Subject: Info-Mac Digest V17 #56
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Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 05 Apr 00       Volume 17 : Issue 56

Today's Topics:

      [*] CDFinder 2.7.1
      [*] CP290 Director 1.4 - Control of X10 CP290 Home Automation System
      [*] Displacement
      [*] Displacement_espa�Q==ol
      [*] easy beat 1.1
      [*] FoldersPlus 1.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] French DragThing 2.7 upload
      [*] FretPet 2.1.4 - Guitar-oriented QuickTime music sequencer
      [*] FTP Eternity 1.0.2
      [*] Fuffy 1.1.1
      [*] Italian DragThing 2.7 upload
      [*] lusions.hqx via FTP
      [*] Mitch's Power Actions 1.0
      [*] QMidi 1.0
      [*] QMidi 1.0.1, (c)2000 by Bruno Di Gleria
      [*] QuickScrap 1.2
      [*] RetroMail
      [*] Scrapit Pro 5.5
      [*] Simple Diary 68K 1.3.3
      [*] SmartWrap 1.7.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] SmartWrap 1.7J - Japanese Version
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 3.0.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 3.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] Twistory 2.1 - History Browser
      [*] UnCoverIt 1.2
      [*] URL Management
      [*] USB Overdrive 1.3J - Japanese version of USB driver
      [*] VSE Link Tester 1.0 - Finds broken links on your web site
      [Q] effective speed of G4 with Virtual PC
      HP970 Does not print Yellow Highlight
      Importer&Exporter for Computer
      Quicken Passwords
      Trouble with Touchbase Pro Printing

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP
sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software.

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America Online <> donated the main Info-Mac machine


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Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 10:09:26 -0400 (EDT)
From: Norman Friedman <>

x-Also Etta, Morris, Ken and Ira
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 09:09:36 -0500
From: "Norman R. Friedman" <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"

Anyone know how to get Quicken 5 to recognize year 2000 when
balancing the checkbook. I can enter checks written this year, but
cannot do anything with the information, such as financial reports,
etc. It will not recognize the 2000 or 00, and gives a bad date error.
I have looked in the usual places for update, including home site and
also stores, but cannot find Quicken 2000 for the Mac. (BOO).
Also, cannot find any copies any longer for Print Shop for the Mac.
TIA and mail to


Date: 1 Apr 2000
From: "Norbert M. Doerner" <>
Subject: [*] CDFinder 2.7.1

CDFinder is a very fast and powerful tool to create catalog files of your hard
disks, floppies, ZIP's and anything else that spins. It has a great user
interface and very useful search functions. CDFinder supports drag&drop and
requires at least a 68020 or PowerPC CPU. While System 7 is required, CDFinder
is also fully compatible to MacOS 9. A special feature is the multi-lingual user
interface (German/French/English/Italian/Swedish/Chinese).

New features in CDFinder 2.7.1:

- Memory management has been completely reworked and is much more efficient.
- AppleScript support is much enhanced. A new Scripts menu allows 
tight integration of AppleScripts into CDFinder. Several powerful and 
useful sample scripts are provided.
- CDFinder now supports live scrolling of window contents. This 
feature requires Mac OS 8.1 or newer.
- CDFinder is now fully compatible to FileWave
- CDFinder works nice with the upcoming Mac OS 9.0.3 (or how they call it today...)
- A number of smaller features and bug-fixes are included, too.

Norbert M. Doerner
Mozartstr. 16
64546 Moerfelden-Walldorf

[Archived as /info-mac/data/cd-finder-271.hqx; 823 K]


Date: 1 Apr 2000
From: John Woodward <>
Subject: [*] CP290 Director 1.4 - Control of X10 CP290 Home Automation System

I give permission for CP290 Director to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

CP290 Director is Macintosh software that controls the original X10 
home automation computer controlled interface, model number CP290. It 
completely replaces the Macintosh software that comes with the CP290, 
and has unique features not found in other Macintosh-based CP290 
controllers such as MouseHouse and Xtension.

CP290 Director does not have to be running at all times to control 
the CP290, since it takes advantage of the CP290'S ability to store 
events for later execution.  In addition to the standard CP290 
features, CP290 Director supports the following additional features: 
1) the ability to specify that an event is to occur at sunrise or 
sunset (plus or minus a specified time interval); 2) the ability to 
specify a specific date on which an event is to occur, and optionally 
the interval in days thereafter that the event should be repeated; 
and 3) the ability to specify that the event should occur only on 
even days or on odd days.

System requirements:
* System 7 through 8.6; not tested with MacOS 9
* Macintosh with at least 4 MB of RAM

Release 1.4 fixes a bug and has some minor feature enhancements.  For 
more information, please read the documentation enclosed, or visit 
the CP290 Director Web page:

[Archived as /info-mac/app/cp290-director.hqx; 645 K]


Date: 1 Apr 2000
From: Mike Brackenridge <>
Subject: [*] Displacement

Displacement_ English fat version 1.0


The Program:

- Displacement is a program for working out the displacement in engines.
- Calculations are made by entering the stroke, bore and number of cylinders
- in units of either inches or millimetres, calculations are output in cubic
- inches, litres and cc in the entire engine and per cylinder, decimal point
- output options can be changed via the preference menu.
- Displacement is available in both English and Spanish versions.

- Displacement is a freeware program.


- OS7.5 or above

Compressed size:

- 956k

Enquires and questions should be directed to:

[Archived as /info-mac/app/displacement.hqx; 1020 K]


Date: 1 Apr 2000
From: Mike Brackenridge <>
Subject: [*] Displacement_espa�Q==ol

Displacement_ Versi�n 1.0 espa�ol_fat



-Displacement es un programa para hacer el calculo de desplazamiento en
-motores, el usuario tiene la opcion de poner las medidas en pulgadas o
-milimetros con el resultado en pulgadas cubicas (cu in:), Litros (lts:) y
-centimetros cubicos (cc:)

- Displacement es un programa gratis.


- Displacement funci�na con una peque�a cantidad o memoria RAM, per requiere
_ un sistema operativo de 7.5 o mas.


- 956k

Enquires and questions should be directed to:

[Archived as /info-mac/app/displacement-es.hqx; 1021 K]


Date: 1 Apr 2000
From: easy beat Support <>
Subject: [*] easy beat 1.1

This is easy beat version 1.1

easy beat is a music authoring program for professional musicians and
hobbyists. The main features of easy beat are:
 - easy to use (hence the name)
 - no extra hardware or software needed for playing and composing
 - up to 16 tracks plus a metronome track
 - supports all instruments provided by QuickTime and/or an external
   synthesizer (including General MIDI, GS, and XG)
 - multiple views (score, drum, keyboard, TAB, chords, controllers)
 - import and export of standard MIDI files
 - export of QuickTime movies and AIFF files
 - plays your song in the background while you edit it or work
   with other programs
 - single-track real-time recording (requires a MIDI adapter
   and a MIDI instrument)
 - stylistic variations (shuffle style, arpeggio, delay, ...)
 - built-in guitar tuner
 - ...

What's new in easy beat 1.1?
Almost 50 individual changes; the most important are:
 - floating "Inspector" window with info about the current selection
 - "Playback Options": various settings for external synthesizers
 - "Recording Options" for fine-tuning real-time recording
 - support of General MIDI extensions (such as GS and XG)
 - customizable instrument menu
 - numeric controller editing (by typing value(s) or scaling factors)
 - ...

For more details, please see:

 - Mac with a 68020 processor or better (PowerPC recommended)
 - System 7.1 or newer (compatible with Mac OS 8.* and Mac OS 9)
 - 2 MB of available memory (4 MB recommended)
 - QuickTime 3.0 or newer

easy beat is distributed by UNI SOFTWARE PLUS. This submission contains the
full easy beat package. If you do not have a license key, easy beat will run
in trial mode and will not let you save and print songs with more than
15 measures.

Softwarepark Hagenberg
A-4232 Hagenberg, Austria

  Feel free to include this file on the Info-Mac CD.
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/easy-beat-11.hqx; 4137 K]


Date: 1 Apr 2000
Subject: [*] FoldersPlus 1.0J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the FoldersPlus package.

Easily manage and access all of your files and folders!

FoldersPlus Quick Start

1) Start FoldersPlus.
2) Drag a folder to the FoldersPlus window.
3) Click on the folder, and hold the mouse down for a second or so.
4) A pop-up menu appears.  Pick any item in the menu to open the item.


* The more items in a folder, the longer it will take to build the pop-up menu.
* Select �Preferences� under the Edit menu to speed up building the pop-up menu.
* Many improvements can be made to FoldersPlus, and the more people that
register, the quicker the improvements can be made.

Aloha, and thanks for supporting shareware!

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/folders-plus-10-jp.hqx; 382 K]


Date: 1 Apr 2000
From: James Thomson <>
Subject: [*] French DragThing 2.7 upload

Enclosed is a copy of the French language version of DragThing 2.7, to 
update Info-Mac with the latest version.

This release was kindly translated by Philippe Bonnaure,
(, who has translated many 
other Macintosh programs into French, available from his web page:


DragThing is an application dock designed to tidy up the icons littering 
your desktop. Simply drag an application from the Finder onto an empty 
square in a dock and then drag documents onto it as normal.In addition, 
the docks can contain files, folders, disks, servers and URLs, and there 
is also an option to display the currently running processes in a 
special dock.

DragThing is shareware, at $20 a copy, and is a free upgrade for 
existing registered users.

DragThing requires at least System 7.5.5 (8.0 or later recommended) and a 
Macintosh with a minimum of a Motorola 68020 or PowerPC 601 processor.
Storing URLs in docks requires the Internet Config extension to be 
installed, version 2.0 or later. 

The official DragThing web page is also available at 


you can download the latest version of DragThing there and get all 
the up-to-date news and information.



[Archived as /info-mac/gui/dragthing-27-fr.hqx; 2504 K]


Date: 1 Apr 2000
From: Scott Lahteine <>
Subject: [*] FretPet 2.1.4 - Guitar-oriented QuickTime music sequencer

FretPet 2.1.4 - March 2000
by Scott Lahteine
Shareware for Mac OS
Categories: MIDI / Music / Multimedia / Education

FretPet is a dynamic interactive guitar-oriented musical sequencer.
It features a unique 4-voice sequencer that allows anyone to instantly
create great musical compositions. It also serves as a powerful utility
to find chords and fingerings, and learn about music theory.

FretPet encourages you to play with musical ideas, explore connections
across keys, and discover the harmonic beauty and logic of music.


This Stuffit archive contains:

  FretPet FAT ............. The FretPet Application
  FretPet Manual (HTML) ... The FretPet Manual
  README FretPet .......... The ReadMe File
  Demo Sequences .......... Sample Compositions
  Register FretPet ........ Registration Wizard


Changes in Version 2.1.4 - March 2000

  - Added the Selection Menu - which you will love
  - Added an option to show and hide all palettes
  - Quick clicks on sliders work better
  - Visual playback has been enhanced
  - Drag-scrolling in the bank is now variable-speed
  - The Eye Button now sets the cursor to follow play
  - The Pencil Button is much more powerful
  - Improved document stacking behavior
  - Fixed crashing when clicking a zoom box
  - You may now change the resolution without fear
  - Placed images into more menus (ah, Mercutio!)
  - Disclosure triangle now animates like the real McCoy
  - Fixed guitar image and scrollbar clipping bugs
  - Option-clicking in any Circle now plays without editing

For info, screenshots, and updates visit the web site:

If you have questions or comments you can contact me via email
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/fret-pet-214.hqx; 1890 K]


Date: 1 Apr 2000
From: Support <>
Subject: [*] FTP Eternity 1.0.2


Eternity: the battle of the elements

  As the first rays of sun are cast across the horizon, the world wakes. Few
are aware of the magnificent battle that is to commence. For all Eternity
the battle for control of the world has raged on. Fire, air, earth and
water. The four elements wage war every day in a never-ending quest to rule
the world. Every morning each elements tokens appear in an empty region of
space called the "void," bereft of any life but full of potential glory.
    Each pawns mission? Recover and return an elemental token to its base. A
simple task? Hardly. A mission that only the bravest and strongest pawns can
possibly carry out. A mission that will likely result in humiliating and
painful defeat before glory and power. Should a pawn recover a token, its
adventure has only begun. The return to base is wrought with peril, as the
other elements will do anything in their power to end its mission
    If, against all odds, an element recovers all of its tokens, it will
rule for the day. Free to carry out its will on the world, the other
elements will be powerless. Of course, tomorrow's battle and a chance at
revenge are only a day away...

Eternity is a unique board game in which one to four players can play as
either fire, air, earth, or water and battle for control of the world. Play
against any of three computer skill levels, or against other human players.

Eternity is distributed as shareware with a $15 registration fee.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/eternity-102.hqx; 2011 K]


Date: 1 Apr 2000
From: C-Y Khoo <>
Subject: [*] Fuffy 1.1.1

Fuffy is a simple yet addictive multiplayer dice game for the 
Macintosh, similar to yahtzee or yacht. The aim of the game is to 
make scoring combinations of dice, by selectively rolling a set of 
five dice. Version 1.1.1 adds the ability to reset the Hall of Fame 
list, and also fixes a bug in the maintenance of the list.

Fuffy is shareware, and costs US$10 for a single user license. Fuffy 
may be downloaded at the Fuffy website,

Features of Fuffy include: multiplayer capability (up to four players 
at one time), hints function to help you play, keyboard shortcuts, 
Hall of Fame records high scores, fun sounds, customisable interface, 
is intuitive and easy to use, and full balloon help

In addition, the full version of Fuffy features automatic dice 
rolling, automatic hints after every roll and full keyboard shortcuts.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/fuffy-111.hqx; 878 K]


Date: 1 Apr 2000
From: James Thomson <>
Subject: [*] Italian DragThing 2.7 upload

Enclosed is a copy of the Italian language version of DragThing 2.7, to 
update Info-Mac with the latest version.

This release was kindly translated by Massimo Rotunno,
(, who has translated many other Macintosh programs 
into Italian, available from his web page:


DragThing is an application dock designed to tidy up the icons littering 
your desktop. Simply drag an application from the Finder onto an empty 
square in a dock and then drag documents onto it as normal.In addition, 
the docks can contain files, folders, disks, servers and URLs, and there 
is also an option to display the currently running processes in a 
special dock.

DragThing is shareware, at $20 a copy, and is a free upgrade for 
existing registered users.

DragThing requires at least System 7.5.5 (8.0 or later recommended) and a 
Macintosh with a minimum of a Motorola 68020 or PowerPC 601 processor.
Storing URLs in docks requires the Internet Config extension to be 
installed, version 2.0 or later. 

The official DragThing web page is also available at 


you can download the latest version of DragThing there and get all 
the up-to-date news and information.



[Archived as /info-mac/gui/dragthing-27-it.hqx; 2608 K]


Date: 5 Apr 2000
From: Joe Hammons <>
Subject: [*] lusions.hqx via FTP

    Illusion Match known as lusions.hqx helps kids of all ages to
improve their reading comprehension by matching eight narratives with
eight illusions.  Illusion Match is a fully functional standalone
shareware application.
    Joe Hammons

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/yng/lusions.hqx; 622 K]


Date: 3 Apr 2000
From: mitchell gillen <>
Subject: [*] Mitch's Power Actions 1.0

Mitch's Power Actions 1.0

The file Mitch's Power Actions are set of defined 'actions' for use 
with Adobe's PhotoShop version 4 or higher. Each is a script that performs 
a series of adjustments to an image layer.

To use these Actions, choose Load actions from the menu at the upper
right of the "Actions' palette in Adobe Photoshop. Select the  MPA  file 
in the dialog box and the actions should appear in the actions palette.

 Mitch's Power Actions  is distributed as treehugware. 

You must hug a tree in order to use them.

Most of the ideas I got for these actions have been inspired by Kai Krause and the 
excellent Kai's Power tips, which is available in this archive.

These actions have been updated recently to include a few more actions.

If you have any questions or would like to see examples of these tips...


play the sound in the sound menu :-)

Mitch Gillen

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/pshp/mitch-power-actions-10.hqx; 19 K]


Date: 4 Apr 2000
Subject: [*] QMidi 1.0

QMidi is the ultimate MIDI/Karaoke player for the Macintosh. It can play
all kinds of MIDI files, no matter where they came from, in any order,
using either the Mac OS QuickTime instruments, Opcode OMS (now USB
compatible) or serial port interface. QMidi also incorporates a GS MIDI
mixer. It has a complete online documentation you can access selecting
the "About QMidi" item in the apple menu.

� Supports Midi format 0 and 1.
� Supports Karaoke format 0 and 1.
� Pitch transpose, Chord transpose.
� Unlimited number of play lists.
� Up to 16000 files per play List.
� Start from first note.
� Chase events.
� Chain play, loop, repeat all. 
� GS mixer, GS effects.
� Works with QuickTime 2.5 or newer, OMS or serial port.
� Full Drag & Drop support.

QMidi runs on any Macintosh with System 7 or greater. It is fully OS 9 
compatible. Drag & Drop requires System 7.5 or greater.

QMidi is is a shareware product. This means, you may copy it freely and
try it out thoroughly. As soon as you decide to use the program, you are
requested to send a modest amount of money. Unregistered version has no
other limitations than the annoying request at startup. Instruction on
registration are into the "How to Register" text file. Thanks for your

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/midi/q-midi-10.hqx; 369 K]


Date: 5 Apr 2000
Subject: [*] QMidi 1.0.1, (c)2000 by Bruno Di Gleria

QMidi is the ultimate MIDI/Karaoke player for the Macintosh. It can play
all kinds of MIDI files, no matter where they came from, in any order,
using either the Mac OS QuickTime instruments, Opcode OMS (now USB
compatible) or serial port interface. QMidi also incorporates a GS MIDI
mixer. It has a complete online documentation you can access selecting
the "About QMidi" item in the apple menu.

� Supports Midi format 0 and 1.
� Supports Karaoke format 0 and 1.
� Pitch transpose, Chord transpose.
� Unlimited number of play lists.
� Up to 16000 files per play List.
� Start from first note.
� Chase events.
� Chain play, loop, repeat all. 
� GS mixer, GS effects.
� Works with QuickTime 2.5 or newer, OMS or serial port.
� Full Drag & Drop support.

QMidi runs on any Macintosh with System 7 or greater. It is fully OS 9 
compatible. Drag & Drop requires System 7.5 or greater.

QMidi is is a shareware product. This means, you may copy it freely and
try it out thoroughly. As soon as you decide to use the program, you are
requested to send a modest amount of money. Unregistered version has no
other limitations than the annoying request at startup. Instruction on
registration are into the "How to Register" text file. Thanks for your

New in release 1.01:

� Open/Save dialogs are now in english language.
� Fixed a Tempo bug

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/midi/q-midi-101.hqx; 370 K]


Date: 3 Apr 2000
From: "John V. Holder" <>
Subject: [*] QuickScrap 1.2

QuickScrap (QS) can do things to make your life so much easier when using 
your Macintosh.  Have you ever wanted to be able to easily store a piece 
of information from any document you're reading or editing?  Here's how 
it's done with and without QuickScrap:

Without QuickScrap:
- select the information
- type Command-C to copy
- switch to finder or use the apple menu
- open your other application or scrapbook
- type Command-V to paste in the info
- switch back to the first application
- continue where you left off

With QuickScrap:
- select the info
- type your QS hotkey
- continue

With QuickScrap, you can send the data on the clipboard instantly to a 
scrapbook file, a ScrapIt Pro file or a QuickScrap file by pressing a key 
(or keys) of your choice!  The QuickScrap file can be used as a multiple 
clipboard containing as many as 100 items (you choose how many items it 
will hold).  You can have QuickScrap automatically copy any selection 
you've made in any document you're working on and send the data directly 
to a scrap file with one keystroke.

Another handy feature of QuickScrap is that you can set a "Hotkey" to 
allow you to type a quick note (or edit text on the clipboard) and send 
it to a scrap file without having to leave the application you're 
currently in.

You can set another key to open any scrap file, display all the items in 
a gallery view or alphabetical list view and allow you to select an item 
and instantly have it pasted into whatever document you're editing.

New features added in version 1.2:
New interface (resize & move window), bug fixes (correctly checks for 
maximum scrap file size now), Special Applications list now works 
properly.  Now works with ScrapIt Pro v5.5.  Will create name from first 
characters of text when copying text to a scrap file.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/quick-scrap-12.hqx; 279 K]


Date: 1 Apr 2000
From: "john simmonds" <>
Subject: [*] RetroMail

RetroMail is an AppleScript application which enables you to have Eudora 
email you a report from Retrospect upon success or failure of a back up.
It's main benefits are ease of set up and recipient maintenance, early
detection of back up strategy failure due to mechanical, media or logistic
problems as well as potential for off site IT monitoring. This is an
addition to the Retrospect Event Handler provided by Retrospect.
John Simmonds
CyberKare Technologies Inc.

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/retro-mail.hqx; 492 K]


Date: 3 Apr 2000
From: "John V. Holder" <>
Subject: [*] Scrapit Pro 5.5

Try the award winning utility called ScrapIt Pro (it has received many
awards and accolades from MacUser, MacWorld, MacAddict and many
electronic Mac publications)!  Anything you can copy to the clipboard
can be pasted and stored in a ScrapIt Pro file.  Features full support
of Apple's latest technology; Drag & Drop, QuickDraw 3D, Speech, and

ScrapIt Pro, is the editable, searchable multimedia scrapbook... and a
mini-word and form processor to boot!  Need a place to store, sort,
display and search all of your text files, forms (invoices, addresses,
contacts, etc.) , sounds, GIF files, JPEG files, QuickDraw 3D files and
more?  Look no further, ScrapIt Pro is the utility you've been looking

New features in version 5.5:
* Added PlugIns for selected text (such as stripping unwanted
characters, changing case, etc.)
* Password protected scrap files
* Can now store scrap files in folders within the ScrapIt Pro Folder and
have them accessible via the Scrap Files menu hierarchically
* Added Templates Scrap file support (gives you the ability to keep
often used pieces of text in one file for access from a popup menu in
any other scrap file)
* Can now search all open scrap files
* File comments are now kept when importing and exporting
* Movies can now be made to fill the scrap file window
* Print margins can now be set
* Can now specify any folder to be used as the Scrap File folder
* Total file size now displayed in tool bar
* Much nicer looking gallery view
* Option-Tab now used to change focus
* Command-Delete now used to delete selected items

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/scrap-it-pro-55.hqx; 1111 K]


Date: 1 Apr 2000
From: "Tae-Won Ha" <>
Subject: [*] Simple Diary 68K 1.3.3

Here is 68K version of Simple Diary...

[Archived as /info-mac/app/simple-diary-133-68k.hqx; 574 K]


Date: 5 Apr 2000
Subject: [*] SmartWrap 1.7.1J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the SmartWrap package.

SmartWrap (tm) analyzes your e-mail and text, detects paragraphs and lists
within your text, and rewraps your text so it wraps naturally within
your document or message. SmartWrap (tm) comes in many varieties so it's
always available where you need it most.

The following SmartWrap� programs and plug-ins are available:

* SmartWrap (tm) Plug-in For Eudora� and Eudora� Light 
* SmartWrap (tm) the Clipboard Application 
* SmartWrap (tm) Plug-in For BBEdit, MailSmith, and CodeWarrior. 
* SmartWrap (tm) AppleScript Scripting Addition that can be used with
Claris Emailer and Outlook Exress. 

Changes through 1.7.1

* Added a plugin for the "Preditor" editor.

Changes through 1.7

* Optimized version handling to get ready for next major update.  (hint hint.)
* Now detecting the difference between an unwanted prefix or suffix
quote character and one that is actually wanted.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/smart-wrap-171-jp.hqx; 1149 K]


Date: 1 Apr 2000
Subject: [*] SmartWrap 1.7J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the SmartWrap package.

SmartWrap (tm) analyzes your e-mail and text, detects paragraphs and lists
within your text, and rewraps your text so it wraps naturally within
your document or message. SmartWrap (tm) comes in many varieties so it's
always available where you need it most.

The following SmartWrap� programs and plug-ins are available:

* SmartWrap (tm) Plug-in For Eudora� and Eudora� Light 
* SmartWrap (tm) the Clipboard Application 
* SmartWrap (tm) Plug-in For BBEdit, MailSmith, and CodeWarrior. 
* SmartWrap (tm) AppleScript Scripting Addition that can be used with
Claris Emailer and Outlook Exress. 

Changes through 1.7

* Optimized version handling to get ready for next major update.  (hint hint.)
* Now detecting the difference between an unwanted prefix or suffix
quote character and one that is actually wanted.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/smart-wrap-17-jp.hqx; 1071 K]


Date: 5 Apr 2000
Subject: [*] Tex-Edit Plus 3.0.1J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the Tex-Edit Plus package.

Tex-Edit Plus is a scriptable, styled text editor that fills the gap
between Apple's bare-bones SimpleText and a full-featured word
processor. It's fast, efficient, and has a clean, uncluttered interface.
It's also great for cleaning up text which is transmitted over the

Tex-Edit Plus features: PowerPC native (fat), extensive munging
abilities, unlimited file size, Drag&Drop support, AppleScript support,
Word Services support, Speech Manager support, picture handling, sound
handling, movie handling, ability to create SimpleText Read-Only
documents, and much more. System 7.0 or better required.

NEW -- Tex-Edit Plus 3.0.1 checks for �Scripts� folder changes more
efficiently, improving application switching speed.

Tex-Edit Plus 3.0 includes full support for viewing and
manipulating QuickDraw 3D models (images). This includes drag, drop,
insert, cut, copy, paste, print, etc.

Changes to the contents of the "Scripts" folder are now instantly
reflected in the Scripts menu (no relaunch needed). A new "do script"
command can be used to execute compiled scripts or to compile and
execute any script source code text (sample script included). Frontier
"menu sharing" has been enabled. Support for an external "Speech
Dictionary" to improve word pronunciation has been added (small sample
included). Default text size can now be set to any reasonable value and
all preference settings are fully scriptable (read/write). See the
Revision History for a list of all the other improvements and fixes.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/tex-edit-plus-301-jp.hqx; 1259 K]


Date: 1 Apr 2000
Subject: [*] Tex-Edit Plus 3.0J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the Tex-Edit Plus package.

Tex-Edit Plus is a scriptable, styled text editor that fills the gap
between Apple's bare-bones SimpleText and a full-featured word
processor. It's fast, efficient, and has a clean, uncluttered interface.
It's also great for cleaning up text which is transmitted over the

Tex-Edit Plus features: PowerPC native (fat), extensive munging
abilities, unlimited file size, Drag&Drop support, AppleScript support,
Word Services support, Speech Manager support, picture handling, sound
handling, movie handling, ability to create SimpleText Read-Only
documents, and much more. System 7.0 or better required.

NEW -- Tex-Edit Plus 3.0 includes full support for viewing and
manipulating QuickDraw 3D models (images). This includes drag, drop,
insert, cut, copy, paste, print, etc.

Changes to the contents of the "Scripts" folder are now instantly
reflected in the Scripts menu (no relaunch needed). A new "do script"
command can be used to execute compiled scripts or to compile and
execute any script source code text (sample script included). Frontier
"menu sharing" has been enabled. Support for an external "Speech
Dictionary" to improve word pronunciation has been added (small sample
included). Default text size can now be set to any reasonable value and
all preference settings are fully scriptable (read/write). See the
Revision History for a list of all the other improvements and fixes.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/tex-edit-plus-30-jp.hqx; 1259 K]


Date: 4 Apr 2000
From: (J.D. & N.J. de Boer)
Subject: [*] Twistory 2.1 - History Browser

Twistory 2.1

     "Twistory" is a history browser.  It displays the lifetimes and
travels of historical figures, and dates and locations of historical
events.  It is a tool for keeping track of when and where things happened,
and their relationships to each other.  It is meant to provide a way to
keep track of the multitude of different peoples, dynasties, empires and
developments throughout history.

     The names of hundreds of historical figures are familiar to most
people, but it's a challenge to remember when and where they all lived.
Many of them are frequently referred to or alluded to in literature or in
the media;  many of them made the world what it is today.  But without
opening an encyclopaedia, are you even sure what century they lived in?  I
wrote this programme as an aid to sorting them all out in one's head.  It
can show in an instant the time and region in which they lived.  It also
answers questions like, "Who else was living at that time, and what else
was happening in the world?"

     Twistory is a historical dictionary that you can use to create maps
and time-lines.  A resource of over 2900 people, events and places is
included.  The database has an open text format, so that more historical
information can be added by any user.  A complete description of the file
format is included.

     The two main windows are the time-line window, which shows lives and
events against a variable time scale, and the map window, which shows
people and events in their geographic locations during an interval of time.
There is also a genealogy window which shows the ancestors and descendants
of a selected person, and an info window that shows additional details
about a person or event.  Another window lists all milestones occurring on
a particular day of the year.  There is also a "Find" function.

     Version 2.1 has many enhancements over the previous version, and a few
bug fixes.  The database has also grown significantly.

     Twistory will run on any Mac with system 7 or later.  It needs at
least 3 Mb of free RAM to run comfortably.  With a large monitor or with
several windows open, 4 or 5 Mb is better.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/twistory-21.hqx; 1098 K]


Date: 5 Apr 2000
From: Ilja Alexander Iwas <>
Subject: [*] UnCoverIt 1.2

What is UnCoverIt?
UnCoverIt is a shareware application that automatically generates labels
for different kinds of storage medias. Unlike other label printing
applications you don't have to enter the name of the files on your disk
manually. UnCoverIt places icons and file names automatically at the right
place and the right size.

Version History:
- supports multi-session cd's (drag & drop or menu command)
- introduces ability to change font sizes used on cover
- fonts & sizes can be made default for new covers
- zip-cover has the right size now
- Cancel button in the progress dialog now works

-now runs on System 8.0 and above
-introduces ability to change fonts used on cover
-disks and folders can now be dropped on the UnCoverIt Icon

-Initial release

System Requirements:
UnCoverIt requires a PPC equipped Macintosh with at least:
-System 8.0 or later
-4 MB free RAM
-1 MB of disk space. 

[Archived as /info-mac/prn/un-cover-it-12.hqx; 678 K]


Date: 4 Apr 2000
From: Daniel Gagner <>
Subject: [*] URL Management

URL Management is an exciting new tool for everyone but designed especially
for teachers by a teacher.

URL Management was made for schools. Build a cataloged database of URL
addresses from the net and search for them by name, keyword, URL address,
date posted, record number, or categories that you define. Then click one
button and URL Management loads your browser of choice, and takes you there.

URL Management is perfect for teachers who want to define URL's for students
to search to do research. It also lets the teacher keep a running list of
all "good" net locations that students can use without having to type the
URL in over and over again into the browser.

URL Management is shareware. It runs on 040 and PPC or newer Macintosh
Computers. Contact information is enclosed. 

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/url-management.hqx; 2377 K]


Date: 4 Apr 2000
From: Alessandro Levi Montalcini <>
Subject: [*] USB Overdrive 1.3J - Japanese version of USB driver


The USB Overdrive is a universal USB driver that handles all USB
mice, trackballs, joysticks and gamepads from any manufacturer
and lets you configure them either globally or on an
application-specific basis. It reads all kinds of wheels,
buttons, switches and controls and supports scrolling, keyboard
emulation, launching and complex macros as well as all the usual
stuff like clicking, control-clicking and so forth. The USB
Overdrive can easily handle several USB devices at once- I have
two mice, one trackball, two joysticks and one gamepad connected
to the same iMac, and each of them comes from a different

Because each control in each device can be fully configured, the
USB Overdrive lets you use any joystick or gamepad with any
game, including the ones that don't support Apple's
InputSprockets. You can map your joystick movements and buttons
to the keyboard and mouse to make the game believe you're
playing on the keyboard, and you can do this mapping separately
for each game so that it's immediately available as soon as the
game is launched.

For games that already use InputSprockets, the USB Overdrive
quietly gives control to the device-specific configuration
panels provided by the manufacturer, or to the generic ones
provided by Apple with Mac OS 9 or the latest Game Sprockets.

The mouse settings allow you to speed up your daily tasks by
assigning useful actions to all the extra buttons and wheels in
your USB mouse. You'll typically want to assign a control-click
to the right button for easy contextual menu acces, and enable
document scrolling if your mouse has a scrolling wheel.

The Control Panel includes an active help feature that explains
each command and option as you move the cursor around.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/usb-overdrive-13-jp.hqx; 326 K]


Date: 1 Apr 2000
From: Andre Voget <>
Subject: [*] VSE Link Tester 1.0 - Finds broken links on your web site

VSE Link Tester 1.0 is a link validation tool that fixes broken
links and locates missing resources.

Webmasters know that one of the biggest problems
associated with maintaining your web site is keeping all
the hyperlinks updated and free of errors.

One usually first finds out about a broken link when a
visitor complains. For every person who complains, there
are a multitude of others who just give up on the site
out of frustration. The effectiveness of the web site is
impaired and becomes worse if these problems aren't fixed.

Bad links and malfunctioning site features cost page
impressions, customers and respect. VSE Link Tester helps
users to fix these errors before they harm their
online business.

System Requirements: System 7.5 or later, 4 MB of free RAM

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/vse-link-tester-10.hqx; 951 K]


Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 23:59:44 -0400
From: Ken Laskey <>
Subject: [Q] effective speed of G4 with Virtual PC

The Info-Mac mailings are still pretty sparse, so wherever this goes, 
please respond to me directly.

I'm thinking about getting a 500 Mhz G4 and wondered what the 
effective PC processor speed would be.  One consideration (more 
crucial to my son than me) is whether you can run action (as opposed 
to turn-based) games without it being choppy.  I can certainly buy an 
adequate PC system for half the G4 price, but I don't intend to spend 
that kind of money just to provide diversion from homework.

Your input will be much appreciated.


Ken Laskey


Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2000 13:58:34 +0200
From: Michael Silverstein <>
Subject: HP970 Does not print Yellow Highlight

According to the HP Read Me:

"Microsoft Word 6.0.1 and 98 - Using fill colors in table cells of 5 
or 10% will result in full black to be printed.  Please use 15% or 
darker gray fill colors."

This means that you cannot print anything with yellow highlighting.

Most other HP ink jets do print with yellow highlighting.

I find 'Yellow Highlighting to be an essential part of word 
processing; MS Word is THE word processing program for the Mac.

This makes the HP970 pretty useless.

If anyone knows of a work-around to this problem please let me know 
(i.e. how can I set the yellow to be 15%).


Michael Silverstein
Materials Engineering


Date: 4 Apr 2000 20:51:51 GMT
Subject: Importer&Exporter for Computer

Greeting from Thailand
     I'm a Importer&Exporter. I want to offer Computer hardware. And I interested in import hardware too. If you want to do business with me. Please contact me at Email: I'll then send full detial(Goods detail, Pricing) to you

Great Reagards


Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2000 17:11:14 EST
From: "Georgia Hanley" <>
Subject: Quicken Passwords

I have a Quicken v. 5 for Mac data file being used to manage the finances of 
a small family business.  The holder of the password has passed away without 
leaving a copy of the password with any other family member, and the data in 
the file is needed urgently to enable the sale of the business.  Is there 
any way, short of paying Intuit (who no longer support Quicken for Macintosh 
in Australia), to gain access to the file?

Get Your Private, Free Email at


Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2000 12:55:17 +0000
From: Michael Bastraw <>
Subject: Trouble with Touchbase Pro Printing

To Whom:

A client received an Imac DVD SE in December running OS9 and connected
to an Epson Color Stylus 740. She installed Touchbase Pro 4.0. The app
appears to operate properly except in any print mode, other than
"Envelope", the print comes out tiny--approx. 30% of normal, centered at
the top margin.

1. In Print Preview the pages appear as they should be rendered.
2. The problem persists after I reinstalled TB4. 
3. When I instructed the driver to enlarge to 300%, it did in fact
render closer to the desired size but, in the case of Labels, positioned
just three entrys (at top margin, centered) as though there was no more
room on the page.

Due to the age of TB4 (last version was 4.2 before becoming Unsupported
in the mid-90s) I suspect that it might have something to do with the
fact that it was never made OS8-, let alone OS9-compatible. Or perhaps
the culprit is somewhere between the old database, OS9, the G3
architecture, and/or the Epson driver.

Why doesn't she just port her files to a newer app? She prefers not to
learn a new DB app--even though that will be the ultimate fallback

Anyone who might have useful information on this problem or needs
additional detail, please forward it to my email:

Thanx for the anticipated cooperation.

Michael Bastraw
Mac'N Mike.



End of Info-Mac Digest