Subject: Info-Mac Digest V19 #74 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Tue, 10 Sep 02 Volume 19 : Issue 74 Today's Topics: [*] AutoCheck 2.4.2 [*] BigFoot.dmg.gz.hqx [*] Convert Turkish HTML files [*] Eyeballs.dmg.gz.hqx [*] GooSearch.hqx [*] GooSearchX.hqx [*] Learning Imp 1.0 - An easy to use education software [*] MoonMenu 2.0.2J - Japanese version [*] Surfer 2.0.1 [*] The Serial Keeper 3.0.2 68K - Keeps track of serial numbers [*] The Serial Keeper 3.0.2 OS X - Keeps track of serial numbers [*] The Serial Keeper 3.0.2 PPC - Keeps track of serial numbers SetextView The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. Working with the Info-Mac Digest: * To submit articles to the digest, email <>. * To subscribe, send email to <> with the words subscribe info-mac in the message. <> * To unsubscribe, send email to <> with the words unsubscribe info-mac in the message. <> * To change your address, unsubscribe from the old address, then subscribe from the new address. * Please send administrative queries to <>. Downloading and Submitting Files from the Info-Mac Archive: * A full list of Info-Mac mirror sites is available at: <> * Search the archive via the MIT HyperArchive at: <>. * To submit files for the archive, email the binhexed file with a description to <>. Submissions must be made by the author or with permission of the author. It may take up to a week to process; check mirror sites for the status of new uploads. * To submit files larger than 2 MB, email a description to <> and then use an FTP client to upload the binhexed file to, using the userid "macgifts" and the password "macgifts". Or, click <>. Info-Mac volunteers include Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Hugh Lewis, Tom Coradeschi, Shawn Bunn, Christopher Li, Patrik Montgomery, Ed Chambers, and Chris Pepper. America Online <> donated the main Info-Mac machine <>. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V19 #74" ------------------------------ Date: 9 Sep 2002 From: John Rethorst <> To: Subject: [*] AutoCheck 2.4.2 Automates Apple's Disk First Aid (a free program distributed with the Mac OS) to check all disks at once, except remote and read-only volumes and any you exclude. A complete run through a typical configuration takes less than five minutes. The importance of something like AutoCheck, maybe placed in the Mac's Startup Items folder, is that most users run Disk First Aid or a similar utility only when experiencing problems. But a lot of disk damage is incremental, and early detection and repair can be crucial to safeguarding data. By itself, Disk First Aid takes several steps to run. AutoCheck automates the entire process, with several convenient options. It stops and posts a dialog only if a disk error is found. Otherwise, it runs and then quits Disk First Aid and itself by the time you've gotten a cup of coffee, and your Mac has a clean bill of health. Users say: "Cool! . . . very fine! . . . excellent! . . . very useful . . . works like a charm . . . great . . . Popular Download [] . . . a great utility . . . it works perfectly . . . nifty script for teching your Mac! [MacScripter] . . . 4 out of 5 cows [Tucows] . . . Popular [] . . . I like it. You can write a simple script to do this, but his additions make it work much better . . . neat . . . giving this away is a wonderful thing for the Mac community . . . I love AutoCheck . . . I have been using AutoCheck for over a year and am very pleased with it . . . thank you for automating this housekeeping chore, which otherwise would rarely get done . . . I have greatly enjoyed AutoCheck . . . Many thanks for a very useful tool . . . Thanks for your cool stuff!" Free. New in 2.4.2: bug fixes. Requires OS 7.5 through 9x and two scripting additions: Akua Sweets 1.4.3 and Dialog Director 0.7, both free for personal use. Thank you, John Rethorst [Archived as /info-mac/disk/auto-check-242.hqx; 136 K] ------------------------------ Date: 9 Sep 2002 From: To: Subject: [*] BigFoot.dmg.gz.hqx This is version 2.1 of BigFoot. BigFoot is a Mac OS X "desktop critter" that provides you with endless entertainment, in the form of a pair of feet. But not just any feet! These peripatetic companions walk around your desktop, mostly minding their own business, but occasionally interacting with you in various ways. They dance, chase the mouse, play hopscotch, and lots of other things. Their appearance and behavior is extremely configurable. A web page describing BigFoot may be found at A company page for Stick Software is at BigFoot may be included on CD-ROM archives. Ben Haller Stick Software [Archived as /info-mac/game/bigfoot-21.hqx; 408 K] ------------------------------ Date: 9 Sep 2002 From: Andreas Prilop <> To: Subject: [*] Convert Turkish HTML files This package contains mapping ("translation") tables for both Add/Strip (info-mac/text/add-strip-34.hqx) and PowerReplace (info-mac/text/power-replace-66.hqx). These tables enable you to convert Turkish HTML (and text) files between different character sets used on the Internet: MacTurkish, ISO-8859-9, Windows-1254, IBM857 (Code Page 857), Unicode. Thereby you need to write your Turkish HTML files only with "native" Macintosh fonts but you can present them on the WWW in other encodings. This file may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM. Suggested name: info-mac/text/html/convert-turkish-html.hqx [Archived as /info-mac/text/html/convert-turkish-html.hqx; 58 K] ------------------------------ Date: 9 Sep 2002 From: To: Subject: [*] Eyeballs.dmg.gz.hqx This is version 2.2 of Eyeballs. Eyeballs provides you with a "desk critter": eyes that watch your cursor as you work. They are very configurable, very Aqua, and very groovy. Much more full-featured than other eyeball apps you may have seen. A web page describing Eyeballs may be found at A company page for Stick Software is at Eyeballs may be included on CD-ROM archives. Ben Haller Stick Software [Archived as /info-mac/game/eyeballs-22.hqx; 300 K] ------------------------------ Date: 9 Sep 2002 From: Alexandre Leclerc <> To: Subject: [*] GooSearch.hqx Use GooSearch to search webpages, images, directories, groups listed on via one application. Translating webpages, submitting webpages, search media files and the advanced search option are some of the others features of GooSearch. GooSearch is very useful to initiate complicated or simple searches quickly without starting them from a web browser. It's like having Google on your desktop ! GooSearch 2.0 new features include the possibility to save the last window position and the last search done. For more information about the new features visit our website at: [Archived as /info-mac/app/goo-search-20.hqx; 843 K] ------------------------------ Date: 9 Sep 2002 From: Alexandre Leclerc <> To: Subject: [*] GooSearchX.hqx Use GooSearch to search webpages, images, directories, groups listed on via one application. Translating webpages, submitting webpages, search media files and the advanced search option are some of the others features of GooSearch. GooSearch is very useful to initiate complicated or simple searches quickly without starting them from a web browser. It's like having Google on your desktop ! GooSearch 2.0 new features include the possibility to save the last window position and the last search done. For more information about the new features visit our website at: [Archived as /info-mac/app/goo-search-20-x.hqx; 1020 K] ------------------------------ Date: 10 Sep 2002 From: Edwin Buehler <> To: Subject: [*] Learning Imp 1.0 - An easy to use education software Learning Imp 1.0 is an easy to use education software The MacOS X shareware 'Learning Imp' is an education authoring tool and learning program. It allows you to create your own dictionaries and offers several different types of tests. Build your own lessons for language learning or other several categories. 'Learning Imp' is a highly effective study tool suitable for elementary, secondary, high school and college students. You can create unlimited tests on any subject yourself, either by manually entering questions and answers. The application is highly intuitive and simple to use. Price: 20 US$ Homepage: System requirements: * System MacOS X 10.1 * 5 MB on harddisk * 15" Color Monitor [Archived as /info-mac/edu/learning-imp-10.hqx; 5038 K] ------------------------------ Date: 9 Sep 2002 From: To: Subject: [*] MoonMenu 2.0.2J - Japanese version This is the Japanese version of the MoonMenu package. MoonMenu renders a small picture of the moon in its current phase on your computer's screen in your menubar next to the clock. MoonMenu also comes with an application that will calculate lunar data for any given date! The MoonMenu application is a small but powerful panel that allows you to investigate all of the information about the moon for any date and time between the years 1923 and 2039. It also controls the settings for the tint of the moon so you can optimize it for your monitor. There're even built in definitions for the items listed above... just one click away. MoonMenu draws the current phase of the moon in the menubar. The menu, when selected, reveals the following information: * A textual description of the moon phase * Illumination percentage * The moon's age in days * Current lunation number * Farmers' Almanac names for the current lunation * Upcoming quarter predictions * Automatic "blue moon" detection that actually colors the moon blue * Sun rise/set times * Twilight rise/set times * Moon rise/set times Version 2 is now fully compatible with Mac OS X! New to 2.0.3 9 and X: * Fixed problem with text in some windows. * Fixed registration problem. X only: * Fixed font metrics for MacOS X 10.2 in some dialogs and windows. * Fixed problem with "Launch Application..." menu item under some 10.2 systems. * Fixed problem with Moon dissappearing from the menubar during registration reminder. [Archived as /info-mac/sci/moonmenu-203-jp.hqx; 2175 K] ------------------------------ Date: 8 Sep 2002 From: John Rethorst <> To: Subject: [*] Surfer 2.0.1 Load any number of URLs, daily and weekday-specific, from a list in a text file. Drop any other list to load that one instead of the default. Supports all major browsers. Users say: "Cool! . . . excellent . . . Top Download [Version Tracker]. . . Popular [] . . . I love your scripts . . . I really like Surfer . . . Thank you!!! . . . I really enjoy it . . . It's a great script :-) . . . works well . . . it's great. Really! . . . works quite well . . . nice program . . . handy . . . thanks very much for providing this useful script! . . . I like it a lot" Free. New in 2.0.1: bug fixes. Requires OS 7.5 through 9x and two scripting additions: Akua Sweets 1.4.3 and Dialog Director 0.7, both free for personal use. Thank you, John Rethorst [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/surfer-201.hqx; 202 K] ------------------------------ Date: 9 Sep 2002 From: Steven Byrd <> To: Subject: [*] The Serial Keeper 3.0.2 68K - Keeps track of serial numbers The Serial Keeper keeps track of serial numbers and information about them. It features a Software list, where all your software is stored. A Developers list, where developer's names and contact information is stored. A serials list so you can keep registration info for multiple versions in one record. You can keep lots of information about the serial number. You can also print and export all or a selected number of entries, both in the software list and in the developer list. [Archived as /info-mac/data/the-serial-keeper-302-68k.hqx; 1244 K] ------------------------------ Date: 9 Sep 2002 From: Steven Byrd <> To: Subject: [*] The Serial Keeper 3.0.2 OS X - Keeps track of serial numbers The Serial Keeper keeps track of serial numbers and information about them. It features a Software list, where all your software is stored. A Developers list, where developer's names and contact information is stored. A serials list so you can keep registration info for multiple versions in one record. You can keep lots of information about the serial number. You can also print and export all or a selected number of entries, both in the software list and in the developer list. [Archived as /info-mac/data/the-serial-keeper-302-osx.hqx; 1504 K] ------------------------------ Date: 9 Sep 2002 From: Steven Byrd <> To: Subject: [*] The Serial Keeper 3.0.2 PPC - Keeps track of serial numbers The Serial Keeper keeps track of serial numbers and information about them. It features a Software list, where all your software is stored. A Developers list, where developer's names and contact information is stored. A serials list so you can keep registration info for multiple versions in one record. You can keep lots of information about the serial number. You can also print and export all or a selected number of entries, both in the software list and in the developer list. [Archived as /info-mac/data/the-serial-keeper-302-ppc.hqx; 1264 K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2002 21:45:11 -0500 From: Clinton MacDonald <> To: Subject: SetextView Mr. Paul: In the InfoMac Digest, you wrote: > I have been using SetextView to read Tidbits almost since OS X was > released, but it recently began quitting when any recent issues of > TidBits was opened within it (older issues work fine). Any ideas? This has been a long-standing bug with SetextView, but TidBITS has recently started using more often formatting that triggers the bug. Any time SetextView sees unmatched brackets ("<" and ">") next to some hyphens, it will crash. Ordinarily, brackets will indicate a URL like <>. TidBITS likes to use arrows ("<------") to indicate new advertisers and the like, and these trigger the crash. To fix the problem, look for occurrences of the arrows, delete them or change them to "<--", and everything should work fine. Unfortunately, the author <> never responded to some of my e-mails pointing out this bug, so I suspect that SetextView has been abandoned. Darn! Best wishes, Clint -- \ Dr. Clinton C. MacDonald \ <> \ Cell Biology & Biochemistry\ 806/743-2703 \ Texas Tech University HSC \ 806/743-2990 (FAX) \ Lubbock, TX 79430 \ \ <> -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************