Date: Thu, 29 Oct 92 16:31:26 +1100 
From: (Michael Antolovich)
Subject: Syquest Error Codes 

   Could you archive the following Syquest Drive Error Codes please (the
originator of this info was Jim Meyer (I accidently called him Julien
somewhere else, sorry about that :-}.

Syquest SQ555 Diagnostics - LED Error Reporting Table from the SQ555 OEM
Technical Reference Manual, pg 5-3
  # of LED blinks:
    1        1      EPROM failed checksum test
    1        2      Internal uC RAM
    1        3      External uC RAM
    1        5      Seek error
    1        6      Read error
    1        7      Write error
    2        1      Controller failure
    2        2      Sequencer - Test 1
    2        3      Sequencer - Test 2
    2        4      R/W buffer address register - Test 1
    2        5      R/W buffer address register - Test 2
    2        6      R/W buffer RAM - Test 1
    2        7      R/W buffer RAM - Test 2
    3        1      PO test
    3        2      uC port
    3        3      P2 Test
    4        1      Spindle motor failed to start
    4        2      Spindle motor spins too slow
    4        3      Spindle motor spins too fast
    5        1      Power failure
    5        2      Spindle speed abnormal or no servo
    5        3      Unable to detect servos; possible defective cartridge
    6        1      ADC calibration failure
    6        2      ADC high current failure
    6        3      ADC low current failure
   off    flashing  Failed power-up sequence; possible defective cartridge
 flashing   off     Unable to read; possible unformatted cartridge
|  Julien Finaudere' du Main Pourpre         |  Jim Meyer DoD#680      |
|  Collegium Turris Animarum, Bryn Gwlad     |  |