Abstracts from files in info-mac/comm/inet/web/cgi as of Sun 20 Mar 2005 #### BINHEX ad-track-fm.hqx **** From: dslipp@pinc.com Subject: Ad_Track_FM - Ad Banner Generation and Tracking Ad_Track_FM 1.0 creates a randomly selected rotating ad banner frame for a web site and tracks the clicks through on those ad banners. This demo version is fully functional, but limited to 5 ad banners. Features: Easy to install and administer. Fully customisable. User defined ad rotation frequency. Local or remote administration. Fast. Requirements: WebStar (TM) API compatible web server WEB FM Plugin (TM) Claris FileMaker Pro 3 (TM) Created by MacSymum POWER Systems http://vvv.com/home/dslipp/ dslipp@pinc.com #### BINHEX bolt-cgi.hqx **** From: gneufeld@ccs.carleton.ca (Grant Neufeld) Subject: CGI-Bolt version 1.0 CGI-Bolt Version 1.0 By Grant Neufeld - grant@kagi.com http://arpp.carleton.ca/cgi/cgibolt.html CGI-Bolt is a Macintosh web server add-on which can restrict unauthorized CGIs from running. In a nutshell, it enforces UNIX "cgi-bin" style restrictions for Mac web servers. It is primarily intended for servers where multiple users have uploading privileges, but shouldn't be uploading CGIs. CGI-Bolt can restrict a web server so that only CGIs in the authorized "cgi-bin" folder and its subfolders will operate. CGI-Bolt is Shareware. A license for a single computer is US$25. RAIC, Site and World-Wide licenses are also available. You may use CGI-Bolt on a web server for 21 days before you must decide whether to keep it or pay for it. Registered users will receive the following via email: 1) A 'FAT' CGI-Bolt CGI 2) A 'FAT' CGI-Bolt WebSTAR plug-in 3) The above will have the option of configuring the name and path of the cgi-bin folder. (Fat means it includes native code versions for both PowerPC and 680x0 - the distributed version only contains 680x0 code.) gneufeld@ccs.carleton.ca http://arpp.carleton.ca/grant/ #### BINHEX bounce-02-cgi.hqx **** From: SPantke@NetzService.de (Stefan W. Pantke) Subject: Bounce: second trie bounce is a small CGI that translates data received from a HTTP-Server into a HTML-page and sends it back to server/client. Purpose: Debugging. stefan #### BINHEX bounce-06-demo.hqx **** From: cj@netdreams.com (CJ Holmes) Subject: Bounce clickthrough utility Bounce is a Web server plug-in for W*API-compliant servers. Bounce allows the webmaster to log the use of out-going links or "clickthrough" activity. It can handle multiple log files for different sets of links, has a configurable log format, and supports both GET and POST methods. This distribution includes documentation, FAQ, examples, and the plug-in. The latest version is always available at <http://www.netdreams.com/software/>. Permission is granted to include Rotate on the Info-Mac CD-ROM. CJ Holmes (800)327-1406 <http://www.netdreams.com/net.dreams/> #### BINHEX cmm-cgi.hqx **** From: mikej@shore.net (Michael C. James) Subject: Submission to macgifts Nombas would like to announce the release of CmmCGI for the Macintosh. Cmmcgi is a cross-platform tool for developing CGI applications. CmmCGI provides a convenient, safe, and powerful implementation of the Cmm (C-minus-minus, pronounced "see-em-em") language for dynamic output from Web servers. Cmm provides the power of C (since it shares the C syntax and all of the standard C libraries and then some) with quick-and-dirty interpreted simplicity and strong string capabilites (much like Perl). Included with Cmm CGI are many sample CGI applications that you may use in your own pages. You may also use them as a starting point for more elaborate CGI applications. To try them out, download CmmCGI, or for more information on CmmCGI, visit <URL:http://www.nombas.com/>. Mike James Nombas, Inc. mike@nombas.com #### BINHEX count-wwwebula-15.hqx **** From:"Gregory S. Combs" <combs@misanthrope.net> Subject:Count WWWebula 1.5 http://www.misanthrope.net/htmls/counter/ Count WWWebula CGI 1.5 Count WWWebula Plugin 1.5 Count WWWebula is a code fragment plugin for use with MacOS web servers that support WSAPI plugins. Right now, that means either WebStar, Quid Pro Quo, AppleShare IP, WebTEN, or Microsoft's Personal Web Server. A CGI version is also available. (READ: THIS IS *NOT* FOR UNIX MACHINES, NOR WILL IT RUN ON ANY UNIX INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS' WEB SERVERS) Count WWWebula is a graphical access counter. It will display the number of "hits" your web page has received in the form of a gif image. Count WWWebula was created using Metrowerks C++ with Grant's CGI Framework. Count WWWebula is shareware. For the plugin version, everyone must send me $30 dollars c/o Kagi Software per server running the counter. For the CGI version, it's $25, but individuals, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations get a break and don't have to pay. For more payment information please see the license agreement, the included Register application, and the web site. Please read the following for important changes in functionality!!! ------------------------ Changes in 1.5: * Disk access should be greatly reduced. As a result, general speed of the counter is faster. * In all circumstances, an error log will be generated and put into the Counter Data Files folder. In addition, it will no longer log startup messages. It will only write out information during an error condition. * Several situations where crashes can occur have been eliminated. Some exceptions were being thrown and not caught in some cases. * Previously, during a database flush from the counter, the server would hang for several seconds depending on the number of .dat files in your Counter Data Files folder. This issue has been dealt with on several levels. * [PLUGIN ONLY] A problem was fixed in which using the remote administrator utility with more than a handful of referral and ignore items in the preference lists would cause the server to crash. * The counter will now cache the images in the "digitdir" folder. If your counters use this font, they will see a large increase in speed, since the server won't have to load the images out of this directory every time it's accessed. Other custom fonts will still be loaded real-time, so users of these fonts won't see such an increase in speed. * The server now only updates the .dat files that need to be updated periodically. Previously, every two minutes, the server would rewrite all the .dat files if any counter was accessed. Now only the .dat file that is accessed will be rewritten. This will make for greatly reduced lag times on large servers with many .dat files. * There seems to be a problem when running the counter plugin under Quid Pro Quo (and Plus). A memory leak is causing some machines to crash under heavy load. After doing some testing, it appears that the fault is on QPQ. WebStar, WebTen, and others don't seem to show this problem. ---------------------- Additional counter digits, an FAQ, more documentation and information, as well as current versions can be found at: <http://www.misanthrope.net> #### BINHEX credit-card-verifier-pl.hqx **** From: webmaster@pelicore.com (PELICORE MEDIA INTERNATIONAL) Subject: CREDIT CARD VERIFIER "FORM MAIL" CGI SCRIPT Enclosed is a unique form mail type of CGI script that also verifies credit card numbers submitted via form. We use this script on our website to verify orders. You can see it in action on our website @ http://www.pelicore.com Enjoy! Andrew Thomson PMI INTERNET SERVICES #### BINHEX do-script-10b2.hqx **** From: nedbalek@winternet.com (James Nedbalek) Subject: DoScript 1.0b2 CGI to perform FMP Scripts DoScript.cgi, a CGI that functions with web servers such as MacHTTP, WebStar and others to perform scripts contained within served FileMaker databases. FAT Version 1.0b2. Freeware. Contains simple Javascript examples, minor enhancements regarding reloading and "fixed" icons. James Nedbalek, Nedbalek Enterprises, Inc. nedbalek@winternet.com #### SHELL_ARC find-info-mac-cgi.shar **** From: (Dan Kogai) dankogai@jms.jeton.or.jp Subject: Submitting find-infomac.cgi in shar format Find-infomac package is a perl-based cgi script that does "find file" on i nfo-mac. Since this cgi requires only a copy of all-files.txt, virtually an yone with a unix-based httpd access can put this cgi. I deliberately did so to reduce the traffic to each search engine. I encourage as many as possible to presesent, maintain, and enhance this c gi as possible. The best way to go is to let all public info-mac mirrors wi th httpd access has a cgi like this (doesn't have to be mine at all as long as it does what mine does). You can see the original version at http://www.dnsa.or.jp/~dankogai/find-infomac Dan the Info-Mac Subscriber [96.03.29 JST] #### BINHEX flexmail-204-cgi.hqx **** From: cj@netdreams.com (CJ Holmes) Subject: Flexmail form-to-email plug-in Flexmail is a Web server plug-in that will work with WebSTAR 1.3.2 and W*API-1.1 compatible servers. (QuidProQuo, et al.) Flexmail is very fast, written in C, and does *not* require a helper application for sending email. Flexmail allows you to easily take form data and convert it to multiple email messages, plain-text files, and/or tab-delimited files all at the same time. This distribution includes documentation, FAQ, examples, and the plug-in. Permission is granted to include Flexmail on the Info-Mac CD-ROM. The latest version is always available at <http://www.netdreams.com/software/>. CJ Holmes (800)327-1406 <http://www.netdreams.com/net.dreams/> #### BINHEX form-saver-162.hqx **** From: brad@pliner.com (Bradley S. Pliner) Subject: FormSaver 1.6.2 Enclosed: FormSaver Freeware 1.6.2, by Pliner Products FormSaver is a WebStar CGI/Plugin that saves FORM data to a tab-delimitted text file. Super fast, and super easy. No database or E-mail program required. Great for ISP's, because your clients can easily download their own data files. Great for personal web servers, because it's so simple to set up. Memory requirements are minimal. FormSaver Plus also available. For more information visit http://www.pliner.com/ Permission granted for inclusion of FormSaver Freeware on the Info-Mac CD. #### BINHEX frame-chat-11.hqx **** From: webmaster@pelicore.com (PELICORE MEDIA INTERNATIONAL) Subject: FRAMECHAT 2.01 WEB CHAT CGI SCRIPT Enclosed is the beta release of our FRAMECHAT software. We released the FIRST EVER web chat interface that exploited Netscapes Frames as a user interface. The latest upgrade now supports multiple rooms. You can find more info regarding installation, etc on our website located @ http://www.pelicore.com Enjoy! Andrew Thomson PMI INTERNET SERVICES #### BINHEX frame-server-cgi-12.hqx **** From: R.Vertegaal@wmw.utwente.nl (Roel Vertegaal) Subject: FrameServer.cgi 1.2 minor update Changes from version 1.1: FrameServer is now compatible with Web Center 1.0. If you have a camera attached to your Macintosh computer, FrameServer will provide your WWW home pages with the option for outside webbers to look into your office. Whenever someone clicks the FrameServer hyperlink on your home page, you hear a knock on the door, and 2 seconds later a photograph is made, which gets saved as a jpeg file on your hard disk, to which a reference is sent to whomever clicked the hyperlink. FrameServer can be used in conjunction with WebStar (or other CGI AppleScript compliant) World Wide Web Server software running on Macintosh computers. Copyright 1995-1996 Roel Vertegaal <R.Vertegaal@wmw.utwente.nl> Dept. of Ergonomics, University of Twente, Netherlands. http://reddwarf.wmw.utwente.nl #### BINHEX gif-serv-10-acgi.hqx **** Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 15:41:00 -0600 From: rickc@i-link.net (Richard C. Cardona) Subject: GIFserv.acgi (MacHTTP GIF animation w/Netscape) Background Netscape Communications's Netscape 1.1b1 web browser supports the capability to draw "animated" graphics from gif files. Their demo page has a simple example of their Mozilla character rising from the horizon and breathing fire. I wanted to support this similar animation from MacHTTP (soon be WebSTAR, I think.) I took John O'Fallon's shell for building CGIs and the ANSI C code Netscape provided and I made GIFserv.acgi. Purpose GIFserv receives, from a direct argument in HTTP, a folder to scan for GIF files. It doesn't care about filenames, but the file types must be Macintosh GIF (type=GIFf). It will open the files alphabetically, read their contents and formulates one large AppleEvent that contains the appropriate MIME headers for multipart/x-mixed-replace. This gives the Netscape 1.1b1 client the appearance of dynamic images. HTML example included. >From author, Richard C. Cardona #### BINHEX hyper-cgi-hc.hqx **** From: Joe Warmbrodt, joew@printnet.com Subject: HyperCGI 1.0 HyperCGI is a Hypercard utility to aid in the creation of CGI programs for Web interaction from within Hypercard. Based on a demo by Chuck Shotton. Examples are included. Joe Warmbrodt OneStop Desktop / Printnet #### BINHEX kevs-pre-processor-10b1.hqx **** From: hayesk@is.dal.ca (Kevin Hayes) Subject: Kev's PreProcessor 1.0b1 Kev's PreProcessor 1.0b1 is a WebSTAR Plug-in that allows multiple index files to be used in WebSTAR. It also can restrict CGI programs from executing unless they are in folders you specify. More info available at <http://acsweb.ucis.dal.ca/hayesk/kevpp.html> Kev's PreProcessor requires WebSTAR 1.3.1 or greater. It contains code for both PowerPC and 68K processors. Kevin Hayes Kevin.Hayes@Kagi.Com #### BINHEX macintosh-multi-homing-31.hqx **** From: cdeba@micronet.it (Carlo De Bartholomaeis) Subject: Macintosh MultiHoming - new ACGI for WEBStar ACGI written in AppleScript that manage MultiHoming with WEBStar or other Macintosh Web Server. Does not use REFERER so resolve problems with browser that do not handle REFERER correctly. 10$ ShareWare. Require AppleScript. Require ACME Script Widget. cdeba@micronet.it Carlo De Bartholomaeis #### BINHEX map-serve-15-cgi.hqx **** Date: Tue, 6 Jun 1995 23:13:08 -0700 From: camk@ksu.ksu.edu (Kelly A. Campbell) Subject: MapServeCGI 1.5 MapServe is a Common Gateway Interface program for MacHTTP and WebSTAR WWW servers that serves the clickable Imagemaps found on many Web servers. It is easy to setup and maintain, and is a fast. MapServe is a powermac native fat binary program, and is compatible with the features found in WebSTAR, such as user-defined actions, and folder aliases. MapServe is $20 shareware. It is written by Kelly Campbell at Kansas State University. Check the MapServe home page for more information and updates. The MapServe homepage is at http://www.spub.ksu.edu/other/machttp_tools/mapserve/ Thanks, Kelly #### BINHEX outliner-cgi.hqx **** From: jon@clearink.com (Jon Stevens) Subject: OutLinerCGI September 16, 1996 - OutLinerCGI (tm) version 1.0 is a shareware CGI to allow Macintosh WebMasters to easily create dynamic interactive outlines on the web. OutLinerCGI was developed by Jon S. Stevens, WebMagus for Clear Ink. OutLinerCGI uses the power and flexibility of the UserLand Frontier (tm) application environment to allow WebMasters to put Frontier outlines on the web. Creating a new OutLiner is as simple as creating an outline within Frontier using the OutLinerCGI Frontier suite. No Frontier programming or WebStar setup is needed. OutLinerCGI can be best demonstrated by the online example webpage located at: http://www.clearink.com/OutLinerCGI.outl >From the example page, there is a link to the location where a fully functional demonstration version of OutLinerCGI can be downloaded and a link to the UserLand Frontier website where the free Frontier 4.0.1 can be downloaded. OutLinerCGI will work with any Macintosh WebServer that supports the Frontier CGI Framework. Pricing for OutLinerCGI has been set at US$50 with site and worldwide licenses available as well. Orders will be ONLY processed with the Kagi Register application enclosed with the demonstration version. Please do not try to phone myself or Clear Ink to place an order. -jon stevens Jon (no h) S. Stevens j@clearink.com ClearInk WebMagus http://www.clearink.com/ finger pgp@sparc.clearink.com for pgp pub key OutLinerCGI! http://www.clearink.com/OutLinerCGI.outl #### BINHEX pop-driver-23-cgi.hqx **** From: vanlon@best.be Subject: PopDriver 2.3 POPDRIVER v2.3 for MACINTOSH comes either as a CGI or as a WebStar Plugin. It allows you to navigate to other links using popup boxes, lists or radios with or without a Submit button. It can also manage frame target. There are two CGIs, one for PowerPC and one for 68K. The PLUGIN is made for PowerPC. Technically, PopDriver redirects calls made by the browser-user when submitting a selected item from a pop-up menu. Any valid URL can be returned by Popdriver. You can place any number of popups in a page. PopDriver is a try-before-you-buy product that ships in evaluation mode. Use PopDriver in evaluation mode until you are sure that it is right for you. REGISTRATION : pascal.vl@kagi.com #### BINHEX procon-10.hqx **** From: cbuxton@mail.geocities.com Subject: ProCon 1.0 PROcess CONtrol ProCon is a simple cgi that gives you web-based control of the processes (applications) running on your server. Server Requirements: 1) The scriptable Finder, which is included in System 7.5 and later, and is available for some earlier systems. 2) Parse CGI OSAX, shareware which is available at <http://marquis.tiac.net/software/parse-cgi.html>. This must be installed in the Scripting Additions folder (in the Extensions folder). 3) WebSTAR, Quid Pro Quo, or other webserver that follows the WebSTAR cgi standard. The browser used must support tables. For more information, please read the ReadMe. Thanks, Chris Buxton #### BINHEX random-deflect-cgi.hqx **** From: (Ronald T Kneusel) rkneusel@post.its.mcw.edu Subject: Random/Deflect CGIs RANDOM/DEFLECT CGIs for WebSTAR/MacHTTP A pair of CGIs that return random data or redirect to a random URL. Freeware. - Ron Kneusel, rkneusel@post.its.mcw.edu #### BINHEX random-url-10b3-cgi.hqx **** From: gneufeld@ccs.carleton.ca (Grant Neufeld) Subject: Random URL CGI 1.0b3 Random URL CGI by Grant Neufeld - grant@kagi.com Random URL is a CGI application for Mac web servers. This CGI randomly returns an url, from a text file, to clients. Shareware: $15. Features * Pre-indexing of files for faster response time * Compiled application (written in C) means fast response time * WebSTAR server Action support * Can be used for random pictures in html documents * PowerPC CGI and WebSTAR plug-in for registered users. Further Information: <http://arpp.carleton.ca/cgi/random.html> I give permission for my program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM. #### BINHEX romulan-acgi.hqx **** Date: Wed, 14 Jun 1995 09:24:45 +0900 From: mdaniel@necws-1.ktokai-u.ac.jp (Daniel Minor) Subject: Romulan1.62.acgi network Romulan is an acgi applet written in AppleScript� for use with WebSTAR� servers as a preprocess. It currently performs two functions: 1) Block access to specified pages on the WebSTAR site by examining the IP address/Domain name of the client making the request. 2) Logging the actions of clients accessing pages at the site. The information recorded is: Client's IP/domain name, client's machine/browser software, requested URL, URL of the page they came from (referrer). Logs can be produced in either html and.or tab delimited text format. Romulan is shareware. The price is $20. Registered users will receive an admin. program to make configuring easier, although you can use the program without it. I DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE. Romulan is copyright�1995 by Daniel W. Minor, all rights reserved. #### BINHEX screen-capture-03-cgi.hqx **** From: steve@maller.com (Steve Maller) Subject: Web Server Screen Capture Utility 0.3 written by Steve Maller steve@maller.com http://www.maller.com/ I run a Macintosh with a MacHTTP web server and an Apple Internet Mail Server in my office, and there are times I'd just like to peek at the Mac's screen. However, I don't like waiting for that machine's monitor to warm up. Even worse, I recently had to borrow that machine's monitor for another machine. My solution? I wrote this CGI application in CodeWarrior C that takes a screenshot of the current Macintosh screen, converts it to a GIF image, and returns it to your Web browser. I used Grant Neufeld's excellent framework (Grant's CGI Framework 1.0b10). Some notes about the current version (version 0.3) * This version returns only a GIF image. Thanks to Eric A. Perlman (eric@yikes.com) for the suggestion (and the instructions!). * This version is once again a fat binary. It's been tested on quite a few Power Macintosh models and it works just fine. I think I've figured out the problems (thanks to some help out there!). * The program is hard-coded to generate a 256-color, 640*480 GIF image. If your display's something other than that, it'll try to dither the image for the best possible quality. #### BINHEX screen-view-cgi-10b1.hqx **** From: zobkiw@triplesoft.com (Joe Zobkiw) Subject: ScreenView CGI 1.0b1 ScreenView CGI allows you to view your server's screen from any computer on the Internet. ScreenView CGI comes in two versions, 68k and PPC, and will run on any Macintosh running System 7.5 or later. Choose the version appropriate for your Macintosh. QuickTime 2.0 or later is required, the CGI will still launch but the screenshot will not be taken if QuickTime is not installed. Ideas For Use - Webmasters can use ScreenView CGI to monitor their server activity from afar. - Those of you with personal servers can use ScreenView CGI to show others how your server is set up. - ScreenView CGI can be used to troubleshoot server problems from a distance. - ScreenView CGI can be used to stream screenshots from one machine to another when called repeatedly. - ScreenView CGI can be used to maintain daily screenshot logs of server activity and server load by capturing status screens. Full instructions in the archive...enjoy! #### BINHEX smart-page-acgi-23.hqx **** From: vanlon@best.be Subject: SmartPage 2.3.0 CGI for Mac (FAT) and SmartPage Admin. SmartPage is specially designed to print on-screen specific datas of any Web HTML page. SmartPage offers the display on any WEB page of : � a individual page counter : SmartPage displays on any page the number of visitors that is receiving any page of your site. � the date/hour/minutes of the start of the counter � the local sending time of the page : SmartPage prints the local time any time a page from your site is send on the net. � a vote bulletin with two choices. SmartPage can handle a special form on any page of your site ! You define your question and two answers. When the browser-user submit his answer, SmartPage counts it and returns the same page with the new results. In that case, the individual counter of the page is not incremented. The browser-user can not send twice a vote per visit on the page. � the date of creation of the document : You can display the date/hour/minute of creation of the page into your HTML page. � the date/hour/minutes of last reading of the page : You can display the date/hour/minute of last reading of your HTML page. � text that won't appear without a SmartPage call. WEBSTAR PREPROCESS : TRANSPARENT CALLS TO SMARTPAGE SmartPage can be called automatically by WebSTAR, using his Preprocess mode.<br> The Preprocessing run mode allows to make the SmartPage call invisible for Web client users, because it don't appear anymore in your URLs. e-Mail : vanlon@best.be (see the Mail-me item in the demos). REGISTRATION : pascal.vl@kagi.com #### BINHEX warp-search-cgi-26.hqx **** From: glen_stewart@associate.com Subject: WarpSearch CGI 2.6 WarpSearch is a *fast* non-indexed TEXT and HTML search utility that functions in both local and CGI/ACGI modes. It works with any CGI-compatible Macintosh web-server, including NetPresenz, MacHTTP, WebSTAR, Quid Pro Quo, WebServer 4D, and many others. Speed tests on an old Mac IIci measure WarpSearch at over 500kb/sec and the newer PowerPC Macs perform far better. The bigger the files, the faster the search! This release adds support for installations having multiple System Folders. #### BINHEX web-fm-4v2-demo.hqx **** From: eric@macweb.com Subject: WEB FM 4.0 for FileMaker Pro WEB FM 4.0 is a plug-in to popular Mac OS web servers such as WebSTAR, Quid Pro Quo, WebTEN, and AppleShare IP that enables FileMaker Pro developers to quickly and easily build wicked fast, truly dynamic and interactive online database applications for the World Wide Web or corporate Intranet. WEB FM is optimized for top performance, and version 4.0 introduced support for easy-to-use, Internet standard Template files void of confusing, incompatible, and proprietary markup [/tags]. WEB FM's extensive feature list mirrors that of FileMaker Pro 4.0 for Mac OS from FileMaker Inc. It fully supports relational and portal fields; browsing, sorting, creating and editing database records; even running ScriptMaker� scripts via a web browser interface. WEB FM is optimized for top performance and is compatible with either FileMaker Pro 3.0 or 4.0 on the PowerPC� or 68K Mac OS� platforms. With accelerated database performance measured in fractions of a second, WEB FM is capable of handling the higher traffic web sites requiring tens of thousands of database transactions per day. Eric Bickford eric@macweb.com Web Broadcasting Corporation http://macweb.com/ Web Essentials for FileMaker Pro WEB FM, PICT FM, LOG FM, TAG FM #### BINHEX web-news-cgi.hqx **** From: (Bob and Rachael Flannery) bflanner@sonic.net Subject: WebNews_beta WebNews_beta is an ACGI used with WebStar/MacHTTP for archiving discussions. Quickstart: drop in root folder and point browser at Welcome.html. Thank you - Bob #### BINHEX webphone-cgi.hqx **** Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 14:12:36 +0200 From: R.Vertegaal@wmw.utwente.nl (Roel Vertegaal) Subject: Webphone.cgi: launch conferencing tools via WWW If you are using video conferencing software such as CUSeeMe, or audio conferencing software such as Netphone (or Maven), but do not want to run these programs all the time, this applescript applet might well be for you. It provides your web page with an interface to automatically start up video or audio conferencing software on both sides (UNIX machines do it all the time...Macs should too...). If the caller uses Netphone, he/she actually only needs to press the "Call" button to get a connection (when will CUSeeMe or Maven start using bookmark files??????). Webphone should be used in conjunction with MacHTTP 2.0 (or other CGI AppleScript compliant) WorldWideWeb Server software running on Macintosh computers. Copyright 1995 Roel Vertegaal, Dept. of Ergonomics, University of Twente, Netherlands. <R.Vertegaal@wmw.utwente.nl> #### BINHEX winker-10-cgi.hqx **** Subject: Winker 1.0 From: edw <edw@icog.com> Winker is a CGI application for MacHTTP and WebSTAR. Winker tracks how often particular links are followed. For example, you can tell how often visitors follow sponsors' ads. #### BINHEX z-email-lite-101.hqx **** From: Wayne Tempro <waynet@computeradv.com> Subject: ZEmailLite.cgi v1.0.1 ZEmailLite.cgi 1.0.1 This is a free little CGI that parses an HTML form and returns the results to the end user as well as emailing a copy of the results to you. This program should work well with WebStar, Personal Web Sharing, QuidProQuo, MacHTTP and other similar Macintosh web servers.