
A three game set of horror adventures. Includes:

Severed Heads: The year is 2255. There has been a rash of murders at BioTech
Laboratories, a cryogenic research lab accused of illegally using a drug 
known as Halcodil. The victims, young women, were all found decapitated and
mutilated. As an undercover investigator, you must find the murderer and 
stop the use of the mind-altering drug. Text/Graphics Adventure

Inner Demons: Enter the mind of a madman as you try to deal will the
hallucinations that haunt you. You play a man who has just been released from
a mental institution, recovering from a breakdown that followed the death 
of your daughter in a car crash. Text Adventure with music.

Dark Obsession: In this game, you play an emotionally disturbed individual 
involved with a cheating wife, and a possible plot against your life. 
Somewhat overviolent, and inspired by reading too many EC horror comics.
Text Adventure with music.

All games recommended for mature players.

Severed Heads was published commercially by Sir-Rah software in 1991,
but are no longer in business (don't bother writing to them for a hint 
sheet). The other two games were also planned to be published by Sir-Rah, 
but they went out of business before doing so.

These files are amiga snapshots of the original games. They will run on
PC, Macs, etc., but require a working amiga emulator. Currently
two are available, UAE and Fellow, for a variety of operating
systems. The emulators and necessary files to run these games can be found
on the Internet at various sites, including Lazarus. If you can't find a
web site that has the emulators, try using a search engine which should
spot them for you.

The disk files for each game:

Severed Heads- Disk#1, Disk#2
Inner Demons- ID.adf
Dark Obsession- Dark.adf

Each disk file is bootable from within the amiga emulator. To
hear the music at an acceptable quality, you will probably need
a P-166 or faster CPU. If you have a slower machine, such as a 486,
you should simply turn the sound options off within the emulator setup.

These games are the complete versions and are freeware. They may be 
distributed for non-commercial purposes only.

(C) 1998 Michael Zerbo