Internet-Draft ML-KEM Security October 2024
Fluhrer, et al. Expires 14 April 2025 [Page]
Crypto Forum
Intended Status:
S. Fluhrer
Cisco Systems
Q. Dang
J. Preuß Mattsson
K. Milner
D. Shiu
Arqit Quantum Inc

ML-KEM Security Considerations


NIST standardized ML-KEM as FIPS 203 in August 2024. This document discusses how to use ML-KEM - that is, what problem it solves, and how to use it securely.

Status of This Memo

This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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This Internet-Draft will expire on 4 April 2025.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

A large reliable quantum computer (often termed a Cryptographically Relevant Quantum Computer or CRQC) would be able to break protocols which rely on the traditional RSA, DH, or ECDH methods of securely exchanging keys. Even though we do not believe, at the time of this writing, there exists a CRQC, there still remains the possibility that an adversary may record the protocol exchange, and then later (when they have access to a CRQC) go ahead and read the traffic.

Because of this potential threat, NIST has standardized ML-KEM (Module-Lattice-Based Key-Encapsulation Mechanism), which is standardized in FIPS 203 [FIPS203]. ML-KEM is used to generate a shared secret key between two parties. One party (Alice) generates a public/private keypair, and sends the public key to the other party (Bob). Bob uses the public key and some randomness to generate both the shared secret key and a ciphertext. Bob then sends the ciphertext to Alice, who uses her private key to generate the same shared secret key. NIST plans to standardize one or more code-based KEMs in the future.

The fundamental security property is that someone listening to the exchanges (and thus obtains both the public key and the ciphertext) cannot reconstruct the shared secret key and this is true even if the adversary has access to a CRQC. ML-KEM is IND-CCA2 secure, that is, it remains secure even if an adversary is able to submit arbitrary ciphertexts and observe the resulting shared key. Submitting invalid ciphertexts to a ML-KEM.Decaps does not help the attacker obtain information about the decryption key of the PKE-Decrypt function inside the ML-KEM.Decaps. Substituting the public key Alice sends Bob by another public key chosen by the attacker will not help the attacker get any information about Alice's private key, it would just make Alice and Bob not have a same shared secret key. However, if it is possible to substitute the copy of the public key for both Alice and Bob, an attacker can introduce a malicious public key where the same private key can be used for decapsulation, but the probability of decryption failure is marginally higher. As decryption failures can leak information about the secret decapulation key, it is important that Alice keeps a secure copy of the public key as part of her secret key. For practical purposes, IND-CCA2 means that ML-KEM is secure to use with static public keys.

ML-KEM is what is termed a Key Encapsulation Mechanism. One common misunderstanding of that term is the expectation that Bob freely chooses the shared secret, and encrypts that when sending to Alice. What happens in ML-KEM is that randomness from both sides are used to contribute to the shared secret. That is, ML-KEM internally generates the shared secret in a way that Bob cannot select the value. Now, Bob can generate a number of ciphertext/shared secret pairs, and select the shared secret that he prefers, but he cannot freely choose it or make secrets shared with two parties be equal. This is different from RSA-KEM [RFC5990], where Bob cannot select the value, but can encapsulate the same shared secret to many recipients.

A KEM (such as ML-KEM) sounds like it may be a drop-in replacement for Diffie-Hellman, however this is not the case. In Diffie-Hellman, the parties exchange two public keys, whereas in a KEM, the ciphertext is necessarily a function of Alice's public key, and thus can only be useful only with that specific public key. Additionally, a KEM differs from Diffie-Hellman which is asynchronous and non-interactive. In particular, for an 'ephemeral-ephemeral' key establishment, an encapsulator cannot pre-emptively initiate a key establishment, but requires an encapulation key. Nor can participants compute parts of the key establishment in parallel as is the case with Diffie-Hellman. As long a the application can handle larger public keys and ciphertexts, a KEM is a drop-in replacement for 'ephemeral-ephemeral' key exchange in protocols like TLS [RFC8446] and SSH [RFC4253] as well as 'static-ephemeral' key exchange in protocols like ECIES/HPKE [RFC9180]. A KEM is not a drop-in replacement in applications such as the Diffie-Hellman ratchet in Signal [SIGNAL], implicit 'ephemeral-static' DH authentication in Noise [NOISE], Wireguard [WIRE], and EDHOC [RFC9528], and 'static-static' configurations in CMS [RFC6278] and Group OSCORE [I-D.ietf-core-oscore-groupcomm], where both sides have long-term public keys. Furthermore ML-KEM is not a drop-in replacement for RSA-KEM as RSA-KEM can encapsulate the same shared secret to many recipients whereas ML-KEM cannot.

2. Using ML-KEM

To use ML-KEM, there are three steps involved

2.1. ML-KEM Key Generation

The first step for Alice is to generate a public and private keypair.

In FIPS 203, this function is termed ML-KEM.KeyGen() (see section 7.1 of [FIPS203]). It internally calls the random number generator for a seed and produces both a public key (termed an encapsulation key in FIPS 203) and a private key (termed a decapsulation key). The seed can be securely retained, but must be treated with the same safeguards as the private key. Other intermediate data ust be securely deleted.

The public key can be freely published (and Bob will need it for his part of the process); this step may be performed simply by transmitting the key to Bob. However, the private key must be kept secret.

2.2. ML-KEM Encapsulation

The second step is for Bob to generate a ciphertext and a shared secret key.

To perform this step, Bob would first run the Encapsulation Key Check on Alice's public key as outlined at the beginning of section 7.2 of [FIPS203]. If that test passes, then Bob would perform the what FIPS 203 terms as ML-KEM.Encaps() (see section 7.2 of [FIPS203]). This step takes the validated public key, internally calls the random number generator for a seed, and produces both a ciphertext and a 32-byte shared secret key. Intermediate data other than the ciphertext and shared secret key must be securely deleted (with the possible exception of "matrix data" which does not depend on Bob's seed and can be reused over multiple encapsulations with the same public key).

The ciphertext can be transmitted back to Alice; if the exchange is successful, the 32-byte shared secret key will be the key shared with Alice.

It may be that some libraries combine the validation and the encapsulation step; you should check whether the library you are using does. For static public keys, the Encapsulation Key Check only needs to be performed once.

2.3. ML-KEM Decapsulation

The third and final step is for Alice to take the ciphertext and generate the shared secret key.

To perform this step, Alice would first run the Decapsulation Key Check on Bob's ciphertext as outlined at the beginning of section 7.3 of [FIPS203]. If that test passes, then Bob would perform the what FIPS 203 terms as ML-KEM.Decaps() (see section 7.3 of [FIPS203]). This step takes the ciphertext from Bob and the private key that was previously generated by Alice, and produces a 32-byte shared secret key. It also repeats the encapsulation process to ensure that the ciphertext was created strictly according to the specification, implicitly rejecting ciphertexts that were not. Although not necessary for the correctness of the key establishment, this step should not be skipped as maliciously generated ciphertexts could induce decapsulation failures with insecure probability. Intermediate data other than the shared secret key must be securely deleted (with the possible exception of "matrix data" whichcan be reused over multiple decapsulations with the same public key ).

If the exchange is successful, the 32-byte key generated on both sides will be the same.

It may be that some libraries combine the validation and the decapsulation step; you should check whether the library you are using does.

2.4. ML-KEM Parameter Sets

ML-KEM comes with three parameter sets; ML-KEM-512, ML-KEM-768 and ML-KEM-1024. It is assumed that Alice and Bob both know which parameter sets they use (either by negotiation or by having one selection fixed in the protocol).

Table 1 shows a summary of how those parameter sets differ:

Table 1: pk = public key, sk = private key, ct = ciphertext, ss = shared key, all lengths in bytes
  pk size sk size ct size ss size as strong as
ML-KEM-512 800 1632 768 32 AES-128
ML-KEM-768 1184 2400 1088 32 AES-192
ML-KEM-1024 1568 3168 1568 32 AES-256

Table 2 shows an example of ML-KEM performance [EBACS]:

Table 2: Single-core performance in operation per second on AMD Ryzen 7 7700
  key generation encapsulation decapsulation
ML-KEM-512 244000 153000 202000
ML-KEM-768 142000 103000 134000
ML-KEM-1024 109000 77000 99000

As can be seen from Table 1 and Table 1, ML-KEM has significantly larger public keys and ciphertexts than ECDH but very good performance.

3. KEM Security Considerations

This section pertains to KEM (Key Encapsulation Mechanisms) in general, including ML-KEM

To use a KEM, you need to use a high-quality source of entropy during both the key-pair generation and ciphertext generation steps. If an adversary can recover the random bits used in either of these processes, they can recover the shared secret. If an adversary can recover the random bits used during key generation, they can recover the secret key.

Alice needs to keep her private key secret. It is recommended that she zeroize her private key when she will have no further need of it.

A KEM (including ML-KEM) provides no authentication of either communicating party. If an adversary could replace either the public key or the ciphertext with its own, it would generate a shared key with Alice or Bob. Hence, it is important that the protocol that uses a KEM lets Bob be able to verify that the public key he obtains came from Alice and that the ciphertext that Alice receives came from Bob (that is, an entity that Alice is willing to communicate with). Such verification can be performed by cryptographic methods such as digital signatures or a MAC to verify integrity of the protocol exchange transcript.

4. ML-KEM Security Considerations

This section pertains specifically to ML-KEM, and may not be true of KEMs in general.

To use ML-KEM, you need a source of random bits with security strength equal to greater than the security strength of the KEM during both key generation and encapsulation steps. The cryptographic library that implements ML-KEM may access this source of randomness internally. A fresh string of bytes must be used for every sampling of random bytes in key generation and encapsulation. The random bytes should come from an approved RBG.

Alice must keep her private key secret (both private and secure from modification). It is recommended that she zeroizes her private key when she will have no further need of it. A copy of the public key and its hash are included in the private key and must be protected from modification.

If the ciphertext that Alice receives from Bob is tampered with (either by small modification or by replacing it with an entirely different ciphertext), the shared secret key that Alice derives will be uncorrelated with the shared secret key that Bob obtains. An attacker will not be able to determine any information about the correct shared secret key or Alice's private key, even if the attacker obtains Alice's modified shared secret key which is the output of the ML-KEM.Decaps function taking the modified ciphertext as input.

It is secure to reuse a public key multiple times. That is, instead of Alice generating a fresh public and private keypair for each exchange, Alice may generate a public key once, and then publish that public key, and use it for multiple incoming ciphertexts, generating multiple shared secret keys. While this is safe, it is recommended that if the protocol allows it (if Alice and Bob exchange messages anyways) that Alice generates a fresh keypair each time (and zeroize the private key immediately after) to obtain Perfect Forward Secrecy. Be noted that generally key generation of ML-KEM is very fast, see Table 2. That is, if Alice's system is subverted (either by a hacker or a legal warrant), the previous communications remain secure (because Alice no longer has the information needed to recover the shared secret keys).

Alice and Bob must perform the Key Check steps (the Encapsulation Key Check on the public key for Bob, the Decapsulation Key Check on the ciphertext for Alice). The cryptographical libraries that Alice and Bob use may automatically perform such checks; if so, that should be verified.

The shared secret key for all three parameter sets, ML-KEM-512, ML-KEM-768 and ML-KEM-1024 are 32 bytes which are indistinguishable from 32-byte pseudorandom byte-strings of 128, 192 and 256 bits of strengths respectively. As such, it is suitable both to use directly as a symmetric key (for use by a symmetric cipher such as AES or a MAC), and for inserting into a Key Derivation Function. This is in contrast to a Diffie-Hellman (or ECDH) operation, where the output is distinguishable from random.

It is essential that the public key is generated correctly when the initial key generation is performed. Lattice public keys are a lattice and a secret hidden by an error term; if additional error can be introduced into the public key generation stage, then the success of decapsulation can reveal enough of the secret that successive queries determine the private key. Notably, this means a public key can be 'poisoned' such that a future adversary can recover the private key even though it will appear correct in normal usage.

5. IANA Considerations

This document has no IANA actions.

6. References

6.1. Normative References

"Module-Lattice-Based Key-Encapsulation Mechanism Standard", NIST FIPS 203, , <>.

6.2. Informative References

"eBACS: ECRYPT Benchmarking of Cryptographic Systems", n.d., <>.
Tiloca, M., Selander, G., Palombini, F., Mattsson, J. P., and R. Höglund, "Group Object Security for Constrained RESTful Environments (Group OSCORE)", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-core-oscore-groupcomm-23, , <>.
"Noise Protocol Framework", n.d., <>.
Ylonen, T. and C. Lonvick, Ed., "The Secure Shell (SSH) Transport Layer Protocol", RFC 4253, DOI 10.17487/RFC4253, , <>.
Randall, J., Kaliski, B., Brainard, J., and S. Turner, "Use of the RSA-KEM Key Transport Algorithm in the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)", RFC 5990, DOI 10.17487/RFC5990, , <>.
Herzog, J. and R. Khazan, "Use of Static-Static Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement in Cryptographic Message Syntax", RFC 6278, DOI 10.17487/RFC6278, , <>.
Rescorla, E., "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3", RFC 8446, DOI 10.17487/RFC8446, , <>.
Barnes, R., Bhargavan, K., Lipp, B., and C. Wood, "Hybrid Public Key Encryption", RFC 9180, DOI 10.17487/RFC9180, , <>.
Selander, G., Preuß Mattsson, J., and F. Palombini, "Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Over COSE (EDHOC)", RFC 9528, DOI 10.17487/RFC9528, , <>.
"The Double Ratchet Algorithm", , <>.
"WireGuard", n.d., <>.


Authors' Addresses

Scott Fluhrer
Cisco Systems
Quynh Dang
National Institute of Standards and Technology
John Preuß Mattsson
Kevin Milner
Daniel Shiu
Arqit Quantum Inc