directory-contents.txt       revision: 17 Jul 93

Each directory in the archive has two names, one descriptive and one 
abbreviated for ease of repeated use. The descriptive names are 
capitalized so they will sort to the top of directory listings. Here 
is an example of an entry in the following list:

DescriptiveName  name
    A description of the contents of this directory.  It may be
    accessed with both "cd DescriptiveName" and "cd name".
  SubdirectoryDescriptiveName  sub
    A description of the contents of this subdirectory of name.  It
    may be accessed with both
    "cd DescriptiveName/SubdirectoryDescriptiveName" and
    "cd name/sub".

--- Directories with Descriptions -------------------------------------

AntiVirus  vir
    Software virus protection & removal utilities and information.

Application  app
    Little applications and handy utilites. Calculators, calendars, 
    etc. Other applications that don't fit anywhere else (schedulers,
    tax forms, etc.). (New categories will be added to this
    description as they are added to the dir.)

Communication  comm
    Inter-computer communication software: Modem dialers, file transfer,
    telecommunications, etc.
  Network  net
    Local network and Internet utilities. 
  Information  info
    Info about communication hardware, software and standards. 

Compress-Translate  cmp
    Compression and general format translation utilities and info.
    Unix encoding, binhex, macbinary, tar, encryption, MS-DOS disk

Configuration  cfg
    Low level stuff to examine and control your Mac.
    Hardware and software configuration reporting, speed testing,
    extension managers, startup managers, memory managers, fpu
    emulation, system monitors, screen resolution & depth, keyboard
    configuration, volume control. (Not for typical system or control
    panel extensions.)

Development  dev
    Software development utilities, language compilers and
    interpreters, debuggers, resource editors and templates, etc.
  4thDimension  a4d
    Examples, demos, source and info about the database development
    External  ext
      External modules for 4D.
  SourceCode  src
    Source in C, Pascal, etc.  Note: apps that come with source should
    be included here as well as the appropriate software directory.
  Information  info
    Tips, documentation and format specifications.

Disk-File  disk
    Disk configuration and file management utilities and info. RAM disk,
    image mount, disk analysis & repair, scsi management, disk copying,
    file cataloging, directory search, file concatenation, file save &
    recovery, file comparison & update, alias & trash management.
    Folder locking, file shredding.  (For compression and encryption
    utilities, see Compress-Translate.  For utilities that work only on
    text files, see Text.)

Font  font
    Typeface packages that contain both PS and TT formats (with any 
    companion bitmaps) and packages that contain only bitmap format.
  Truetype  tt
    Typefaces in Truetype format (with any companion bitmaps).
  Postscript  ps
    Typefaces in Postscript format (with any companion bitmaps).
  Utility  util
    Programs for manipulating fonts.  Font info.

Game  game
    Interactive entertainment and time killers of all kinds.
  Arcade  arc
    Fast action games.
  Board  brd
    Games that would be played on a board if they weren't on your Mac.
    Chess, go, etc., unique originals, and tile games like dominos.
  Bolo  bolo
    All manner of stuff for the multi-player (via network) tank
  Cards  crd
    From solitaire to bridge.  Any game that is played with cards.
  Commercial  com
    Demos, tips, editors, and anything that goes with commercial
    entertainment software.

Graphic  grf
    Pretty pictures in many formats: StartupScreen, PICT, JPEG,
    TIFF, GIF, etc.
  Quicktime  qt
    Quicktime movies.
  Utility  util
    Programs for manipulating graphics, Quicktime movies, etc.
    Graphics info.

Help  help
    You found this directory already!  Info about how the Info-Mac
    archive works, how to use it, what's here, etc.
  Abstract  abs
    Text files for each directory in the archive containing info about 
    the files stored in that directory.  (These are actually links to 
    the real files, which are stored in the directory they describe. 
    New link files will be added here as new directories appear
    in the archive.)

Hypercard  card
    Hypercard utilities, externals and info for Hypercard programmers.
    (Stacks live in the appropriate topic directory or info/nms/.)

Incoming  in
    A place to upload submissions for the archive with the ftp "put"
    command.  You cannot list this directory or get files from it.

Information  info
    General mac info.
  Communication  comm
    Info about communication hardware, software and standards.
    (Actually a link to the comm/info directory.)
  Development  dev
    Documentation and information about development issues.
    (Actually a link to the dev/info directory.)
  Hardware  hdwr
    Hardware reviews, tips, and documentation.
  NonMacStuff  nms
    All kinds of stuff that has very little to do with Macs.
    Informational Hypercard stacks, literature, useful info, etc.
  Software  sft
    Announcements, tips and reviews about system and application
    software. (Most software info is archived by topic in the other

Newton  nwt
    Software for and information about Apple's Newton Personal Digital

Periodical  per
    Regularly published electronic journals.
  CSMProgrammer  csmp
    Usenet newsgroup comp.sys.mac.programmer
  InfoMac  im
    Info-Mac almost-daily news and digest
  Tidbits  tb
    TidBits weekly electronic newsletter
  Vaporware  vap
    Vaporware electronic newsletter

Print  prn
    Printer utilities, drivers, and info, postscript tools.

Recent  rec
    Copies of newly archived (within three weeks) submissions are kept
    here in addition to their home directory.

Science-Math  sci
    Science & Math applications.  Graphing, plotting, fractals, etc.

Sound  snd
    A plethora of delightful, cute, offensive, famous and obscure
    sounds!  Music, speech, nature, movies, tv, effects, etc.
  Utility  util
    Programs for manipulating sounds.  Sound info.

TextProcessing  text
    Applications, utilites and info for text and word processing.
    Editors, viewers, note makers, text comparison, search and
    replace, dictionaries.

UserInterface  gui
    Goodies to adjust the look and feel of your system.  Color
    control, menu & scroll bar & button details, window control,
    keyboard shortcuts, icon/ppat/curs tools, clipboard extension,
    app launchers, macro makers, ballon help managers, Finder
    customization.  User interface info.
  AfterDark  ad
    Afterdark screensaver modules.
  Graphic  grf
    Icon, cursor and desktop pattern resources to decorate your