Subject: Info-Mac Digest V19 #54
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Info-Mac Digest             Fri, 28 Jun 02       Volume 19 : Issue 54

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#635/24-Jun-02
      [*] AutoCheck 2.4.1
      [*] Chicago 1.1.1
      [*] CopyPaste-X 1.4
      [*] DoubletScan401.hqx
      [*] eMail Verifier (v1.1)
      [*] eMail Verifier-X (v1.1)
      [*] Haxial KDX Client 0.938 (internet communications system)
      [*] Image Sizer 1.0 - a simple Mac OS X image viewer and HTML 'img'
      [*] Infodex 3.5
      [*] Page Sender 1.1 - print-to-Email (PDF) and print-to-fax for Mac OS X
      [*] TrashLater 2.2
      [A] OS 9.2.x for Power Tower
      A: Javascript for pop-up text on mouseover?
      A:wanted printer driver (Epson 800)
      Airport KechainLib Error
      Cannabalized Concurrent Connections
      Files/Folders from Hell / OS X
      Files/Folders from Hell / OS X
      iTunes freeze up
      iTunes Freeze up - Part two
      Programs for running presentations
      Q: .avi files on Mac
      second hard drive does not show up
      Should I install OS9 or OSX versions

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP
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Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 21:00:00 -0700
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#635/24-Jun-02


  Want ubiquitous wireless access to your email and the Web from a
  svelte handheld computer? Us too, and Jeff Carlson explains why
  the new Palm i705 is at least a step in the right direction. Adam
  returns from the 17th annual MacHack developers conference with a
  look at the future of the Mac world, and Matt Neuburg offers a
  short review of the powerful bookmark utility URL Manager Pro.

    Tools We Use: URL Manager Pro
    The MacHack Mirror
    Palm i705: Wireless Internet, If You're Patient


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-635.etx; 30K]


Date: 24 Jun 2002
Subject: [*] AutoCheck 2.4.1

Automates Apple's Disk First Aid to check all disks at once, except remote
and read-only volumes and any you exclude.

The importance of something like AutoCheck, maybe placed in the Mac's
Startup Items folder, is that most users run Disk First Aid or a similar
utility only when experiencing problems. But a lot of disk damage is
incremental, and early detection and repair can be crucial to safeguarding
data. By itself, Disk First Aid takes several steps to run. AutoCheck
automates the entire process, with several convenient options. It stops and
posts a dialog only if a disk error is found. Otherwise, it runs and then
quits Disk First Aid and itself by the time you've gotten a cup of coffee,
and your Mac has a clean bill of health.

New in v. 2.4: option to run only once a day; better interface, faster.

New in v. 2.4.1: bug fixes, recompiled with Applescript 1.7.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/auto-check-241.hqx; 137 K]


Date: 26 Jun 2002
From: Michael Heberle <>
Subject: [*] Chicago 1.1.1

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

as described at I send you the Mac OS X game 
"Chicago". It's a dice game. You have to reach maximum points by rolling 
special combinations. It also includes some special statistic.

It's a shareware game. It's costs are 9.95 USD. If you have further 
questions, please let me know.

Thank you very much!

Michael Heberle

[Archived as /info-mac/game/chicago.hqx; 674 K]


Date: 23 Jun 2002
Subject: [*] CopyPaste-X 1.4

CopyPaste-X is localized for English, Japanese, Danish, French and German
in a single package.

CopyPaste-X now can communicate with CopyPaste 4.5 Classic. If both versions
are installed CopyPaste-X can copy and paste its clipboards in Classic programs as well.

One of the early wonders of the Mac was its revolutionary ability to do
copy and paste across various applications. Unlike other areas in the
Mac's system software that have changed and progressed over the years,
copying and pasting has not evolved. How many times have you found
yourself going back and forth copying in one application and pasting in
a different application, wishing to yourself that you could copy 5-10
items at a time, then go to another application and paste each of these
items. CopyPaste gives you this and much more. It turns out that having
additional clipboards is incredibly useful. CopyPaste eliminates tedious
repetitive work and increases your ability to get the job done.

CopyPaste-X magnifies the clipboard in many ways.

* Clipboard Extender - adds an infinite number of easy to access
clipboards via menu or key command. Without CopyPaste the Mac has only
one clipboard.
* Clip Recorder - remembers the last 10-200 (user selectable) items
copied via command c and keeps them in a stack.
* Clipboard Editor - Edit any clipboard by simply double clicking in
any clipboard palette.
* Save Clipboards thru Restarts - allows all 10 Clipboards to be
saved thru Shutdown or Restart. Without CopyPaste the Mac does not save
its clipboard.
* Drag and Drop - allows dragging anything to and from the CopyPaste
Palette. Not only selections from a program, but also text, picture,
sound or ClipSet files can be dragged. Now uses Quicktime to read files.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/copy-paste-x-14.hqx; 2704 K]


Date: 24 Jun 2002
From: Giuseppe Giunto <>
Subject: [*] DoubletScan401.hqx

Find all kinds of duplicate files, identify unique files, and more!

Doublet Scan is a fast, easy, and professional way to find all kinds of
duplicate files and more on your hard disks. Compare the contents of files,
search for duplicate files and folders, unique files, unique folders, empty
files and empty folders.  Search for duplicate and/or unique files by:
name, size, data and/or resource fork, date created, date modified, type,
creator, label, custom icon, locked files, locked folders, invisible files,
invisible folders, aliases, compressed files, files without creator
application, and much more!

What's new version 4.0.1
Fixed a bug in the "Custom Search" window: file names longer than 31 
characters are now handled correctly.
The "Move to Trash" feature now works well on OS X.
Fixed other small cosmetic and procedural bugs.

Download page:

Direct links:

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/doublet-scan-401.hqx; 2790 K]


Date: 20 Jun 2002
From: Max Programming LLC <>
Subject: [*] eMail Verifier (v1.1)

Max Programming, LLC - eMail Verifier   v1.1               June, 18 2002

Max Programming is proud to present a new release of Mail  Verifier, the
very first tool available on the Macintosh  platform  for  batch  e-mail
validity checking. (Classic and Mac OS X)

Product Home Page:

 > Overview
If your database contains incorrect e-mail addresses, this disadvantages
you in two ways.�First, you have to put up with annoying 
messages.�And second,  you lose  the  ability  to communicate  by 
with your contacts.�Email Verifier checks the  validity  of your  
addresses without actually sending  e-mails.  You  can  use the  list of
failed addresses  to build  a list  for  a 'please  update'  campaign.

Email Verifier is a very effective piece  of  software  that  can verify
over 10 e-mails per  second  . It  can  verify  single  e-mails  or huge
lists. (eMail Verifier is multithreaded, providing high speed verifying)

eMail Verifier is  your  powerful  solution  for the  standard  "message
delivery error." Email Verifier verifies  every  e-mail  address  from a
given  mailing  list,  allows  to  determine   80-90%    of "dead" email

eMail Verifier works  on the  same  algorithm  as  ISP mail  systems do.
Addresses for e-mail are extracted  from  a Domain  Naming  Server (DNS)
and eMail Verifier tries to connect with SMTP-servers and  simulates the
sending of a message.  It  does  not send  the  message  though  - eMail
Verifier disconnects as soon as  the mail  server  informs  the  program
whether the address exists or not.

eMail  Verifier  can  save  time  and  money  for  businesses   who send
newsletters   to their   clients,   nonprofit   organizations   who send
bulletins to their members,  or any  person  or business  that  needs to
maintain a clean e-mail contact list.

eMail Verifier  is  dedicated  for  system  administrators,  webmasters,
programmers as well as for  those  advanced  users  who  have  their own
mailing lists and would like to keep them up-to-date.

 > Key features
- Batch verify big amounts of e-mail addresses.
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/email-verifier-11.hqx; 998 K]


Date: 20 Jun 2002
From: Max Programming LLC <>
Subject: [*] eMail Verifier-X (v1.1)

Max Programming, LLC - eMail Verifier   v1.1               June, 18 2002

Max Programming is proud to present a new release of Mail  Verifier, the
very first tool available on the Macintosh  platform  for  batch  e-mail
validity checking. (Classic and Mac OS X)

Product Home Page:

 > Overview
If your database contains incorrect e-mail addresses, this disadvantages
you in two ways.�First, you have to put up with annoying 
messages.�And second,  you lose  the  ability  to communicate  by 
with your contacts.�Email Verifier checks the  validity  of your  
addresses without actually sending  e-mails.  You  can  use the  list of
failed addresses  to build  a list  for  a 'please  update'  campaign.

Email Verifier is a very effective piece  of  software  that  can verify
over 10 e-mails per  second  . It  can  verify  single  e-mails  or huge
lists. (eMail Verifier is multithreaded, providing high speed verifying)

eMail Verifier is  your  powerful  solution  for the  standard  "message
delivery error." Email Verifier verifies  every  e-mail  address  from a
given  mailing  list,  allows  to  determine   80-90%    of "dead" email

eMail Verifier works  on the  same  algorithm  as  ISP mail  systems do.
Addresses for e-mail are extracted  from  a Domain  Naming  Server (DNS)
and eMail Verifier tries to connect with SMTP-servers and  simulates the
sending of a message.  It  does  not send  the  message  though  - eMail
Verifier disconnects as soon as  the mail  server  informs  the  program
whether the address exists or not.

eMail  Verifier  can  save  time  and  money  for  businesses   who send
newsletters   to their   clients,   nonprofit   organizations   who send
bulletins to their members,  or any  person  or business  that  needs to
maintain a clean e-mail contact list.

eMail Verifier  is  dedicated  for  system  administrators,  webmasters,
programmers as well as for  those  advanced  users  who  have  their own
mailing lists and would like to keep them up-to-date.

 > Key features
- Batch verify big amounts of e-mail addresses.
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/email-verifier-11-x.hqx; 1706 K]


Date: 24 Jun 2002
From: Haxial <>
Subject: [*] Haxial KDX Client 0.938 (internet communications system)

KDX is a "BBS"-style (Bulletin Board System) encrypted internet 
communications system that provides file transfer, chat, messaging, news, 
trackers etc.  It uses strong encryption to protect your communications 
for security and privacy.  It is very useful for groups that need to 
collaborate on a project via the internet.  It uses a client/server 
model.  IMPORTANT:  It is currently still a BETA (work in progress) 
version, so not everything is working or implemented.

The program comes in 2 parts, the Client and the Server.  This is the 
Client.  You may also want to download the Server.

KDX is available for:
  MacOS 9 or better (with CarbonLib 1.3.1+).
  MacOS X (10).
  Windows 95 or better.

The Product Page is here:

And the company website is:

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/kdx-client-0938.hqx; 430 K]


Date: 24 Jun 2002
From: Angela Brett <>
Subject: [*] Image Sizer 1.0 - a simple Mac OS X image viewer and HTML 'img'

Image Sizer is a simple image viewing program for Mac OS X which 
shows the size of each image and will create an HTML 'img' tag for 
it. I wrote it because none of the simple image viewing programs I 
have shows the size, and it's sometimes a hassle to open a 
full-featured image editing program application just to find out the 
dimensions of an image to put in the HTML. For convenience I also 
added a button which would copy the full img tag to the clipboard, 
complete with width, height, src and alt filled in and the border set 
to 0 the way I like it.

How to use:

To use Image Sizer, just drag an image file onto its icon, open an 
image from the Open command in Image Sizer's File Menu, or drag an 
image file onto the area on an existing Image Sizer window where an 
image is displayed. If you want to use the image in an HTML document, 
change the description from the default if you like (the description 
will appear in the 'alt' attribute of the 'img' tag) and press the 
'Copy img tag' button. Paste the tag into your HTML document and do 
what you like with it.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/image-sizer.hqx; 40 K]


Date: 20 Jun 2002
From: Ben Sharvy <>
Subject: [*] Infodex 3.5

Infodex is very searchable database stack that is useful for storing texts
of intermediate length (in between Stickies/Notepad and a word-processor)
In addition, it provides linking to pictures, Quicktime movies, and Web;
supplement text with images, or vice-versa, and easily search the whole
wad. Finally, content cna be exported to HTML (Web pages). You may need to
know a little HTML, to make everything work perfectly. Web pages exported
from Infodex comply with HTML 4.0 Strict.

Use by non-profit organizations and non-professional persons costs $0;
whereas in the event of other use, let it hereby be known that a license
shall be required, in accordance with such state and federal regulations,
statutes and legislations as may apply, whereas fee for said license,
excluding taxes, tariffs, and other levies as have standing, shall equal
$10 in sum more or less.

That was a semi-amusing (at best) attempt to say that the shareware terms
are: non-profit use is free, and use by a for-profit concern cost $10.

Guaranteed perfection requires Hypercard 2.4. HC 2.3.5 will work, but can't
link to Web addresses and the display of graphics and movies is less
flexible. If you use features like speech synthesis, color graphics, or
anything beyond the capabilities of a Mac Plus, you will want to set the
RAM allocation of Hypercard to at least 2000K; you do this by selecting the
application Hypercard, and then choosing "Get Info..." from the File menu.
Hypercard does not always deal gracefully with inadequate RAM--it may cause
bugs and function failures.

The Hypercard Player is freely distributed by Apple, and bundled with every
new Mac. If it isn't on your harddrive, check the installation disk,
especially a folder called "CD Extras". If that fails, the Player can be
downloaded from Apple's Web site. You can link to Apple's Hypercard Web
page, and download other interesting stacks and applications, from:

[Archived as /info-mac/data/infodex-35.hqx; 819 K]


Date: 20 Jun 2002
From: Greg Scown <>
Subject: [*] Page Sender 1.1 - print-to-Email (PDF) and print-to-fax for Mac OS X

Page Sender 1.1 updates Smile Software's print-to-Email (PDF) and 
print-to-fax utility with: basic fax modem send support, multiple fax 
recipients, two-byte (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) faxing, MailSmith & Now 
Contact support, jConnect & EasyLink support. Page Sender (30-day free 
demo, $19.95) requires Mac OS X 10.1.3 or later.

E-mail or fax anything you can print on Mac OS X with Page Sender. Page 
Sender presents a fully-functional E-mail or fax envelope when you 
print - just fill in the envelope, click "Print", and your document is 
on its way. Page Sender E-mails printouts as Portable Document Files 
(PDF), viewable with Adobe Acrobat Reader on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux.

- Mac OS X 10.1.3 or later
- Send from any Mac OS X application (Classic & Mac OS 9 not supported)
- Send via these E-mail applications:
     Claris E-mailer, Eudora, Mail, Mailsmith, Microsoft Entourage,
     Outlook Express, PowerMail
- Drag & drop support for these address books:
     Address Book, Claris E-mailer, Eudora, Mailsmith, Microsoft 
     Outlook Express, Now Contact, Palm Desktop, PowerMail (and vCard 
- Fax support for these services:
     Fax modem,, jConnect (, EasyLink

You can find the latest version of Page Sender and technical support at:

Page Sender costs US $19.95 and may be purchased from itself or from:

Page Sender is produced by:
   Smile Software
   21265 Stevens Creek Blvd #205-356
   Cupertino, CA  95014

We welcome your inquiries and feedback at:
   (attention: Greg Scown)

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/page-sender-11.hqx; 1816 K]


Date: 21 Jun 2002
From: tredje design <>
Subject: [*] TrashLater 2.2

TrashLater 2.2
(c)2002, Eric Roller, tredje design

TrashLater enables automatic trash collection for files that you
want to delete (later). Instead of putting files into the trash,
you could put them into a special folder - just in case you might
need them again later. Then instruct TrashLater to trash any
items that have been there for, say, a week or a month.

Usage examples:
- Clear out your download folder on a regular basis.
- Delete backup files that are older than a year.
- Clear your browser cache every day.

System Requirements: MacOS 7 through 9.x, 68K or PPC

For more information visit

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/trash-later-22.hqx; 247 K]


Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 17:24:27 -0400
From: Dwight Early <>
To: Ken Laskey <>,
Subject: [A] OS 9.2.x for Power Tower

At 11:11 AM -0400 6/17/02, Ken Laskey wrote:
>I finally moved my old Power Computing tower to OS 9.1 (from 8.6) and
>I'm trying to remember if there is any reason not to move it to OS
>9.2.  I have found 9.2 much more stable on my Titanium and am hoping
>for the same improvement on a machine used by my family and less
>under my direct control.
>Ken Laskey

Ken,  to the best of my knowlege, 9.2.x only works on G3 or G4 Macs. 
It won't work on 60x Macs upgraded with G3 or G4 cards.  That said, 
there are some hacks that will make it work.  But, 9.2x just makes 
the newer Macs run better.


Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 09:16:43 -0700 (PDT)
From: "P. Ton" <>
Subject: A: Javascript for pop-up text on mouseover?

The simplest way (best way sometimes) is to put it in the "ALT" attribute of
your <IMG> tags.

Here's an example:
<IMG Src="images/Shakespeare.gif" Alt="Shakespeare needed a haircut">

There's a limit of how long your message should be but it's long enough for
most jobs.

It works on IE and Netscape.  It's also good for people who surf with images
turned off....believe it or not, some still do!

BTW, if you have lots of pics there are some good tools (freeware & shareware)
available to convert to photo album web pages.  Go to and do a search for "thumbnails".

Good luck!
In the Finder and in many Mac applications, if you leave your cursor 
resting on a button for a second or two a bit of text pops up telling 
you what it's good for.

That's the effect I'd like to get in HTML. I want to have a small 
photo on a Web page which, on mouseover, would trigger a Javascript 
which pops up a few words of text identifying the image.

I've trolled the Web briefly for examples, but most of the rollover 
scripts I've seen are more elaborate than I want,  aimed at creating 
hyperlinks or displaying gifs. I just want a little informative text. 
Can anyone point me to a ready-made Javascript template that will do 
what I want?
Paul Brians, Department of English
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-5020

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup


Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 08:45:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: "P. Ton" <>
Subject: A:wanted printer driver (Epson 800)


I am looking for a driver for my Epson stylus color 800. I am running OS9 on
a PowerMac. What is the name of the driver and where can I download it from?

> Ezra 

Quick, go to the Epson website and download it before epson starts charging for
drivers like Umax!

Best Regards!

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup


Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 22:15:36 -0400
From: David Spivak <>
To: <>
Subject: Airport KechainLib Error

I have had a similar problem. I installed an Airport card on my Imac to
network my kids in with my home business network. Installed the airport.
Went to connect thru the imac and got an error saying can't find cfgopentpt
- some sort of Open Transport configuration script or library. I searched
through several OS 9 original disks from 9.04 to 9.1 - couldn't find it.
Even searched Apple's sight, no luck. So then I tried to use the admin
utility through my networked G4 running 9.04. I got the keychainLib error.
Can't find that on any of my CD's either. I've been looking on the internet
for others with a similar problem. Please tell me you have a solution!

D Spivak


Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 16:19:07 -0700
From: "Chambers, Ed" <>
To: "'Keith E Gatling'" <>,
Subject: Cannabalized Concurrent Connections

> We have two iMacs in our study that have been sharing a connection to 
> our ISP for the past year with no problem. Both Macs are connected to 
> an Asante FriendlyNet hub, which is then connected to the cable 
> modem. Our ISP provides two separate IP addresses, and with this 
> setup we've both been able to be online at the same time.

Sounds like you are on a cable modem or DSL?
> But for some reason, in the past few days this whole thing has gone 
> down the toilet. No matter what we do, only one computer can be 
> online at a time. Making computer A active disconnects computer B and 
> vice versa. I've spent a couple of hours on the phone with our ISP, 
> and they can't find a problem on their end. I've checked the settings 
> in the TCP/IP control panel (OS9.1 and 9.2) and don't see anything 
> unusual. I took the hub into the shop to be checked out and it's OK. 
> I've swapped out the ethernet cables. I've even tried running OSX on 
> computer B (and that's another story), and the problem still occurs. 
> The only two things I haven't tried are having the cable company give 
> me a brand new modem and using a different hub (I don't exactly keep 
> spares around the house).

Assuming you do have different IPs loaded into the different computers, can
you ping from each and see the other one? You may have to do this with the
cable/dsl modem disconnected. If you don't know what I mean by ping, turn on
web sharing on both and try to web browse to the other. If this works, your
end is probably ok.

If the above fails, then the problem is most likely on your end.

Ed Chambers
Cubic Defense Applications


Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 18:06:25 -0700
From: "Jim Wickman" <>
Subject: Files/Folders from Hell / OS X

Michael S. Silverstein wrote

>There are several folders in the Trash which I cannot throw away:
>'the operation cannot be completed because one or more of the
>required items cannot be found'.
>Can someone tell me how I get rid of this stuff?

Use VersionTracker or MacUpdate to download XPar and BatChmod.

I use XRay first, then BatChmod as a second line of defense
Jim Wickman  --  Pasco  WA

CAUTION:  Dates in calendar are closer than they appear


Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 18:30:52 +1200
From: Nigel Stanger <>
To: "Michael S. Silverstein" <>,
Subject: Files/Folders from Hell / OS X

On 14/6/2002 2:44 AM, Michael S. Silverstein
<> spake thus:

> I have a file (Installer Log File created by the Adobe Acrobat patch)
> that I cannot even put in the Trash since 'this item is owned by
> root'.
> There are several folders in the Trash which I cannot throw away:
> 'the operation cannot be completed because one or more of the
> required items cannot be found'.
> Can someone tell me how I get rid of this stuff?

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Unix :)

Assuming your normal user account has admin privileges, open a Terminal
window and type this _exactly as shown_:

sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash/*

Then enter your password when asked. With any luck that should fix it. Note
that your Trash will still look like it has stuff in it, but it doesn't
really; the Dock just doesn't know that it's been "emptied".

The "sudo" is only required because of the root-owned folder, normally you
can omit it.

Nigel Stanger,     
Dept. of Information Science,
University of Otago, Dunedin, NEW ZEALAND.       XNS: =Nigel Stanger

Isn't arrogance measured in nano-Dijkstra's? or have I got the wrong
Dijkstra? --- Alan Kay, inventor of SmallTalk


Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 23:34:29 -0600
From: "dave.trautman" <>
To: Info-Mac <>
Subject: iTunes freeze up

I'm at my wits end with this one.

I like to listen to net radio (Radio Paradise, actually) when I'm working on my home machine.
I'm on a Cable modem and this allows me a 128Kbyte stream.

What is happening is that my machine will totally freeze with a stuck cursor while listening.
Only under one circumstance.  I can listen and work with any other application except one.  This one
is not even work.

Okay, before everyone says "Oh yeah well, then update the version to the latest one..."  I wanted to do
just that, but the vast "improvements" made to the program make it unforgivably worse than the
version I've been using for a long time.  I've been using this software so long that I'm sure a more
current version might be a solution.  But read on and see the mystery unfold.

I can use this application by itself and with a number of other apps in the background (even network
based ones like a browser, mailer, Sherlock or my HTML editor) so the application itself shares my
playground well with all the other children.  But iTunes seems not to want to play fair.

The second part of the mystery is that I can play with iTunes and all my other applications without a
problem (for instance it is running while I write this).  And I can continue uninterrupted with both
combatants separated to their corners.  But once I put them both in the same ring there's some sort
of knockout punch delivered by either iTunes or my Solitaire Till Dawn.

Okay, chuckle if you must, but the serenity which is solitaire has been made into a kind of music and
card game hell from which I cannot find deliverance.  There was a time when I could let these two
apps work together most of an evening.  Not anymore.

So, here's what I've tried.  Each one separately is fine, and I turn off the sound on the game, and I try
a number of setting for iTunes (what paltry options they offer) and I've looked into the game's
settings, QuickTime settings, my TCP/IP settings, I've run my conflict catcher until reboots reported
nothing wrong.  I've thrown away the prefs file and re-registered for both applications.  I"ve done all
the usual disk, desktop, and file maintenance which is usually offered up immediately in this forum.
Nothing seems to be wrong with anything.  Freeze ups have been such a rarity since I passed System
8.6 that I'm getting to expect uninterrupted days on the machine.

I had one time when I was using the Apple Audio CD player instead of iTunes to play some discs
while playing solitaire.  Things were very fine.  Then I had a hankering for some of my favourite
station and left the empty CD player in the background.  Very shortly afterward I got a finder error
which I traced back to an "extension missing" source (some four digit negative number), and this
seemed to allow me to continue with just the warning.  Every once in a while I would get another
"error" dialogue and then click it away and continue.  Eventually the finder gave it up and I had to

But, I can only identify one thing which has changed in recent weeks that might have caused two
very friendly applications to stop coexisting together.  The replacement of my standard mouse with a
shiny new Macally optical USB mouse could be the cause.

Somewhere I may have "automatically" updated iTunes with one of Apple's more current versions,
but I have no idea whether iTunes is affected by optical mouse "gliches" or USB thingies.

My system is a 500MHz G3 running 9.2.2.  I have X installed on another drive altogether.  I have a
host of current and updated extensions but, as I wrote above, there seems to be only one reason for
the freezes.

Let me address the issue of Solitaire Till Dawn.  It is version 3.2 dated back to 1997.  It has served me
well for years.  I love the options and the look and I've been over to see the latest version (even
downloaded a demo and tried to see if I wanted to pay for an upgrade) and I really hated the new
cards and the new options.  I suppose my issues with the 4.01 version of their product should be
addressed to Semicolon Software and perhaps I'll take it up with them later.

I just wanted to ask the community here if they experience any freeze ups with iTunes and other
software (it doesn't have to be a game like I play).  As well, perhaps someone out there has an
intuition about what I can do to make these two play nice together.

Dave Trautman
Edmonton, Alberta
"No amount of sophistication is going to allay the fact that all your knowledge is about the past and all your decisions are about the future."
   -- Ian E. Wilson


Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 00:14:31 -0600
From: "dave.trautman" <>
To: Info-Mac <>
Subject: iTunes Freeze up - Part two

Okay, so I thought about it and decided yet another experiment might help.

Those of you not following my saga can see the earlier message by a similar subject.

I decided to visit Semicolon software and pick up the 4.0.1 version demo and run it with iTunes 2.0.4.
I played for about 12 minutes and then blip....  Nothing!  So, anyone rolling their eyes up about some
neanderthal who still wants to play his old stuff on the new OS 9 can let their eyes go back to
normal.  The test failed to solve the problem.

I have (what I believe is) the latest version of iTunes.  I have the latest version of STD and I still
freeze while listening to net radio.  Anyone know anything about net radio and how they broadcast?
Maybe there is something coming in the packets which causes my machine to hold its breath.

Clues anyone?

Dave Trautman
Edmonton, Alberta
"For every problem, there is one solution which is simple, neat and wrong."
     -- H. L. Mencken


Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 15:27:48 +1200
From: "Neil J. Bartlett" <>
Subject: Programs for running presentations

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/plain;

We are hoping to find presentation software one for the Mac, particularly 
OS X, that is able to accept changes in order of slides on the fly. There 
are many such programs for the PC, and even some ports from the PC, but we 
are unable to find a decent Mac one. The App is to be used to present 
hymns and other info during church services where it is necessary to 
change the order or introduce extra slides as the presentation proceeds. 
Has anyone any suggestions that might assist.

Neil Bartlett     Wellington, New Zealand

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/enriched;

We are hoping to find presentation software one for the Mac,
particularly OS X, that is able to accept changes in order of slides
on the fly. There are many such programs for the PC, and even some
ports from the PC, but we are unable to find a decent Mac one. The App
is to be used to present hymns and other info during church services
where it is necessary to change the order or introduce extra slides as
the presentation proceeds. Has anyone any suggestions that might



Neil Bartlett     Wellington, New Zealand</smaller></fixed>


Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 19:02:35 -0700
From: Dave Thomas <>
Subject: Q: .avi files on Mac

>How can I view .avi files on my Mac? I'm running MacOS 9.1 with QT
>5.0.5. QT doesn't seem to be able to handle them (required software
>unavailable??), and neither does RealPlayer (it tries to download
>software but flakes out halfway) or Windows Media Player 7 (it says
>that the files are the wrong format).

I can only speak from my experience, but I have no trouble running 
.avi files from my digital camera on my Mac.
I am using QT 5.05 Pro on MacOS 9.1 on a PowerMac 9500 with a Sonnet 
G3 processor card.  Perhaps there is a missing component in your QT 
setup.  I suggest that you run Quicktime updater and see if anything 
needs to be added.



Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 04:05:53 +0000
From: "tony stanton" <>
Subject: second hard drive does not show up

I recently cannibalised an old 7200 and installed the hard disk into a 7300, 
hoping to use it as additional storage space. When I reboot, the second 
drive does not show up and cannot be seen by any of my disk utilities.

There do not appear to be any jumpers on the drive, as per a PC, so I am at 
a loss as to what I should do to access the disk.

Strangely, if the machine hangs and I do a keyboard restart, whereas 
normally the machine would boot to the flashing question mark, requiring a 
cold reboot to recover, it now boots from the second drive.

I'm running 0S9.1 and the second drive has OS9 installed.

Any tips on how to sort this out?


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Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 16:22:09 -0700
From: "Chambers, Ed" <>
To: "'Larry Susanka'" <>,
Subject: Should I install OS9 or OSX versions

Probably should stick with the OS9 Eudora until you decide to make the
switch. I think you can install Quicktime in 9 and Quicktime in X without
problem since they have different system folders, but I'm certainly not an
expert. I just use Apple's software update functionality for my stuff.

Ed Chambers
Cubic Defense Applications

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larry Susanka []
> Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 4:17 PM
> To:
> Subject: Should I install OS9 or OSX versions
> Hi all: I noticed that there are OSX and OS9 versions of both 
> the new Quicktime 6 and also Eudora 5.1 
> I run OS 9 most of the time and one or two days a week I use 
> OSX (10.1.5 now) to get used to it. When EVERYTHING I use 
> often has an OSX version I'll switch completely.
> Should I install the OS9 or OSX versions? Can I install both?
> 		Regards,
>     			Larry Susanka



End of Info-Mac Digest