From: cottle david michael <>
Subject: Lime Readme
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 1994 13:29:50 -0600 (CST)

This is the README file for free anonymous ftp distribution of 
the demonstration version of Lime (version 2.15).  Lime is music 
notation software for the Macintosh, written by Lippold Haken
(faculty member at the CERL Sound Group, University of Illinois) 
and Dorothea Blostein (faculty member at Queen's University,
Kingston, Ontario). 

To use this free anonymous ftp facility, you will need:
 2 Meg or more of RAM on your Macintosh, 
 A program which can decode binhex files (Stuffit can do this), 
 and access to a PostScript printer. 

The demonstration version of Lime is for demonstration purposes only; 
it allows you to edit and print sample pieces, but you will not be able 
to save your changes.  If you have questions or comments, please call 
217-355-4500, or send Email to  If you would like to 
purchase Lime, see the address listed below.

To try demonstration Lime, follow these steps:
(These are System 7 instructions; Lime will also run under System 6.)
1)  ftp LimeDemo.sea.hqx and DemoMan.txt to your Macintosh.
    (You do not need LimeCProgrammer.sea.hqx -- that is only for
    C-language experts who want information on Lime disk files.)
2)  Decode LimeDemo.sea.hqx using a BinHex decoding program. (If
    you have StuffIt, 'Decode BinHex File' under the Other menu does
3)  Double-click on LimeDemo.sea to expand.
4)  Read the instructions in DemoMan.txt for installing Demonstration
    Lime on your Macintosh.  DemoMan.txt is an ascii text file; it
    contains the beginning of the Lime User's Manual.  If you would
    like to look at the complete manual, ftp LimeManCom.sea.hqx
    and decode as described above.  It is written in MS word 5.0.

Please send Email to if you have questions or comments 
about Lime.

Distribution (cost info) of Lime is handled through:

 	Electronic Courseware Systems
	1210 Lancaster Drive
	Champaign, IL 61821
	(217) 359-7099
	FAX   359-6578