Abstracts from files in info-mac/dev/osa as of Sun 20 Mar 2005

#### BINHEX     7-3-xpress-scripts.hqx   ****

From: bonda@worldnet.fr
Subject: 7x3 XPress Scripts

7x3 XPress Scripts is a package of 21 AppleScripts for QuarkXPress
(Passport) 4.04. Run-only version is free. Editable version of the
package is a $20 shareware.

System requirements:
* System 8.5x or better

For more information, please read the enclosed ReadMe (Tex-Edit Plus) file.

Paul Bondarovski

#### BINHEX     add-spaces.hqx   ****

From: mitch@lemon.com.hk
Subject: add spaces

add spaces(runtime droplet) & add spaces (run only script)

Copyright � 1999 Mitch Leung, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

About this package

add spaces(runtime droplet) is an AppleScript application while add 
spaces (run only script) is an AppleScript run only compiled script. 
The purpose of these scripts is to deal with some horrible situation 
where Netscape Communicator/Navgiator doesn't not wrap a 2 byte 
language sentence with some 2 byte language viewing utilities on PC. 
Apparently, adding an extra space will solve the problem.

#### BINHEX     akua-sweets-143.hqx   ****

From: John Rethorst <jrethorst@post.com>
Subject: Akua Sweets 1.4.3

Over two hundred commands and objects for AppleScript. The largest and most
powerful scripting addition (osax) available. Free for personal use. Free
distribution permitted by the author. Further info at

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     align-utilities-818.hqx   ****

From: lfuller@mindspring.com
Subject: Align Utilities 8.1.8

Align Utilities 8.1.8 - is a set of two AppleScript Drag & Drop applications,
Window Align and Icon Align, that are useful in improving the appearance
of disk and folder windows under Mac OS 8. These are internationalized
applications that should work properly in any language.

Window align - positions windows of desktop folders and disks at the
upper left corner of the main screen, just below the Menu bar; all other
folder windows are positioned so that its left edge is aligned with that
of its parent and its title bar is just below the title bar of its
parent. The width and height of the window conforms to the Width and
Height preferences. An Option Key feature lets you position windows for
all sub-folders, sub-sub-folders, etc. This version adds a new List Max
/ List Min preference and corrects a problem with deeply nested folders.
(Requires Mac OS 8.0, 8.1 or 8.5)

Icon Align - aligns icons in a window with icon view to a grid with 2, 3
or 4 columns and in a list view window sets the View Options to Name
only. An Option Key feature lets you copy the View of a window to all of
its sub-folders, sub-sub-folders, etc. (Requires Mac OS 8.0 or 8.1. Not
compatible with 8.5.)

#### BINHEX     apperance-osax-111.hqx   ****

From: HOnza Koudelka <honza@24u.cz>
Subject: 24U Appearance OSAX 1.1.1

Appearance OSAX is a scripting addition that gives you the features
you always missed when writing scripts using AppleScript and wanted
to interact with a user. The four features available since version
1.0 let you pop-up Appearance savvy movable non-blocking alerts,
floating text messages, floating progress indicators, and post
standard system notifications.

The 1.1.1 update also adds a brand new command called "display better
dialog" which is a powerful replacement for the standard-but-limited
"display dialog" command included with every Mac OS installation.

However, even with these five powerful features, Appearance OSAX
stays almost as easy to understand and easy to use as the original
Apple's scripting additions. So unlike other 3rd-party dialog
utilities for AppleScript, Appearance OSAX can do its good job for
you within only few minutes after you download it.

Since the year 2000, 24U s.r.o. is committed to software development,
modification and distribution, creating custom software solutions,
and providing training and consultations for users of Mac OS and

We offer solutions for people, not for computers.

#### BINHEX     applescript-utilithing-11.hqx   ****

From: jimbob@linex.com
Subject: AppleScript Utilithingies 1.1, a collection of utility scripts.

AppleScript Utilithingies 1.1, a collection of utility scripts.
Includes increased error checking, more.

A screen saver runner for JPEGView.
Merge text files.
List every file of a folder or disk.
Faux TJ Horse.
File Path of Finder's Selection to clipboard. For OSA Menu.
(yields the form: "my disk:my folder:my file"

Although these have been well tested on my 6100/66 - G3 with no problems,
it is  possible that you may experience errors or crashes on your setup. I
cannot be responsible for any damage caused or data lost while using these.

Jim Yost

#### BINHEX     applescript-utilithingies.hqx   ****

From: jimbob@linex.com
Subject: AppleScript Utilithingies, a few AS utilities.

AppleScript Utilithingies, a collection of utility scripts.

A screen saver runner for JPEGView.
Merge text files.
List every file of a folder or disk.
Faux TJ Horse.

Although these have been well tested on my 6100/66 - G3 with no problems,
it is
possible that you may experience errors or crashes on your setup. I cannot be
responsible for any damage caused or data lost while using these.

Jim Yost

#### BINHEX     clipboard-services-10.hqx   ****

From: lfuller@mindspring.com
Subject: Clipboard Services 1.0

Clipboard Services 1.0 - is a collection of six AppleScript applications that enhance the usefulness of your clipboard: StickIt!, Make Paragraphs, Strip LF, Strip Spaces, Mac to QP,  QP to Mac. All of these applications have the same method of operaton:
1. Select some text in a document;
2. Copy it to the Clipboard;
3. Run one of the Clipboard Services applications;
4. At the Beep, Paste back into the document (except StickIt!). 
Requires: AppleScript 1.1.2 (not an earlier version); and "Jon's Commands" Scripting Addition.

#### BINHEX     delete-file-extensions-10.hqx   ****

From: mkahlert@kagi.com
Subject: Delete File Extensions v1.0 (AppleScript)

Attached to this e-mail you will find a small AppleScript called "Delete
File Extensions v1.0" and the abstract file for it. A lot of people asked
me for that file, so I think it would be useful for the Info-Mac / UMich

Thanks in advance!

Matthias Kahlert, Germany

#### BINHEX     die.hqx   ****

From: lively@vicon.net
Subject: Die Osax

This is the Die Osax.  It is usefull in stopping applications from 
running.  It forces them to quit with about the same grace as a force 
quit.  There is no pardon, there is no reprieve it is an assassins 
bullet.  Unsaved files will be lost.  Really bad things may happen.  Use 
at your own risk.

To use this create a script along the lines of.

Tell application "Simple Text" to Die


#### BINHEX     ernestine-demo-10.hqx   ****

From: palardyn@cadvision.com
Subject: Ernestine Demo v1.0

Ernestine is an LDAP client that is useable with AppleScript or any other
language/tool that can use apple events.
This sample package includes a sample script and the required libraries.
The demo version will not return more than 10 results.

#### BINHEX     expandict-iview.hqx   ****

From: Vittorio Barabino <bromo@flashnet.it>
Subject: iView Expanded Dictionary

This is an Expanded AppleScript Dictionary for the popular image 
database iView(TM). This expanded dictionary comprises syntax 
examples for all keywords in its Applescript dictionary. 

This expanded dictionary is the first in a series of expanded 
dictionaries helping users to write scripts for their favorite 
applications with little effort.

MacScripter's magazine and the Expanded Dictionaries are made 
available for download from: 


   Vittorio Barabino and Bert Altenburg

#### BINHEX     find-document-27.hqx   ****

From: John Rethorst <jrethorst@post.com>
Subject: Find Document 2.7

AppleScript scripting addition to find files, folders or applications on
designated disks. Ten times faster than similar osaxen. Author JF Pautex
permits free distribution; $5 shareware.

Should replace osa/find-document-22.hqx on Info-Mac.

#### BINHEX     gtq-scripting-library-121.hqx   ****

From: John Rethorst <jrethorst@post.com>
Subject: GTQ Scripting Library 1.2.1

One of the original, and largest, sets of additions to AppleScript, with 68
commands. Author Gregory T. Quinn permits free distribution.

John Rethorst

The GTQ Library contains:

Access Privileges for, Add Picture, Add Resource, Add String List, Address
of, Append aete, Application Info, Audio CD, Available Dialects, Choose
Address, Choose From List, Choose Link, Copy File, Current Date in Seconds,
Current Dialect, Date String for, Delete Resource, Depth, Does Font Exist,
Does Monitor Support, extract AP photo header, Extract Number from, Extract
Picture, Extract Resource, Extract String List, Font Information for,
Format Number, Front Application, Get User, Index Of, Is Application
Running, Kill resource fork, List Applications, List Fonts, List Links,
List Nodes, List Resource Types in, List Users/Groups, List Zones, Login
As, Logout, Mail To, Make Alias, Mouse Speed, Number of Monitors, Number of
Resources in, Number of Sounds, Object Database, Offsets of, Omit, Play
Movie in, Play Sound, Record Sound to, Relocate, Remove, Rename, Request
Attention, Resize Picture, Set Depth to, Set Printer to, Sharing
Information, Sort, StringToPSN, Switch To Launcher, This Application, Time
String for, Version of, Volume Mounting Info for

access privileges for, add picture, add resource, add string list, address
of, append aete, application info for, available dialects, choose address,
choose from list, choose link, close database, compact database, continue
audio CD, copy file, create database, current date in seconds, current
dialect, current monitor, date string for, deepest monitor, delete record
in database, delete resource, depth, does font exist, does monitor support
depth, eject CD, extract AP photo header from, extract number from, extract
picture, extract resource, extract string list, find record in database,
font information for, format number, front application, get database
information, get user, insert data, is application running, kill resource
fork, list applications, list fonts, list groups, list links, list nodes,
list resource types in, list users, list zones, login as, logout, mail to,
main monitor, make alias, mouse speed, number of monitors, number of
resources in, number of sounds, number of tracks on audio CD, offsets of,
omit in, open database, pause audio CD, play, play audio CD, play movie in,
record sound to, relocate, relocate font, remove, rename, request
attention, resize picture, set depth, set mouse speed to, set printer to,
sharing information, sort (1), status of audio CD, stop audio CD, switch to
launcher, this application, time string for, track information for audio
CD, version of, volume mounting info for

#### BINHEX     jons-commands-212.hqx   ****

From: John Rethorst <jrethorst@post.com>
Subject: Jon's Commands 2.1.2

A free set of AppleScript scripting additions (osaxen) that, in the words
of author Jon Pugh, "will improve your life if you use AppleScript". For
sure. Author permits free distribution; further info available at his web
page, http://www.seanet.com/~jonpugh/.

Should replace /osa/jons-commands-21.hqx.

#### BINHEX     keyquencer-lite-255.hqx   ****

From: chaspel@binarysoft.com
Subject: KeyQuencer Lite 2.5.5

KeyQuencer is a utility that lets you create shortcuts (called "macros") that
perform a series of tasks with a single keystroke. Because you can automate
virtually any task with KeyQuencer, you can use it to save hours and hours of

You can use KeyQuencer to:

Launch or quit programs, open documents or folders, or switch applications Type
text or keystrokes Click or drag the mouse Press buttons Choose from menus
Navigate scroll bars, move or select windows, or wait for specific events Copy,
move, rename, or delete files or folders Jump directly to any folder or disk from
within an Open or Save file dialog Copy and paste text from up to ten clipboards
Compress, decompress or BinHex encode files and folders with the StuffIt Engine
Switch printers, mount file servers, unmount volumes, or eject removable disks
Change your monitor bit depth or resolution, or your speaker volume Shut Down,
Restart, Empty the Trash, or toggle Balloon Help Play or pause an Audio CD
Control one or more computers across a network, synchronize the clocks or
clipboards Open or close a PPP connection And much more!

What the Critics Say About KeyQuencer
"Four Mice" -MacUser, January 97

"KeyQuencer offers a lean, mean, inexpensive alternative to CE Software's 
QuicKeys, automating your Mac with less memory and for fewer dollars." 
-Macworld, September 97
"KeyQuencer feels lean, mean and clean; we doubt anyone would use those 
words about QuicKeys." -MacWeek, May 19, 1997

"Binary Software's KeyQuencer is probably the most powerful and flexible 
macro program on the market." -Macintosh Daily Journal, April 97
Why KeyQuencer Is Better than the Competition
KeyQuencer is the fastest. KeyQuencer macros execute much faster than any 
other macro utility.
KeyQuencer is the most powerful. Over 70 built-in commands let you do 
KeyQuencer is the most reliable. KeyQuencer never, ever, ever crashes. 
It's virtually conflict free.

Charles Haspel
Binary Software

#### BINHEX     list-view-editor-51.hqx   ****

From: billearl@csi.com
Subject: List View Editor 5.1

List View Editor 5.1 allows you to edit the default (global) Mac OS 8.5
Finder list view window layout to adjust widths and order of Name, Date
Modified and other columns as desired. No changes to the Finder, very safe
to use. Requires Frontier (free download). Includes List View Reset 1.1 and
instructions for use. FREEWARE.

Also includes List View Editor 4.0 (for System 7.0 to Mac OS 8.1).

Version 5.1 has improved version checking for use with Mac OS 8.5.1 and beyond.

#### BINHEX     mac-scripters-magazine-1.hqx   ****

From: Vittorio Barabino <bromo@flashnet.it>
Subject: MacScripter's Mag #1 ENG (Applescript tutorial

MacScripter's Magazine is a visual tutorial for Applescript. 
Its multimedia format allows everybody to start with a
visually attractive, easy to follow, hands-on introduction
to AppleScript.

Contents of Issue 1:

-Emptying the trash
-make a new folder
-moving files
-repeating a task
-the icons race

Web site:

#### BINHEX     make-perl-droplet.hqx   ****

From: cristol@emory.edu
Subject: MakePerlDroplet 1.0

MakePerlDroplet (mpd.hqx) is an AppleScript droplet that directs MacPerl to
check the syntax of a Perl script and compile the script as a droplet. If
there are syntax errors, they will be displayed in the "MacPerl" window and
the script will not be compiled.

Freeware; see documentation for limitations and distribution restrictions.

MakePerlDroplet and its documentation are available at:



Stephen Cristol                        |  The future is ahead of you.
cristol@emory.edu                      |                  -Dave Barry

#### BINHEX     mlauncher-b2.hqx   ****

From: dzwerdling@alexandria.cc
Subject: MLauncher b2

Thanks for downloading mLaunch.  This small script will install
a daemon launcher in your startup items, so that MLDonkey will
run from the 
time you startup to the time you shutdown.  If you dont like the
feature provided, simply remove the "mLauncher" file from your 
/Library/StartupItems directory.

I am a new developer, this may be the only script I will write. 
But, if you would like to see improvements, new features,
donate, or just want to 
bash me, my email is <dzwerdling(@)alexandria.cc>  Thanks!


Version history:

9/12/2003 : v.b2
Easier to open
Made files executable, thus "working."
First public release

9/1/2003 : v.b1
Initial Release as mLaunch v. b1

#### BINHEX     msie-library-13.hqx   ****

From: JJ <julifos@mac.com>
Subject: MSIE Library 1.3

MSIE Library 1.3 is an AppleScript Library for Internet Explorer, based on
JavaScript, a bridge between JavaScript and AppleScript that gives the
applescripter-non-javascripter full control over the window object, all
elements of forms, and some of the typical features when working with the
browser, such as color, cookies, history, dialogs, and navigation.
MSIE Library includes extensive documentation and source code.


#### BINHEX     open-in-browser-11.hqx   ****

From: miken@clinedavis.com
Subject: Open in Browser 1.1

Open in Browser AppleScript can be used from any location on your computer,
It opens html files from a folder of your choice in your browser. One html file per
browser window. Great for when you have to print out a web site from the browser or you
want to quickly skim through all your pages.

Requires: Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer, AppleScript, MacOS

Version 1.1 fixes a bug in  sub-folder searching. Also makes navigator windows at 640 by 480 instead of default.

How To Use:
1. Run the script (double click on it). Script may ask you where your browser is.

2. Script asks for a folder where your .htm or .html files are located

3. Script asks if it should search sub-folders within folder selected in step 2

4. Script proceeds to open each page in its own navigator window

5. Once finished, the script alerts the user with a dailog. This script does not modify in anyway the files or their file names.

Updated scripts and other cool stuff can be downloaded and seen from:


#### BINHEX     osa-menu-122.hqx   ****

From: John Rethorst <jrethorst@post.com>
Subject: OSA Menu 1.2.2

"OSA Menu is an iconic system menu (like the Help menu) that appears on the
right side of the menu bar. Its menu items are scripts: choose an item from
the menu and the script will run. Some commands are always available, and
some are only available within particular applications. Generally the
target of the script is the active application, and scripts that operate on
the user selection are particularly useful. Scripts in the OSA Menu act
like extensions to the command set of the application." - Leonard
Rosenthol, author

New in this version: further support for OS 9, bug fixes. The author
recommends that all users, on OS 9 or earlier, update to this version.
Free. Further information available at

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     osl-dd-watchdog.hqx   ****

From: Ton Brand <Ton_Brand@spidernet.nl>
Subject: OSL_DD Watchdog

OSL_DD Watchdog

What it is: AppleScript that watches your extensions folder for unwanted
ObjectSupportLib and Macintosh Drag and Drop.
Author: Ton Brand
Company: Ton's Software
License: freeware
Some applications install an obsolete library 'ObjectSupportLib' (OSL) or an
obsolete extension 
'Macintosh Drag and Drop' (DD) in the Extensions folder. Since the
introduction of Mac OS 8, ObjectSupportLib is integrated in the system
software and since system 7.5 Macintosh Drag and Drop is built in also.
The obsolete files could lead to strange effects or even crashes. So is would
be useful to check after every third-party software install procedure whether
ObjectSupportLib and/or Macintosh Drag and Drop was wrongfully added. OSL_DD
Watchdog does this for you, after you have put the program or its alias in
the Startup Items folder (which is in your System folder).

#### BINHEX     palm-synch-n-quit-20.hqx   ****

From: "Joseph C. Slater" <joseph.slater@wright.edu>
Subject: Palm Synch-n-Quit 2.0

This script runs the Palm Serial Port Monitor (SPM), then quits it after
a the Conduit Manager quits so you don't have to remember to quit it and
get the nasty crash on wake problem. If you follow the instructions, you
can then just hit an F-key, hit synch on your Palm, and not worry about
remembering to quit or having to go to a menu to select a script that
quits it. This script is set for a 15 second delay, meaning you have 15
seconds once you have the SPM running to get the Palm in position and
tell it to synch.

#### BINHEX     quick-dialog-11.hqx   ****

From: contact@whpress.com
Subject: Quick Dialog 1.1 - tool for FaceSpan 3.0

Quick Dialog is a customizable and versatile dialog window for users 
of FaceSpan.  (If you don't know what FaceSpan is, then you don't 
need Quick Dialog.)  Quick Dialog offers more options than the 
standard "display dialog" event, but with the same ease of use and 
familiar features.

Quick Dialog is $9 shareware, if used in a commercial product. 
Freeware and personal use is free, and encouraged!  Distributed as a 
FaceSpan 3.0.1 project file.

Weedhopper Press

#### BINHEX     quit-them-1011.hqx   ****

From: satoshi@matsumoto.co.jp
Subject: QuitThem 1.0.11 - Simple but Useful Quitter

Simple but Useful Quitter.

Have you ever found your Macintosh in memory shortage or slow response
because many needless applications were running on memory? In such cases,
you must quit these applications one by one.  It's bothersome.

"QuitThem" is a simple but most useful utility that can quit these needless
applications immediately. In this 2nd release, user can register exceptive
applications for the "Quit All" operation in the preferences.

 And "QuitAll" is an AppleScript that quits all running applications
automatically.The source list of "QuitAll" is also contained.

"QuitThem" is freeware.

System requirements:
*System 8.0 or later

For more information, please read the file "readme" enclosed, or visit our
Web page:


#### BINHEX     real-compiler-10.hqx   ****

From: wilcox@ptd.net
Subject: REALCompiler 1.0

REALCompiler is a program that acts as a command line for AppleScript. Type in
small AppleScripts, press the Run key, and watch it work. Drag and Drop aware

Freeware. Use at your own risk, author's not liable for damages, legal yak.

Support: wilcox@ptd.net
Wilcox Design: Specializing in Interapplication Communications

#### BINHEX     red-birds-quick-scripts-07.hqx   ****

From: Gordon Worley <redbird@rbisland.cx>
Subject: Red Bird's Quick Scripts, release 0.7

This is a collection of AppleScript scripts designed to preform 
common tasks automatically.  Included in this release:  Browser 
Chomper, Empty Trash, Simple Sync, Random Desktop, Change Files 
(batch method of modifying files), Make Password, Folder Password (a 
folder action), Lock Screen, Startup Lock, Download Deleter (deletes 
compressed and encoded files left over from downloads), and Back Up. 
All code is under the GNU GPL.

This release adds Back Up, a simple script to back up files and 
folders, a better version of Download Deleter that supports more file 
endings, and a how to on compiling scripts.

Requires AppleScript 1.2.1, 1.4 recommended.

#### BINHEX     regex-commands-osax.hqx   ****

From: John Rethorst <jrethorst@post.com>
Subject: RegEx Commands OSAX

Adds to your scripting system (normally AppleScript) the ability to perform
searches and replaces in blocks of text using a technique called regular
expressions.  The RegEx Docs.pdf file contains details of the regular
expressions that are supported and numerous examples of how to use them.

RegEx Commands is free, and runs native on PPC systems. Authors Leonard
Rosenthol and Lindsey Dubb permit unlimited distribution. Further info
available at Leonard's web site, http://www.lazerware.com/.

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     resource-access-10.hqx   ****

From: mpalluat@chez.com
Subject: Resource Access 1.0

Resource Access ($30 shareware) is a scripting addition that gives you
access to the resources of your files.

#### BINHEX     satimage-230.hqx   ****

From: John Rethorst <jrethorst@post.com>
Subject: Satimage 2.3 osax for OS X

This is one of the first OS X scripting additions (osaxen). Its impressive
command set includes regular expressions. Free.

Smile's authors may be reached at: <mailto:support@satimage-software.com>
Latest versions: <http://homepage.mac.com/satimage/>
Subscribe to Smile User discussion List at:
<mailto:satimage@imaginet.fr?subject=subscribe sul>
Satimage's home page: <http://www.satimage.fr>

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     script-extractor-10.hqx   ****

From: rosscar@pacbell.net
Subject: Script Extractor v1.0

What is it? Script Extractor is a simple but useful PPC-Only SuperCard
application which will extract and organize scripts from a SuperCard project in
order to better document, edit, save and/or print them.  The extracted scripts
are saved in text format.

How do You use it? Simply select 'Extract...' from the 'File' menu or click on
the 'Extract...' button.  You will then be prompted to select a SuperCard

Preferences Preferences can be modified by selecting 'Preferences...' in the
'Edit' menu.  There are two families of preferences, System and Scripts to

System Preferences - Selecting 'Open Project when extracting' will provide for
faster script extraction but may lead to errors, although this is highly rare.

If you Auto-Save the file, the file will be saved in the same directory as the
selected Project with the extension provided.  If you Prompt for a file name then
the you will be prompted for a file name prior to saving the extracted scripts.

Scripts to Extract Preferences - Select the scripts that you wish to extract.

E-Mail Ware If you use Script Extractor please send me an e-mail just to give me
an idea of the interest level related to this software.  The E-Mail can be blank,
however, any comments you may have concerning the software are welcome.  Also,
let me know of any program problems you encounter.

Ross rosscar@pacbell.net Perfect Syntax Software

#### BINHEX     script-scribe-23.hqx   ****

From: lfuller@mindspring.com
Subject: Script Scribe 2.3

Script Scribe 2.3 - Development tool for scripters and programmers. This
AppleScript application converts tab-indented source code (AppleScript, C, Pascal
...) and double-space-indented source code (HyperTalk) into a
dot-double-space-indented format. This format makes source code very easy to
read. You can quickly match an  if ... statement with the correct end if
statement by simply following a column of dots. Useful for debugging and source
code printouts. This is a Clipboard Utility -- You first copy the text you want
to convert, then run Script Scribe, then paste the converted text where you need
it. An Option key feature lets you write the converted clipboard to a Stickies
Note on your Desktop. Requires: AppleScript 1.1.2 (not an earlier version); and
"Jon's Commands" Scripting Addition.

#### BINHEX     script-strip.hqx   ****

From: AcutAbove Software <acutabove@mac.com>
Subject: ScriptStrip

Acutabove Software is pleased to announce our $10 shareware product 
"ScriptStrip", a control strip module for running AppleScript scripts and 

#### BINHEX     serial-port-osax-12.hqx   ****

From: bward@scruznet.com (Blake Ward)
Subject: SerialPort Scripting Addition 1.2

There are lots of devices from modems and printers to uninterruptable 
power supplies and home automation systems that easily plug into any 
serial port to communicate with a computer.  Unfortunately, all too 
frequently these devices come with Windows or DOS software only. 
Until now, if you wanted to communicate with these devices from the 
Macintosh, you were stuck writing complicated serial port 
communication code in a language like C or C++.

The SerialPort scripting addition makes it possible to send and 
recieve data over the serial port from AppleScript using very easy to 
write scripts.  This shareware scripting addition comes with a 
comprehensive manual, several sample scripts, and glue code for using 
it from Frontier.  The SerialPort scripting addition supports all of 
the communication settings (baud rate, handshaking, etc.) and any 
Macintosh serial port (including add-in cards).

For more information on the SerialPort scripting addition and our 
other shareware products, please visit our web site:


This release adds another command to check to see how much data is 
waiting to be sent.  It also updates the user's manual and updates 
the contact info.

#### BINHEX     simple-scripts-08.hqx   ****

From: ilkka.koski@macuutisia.com
Subject: Simple Scripts 0.8

Simple Scripts 0.8

Simple Scripts is basically just a test for me, where i'm finding out 
about my very minimal AppleScript coding skills. I used to do simple 
scripts like this a couple of years ago, then they were known as Cleaner 
Package. As a matter a fact, i got pretty much good feedback from those 
people who used it. It was also my first appearance on the Internet as a 
script producer. I eaven got my scripts on an issue of MacFormat, an 
british Mac magazine.

Simple Scripts contains 14 very simple scripts, such as "Empty trash", 
"Quit Finder", "Desktop Pattern to Mac OS face" and "Sleep".

Simple Script's home page: http://members.xoom.com/ekstaasi/simplescripts/

#### BINHEX     smile-184.hqx   ****

From: John Rethorst <jrethorst@post.com>
Subject: Smile 1.8.4

Smile is both an AppleScript editor for beginners, and an integrated
environment for AppleScript developers. It is scriptable, attachable (its
objects have scripts), recordable, and factored (internally scripted).

Smile is PPC-only. It uses Navigation Services and Appearance. Thus it
requires MacOS 8.5 or later, or Mac OS 8.1 with Navigation Services and the
Appearance Extension installed.

Of the several AppleScript editors available, this is the only one besides
Apple's Script Editor that's free. Smile is one of the two editors
available that support scripts larger than 32K.

Smile's authors may be reached at: <mailto:support@satimage-software.com>
Latest versions: <http://homepage.mac.com/satimage/>
Subscribe to Smile User discussion List at:
<mailto:satimage@imaginet.fr?subject=subscribe sul>
Satimage's home page: <http://www.satimage.fr>

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     smile-osx-230.hqx   ****

From: John Rethorst <jrethorst@post.com>
Subject: Smile 2.3 for OS X

This OS X-only version of the only free Applescript editor that supports
scripts larger than 32K has just been updated to support changes in OS 10.1.

Smile's authors may be reached at: <mailto:support@satimage-software.com>
Latest versions: <http://homepage.mac.com/satimage/>
Subscribe to Smile User discussion List at:
<mailto:satimage@imaginet.fr?subject=subscribe sul>
Satimage's home page: <http://www.satimage.fr>

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     tell-me-mrj.hqx   ****

From: "Stephen J. Wright" <sjwright@splusnet.com>
Subject: Tell Me-MRJ

Tell Me-MRJ: a free AppleScript utility. Great for your Automated
Tasks folder.

An AppleScript script application that tells what version of the
file "MRJLib" is resident on your startup disk.

Compatibility (as-is) with MacOS versions later than 8.1 is
unknown.  If the path searched by the script is incorrect, feel
free to edit this as appropriate.

Thanks for downloading

Steve Wright.

#### BINHEX     traverse-eudora-folder-as.hqx   ****

From: benjamin@kagi.co>
Subject: Traverse Eudora Mailfolder Tree in AppleScript

This script contains a handler to traverse the entire Eudora mailfolder
tree and build a corresponding hierarchic structure in AppleScript in the
course of doing so.

Unfortunately scripting support of Eudora is only rudimentary. Eudora does
not understand "every" and "whose" which makes it necessary to read complex
structures one by one from Eudora.

It is obviously possible to do the same thing faster by reading Eudora's
mail folders from disk, but that would make your script vulnerable to
incompatibility when Qualcomm decides to change the underlying data
structure, which they have already done once in  the past. Also, Eudora
V4.2  supports remote IMAP mailboxes residing on a mail server rather than
on your local disk. These folders can only be parsed using Eudora as means
of getting the data rather than bypassing it.

The script is commented in detail and it can provide a base for an
extensible script object. It can also serve as a base to derive a script
that performs the same task for Eudora's nickname tree.

Use and distribute freely in any non-profit context.


#### BINHEX     util-script-11.hqx   ****

From: tex_mac62@hotmail.com
Subject: UtilScript 1.0

UtilScript 1.1

A collection of AppleScripts that do cool stuff, like a notification 
scheduler and a filetype editor.

Shareware $10
(C)1998 High Density Software

#### BINHEX     voice-controlled-finder-18.hqx   ****

From: Dave Miller <davem@pangea.stanford.edu>
Subject: Voice-controlled Finder 1.8

This package contains AppleScript scripts that I have
developed to enable voice-control of many Macintosh Finder functions.
These scripts extend and in some cases replace scripts provided with the
PlainTalk speech recognition software from Apple Computer. These scripts
use the basic, minimum AppleScript set-up in System 8.5.1. You will need
a PPC computer and System 8.5.1 (some scripts may run under earlier systems).

For more information on these AppleScript scripts and other software I have
developed, or for questions, comments, and feedback contact:

Dave Miller

#### BINHEX     weedhopper-commands-101.hqx   ****

From: contact@whpress.com
Subject: Weedhopper Commands OSAX 1.01 - resource read/write

Weedhopper Commands is a scripting addition that provides several 
commands for manipulating resources.  These commands are especially 
useful for creating and storing preferences, but they may also be 
used whenever you need to access the resource fork of a file.  The 
commands provided are:

readRes - read a resource from a file, or from your own application
writeRes - write a resource of any type
deleteRes - remove old or unnecessary resources
newResFile - create a file with a resource fork
readStrings - reads and parses a STR# resource
writeStrings - store a list of strings into a standard STR# resource
getFonts - obtain a list of available fonts, for custom font menus

Weedhopper Commands OSAX is fully functional, but a $9 shareware fee 
is requested if you use it for more than 30 days.

Weedhopper Press

#### BINHEX     x10-scripting-addition-12.hqx   ****

From: Blake Ward <bward@scruznet.com>
Subject: X 10 Home Automation Scripting Addition 1.2

Would you rather wake up to gentle background music from your stereo 
and the smell of fresh brewed coffee? Ever wish your computer could 
turn on the printer when you want to print a file and then turn it 
back off when it was finished? Would you like your house to look 
lived in when you're away on vacation? Ever wanted to just say 
"Stereo On" and have your stereo turn on? Now you can do all of this 
and more from your Macintosh using AppleScript!

This shareware package provides a collection of scripting commands 
that let you control appliances, lights, etc. from AppleScript using 
a very inexpensive CP290 interface and X-10 modules that are 
available at many electronics stores or via mail order.

If you're new to home automation or AppleScript, the detailed manual 
provides lots of background information, examples, mail order 
companies for the interface and modules, contacts for home automation 
magazines, etc. For less than $60 and very little effort you can get 
started in home automation - check it out!

For more information on the X10 scripting addition and our other 
shareware products, please visit our web site:


This is version 1.2, which updates the manual and the contact information.