Subject: Info-Mac Digest V18 #41 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Tue, 13 Mar 01 Volume 18 : Issue 41 Today's Topics: [*] [*] DiskSurveyor 2.0 - graphically view your disk [*] Align Utilities 9 [*] Apple DVD Accelerator 1.2 [*] Country House 1.0. An illustrated IF story 128k. [*] Discus [*] GLMStat 5.3.3;Generalized linear models [*] GraphicConverter 4.0.4 -SE [*] GraphicConverter 4.0.4 -SE [*] HipHop 1.0 [*] HTML-Optimizer 4.1.1 [*] HyperCard of 2.5 v2.5.1 [*] Kelly's Player 1.0 [*] Kids GoGoGo [*] Mac Uptime PPC 1.0 [*] MI Convert 2.7 68k English [*] MI Convert 2.7 PPC English [*] Musical Space Invaders 2.0 [*] PlayerPRO 5.8 Freeware [*] ScriptExtractor [*] Submission - flow-12.hqx [*] TidBITS#571/12-Mar-01 [*] Vier gewinnt [*] Y! Groups Extractor [Cbn]1.2.5: Yahoo! Groups binary downloader [*] Y! Groups Extractor [PPC]1.2.5: Yahoo! Groups binary downloader The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. Working with the Info-Mac Digest: * To submit articles to the digest, email <>. * To subscribe, send email to <> with the words subscribe info-mac in the message. <> * To unsubscribe, send email to <> with the words unsubscribe info-mac in the message. <> * To change your address, unsubscribe from the old address, then subscribe from the new address. * Please send administrative queries to <>. Downloading and Submitting Files from the Info-Mac Archive: * A full list of Info-Mac mirror sites is available at: <> * Search the archive via the MIT HyperArchive at: <>. * To submit files for the archive, email the binhexed file with a description to <>. Submissions must be made by the author or with permission of the author. It may take up to a week to process; check mirror sites for the status of new uploads. * To submit files larger than 2 MB, email a description to <> and then use an FTP client to upload the binhexed file to, using the userid "macgifts" and the password "macgifts". Or, click <>. Info-Mac volunteers include Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Hugh Lewis, Tom Coradeschi, Shawn Bunn, Christopher Li, Patrik Montgomery, Ed Chambers, and Chris Pepper. America Online <> donated the main Info-Mac machine <>. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V18 #41" ------------------------------ Date: 13 Mar 2001 From: Tom Luhrs <> To: Subject: [*] [*] DiskSurveyor 2.0 - graphically view your disk This much improved version of DiskSurveyor has many new features and enhancements -- more information displayed, a new Filtering mode, faster disk scanning and improved memory management to name a few. DiskSurveyor is a utility designed to provide relief to frustrated computer users with cluttered hard drives. It doesn't promise to make your hard drive any bigger, but it does show you, *GRAPHICALLY*, what's using up all that space. Click on a folder and zoom in for a closer look. Or zoom back out. Shift-click on a folder, and it brings up the ACTUAL folder so you and can drag the "offending" files to the Trash or your backup volume. Create DiskSummary files that list all the files found on CDROMs or any other volume. No longer will you have to waste valuable time navigating through folder after folder trying to figure out which files need to be archived or trashed to free up precious disk space. System Requirements: System 7 or greater and at least 256 colors (or shades of gray) are recommended. PPC processor -- (68K version available at <>) Shareware: $15 (US) DiskSurveyor. A different way to look at your hard drive and CDROMs. Tom Luhrs TwiLight Software [Archived as /info-mac/disk/disk-surveyor-20.hqx; 397 K] ------------------------------ Date: 13 Mar 2001 From: Luther Fuller <> To: Subject: [*] Align Utilities 9 Align Utilities version 9.0.1 is a set of two AppleScript Drag & Drop applications, Window Align and Icon Align, that are useful in improving the appearance of disk and folder windows in Mac OS 9. An Option key feature allows recursive operation. A Shift key feature has been added in this version. Compatible with Mac OS 9.1 and previous systems systems back to 8.5. Window Align - Aligns Finder windows so that the title bar appears below the parent's title bar. Icon Align - Aligns Finder window icons in a grid and sets list views. [Archived as /info-mac/gui/align-utilities-9.hqx; 36 K] ------------------------------ Date: 13 Mar 2001 From: Casey E <> To: Subject: [*] Apple DVD Accelerator 1.2 Here is a program which accelerates the DVD Player by quitting Finder and prompting you if File Sharing is on. It make the Video/Audio Sync MUCH better. thanks, Casey Eyring [Archived as /info-mac/gst/apple-dvd-accelerator-12.hqx; 36 K] ------------------------------ Date: 13 Mar 2001 From: Eva Vikstr�m <> To: Subject: [*] Country House 1.0. An illustrated IF story 128k. COUNTRY HOUSE is illustrated, interactive fiction. The environment and characters are - on the whole - historically credible. They didn't exist in eighteenth century Sweden, but they could have done so. You move and get informations the usual interactive way, that is by typing commands and clicking objects. You are not to collect swords to kill monsters or to search keys to unlock doors. There will be a few ghosts and some supernatural events here. But you won't risk your life, neither by hunger nor thirst. A fall through a window won't hurt you much. You can study a map whenever you like, but it will reveal no secrets. Your task is to gather information, to do historical research. COUNTRY HOUSE 1.0 is developed in StoryMaker 1.0 by James Burton. The game is distributed as freeware. It's my first attempt in this genre. People who try it and decide to keep it are requested to send comments. Eva Vikstrom Stockholm, March 2001 e-mail: [Archived as /info-mac/game/country-house.hqx; 183 K] ------------------------------ Date: 13 Mar 2001 From: Edward de Jong <> To: Subject: [*] Discus Discus 2.28 demo is a demonstration vesion of Discus, which is a CD labeling program. It makes CD/DVD labels, mini-disk labels, business-card CD labels, jewel case inserts and backs, and folding booklets. Discus supports 50 brands of papers - no need to buy a specific brand. The demo version has only 1% of the artwork in the full product, but has all the features. Discus can switch into 9 languages on the fly, requires no installation, and is lightning fast. [Archived as /info-mac/gst/discus.hqx; 1961 K] ------------------------------ Date: 13 Mar 2001 From: Ken Beath <> To: Subject: [*] GLMStat 5.3.3;Generalized linear models GLMStat is a Macintosh-based statistical program for analysing generalised linear models. It provides a macintosh interface and includes many of the features of other programs. Features of GLMStat are - spreadsheet style data entry - factors may be represented as either integers or strings (categories) - Normal, Poisson, Binomial and Gamma models with appropriate links and specification of convergence and aliasing parameters - Scatter and Residual plots - Matrix scatterplots - Box and Whisker plots - Frequency distribution histograms - Descriptive statistics. - Output of deviance, parameter estimates, residuals and parameter correlations - Saving of data files complete with all model specifications. - printing of data, graph and results. - Missing values - Online Help (under the apple menu) and a brief User Manual. - includes example data files for most examples in two of the texts. - Individual licences available for $US25. 10 User Site Licences $US100. Site licences $US200. World site licence $US500. Payment in $US through Kagi Shareware. - Registration includes free upgrades to version 6.x Unregistered copies are fully functional except that Save and Save As are disabled and there is a usage period of 3 months. Version 5.3.3 - fixed bug which caused incorrect list of categories to be displayed in the new or modify subset dialog if a string column was in the dataset This is a free upgrade to all GLMStat registrations. Current versions of GLMStat are always available at [Archived as /info-mac/sci/glmstat-533.hqx; 1004 K] ------------------------------ Date: 13 Mar 2001 From: Mats-Ola Jonsson <> To: Subject: [*] GraphicConverter 4.0.4 -SE Pressmeddelande. Ramona Shareware sl�pper nu en uppdatering av GraphicConverter till version 4.0.4 -SE PPC och 68k. GraphicConverter �r det program som kan �ppna, importera och exportera de flesta p� marknaden f�rekommande bildformaten och dessutom utf�ra ett stort antal bildoperationer. Med andra ord n�stan oumb�rligt. F�rb�ttringarna och nyheterna i version 4.0.4 �r m�nga: * Konvertering fr�n CMYK till RGB starkt f�rb�ttrad vid import av TIFF, JPEG och Photoshopbilder * Import av ColorSync-profil fr�n JPEG- och Photoshop-filer m�jlig * Nu finns m�jlighet till sammanslagning i IPTC-�ndring i mapp�versikten * Utskrift p� flera sidor st�ds nu * St�d f�r autoniv�er i AppleScript * Smart besk�ring vid utskrift m�jlig * Importen av VOXEL f�rb�ttrad * St�det f�r insticksprogram f�r Photoshop f�rb�ttrat * Mappen f�r insticksprogram kan nu inneh�lla en niva av underkataloger * Ny funktion: "�verliggande rutn�t" * Inst�llningar f�r utskrift kommer att visas in en ny dialogruta p� sm� sk�rmar. * Skapandet av FireViewer PDB f�rb�ttrat (kryssa i inst�llningen "Spara som") * M�jlighet att skriva ut utan datumm�rkning finns nu * Mellanslagstangenten kan nu anv�ndas f�r "panning" * Importen av DICOM f�rb�ttrad * St�d f�r variant av ico f�rb�ttrat * Importen av PLT f�rb�ttrad * Minneskraven vid utskrifter minskat * Risk f�r felmeddelande "PrvLock" avhj�lpt * Kortkommando f�r Avmarkera allt finns nu * Importbugg f�r PICT fixad * Importbugg f�r WMF fixad * Vid kopiering anv�nds nu den genomskinliga f�rgen * Import och export av IFF f�rb�ttrad * Kraschrisk vid PSD-import avhj�lpt * Om du sparar om utan symbol kommer flaggan f�r anpassad symbol att f�rsvinna * Kraschrisk vid invertering av markering fixad * Vid skapande av katalog kan nu filsuffixen r�ttas till * Bugg i �ngrande av gamma�ndring fixad * Bugg i zooma in/ut fixad * Bugg i invertering av IMG fixad * Bugg i �ngrande av �ndringar i alfakanalen fixad * Bugg i storleksinst�llningen via AppleScript fixad * Bugg vid sparande av GIF-animationer med anpassade f�rgpaletter fixad * Bugg i exporten av TealPaint fixad * Bugg vid sparande av PNG-filer p� 68k-maskiner fixad * Bugg i besk�r del fixad ********** ABSTRACT CROPPED ********** [Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/graphic-converter-404-se.hqx; 3536 K] ------------------------------ Date: 13 Mar 2001 From: Mats-Ola Jonsson <> To: Subject: [*] GraphicConverter 4.0.4 -SE Pressmeddelande. Ramona Shareware sl�pper nu en uppdatering av GraphicConverter till version 4.0.4 -SE PPC och 68k. GraphicConverter �r det program som kan �ppna, importera och exportera de flesta p� marknaden f�rekommande bildformaten och dessutom utf�ra ett stort antal bildoperationer. Med andra ord n�stan oumb�rligt. F�rb�ttringarna och nyheterna i version 4.0.4 �r m�nga: * Konvertering fr�n CMYK till RGB starkt f�rb�ttrad vid import av TIFF, JPEG och Photoshopbilder * Import av ColorSync-profil fr�n JPEG- och Photoshop-filer m�jlig * Nu finns m�jlighet till sammanslagning i IPTC-�ndring i mapp�versikten * Utskrift p� flera sidor st�ds nu * St�d f�r autoniv�er i AppleScript * Smart besk�ring vid utskrift m�jlig * Importen av VOXEL f�rb�ttrad * St�det f�r insticksprogram f�r Photoshop f�rb�ttrat * Mappen f�r insticksprogram kan nu inneh�lla en niva av underkataloger * Ny funktion: "�verliggande rutn�t" * Inst�llningar f�r utskrift kommer att visas in en ny dialogruta p� sm� sk�rmar. * Skapandet av FireViewer PDB f�rb�ttrat (kryssa i inst�llningen "Spara som") * M�jlighet att skriva ut utan datumm�rkning finns nu * Mellanslagstangenten kan nu anv�ndas f�r "panning" * Importen av DICOM f�rb�ttrad * St�d f�r variant av ico f�rb�ttrat * Importen av PLT f�rb�ttrad * Minneskraven vid utskrifter minskat * Risk f�r felmeddelande "PrvLock" avhj�lpt * Kortkommando f�r Avmarkera allt finns nu * Importbugg f�r PICT fixad * Importbugg f�r WMF fixad * Vid kopiering anv�nds nu den genomskinliga f�rgen * Import och export av IFF f�rb�ttrad * Kraschrisk vid PSD-import avhj�lpt * Om du sparar om utan symbol kommer flaggan f�r anpassad symbol att f�rsvinna * Kraschrisk vid invertering av markering fixad * Vid skapande av katalog kan nu filsuffixen r�ttas till * Bugg i �ngrande av gamma�ndring fixad * Bugg i zooma in/ut fixad * Bugg i invertering av IMG fixad * Bugg i �ngrande av �ndringar i alfakanalen fixad * Bugg i storleksinst�llningen via AppleScript fixad * Bugg vid sparande av GIF-animationer med anpassade f�rgpaletter fixad * Bugg i exporten av TealPaint fixad * Bugg vid sparande av PNG-filer p� 68k-maskiner fixad * Bugg i besk�r del fixad ********** ABSTRACT CROPPED ********** [Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/graphic-converter-404-se-68k.hqx; 2783 K] ------------------------------ Date: 13 Mar 2001 From: Tim* <> To: Subject: [*] HipHop 1.0 homepage: email: Description: HipHop is a simple board game. System requirements: OS 8.1 PPC May be inclued in CD ROMS. Location proposal: Game/Board [Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/hip-hop.hqx; 1593 K] ------------------------------ Date: 13 Mar 2001 From: Ton Brand <> To: Subject: [*] HTML-Optimizer 4.1.1 HTML-Optimizer 4.1.1 What it is: Tool to check and optimize your web pages incl. images. Author: Ton Brand Company: Ton's Software License: Shareware US$10 Computer: PowerPC or iMac Mac OS: 7.5.3 or later Abstract: HTML-Optimizer is the ideal tool for managing your web site. It checks your web pages for broken links and dangling tags and optimizes both text and graphic files. The program offers 5 functions plus a number of useful options that make working with HTML-Optimizer very easy. Especially the new 'duplimize' feature comes in handy for uploading an optimized web folder. The program has a built-in Manual and Balloon Help is supported too. The five basic functions of HTML-Optimizer are: 1. Optimizing HTML code by removing unnecessary characters and tags, which results in faster loading of your pages in your client's browser. Embedded script code, e.g. JavaScript, is not ruined. Graphic file resources, which are of no use on the web, are removed, saving 10 to 80 % of space. 2. Checking the so called tagged pairs, i.e. the tags that always have to appear together with their end tags. Further, IMG tags are checked for Width, Height and Alt attributes. Missing attributes are added with values which are automatically detected. 3. Checking the validity of the internal hyperlinks, 8 levels deep. 4. Marking dangling tags and missing attributes to find and fix them quickly. 5. Converting special characters to the &....; notation. Version 4.1.1 has a customizable label menu, a new About-window and some minor bug fixes. [Archived as /info-mac/text/html/html-optimizer-411.hqx; 1201 K] ------------------------------ Date: 13 Mar 2001 From: "Jon Bettencourt" <> To: Subject: [*] HyperCard of 2.5 v2.5.1 Clear Day It's finally here! Version 2.5.1 of the HyperTalk that HyperCard forgot! HyperCard of 2.5 is a useful stack for HyperCard and Kelly's Player users. It has more resources for stacks to use, and allows "Shared Library" type stacks without having to modify your home stack. Version 2.5.1 includes HigherMath 3.0 and HyperCard Preferences. Recent additions in version 2.5.1 include new interface, adjustable features, external help file, bug fixes, and Home script modification detection. [Archived as /info-mac/dev/card/hc-of-251.hqx; 161 K] ------------------------------ Date: 13 Mar 2001 From: "Jon Bettencourt" <> To: Subject: [*] Kelly's Player 1.0 Clear Day Kelly's Player is a self-contained HyperCard stack player with built-in support for Audio Help, Color Tools, HyperCard of 2.5, HyperCard Help, and other HyperCard stacks from Apple Computer and Kelly's Software. If you don't have HyperCard or HyperCard Player, you must get this to use the software items listed with stack icons. If you have the HyperCard Player, download this anyway (it's better). [Archived as /info-mac/app/kellys-player.hqx; 1438 K] ------------------------------ Date: 13 Mar 2001 From: "MAKI Enterprise Inc." <> To: Subject: [*] Kids GoGoGo Kids GoGoGo is web filtering software for MacOS. Features of Kids GoGoGo: *filters known adult sites. *filters unknown adult sites by analogy. *Prohibitory URL database of 500000 sites is included. *Different from other web filter, Kids GoGoGo does not slow down your web browser or network traffic. *Administrator can add prohibitory URL to database. *Database is easily updated. *Any Swap URL for prohibited site is available. *Parents or administrator can set password for the functioning of Kids GoGoGo. *Site log of web browser can be recorded. *Memory requirement is only 1MB. KidsGoGoGo works even on old Macintosh models. *works on any kind of internet connectivity: modem, Ethernet, TA/router, cable, DSL, proxy etc. *works on any web browser. *Installation, setting and administration are very simple. *blocks some kind of web search result. System requirements: MacOS 8.6 or later, 1MB or more memory, Internet connectivity PowerPC Macintosh 7000 or later Browser: Netscape Communicator/Navigator 4.0 or later Internet Explorer 4.0 or later iCab 2.0 or later [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/kids-gogogo.hqx; 849 K] ------------------------------ Date: 13 Mar 2001 From: Heiko Kretschmer <> To: Subject: [*] Mac Uptime PPC 1.0 System Requirements: MacOS 8.6 or higher (includes X), CarbonLib 1.2 and, of course, a PPC. Description: A utility which displays the current uptime of a Macintosh. Similar to Unix-uptime. Many configurable options. Distribution: Feel free to give it to everyone you want. It's free. See the "Read me" file for web and email-address of the author. [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/mac-uptime-10-ppc.hqx; 94 K] ------------------------------ Date: 13 Mar 2001 From: econsoftware <> To: Subject: [*] MI Convert 2.7 68k English MI Convert is a metric imperial calculator and converter for measurements of distance, length, square, weight, capacity, velocity, temperature, circumference. This is the only conversion program I know of that will give your imperial conversions in written format for distance, length, circumference to one sixteenth of an inch and to one dram in the weight conversions. Runs as full 30 day tryout, after this time registering the program will enable it again. -Changes Added fluid measurements and dry US gallons to the capacity window. Added nautical measurements to the distance and length window. The program now auto converts as the values are entered. -This program single user licence is $19 US. -Requirements: Mac running OS7.6.1 or above. This version will not run on OSX. -Compressed BinHex size: -940k -This program can be used on CD distribution. -Web: -Enquires and questions should be directed to: [Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/mi-convert-27-68k.hqx; 937 K] ------------------------------ Date: 13 Mar 2001 From: econsoftware <> To: Subject: [*] MI Convert 2.7 PPC English MI Convert is a metric imperial calculator and converter for measurements of distance, length, square, weight, capacity, velocity, temperature, circumference. This is the only conversion program I know of that will give your imperial conversions in written format for distance, length, circumference to one sixteenth of an inch and to one dram in the weight conversions. Runs as full 30 day tryout, after this time registering the program will enable it again. -Changes Added fluid measurements and dry US gallons to the capacity window. Added nautical measurements to the distance and length window. The program now auto converts as the values are entered. -This program single user licence is $19 US. -Requirements: Power Mac running OS7.6.1 or above. This version will not run on OSX. -Compressed BinHex size: -1020k -This program can be used on CD distribution. -Web: -Enquires and questions should be directed to: [Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/mi-convert-27-ppc.hqx; 1020 K] ------------------------------ Date: 13 Mar 2001 From: DavidBagno <> To: Subject: [*] Musical Space Invaders 2.0 Highlights � Fast Fun High Action Styled Musical Arcade Game � Exploit the Power of the new iBooks, iMacs and G41s � Supports New High Speed USB Midi Devices � Learn To Read Music While Having Fun � Rapidly Improves Your Sight Reading � Accommodates All Ages And Levels � Create Unlimited Reusable Customized Lessons � Improves Eye Hand Coordination � Great Flexibility, Works With Midi Keyboard or Mouse � Big 800 * 600 Pixel Screen Size For Easy Reading By All � Completely Customizable makes the program work for you � Handy Grade Database To Track Student Progress Requirements � System 7.0 or Greater � Minimum 800 * 600 Color Screen � Suggested 6 megabytes of Memory for Application � Apple1s QuickTime 4.0 or Greater with the QuickTime Musical Instrument Extension � Optional Keyboard needs Apple1s Midi Manager or Opcode1s OMS What1s New Musical Space Invaders 2.0 for the Macintosh comes a long way since it was first introduced it back in 1993. If you are serious about music and music teaching, Musical Space Invaders is a must have. It is even worth getting one of those new Macs if you don1t have one already! Just imagine showing up to a music lesson with a new iBook and a copy of Musical space Invaders on it. Version 2.0 has a generous 800*600 screen size with giant full size notes. The full screen size makes reading music easy on the eyes and leaves plenty of room to fit a fully functioning graphic piano. This will enable you to use Musical Space Invaders without a midi keyboard. Complete "QuickTime Musical Instrument" support, will allow you to make music on your Mac without a Midi Synthesizer. [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/musical-space-invaders-20.hqx; 1594 K] ------------------------------ Date: 13 Mar 2001 From: ROSSET Antoine <> To: Subject: [*] PlayerPRO 5.8 Freeware PlayerPRO is a complete music editing program (SoundTracker). You can use it with any Mac without any additional hardware. PlayerPRO can load and play the following music (and sound) formats: MOD, S3M, MIDI, MTM, MADH, MADG, MADI, MADK, OKTA, MINS, XI, PP, Clip File, MED, 669, IT, ULT, XM System 7 sound, WAV, AIFF, AIFC, SoundDesignerII, MPEG, MP3, MuLaw, ALaw, AVI, DVC, Quicktime Movies, MAC3, MAC6, IMA4, MPEG layer I, II and III (requires QT 4.0), PAT (GUS), QDesign, RAW Data. NEW FEATURES IN VERSION 5.8 (differences from 5.7): *New enveloppes function (linear interpolation) *Volumes are now computed on 16bits, much better sound quality *Bugs corrections in registration system *Faster Oscilloscope for all systems (including with VM ON and in MacOS X) *MADK File Icon corrected *Many small GUI improvements *Support ASIO drivers (ASIO is a trademark of Steinberg Soft- und Hardware GmbH) *Fully compatible with the Appearance Manager *All 680X0 codes (MDEF, CDEF, WDEF, ...) have been removed... Bye-bye 68k Macs... *Compiled with CodeWarrior 6, including new Carbon compatible headers [Archived as /info-mac/gst/player-pro-58.hqx; 3284 K] ------------------------------ Date: 13 Mar 2001 From: Paul Gronemeyer <> To: Subject: [*] ScriptExtractor ScriptExtractor expands the functionality of HyperCard vers 2.4 This is primary a tool for advanced HyperTalk programmers. The card window as a palette "Level" Simply switch to userlevel 5 and open msg window and the variable watcher "Open" Open a stack and extract scripts of stack, bgs, cards and buttons. "Menu" Install scripts in the target stack to install a menu "*" This will allow to export scripts from within the stack. Note, that this is different from the menuItem "Install Menu..." Btn scripts are not exported... (yes, its a little bit of chaos, up to now :-) "Help" Open help Menu "Special" "Info..." Get info about a stack "Compress Stack..." Delete unused lines in the script "Zapp commends..." Delete commends "Install Menu..." Install a menu to remote edit scripts. To use the menu, ScriptExtractor must be open. Choose menuItem "Remove me" otherwise. Functionkeys F1: Message Window F2: Variable Watcher F3: Message Watcher F4: Toggle palette F5: Change creator of text output Default is TBB6 : Tex-Edit Plus Arrowkeys: Switch the palette to the four corners of the screen [Archived as /info-mac/dev/card/script-extractor.hqx; 66 K] ------------------------------ Date: 13 Mar 2001 From: "Dr. Karlheinz Essl" <> To: Subject: [*] Submission - flow-12.hqx About fLOW is a DSP computer program running on Apple Macintosh G3 (or fast PPC) machines. Written in MSP, it generates an ever-changing and never repeating soundscape in real time that fills the space with flooding sounds that resemble - metaphorically - the timbres of water, fire, earth, and air. Originally, this soundscape formed the basis of the site-specific work-in-progress fLOW that was carried out in numerous steps and took place in various location with changing musicians from different fields like New Music, experimental jazz, free improvisation and New Electronic Music. For each performance, the soundscape was interpreted and commented by live-musicians. Each realisation was developed for the specific place, taking into account its individual socio-cultural context. Besides music and sound, such a realisation could also include light installations, film projections, performance aspects, elaborated time scores and computer-generated Playing Strategies, see: System requirements * Apple PowerPC G3 (or a PPC with at least 180 MHz) with at least 8 MB of free RAM * MacOS 7.5 or better Quick intro * Double-click the file fLOW_1.2-light to load the program. * The soundscape will start automatically. You can stop and restart it by clicking on the "start/stop" button. * The program will run entirely on its own. However, one can experiment with the sliders and buttons - and listen what's happening... Contact Dr. Karlheinz Essl An der Donau-Au 1 A-3400 Klosterneuburg Austria / Europe History ********** ABSTRACT CROPPED ********** [Archived as /info-mac/gst/flow-12.hqx; 2327 K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 21:00:00 -0800 From: TidBITS Editors <> To:,, Subject: [*] TidBITS#571/12-Mar-01 TidBITS#571/12-Mar-01 Adam writes more about document collaboration this week, with case studies and specific recommendations for your next collaboration task. Joe Clark also joins us again to discuss problems with Web accessibility for the disabled. In the news, we pass on a "upgrade" program for PowerBook 190s and 5300s, note the releases of the Handspring Visor Edge, Photoshop 6.0.1 and AirPort 1.3 (with PPPoE support!), look at Napster's reaction to the new injunction, and announce a new sponsor. Topics: MailBITS/12-Mar-01 Web Accessibility: Surfing the Web Blind Come Together: Document Collaboration, Part 2 <> <> [Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-571.etx; 33K] ------------------------------ Date: 13 Mar 2001 From: Paul Gronemeyer <> To: Subject: [*] Vier gewinnt This game needs HyperCard or the player Vers 2.4 prefered, it�s much faster with it. Objective This is a nice variant of "four in a row" The objective of the game is to get four pieces in a row. That can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal. Pieces are dropped on the board from the upper side and fall down. IRL I know this game as a blue plastic construction, where you drop in red and yellow pieces from the top. Menu Description Menu File: New game: Cancel the current game Open game... : Open saved game Save game... : Save game as a text file Menu Edit: Undo: Undo of all moves, but you will collect no scores, Redo not possible jet High Scores: The faster you win, the better. Sound: ON or OFF, Option-Select this menu, to set the sound level from zero to seven. Two-Player: Enable games with two players Black Background: Hides the Finder with a black frame Fill screen: Fills the screen with the board, random monochrom colors on larger screens Board... : Set the size manually. Smalest board is 96x72 pixel, largest 1280x960 pixel. Color images only for three standart sizes. Englisch or German: Choose language Apple-Speech: Try this with Speech Manager installed Invert: Inverts the board [Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/vier-gewinnt.hqx; 305 K] ------------------------------ Date: 13 Mar 2001 From: Kem Tekinay <> To: Subject: [*] Y! Groups Extractor [Cbn]1.2.5: Yahoo! Groups binary downloader Y! Groups Extractor 1.2.5 will automate downloading of binaries from the Yahoo! Groups service ( You can get your list of subscribed groups, choose the ones you want to download, set the starting message and number of downloads, and go. Y! Groups Extractor will cycle through those groups efficiently to figure out which messages have binaries attached and process the number you requested. Version 1.2 added support for proxy servers, more preferences, true sorting and post-processing of files based on Internet Config. Version 1.2.5 corrects a bug that would prevent certain attachment names from being decoded properly. It also handles additional information attached to group names by Yahoo! Y! Groups Extractor is PowerPC-only and requires MacOS X or MacOS 8.6 or later with CarbonLib 1.2 or later installed. A PowerPC version for MacOS 8.1 or later is also available, as is a Windows version. Y! Groups Extractor is made with REALbasic. Y! Groups Extractor is shareware. For more information, see our web site at <> or contact Kem Tekinay, the author, at <>. Distribution of unmodified versions of Y! Groups Extractor on commercially available CD's is permitted. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/y-groups-extractor-125-cbn.hqx; 1079 K] ------------------------------ Date: 13 Mar 2001 From: Kem Tekinay <> To: Subject: [*] Y! Groups Extractor [PPC]1.2.5: Yahoo! Groups binary downloader Y! Groups Extractor 1.2.5 will automate downloading of binaries from the Yahoo! Groups service ( You can get your list of subscribed groups, choose the ones you want to download, set the starting message and number of downloads, and go. Y! Groups Extractor will cycle through those groups efficiently to figure out which messages have binaries attached and process the number you requested. Version 1.2 added support for proxy servers, more preferences, true sorting and post-processing of files based on Internet Config. Version 1.2.5 corrects a bug that would prevent certain attachment names from being decoded properly. It also handles additional information attached to group names by Yahoo! Y! Groups Extractor is PowerPC-only and requires MacOS 8.1 or later. A Carbon version for OS X or MacOS 8.6 or later with CarbonLib 1.2 or later installed is also available, as is a Windows version. Y! Groups Extractor is made with REALbasic. Y! Groups Extractor is shareware. For more information, see our web site at <> or contact Kem Tekinay, the author, at <>. Distribution of unmodified versions of Y! Groups Extractor on commercially available CD's is permitted. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/y-groups-extractor-125-ppc.hqx; 845 K] -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************