If you are truly ready to make A LOT OF MONEY QUICKLY,         you will definitely want to read the following report.A POWERFUL SECRET TO SUCCESSI want to introduce to you a terrific idea that is a secret to most folks.I call it a secret only because very few people really recognize the financialpower it provides.  Fewer still do anything about it.  All of us have greatintentions of improving our financial standing in life -- someday, somehow.As great and powerful as this secret is, you will benefit only after you putit into action.A PROVEN FORMULATo realize the fantastic benefits of this program I am about todisclose to you, you must follow the instructions listed below "To TheLetter".  If you do, you will receive in the mail more than $60,000.00 in cashduring the next 3 to 6 weeks.  As hard as that may be to believe, it hasbeen proven over and over again by individuals just like yourself from allwalks of life.A VALUABLE SERVICEYou will be involved in one of the most fascinating and profitablebusinesses in the world, the business of Mail Order.  BUT WAIT, it's notwhat you may think.  This type of mail order is very unique.  Your productis not one that you must warehouse, but a very valuable service.  Yourprimary business will be developing mailing lists which are in high demandin the mail order business.  In fact, thousands of large businesses are morethan anxious to pay big bucks for such lists.IMPORTANT NOTE:  The big money you make from renting thesemailing lists is but a small part of the incredible income you will receivefrom individuals like yourself who pay a fee to be included on your mailinglists.PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW THE FOLLOWING 3 STEPS CAREFULLY.1.   To initiate this terrific money making process, you must     IMMEDIATELY mail a fee of $1.00 to each of the first 5 List     Developers shown below starting with No. 1 and continue through     No. 5.  Send cash only please (a total of only $5.00 invested!).  You     must be sure and enclose a note with each letter stating: "Please add     my name to your mailing list", along with your name and address, this     is important!     In other words, you are paying a fee of $1.00 to each of five     List Developers to have your name included on their mailing lists.     (This is a very legitimate and accepted way to build mailing lists for     future income potential.)2.   The next step is to remove the name and address that appears     in the No. 1 slot and move all the other names up one notch.  Next,     place YOUR name and address in the No. 10 slot.     WARNING:  DO NOT put yourself in the No. 5 slot or you will not     build a large enough mailing list and you will limit your income to     less than $50.00.  By starting at position No. 10, you allow your name     to be circulated on thousands of lists.3.   After you have edited this letter to put your name in the No.     10 slot, you need to submit an ONLINE AD in at least 10 or more     different categories in the classified ad section.  As the responses     start pouring in, simply note their name and ID#s and send them a     copy of your edited letter through E-Mail.     During the next 3 to 6 weeks, as individuals mail you their fee     of $1.00 to be placed on your mailing list, you will receive more than     $60,000.00 in CASH!  As your list grows, it can then be rented to a     list broker that can be found in the Yellow Pages under "Mailing     Lists".  This is a valuable service and is perfectly legal.  If you have     any doubts, refer to Title 18 of the U.S. Code, Sec. 1302 & 1341.NOTE: Make sure you retain EVERY note sent you with the Name andAddress of the sender.  This is PROOF that you are truly providing aservice and should the IRS or some other Government Agency questionyou, you can easily provide them with all the proof they need.Remember, as each inquiry is downloaded and the instructionscarefully followed, five individuals will be paid a fee for their services asList Developers with one dollar each.  Your name will move up the listgeometrically so that when your name reaches the No. 5 position, you willbegin receiving Thousands of Dollars in CASH!MAILING LIST DEVELOPERS1.   M. Taylor Abegg II   P.O. Box 541, Pleasant Grove, UT 84062; 2.   Stefan C. Desimone   19D Desmond Avenue, Manchester, MA 01944-1354; 3.   Xavier Zinn          42 Dawnridge Trail, Brampton, Ont L6Z 2A1; 4.  M. Koffron           P.O. Box 118313, Chicago, IL 60611; 5.  R. Staehle              P.O. Box 693, Clayton, CA 94517; 6.  P. Berry   10 Town Plaza Suite 103, Durango,CO 81301; 7.  J. Keppel              P.O. Box 2264, Quincy, MA 02269-2264;8.  Mike Brown  1931 Lake Alden Drive  Apopka, Florida 32712;9.david thomson 7073 s. locust cir. englewood, co 80112 10. Scott Dixon  3521 E. fremont pl. Litlleton Co.  80122                          ****************Here are just a few success stories of how this exciting money makingplan has worked for others and can work for you.Dear Friend,     My name is Dave Rhodes.  In September 1992 my car wasrepossessed and the bill collectors were hounding me like you wouldn'tbelieve.  I was laid off, and eventually my unemployment checks had runout.  The only escape from the stress and pressures of being unemployedwas through the use of my Apple computer and my modem.     This January 1993 my family and I went on a ten day cruise to thetropics. I bought a Lincoln Town Car for CASH in February 1993. I amcurrently building a home on the West Coast of Florida, with a privatepool, boat slip, and a beautiful view of the bay from my breakfast roomtable and patio.  I have earned over $400,000.00 (Four Hundred ThousandDollars) to date and will become a millionaire within 4 or 5 months.ANYONE can do the same.  Including YOU.     This money-making program works perfectly every time, 100% of thetime, and best of all, is 100% legal! I have NEVER failed to earn$50,000.00 or more whenever I wanted.     In October 1992, I received a letter in the mail telling me how Icould earn $50,000 dollars or more whenever I wanted.  Of course, I wasvery skeptical and threw the letter on the desk next to my computer.     That night I tried to unwind by booting up my Apple computer andcalling several bulletin boards.  I read several of the messages posted andthen glanced at the letter next to my computer.     All at once it came to me, I now had the key to my dreams.     I realized that with the power of the computer I could expand andenhance this money-making formula into the most unbelievable cash flowgenerator that has ever been created.  I substituted the use of computerbulletin boards in place of using the post office and electronically did bycomputer what others were doing 100% by mail.  At first, I was still a bitskeptical, but amazingly within a few weeks, letters and letters came in tome filled with cash!  Simply follow the easy instructions below and yourdreams WILL come true!                          Sincerely yours,                          Dave RhodesHere is another letter written by a participating member in thisfantastic program:     About six months ago I received the enclosed post in letter form.  Iignored it.  Of course, I was tempted to follow through and dreamed ofmaking thousands, but I was convinced it was just another gimmick andcould not possibly work.  I was wrong!     About three weeks later I saw this same letter posted on a localbulletin board in Montreal.  I liked the idea of giving it a try with mycomputer.  I didn't expect much because I figured, if other people were asskeptical as I, they wouldn't be too quick to part with five dollars.     Two weeks went by and I didn't receive anything in the mail.  Thefourth week rolled around and I couldn't believe what happened!  I can'tsay I received $50,000, but it was definitely well over $35,000!  For the firsttime in ten years, I got out of debt.  It was great.  I am now using thisexcellent money opportunity once again.  This time I am certain I will makewell over $50,000.00!  Follow the instructions and get ready to enjoy.                             Good Luck,                             Charles Kust, St Agathe Que. Here is another motivating story . . .      I tried a similar program in which the cost was $5.00 per response.In that one the return was about 3%.  Since I did not have a modem I sentout letters by regular mail.  I created mailing labels with Appleworks andprinted the labels on pressure-sensitive tape.  The first mailing that I usedthe $1.00 dollar per response approach I started to get return mail in justover one week!  I sent out 200 letters instead of 100 that is required if youuse the mail instead of the bulletin boards.  Additionally, I included asmany friends, relatives, classmates, that I could think of in order toencourage their participation if they happened to recognize my name, somy percentage of gain was higher.  I am trying again with 500 letters to seeif I surpass the $141,000 of the last time.  You just won't believe it untilyou try.                             Best Wishes,                             Mark Garner, Dallas Texas ONE FINAL NOTEIt is absolutely critical for you to advertise online and to E-Mail thiscomplete file to people responding to your ad.  If you don't advertise, youcannot generate responses and therefore, your name (in the No. 10 positionwhen you send the file) will never move up and you will never makemoney. YOU MUST ADVERTISE ONLINE for a minimum of 2 (two)weeks, preferably longer.  Remember, the longer and more widely youadvertise, the larger your mailing list will grow and the more money youwill make!THE FOLLOWING SUGGESTIONS WILL HELP YOU GET STARTED1.   Use eye-catching phrases:  EARN MAXIMUM MONEY, THE     SECRET TO BIG MONEY, SECRET TO ULTIMATE WEALTH     REVEALED or what ever you feel will grab the attention of the     typical browser.2.   Keep the ad very brief:  "Press reply for easy cash information."     This saves you money advertising.  Restrict your ad size to one line.3.   Edit this letter to include your name and address in the No. 10     slot and delete the No. 1 name and address, moving everyone up one     notch.  Your edited file must be saved as an ASCII text file so that     it can be easily used in any system.4.   After you get E-Mail responding to your ad, you need to send     them this entire file.  Since you already saved it on you hard drive or     a disk, it will be easy to send it to whomever responds.     Your first step is to enter all of the names and addresses     (ID#s) of the respondents into your "Address Book" (to save time,     you can just enter the ID#s if you choose).  This can be accessed by     selecting "Mail" from the main menu and then selecting "Address     Book".     Next, choose "Send File" from the "Mail" menu.  Enter the     name and address (Scren Name) of ONE of the respondents .      Now select "CC"    (Carbon Copy) and you can easily select all     the other respondents to receive a copy of your file.     Now fill in "Subject".  Tie it in to the ads you placed.  For "File     Name", you must type in the full PATH on your hard drive or floppy     disk.  Example:  C:\REPORTS\CASH or A:\CASH.  Since the file     must be in ASCII text format, select "Text".  Now add "Additional     Information" (one line) to encourage the reader to retrieve your file     immediately.  The final step is to select "Send Now".5.   Don't forget to send in your $1.00 fee to the top 5 List     Developers.  You want others to mail you their $1.00 fee when you     get into slot No. 5, don't you? What's $5.00 compared to the     Thousands of Dollars you will receive if you follow through.     Remember, for this system to work, YOU MUST DO YOUR PART.SUMMARY1.   Save this file as "CASH" or name of your choice on your Hard Drive     or Disk.2.   Place ads all over the bulletin boards.  The more the better!3.   When you get inquiries, note the names of everyone and     place them in your "Address Book".4.   Select "Send File" in the "Mail" menu.5.   Enter ONE name and address (Screen Name) and select "CC" to add all     additional names.6.   Enter "Subject" matter.7.   Enter "File Name" with the full PATH from your Hard Drive or     Disk.8.   Add "Additional Information" to encourage retrieval of your file.9.   Select "Send Now".10.  The more you advertise, the more responses you'll get, the more you      respond to, the quicker your name moves from #10 to #1.THE KEY: ACTIONIt is now YOUR TURN to enjoy all the fine things of life that moneycan buy!  Believe me, money can definitely change your outlook on life.The key to becoming successful is the ability to take Action!We all have great intentions of what we are going to do with our livesin the future.  Unfortunately, very few ever realize their dreams becausethey simply do not take the time or make the effort to act.  Now is the timeto make the move.  Don't put it off until tomorrow for tomorrow nevercomes.IT'S SO SIMPLEYou may ask yourself, "If it's so simple, why isn't everybody doing itand becoming wealthy?"  That's a very good question!  The primary reasonboils down to the fact that most people lack the motivation necessary totake action.  Or they feel that taking action will somehow be painful.Those who know better have taken action and there are many individualsfrom all walks of life who are using this program and fulfilling all theirfinancial dreams!Thank you for your time and good luck on your new adventure!