Subject: Info-Mac Digest V18 #43
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Info-Mac Digest             Fri, 16 Mar 01       Volume 18 : Issue 43

Today's Topics:

      [*] aea 1.0
      [*] aea 1.0
      [*] LockOut 3.0.2J for Mac OS 8 & 9 - Japanese Version
      [*] LockOut 3.0.2J for Mac OS X - Japanese Version
      [*] Much To Do About Nothing 1.1
      [*] ust uploaded Harmony-Install.bin
      [A] Recommended OS for PB 165c
      [Q] OS X setup questions
      Imation SuperDrive and 9.1
      java_30 file
      OS9.1 + Word 4 = strangeness.
      remote access/epson printer conflict

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Date: 15 Mar 2001
Subject: [*] aea 1.0

Here is a summary of what the files are:

* What is Gaea?
Gaea is a screen-saver system for Mac OS (and Mac OS X) that can be extended
with numerous fader modules each with its own visual effect. It is designed
to be the most stable and most feature-packed screen-saver system for

* What are Gaea's features?
- It patches no system trap. So it's stabler and uses less system resources
than many other screen-savers.
- Its user-activity-measuring mechanism is based on a background-only
application that can launch automatically at startup time. So in contrast to
other application-based screen-savers there is no need to keep the main
application always running and:
    1. You can enjoy Gaea's hot-key feature even when the main application
       is not running.
    2. There is no annoying extra icon always present in your applications
    3. You can freely move fonts out of your Fonts folder when using it.
- It has a robust password protection mechanism.
- It can fade all of your screens (you can even set it to fade specific
- You can set it not to fade when using some specific application or when
- You can control many of its other behaviours (fading out, wake-up method,
- It uses Appearance Manager and Navigation Services.
- It is Carbonized and Aqua-savvy. So you can use it on Mac OS X as well as
on Mac OS.

* What are Gaea's system requirements?
A PowerPC-based Macintosh, Mac OS 8.5.1 or later, and CarbonLib 1.0.4 or
If you are using Mac OS 9 or later, CarbonLib is already installed on your
Else you can download it from Apple's site (links are included in Gaea 1.0
folder) and put it into your Extensions folder. For Mac OS 8.5.1 you should
use CarbonLib 1.0.4. For newer systems you can also use version1.2.

* How much does Gaea cost?
Gaea 1.0 is one-week shareware and costs US$10 for single users. That means
you can freely use it for a period of one week. After that if you want to
keep using it you should pay US$10 for a single copy. By paying this money,
you become a registered user and receive a password that disables the
shareware notice you see whenever Gaea is activated.
If you register before end of March 2001, the next version of Gaea, which
will have lot of other nice modules will be free for you. There is also a
US$100 site license available.
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/gaea-ppc.hqx; 1050 K]


Date: 15 Mar 2001
Subject: [*] aea 1.0

Here is a summary of what the files are:

* What is Gaea?
Gaea is a screen-saver system for Mac OS (and Mac OS X) that can be extended
with numerous fader modules each with its own visual effect. It is designed
to be the most stable and most feature-packed screen-saver system for

* What are Gaea's features?
- It patches no system trap. So it's stabler and uses less system resources
than many other screen-savers.
- Its user-activity-measuring mechanism is based on a background-only
application that can launch automatically at startup time. So in contrast to
other application-based screen-savers there is no need to keep the main
application always running and:
    1. You can enjoy Gaea's hot-key feature even when the main application
       is not running.
    2. There is no annoying extra icon always present in your applications
    3. You can freely move fonts out of your Fonts folder when using it.
- It has a robust password protection mechanism.
- It can fade all of your screens (you can even set it to fade specific
- You can set it not to fade when using some specific application or when
- You can control many of its other behaviours (fading out, wake-up method,
- It uses Appearance Manager and Navigation Services.
- It is Carbonized and Aqua-savvy. So you can use it on Mac OS X as well as
on Mac OS.

* What are Gaea's system requirements?
A PowerPC-based Macintosh, Mac OS 8.5.1 or later, and CarbonLib 1.0.4 or
If you are using Mac OS 9 or later, CarbonLib is already installed on your
Else you can download it from Apple's site (links are included in Gaea 1.0
folder) and put it into your Extensions folder. For Mac OS 8.5.1 you should
use CarbonLib 1.0.4. For newer systems you can also use version1.2.

* How much does Gaea cost?
Gaea 1.0 is one-week shareware and costs US$10 for single users. That means
you can freely use it for a period of one week. After that if you want to
keep using it you should pay US$10 for a single copy. By paying this money,
you become a registered user and receive a password that disables the
shareware notice you see whenever Gaea is activated.
If you register before end of March 2001, the next version of Gaea, which
will have lot of other nice modules will be free for you. There is also a
US$100 site license available.
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/gaea-cb.hqx; 1010 K]


Date: 15 Mar 2001
Subject: [*] LockOut 3.0.2J for Mac OS 8 & 9 - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the LockOut package. This is the Mac OS 8 &9
version of TIM.  A Mac OS X version is also available.

Rated 4 stars at ZDNet!
Rated 4 cows at Tucows!
Rated 5 Dudes (highest rating) by FileDudes!

LockOut is a simple application to help keep people from using your Mac
while you�re away. LockOut helps keep your Mac safe from co-workers 
while at the office, and from your kids while at home.

Once LockOut is activated, all anyone will see on your Mac is the LockOut
security screen:

*A valid password must first be entered to access your Mac 
*Messages can be left by others 
*Create your own custom voice warning 
*Easily activated with a customizable hot key 
*Activate automatically after a pause time 
*Monitor security warnings from anywhere in the world via e-mail.
*And more... 

New for LockOut 3.0.2:
*In the Settings, under the "Applications to Ignore" tab, you can now
select control panels and background applications as well as normal Mac

New for LockOut 3.0.1:
*Minor bug fixes

New for LockOut 3.0:

*LockOut for Mac OS X
*Larger Settings window
*Select a picture for the background when LockOut is active
*Additional email notify settings
*Register and Unregister menu commands.
*Numerous bug fixes
*And More...

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/lockout-classic-302-jp.hqx; 503 K]


Date: 15 Mar 2001
Subject: [*] LockOut 3.0.2J for Mac OS X - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the LockOut package. This is the Mac OS X
version of TIM.  A Mac OS 8 &9 version is also available.

Rated 4 stars at ZDNet!
Rated 4 cows at Tucows!
Rated 5 Dudes (highest rating) by FileDudes!

LockOut is a simple application to help keep people from using your Mac
while you�re away. LockOut helps keep your Mac safe from co-workers 
while at the office, and from your kids while at home.

Once LockOut is activated, all anyone will see on your Mac is the LockOut
security screen:

*A valid password must first be entered to access your Mac 
*Messages can be left by others 
*Create your own custom voice warning 
*Easily activated with a customizable hot key 
*Activate automatically after a pause time 
*Monitor security warnings from anywhere in the world via e-mail.
*And more... 

New for LockOut 3.0.2:
*In the Settings, under the "Applications to Ignore" tab, you can now
select control panels and background applications as well as normal Mac

New for LockOut 3.0.1:
*Minor bug fixes

New for LockOut 3.0:

*LockOut for Mac OS X
*Larger Settings window
*Select a picture for the background when LockOut is active
*Additional email notify settings
*Register and Unregister menu commands.
*Numerous bug fixes
*And More...

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/lockout-osx-302-jp.hqx; 491 K]


Date: 15 Mar 2001
From: Gordon Worley <>
Subject: [*] Much To Do About Nothing 1.1

This is a simple to do program for the Mac.  It offers no frills, 
just lets you add items, edit items, and delete items when you finish 
them.  It was made using MacPython, and then turned into a regular 
Mac application.  It is licensed under the GNU GPL.

This version fixes the bug in the previous release that caused files 
to be corrupted.  Also, it fixes the bug that sometimes prevented 

Requires a PPC Mac.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/much-to-do-about-nothing-11.hqx; 1616 K]


Date: 15 Mar 2001
Subject: [*] ust uploaded Harmony-Install.bin

Author : Myriad
Homepage :
e-mail :
For : Mac OS 7.5 and more
Size : 5.50 Mb
Download URLs :

Multi-purpose music composing/editing software. 

Do not need any extra music device.
An easy-to-use editor enables you to place and move notes score, in page-
like mode.
Computes music chord grid and harmonizes automatically music patterns (
Manages drum pattern array to ease adding drums to your piece.
Processes all the break and effect symbols and uses them while playing the 
Includes a built-in softsynth & digital effect processor (Wah, Overdrive, 
You can record your own digital tracks and mix them with regular staves (
WAV import & export). 
Real-time MIDI input. Calculates tablatures for any fretted instrument (
Guitar, Bass, 
Banjo, Lute...), harmonica or accordion.
You can associate lyrics to a tune, and let the music play in Karaoke (
A jukebox is integrated (playlist). The downloadable archive includes 
Virtual Singer 
(shareware), which makes your computer sing !
Multi-lingual : English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Japanese. 
And much more...

D.& O. Guillion
22 rue Pierre d'Aragon
31200 Toulouse 

--------      WebSite    -----------
Download here the latest version of our shareware programs, or get info 
********** ABSTRACT CROPPED **********

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/harmony.hqx; 7919 K]


Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 03:13:02 -0500
From: Saint John <>
Subject: [A] Recommended OS for PB 165c

At 10:32 -0500 3/14/01, "Fanning, Alan W. (PS, NE)" <> wrote:
>I tried instlling OS 7.6 last night, but at restart I got an error message
>indicating there wasn't enough memory available, even with extensions off. I
>take that as a bad sign for using OS7.6.  Any suggestions as to what to try
>next and how to minimize the system folder? It's been a while since I had to
>worry about running such a trim ship.

   My Powerbook 180-- one of the trustiest pieces of equipment I've owned-- uses System 7.5.3 (System 7.0 Update 2.0). You can install 7.5 and get that update from Apple's website, if it isn't already installed.
   Its physical RAM is also 8 Mb, but I run RAM Doubler on it, giving it a virtual 16 Mb. Even with this, I'm hard-pressed to keep applications open. You really have to watch what you're doing! I would highly recommend RAM Doubler as a required part of such a system. Just watch that the version is proper for the OS (later versions may be 8.0 or later only), and use an older copy of Norton Utilities to keep a contiguous block of memory on your hard disk for the memory swap space.
   Even with all that, it's got some necessary extensions on it, such as Biggy and (surprise!) OneClick. So you don't have to pare things down totally. At the moment the machine has backlight problems, and I only use it for light word processing. Still, I think it's a good machine, and the 165c is at least as good. 

+- Saint John  <> <> -+
|  "The Quingawaga squeaks and moans                                 |
+-- While dining off of ankle bones." (E. Gorey) --------------------+


Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 10:41:26 -0800
From: Wagner Truppel <>
Subject: [Q] OS X setup questions

Hi folks,

in anticipation of the release of MacOS X 1.0, I have some questions 
regarding setup. I'm planning to create several partitions in my 20 
GB disk along the lines of:

(OS X + OS 9.1) everyday use
(OS X + OS 9.1) experimental
OS 9.1 current, with all the extensions etc that I use now
backup, for storage of compressed OS directories and documents
scratch, for temporary storage of large files, downloads, backups, and whatnot

My main question is, then, how big should each partition be? As I 
understand, *all* OS X and OS 9 applications are installed in the OS 
X volume, which would require the "(OS X + OS 9.1) everyday use" 
partition to be somewhat large. Is that understanding correct, or can 
I have my OS X and OS 9 applications stored in any other volume? If I 
can have applications stored in volumes other than the OS X volume, is

(OS X + OS 9.1) everyday use
(OS X + OS 9.1) experimental
OS 9.1 current
OS X applications
OS 9 applications

a more reasonable scheme instead?

More specifically, I had in mind the following allocation schemes:

(OS X + OS 9.1) everyday use:   3 GB
(OS X + OS 9.1) experimental:   1 GB
OS 9.1 current:                 1 GB
documents:                      2 GB
backup:                         3 GB
scratch:                       10 GB


(OS X + OS 9.1) everyday use:   1 GB
(OS X + OS 9.1) experimental:   1 GB
OS 9.1 current:                 1 GB
OS X applications:              1 GB
OS 9 applications:              1 GB
documents:                      2 GB
backup:                         3 GB
scratch:                       10 GB

I realize that these schemes are not multi-user friendly, but that 
isn't a concern for me since I'm the only user of my computer. My 
main concern is to find a partitioning scheme that will not require 
many changes in the near future (I don't have extra space to swap 
content every time I need to re-partition the drive).

Anyway, your thoughts or suggestions on this matter will be greatly 



Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 01:36:43 +0100
From: jan van schoot <>
Subject: Imation SuperDrive and 9.1

Since I have upgraded my iMac DV SE to 9.1 I can use my Imation
Superdrive only for Mac disks. I tried to run the installer CD, but I
get a message that the program cannot run on my computer. I also tried
to run the Mass Storage USB driver from Apple (inteded to support this
drive as well) but it gives me the same message. Any other installer
runs fine on my computer. Who can help me out?


Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 17:53:25 +0000
From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Tom=E1s_O_Murch=FA_____________________________<tpom?=.=?iso-8859-1?Q?>
To: macintosh org <>
Subject: java_30 file

I seem to have dumped java from my powermac 7200/75     Java_30 file   Any
ideas how or where I get it back?
Tom Murphy??


Date: Fri, 16 Mar 01 20:32:51 +1300
From: Don Mackie <>
To: <>
Subject: OS9.1 + Word 4 = strangeness.

Having installed OS9.1 my trusty old Word 4 has taken to behavi ng oddly. 
Mainly, the keyboard commands no longer work, I have to do everything by 
mouse. Anybody come across this or got any ideas - apart from upgrading 
to a newer version of Word that is....


Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 09:40:07 -0800
From: diana <>
Subject: remote access/epson printer conflict

i was greatly assisted by this group and several individuals in 
identifying system freezes that were occurring with my g4 running 
system 9.0.4. it would intermittently freeze attempting to start 
remote access. it turns out that it happened reliably always after 
having used my epson printer (1270). after getting additional info 
from the mac-fixit archives, i've now resolved it by using freePPP 
instead of remote access.

at the macexpo show, neither the epson techs, nor the apple solutions 
experts were aware of this or helpful in offering any solutions. the 
apple experts were adamant that remote access should be used instead 
of freePPP, "for the best stability."

i continue to check the epson web site for word of a fix (they keep 
saying it's apple who needs to fix remote access), without luck. if 
anyone is aware of any additional news on this i would be grateful.




End of Info-Mac Digest