From: Subject: Summitted file Date: Fri, 29 Jul 1994 18:55:48 -0600 (CST) Below is information on how to patch Quick-gif 1.0 so it will view Gif89a type gifs. The information was provided by the author of the program. Please put this text file wherever appropriate. <Begin Text Article> Below you will find some instructions on how to patch QuickGIF 1.0 to be able to open GIF89a types of GIFs (which was a new GIF format extension defined after QuickGIF 1.0 was released). Patching QuickGIF for viewing GIF89a graphics. This patch will simply short-circuit the check for GIF87a header information. This means that GIF87a as well as GIF89a will be decoded. Since the new version is backward compatible with the previous one, there will be no problems decoding the image. However, new extensions to the file format, such as comments, graphical text, and others, will be ignored and bypassed by QuickGIF, only displaying the background image. This will be no problem for most images, since the majority of GIF89a images only contain the background image plus an invisible textual comment about the image origin. This patch applies to QuickGIF 1.0, QuickGIF-Plus 1.0 and QuickGIF-Plus 1.1. Using ResEdit 2.1: 1. Make a copy of QuickGIF, and work on the copy. 2. Run ResEdit 2.1, select the QuickGIF copy, and open Code ID 3, and/or 4. 3. Find hexadecimal: 0C40 0037 6610. 4. Replace with: 0C40 0037 4E71 (only last 4-digits changed). 5. Save changes, and verify it works. 6. If it works, trash previous version, and keep the patched one. Using a file editor: 1. Make a copy of QuickGIF, and work on the copy. 2. Run your file editor and select "Edit Resource Fork", then open the QuickGIF copy. 3. Find hexadecimal: 0C40 0037 6610. 4. Replace with: 0C40 0037 4E71 (only last 4-digits changed). 5. Write or save changes, and verify it works. 6. If it works, trash previous version, and keep the patched one. Enjoy!