player (available free from Apple
on the internet).

Version 1.03 contains my new web and e-mail addresses
and fixes a bug in the spider stack; otherwise it is
identical to version 1.02.

The spider requires AppleScript and the freeware program
"clip2gif" by Yves Piguet.

#### BINHEX     ultimate-about-13-xcmd.hqx   ****

From: Matthias Kahlert <matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de>
Subject: UltimateAbout XCMD, Version 1.3

An external command for Apple HyperCard 2.x

UltimateAbout shows an external Window containing a background picture and a small text, automatically scrolling through it.
This XCMD is accelerated for PowerPC (only for HyperCard >= 2.3). Also a version for 68K Machines is included.

For more information use:
   E-Mail: matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de
   Internet: http://rfhs0002.fh.uni-regensburg.de/~s1830/hypercard_e.html

   Matthias Kahlert, Regensburg/Germany, January 4th 1996

#### BINHEX     visual-effect-stack-20-hc.hqx   ****

From: m603016@rhein-neckar.netsurf.de (Moritz Grund)
Subject: Visual Effect Stack 2.0

Welcome to the Visual Effect Stack!
This is a little stack to demonstrate the effect transitions in HyperCard 2.x

What do I need to run it?
You need HyperCard 2.2 or HyperCard Player 2.2

Whats new?
Bug fixes, the scripts are now clean.


#### BINHEX     volume-utility-10-xcmd.hqx   ****

From: Matthias Kahlert <matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de>
Subject: Volume Utility XFCNs, Version 1.0

A set of external functions for Apple HyperCard 2.x

This set of functions lets you change the volume of your Macs sound system (meaning the speaker volume).

For more information use:
   E-Mail: matthias.kahlert@rz.fh-regensburg.d400.de
   Internet: http://rfhs0002.fh.uni-regensburg.de/~s1830/hypercard_e.html

   Matthias Kahlert, Regensburg/Germany, January 4th 1996

#### BINHEX     window-tools-161.hqx   ****

Subject: Window Tools 1.6.1
From: (Daniel St�dle) stoedle@online.no

Window Tools is a set of scripts which installs in your Home stack.
They create a menu from which you can easily access all your open
stacks, windows and pallettes. You can show and hide windows,
close stacks from the menu and add stacks to a list of stacks
you frequently use. You can also re-open closed stacks by simply
selecting its name from the Window Tools menu. Window Tools is
simply indispensable when it is installed!

New in this version is abilty to close stacks from the Window
Tools menu as well as a fix to a bug which would cause Window
Tools not to work.

Daniel St�dle
Yellow Lemon Software
stoedle@online.no      <http://home.sol.no/stoedle/YLS/YLS.html>

#### BINHEX     xarchive-50.hqx   ****

From: ikrieg@rc.net
Subject: Rinaldi's X-Archive 5.0

This file probably belongs in development and Hypercard's meeting place.
I'm not exactly accustomed to the directory tree here, and I'm in a hurry,
but that's a general idea.
	This is version 5.0 of Rinaldi's X-Archive, a Hypercard stack
consisting of around 125 Hypercard and Supercard externals for all
purposes. The archive includes new features, including a button to install
the external of a particular card into your stack and a search index so you
can find an external that fits your needs, along with many of Rinaldi's new
externals. The externals are Align 2.7, ArchiveContent 1.1, ATalkZones 1.5,
Calendoid 1.7, CapsLock 1.0, Chartoid 1.9, ChooseColor 1.1, Chooser 2.2,
ClipInfo 1.0, ClipToPict 1.8, ClipToScrap 1.9, CompressPictFile 1.2,
CopyFolder 3.2, CopyRes 2.0, CreateAlias 1.0, CreateCustomIcon 1.2,
CreateFolder 1.2, CreateMenuHelp 1.0, CMH, CreateThumbnail 1.2, DataMaster
1.3 1.3, DateConverter 1.2, DocCreator 1.5, DocTypes 1.6, EraseFile 1.2,
ExtractItems 1.5, FileCopy 3.7, FileIsOpen 1.2, FileSharingIsOn 1.0,
FindFolder 1.1, FolderSize 1.7, FontInfos 1.3, FormatNum 1.0, FullBalloons
1.0, FullDrag 1.3, FullFind 2.0, FullHPop, FullMove 1.2, FullOffset 1.0,
FullRemove 1.1, FullRename 1.4, FullReplace 1.2, FullResList 2.4,
FullSFPack 2.0, FullSort 4.0, FullSort Example 1, FullSort Example 2,
FullText 2.1, GetBootVol 1.1, GetDInfo 1.1, GetDir 2.8, GetFInfo 1.4,
GetIcon 1.0, GetMode 1.4, GetVInfo 1.2, GetVolumes 1.1, GlobalList 1.1,
HowMany 1.1, ICNToICON 1.8, Infoid 1.1, InputDialog 1.2, IsDate 1.0,
IsFinderLocked, KillRes 1.4, LaunchDoc 1.0, LineCount 1.7, ListComponents
1.0, ListLogic 1.6, Listoid 3.4, ListSelect 5.1, MacType 2.2.1, Menu 2.1,
Menu Example, MergeItems 1.1, Mousoid 1.1, MovieMediaType 1.1, Notification
1.0, NubusList 1.0, PICToid 1.3, PictToClip 1.7, PictTransform 2.0, PlayIt
1.0, PPCList 1.1, PrintPICT 1.4, PrintPICTList 1.3, Privileges 1.3,
Promptoid 1.5, QCopy 1.2, Recordit 2.8, RemoveFolder 1.2, ReplaceAttributes
1.0, ReplaceCharSet 1.1, ResolveAlias 1.2, ResText 2.5, RestoreCtrlChars
1.1, SaveCurrentGlobals 1.0, SayText 1.2, SelectDir 1.1, SelectFile 1.2,
SendPS 1.5, ServerVolS 1.1, SetFileFlag 1.2, SetFinderLock 1.2, SetFInfo
1.0, SetFolderFlag 1.0, SetMode 1.5, ShowHideFolder 1.2, SimpleTextToClip
1.0, SimpleTextToField 1.0, StripDup 1.1, StrWidth 1.0, Switch 1.4, Tabloid
1.1, Textoid 5.0, TextRes 2.4, Truncate 1.0, WindName 1.0, and XRef 1.4.
Have fun with them!

#### BINHEX     xmover-hc.hqx   ****

From: ldo@geek-central.gen.nz
Subject: xmover.hqx

XMover is a tool for easy drag-and-drop installation of resources (XCMDs,
XFCNs, icons, sounds, whatever) into HyperCard stacks. It is oriented
towards dealing with resources where the names are important, not the ID
numbers; to this end, it automatically renumbers resources to avoid ID

New in this release are the inclusion of a couple of AppleScript "droplets"
to allow opening of resource files directly from the Finder, along with the
"Register" application from Kagi Shareware. This means I can now receive
payments via credit card.

Please replace the existing file info-mac/dev/card/xmover.hqx with this one.

Thank you.

Lawrence D'Oliveiro

#### BINHEX     xternal-collection-10.hqx   ****

From: (Matthias Kahlert) Matthias.Kahlert@extern.uni-regensburg.de
Subject: XTernal Collection 1.0

This file contains a collection of some new XCMDs and XFCNs for HyperCard. They
deal with strings, windows, files, etc. Most of them are accelarated for the
PowerPC processor (needs HyperCard 2.3 or newer), and many of the source codes
are also included.

Matthias Kahlert, mkahlert@kagi.com
     Homepage: http://rfhs0002.fh.uni-regensburg.de/~s1830/hypercard_e.html

#### BINHEX     xternal-collection-14.hqx   ****

From: Matthias Kahlert, mkahlert@kagi.com
Subject: XTernal Collection v1.4 (e)

XTernal Collection v1.4 (e)
The XTernal Collection is a small collection of more than 50 external
commands (XCMDs) and external functions (XFCNs) for HyperCard (version 2.0
or newer). There are many nice and usefull functions like text comparison
(case-sensitive!), about boxes, Internet utilities, and many more. Most of
them are accelerated for the PowerPC, and also many of the source codes are
included in this stack.

This stack and the XTernals in it are cool-ware. If you like them or if
you use then in your own stacks, please send me something cool. Send me
anything you like and that you find COOL. I would also be happy, if you
send me a short E-Mail with some comments.

Matthias Kahlert



#### BINHEX     yennie-externals-12.hqx   ****

From: Yennie@aol.com
Subject: Yennie eXternals 1.2 for HyperCard