<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[Silver Bear parked his truck with Veteran plates on the side of Highway 40 at the borders of the Windless Prairie.](stop:)](live: 1s)[
(transition: "slide-left")[Throwing open the door, he squeezed out from behind the wheel, standing upright on two stubby legs.](stop:)](live: 1s)[
(transition: "slide-right")[The March heat rolled over him like a blast from an open furnace.](stop:)](live: 1s)[
(transition: "slide-left")[His chest heaved with every growling (link: "(1.) breath.")[breath.(show: ?3)] He raised his black baseball cap off his furry brow. Stitched in golden yellow thread in block letters across the front of the cap was: War of Ten Dogs Veteran.](stop:)]|3)[
(track: 'AnimaliaTrack37', 'play')(transition: "slide-right")[Cars and semi-trailer trucks whipped past him, kicking up (link: "(2.) dust")[dust(set: $bonus1 to 1)(show: ?1)] from the busy highway.]
(transition: "slide-left")[A hot cloud of dirt stung his (link: "(3.) snout and almond-shaped eyes.")[snout and almond-shaped eyes.(if: $bonus1 is 1)[(show: ?2)](else:)[(show: ?4)(show: ?5)]]]]</span>|1)[
(transition: "slide-left")[The bitter taste of grit touched his rough tongue.]]</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[50/50]</span>]]]|4)[(replace: "50/50")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|2)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Quick Wit.(set: $quickwit to it +1)]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|2. What is Silver Bear?]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]|5)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|2. What is Silver Bear?]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(unless: (track: 'MuswayStudio-InspiringMood', 'isplaying'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'MuswayStudio-InspiringMood', 'play')]<span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">(set: $WhoisSilverBear to 1)(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[Gazing out on the vast shrub steppe of the Windless Prairie...](stop:)] |1)[(if: $SilverBearwar is "continued gazing.")[(go-to: "7. Where is the Windless Prairie?")](else:)[(transition: "slide-left")[ Silver Bear started thinking of his time in the Army, fighting in the <span class='glow6'>(link: "War of Ten Dogs.")[(set: _result to (random: 1, 6) + $brainpower)(if: _result >= 8)[(set: $WarofTenDogs to 1)(set: $power to it +2)(set: $secrets1 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(go-to: "5. What is the War of Ten Dogs?")](else:)[(set: $power to it -1)(go-to: "5a. What is the War of Ten Dogs?")]]</span>]]]</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
<span class='glow6'>Silver Bear:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearwar, "thought of the war (Lore).", "continued gazing.")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[(show: ?1)]</span>]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(if: $WhereistheWindlessPrairie is 0)[<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-13"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">(set: $WhereistheWindlessPrairie to 1)(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[Silver Bear wondered what happened to the wind?](stop:)](live: 1s)[
(transition: "slide-left")[Once upon a time, the wind had blown strong and free across the vast shrub steppes of the prairie.](stop:)](live: 1s)[
(transition: "slide-right")[The wind blew howling over and around the craggy buttes. Down into the deep canyons.](stop:)](live: 1s)[
(transition: "slide-left")[Through the ponderosas and copses of cottonwoods and desert juniper and the many towns, big and small, dotting the prairie and the northern lands of the (if: $WhatistheWorldTree is 0)[<span class='glow6'>(link: "World Tree.")[(set: $WorldTree to 1)(goto: "8. What is the World Tree?")]</span>](if: $WhatistheWorldTree is 1)[World Tree.]](stop:)]
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Diamond Glow")</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(live: 1s)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⚿ Arcana Updated:
The Windless Prairie.]]]](if: $WhatistheWorldTree is 1)[
<span class='glow2'>(color: #D4AF37)+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[[[✦ Continue|3. Why is Silver Bear at the Windless Prairie?]]]](stop:)]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")]\
(else:)[(go-to: "3. Why is Silver Bear at the Windless Prairie?")](if: $WhatistheWorldTree is 0)[<span id="content2"><span id="content2-14"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">(unless: (track: 'MuswayStudio-InspiringMood', 'isplaying'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'MuswayStudio-InspiringMood', 'play')](set: $WhatistheWorldTree to 1)(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[None knew exactly what the World Tree was. Only that it was what the (if: $WhatisWerekind is 0)[<span class='glow6'>(link: "Werekind")[(set: $Werekind to 1)(go-to: "10. What is Werekind?")]</span>](if: $WhatisWerekind is 1)[Werekind] called their world.](stop:)](live: 1s)[
(transition: "slide-left")[It was a magnificent realm, still full of splendor and beauty even after the great destruction inflicted on it by the war.](stop:)](live: 2s)[
(transition: "slide-up")[Comprised of: the (if: $WhereistheWindlessPrairie is 0)[<span class='glow6'>(link: "Windless Prairie")[(set: $WindlessPrairie to 1)(go-to: "7. Where is the Windless Prairie?")]</span>](if: $WhereistheWindlessPrairie is 1)[Windless Prairie] in the north; the great (if: $WhatistheCityofMythicus is 0)[<span class='glow6'>(link: "City of Mythicus")[(set: $CityofMythicus to 1)(go-to: "9. What is the City of Mythicus?")]</span>](if: $WhatistheCityofMythicus is 1)[City of Mythicus] at the heart; and the Red Sands desert and the border towns in the south, known as the southern region.](stop:)]</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore. (set: $power to it +1)]]]]
(live: 1s)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⚿ Arcana Updated:
The World Tree.]]]](if: $WhatistheCityofMythicus is 1)[(if: $WhereistheWindlessPrairie is 1)[(if: $WhatisWerekind is 1)[
<span class='glow2'>(color: #D4AF37)+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[[[✦ Continue|3. Why is Silver Bear at the Windless Prairie?]]]]]](stop:)]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>]
(else:)[(go-to: "3. Why is Silver Bear at the Windless Prairie?")]<span id="content2"><span id="content2-12"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[The War of Ten Dogs had lasted eight years until at last the tyrant, (link: "Jueyuan,")[(if: $power >= 12)[(set: $Jueyuan to 1)(set: $secrets1 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +2)(go-to: "6. Who is Jueyuan?")](else:)[(set: $power to it -1)(go-to: "6a. Who is Jueyuan?")]]] (transition: "slide-left")[and his ten mongrel Generals were defeated and driven from the (if: $WhatistheCityofMythicus is 0)[(link: "City of Mythicus.")[(set: $CityofMythicus to 1)(go-to: "9. What is the City of Mythicus?")]](if: $WhatistheCityofMythicus is 1)[City of Mythicus.]](stop:)]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>(if: $WarofTenDogspenalty is 1)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[-2 Brain Power.]]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+2 Lore.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.
⚿ Arcana Updated:
War of Ten Dogs.]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(unless: (track: 'MuswayStudio-InspiringMood', 'isplaying'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'MuswayStudio-InspiringMood', 'play')]<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>(set: $Jueyuan to 1)(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[Jueyuan was a Vampire who ruled the City of Mythicus with an iron fist for eight long, terrible years during the War of Ten Dogs. He'd led an army of Werekind commanded by ten mongrel Generals.](stop:)](live: 1s)[
(transition: "slide-left")[*Traitors*, Silver Bear thought.](stop:)](live: 1s)[
(transition: "slide-right")[He still, to this day, couldn't understand why they'd blindly followed Jueyuan.](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "slide-left")[It were as if the Vampire had cast some unholy spell over them, and together, they plunged the (if: $WhatistheWorldTree is 0)[<span class='glow6'>(link: "World Tree")[(set: $WorldTree to 1)(goto: "8. What is the World Tree?")]</span>](if: $WhatistheWorldTree is 1)[World Tree] into devastating war.](stop:)](live: 2s)[
(transition: "slide-right")[Silver Bear had lost good friends and comrades—friends and comrades like (link-goto: "Snapping Turtle","3. Why is Silver Bear at the Windless Prairie?")—and the thought of it angered and saddened him.](stop:)](live: 3s)[
(transition: "slide-left")[The war had ravaged the (if: $WhatistheCityofMythicus is 0)[(link: "City of Mythicus,")[(set: $CityofMythicus to 1)(go-to: "9. What is the City of Mythicus?")]](if: $WhatistheCityofMythicus is 1)[City of Mythicus,] claiming the lives of many (if: $WhatisWerekind is 0)[<span class='glow6'>(link: "Were-kin.")[(set: $Werekind to 1)(go-to: "10. What is Werekind?")]</span>](if: $WhatisWerekind is 1)[Were-kin.]](stop:)]</span>
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Diamond Glow")</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(live: 1s)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+2 Lore.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.
⚿ Arcana Updated:
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')(if: $WhatistheCityofMythicus is 0)[(set: $WhatistheCityofMythicus to 1)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-15"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[Silver Bear missed the gleaming skyscrapers, the bustle and excitement of Mythicus.]
(transition: "slide-left")[He missed the awe-inspiring sight of the Colossus—the Sentinel of the Werebeast Goddess, (if: $Garl is 1)[Garl](else:)[(link: "Garl")[(set: _result to (random: 1, 6) + $power)(if: _result >= 16)[(set: $power to it +2)(go-to: "9a. Garl the Werebeast Goddess")](else:)[(set: $power to it -1)(go-to: "9b. Garl the Werebeast Goddess")]]]—that had stood since time immemorial, awaiting her return.]
(transition: "slide-right")[He hoped to once again (link-show: "live",?1) in the city some day.](stop:)](live: 2s)[
(transition: "slide-left")[It was a great megalopolis at the heart of the World Tree. In fact, the only city in the (if: $WhatistheWorldTree is 0)[(link: "World Tree,")[(set: $WorldTree to 1)(goto: "8. What is the World Tree?")]](if: $WhatistheWorldTree is 1)[World Tree,] where the majority of (if: $WhatisWerekind is 0)[(link: "Werekind")[(set: $Werekind to 1)(go-to: "10. What is Werekind?")]](if: $WhatisWerekind is 1)[Werekind] lived within the borders of its many sprawling districts.](stop:)]|1)[
(transition: "slide-right")[Like so many others, Silver Bear had fled the massive city as the War of Ten Dogs reached the (link: "suburbs.")[(show: ?4)]]]|4)[(transition: "slide-up")[suburbs, and the army of Jueyuan and his ten mongrel generals were rampaging through the streets, killing all in their path.]]
</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[~ suburbs ~</span>]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>|4)[
(set: $suburbs to 1)(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Brain Power. (set: $brainpower to it +1)]]]
(live: 1s)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⚿ Arcana Updated:
City of Mythicus.]]]](stop:)](if: $WhatisWerekind is 1)[(if: $WhatistheWorldTree is 1)[
<span class='glow2'>(color: #D4AF37)+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[[[✦ Continue|3. Why is Silver Bear at the Windless Prairie?]]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(unless: (track: 'MuswayStudio-InspiringMood', 'isplaying'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'MuswayStudio-InspiringMood', 'play')]]\
(else:)[(go-to: "3. Why is Silver Bear at the Windless Prairie?")](if: $WhatisWerekind is 0)[(set: $Werekind to 1)(set: $WhatisWerekind to 1)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[The Werekind were a race of hybrid beasts and mythological creatures blended with physical characteristics of the Ancients.](stop:)](live: 2s)[
(transition: "slide-left")[But the Were-kin and the (link: "(1.) Ancients")[(if: $power >= 13)[(set: $Ancients to 1)(set: $magicpoints to it +1)(set: $magicpoints1 to it +1) (set: $secrets1 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +3)(set: $brainpower to it +2)(set: $health to it +2)(go-to: "11. What are the Ancients?")](else:)[(set: $power to it -1)(go-to: "11a. What are the Ancients?")]] were not magical.](stop:)](live: 2s)[
(transition: "slide-right")[Only the World Tree was magical.](stop:)](live: 3s)[
(transition: "slide-left")[However, some Were-kin of focused mind were able to (link: "(2.) harness the magic")[harness the magic(show: ?2)] from the land and use it.](stop:)]|2)[(transition: "slide-up")[
Though most learned to harness the magic through training; very rarely, some were born with an innate ability to tap into the magic.]]</span>
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[- 2 -</span>]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(set: $lorecost to (either: 1,2,3))(set: $power to it - $lorecost)(live: 1s)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "rumble")[This information cost -$lorecost Lore.]]]](stop:)]|2)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore Regained.(set: $power to it +1)]]]]]
(live: 2s)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⚿ Arcana Updated:
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(unless: (track: 'MuswayStudio-InspiringMood', 'isplaying'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'MuswayStudio-InspiringMood', 'play')]]\
(else:)[(go-to: "3. Why is Silver Bear at the Windless Prairie?")]<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[Silver Bear's thoughts drifted to the Ancients.](stop:)](live: 1s)[
(transition: "slide-left")[A mysterious race who'd lived in a time and place without magic and perished eons ago.](stop:)](live: 1s)[
(transition: "slide-right")[Nothing else was known of them except that it was believed the <span class='glow6'>(link: "Great Creator Spirit")[(set: $power to it -1)(go-to: "11b. The Great Creator Spirit")]</span> used their dreams and imagination to create the World Tree and all of Werekind.](stop:)](live: 2s)[
(transition: "slide-left")[Some Were-kin, like Jueyuan the Vampire, looked exactly like the Ancients, while most like the hybrid animals like Silver Bear and <span class='glow6'>(link-goto: "Snapping Turtle","3. Why is Silver Bear at the Windless Prairie?")</span> were only blended with] (transition: "slide-right")[certain physical traits and characteristics of the Ancients such as: hands, fingers, the ability to talk, and stand upright or on all fours.](stop:)]
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Diamond Glow")</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(live: 1s)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+2 Health.
+2 Brain Power.]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+3 Lore.]]]]
(live: 1s)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #367588)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "rumble")[+1 Magic Point.]]]](stop:)]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.
⚿ Arcana Updated:
The Ancients.]]]](stop:)]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'MuswayStudio-EpicEnergy', 'play')<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[The oppressive heat cooked Silver Bear. Growling, he glared up at the blazing sun.](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "slide-left")[His reflection watched him from the truck window—a Werebear with silvery](stop:)] (live: 2s)[(transition: "slide-right")[fur. Like all Were-kin he was a hybrid animal or mythological creature made flesh and blood by the Ancients.](stop:)]|1)[(if: $SilverBearreflection is "nothing.")[(show: ?2)](else:)[(show: ?3)(set: $power to it -1)
(transition: "slide-right")[Disappointed, the reflection shook its head and faded away.]]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span class='glow6'>Silver Bear said
to the reflection:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearreflection, "nothing.", '"What are you looking at?"')]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[(show: ?1)]</span>]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|2)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Continue|3. Why is Silver Bear at the Windless Prairie?]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]|3)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[-1 Lore.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Continue|3. Why is Silver Bear at the Windless Prairie?]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(set: $mission1 to 1)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[Silver Bear wondered why the spirit of Snapping Turtle had directed him to the (if: $WhereistheWindlessPrairie is 1)[Windless Prairie.](else:)[(link: "Windless Prairie.")[(set: $WindlessPrairie to 1)(set: $missionsupdated1 to 1)(go-to: "7. Where is the Windless Prairie?")]]](stop:)]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-left")[Snapping Turtle hadn't said why, or given Silver Bear any (link-reveal: "reason")[(if: $WhoisSilverBear is 0)[(show: ?1)] (else:)[(set: _result to (random: 1, 6) + $brainpower)(if: _result >= 9)[(set: $SnappingTurtle to 1)(set: $secrets1 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +1)(go-to: "12. Who is Snapping Turtle?")](else:)[(set: $power to it -1)(go-to: "12a. Who is Snapping Turtle?")]]] yet as to why he was there.](stop:)]|1)[
(transition: "pulse")[Thinking of Snapping Turtle reminded Silver Bear of their time serving together in the Army... And, Silver Bear wondered whether he should first explore those thoughts before finding out why (link: "Snapping Turtle")[(set: $missionsupdated1 to 1)(go-to: "4. Who is Silver Bear?")] brought him to the prairie?]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]](if: $missionsupdated1 is 0)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(live: 1s)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission One.]]]](stop:)]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(unless: (track: 'MuswayStudio-InspiringMood', 'isplaying'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'MuswayStudio-InspiringMood', 'play')]<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[Snapping Turtle and Silver Bear served in the Army together during the War of Ten Dogs, but Snapping Turtle was killed] (transition: "slide-left")[in the war. Now, Snapping Turtle's spirit guided Silver Bear on an unknown mission that had brought him to the Windless Prairie.](stop:)](live: 2s)[
(transition: "slide-right")[Silver Bear had never fully recovered from the survivor's guilt caused by the death of his friend.](stop:)](live: 2s)[
(transition: "slide-left")[Maybe that was why the turtle had guided Silver Bear to the prairie? Or maybe it was only one of many reasons?](stop:)](live: 3s)[
(transition: "slide-right")[Silver Bear didn't know but that's what he was there to find out.](stop:)]
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span class='glow6'>Silver Bear:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: "wept.", "growled, angrily.", "roared at the heavens.", 'said, "I miss you, brother."')]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[(go-to: "13. Look around.")]</span>]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>(if: $SnappingTurtlepenalty is 1)[
(live: 1s)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-2 Lore.]]](stop:)]]
(live: 1s)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.
⚿ Arcana Updated:
Snapping Turtle.]]]](stop:)]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'MuswayStudio-EmotionalPiano', 'play')<span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[Sniffing the hot, dusty air... Silver Bear snarled.](stop:)](live: 1s)[
(transition: "slide-left")[Something was out there. Somewhere... prowling... searching. Something...](stop:)] (live: 3s)[(transition: "shudder")[evil.](stop:)](live: 1s)[
(transition: "slide-right")[It tainted the spirits of the Ancients: the magical energies and ley lines running through the World Tree.](stop:)](live: 1s)[
(transition: "slide-left")[How the evil tainted the magic? Where it came from? He wasn't sure.](stop:)]</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(live: 1s)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Quick Wit.]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.
⚿ Arcana Updated:
Evil Taint.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","15. Continue 1")</span>]]](stop:)]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>\
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-up")[Gazing into the dusk across the dry prairie, where the ponderosas thinned and disappeared onto the vast shrub steppes...](stop:)]</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
<span class='glow6'>Silver Bear:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBeargazing, "sniffed the air (Quick Wit).", "continued gazing.")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤")[(if: $SilverBeargazing is "continued gazing.")[(go-to: "15. Continue 1")](if: $SilverBeargazing is "sniffed the air (Quick Wit).")[(set: _result to (random: 1, 6) + $quickwit)(if: _result > 8)[(set: $eviltaint to 1)(set: $secrets1 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +1)(set: $quickwit to it +1) (go-to: "14. What else does Silver Bear see?")](else:)[(go-to: "14a. What else does Silver Bear see?")]]]</span>]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(unless: (track: 'MuswayStudio-InspiringMood', 'isplaying'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'MuswayStudio-InspiringMood', 'play')](masteraudio: 'stopall')<span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>(live: 1s)[(track: 'AnimaliaTrack37', 'play')(transition: "slide-right")[Another big rig blew past, honking noisily, and a great gust shook Silver](stop:)] (live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-left")[Bear and his truck. Gravel flew at his face like grenade shrapnel and...](stop:)]|2)[(transition: "slide-left")[ With the reflexes of a Jaguar, he ducked in the nick of time. The gravel tinked into his truck, leaving dings and scratches in the paint.]]|3)[(transition: "slide-left")[ he turned to leap back inside his truck but wasn't (link-goto: "fast enough!","15a. Continue 1")]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
<span class='glow6'>Silver Bear:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearshrapnel, "ducked (Swift Feet).", "stood his ground.", "leaped inside his truck.")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[(if: $SilverBearshrapnel is "stood his ground.")[(go-to: "15a. Continue 1")](else-if: $SilverBearshrapnel is "leaped inside his truck.")[(show: ?3)](else:)[(set: _result to (random: 1, 6) + $swiftfeet)(if: _result < 9)[(set: $damage1 to (either: 1,2,3))(set: $health to it - $damage1)(go-to: "15a. Continue 1")](else:)[(show: ?2)]]]</span>]|2)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Swift Feet.(set: $swiftfeet to it +1)]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","16. Infernal Big Rigs")</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>\
(live: 4s)[(unless: (track: 'MuswayStudio-InspiringMood', 'isplaying'))[(track: 'MuswayStudio-InspiringMood', 'play')](stop:)]<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")["Never forget the past, Silver Bear, but do not live in it," croaked the voice of Snapping Turtle's spirit.](stop:)](live: 1s)[
(transition: "slide-left")[Was the voice in Silver Bear's (link: "(1.) mind, or outside")[mind, or outside(show: ?2)] of it?](stop:)] |2)[
(transition: "slide-left")[(set: $silverbearsmind to 1) He could never tell.]] (live: 1s)[
(transition: "slide-right")[Silver Bear looked to the darkening (link: "(2.) sky.")[sky.(if: $silverbearsmind is 1)[(set: $silverbearsmind to 2)(show: ?4)](else:)[(show: ?4)]]](stop:)] |4)[(track: 'AnimaliaTrack38', 'play')(transition: "slide-left")[Thunder] (live: 1s)[(transition: "rumble")[(link: "(3.) rumbled")[rumbled(if: $silverbearsmind is 2)[(show: ?3)](else:)[(show: ?5)(show: ?6)]]](stop:)] (live: 2s)[(transition: "slide-left")[across the heavens.](stop:)]]</span>
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[? , ? , 3</span>]]]]|6)[(replace: "? , ? , 3")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|3)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.(set: $secrets1 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +1)]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "✦ Continue")[(set: _result to (random: 1, 6) + $power)(if: _result < 14)[(go-to: "19a. Anything else 1")](else:)[(set: $secrets1 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $greaterlove to 1)(go-to: "19. Anything else 1")]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]|5)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "✦ Continue")[(set: _result to (random: 1, 6) + $power)(if: _result < 14)[(go-to: "19a. Anything else 1")](else:)[(set: $secrets1 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $greaterlove to 1)(go-to: "19. Anything else 1")]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")<span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">(live: 1s)[Silver Bear heard a whispering on the air.(stop:)]*(live: 2s)[
(set: $typewriterText to '"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down their life for their friends."')(display: "Typewriter")(stop:)]*</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span class='glow6'>Silver Bear:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: "wept.", "growled, angrily.", "roared at the heavens.", "felt his heart ache.", "wished he had been the one to
die instead of Snapping Turtle.")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[(go-to: "20. Continue 3")]</span>]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(live: 1s)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+2 Lore. (set: $power to it +2)]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.
⚿ Arcana Updated:
Greater Love.]]]](stop:)]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>\
<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[Silver Bear fought back tears.](stop:)](live: 1s)[
(transition: "slide-left")["I know you would have laid down your life for me had that night in the (link: "(1.) Red Sands")[(set: _result to (random: 1, 6) + $power)(if: _result < 16)[(set: $power to it -1)(go-to: "21a. What night in the Red Sands?")](else:)[(set: $secrets1 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +1)(set: $RedSands to 1)(go-to: "21. What night in the Red Sands?")]] happened differently," said Snapping Turtle.](stop:)](live: 1s)[
(transition: "slide-right")["I know you would not have hesitated, my old friend. But you weren't (link: "(2.) meant")[meant(show: ?1)] to die then."](stop:)]|1)[
(transition: "slide-right")["You were (link: "(3.) meant")[meant(show: ?2)] to travel a different (link-goto: '(4.) road."', "22. What different road?")]] |2)[(replace: '(4.) road."')[(4.) road.](transition: "slide-up")[And that is why I have brought you here."]]</span>
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[2 , ?</span>]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|2)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.(set: $power to it +1)]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'MuswayStudio-EmotionalPiano', 'play')<span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[The night Snapping Turtle was killed *in a rocket attack* during the War of Ten Dogs] (transition: "slide-left")[had happened in the Red Sands desert in the southern regions of the World Tree.](stop:)]</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span class='glow6'>Silver Bear:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: "felt his heart ache.", "buried the painful memory.", "wished he had been the one to
die instead of Snapping Turtle.")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[(go-to: "22. What different road?")]</span>]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(live: 1s)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.
⚿ Arcana Updated:
Night in the
Red Sands.]]]](stop:)]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")["What different road?" asked Silver Bear.](stop:)]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-left")["That is what you're here to find out," Snapping Turtle said.](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "slide-up")[(link-goto: '"What must I do?"',"23. What must I do?")](stop:)]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-left")[Snapping Turtle said, "Walk out into the prairie until you come to a (link: "(1.) place.")[place.(show: ?2)]](stop:)]|2)[(transition: "dissolve")[(set: $cometoaplace to 1) You will know it when you come to it.]] (live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-left")[Then I will tell you more. Take with you only your rifle and ammunition."](stop:)](live: 1s)[
(transition: "slide-right")[Donning the MOLLE, the rifle and sling, over the (link: "(2.) grayish-white fur of his chest,")[grayish-white fur of his chest,(show: ?5)]](stop:)] |5)[(transition: "dissolve")[(if: $cometoaplace is 1)[(set: $cometoaplace to 2)] (grizzled from the darker color of the underfur),]] (live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-left")[Silver Bear started his long walk onto the Windless Prairie, trusting his (link: "(3.) friend.")[friend.(show: ?6)]](stop:)](live: 2s)[
(transition: "slide-left")[Whatever reason Snapping Turtle had for leading Silver Bear out here must be (link: "(4.) urgent.")[urgent.(show: ?3)]](stop:)](live: 3s)[
(transition: "slide-right")[Silver Bear was sure of that.](stop:)]|3)[(if: $cometoaplace is 2)[(set: $cometoaplace to 3)(show: ?7)](else:)[(show: ?1)](transition: "slide-left")[
Otherwise, Snapping Turtle wouldn't have asked Silver Bear to come.]]|6)[
(if: $cometoaplace is 2)[(set: $cometoaplace to 0)](if: $cometoaplace is 1)[(set: $cometoaplace to 0)](transition: "slide-right")[And yet, as Silver Bear pondered the unknown road that lay ahead, he couldn't help but (link: "(5.) wonder...")[(if: $cometoaplace is 3)[wonder...(show: ?4)(show: ?9)](else:)[wonder...(show: ?4)(show: ?8)]]]]</span>|4)[(transition: "slide-left")[
What more wasn't Snapping Turtle telling him?](live: 1s)[
(transition: "pulse")[What secrets remained?](stop:)]]
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[1 , 2 , ?</span>]]]]|1)[(replace: "1 , 2 , ?")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|7)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Quick Wit.(set: $secrets1 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +1)(set: $quickwit to it +1)]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]|9)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","Lore check 1")</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]|8)[(live: 1s)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","Lore check 1")</span>]]](stop:)]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'MuswayStudio-EpicHeroic', 'play')(set: $mission2 to 1)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Little Sidewinder stood at the side of the well, studying the pistol in her scaly hands.
*A gun!*
She lay the weapon on the dusty prairie floor, slinging her backpack from her thin shoulders.
Rummaging through the pack, she yanked out an old family photo. Then snatched up the gun. |1)[(if: $agun is 0)[(set: $agun to 2)(live: 3s)[(show: ?3)(stop:)]](transition: "dissolve")[The photo was of her, her (link-goto: "(1.) aunt Diamondback,", "27. Who are Diamondback and Little Sidewinder?") her father Rattler, and her mother Red Racer.](live: 1s)[
(transition: "dissolve")[They were all at the beach, posing for the picture in front of a sandcastle Little Sidewinder had built.](stop:)](live: 2s)[
(transition: "dissolve")[That day at the beach seemed like a lifetime ago. Little Sidewinder wished her mom and dad were still alive. She glared at her aunt in the picture.](stop:)]]|3)[
(if: $agun is 0)[(set: $agun to 1)(live: 4s)[(show: ?1)(stop:)]](transition: "dissolve")[Aunt Diamondback had] (live: 1s)[(transition: "rumble")[lied.](stop:)] (live: 2s)[She'd promised never to bring a gun onto the (link-goto: "(2.) ranch.", "26. Where is the ranch?")(stop:)](live: 3s)[
(transition: "dissolve")[After everything that had (link: "(3.) happened to them... to their family.")[(set: _result to (random: 1, 6) + $power + $quickwit)(if: _result < 26)[(goto: "28a. What happened to their family?")](else:)[(set: $secrets2 to it + 1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1) (set: $power to $power + 1)(set: $whathappenedtofamily to 1)(go-to: "28. What happened to their family?")]] And yet, (link: "(4.) here was the gun.")[here was the gun.(show: ?2)(if: $agun is 1)[(show: ?4)](else:)[(show: ?5)]] Death in Little Sidewinder's trembling hands. Cold and deadly.](stop:)]]|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Little Sidewinder knew it would be wiser to first think more on the (link-goto: "(5.) gun", "25. Where did she find the gun?") and why her aunt had lied before deciding what to do with it.]]</span>
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[? , 4</span>]]]]|5)[(replace: "? , 4")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span class='glow6'>Little Sidewinder:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearreflection, "studied the gun.", "examined the photo.")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[(if: $SilverBearreflection is "studied the gun.")[(show: ?3)](if: $SilverBearreflection is "examined the photo.")[(show: ?1)]]</span>]</p></div></body></html></span></div><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>|4)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.(set: $power to it +1)]]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Two.]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'bensound-ofeliasdream', 'loop', true)(track: 'bensound-ofeliasdream', 'play')
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
(if: $power < 15)[<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[You do not have enough Lore
to unlock the rest of the story.]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(go-to: "Start Game")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>]
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(else:)[(go-to: "End Part I.")]\
(masteraudio: 'stopall')</span><span id="content8"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>[[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton9.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Credits]] [[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton10.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Story]] [[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton8.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Gameplay]] [[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton11.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Start Screen]]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content6"><img src='img/AnimaliaLogoSwirl.gif' width=100% height=100%>
<span class='glow'>(css: "font-size: 1.2em")+(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: #00ffff)[[[◈ Play Game|Stat Selection]]]]</span>\
(unless: (track: 'AnimaliaTrack73', 'isplaying', 'islooping'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack73', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack73', 'play')]<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">(set: $WhoareDiamondbackandLittleSidewinder to 1)Little Sidewinder was furious about the gun.
Thinking of <span class='glow6'>(if: $Whathappenedtotheirfamily is 0)[(link: "what happened to their family")[(set: _result to (random: 1, 6) + $power + $quickwit)(if: _result < 26)[(goto: "28a. What happened to their family?")](else:)[(set: $whathappenedtofamily to 1)(go-to: "28. What happened to their family?")]]](if: $Whathappenedtotheirfamily is 1)[what happened to their family]</span> enraged her more, and her scaly feathered serpent body with long thin arms shook with rage.
She was a teenager now, almost an adult, and yet her aunt, Diamondback, still treated her like a little child instead of an equal.
*I've worked (if: $WhoisPinkBelly is 0)[<span class='glow6'>(link-goto: "Pink Belly's", "29. Who is Pink Belly?")</span>](if: $WhoisPinkBelly is 1)[Pink Belly's] ranch as long as she has,* Little Sidewinder thought as she considered her ten years at the (if: $Whereistheranch is 0)[<span class='glow6'>(link-goto: "ranch.", "26. Where is the ranch?")</span>](if: $Whereistheranch is 1)[ranch.]
*I'm descended from the same blood of Quetzalcoatl as she is. I deserve respect!*
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Diamond Glow")</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
<span class='glow2'>(link: "✦ Who is Quetzalcoatl?")[(set: _result to (random: 1, 6) + $power)(if: _result < 24)[(set: $power to it -1)(go-to: "27b. Quetzalcoatl")](else:)[(set: $power to it +2)(set: $brainpower to it +1)(set: $secrets2 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $Quetzalcoatl to 1)(go-to: "27a. Quetzalcoatl")]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(set: $Whathappenedtotheirfamily to 1)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">Little Sidewinder was too young to remember exactly what had forced her and Diamondback to flee Mythicus. But it had something to do with a gun. Of that, she was certain. A gun had been the reason why they had escaped north those many long years ago, to (if: $WhoisPinkBelly is 0)[<span class='glow6'>(link-goto: "Pink Belly's", "29. Who is Pink Belly?")</span>](if: $WhoisPinkBelly is 1)[<span class='glow6'>(link-goto: "Pink Belly's", "24a. Decisions, Decisions")</span>] ranch, where he took them in.</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.
⚿ Arcana Updated: Little
Sidewinder's Family]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>\
(unless: (track: 'bensound-ofeliasdream', 'isplaying', 'islooping'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'bensound-ofeliasdream', 'loop', true)(track: 'bensound-ofeliasdream', 'play')](set: $Whereistheranch to 1)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">The ranch was <span class='glow6'>(link: "(1.) isolated")[isolated(show: ?1)]</span> on the Windless Prairie. |1)[(replace: "Windless Prairie.")[Windless Prairie;]]|1)[(set: $typewriterText to "and yet, despite the ranch's isolation and the loneliness of the prairie, Little Sidewinder couldn't help but feel, holding the")(display: "Typewriter") (live: 6s)[(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow6'>(link-goto: "(2.) gun,","24a. Decisions, Decisions")</span>](stop:)] (live: 7s)[(set: $typewriterText2 to "that she was being watched.")(display: "Typewriter2")(stop:)]]
There was a corral and a handful of Synth Cows, a slaughterhouse, and a rundown trailer home. A long dirt road <span class='glow6'>(link-goto: "(3.) cut through the prairie","24a. Decisions, Decisions")</span> to the ranch.
The <span class='glow6'>(link: "(4.) Synth Cows")[(set: $brainpower to it +1)(set: $power to it +1)(set: $secrets2 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(go-to: "26a. Where is the ranch?")]</span> mooed at her.
*Poor things*, she thought, knowing what was in store for them.
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[1 , ?</span>]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(unless: (track: 'bensound-ofeliasdream', 'isplaying', 'islooping'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'bensound-ofeliasdream', 'loop', true)(track: 'bensound-ofeliasdream', 'play')](set: $WhoisPinkBelly to 1)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Pink Belly owned the ranch. He was a (link-goto: "Gila Monster","24a. Decisions, Decisions") hybrid. His beaded skin was mostly black, marked with pinkish patterns. He had a fat, pink belly, a short fat tail, and a thick forked tongue that slithered in and out of his wide, purple-gummed maw.</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>\
(unless: (track: 'bensound-ofeliasdream', 'isplaying', 'islooping'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'bensound-ofeliasdream', 'loop', true)(track: 'bensound-ofeliasdream', 'play')](set: $Wheredidshefindthegun to 1)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>(set: $Wheredidshefindthegun to 1)Little Sidewinder had spotted her aunt hiding something under a rock at the side of the well. Curious, she searched after her aunt had returned to sweeping inside the (if: $Whereistheranch is 0)[(link-goto: "slaughterhouse,", "26. Where is the ranch?")](if: $Whereistheranch is 1)[slaughterhouse] and she found the (link: "pistol")[(if: $power >= 20)[(set: $Glock21 to 1)(go-to: "25a. Where did she find the gun?")](else:)[(go-to: "25b. Where did she find the gun?")]] hidden under a rock.</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">A snap startled Little Sidewinder.
Hiding the gun behind her back, she spun around. But nothing was there. Only the Synth Cows milling in the corral.
Aunt Diamondback called out from inside the slaughterhouse where she'd been busy sweeping.
"Little Sidewinder, where are you? Why aren't you in here helping me!"
She continued calling for her niece. Her voice getting *closer...*
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Diamond Glow")</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
<span class='glow2'>(font: "Khand")[(link: "✦ Decide what Little
Sidewinder should do.")[(show: ?2)]]</span>|2)[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')(font: "Amarante")+(color: #00ffff)[Little Sidewinder:]
<span class='glow6'>(cyclinglink: bind $whatdoesLittleSidewinderdowiththegun, "threw the gun down the well.", "put the gun back under the rock.", "kept the gun.", "confronted Diamondback.")</span>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>[[⛤|31. Game Over 1]]</span>]
(set: $counter to 40)(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(text-style: "rumble")[Hurry!] You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left![ (live: 1s)[ (set: $counter to it - 1) (if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "31a. Throw the gun down the well!")] (replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">In a panic Little Sidewinder threw the pistol down the well.
The gun rattled down the well, scraping the stone, and made a great splash. She shoved the photo of her family back inside her pack.
Slinging the pack onto her back, she hurried inside the slaughterhouse just as Diamondback approached the open bay door.
"Oh... there you are," said Diamondback, surprised.
Little Sidewinder hurriedly grabbed up a broom and started sweeping.
"What were you doing out there?" Diamondback looked beyond the bay door, suspiciously.
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Diamond Glow")</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Two.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","Lore Check 2")</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">In a panic Little Sidewinder rehid the pistol under the rock.
She shoved the photo of her family back inside her pack. Slinging the pack onto her back, she hurried inside the slaughterhouse just as Diamondback approached the open bay door.
"Oh... there you are," said Diamondback, surprised.
Little Sidewinder hurriedly grabbed up a broom and started sweeping.
"What were you doing out there?" Diamondback looked beyond the bay door, suspiciously.
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Diamond Glow")</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Two.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","Lore Check 2")</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')<span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">Pink Belly stood in the open sliding bay door of his slaughterhouse.
Sluggishly, he hosed off a Jarvis hand-held meat saw, grunting and huffing. Even for a Gila Monster his heavy body was large and rather plump.
His forked tongue slithered in and out of the purple gums of his wide maw; his short fat tail flicked back and forth in the powdery prairie dirt.
He faced the blazing sun perched on the western horizon. The cloudless sky had made the late-March evening warmer than usual, and the pinkish patterns of his mostly black beaded skin, covered with warty-like bumps, glowed even brighter in the cruel sun.
His pink belly glowing brightest of all.</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
<span class='glow6'>Pink Belly:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: "wiped his brow.", "continued washing the saw.", "flicked the hot, dusty
air with his tongue.", 'muttered, "Damn is it hot!"')]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[(go-to: "33. Escalade")]</span>]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>\
(track: 'AnimaliaTrack46', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack46', 'play')<span id="content9"><video src='vid/PinkBellysPOV-1-1.mp4' width=100% height=100% autoplay></video>
(live: 72s)[(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")+(font: "Amarante")+(css: "font-size: 1.2em")[<span class='glow'>[[✦ Continue|33a. Escalade]]</span>]]
</span>(set: $totalscore to 0)<span id="content10">
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(font: "Amarante") + (text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 2.8em")+(text-style: "underline")[CHAPTER II.]
(font: "Amarante") + (text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 2em")+(css: "line-height: 1.7em")[The Gun]</span></p></div></body></html>
</span>(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")+(font: "Amarante")+(css: "font-size: 1.2em")[<span class='glow'>[[◈ Begin|24. Begin Part II.]]](masteraudio: 'stopall')<span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">Pink Belly peered inside the slaughterhouse. Diamondback and Little Sidewinder were busy sweeping up the dust off the floor. Their scaly feathered serpent bodies with long thin arms hadn't changed in the ten years since Pink Belly had discovered them <span class='glow6'>(link-reveal: "hiding under his trailer home")[(if: (random: 1,6) + $power > 26)[(show: ?2)](else:)[(set: $power to it -1)(go-to: "35a. Pink Belly peers inside the slaughterhouse")]]</span> and gave them shelter.|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Pink Belly wished he knew what they were hiding from, but it was the one thing they never spoke of. He supposed it was too painful for them to talk about, and he loved them too much to ever bring it up, even after all these years.](live: 1s)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Pink Belly returned his attention to the black Escalade.](stop:)]]</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>|2)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore. (set: $power to it +1)(set: $secrets3 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]](if: $PinkBellyssecret is 1)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⚿ Arcana Updated:
Pink Belly's Secret.]]]]](if: $runaways is 1)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[The Runaways.]]]]]|2)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","36. Pink Belly needs courage.")</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>\
(unless: (track: 'AnimaliaTrack73', 'isplaying', 'islooping'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack73', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack73', 'play')]<span id="box1-1">
<span class='glow1'>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 190px")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(link-reveal: "⚿ Pink Belly has a secret...")[(if: (random: 1,6) + $power < 28)[(set: $power to it -1)(go-to: "34e. What is Pink Belly about to do?")](else:)[(set: $secrets3 to it + 1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1) (set: $power to it + 1)(set: $PinkBellyssecret to 1)(goto: "34a. What is Pink Belly about to do?")]]]]]</span>
</span><span id="box1-1">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[+2]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 135px")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[SUCCESS! +2 Lore. +1 Secrets.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 135px")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[The Foxes are runaways from Mr. Long
(css: "padding-left: 135px")[Horn and his followers in Old Town.]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Who is Mr. Long Horn?","34d. Who is Mr. Longhorn?")</span>]]]
</span><span id="box1-4">
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 110px")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ Pink Belly is too scared to tell you who
(css: "padding-left: 110px")[Mr. Long Horn is or why the Foxes ran away.]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","35. Pink Belly peers inside the slaughterhouse")</span>]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')(set: $mission3 to 1)(set: $PinkBellyconfidence to 0) (set: $numberoftriesconfidence to 8)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">It would be a while before the Escalade reached its final destination.
Diamondback slithered up, stopping at Pink Belly's side. The feathered serpent spied the SUV.
She made a visor with her slender hand, shielding her face from the setting sun. Her dark eye slits narrowed.
Her forked tongue flicked the hot dusty air.
Frowning, she hissed, "They return." She looked at Pink Belly. "You sure about this?"
But Pink Belly wasn't sure.
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Diamond Glow")</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Amarante")+(color: #00ffff)[Pink Belly needed:]
{(font: "Amarante")+(color: #00ffff)[\
(if: $PepTalk is 1)[(if: $EgoStroker is 0)[(if: $Swiftkickintheass is 0)[(3 choices remaining)]]]\
(if: $EgoStroker is 1)[(if: $PepTalk is 0)[(if: $Swiftkickintheass is 0)[(3 choices remaining)]]]\
(if: $Swiftkickintheass is 1)[(if: $EgoStroker is 0)[(if: $PepTalk is 0)[(3 choices remaining)]]]\
(if: $PepTalk is 1)[(if: $EgoStroker is 1)[(if: $Swiftkickintheass is 0)[(2 choices remaining)]]]\
(if: $PepTalk is 1)[(if: $EgoStroker is 0)[(if: $Swiftkickintheass is 1)[(2 choices remaining)]]]\
(if: $PepTalk is 0)[(if: $EgoStroker is 1)[(if: $Swiftkickintheass is 1)[(2 choices remaining)]]]\
(if: $PepTalk is 1)[(if: $EgoStroker is 1)[(if: $Swiftkickintheass is 1)[(1 choice remaining)]]]]}
{<span class='glow6'>(if: $PinkBellyneedscourage2 is 0)[(set: $PinkBellyneedscourage2 to 1)(cyclinglink: bind $PinkBellyneedscourage, "a pep talk. (Lore & Brain Power)", "a confidence boost. (luck of the roll)", "his ego stroked. (Lore)", "a swift kick in the ass. (Muscle)")]\
(if: $PepTalk is 1)[(if: $EgoStroker is 0)[(if: $Swiftkickintheass is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $PinkBellyneedscourage, "a confidence boost. (luck of the roll)", "his ego stroked. (Lore)", "a swift kick in the ass. (Muscle)")]]]\
(if: $EgoStroker is 1)[(if: $PepTalk is 0)[(if: $Swiftkickintheass is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $PinkBellyneedscourage, "a pep talk. (Lore & Brain Power)", "a confidence boost. (luck of the roll)", "a swift kick in the ass. (Muscle)")]]]\
(if: $Swiftkickintheass is 1)[(if: $EgoStroker is 0)[(if: $PepTalk is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $PinkBellyneedscourage, "a pep talk. (Lore & Brain Power)", "a confidence boost. (luck of the roll)", "his ego stroked. (Lore)")]]]\
(if: $PepTalk is 1)[(if: $EgoStroker is 1)[(if: $Swiftkickintheass is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $PinkBellyneedscourage, "a confidence boost. (luck of the roll)", "a swift kick in the ass. (Muscle)")]]]\
(if: $PepTalk is 1)[(if: $EgoStroker is 0)[(if: $Swiftkickintheass is 1)[(cyclinglink: bind $PinkBellyneedscourage, "a confidence boost. (luck of the roll)", "his ego stroked. (Lore)")]]]\
(if: $PepTalk is 0)[(if: $EgoStroker is 1)[(if: $Swiftkickintheass is 1)[(cyclinglink: bind $PinkBellyneedscourage, "a pep talk. (Lore & Brain Power)", "a confidence boost. (luck of the roll)")]]]\
(if: $PepTalk is 1)[(if: $EgoStroker is 1)[(if: $Swiftkickintheass is 1)[(set: $PinkBellyneedscourage to "a confidence boost. (luck of the roll)")(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)[a confidence boost. (luck of the roll)]]]]]</span>}
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>[[⛤|40. Confidence Booster]]</span>]</p></div></body></html></span></div><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]](if: $missionupdatedstatus3 is 0)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(set: $missionupdatedstatus3 to 1)(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Three.]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(unless: (track: 'AnimaliaTrack73', 'isplaying', 'islooping'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack73', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack73', 'play')]<span id="box1-1">(set: $PepTalk to 1)
|1)[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ The Pep Talk didn't work.]]]]<span class='glow1'>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(link: "⚿ What could go wrong?")[(if: (random: 1,6) + $power < 28)[(if: $quickwit >= 3)[(go-to: "37a. Pep Talk")](else:)[(show: ?1)]](else:)[(set: $power to $power + 1)(go-to: "36a. Pink Belly needs courage.")]]]]]</span>
|1)[(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","36. Pink Belly needs courage.")</span>]]]]
</span>(if: $PinkBellyneedscourage is "a pep talk. (Lore & Brain Power)")[(go-to: "37. Pep Talk")]\
(else-if: $PinkBellyneedscourage is "his ego stroked. (Lore)")[(go-to: "38. Ego Stroker")]\
(else-if: $PinkBellyneedscourage is "a swift kick in the ass. (Muscle)")[(go-to: "39. Swift kick in the ass")]\
(else:)[<span id="box1-2">(align: "==>")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: .9em")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[+$PinkBellyconfidence]]](font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: .9em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[/$numberoftriesconfidence]]]]
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span class='glow1'>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(link: "⚿ Boost Pink Belly's confidence!")[(go-to: "40a. Confidence Booster")]]]]</span></p></div></body></html>]<span id="box1-3">(set: $EgoStroker to 1)
<span class='glow1'>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 180px")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(link: "⚿ This one's a real long shot...")[(if: (random: 1,6) + $power < 32)[(set: $power to it -1)(go-to: "38a. Ego Stroker")](else:)[(set: $power to $power + 1)(goto: "36a. Pink Belly needs courage.")]]]]]</span>
</span><span id="box1-1">(set: $Swiftkickintheass to 1)|1)[(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-2]]]]
|1)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 60px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[FAILED. -2 Lore. (set: $power to it -2)]]]]
|1)[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")+(css: "padding-left: 60px")[(color: black)[⚿ Pink Belly resents being bullied. He hisses, baring
(css: "padding-left: 60px")[his sharp little teeth. His breath is atrocious. It stinks
(css: "padding-left: 60px")[so bad it could peel paint off the walls.]]]]]]
<span class='glow1'>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(link: "⚿ When all else fails...")[(if: (random: 1,6) + $muscle < 9)[(show: ?1)](else:)[(set: $power to $power + 1)(set: $muscle to it +2)(set: $mightright to 1)(goto: "36a. Pink Belly needs courage.")]]]]]</span>\
|1)[(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","36. Pink Belly needs courage.")</span>]]]]
</span><div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">Out of habit Pink Belly covered his mouth with his hybrid clawed-hand.
"I'm sure," he drawled to Diamondback.
His breath was foul, perhaps not as awful as his deceased father, <span class='glow6'>(link: "(1.) Stink Mouth,")[Stink Mouth,(show: ?2)]</span> but Pink Belly covered his mouth anyway, even around Were-kin that were immune or unbothered by the noxious stench, such as snakes like Diamondback and Little Sidewinder.
"This is a deadly game we're playing," Diamondback said. <span class='glow6'>(link: '(2.) "Long Horn')[(if: (random: 1,6) + $power >= 32)[(set: $LongHorn to 1)(set: $power to it +2) (set: $secrets3 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(go-to: "42. Long Horn")](else:)[(set: $power to it -1)(go-to: "42a. Long Horn")]]</span> has left us alone all these years because we pay to do business like everyone else. So why rock the boat unless we <span class='glow6'>(link: '(3.) absolutely—"')[absolutely—"(show: ?6)]</span>|6)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Because it's the right thing to do."]]
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[- 3 -</span>]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>|6)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore. (set: $power to it +1)]]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Three.]]]]|2)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "rumble")[⚿ The memories of
Stink Mouth are too painful
for Pink Belly to dwell on.]]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'MuswayStudio-EpicHeroic', 'play')<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Pink Belly didn't blame Diamondback for not wanting to get involved.
The Bull's powerful and corruptive influence reached like a brewing storm across all the Windless Prairie and all the towns, big and small, outside the great city of Mythicus.
It was no surprise, then, that Diamondback was advising Pink Belly to err on the side of caution. The stakes were high. And Pink Belly knew he was gambling with more than just their livelihood.
So did Diamondback.
But, in life, sometimes you had to take a stand—Pink Belly knew this, too... even if that meant risking everything.</span>
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span class='glow6'>Pink Belly:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: "stood by his convictions.", "stayed positive.", "prayed someone would get
rid of Long Horn for good.", "actually wished he had
never gotten involved.")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[(go-to: "43. Diamondback's scared.")]</span>]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Quick Wit. (set: $quickwit to it +1)]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+2 Lore.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.
⚿ Arcana Updated:
Long Horn.]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>(if: $WhyisDiamondbackscared is 0)[Diamondback said, "I love you like a brother. I owe you for everything you've done for me and Little Sidewinder. But I'm scared Pink..."
"So am I, Diamondback."
Pink Belly touched Diamondback's scaly feathered shoulder.
"It's okay to be afraid. Sometimes that's a (link-goto: "good thing","43a. Why is Diamondback scared?") because it keeps us on our toes."]\
(if: $WhyisDiamondbackscared is 1)[Diamondback looked Pink Belly in his beady black eyes.
"You don't owe me anything, Diamondback," Pink Belly said. "I wouldn't blame you if you were to take Little Sidewinder and (link-goto: "leave","43b. Why does Diamondback owe Pink Belly?") right now."]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>\
(unless: (track: 'MuswayStudio-EmotionalPiano', 'isplaying'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'MuswayStudio-EmotionalPiano', 'play')]<span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Little Sidewinder was sweeping the floor. Looking up, she (link-show: "smiled.",?1)|1)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Pink Belly smiled back.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[She returned to sweeping.](stop:)]]
Again, he squeezed Diamondback's shoulder. "Little Sidewinder (link-show: "loves you,",?2) you know? I've seen it in her eyes."
"Sometimes, I think all she has for me is venom."|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")["She's a teenager. She still has a lot of growing up to do. They think they (link-show: "know",?3) everything at that age."]]|3)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Diamondback hissed a laugh.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Sadly, a lot of us so-called adults think we know everything, but still have a lot of (link-goto: "growing up","44a. Pink Belly gazes into the slaughterhouse.") to do."](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(set: $power to 10)(set: $magicpoints to 0)(set: $muscle to 0)(set: $swiftfeet to 0)(set: $brainpower to 0)(set: $health to 0)(set: $quickwit to 0)(set: $shakedown to 0)(set: $totalPoints to 30)<span id="content"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Pentagram Glow 2")(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: 2em")[ABILITIES]](display: "Pentagram Glow 2")</p></div></body></html>
<span id="content2-1"><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
<span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3"><img src='img/AnimaliaMuscle.png' width=12% height=12%>(color: black)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: #D4AF37)[ Muscle]] (color: black)+(font: "Khand") + (text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "shadow")[(color: #D4AF37)[|muscleStat>[0] /|pointsStat>[30]:]]
(link-repeat: "<img src='img/AnimaliaButton5.png' width=6% height=6%>")[(if: $totalPoints > 0)[(set: $muscle to it + 1)(set: $totalPoints to it - 1)(replace: ?muscleStat)[|muscleStat>[$muscle]](replace: ?pointsStat)[|pointsStat>[$totalPoints]]]](link-repeat: "<img src='img/AnimaliaButton6.png' width=6% height=6%>")[(if: $muscle > 0)[(set: $muscle to it - 1)(set: $totalPoints to it + 1)(replace: ?muscleStat)[|muscleStat>[$muscle]](replace: ?pointsStat)[|pointsStat>[$totalPoints]]]] (font: "Milonga")+(color: black)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .9em")[(color: #00ffff)[ determines how strong you are.]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaSwiftFeet.png' width=12% height=12%>(color: black)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: #D4AF37)[ Swift Feet]] (color: black)+(font: "Khand") + (text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "shadow")[(color: #D4AF37)[|swiftfeetStat>[0] /|pointsStat>[30]:]]
(link-repeat: "<img src='img/AnimaliaButton5.png' width=6% height=6%>")[(if: $totalPoints > 0)[(set: $swiftfeet to it + 1)(set: $totalPoints to it - 1)(replace: ?swiftfeetStat)[|swiftfeetStat>[$swiftfeet]](replace: ?pointsStat)[|pointsStat>[$totalPoints]]]](link-repeat: "<img src='img/AnimaliaButton6.png' width=6% height=6%>")[(if: $swiftfeet > 0)[(set: $swiftfeet to it - 1)(set: $totalPoints to it + 1)(replace: ?swiftfeetStat)[|swiftfeetStat>[$swiftfeet]](replace: ?pointsStat)[|pointsStat>[$totalPoints]]]] (font: "Milonga")+(color: black)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .9em")[(color: #00ffff)[ determines things like your speed and agility.]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaBrainPower2.png' width=12% height=12%>(color: black)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: #D4AF37)[ Brain Power]] (color: black)+(font: "Khand") + (text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "shadow")[(color: #D4AF37)[|brainpowerStat>[0] /|pointsStat>[30]:]]
(link-repeat: "<img src='img/AnimaliaButton5.png' width=6% height=6%>")[(if: $totalPoints > 0)[(set: $brainpower to it + 1)(set: $totalPoints to it - 1)(replace: ?brainpowerStat)[|brainpowerStat>[$brainpower]](replace: ?pointsStat)[|pointsStat>[$totalPoints]]]](link-repeat: "<img src='img/AnimaliaButton6.png' width=6% height=6%>")[(if: $brainpower > 0)[(set: $brainpower to it - 1)(set: $totalPoints to it + 1)(replace: ?brainpowerStat)[|brainpowerStat>[$brainpower]](replace: ?pointsStat)[|pointsStat>[$totalPoints]]]] (font: "Milonga")+(color: black)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .9em")[(color: #00ffff)[ is your book smarts.]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaHealth2.png' width=12% height=12%>(color: black)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: #D4AF37)[ Health]] (color: black)+(font: "Khand") + (text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "shadow")[(color: #D4AF37)[|healthStat>[0] /|pointsStat>[30]:]]
(link-repeat: "<img src='img/AnimaliaButton5.png' width=6% height=6%>")[(if: $totalPoints > 0)[(set: $health to it + 1)(set: $totalPoints to it - 1)(replace: ?healthStat)[|healthStat>[$health]](replace: ?pointsStat)[|pointsStat>[$totalPoints]]]](link-repeat: "<img src='img/AnimaliaButton6.png' width=6% height=6%>")[(if: $health > 0)[(set: $health to it - 1)(set: $totalPoints to it + 1)(replace: ?healthStat)[|healthStat>[$health]](replace: ?pointsStat)[|pointsStat>[$totalPoints]]]] (font: "Milonga")+(color: black)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .9em")[(color: #00ffff)[ determines how much damage you can take before you're dead.]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaShakeDown.png' width=12% height=12%>(color: black)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: #D4AF37)[ Shake Down:]] (color: black)+(font: "Khand") + (text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "shadow")[(color: #D4AF37)[|shakedownStat>[0] /|pointsStat>[30]:]]
(link-repeat: "<img src='img/AnimaliaButton5.png' width=6% height=6%>")[(if: $totalPoints > 0)[(set: $shakedown to it + 1)(set: $totalPoints to it - 1)(replace: ?shakedownStat)[|shakedownStat>[$shakedown]](replace: ?pointsStat)[|pointsStat>[$totalPoints]]]](link-repeat: "<img src='img/AnimaliaButton6.png' width=6% height=6%>")[(if: $shakedown > 0)[(set: $shakedown to it - 1)(set: $totalPoints to it + 1)(replace: ?shakedownStat)[|shakedownStat>[$shakedown]](replace: ?pointsStat)[|pointsStat>[$totalPoints]]]] (font: "Milonga")+(color: black)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .9em")[(color: #00ffff)[ determines how good you are at searching and finding things you're actively looking for.]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaQuickWit.png' width=12% height=12%>(color: black)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: #D4AF37)[ Quick Wit:]] (color: black)+(font: "Khand") + (text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "shadow")[(color: #D4AF37)[|quickwitStat>[0] /|pointsStat>[30]:]]
(link-repeat: "<img src='img/AnimaliaButton5.png' width=6% height=6%>")[(if: $totalPoints > 0)[(set: $quickwit to it + 1)(set: $totalPoints to it - 1)(replace: ?quickwitStat)[|quickwitStat>[$quickwit]](replace: ?pointsStat)[|pointsStat>[$totalPoints]]]](link-repeat: "<img src='img/AnimaliaButton6.png' width=6% height=6%>")[(if: $quickwit > 0)[(set: $quickwit to it - 1)(set: $totalPoints to it + 1)(replace: ?quickwitStat)[|quickwitStat>[$quickwit]](replace: ?pointsStat)[|pointsStat>[$totalPoints]]]] (font: "Milonga")+(color: black)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .9em")[(color: #00ffff)[ determines your level of perception and how good you are at passively observing things.]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaLore.png' width=12% height=12%>(color: black)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: #D4AF37)[ Lore:]](font: "Milonga")+(color: black)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .9em")[(color: #00ffff)[ you begin the game with 10 points of Lore that can be used to unlock secrets and progress the story.]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaMagicPoints.png' width=12% height=12%>(color: black)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: #D4AF37)[ Magic Points:]](font: "Milonga")+(color: black)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .9em")[(color: #00ffff)[ you start with 0 Magic Points, but you will have opportunities throughout the story to unlock them, and should you unlock three or more points, you will then be able to use the most powerful ability in the game.]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span class='glow1'>
{(font: "Khand")+(css: "font-size: 1.2em")[(link-repeat: "✦ Reset")[
(set: $muscle to 0)
(set: $swiftfeet to 0)
(set: $brainpower to 0)
(set: $health to 0)
(set: $quickwit to 0)
(set: $shakedown to 0)
(set: $totalPoints to 30)
(replace: ?muscleStat)[|muscleStat>[$muscle]]
(replace: ?swiftfeetStat)[|swiftfeetStat>[$swiftfeet]]
(replace: ?brainpowerStat)[|brainpowerStat>[$brainpower]]
(replace: ?healthStat)[|healthStat>[$health]]
(replace: ?quickwitStat)[|quickwitStat>[$quickwit]]
(replace: ?shakedownStat)[|shakedownStat>[$shakedown]]
(replace: ?pointsStat)[|pointsStat>[$totalPoints]]]]} (font: "Khand")+(css: "font-size: 1.2em")[(link-reveal: "✦ God Mode")[(set: $power to 100)(set: $magicpoints to 100)(set: $muscle to 100)(set: $swiftfeet to 100)(set: $brainpower to 100)(set: $health to 100)(set: $quickwit to 100)(set: $shakedown to 100)]] (font: "Khand")+(css: "font-size: 1.2em")[[[✦ Start->BOOK I.]]]
</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span><span id="content2"><span id="content2-18"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[Silver Bear rummaged around some more behind the seat. It was a mess back there. Pushing aside a pair of](stop:)] (live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-left")[ jumper cables on top of a pile of wadded hamburger wrappers and empty whiskey bottles, he (link-show: "found...",?1)](stop:)]|1)[(transition: "shudder")[ a grenade and extra] (transition: "shudder")[thirty-round magazine!]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|1)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[-3 Shake Down.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⛨ Inventory Updated.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","18. Continue 2")</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="box1-4">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-2]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 150px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[FAILED. -2 Lore.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 150px")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ The memories of Snapping Turtle
(css: "padding-left: 150px")[are still too painful for Silver Bear
(css: "padding-left: 150px")[to think about.]]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","13. Look around.")</span>]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span id="content2"><span id="content2-16"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[From behind the seat of his truck, Silver Bear took a fully loaded Colt AR-15 rifle] (transition: "slide-left")[with sling, and a digital-gray MOLLE chest rig crammed with six thirty-round magazines.](stop:)] (live: 2s)[(transition: "slide-up")[He'd upgraded the rifle with a binary trigger allowing for rapid fire.](stop:)]</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(live: 1s)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Shake Down.]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⛨ Inventory Updated.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","18. Continue 2")</span>]]](if: $shakedown is >= 3)[
(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #00ffff)[~or~]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "⛨ -3 Shake Down to
double check the seat?")[(set: $shakedown to it -3)(set: _result to (random: 1, 6) + $shakedown)(if: _result < 9)[(go-to: "17a. Extra Ammo and Grenade")](else:)[(set: $power to it +1)(set: $secrets1 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $hasextramagazine to 1)(set: $hasgrenade to 1)(set: $extrariflebullets to 30)(go-to: "17. Extra Ammo and Grenade")]]</span>]]]](stop:)]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">Little Sidewinder looked at the feathered scales of her trembling hands.
Quetzalcoatl was a powerful Were-kin who helped harness the magic of the World Tree to build the portals to the district of Mythicus known as Aztlán.
His descendants still retained the feathery trait of his lineage, yet his bloodline had become so diluted that they no longer had wings.
Little Sidewinder wondered what it would be like to have wings and fly like the winged Werekind, or the clockwork birds, and it saddened her that she would never know.</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>(if: $Quetzalcoatlpenalty is 1)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[-4 Brain Power.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Brain Power.]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+2 Lore.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.
⚿ Arcana Updated:
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","24a. Decisions, Decisions")</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(if: $whatdoesLittleSidewinderdowiththegun is "threw the gun down the well.")[(set: $hasgun to 1)(set: $mission2 to 2)(go-to: "31a. Throw the gun down the well!")]\
(else-if: $whatdoesLittleSidewinderdowiththegun is "put the gun back under the rock.")[(set: $mission2 to 2)(go-to: "31c. Put the gun back under the rock!")]\
(else-if: $whatdoesLittleSidewinderdowiththegun is "kept the gun.")[(set: $power to it +1)(set: $hasgun to 2)(set: $mission2 to 2)(go-to: "31b. Keep the gun")]\
(else:)[<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">Little Sidewinder waved the gun at Diamondback. "You lied to me! You promised you wouldn't bring a gun onto the ranch!"
"If you know what's good for you, you'll give me that gun right now!"
"Little Sidewinder, stop waving that gun around and give it back to me right now before you—"
Diamondback grabbed for the gun. They wrestled for <span class='glow6'>(link-reveal: "control.")[(show: ?4)]</span>|4)[
(transition: "dissolve")[The gun went] (live: 1s)[(track: 'AnimaliaTrack69', 'play')(transition: "rumble")[<span class='glow6'>(link-reveal: "off.")[(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')(show: ?5)]</span>](stop:)]|5)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Diamondback fell down, the wind knocked out of her. She clutched her chest, looking up in pained surprise. Blood leaked through her clawed hands.](live: 1s)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Dropping the gun, Little Sidewinder cradled her aunt in her scaly feathered arms, but there was nothing she could do.](stop:)]]]
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><img src='img/AnimaliaGrin.gif' width=50% height=50%></p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|5)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|31d. Game Over 1]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')]<span id="box1-4">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-3]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 160px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[FAILED. -3 Quick Wit.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 160px")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ The Pep Talk still doesn't work.]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","36. Pink Belly needs courage.")</span>]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>(set: $WhyisDiamondbackscared to 1)Diamondback was scared because, like Pink Belly, she knew what had brought the occupants of the Escalade to the ranch, but she buried the thought (link-goto: "deep inside her.","43. Diamondback's scared.")</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>But in Diamondback's heart she knew otherwise.
"Never... I would never... how can you say that?... don't even think it..."
She *did* (link-show: "owe",?1) Pink Belly.
She owed him for taking her and Little Sidewinder in and giving them shelter ten years ago. For that, she would be forever grateful.|1)[
(transition: "dissolve")[They were forced to flee Aztlán, one of the districts of Mythicus, because of something that had happened in their past... something (link-goto: "terrible...","44. Pink Belly gazes into the slaughterhouse.") but she was too ashamed to think about it any longer.]]
Nonplussed, her fanged-jaw hung open. Steeling herself, she shook her head.
Pink Belly gazed into the slaughterhouse.</span>
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(set: $mission4 to 1)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>The Escalade was nearly to the ranch now.
Pink Belly asked, "How can so much misery exist in such a beautiful world?"
"Because we bring it on ourselves." Diamondback hissed.
She gazed forlorn into the twilight.
Pink Belly frowned.
"Promise me, Diamondback, no matter what happens, you will not risk your life, or hers, for mine."
Diamondback looked down. "No..." She shook her head. "Please do not ask that of me—"</span>
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Amarante")+(color: #00ffff)[Pink Belly:]
<span class='glow6'>(cyclinglink: bind $PinkBellyconsoles, "said nothing more.", "used tough love. (Muscle)", "set Diamondback's
mind at ease.")</span>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>[[⛤|46. Try and set her mind at ease]]</span>]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Four.]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'MuswayStudio-SimplePictures', 'play')<span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>The black Escalade kicked up a long trail of (link-show: "dust",?1) behind it, coming down the dirt road through the shrub steppes to the ranch. |1)[(transition: "dissolve")[The dust clung low to the road
like a green fog, dissipating into the rippling heat of the setting sun.]]
Pink Belly continued hosing off the saw where he stood in the open sliding bay door of his slaughterhouse.
The SUV parked next to the wooden corral in front of the trailer home. His clawed hands started (link-show: "shaking.",?2)|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")[*Don't lose your confidence. Get a hold of yourself, damn it!*]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[And the (link-show: "trembling",?3) stopped.](stop:)]]|3)[
(transition: "dissolve")[He watched from the corner of his beady eyes as the rear passenger door swung open, and Bobcat sprang out on all fours, feral-eyed and grinning sharp yellowed fangs.]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|3)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>(if: $PinkBellyconsoles is "said nothing more.")[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Four.]]]]](if: $PinkBellyconsoles2 is "left it at that.")[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Four.]]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","Lore Check 3")</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>\
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')(if: $PinkBellyconsoles is "used tough love. (Muscle)")[(set: $mission4 to 2)(set: _result to (random: 1, 6) + $muscle)(if: _result >= 11)[(set: $toughloveworked to 1)(set: $power to it +1) (set: $muscle to it +3)(go-to: "47. Use tough love")](else:)[(set: $toughloveworked to 2)(set: $power to it -1)(set: $muscle to it +1)(go-to: "47. Use tough love")]]\
(else-if: $PinkBellyconsoles is "said nothing more.")[(set: $mission4 to 2)(go-to: "48. Say nothing")]\
(else:)[(set: $mission4 to 2)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">With a clawed finger Pink Belly lifted Diamondback's head gently by her chin to meet his loving gaze.
"You are the best friend I've ever known."</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
Pink Belly:
<span class='glow6'>(cyclinglink: bind $PinkBellyconsoles2, "left it at that.", "hugged Diamondback.", "passionately
kissed Diamondback.")</span>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>[[⛤|46a. Kiss her]]</span>]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>]<span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">Pink Belly grabbed Diamondback by the arms. "Promise me!"
Taken aback, Diamondback stared. Her forked tongue flicking the dusty air.
"Promise me."
Tears welled in her eyes. She looked at the ground. And he decided that would have to be good enough.</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>(if: $toughloveworked is 1)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ The tough love worked
better than expected.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+3 Muscle.]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Four.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","48. Say nothing")</span>]]]](if: $toughloveworked is 2)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ The tough love worked,
but it's damaged your
friendship with Diamondback.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Muscle.]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[-1 Lore.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Four.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","48. Say nothing")</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">Pink Belly hugged Diamondback. "I love you."
Diamondback squeezed hard.
"I love you, too." She fought back tears.
A blue, shimmering energy arose from the ground.
"I have no regrets." He cradled the back of her scaly head. "I wouldn't change a thing."
She wept quietly into his shoulder. "Me either."
In an enchanting dance the energy coalesced around them.
Then, like a fine dust, sprinkled back into the land.
"Promise me," he kissed her on the forehead.
"I... I promise."
"This is not the end, Diamondback, you'll see. Everything is going to turn out right as rain."
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Diamond Glow")</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+5 Health.]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+3 Lore.]]]]
(live: 1s)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #367588)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "rumble")[+1 Magic Point.]]]](stop:)]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.
Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Four.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","48. Say nothing")</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'MuswayStudio-EpicEnergy', 'play')(if: $PinkBellyconsoles2 is "left it at that.")[(go-to: "48. Say nothing")]\
(else-if: $PinkBellyconsoles2 is "hugged Diamondback.")[(set: $secrets3 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +4)(set: $health to it +5)(set: $magicpoints to it +1)(set: $magicpoints3 to 1)(go-to: "46b. Hug her")]\
(else:)[<span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">Pink Belly kissed Diamondback. She pushed him away.
"Sorry," he said. "I don't know what came over me."
"It's alright. I just... didn't think you liked me in that way."
Pink Belly felt embarrased. He was angry with himself for kissing her.
*Stupid, stupid. Why did I do that?* He wondered, but couldn't figure out why. It was uncharacteristic of him.</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Four.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","48. Say nothing")</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>]<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Bobcat stood upright.
He wore a black suit and tie and had a short Psychobilly Mohawk. Ruffs of grayish brown hair beneath his pointed black-tipped ears made his face appear wider than it really was.
Two brawny Javelina boys with smaller Warhawks, also dressed in black suits, squeezed out of the Escalade. One from the driver side, one from the passenger.
The muscles of the thick-necked boys bulged beneath their tight-fitting suits like a couple of bodybuilders on steroids.
(link: "(1.) Bobcat")[Bobcat(if: $wavedoffthedust is 0)[(set: $wavedoffthedust to 1)(show: ?2)(show: ?6)](else:)[(show: ?2)]] and (link: "(2.) the boys")[the boys(show: ?3)] waved off the dust from the road. They slammed the Escalade doors shut. The boys fell in behind Bobcat, and the three of them shambled toward Pink Belly.|3)[(if: $wavedoffthedust is 0)[(set: $wavedoffthedust to 1)(show: ?1)]
(transition: "dissolve")[Pink Belly recognized the two boys as Tusk and Snort: the same two who had paid him a visit yesterday.]]|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")[(set: $wavedoffthedust to 1)The stubby cat and his boys were three of Long Horn's thugs from (link: "(3.) Old Town.")[(set: _result to (random: 1, 6) + $power)(if: _result >= 35)[(set: $secrets4 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +1)(set: $brainpower to it +1)(set: $OldTown to 1)(go-to: "50. Old Town")](else:)[(set: $power to it -1)(go-to: "50a. Old Town")]]](live: 1s)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Three of many.](stop:)]]</span>
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[50/50</span>]]]]|6)[(replace: "50/50")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|1)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Shake Down.(set: $shakedown to it +1)]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(unless: (track: 'AnimaliaTrack73', 'isplaying', 'islooping'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack73', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack73', 'play')](set: $totalscore to 0)<span id="content10">
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(font: "Amarante") + (text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 2.8em")+(text-style: "underline")[CHAPTER IV.]
(font: "Amarante") + (text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 2em")+(css: "line-height: 1.7em")[Bobcat and His Boys]</span></p></div></body></html>
</span>(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")+(font: "Amarante")+(css: "font-size: 1.2em")[<span class='glow'>[[◈ Begin|49. Bobcat wore a black suit]]](masteraudio: 'stopall')
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
(if: $power < 35)[<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[You do not have enough Lore
to unlock the rest of the story.]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI2")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>]
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(else:)[(go-to: "End Part III.")]\
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')(set: $totalscore to 0)<span id="content10">
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(font: "Amarante") + (text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 2.8em")+(text-style: "underline")[CHAPTER III.]
(font: "Amarante") + (text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 2em")+(css: "line-height: 1.7em")[The Black Escalade]</span></p></div></body></html>
</span>(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")+(font: "Amarante")+(css: "font-size: 1.2em")[<span class='glow'>[[◈ Begin|32. Pink Belly's POV]]](masteraudio: 'stopall')
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
(if: $power < 20)[<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[You do not have enough Lore
to unlock the rest of the story.]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>]
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(else:)[(go-to: "End Part II.")]\
(masteraudio: 'stopall')AnimaliaTrack36: aud/AnimaliaTrack36.mp3
AnimaliaTrack37: aud/AnimaliaTrack37.mp3
AnimaliaTrack38: aud/AnimaliaTrack38.mp3
AnimaliaTrack43: aud/AnimaliaTrack43.mp3
AnimaliaTrack45: aud/AnimaliaTrack45.mp3
AnimaliaTrack46: aud/AnimaliaTrack46.mp3
AnimaliaTrack48: aud/AnimaliaTrack48.mp3
AnimaliaTrack57: aud/AnimaliaTrack57.mp3
AnimaliaTrack58: aud/AnimaliaTrack58.mp3
AnimaliaTrack60: aud/AnimaliaTrack60.mp3
AnimaliaTrack62: aud/AnimaliaTrack62.mp3
AnimaliaTrack63: aud/AnimaliaTrack63.mp3
AnimaliaTrack64: aud/AnimaliaTrack64.mp3
AnimaliaTrack65: aud/AnimaliaTrack65.mp3
AnimaliaTrack66: aud/AnimaliaTrack66.mp3
AnimaliaTrack69: aud/AnimaliaTrack69.mp3
AnimaliaTrack70: aud/AnimaliaTrack70.mp3
AnimaliaTrack71: aud/AnimaliaTrack71.mp3
AnimaliaTrack72: aud/AnimaliaTrack72.mp3
AnimaliaTrack73: aud/AnimaliaTrack73.mp3
AnimaliaTrack74: aud/AnimaliaTrack74.mp3
AnimaliaTrack75: aud/AnimaliaTrack75.mp3
AnimaliaTrack77: aud/AnimaliaTrack77.mp3
AnimaliaTrack78: aud/AnimaliaTrack78.mp3
bensound-ofeliasdream: aud/bensound-ofeliasdream.mp3
bensound-birthofahero: aud/bensound-birthofahero.mp3
MuswayStudio-SimplePictures: aud/MuswayStudio-SimplePictures.mp3
MuswayStudio-InspiringMood: aud/MuswayStudio-InspiringMood.mp3
MuswayStudio-EpicHeroic: aud/MuswayStudio-EpicHeroic.mp3
MuswayStudio-EpicEnergy: aud/MuswayStudio-EpicEnergy.mp3
MuswayStudio-EmotionalPiano: aud/MuswayStudio-EmotionalPiano.mp3
DreamHeaven-Happiness: aud/DreamHeaven-Happiness.mp3
DreamHeaven-NostalgicMemories: aud/DreamHeaven-NostalgicMemories.mp3showControls: false<span id="content8"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>[[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton9.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Credits]] [[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton10.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Story]] [[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton8.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Gameplay]] [[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton11.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Start Screen]]
(display: "Pentagram Glow 2")(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: 2.1em")[GAMEPLAY]](display: "Pentagram Glow 2")</p></div></body></html>
<span id="content2-1"><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
<span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><img src='img/AnimaliaRating.png' width=50% height=50%></p></div></body></html>Animalia is an interactive fiction RPG set in a place called the World Tree populated by mythological creatures and animal hybrids.
You begin as Silver Bear—a veteran of the War of Ten Dogs. Broken, with war-scarred mind, he has arrived at the border of the Windless Prairie, guided there by the spirit of Snapping Turtle, his friend killed in the war. Snapping Turtle saved Silver Bear's life; now the bear has come to the prairie to repay the life debt.
Gameplay is similar to a choose your own adventure in which you will be given multiple choices to select (mostly in the form of hypertext), and, depending on the choices you make, you determine the outcome of the story. <span class='glow6'>[[✦ continued...|Gameplay Continued]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span><span id="content8"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>[[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton9.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Credits]] [[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton10.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Story]] [[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton8.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Gameplay]] [[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton11.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Start Screen]]</p></div></body></html>
(align: "=><=")[(display: "Pentagram Glow 2")(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: 2em")[CREDITS]](display: "Pentagram Glow 2")]
<span id="content2-1"><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
<span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3">(align: "=><=")[
####Interactive Fiction
####Role-Playing Game
(color: #D4AF37)[story:]
(text-style: "underline")+(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[Southwest]
Writing Krew
(color: #D4AF37)[music & artwork:]
(color: #D4AF37)[designed and
published by:]
(font: "Khand")+(css: "font-size: .8em")[made with Twine 2.3.5 and Harlowe 3.1; all music used in the production of this game was listed as license free/public domain, Creative Commons, and/or has been provided attribution to meet the requirements of usage and is used in good faith; all artwork was listed as license free/public domain, and/or Creative Commons, and used in good faith, and has been recreated into original and unique transformative artwork under fair use and owned by No Sell Productions; images were checked using TinEye Reverse Image Search www.tineye.com and to the best of our knowledge none of the images used in the production of this game violate copyright; all music used in the production of this game is done so in good faith that said music has been accurately listed by their creators as license free/public domain, Creative Commons, and/or Creative Commons requiring attribution; No Sell Out Productions is not liable or responsible for any misrepresentation by said creators of their works and will immediately remove any images/music from the game should they be proven to be in violation of copyright.]
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span><span id="content8"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>[[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton9.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Credits]] [[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton10.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Story]] [[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton8.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Gameplay]] [[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton11.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Start Screen]]</p></div></body></html>
(align: "=><=")[(display: "Pentagram Glow 2")(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: 2em")[STORY]](display: "Pentagram Glow 2")]
<span id="content2-1"><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
<span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3">The War of Ten Dogs is over.
Jueyuan and his ten mongrel Generals have been defeated.
The veterans have returned home.
Many return to the city of Mythicus at the heart of the World Tree.
Others return to the Windless Prairie, or the southern border towns.
Guilt-stricken, wondering with every breath why they survived, and their comrades didn't?
But the war was not the only place to know suffering.
It was not the only place to know violence or bloodshed.
For there was much to be found elsewhere in the World Tree...
Those who lay curses will themselves be cursed.
Those who sow destruction will themselves be destroyed.
Those who invoke the Creator Spirit's wrath.
Will themselves receive it.</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span><div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[(link: '(1.) "Infernal big rigs!"')[(set: $hasrifle to 1) (set: $hasmolle to 1)(set: $riflebullets to 210)(go-to: "16b. Check Behind the Seat")]</span>](stop:)]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-left")[Silver Bear shook his hybrid paw-fist, waving off the cloud of dust the semi-truck had kicked up.](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "slide-right")[They were necessary for commerce throughout the World Tree. But damn if they weren't a <span class='glow6'>(link: "(2.) nuisance.")[nuisance.(show: ?1)]</span>](stop:)] |1)[
(transition: "slide-right")[Turned the highways into] (live: 1s)[(transition: "rumble")[death traps.](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[- 2 -</span>]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|1)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
<span class='glow2'>(font: "Khand")+(link-replace: "✦ Check behind the
seat of the truck?")[(set: $hasrifle to 1) (set: $hasmolle to 1)(set: $riflebullets to 210)(set: $shakedown to it +1)(go-to: "16a. Check Behind the Seat")]</span>
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")<span id="content9"><video src='vid/AnimaliaBookOnePartOne4-2.mp4' width=100% height=100% autoplay></video>
(live: 66s)[(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")+(font: "Amarante")+(css: "font-size: 1.2em")[<span class='glow'>[[◈ Continue|1. The Windless Prairie]]</span>]](masteraudio: 'stopall')
</span><span id="content6"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(css: "line-height: 1.5em")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: 3.5em")[ANIMALIA]
(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "underline")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: 3em")[BOOK I.]</span>
<img src='img/AnimaliaHeader4.png' width=80% height=80%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(css: "font-size: 2em")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[Where the Wind]
(css: "font-size: 2em")+(css: "line-height: 1.1em")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[Once Blew Free]</span>
<img src='img/AnimaliaWindL.png' width=25% height=25%><img src='img/AnimaliaWindR.png' width=25% height=25%><span class='glow'>(css: "font-size: 1.2em")+(align: "=><=")[(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: #00ffff)[[[◈ New Game->Start Screen]]]](text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: #00ffff)[(if: (saved-games:) contains "AnimaliaBookI")[
(link: "✦ Load Save")[(go-to: "Load Screen")]]]]]<img src='img/AnimaliaWindBottomL.png' width=25% height=25%><img src='img/AnimaliaWindBottomR.png' width=25% height=25%></p></div></body></html></span>\
(set: $lastPassage to "")<span id="box2"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"></head><body>
<button class="collapsible"><img src='img/AnimaliaMuscle.png' width=10% height=6%>**Muscle:** $muscle</button><div class="content"><p>(font: "Khand")+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(color: #00ffff)[* Determines how strong you are.]</p></div>
<button class="collapsible"><img src='img/AnimaliaSwiftFeet.png' width=10% height=6%>**Swift Feet:** $swiftfeet</button><div class="content"><p>(font: "Khand")+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(color: #00ffff)[* Determines things like your speed and agility.]</p></div>
<button class="collapsible"><img src='img/AnimaliaBrainPower2.png' width=10% height=6%>**Brain Power:** $brainpower</button><div class="content"><p>(font: "Khand")+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(color: #00ffff)[* Is your book smarts.]</p></div>
<button class="collapsible"><img src='img/AnimaliaHealth2.png' width=10% height=6%>**Health:** $health</button><div class="content"><p>(font: "Khand")+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(color: #00ffff)[* Determines how much damage you can take before you're dead.]</p></div>
<button class="collapsible"><img src='img/AnimaliaShakeDown.png' width=10% height=6%>**Shake Down:** $shakedown</button><div class="content"><p>(font: "Khand")+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(color: #00ffff)[* Determines how good you are at searching and finding things you're actively looking for.]</p></div>
<button class="collapsible"><img src='img/AnimaliaQuickWit.png' width=10% height=6%>**Quick Wit:** $quickwit</button><div class="content"><p>(font: "Khand")+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(color: #00ffff)[* Determines your level of perception and how good you are at passively observing things.]</p></div>
<button class="collapsible"><img src='img/AnimaliaLore.png' width=10% height=6%>(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[**Lore: $power**]]]</button><div class="content"><p>(font: "Khand")+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(color: #00ffff)[* Is used to unlock secrets and progress the story.]</p></div>
<button class="collapsible"><img src='img/AnimaliaMagicPoints.png' width=10% height6%>(text-style: "bold")[(color: #367588)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[**Magic Points: $magicpoints**]]]</button><div class="content"><p>(font: "Khand")+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(color: #00ffff)[(if: $magicpoints is >= 3)[* You have unlocked three Magic Points and now have the ability to harness the magic of the World Tree and use its power when needed!](else:)[* Allows you to harness the magic of the World Tree. Must unlock three or more points to use this ability.]]</p></div>
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(css: "font-size: 1.1em")[CHAPTER I. Complete:]]]</span></p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-1.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-1"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(css: "font-size: .95em")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)[Your Muscle is: (color: #D4AF37)[$muscle]
Your Brain Power is: (color: #D4AF37)[$brainpower]
Your Swift Feet is: (color: #D4AF37)[$swiftfeet]
Your Quick Wit is: (color: #D4AF37)[$quickwit]
Your Shake Down is: (color: #D4AF37)[$shakedown]
Your Health is: (color: #D4AF37)[$health]
Your Lore is: (color: #D4AF37)[$power]
You discovered:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$secrets1 of 10 Secrets]]
You found:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #367588)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$magicpoints1 of 1 Magic Points]](if: $magicpoints is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +5)]
Inventory:(if: $hasrifle is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[
(set: $totalscore to it +5)Colt AR-15.
210 bullets.]]](if: $hasextramagazine is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[
(set: $totalscore to it +5)You found:]]
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[30 extra bullets.
the grenade.]]](if: $hasextramagazine is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -5)
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You failed to find:]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[the extra bullets.
the grenade.]]]
Minor Arcana:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You unlocked:]](font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(if: $WarofTenDogs is 0)[(if: $WorldTree is 0)[(if: $WindlessPrairie is 0)[(if: $CityofMythicus is 0)[(if: $Werekind is 0)[(if: $SnappingTurtle is 0)[(if: $eviltaint is 0)[(if: $RedSands is 0)[
None.]]]]]]]](if: $WarofTenDogs is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +1)
War of Ten Dogs.](if: $WorldTree is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +1)
The World Tree.](if: $WindlessPrairie is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +1)
The Windless Prairie.](if: $CityofMythicus is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +1)
City of Mythicus.](if: $Werekind is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +1)
Werekind.](if: $SnappingTurtle is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +1)
Spirit of Snapping Turtle.](if: $eviltaint is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +1)
Evil Taint.](if: $RedSands is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +1)
Night in the Red Sands.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You failed to unlock:]](font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(if: $WarofTenDogs is 1)[(if: $WorldTree is 1)[(if: $WindlessPrairie is 1)[(if: $CityofMythicus is 1)[(if: $Werekind is 1)[(if: $SnappingTurtle is 1)[(if: $eviltaint is 1)[(if: $RedSands is 1)[
None.]]]]]]]](if: $WarofTenDogs is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -1)
War of Ten Dogs.](if: $WorldTree is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -1)
The World Tree.](if: $WindlessPrairie is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -1)
The Windless Prairie.](if: $CityofMythicus is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -1)
City of Mythicus.](if: $Werekind is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -1)
Werekind.](if: $SnappingTurtle is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -1)
Spirit of Snapping Turtle.](if: $eviltaint is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -1)
Evil Taint.](if: $RedSands is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -1)
Night in the Red Sands.]]]
Major Arcana:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You unlocked:]](font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(if: $Jueyuan is 0)[(if: $Ancients is 0)[(if: $greaterlove is 0)[(if: $Garl is 0)[
None.]]]](if: $Jueyuan is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +2)
Jueyuan.](if: $Ancients is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +2)
The Ancients.](if: $greaterlove is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +2)
Greater Love.](if: $Garl is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +2)
Garl the Werebeast Goddess.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You failed to unlock:]](font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(if: $Jueyuan is 1)[(if: $Ancients is 1)[(if: $greaterlove is 1)[(if: $Garl is 1)[
None.]]]](if: $Jueyuan is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -2)
Jueyuan.](if: $Ancients is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -2)
The Ancients.](if: $greaterlove is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -2)
Greater Love.](if: $Garl is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -2)
Garl the Werebeast Goddess.]]]
{(set: $totalscore to it +$muscle)(set: $totalscore to it +$brainpower)(set: $totalscore to it +$swiftfeet)(set: $totalscore to it +$quickwit)(set: $totalscore to it +$shakedown)(set: $totalscore to it +$health)(set: $totalscore to it +$power)(set: $totalscore to it +$secrets1)}
Total Score: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$totalscore]]
Rank: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(if: $totalscore is < 70)[Novice!](else-if: $totalscore is < 80)[Skilled!](else-if: $totalscore is < 90)[Expert!](else:)[Champion!]]]
Grand Total: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(set: $grandtotal to it + $totalscore)$grandtotal]]]]</p></div></body></html>\
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4-1"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader4.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Retry","Start Screen")</span>
<span class='glow1'>{(link:"✦ Save game")[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.]]}</span>
<span class='glow1'>(text-style: "bold")[[[✦ Continue->PART II. THE GUN]]]</span>]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%>
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')<span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Little Sidewinder couldn't understand why (if: $WhoareDiamondbackandLittleSidewinder is 0)[(link-goto: "Aunt Diamondback", "27. Who are Diamondback and Little Sidewinder?")](if: $WhoareDiamondbackandLittleSidewinder is 1)[Aunt Diamondback] had lied about the (link-reveal: "gun.")[(if: $Wheredidshefindthegun is 0)[(show: ?2)](else-if: $WhoareDiamondbackandLittleSidewinder is 0)[(show: ?2)](else:)[(goto: "30. What should Little Sidewinder do about this gun?")]] Especially after everything that had (if: $Whathappenedtotheirfamily is 0)[(link: "happened to them... to their family.")[(set: _result to (random: 1, 6) + $power + $quickwit)(if: _result < 26)[(goto: "28a. What happened to their family?")](else:)[(set: $secrets2 to it + 1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1) (set: $power to $power + 1)(set: $whathappenedtofamily to 1)(go-to: "28. What happened to their family?")]]](if: $Whathappenedtotheirfamily is 1)[happened to them... to their family.]
Did (if: $WhoisPinkBelly is 0)[(link-goto: "Pink Belly", "29. Who is Pink Belly?")](if: $WhoisPinkBelly is 1)[Pink Belly] know about it, too?
It was his (if: $Whereistheranch is 0)[(link-goto: "ranch,", "26. Where is the ranch?")](if: $Whereistheranch is 1)[ranch,] after all, and he and Diamondback were like brother and sister.|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")[There was still more Little Sidewinder needed to think about before deciding what to do with the (if: $Wheredidshefindthegun is 1)[gun.](else:)[(link-goto: "gun.", "25. Where did she find the gun?")]]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>\
(unless: (track: 'bensound-ofeliasdream', 'isplaying', 'islooping'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'bensound-ofeliasdream', 'loop', true)(track: 'bensound-ofeliasdream', 'play')]<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(font: "Amarante")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "line-height: 1.6em")[(color: black)[(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "underline")[
(css: "font-size: 1.1em")[CHAPTER II. Complete:]]]</span></p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-1.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-1"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(css: "font-size: .95em")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)[Your Muscle is: (color: #D4AF37)[$muscle]
Your Brain Power is: (color: #D4AF37)[$brainpower]
Your Swift Feet is: (color: #D4AF37)[$swiftfeet]
Your Quick Wit is: (color: #D4AF37)[$quickwit]
Your Shake Down is: (color: #D4AF37)[$shakedown]
Your Health is: (color: #D4AF37)[$health]
Your Lore is: (color: #D4AF37)[$power]
You discovered:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$secrets2 of 3 Secrets]]
(if: $hasgun is 2)[(set: $totalscore to it +5)Inventory:(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[
13 bullets.]]]\
(else:)[(set: $totalscore to it -5)Inventory:(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[
You got rid of the Glock.]]]
Minor Arcana:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You unlocked:]](font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(if: $Glock21 is 0)[(if: $whathappenedtofamily is 0)[
None.]](if: $Glock21 is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +1)
GLOCK 21.](if: $whathappenedtofamily is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +1)
Little Sidewinder's Family.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You failed to unlock:]](font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(if: $Glock21 is 1)[(if: $whathappenedtofamily is 1)[
None.]](if: $Glock21 is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -1)
GLOCK 21.](if: $whathappenedtofamily is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -1)
Little Sidewinder's Family.]]]
Major Arcana:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You unlocked:]](font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(if: $Quetzalcoatl is 0)[
None.](if: $Quetzalcoatl is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +2)
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You failed to unlock:]](font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(if: $Quetzalcoatl is 1)[
None.](if: $Quetzalcoatl is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -2)
{(set: $totalscore to it +$muscle)(set: $totalscore to it +$brainpower)(set: $totalscore to it +$swiftfeet)(set: $totalscore to it +$quickwit)(set: $totalscore to it +$shakedown)(set: $totalscore to it +$health)(set: $totalscore to it +$power)(set: $totalscore to it +$secrets2)}
Total Score: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$totalscore]]
Rank: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(if: $totalscore is < 50)[Novice!](else-if: $totalscore is < 60)[Skilled!](else-if: $totalscore is < 70)[Expert!](else:)[Champion!]]]
Grand Total: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(set: $grandtotal to it + $totalscore)$grandtotal]]]]</p></div></body></html>\
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4-1"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader4.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "✦ Retry")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI")]</span>
<span class='glow1'>{(text-style: "bold")+(link:"✦ Save Game")[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.]]}</span>
<span class='glow1'>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[[[✦ Continue->PART III. THE BLACK ESCALADE]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%>
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')<span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">Spraying the saw, Pink Belly watched from the corner of his beady eyes.
A black Escalade was slowly making its way up the long dirt road to his ranch.
The SUV kicked up a long trail of dust behind it that clung low to the road like a green fog, as the vehicle inched ever closer toward him and the few haggard Synth Cows in the corral next to his trailer home.
Chills ran down his spine...</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
<span class='glow6'>Pink Belly:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: "inconspicuously
watched the Escalade.", "continued washing the saw.", "pretended nothing was wrong.")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[(go-to: "Continue watching the Escalade.")]</span>]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>\
(track: 'AnimaliaTrack45', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack45', 'play')<span id="content2-1-1"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Pentagram Glow 2")(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: 2em")[CHAPTERS]](display: "Pentagram Glow 2")</p></div></body></html>
<img src='img/AnimaliaHeader4.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content5"><img src='img/AnimaliaWindL.png' width=50% height=50%><img src='img/AnimaliaWindR.png' width=50% height=50%>(css: "font-size: 1.3em")+(css: "line-height: 1.4em")[
<span class='glow1'>(text-style: "bold")+(font: "Amarante")[(link: "Chapter I.")[(go-to: "Start Screen")]](if: (saved-games:) contains "AnimaliaBookI2")[
(text-style: "bold")+(font: "Amarante")[(link: "Chapter III.")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI2")]]](if: (saved-games:) contains "AnimaliaBookI4")[
(text-style: "bold")+(font: "Amarante")[(link: "Chapter V.")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI4")]]](if: (saved-games:) contains "AnimaliaBookI6")[
(text-style: "bold")+(font: "Amarante")[(link: "Chapter VII.")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI6")]]](if: (saved-games:) contains "AnimaliaBookI8")[
(text-style: "bold")+(font: "Amarante")[(link: "Chapter IX.")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI8")]]]</span>
<span class='glow1'>(if: (saved-games:) contains "AnimaliaBookI")[(text-style: "bold")+(font: "Amarante")[(link: "Chapter II.")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI")]]](if: (saved-games:) contains "AnimaliaBookI3")[
(text-style: "bold")+(font: "Amarante")[(link: "Chapter IV.")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI3")]]](if: (saved-games:) contains "AnimaliaBookI5")[
(text-style: "bold")+(font: "Amarante")[(link: "Chapter VI.")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI5")]]](if: (saved-games:) contains "AnimaliaBookI7")[
(text-style: "bold")+(font: "Amarante")[(link: "Chapter VIII.")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI7")]]](if: (saved-games:) contains "AnimaliaBookI9")[
(text-style: "bold")+(font: "Amarante")[(link: "Chapter X.")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI9")]]]</span>]<img src='img/AnimaliaWindBottomL.png' width=50% height=50%><img src='img/AnimaliaWindBottomR.png' width=50% height=50%></span><div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(font: "Amarante")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "line-height: 1.6em")[(color: black)[(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "underline")[
(css: "font-size: 1.1em")[CHAPTER III. Complete:]]]</span></p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-1.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-1"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(css: "font-size: .95em")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)[Your Muscle is: (color: #D4AF37)[$muscle]
Your Brain Power is: (color: #D4AF37)[$brainpower]
Your Swift Feet is: (color: #D4AF37)[$swiftfeet]
Your Quick Wit is: (color: #D4AF37)[$quickwit]
Your Shake Down is: (color: #D4AF37)[$shakedown]
Your Health is: (color: #D4AF37)[$health]
Your Lore is: (color: #D4AF37)[$power]
You discovered:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$secrets3 of 5 Secrets]]
You found:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #367588)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$magicpoints3 of 1 Magic Points]](if: $magicpoints3 is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +5)]
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[None in Chapter III.]]
Minor Arcana:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You unlocked:]](font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(if: $PinkBellyssecret is 0)[(if: $runaways is 0)[
None.]](if: $PinkBellyssecret is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +1)
Pink Belly's Secret.](if: $runaways is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +1)
The Runaways.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You failed to unlock:]](font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(if: $PinkBellyssecret is 1)[(if: $runaways is 1)[
None.]](if: $PinkBellyssecret is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -1)
Pink Belly's Secret.](if: $runaways is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -1)
The Runaways.]]]
Major Arcana:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You unlocked:]](font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(if: $LongHorn is 0)[
None.](if: $LongHorn is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +2)
Long Horn.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You failed to unlock:]](font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(if: $LongHorn is 1)[
None.](if: $LongHorn is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -2)
Long Horn.]]]
{(set: $totalscore to it +$muscle)(set: $totalscore to it +$brainpower)(set: $totalscore to it +$swiftfeet)(set: $totalscore to it +$quickwit)(set: $totalscore to it +$shakedown)(set: $totalscore to it +$health)(set: $totalscore to it +$power)(set: $totalscore to it +$secrets3)}
Total Score: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$totalscore]]
Rank: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(if: $totalscore is < 70)[Novice!](else-if: $totalscore is < 85)[Skilled!](else-if: $totalscore is < 100)[Expert!](else:)[Champion!]]]
Grand Total: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(set: $grandtotal to it + $totalscore)$grandtotal]]]]</p></div></body></html>\
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4-1"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader4.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "✦ Retry")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI2")]</span>
<span class='glow1'>{(text-style: "bold")+(link:"✦ Save Game")[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.]]}</span>
<span class='glow1'>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[[[✦ Continue->Part IV. Bobcat and his Boys]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%>
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')<span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">Bobcat said: "Mr. Pink Belly? Sir, are you Pink Belly?"
"Yes," said Pink Belly without looking up, and kept washing the saw.
Bobcat's feral, bloodshot eyes narrowed.
"Howdy, name's Bobcat." The jittery cat gestured to the two brawny Javelina boys. "And these here are Tusk and Snort."
Bobcat stood directly in front of Pink Belly. Tusk and Snort stood on each side, boxing Pink Belly in.</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
<span class='glow6'>Pink Belly:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: "wiped his brow.", "continued washing the saw.", "trembled in fear.", "flicked the hot, dusty
air with his tongue.", "looked Bobcat in the eyes.")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[(go-to: "52a. Bobcat's Introduction")]</span>]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>\
(unless: (track: 'AnimaliaTrack73', 'isplaying', 'islooping'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack73', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack73', 'play')](set: $LongHorn to 1)(set: $LongHorn2ndchance to 1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +1)(set: $brainpower to it +1)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">Long Horn's powerful and corruptive influence reached like a brewing storm across all the Windless Prairie and all the towns, big and small, outside the great city of Mythicus.</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Brain Power.]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.
⚿ Arcana Updated:
Long Horn.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","52. Bobcat's Introduction")</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>\
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">Old Town was one of the many towns dotting the vast Windless Prairie.
It was where Long Horn based his operations from within a massive, walled and near-impreganable compound at the heart of the town.
The Bull controlled the <span class='glow6'>(link: "(1.) entire town.")[(show: ?1)]</span>|1)[entire town, (transition: "dissolve")[and all the surrounding towns, within a hundred miles, and had all the sherrifs and corrupt politicians in his pocket.]]
From Old Town, the <span class='glow6'>(if: $LongHorn is 1)[Bull](else:)[(link: "(2.) Bull")[(set: _result to (random: 1, 6) + $power)(if: _result >= 32)[(go-to: "51. Long Horn Second Chance")](else:)[(set: $power to it -1)(go-to: "51a. Long Horn Second Chance")]]]</span> ran all his gambling, prostitution, and drug racketeering, supplied by a powerful drug cartel known as the Ouroboros Syndicate from the southern <span class='glow6'>(link-goto: "(3.) border towns","52. Bobcat's Introduction")</span> of the World Tree.
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[- 1 -</span>]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>|1)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[Bonus: +1 Shake Down.(set: $shakedown to it +1)]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Brain Power.]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.
⚿ Arcana Updated:
Old Town.]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")<span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Bobcat and Pink Belly (link-show: "entered",?1) the old slaughterhouse. |1)[(transition: "dissolve")[Tusk and Snort stood
guard at the bay door.]] Bright white halogens glared down from their fixtures in the metal rafters and trusses overhead.
Diamondback and Little Sidewinder were sweeping up dust off the floor. They were nearly done, when Bobcat walked inside and (link-show: "startled",?2) them.|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Grinning, he bared his yellowed fangs. "Didn't realize your workers were in here. Can you kindly ask them to leave? We need to talk in private."]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["They're my (link-show: 'partners—"',?3) Pink Belly started to say.](stop:)]]|3)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Workers... partners... what-*ever*," said Bobcat. His feral eyes narrowed to slits. "This here is between (link-goto: 'you and I."',"54a. Inside the Slaughterhouse")]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(set: $mission5 to 1)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Little Sidewinder asked her aunt when they were out of earshot: "What is going on?"
"It'll be okay." Gripping her by the arm, Diamondback urged her toward the trailer home, but Little Sidewinder had a hard time keeping up. "Go inside. Wait for me."
Little Sidewinder jerked away. "No! I'm not moving another inch until you tell me what's wrong!"
Diamondback let go, nudging Little Sidewinder forward. "There's no time to explain."
Little Sidewinder scowled.
Diamondback held Little Sidewinder by the arms. "Just this once, don't argue with me, and just do as I say." Little Sidewinder's face sunk, but then hardened, and Diamondback kissed her on the forehead. "I love you more than anything in the world. I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you. You know that. Now go inside and wait for me."
</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span class='glow6'>Little Sidewinder:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: "forgave her aunt.", "did as she was told.", "hated being treated like a child.")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[(go-to: "55d. Diamondback and Little Sidewinder")]</span>]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Five.]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">In a panic Little Sidewinder shoved the pistol inside her backpack along with the photo of her family.
Slinging the pack onto her back, she hurried inside the slaughterhouse just as Diamondback approached the open bay door.
"Oh... there you are," said Diamondback, surprised.
Little Sidewinder hurriedly grabbed up a broom and started sweeping.
"What were you doing out there?" Diamondback looked beyond the bay door, suspiciously.
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Diamond Glow")</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Two.
⛨ Inventory Updated.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","Lore Check 2")</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')(if: $GiveDiamondbackthegun is "gave her aunt the gun.")[(set: $quickwit to it +1)(set: $secrets4 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +2)(set: $health to it +3)(set: $magicpoints to it +1)(set: $magicpoints4 to 1)(set: $hasgun to 3)(set: $Glockbullets to 13)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Little Sidewinder rummaged the pistol from her pack, showing Diamondback the gun.
"Where did you... how..." Diamondback stammered. She stared at the gun, both taken aback and ashamed.
"I saw you hide it under a rock near the well," said Little Sidewinder. "I was going to throw it away. I was so angry because you promised you would never bring a gun onto the ranch..."
Finally, Diamondback came to her senses. "I had to, honey—for a day just like today. I'm sorry I lied to you... I'm so sorry; but none of that matters right now." Carefully, she took the gun. "What matters is that you gave it back to me. Now hurry. Go to the trailer and wait for me. I love you." Diamondback kissed her niece again.
And Little Sidewinder (link-show: "slithered off",?1) to the trailer home.
</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Diamond Glow")</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Quick Wit.
+3 Health.]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+2 Lore.]]]]
(live: 1s)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #367588)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "rumble")[+1 Magic Point.]]]](stop:)]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.
⛨ Inventory Updated.]]]]|1)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","55b. Diamondback and the gun")</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")]\
(else:)[(set: $hasgun to 1)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">Little Sidewinder was still too angry with her aunt to give back the gun.
"Hurry," Diamondback said. "Go to the trailer and wait for me."
"Alright... okay."
"I love you." Diamondback kissed her niece again. "Don't do anything foolish."
And Little Sidewinder slithered off to the trailer home.</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","55b. Diamondback and the gun")</span>]]]
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>](if: $hasgun is 1)[(go-to: "56. Diamondback and the gun 2")]\
(else-if: $hasgun is 3)[(go-to: "55c. Diamondback and the gun 3")]\
(else:)[(set: $shakedown to it +1)(set: $secrets4 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +3)(set: $health to it +3)(set: $magicpoints to it +1)(set: $magicpoints4 to 1)(set: $mission5 to 2)(set: $hasgun to 3)(set: $Glockbullets to 13)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Diamondback hurried to the rock near the well where she had hid the pistol.
The gun was where she had left it.
She sighed in relief, though something looked (link-reveal: "different...")[(show: ?3)]|3)[ something about the placement of the rock.] But there was no time to dwell on it now.
And she crept around to the side of the slaughterhouse. Peeking through a crack in the old paneling, she watched (link-goto: "Pink Belly nervously explaining","57. Pink Belly nervously explains") to Bobcat...</span>
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Diamond Glow")</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>|3)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[-1 Quick Wit.(set: $quickwit to it -1)]]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Shake Down.
+3 Health.]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+2 Lore.]]]]
(live: 1s)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #367588)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "rumble")[+1 Magic Point.]]]](stop:)]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.
Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Five.
⛨ Inventory Updated.]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")](set: $mission6 to 1)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">Hungrily, the Synth Cows snorted more into the dirt.
Pink Belly gulped. "Your boys... they were already out here... yesterday."
The Synth shoved against the piecemeal corral, bowing the haphazardly strung together two-by-four planks and mesquite logs, bleached white by the sun, every inch of long-dead wood eager to break splinters into unsuspecting flesh.
Bobcat feigned another smile.
"So what've you heard about me? Have you heard I have a reputation?"
"Bad or good?"
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Amarante")+(color: #00ffff)[Pink Belly:]
<span class='glow6'>(cyclinglink: bind $goodorbad, 'said, "Good."', 'said, "Bad."')</span>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>[[⛤|57a. Good or Bad]]</span>]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Six.]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(unless: (track: 'AnimaliaTrack73', 'isplaying', 'islooping'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack73', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack73', 'play')](masteraudio: 'stopall')(set: $mission5 to 2)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Diamondback hurried to the rock near the well where she had hid the (link-reveal: "pistol.")[(show: ?1) (transition: "dissolve")[The gun was...] (live: 2s)[(transition: "rumble")[*gone.*](stop:)(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')](live: 4s)[
(transition: "dissolve")[*What happened to it?* she wondered.
She upturned more rocks and dirt, flinging them aside, but it was no use, the gun was nowhere to be found. A rush of fear dizzied her. She felt sick.
She slumped down beside the well, leaning against the cold, rough stone.
*What could have happened? Think... think...* But she couldn't think straight.
There was no time to keep searching.
And she crept around to the side of the slaughterhouse. Peeking through a crack in the old paneling, she watched Pink Belly nervously explaining to Bobcat...](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|1)[
(live: 4s)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Five.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","57. Pink Belly nervously explains")</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>(stop:)]]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>"What? What was that, Pink? I can't understand a word you're sayin'," Bobcat said.
(link: "(1.) Tusk and Snort")[Tusk and Snort(show: ?8)] poked their heads inside the slaughterhouse.
Bobcat scoffed.
"Not when you're mumbling with your hand over your mouth like that trying to cover up your stink."|8)[(set: $continue58 to it +1)(if: $continue58 is 3)[(show: ?5)](if: $fetidscents1 is 1)[(set: $fetidscents1 to 2)](else:)[(show: ?6)]
(transition: "dissolve")[The brawny Javelina laughed, snorting and squealing, the collars and armpits of their black suits soaked in half-moons of sweat.]]
"Did you say (link: "(2.) *escaped?*")[(set: $continue58 to it +1)(if: $continue58 is 3)[(show: ?5)](if: $fetidscents1 is 0)[(set: $fetidscents1 to 1)](else:)[(show: ?6)]*escaped?* (transition: "dissolve")[My heavens,
goodness gracious! Where did you hear that load of hooey?]] Creator have mercy, we're not running a (link: "(3.) prison,")[(set: $continue58 to it +1)(if: $continue58 is 3)[(show: ?5)](if: $fetidscents1 is 2)[(set: $fetidscents to 1)(show: ?9)](else:)[(show: ?6)]prison. (transition: "dissolve")[They're not
our prisoners,]] if that's what you think," said Bobcat.</span>
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[2 , ? , ?</span>]]]]|6)[(replace: "2 , ? , ?")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]|9)[(replace: "2 , ? , ?")[(color: black)+(text-style: "shadow")[(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "rumble")[So far, so good...]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|5)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","58a. Escaped females")</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")<span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>The dust touched Pink Belly's flicking tongue; a salty coppery taste—of grit and filth and blood and hopelessness (link-reveal: "and...")[(show: ?1)] |1)[(transition: "shudder")[ *Death.*]]
Bobcat said: "I know Tusk and Snort were out here yesterday. You don't need to convince me of that, Pink.|1)[(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[ Of all the things y'all need to (link-goto: "convince","Lore Check 4") me of, right now, this moment, this very second, that ain't one of them.](stop:)]]"</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
(if: $power < 40)[<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[You do not have enough Lore
to unlock the rest of the story.]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI3")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>]
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(else:)[(go-to: "End Part IV.")]\
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(font: "Amarante")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "line-height: 1.6em")[(color: black)[(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "underline")[
(css: "font-size: 1.1em")[CHAPTER IV. Complete:]]]</span></p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-1.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-1"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(css: "font-size: .95em")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)[Your Muscle is: (color: #D4AF37)[$muscle]
Your Brain Power is: (color: #D4AF37)[$brainpower]
Your Swift Feet is: (color: #D4AF37)[$swiftfeet]
Your Quick Wit is: (color: #D4AF37)[$quickwit]
Your Shake Down is: (color: #D4AF37)[$shakedown]
Your Health is: (color: #D4AF37)[$health]
Your Lore is: (color: #D4AF37)[$power]
You discovered:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$secrets4 of 4 Secrets]]
You found:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #367588)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$magicpoints4 of 1 Magic Points]](if: $magicpoints4 is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +5)]
(if: $hasgun is 3)[(set: $totalscore to it +5)Inventory:(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[
13 bullets.]]]\
(else:)[(set: $totalscore to it -5)Inventory:(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[
You failed to retrieve:]](font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[
the Glock.]]]
Minor Arcana:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[None in Chapter IV.]]
Major Arcana:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You unlocked:]](font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(if: $LongHorn2ndchance is 0)[(if: $OldTown is 0)[
None.]](if: $LongHorn is 0)[(if: $OldTown is 0)[(if: $LongHorn2ndchance is 0)[
None.]]](if: $LongHorn2ndchance is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +2)
Long Horn.](if: $OldTown is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +2)
Old Town.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You failed to unlock:]](font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(if: $LongHorn2ndchance is 1)[(if: $OldTown is 1)[
None.]](if: $LongHorn is 1)[(if: $OldTown is 1)[
None.]](if: $LongHorn2ndchance is 0)[(if: $LongHorn is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -2)
Long Horn.]](if: $OldTown is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -2)
Old Town.]]]
{(set: $totalscore to it +$muscle)(set: $totalscore to it +$brainpower)(set: $totalscore to it +$swiftfeet)(set: $totalscore to it +$quickwit)(set: $totalscore to it +$shakedown)(set: $totalscore to it +$health)(set: $totalscore to it +$power)(set: $totalscore to it +$secrets4)}
Total Score: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$totalscore]]
Rank: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(if: $totalscore is < 90)[Novice!](else-if: $totalscore is < 105)[Skilled!](else-if: $totalscore is < 120)[Expert!](else:)[Champion!]]]
Grand Total: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(set: $grandtotal to it + $totalscore)$grandtotal]]]]</p></div></body></html>\
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4-1"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader4.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "✦ Retry")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI3")]</span>
<span class='glow1'>{(text-style: "bold")+(link:"✦ Save Game")[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.]]}</span>
<span class='glow1'>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[[[✦ Continue->Part V. The Slaughter Box]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%>
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')(set: $totalscore to 0)<span id="content10">
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(font: "Amarante") + (text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 2.8em")+(text-style: "underline")[CHAPTER V.]
(font: "Amarante")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 2em")+(css: "line-height: 1.7em")[The Slaughter Box]</span></p></div></body></html>
</span>(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")+(font: "Amarante")+(css: "font-size: 1.2em")[<span class='glow'>[[◈ Begin|60. Bobcat inspects the slaughtering equipment]]](masteraudio: 'stopall')<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Bobcat surveyed the slaughterhouse. Time had not been kind to it. The place was old, rundown. Yet surprisingly all the equipment had been well-maintained or replaced with new gear. A row of new galvanized steel pens occupied a portion of the left wall. There were a great many (link: "(1.) tools and machines.")[(set: $continue60 to it +1)(if: $continue60 is 4)[(show: ?6)](if: $scannedtheslaughterhouse is 0)[(set: $scannedtheslaughterhouse to 1)]tools and machines:(live: 1s)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Blitz cartridge-fired captive bolt stunner...](stop:)] (live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[conveyors...](stop:)] (live: 3s)[(transition: "dissolve")[tripe washer...](stop:)] (live: 4s)[(transition: "dissolve")[peeling machine...](stop:)] (live: 5s)[(transition: "dissolve")[slaughtering ice
making machine...](stop:)] (live: 6s)[(transition: "dissolve")[carcass processing convey (link: "(2.) machine.")[machine.(show: ?2)]](stop:)]]|2)[(set: $continue60 to it +1)(if: $continue60 is 4)[(show: ?6)](if: $scannedtheslaughterhouse is 1)[(set: $scannedtheslaughterhouse to 2)](transition: "dissolve")[ A cattle (link: "(3.) Slaughter Box.")[(if: $scannedtheslaughterhouse is 2)[(set: $scannedtheslaughterhouse to 4)](set: $continue60 to it +1)(if: $continue60 is 4)[(show: ?6)]Slaughter Box; (transition: "dissolve")[a large metal cylinder attached
with hoses and wires.]]]]
Long metal work tables occupied the back, along with cattle splitting saw, band saws, leg saws, and a giant (link: "(4.) Thompson 61000 Industrial Mixer Grinder.")[(if: $scannedtheslaughterhouse is 2)[(set: $scannedtheslaughterhouse to 3)(show: ?3)](else:)[(set: $failed60 to 1)(show: ?7)]Thompson 61000 Industrial Mixer Grinder (transition: "dissolve")[that nearly touched the grimy
steel rafters and trusses overhead.](set: $continue60 to it +1)(if: $continue60 is 4)[(show: ?6)]]|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Approaching the Slaughter Box, Bobcat inspected the movable bottom and sides—where the slaughtered Synth Cow would eject and slide out onto the tubular grid of the vomit area; then the Synth was hung in the slaughter track by its hind leg using a hook and a block.]]
A handful of Synth crammed inside the pens started bellowing, as though pleading to be spared their grim fate.|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat said: "What you *do* need to convince me of, Pink, is the truth. Did Tusk and Snort say what they was lookin' fer yesterday?"]]</span>
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[1 , 2 , ?</span>]]]]|7)[(replace: "1 , 2 , ?")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|3)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+2 Health. (set: $secrets5 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +1)(set: $health to it +2)]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets. ]]]]|6)[(if: $scannedtheslaughterhouse is 3)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","61. Diamondback feels trapped")</span>]]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]|6)[(if: $failed60 is 1)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","61. Diamondback feels trapped")</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack77', 'play')<span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>As Diamondback watched through the crack in the wall she felt as trapped and helpless as the Synth.
"No," said Pink Belly. "It's none of my business."
"Well, slap my head and call me silly! Don't that beat all. Really? They didn't say?" said Bobcat. "They was lookin' fer Red Fox and her daughter, Kit."
The slits of the cat's feral, yellow eyes narrowed.
"Do you know *(link-goto: 'why?"',"63. Bobcat sniffed the dusty air")*
Pink Belly shook his head as though he didn't want to hear the answer.</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]](if: $runaways is 0)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #00ffff)[~or~]]
(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Khand")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "⚿ Try again to unlock the
secret of Red Fox and Kit?")[(if: (random: 1,6) + $power > 42)[(set: $totalsecrets to it +1) (set: $power to it + 2)(set: $runaways to 1)(set: $runaways2ndchance to 1)(go-to: "62a. Who are Red Fox and Kit?")](else:)[(set: $power to $power -1)(set: $runaways2ndchance to 2)(go-to: "62b. Who are Red Fox and Kit?")]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="box1-1">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[+2]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 135px")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[SUCCESS! +2 Lore. +1 Secrets.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 135px")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[The Foxes are runaways from Mr. Long
(css: "padding-left: 135px")[Horn and his followers in Old Town.]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","63. Bobcat sniffed the dusty air")</span>]]]
</span><div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Bobcat sniffed the dusty air, looking in Diamondback's direction.|1)[(set: $counterstop to 1)(masteraudio: 'stopall')(set: $evilgaze to 4)
(transition: "dissolve")[Her heartbeat] (live: 1s)[(transition: "shudder")[(link: "(5.) quickened.")[quickened.(show: ?2)]](stop:)]]
She gulped. Had he picked up her scent?
A voice in the back of her mind screamed, *Run!* It would be a matter of seconds before he discovered her hiding place.
Sniffing more, the cat glanced around.|2)[(set: $counterstop to 1)(masteraudio: 'stopall')(replace: "around.")[around,] (transition: "dissolve")[but seemed unable to detect with any
certainty what he was smelling for because of the potent dust and stench.]
(if: $evilgaze is 0)[(set: $evilgaze to 1)](live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[He whipped his evil gaze at the (link: "(1.) Synth Cows.")[Synth Cows.(show: ?3)]](stop:)]]|3)[
(set: $continue63 to it +1)(if: $continue63 is 3)[(show: ?11)](if: $evilgaze is 2)[(set: $evilgaze to 3)](else:)[(set: $evilgaze to 4)](transition: "dissolve")[The Synth quieted.
A pair of clockwork doves cooed mechanically in the tract work of the dirty rafters.]]|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")["As I'm sure y'all are aware, Mr. Long Horn's followers are labeled by the media, unfairly mind you, as a (link: "(2.) fanatic death cult,")[(set: $continue63 to it +1)(if: $continue63 is 3)[(show: ?11)](if: $evilgaze is 1)[(set: $evilgaze to 2)](else:)[(set: $evilgaze to 4)]fanatic death cult (transition: "dissolve")[of thugs, drug runners, and
Were-kin traffickers,]] but what we really are is a (link: '(3.) close knit family."')[(show: ?4)]]]|4)[close-knit family.
(if: $evilgaze is 3)[(show: ?5)](else:)[(show: ?13)](transition: "dissolve")["And, like any family, Pink, sometimes family members don't see eye to eye. Know what I mean?|11)[(replace: "Know what I mean?")[(link-goto: "(4.) Know what I mean?", "64. Bobcat's Nickname")]] Don't worry 'bout answerin' that one.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Ain't no such thing as a perfect family, Pink. No such thing as a perfect anything. Every family's dysfunctional in some way."](stop:)](set: $continue63 to it +1)(if: $continue63 is 3)[(show: ?11)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[~ choose wisely ~]</span>]]]|7)[(replace: "~ choose wisely ~")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]|12)[(replace: "~ choose wisely ~")[(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[? , 1 , ?]]]]]]|13)[(replace: "? , 1 , ?")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span class='glow1'>(font: "Khand")[(link: "✦ Decide what
Diamondback should do.")[(show: ?6)]]</span>|6)[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span class='glow6'>Diamondback:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearreflection, "froze in terror.", "continued watching.", "ducked to the side to avoid
detection (Swift Feet).")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[(if: $SilverBearreflection is "froze in terror.")[(show: ?1,?7)](if: $SilverBearreflection is "continued watching.")[(show: ?2,?12)](if: $SilverBearreflection is "ducked to the side to avoid
detection (Swift Feet).")[(set: _result to (random: 1, 6) + $swiftfeet)(if: _result >= 10)[(show: ?2,?12)](else:)[(show: ?1,?7)]]]</span>]
(set: $counter to 40)(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[Hurry! You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left![ (live: 1s)[ (set: $counter to it - 1) (if: $counterstop is 1)[(stop:)](if: $counter is 0)[(show: ?1)] (replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span></div><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]](if: $runaways2ndchance is 1)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]|5)[(if: $runaways2ndchance is 0)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+2 Lore. (set: $secrets5 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +2)]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]](if: $runaways2ndchance is 0)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]](if: $runaways2ndchance is 1)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⚿ Arcana Updated:
The Runaways.]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')<span id="box1-1">(if: $quickwit is >= 4)[(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-1]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 140px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[FAILED. -1 Lore.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 140px")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ Diamondback is too scared to tell
(css: "padding-left: 140px")[you anything about Red Fox and Kit.]]]]
<span class='glow1'>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: black)[(link-goto: "✦ Continue","63. Bobcat sniffed the dusty air")]]\
(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #D4AF37)[~or~]]\
(align: "=><=")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Khand")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "⛨ -4 Quick Wit to try again?")[(set: $quickwit to it -4)(if: (random: 1,6) + $power + $quickwit > 42)[(set: $totalsecrets to it +1) (set: $power to it + 2)(set: $runaways to 1)(set: $runaways2ndchance to 1)(go-to: "62a. Who are Red Fox and Kit?")](else:)[(set: $runaways2ndchance to 2)(go-to: "62c. Who are Red Fox and Kit?")]]]]](else:)[(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-1]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 140px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-1 Lore.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 140px")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ Diamondback is too scared to tell
(css: "padding-left: 140px")[you anything about Red Fox and Kit.]]]]
<span class='glow1'>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: black)[(link-goto: "✦ Continue","63. Bobcat sniffed the dusty air")]]]
</span><span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Diamondback continued watching intently from the other side of the crack in the wall.
Her heartbeat raced faster.
Bobcat returned his menacing gaze to Pink Belly.
"Y'all know 'bout the nickname they've given me?"
"I've heard of it."
"Ain't proud of it, but it fits me. Don't suit me, fits me. (link-reveal: 'What have you heard?"')[(show: ?3)]|3)[
(set: $typewriterText to '"I heard they call you...')(display: "Typewriter") (live: 2s)[(transition: "rumble")[ The Hound."](stop:)]
(live: 4s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Not just (link-reveal: "*any*")[(show: ?4)] ol' hound..."](stop:)]]|4)[
(transition: "dissolve")[A toothy grin froze across Bobcat's muzzle...]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[... seconds ticked...](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat cupped a hybrid paw-hand to his black-tufted ear...](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Much as I ain't proud of it, I still like hearin' it spoken aloud in its entirety."](stop:)]
(live: 4s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Pink Belly (link-reveal: "gulped.")[(show: ?6)]](stop:)]]|6)[
(transition: "dissolve")["The...] (live: 1s)[(transition: "pulse")[*(link-goto: 'Blood Hound,"',"65. The Blood Hound")*](stop:)] (live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[he finally said.](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack77', 'play')<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>"Thank you for that, Pink." Bobcat patted Pink Belly warmly on the (link: "(1.) shoulder.")[(if: $imacat is 3)[(set: $imacat to 3)](else:)[(set: $imacat to 4)](set: $continue65 to it +1)(if: $continue65 is 6)[(show: ?6)]shoulder, (transition: "dissolve")[squeezing Pink Belly's
shoulder like an old friend.]] "It's not the greatest of nicknames, but like I said, it (link: "(2.) fits me.")[fits me.(show: ?1)] Don't suit me, fits me. |1)[(set: $continue65 to it +1)(if: $continue65 is 6)[(show: ?6)](if: $imacat is 0)[(set: $imacat to 1)](transition: "dissolve")[I'm a cat, not some slobbering mutt, which is why I reckon I ain't particularly proud of the name."]]
Bobcat left his hybrid paw-hand on (link: "(3.) Pink Belly's shoulder.")[Pink Belly's shoulder.(show: ?4)]|4)[(set: $continue65 to it +1)(if: $continue65 is 6)[(show: ?6)](if: $imacat is 1)[(set: $imacat to 2)]
(transition: "dissolve")["Y'all butcher these Synth yourself?"]]
Moving behind Pink Belly, Bobcat rested his other (link: "(4.) paw-hand")[paw-hand(show: ?3)] on the other shoulder.
Razor sharp claws unsheathed from Bobcat's furry fingers like (link: "(5.) curled stilettos.")[(set: $continue65 to it +1)(if: $continue65 is 6)[(show: ?6)](if: $imacat is 3)[(set: $imacat to 3)](else:)[(set: $imacat to 4)]curled stilettos (transition: "dissolve")[then retracted.]]|3)[(set: $continue65 to it +1)(if: $continue65 is 6)[(show: ?6)]
(if: $imacat is 2)[(set: $imacat to 3)](transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat looked like he was either ready to strangle Pink Belly, or give Pink Belly a shoulder massage.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Hmm? Y'all do it by yourself—your own (link: '(6.) butchering?"')[butchering?"(show: ?5)]](stop:)]]|5)[
(if: $imacat is 3)[(show: ?8)](else:)[(set: $failed65 to 1)(show: ?7)]"No," Pink Belly said.(set: $continue65 to it +1)(if: $continue65 is 6)[(show: ?6)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[2 , ? , 4 , 6</span>]]]]|7)[(replace: "2 , ? , 4 , 6")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|8)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+2 Health. (set: $secrets5 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +1)(set: $health to it +2)]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]|6)[(if: $imacat is 3)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","66. Ancient tongue of Animalia")</span>]]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]|6)[(if: $failed65 is 1)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","66. Ancient tongue of Animalia")</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")<span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Bobcat squeezed Pink Belly's shoulder, letting go.
"That's right, you have those two dirty snakes, I mean, *partners*, to help you."
The jittery cat approached the Slaughter Box again.
"Was that Old Animalian I heard y'all speakin' earlier?"
"So does that mean y'all know how to speak it?"
(link-reveal: '"Fluently?"')[(show: ?3)]
Bobcat (link-reveal: "banged")[(track: 'AnimaliaTrack58', 'play')(show: ?2)] on the smooth gleaming metal.|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")[There boomed a resounding echo from inside the large cylinder.]]|3)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Pink Belly nodded.
Bobcat (link-reveal: "banged")[(show: ?4)] on the metal again.]]|4)[
(transition: "dissolve")[In Old Animalian, said: "Pays to be proficient in the ancient tongue these days. I reckon only a few of us in the herd can speak it and I need the practice."
"Look, I..." Pink Belly began in the (link-reveal: "revised common language.")[(show: ?1)]]]|1)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat wagged his furry finger.
"Uh, uh, uh! In the ancient tongue, sir," he interrupted, still speaking (link-goto: "Old Animalian.","67. Their conversation continued in ancient Animaliaian:")]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Their conversation continued in Old Animalian:
"Y'all have any family?" Bobcat asked Pink Belly.
(link-reveal: '"None')[(show: ?2)] at all?"|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")["They passed away a long time ago."]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["What about the snakes? Don'tcha consider them family?"](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Gulping, Pink Belly (link-reveal: "stared")[(show: ?3)] at the ground.](stop:)]]|3)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat said: "Don't worry 'bout answerin' that one. We love our family, Pink. We don't want it split up. However, much as it pains us, sometimes it does split.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["For whatever misguided reason, a family member like Red Fox decides to leave... which is fine. As much as it pains us. We ain't the bad guys, like the media portrays us.
"Family members are free to come and go. This is a *free* land after all. They're still part of the family; sometimes family members need to get out on their own, Pink. We (link-goto: "understand","68. The cattle slaughter box.") that."](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack77', 'play')<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>"Sometimes, I reckon we need to get them out on their own," said Bobcat. "Nudge the fledgling from the nest, so's to speak. We realize that. But...|3)[
(set: $spooking to 3)(transition: "dissolve")["There's always a *(link: "(6.) but")[but(show: ?8)]* in there, am I right?]]
"In this case, Red Fox's goody two-shoes husband had racked up a huge debt to keep his ranch afloat.|8)[(replace: "afloat.")[afloat,](if: $spooking is 0)[(set: $spooking to 1)](transition: "dissolve")[ right before he
met an untimely] (live: 1s)[(transition: "pulse")[(link: "(1.) demise")[demise(show: ?7)]](stop:)] (live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[at the bottom
of](stop:)] (live: 3s)[(transition: "shudder")[Canyon Diablo...](stop:)]]
"And, to repay said debt, Red and her daughter joined Mr. Long Horn's family... |7)[(set: $continue68 to it +1)(if: $continue68 is 4)[(show: ?11)](if: $spooking is 1)[(set: $spooking to 2)](transition: "dissolve")[but it seems ol' Red's had a (link: "(2.) change of heart")[change of heart(show: ?4)]]]|4)[(set: $continue68 to it +1)(if: $continue68 is 4)[(show: ?11)] (transition: "dissolve")[concerning her
daughter, Kit."]]|8)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat (link: "(3.) pointed")[pointed(show: ?1)] at the Slaughter Box.]]|1)[
(set: $continue68 to it +1)(if: $continue68 is 4)[(show: ?11)](if: $spooking is 2)[(set: $spooking to 2)](else:)[(set: $spooking to 3)](transition: "dissolve")["Is this where y'all butcher the Synth?"]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Yes."](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat said: "How do you (link: "(4.) operate")[operate(show: ?2)] this highfalutin' doohicky?"](stop:)]]|2)[
(if: $spooking is 2)[(show: ?6)](else:)[(show: ?9)](transition: "dissolve")[Spooking, the clockwork doves flapped|11)[(replace: "flapped")[(link-goto: "(5.) flapped","69. You push that button.")]] their mechanical wings.](set: $continue68 to it +1)(if: $continue68 is 4)[(show: ?11)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[50/50]</span>]]]|10)[(replace: "50/50")[(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[? , ? , 2 , 4]]]]]]|12)[(replace: "50/50")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]|9)[(replace: "? , ? , 2 , 4")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span class='glow6'>Pink Belly said:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearreflection, '"But what?"', '"What happened
to her husband?"')]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[(if: $SilverBearreflection is '"But what?"')[(show: ?3,?12)](if: $SilverBearreflection is '"What happened
to her husband?"')[(show: ?8,?10)]]</span>]</p></div></body></html></span></div><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|6)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore. (set: $secrets5 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +1)]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(set: $mission6 to 2)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Another menacing smile froze across Bobcat's hateful face... seconds ticked...
... the jittery cat cupped a hand to his ear again.
Trembling, Pink Belly pointed at a panel of buttons on the side of the machine.
"You push that button."
"This button?"
Bobcat moved to press the button without hesitation. |9)[(set: $health to it - (either: 1,2,3))
(transition: "dissolve")["You little shit!" Bobcat swatted Pink Belly to the dusty floor.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Pink Belly landed with a hard thud, dazed.](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat nursed his paw-hand. "What the hell's y'all's problem?" He (link-show: "pressed",?10) the button, anyway.](stop:)]]|1)[
(track: 'AnimaliaTrack57', 'play')(transition: "dissolve")[A loud, (link: "(1.) electrical zap")[electrical zap(show: ?2)] sounded from the three lethal electrodes inside the (link: "(2.) Slaughter Box.")[Slaughter Box.(show: ?3)]]]|2)[
(set: $continue69 to it +1)(if: $continue69 is 5)[(show: ?11)](if: $slaughterboxzap is 0)[(set: $slaughterboxzap to 3)](transition: "dissolve")[Flying up into the ceiling, the two clockwork doves flapped around in a fit of clanking metal, escaping through a large, open window at the (link: "(3.) end of the tract work.")[end of the tract work(show: ?4)]]] |4)[(set: $continue69 to it +1)(if: $continue69 is 5)[(show: ?11)](transition: "dissolve")[ above the Thompson 61000 and the (link: "(4.) hopper.")[hopper(show: ?5)]]]|5)[(set: $continue69 to it +1)(if: $continue69 is 5)[(show: ?11)](if: $slaughterboxzap is 1)[(set: $slaughterboxzap to 2)](transition: "dissolve")[—where the synthetic
cow meat was dumped into the mixer grinder.]]|3)[
(set: $continue69 to it +1)(if: $continue69 is 5)[(show: ?11)](if: $slaughterboxzap is 0)[(set: $slaughterboxzap to 1)](transition: "dissolve")[Hydraulically, the side of the Slaughter Box (link: "(5.) opened...")[opened...(show: ?6)]]] |6)[(if: $slaughterboxzap is 2)[(show: ?8)](else:)[(show: ?7)](transition: "dissolve")[*but the box was empty.|11)[(replace: "empty.")[(link-goto: "(6.) empty.","70. Dead tired")]]*](set: $continue69 to it +1)(if: $continue69 is 5)[(show: ?11)]]</span>
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[~ choose wisely ~]</span>]]]|12)[(replace: "~ choose wisely ~")[(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[2 , ? , ? , 4 , ?]]]]]]|13)[(replace: "~ choose wisely ~")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]|7)[(replace: "2 , ? , ? , 4 , ?")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span class='glow6'>Pink Belly:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearreflection, "did nothing.", "trembled with fear.", "slapped Bobcat's hand
away from the button.", "attacked Bobcat.")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[(if: $SilverBearreflection is "did nothing.")[(show: ?1,?12)](if: $SilverBearreflection is "trembled with fear.")[(show: ?1,?12)](if: $SilverBearreflection is "slapped Bobcat's hand
away from the button.")[(set: $slaughterboxzap to 3)(show: ?9,?13)](if: $SilverBearreflection is "attacked Bobcat.")[(go-to: "69b. You push that button.")]]</span>]</p></div></body></html></span></div><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>|10)[
(if: $health is <= 0)[(go-to: "69a. You push that button.")](else:)[(show: ?1)(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "pulse")[Health: $health.]]]|8)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore. (set: $secrets5 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +1)]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Six.]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")<span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>"Y'all know why they nicknamed me the Blood Hound? Don't worry 'bout answerin' that one. They call me the Blood Hound cuz I'm good at what I do, Pink. I'm very good at finding and returning wayward family members. The way I see it, Pink, there are two possibilities. Red Fox and Kit escaped to Mythicus, *or...* someone is hiding them somewhere in Mr. Long Horn's territory.
"There's no place for them to hide in Old Town, or any of the neighboring towns for that matter. No one in the towns would hide them, Pink. No one in the towns would dare (link-show: "double-cross",?1) Mr. Long Horn."|1)[(replace: 'Mr. Long Horn."')[Mr. Long Horn.]
(transition: "dissolve")["The foxes fled on foot, which means they would need to avoid civilization for at least a hundred miles, give or take, before they were far enough away to escape notice."]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat (link-show: "gestured",?2) to Tusk and Snort standing guard at the bay door.](stop:)]]|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Now, I can understand n appreciate how y'all might believe if one of them two boys managed an idea between them in those pea-pickin' little brains of theirs, it'd die of loneliness," turning back to face Pink Belly, Bobcat pointed to himself, "and, as for me, well, I may have been born at night, sir, but not *last* night."
Bobcat patted Pink Belly warmly on the shoulder. "You catch my meanin'? It don't take no rocket scientist to know that since them foxes are on foot, they couldn't've (link-goto: "skedaddled","Lore Check 5") very far."]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack77', 'play')<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>"You're trembling. What's a (link-show: "(1.) matter,",?1) Pink?"|1)[(replace: "(1.) matter,")[matter,](replace: 'Pink?"')[Pink?](set: $continue70 to it +1)(if: $continue70 is 6)[(show: ?10)](if: $pointedatsaw is 1)[(set: $pointedatsaw to 2)](else:)[(set: $pointedatsaw to 6)](transition: "dissolve")[ How rude of me, where are my
Bobcat looked at the band saw that Pink Belly was still holding.
The cat (link: "(2.) squeezed")[squeezed(show: ?2)] Pink Belly's shoulder like an old friend.
He (link: "(3.) pointed at the saw.")[pointed at the saw.(show: ?3)]|2)[
(set: $continue70 to it +1)(if: $continue70 is 6)[(show: ?10)](if: $pointedatsaw is 0)[(set: $pointedatsaw to 1)](transition: "dissolve")["Y'all been (link: "(4.) holding")[holding(show: ?4)] that this entire time. That must be why you're (link: '(5.) trembling."')[trembling.(show: ?5)]]]|5)[(set: $continue70 to it +1)(if: $continue70 is 6)[(show: ?10)](if: $doublebonus70 is 0)[(set: $pointedatsaw2 to 6)](else:)[(set: $pointedatsaw2 to 1)] (transition: "dissolve")[ Aw... your poor little arm
is *dead tired."*]]|4)[
(set: $continue70 to it +1)(if: $continue70 is 6)[(show: ?10)](if: $pointedatsaw is 2)[(set: $doublebonus70 to 1)(show: ?8)](else:)[(set: $pointedatsaw to 6)](transition: "dissolve")[Keeping his hand on Pink Belly's shoulder, Bobcat led Pink Belly to the metal slaughter tables.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Pink Belly laid the saw on a table.](stop:)]]|3)[
(set: $continue70 to it +1)(if: $continue70 is 6)[(show: ?10)](if: $pointedatsaw2 is 1)[(set: $pointedatsaw2 to 2)](else:)[(set: $pointedatsaw2 to 6)](transition: "dissolve")["Tsk-tsk."]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Grinning, Bobcat pointed at a piece of overlooked meat stuck on the (link: "(6.) saw teeth.")[saw teeth.(show: ?6)]](stop:)]]|6)[
(set: $continue70 to it +1)(if: $continue70 is 6)[(show: ?10)](if: $pointedatsaw2 is 2)[(if: $doublebonus70 is 1)[(show: ?9)]](else:)[(show: ?7)](transition: "dissolve")["You missed a spot, Pink."]]</span>
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[2 , 1 , ? , ? , 3 , ?</span>]]]]|7)[(replace: "2 , 1 , ? , ? , 3 , ?")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]|9)[(replace: "2 , 1 , ? , ? , 3 , ?")[(color: black)+(text-style: "shadow")[(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "rumble")[Outstanding!]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|7)[(if: $doublebonus70 is 0)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]]|8)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+2 Lore. (set: $secrets5 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +2)]]]]|9)[(set: $secrets5 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +2)(replace: "+2 Lore.")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+4 Lore.]]]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]|9)[(replace: "+1 Secrets.")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+2 Secrets.]]]]]]|10)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","71. They call me the Blood Hound")</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]|10)[(if: $pointedatsaw is 6)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","71. They call me the Blood Hound")</span>]]]]]|7)[(if: $doublebonus70 is 0)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
(if: $power < 50)[<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[You do not have enough Lore
to unlock the rest of the story.]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI4")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>]
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(else:)[(go-to: "End Part V.")]\
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(font: "Amarante")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "line-height: 1.6em")[(color: black)[(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "underline")[
(css: "font-size: 1.1em")[CHAPTER V. Complete:]]]</span></p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-1.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-1"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(css: "font-size: .95em")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)[Your Muscle is: (color: #D4AF37)[$muscle]
Your Brain Power is: (color: #D4AF37)[$brainpower]
Your Swift Feet is: (color: #D4AF37)[$swiftfeet]
Your Quick Wit is: (color: #D4AF37)[$quickwit]
Your Shake Down is: (color: #D4AF37)[$shakedown]
Your Health is: (color: #D4AF37)[$health]
Your Lore is: (color: #D4AF37)[$power]
You discovered:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$secrets5 of 7 Secrets]]
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[None in Chapter V.]]
Minor Arcana:
(if: $runaways2ndchance is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You unlocked:]](font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(set: $totalscore to it +1)
The Runaways.]]]\
(else-if: $runaways2ndchance is 2)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You failed to unlock:]](font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(set: $totalscore to it -1)
The Runaways]]]\
(else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[None in Chapter V.]]]
Major Arcana:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[None in Chapter V.]]
{(set: $totalscore to it +$muscle)(set: $totalscore to it +$brainpower)(set: $totalscore to it +$swiftfeet)(set: $totalscore to it +$quickwit)(set: $totalscore to it +$shakedown)(set: $totalscore to it +$health)(set: $totalscore to it +$power)(set: $totalscore to it +$secrets5)}
Total Score: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$totalscore]]
Rank: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(if: $totalscore is < 90)[Novice!](else-if: $totalscore is < 105)[Skilled!](else-if: $totalscore is < 120)[Expert!](else:)[Champion!]]]
Grand Total: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(set: $grandtotal to it + $totalscore)$grandtotal]]]]</p></div></body></html>\
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4-1"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader4.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "✦ Retry")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI4")]</span>
<span class='glow1'>{(text-style: "bold")+(link:"✦ Save Game")[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.]]}</span>
<span class='glow1'>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[[[✦ Continue->Part VI. Red Fox and Kit]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%>
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')(set: $totalscore to 0)<span id="content10">
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(font: "Amarante") + (text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 2.8em")+(text-style: "underline")[CHAPTER VI.]
(font: "Amarante")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 2em")+(css: "line-height: 1.7em")[Red Fox and Kit]</span></p></div></body></html>
</span>(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")+(font: "Amarante")+(css: "font-size: 1.2em")[<span class='glow'>[[◈ Begin|72. The glass pipe]]](masteraudio: 'stopall')<span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Bobcat moved behind Pink Belly.
The jittery cat snapped his fingers as though he had a fabulous idea and reached inside his suit. He produced a dirty glass pipe. A pipe so caked with burnt drug residue it had sullied the glass jet black as coal.
Pink Belly watched out of the corner of his beady reptilian eye.
Again, the cat snapped his fingers. Twice this time.
Then he took a torch lighter from his suit.
Showing the lighter over Pink Belly's shoulder, Bobcat shot him a disgusted look behind his back.</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
<span class='glow6'>Pink Belly:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: "continued watching.", "trembled in fear.", "flicked the hot, dusty
air with his tongue.", "recoiled from the pipe.")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[(go-to: "73. Albino demon")]</span>]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>\
(unless: (track: 'AnimaliaTrack48', 'isplaying', 'islooping'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack48', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack48', 'play')]<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Pink Belly asked: "You use drugs?"
"Sometimes, Pink," Bobcat said.
"But... you're one of Long Horn's followers..."
"And we ain't supposed to use drugs?"
Bobcat grinned, flashing his yellowed fangs. The slits of his feral bloodshot eyes narrowed.
"That it?"
Nervously, Pink Belly nodded.
"Yeah, well, I reckon there's a lot of things followers of Long Horn ain't supposed to do, Pink, but old habits die hard.
"I was a Lost Boy, living on the streets of Mythicus for a spell. I tell ya: a naïve boy separated from the herd is forced to learn a lot... *fast...* living on the streets of Mythicus, Pink."|3)[
(set: $lostboys to 1)(transition: "dissolve")[*Lost Boys...* where had Diamondback heard that term before?]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[As she watched through the crack in the wall, with mounting dread, her brain raced for the answers.](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Then, it struck her. The Lost Boys weren't separated from the herd, they'd been banished for unspeakable crimes, considered the worst of the worst, infamous for their violence and cruelty.](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(transition: "dissolve")[It was no wonder, then, Long Horn used them as his (link-show: "enforcers.",?7)](stop:)]]
</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #c8a2c8)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ Unlock the secret
of The Lost Boys.]]]
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤")[(if: (random: 1,6) + $power >= 55)[(show: ?3)(show: ?4)](else:)[(show: ?6)(show: ?5)]]]|6)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]
(transition: "rumble")[Not enough Lore!]]|4)[(color: black)+(text-style: "shadow")[(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "rumble")[Superb!]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|4)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+2 Lore.(set: $secrets6 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +2)]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]](if: $whitelightningextra is 1)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⚿ Arcana Updated:
White Lightning Bonus.]]]]]|7)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|76. Pinned Out]]</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]|5)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>(if: $whitelightningextra is 1)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⚿ Arcana Updated:
White Lightning Bonus.]]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|76. Pinned Out]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(unless: (track: 'AnimaliaTrack48', 'isplaying', 'islooping'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack48', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack48', 'play')]<span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Bobcat (link-show: "clicked",?1) the torch lighter.|1)[(track: 'AnimaliaTrack62', 'play')(show: ?2)(transition: "dissolve")[ It
hissed out an angry blue flame.]] He cooked the pipe, moving the lighter back and forth under the bowl.
Frothing and bubbling, the White Lightning caked to the bowl melted into clear liquid. White smoke snaked up out of the bowl. It took a hideous winged-shape, like an albino demon being freed from its dirty glass prison.
Bobcat said: "I realize Tusk and Snort searched out here yesterday, but, bless their hearts, they're just naïve boys."
Showing the glass pipe over Pink Belly's shoulder, Bobcat passed the pipe under Pink Belly's snout. The acrid smoke stung his nostrils. He flinched away.
Scoffing, the cat shot Pink Belly another disgusted look behind his back.</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|75. Old habits die hard]]</span>]]]
(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #00ffff)[~or~]]
(font: "Khand")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "⚿ Try and unlock the
secret of White Lightning?")[(if: (random: 1,6) + $power >= 50)[(set: $secrets6 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +2)(go-to: "74. White Lightning")](else:)[(set: $power to $power -1)(go-to: "74a. White Lightning")]]</span>]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(set: $whitelightning to 1)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Diamondback continued watching through the crack in the wall. Although she'd heard of White Lightning, she didn't know much about the drug.
But, what she did know, she understood enough about the drug to know that it was extremely addictive.
She had seen countless times on the news and internet what kind of horrible things addicts were capable of and it terrified her.
White Lightning amplified the savagery, the bloodlust, of the Werekind, reverting them to their primitive state, bringing out the base animalistic nature many of them tried so hard to reign in with synthetic flesh and synthetic blood.
Narcotics like it had made the Ouroboros Syndicate of the southern border towns, filthy rich and powerful off the violence and misery the drug inflicted.
Drug cartels like the Syndicate were the sole manufacturers and suppliers of the drug.
Evil Were-kin, like Long Horn, and his followers from Old Town like Bobcat, Tusk, and Snort, were the distribution arm for the Syndicate.
They crushed any and all opposition to their monopoly with a brutal campaign of kidnappings, torture, murders, and other horrific tactics.|3)[
(if: $power >= 55)[(set: $whitelightningextra to 1)(show: ?1)And, to make matters worse, now the Syndicate had begun using a new component to heighten and intensify the effects of White Lightning, supposedly by infusing the drug with the magical energies of the World Tree itself, but debased and corrupted through the drug's mysterious and highly guarded secret manufacturing (link-show: "process.",?2)](else:)[(show: ?7)(show: ?2)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #c8a2c8)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ Unlock the full secret
of White Lightning.]]]
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤")[(show: ?3)]</span>]|7)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]
(transition: "rumble")[Not enough Lore!]]|1)[(color: black)+(text-style: "shadow")[(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "rumble")[Excellent!]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.]]]]|1)[(set: $secrets6 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +3)(replace: "+1 Lore.")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+4 Lore.]]]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]|1)[(replace: "+1 Secrets.")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+2 Secrets.]]]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⚿ Arcana Updated:
White Lightning.]]]]|2)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|75. Old habits die hard]]</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">Diamondback continued watching through the crack in the wall. Although she'd heard of White Lightning, she didn't know much about the drug. Only that it was extremely addictive, sold by the Ouroboros Syndicate drug cartel, and Long Horn was their distributor in the northern towns of the Windless Prairie.</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[-1 Lore.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|75. Old habits die hard]]</span>]]](if: $brainpower >= 4)[
(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #00ffff)[~or~]]
(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Khand")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "⛨ -4 Brain Power to try again?")[(set: $brainpower to it - 4)(if: (random: 1,6) + $power + $brainpower >= 45)[(set: $secrets6 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +2)(go-to: "74. White Lightning")](else:)[(go-to: "74b. White Lightning")]]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Bobcat smoked the pipe.
"The fleas come with the dog, or, in my case, the cat. But, that ain't what we're here to talk about, is it Pink? That's not what y'all should be worried about, right now, this moment, this very second, is it? Don't worry 'bout answerin' that one."
He (link: "(1.) smoked")[smoked(show: ?1)] the pipe again. Said: "I used to be a (link: "(2.) naïve boy,")[naïve boy,(show: ?4)] Pink, so I know what and where Tusk and Snort searched when they were out here yesterday." |4)[(replace: 'yesterday."')[yesterday.] (transition: "dissolve")[I have a pretty good idea of that."(if: $naïveboyPink is 0)[(set: $naïveboyPink to 1)](set: $continue76 to it +1)(if: $continue76 is 6)[(show: ?8)]]]|1)[
(set: $continue76 to it +1)(if: $continue76 is 6)[(show: ?8)](if: $naïveboyPink is 0)[(set: $naïveboyPink to 4)](transition: "dissolve")[Blowing out the (link: "(3.) stale smoke,")[stale smoke,(show: ?2)] he recooked the (link: "(4.) bowl.")[(show: ?5)]]]|5)[(set: $continue76 to it +1)(if: $continue76 is 6)[(show: ?8)](if: $naïveboyPink is 1)[(set: $naïveboyPink to 2)]bowl, (transition: "dissolve")[inhaling another
(set: $continue76 to it +1)(if: $continue76 is 6)[(show: ?8)](if: $naïveboyPink is 1)[(set: $naïveboyPink to 4)](transition: "dissolve")["Probably looked over yonder in that there trailer." He said, holding in the smoke. "Looked round outs (link: "(5.) here")[here(show: ?6)]] a spell."|6)[
(set: $continue76 to it +1)(if: $continue76 is 6)[(show: ?8)](if: $naïveboyPink is 2)[(set: $naïveboyPink to 3)](transition: "dissolve")[He exhaled, his slitted eyes growing more crazed and feral by the second:]]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["And, when they didn't find nothin,' they up 'n (link: "(6.) skedaddled")[skedaddled(if: $naïveboyPink is 3)[(show: ?3)](else:)[(set: $failed76 to 1)(show: ?7)](set: $continue76 to it +1)(if: $continue76 is 6)[(show: ?8)]] faster than green grass through a Synth Goose, Creator bless their naïve pea-pickin' little hearts."](stop:)]]</span>
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[2 , 1 , ? , ? , 5 , 6</span>]]]]|7)[(replace: "2 , 1 , ? , ? , 5 , 6")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|3)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Shake Down. (set: $shakedown to it +1)]](if: $lostboys is 1)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⚿ Arcana Updated:
The Lost Boys.]]]]]|8)[(if: $naïveboyPink is 3)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|77. Awaiting slaughter]]</span>]]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]|8)[(if: $failed76 is 1)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>(if: $lostboys is 1)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⚿ Arcana Updated:
The Lost Boys.]]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|77. Awaiting slaughter]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(unless: (track: 'AnimaliaTrack48', 'isplaying', 'islooping'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack48', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack48', 'play')]<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Wide-eyed, Pink Belly trembled. He stared off into space.|6)[(set: $continue77 to it +1)(if: $continue77 is 4)[(show: ?4)](if: $cagedSynthCowsawaitingslaughter is 0)[(set: $cagedSynthCowsawaitingslaughter to 1)](replace: "space.")[space,] (transition: "dissolve")[like the caged
Synth Cows awaiting slaughter(if: $SilverBearreflection is "continued staring into space.")[(replace: "slaughter")[(link-show: "slaughter",?2)]] in the pens.]]
Diamondback continued watching, breathlessly.
Bobcat said: "Didn't cross their naïve little minds that someone as headstrong as Red Fox, might be willin' to place herself in considerable peril. |2)[(set: $continue77 to it +1)(if: $continue77 is 4)[(show: ?4)](if: $cagedSynthCowsawaitingslaughter is 1)[(set: $cagedSynthCowsawaitingslaughter to 2)] (transition: "dissolve")[Maybe even (if: $SilverBearreflection is "continued staring into space.")[hide](else:)[(link-show: "hide",?6)] inside things (link-show: "extremely hazardous",?1)] to her health."]|1)[
(set: $continue77 to it +1)(if: $continue77 is 4)[(show: ?4)](if: $cagedSynthCowsawaitingslaughter is 2)[(set: $cagedSynthCowsawaitingslaughter to 3)](transition: "dissolve")[He gestured to the Slaughter Box, the tools and machinery throughout the (link-show: "slaughterhouse.",?7)]]
"I reckon she might even be willing to chance placin' her thirteen year-old daughter in the same kinda danger."|4)[(replace: 'danger."')[[[danger."|78. How this game ends]]]]|7)[(if: $cagedSynthCowsawaitingslaughter is 3)[(show: ?3)](else:)[(show: ?5)](set: $continue77 to it +1)(if: $continue77 is 4)[(show: ?4)]]</span>
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[~ choose wisely ~</span>]]]]|5)[(replace: "~ choose wisely ~")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span class='glow6'>Pink Belly:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearreflection, "did nothing.", "trembled, deathly afraid.", "continued staring into space.")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[(if: $SilverBearreflection is "did nothing.")[(show: ?2)](if: $SilverBearreflection is "trembled, deathly afraid.")[(show: ?2)](if: $SilverBearreflection is "continued staring into space.")[(show: ?6)]]</span>]</p></div></body></html></span></div><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|3)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Swift Feet.
+1 Shake Down. (set: $shakedown to it +1)(set: $swiftfeet to it +1)]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")<span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Bobcat cooked the bowl one last time.
Inhaling a giant hit, he started (link-show: "shaking.",?4) |4)[(transition: "dissolve")[His left eye twitching.]]
The jittery cat (link-show: "wheezed",?1) out the white smoke. |1)[(replace: "smoke.")[smoke](transition: "dissolve")[like steam from a gunshot
wound in the winter.]] He stepped around so that he was face to face with Pink Belly:
"Now, I'm gonna call Tusk and Snort back in here and tell them boys to search one last time, Pink. I'm gonna have 'em search all those extremely hazardous things in here they might've overlooked yesterday."
Bobcat's (link-show: "grin",?2) dropped away.|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Y'all know how this game ends, Pink," he said, dead-serious.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[He showed Pink Belly the (link-show: "dirty pipe.",?3)](stop:)]]|3)[
(transition: "dissolve")["As you can see, sir, I've nearly finished the whole damn bowl. That is a lot of Lightning, Pink. I feel it bringin' out the demons in me. If you lie to me, if y'all don't confirm what we both already know, I'm gonna skin you and your two dirty snakes alive. Don't doubt for a millisecond I won't. *So...* this is it—the moment of truth, Pink. If there's *anythin'* y'all feel I should know 'bout before I call Tusk and Snort in, I suggest you (link-goto: "tell me","79. Bobcat looked Pink Belly in the eyes.") now."]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Bobcat looked Pink Belly dead in the eyes.
"Y'all hidin' 'em in here, ain't ya?"
Tears (link-show: "welled",?1) in Pink Belly's beady eyes.
"You're hidin' 'em inside that big ol' Thompson meat grinder."|1)[
(transition: "dissolve")[(link-show: "Tears",?2) trickled down his scaly cheek. (link-show: "Nodding,",?3) he looked at the floor, ashamed of himself for not being strong enough to stand up to Bobcat.]] |2)[(transition: "dissolve")[Weeping
quietly from her hiding place, Diamondback shared his shame.]]|3)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat (link-show: "patted",?4) Pink Belly warmly on the shoulder like an old friend.]]|4)[
(transition: "dissolve")["It's okay, Pink. Y'all did the right thing. Y'all did what you had to do to save yourself and your family. What any one of us in your situation would do. I'm gonna switch back to speakin' in the common tongue now. Since I know neither of them naughty foxes can speak Old Animalian, I reckon they'll be as confused as a fart in a fan factory 'bout anything we've said. So I want you to continue (link-goto: "playin' along.","80. Gleaming cruelly") That understood?"]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Pink Belly nodded.](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(set: $mission7 to 1)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Bobcat said in common Animalian: "Mr. Pink Belly... *Pink...*"
The jittery cat approached the (link: "(1.) Thompson 61000 Industrial Mixer Grinder.")[Thompson 61000 Industrial Mixer Grinder;(show: ?8)]|8)[(set: $continue80 to it +1)(if: $continue80 is 7)[(show: ?6)](if: $approachedtheThompson is 2)[(set: $approachedtheThompson to 3)] (transition: "dissolve")[where
the inspection mirror above the hopper had been removed.]]
He (link: "(2.) waved")[waved(show: ?1)] Tusk and Snort inside.
"Thank you for answerin' my questions, sir. I do apologize kindly if me or my boys have troubled you on this fine evenin.'"|1)[
(set: $continue80 to it +1)(if: $continue80 is 7)[(show: ?6)](transition: "dissolve")[The two Javelinas (link: "(3.) hurried inside.")[(show: ?9)]]]|9)[(set: $continue80 to it +1)(if: $continue80 is 7)[(show: ?6)](if: $approachedtheThompson is 0)[(set: $approachedtheThompson to 1)]hurried inside. (transition: "dissolve")[Their
cloven hoofed feet clopped across the dusty cement floor.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[They stood side-by-side of Pink Belly.](stop:)]]
Bobcat (link: "(4.) pointed")[pointed(show: ?2)] to|2)[(set: $continue80 to it +1)(if: $continue80 is 7)[(show: ?6)](if: $approachedtheThompson is 3)[(set: $approachedtheThompson to 4)](transition: "dissolve")[ a big red button on]] the (link: "(5.) control panel.")[(show: ?3)]|3)[(set: $continue80 to it +1)(if: $continue80 is 7)[(show: ?6)](if: $approachedtheThompson is 1)[(set: $approachedtheThompson to 2)]control panel.
(transition: "dissolve")[A claw slowly extended from his furry fingertip.]]
He (link: "(6.) smiled.")[(show: ?4)]|4)[(set: $continue80 to it +1)(if: $continue80 is 7)[(show: ?6)](if: $approachedtheThompson is 4)[(set: $approachedtheThompson to 5)]smiled, (transition: "dissolve")[his eyes (link: "(7.) gleaming cruelly.")[gleaming cruelly.(if: $approachedtheThompson is 5)[(show: ?5)](else:)[(show: ?7)](set: $continue80 to it +1)(if: $continue80 is 7)[(show: ?6)]]]]</span>
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[2 , ? , 5 , 1 , ? , 6 , 7</span>]]]]|7)[(replace: "2 , ? , 5 , 1 , ? , 6 , 7")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>|5)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Swift Feet.
+1 Shake Down. (set: $secrets6 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $shakedown to it +1)(set: $swiftfeet to it +1)]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[ +1 Secrets.]]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Seven.]]]]|6)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|81a. Villain! 1]]</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(if: $hasgun is 3)[(go-to: "81b. Villain! 2")]\
(else:)[<span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Frantically, Diamondback looked around her for something, *anything*, to use as a weapon against Bobcat and his boys... but there was no time.
Bobcat continued: "We'll be going (link-show: 'now."',?1)|1)[
(transition: "slide-right")["No! Red Fox! Get out of there!" Pink Belly yelled.]
(transition: "slide-left")[Tusk and Snort grabbed his arms, holding him back.]
(transition: "slide-right")[Diamondback watched, petrified.]
(transition: "slide-left")[*Villian!*]
(transition: "slide-right")[Bobcat (link-reveal: "pushed")[(show: ?3)] the red starter button on the Thompson.]]|3)[
(transition: "slide-left")[The meat grinder started and the screams of Red Fox and Kit shrieked from inside the giant machine.]
(transition: "slide-right")[Blood geysered out of the hopper, spraying the ceiling, the rafters and trusses, then landed with a sickening splat on the floor in front of Pink Belly and the boys, splashing their feet.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[The Javelina squealed in delight.](stop:)]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-left")[Diamondback recoiled from the crack in the wall. She covered her mouth to stop herself from retching.](stop:)]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[She turned away from the hideous sight, unable to watch it any (link-goto: "longer.","82a. Into the grinder you go! 1")](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(unless: (track: 'AnimaliaTrack74', 'isplaying', 'islooping'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack74', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack74', 'play')]]<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">Diamondback looked at the gun in her scaly hand.
Though she had been practicing with the pistol, she still wasn't a very good shot.
Whereas Bobcat on the other hand, who she suspected had a gun concealed under his jacket, was probably well-trained and quicker on the draw.
Plus, there were also Tusk and Snort to contend with, both of whom were likely armed.
More and more doubts crept into her.
Yet one thing she was sure of—she needed to make a decision... *and fast.*</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Diamond Glow")</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
<span class='glow2'>(font: "Khand")+(link: "✦ Decide what
Diamondback should do.")[(show: ?1)]</span>|1)[(font: "Amarante")+(color: #00ffff)[Diamondback:]
<span class='glow6'>(cyclinglink: bind $whatdoesDiamondbackdowiththegun, "watched and waited.", "opened fire.")</span>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>[[⛤|82b. Watch and wait]]</span>]
(set: $counter to 30)(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(text-style: "rumble")[Hurry!] You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left![ (live: 1s)[ (set: $counter to it - 1) (if: $counter is 0)[(set: $whatdoesDiamondbackdowiththegun to "watched and waited.")(go-to: "82b. Watch and wait")] (replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")<span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Tusk and Snort let Pink Belly go.
Horrified, Pink Belly crumpled to his knees.
He covered his ear holes, burying his lizard face in his arms and his fat pink belly.
Bobcat (link-show: "re-pushed",?1) the red button. |1)[(transition: "dissolve")[The
Thompson stopped. "Mr. Long Horn told us to make an example of 'em, Pink. Of what happens to the unfaithful who split from the herd. And we do what we're told."]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat looked down at Pink Belly.](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Y'all can hate us if you want, but we're just the (link-show: 'messengers."',?2) Bobcat patted hard the top of Pink Belly's studded-skin head.](stop:)]] |2)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Mr. Long Horn says he's willin' ta forgive y'all's little involvement in this matter because you provide a valuable service to the family. But... always a *but* in there, am I right? Don't worry 'bout answerin' that one. The Bull says if *anything* like this ever happens again."]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat snatched the bottom of Pink Belly's jaw, forcing him to (link-show: "look up.",?3)](stop:)]]|3)[
(transition: "shudder")[*"It's into the grinder you go!"*]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat shoved Pink Belly's face aside.](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")["And it won't just be you, Pink. No, sir. First, we'll make ya watch them dirty snakes go in. Am I makin' myself (link-goto: 'clear?"',"83a. Drums in the distance. 1")](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Pink Belly puked into his lap.
Grinning, Bobcat evilly bared his sharp yellowed fangs.
"Our work here is done, boys. First round of boilermakers is on me!"
Tusk and Snort squealed in approval.
Pink Belly wept.
He heard (link-reveal: "drums...")[ (transition: "dissolve")[drums in the
Something... *moved* inside the (link: "Thompson.")[(show: ?1)]|1)[(transition: "dissolve")[Thompson—and from the hopper keened a long, ear-splitting howl.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Tusk and Snort stopped squealing.](stop:)]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat (link-show: "looked",?2) up.](stop:)]]|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Kit Fox burst from the hopper where the meat was dumped and ground inside the giant machine! Every inch of her large, furry ears, gray rust-toned fur coat, black-tipped tail, and ripped prairie dress drenched in blood.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Her mother, Red Fox, had gone down into the machine feet first and sacrificed her own body so that Kit could stand on her and survive. The grinder had shredded the edges of Kit's (link: "dress")[dress, (transition: "dissolve")[almost
dragging her into the machine with her mom]], and the tattered dress slopped against her crimson wet fur as she (link: "scrambled up into the steel rafters.")[(show: ?3)]](stop:)]]|3)[scrambled up into the steel rafters, (transition: "dissolve")[crawling and slipping across the blood-soaked tract work toward the open window and (link-goto: "freedom.","84a. The drums beat louder. 1")]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(set: $mission7 to 2)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Reaching in his suit jacket, Bobcat pulled a Colt .45 pistol, aiming at the back of Kit's head.
The drums beat *louder.*
Pink Belly heard chanting and singing. The Spirit of the Prairie was singing.
The wind howled, trying to break free of the evil taint that had caged the wind and imprisoned the land, as Pink Belly's heart and soul (link-show: "cried out:",?1)|1)[
(transition: "rumble")[*Do something!*]
(transition: "dissolve")[Jumping to his feet, Pink Belly (link-show: "sprang at Bobcat.",?6)]]|6)[ (transition: "dissolve")[Pink Belly slammed into Bobcat's (link-show: "shoulder.",?2)]]|2)[ (transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat fired and (link-show: "missed.",?3)]]|3)[ (transition: "dissolve")[Kit Fox (link-reveal: "escaped")[(show: ?4)] through the open window at the end of the tract work that the clockwork doves had used earlier.]] |4)[(transition: "dissolve")[Then Bobcat wheeled the gun on Pink Belly and (link-show: "shot him",?5) between the eyes.]]|5)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Had to be the hero. Now lookatcha. Dead as disco." Bobcat holstered the Colt .45. "Let's go get her, boys! We'll come back and deal with the snakes later."]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Yee-haw!"](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Hoo-ie!"](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Tusk and Snort squealed, gleefully.](stop:)]
(live: 4s)[(transition: "dissolve")[And, on all fours, Bobcat and his boys raced from the slaughterhouse, chasing after Kit across the darkening prairie.](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Seven.]]]]|5)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|Lore Check 6]]</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
(if: $power < 60)[<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[You do not have enough Lore
to unlock the rest of the story.]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI5")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>]
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(else:)[(go-to: "End Part VI.")]\
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')(set: $hasgun to 1)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(font: "Amarante")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "line-height: 1.6em")[(color: black)[(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "underline")[
(css: "font-size: 1.1em")[CHAPTER VI. Complete:]]]</span></p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-1.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-1"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(css: "font-size: .95em")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)[Your Muscle is: (color: #D4AF37)[$muscle]
Your Brain Power is: (color: #D4AF37)[$brainpower]
Your Swift Feet is: (color: #D4AF37)[$swiftfeet]
Your Quick Wit is: (color: #D4AF37)[$quickwit]
Your Shake Down is: (color: #D4AF37)[$shakedown]
Your Health is: (color: #D4AF37)[$health]
Your Lore is: (color: #D4AF37)[$power]
You discovered:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$secrets6 of 4 Secrets]]
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[None in Chapter VI.]]
Minor Arcana:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[None in Chapter VI.]]
Major Arcana:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You unlocked:]](font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(if: $whitelightning is 0)[(if: $whitelightningextra is 0)[(if: $lostboys is 0)[
None.]]](if: $whitelightning is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +2)
White Lightning.](if: $whitelightningextra is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +2)
White Lightning Bonus.](if: $lostboys is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +2)
The Lost Boys.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You failed to unlock:]](font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(if: $whitelightning is 1)[(if: $whitelightningextra is 1)[(if: $lostboys is 1)[
None.]]](if: $whitelightning is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -2)
White Lightning.](if: $whitelightningextra is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -2)
White Lightning Bonus.](if: $lostboys is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -2)
The Lost Boys.]]]
{(set: $totalscore to it +$muscle)(set: $totalscore to it +$brainpower)(set: $totalscore to it +$swiftfeet)(set: $totalscore to it +$quickwit)(set: $totalscore to it +$shakedown)(set: $totalscore to it +$health)(set: $totalscore to it +$power)(set: $totalscore to it +$secrets6)}
Total Score: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$totalscore]]
Rank: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(if: $totalscore is < 110)[Novice!](else-if: $totalscore is < 125)[Skilled!](else-if: $totalscore is < 140)[Expert!](else:)[Champion!]]]
Grand Total: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(set: $grandtotal to it + $totalscore)$grandtotal]]]]</p></div></body></html>\
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4-1"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader4.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "✦ Retry")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI5")]</span>
<span class='glow1'>{(text-style: "bold")+(link:"✦ Save Game")[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.]]}</span>
<span class='glow1'>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[[[✦ Continue->Part VII. The Cottonwood Tree]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%>
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')(set: $totalscore to 0)<span id="content10">
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(font: "Amarante") + (text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 2.8em")+(text-style: "underline")[CHAPTER VII.]
(font: "Amarante")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 2em")+(css: "line-height: 1.7em")[The Cottonwood Tree]</span></p></div></body></html>
</span>(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")+(font: "Amarante")+(css: "font-size: 1.2em")[<span class='glow'>[[◈ Begin|93. Silver Bear's long walk]]](masteraudio: 'stopall')(if: $whatdoesDiamondbackdowiththegun is "opened fire.")[(go-to: "87. The shootout")]\
(else:)[(set: $Bobcatwillbegoingnow to 1)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Diamondback looked at the gun again. Fear gripped her, squeezing the courage from her. It pinned her tail to the ground, like an immovable chain.
It was fear of what Bobcat would do to Little Sidewinder if Diamondback didn't use this opportunity to escape right now with her niece; and a cold terror that he would shoot her dead, and then do unspeakable things to her niece, crept over her feathery scales.
Bobcat continued: "We'll be going (link-show: 'now."',?1)|1)[
(transition: "slide-right")["No! Red Fox! Get out of there!" Pink Belly yelled.]
(transition: "slide-left")[Tusk and Snort grabbed his arms, holding him back.]
(transition: "slide-right")[Diamondback watched, petrified.]
(transition: "slide-left")[*Villian!*]
(transition: "slide-right")[Bobcat (link-reveal: "pushed")[(show: ?3)] the red starter button on the Thompson.]]|3)[
(transition: "slide-left")[The meat grinder started and the screams of Red Fox and Kit shrieked from inside the giant machine.]
(transition: "slide-right")[Blood geysered out of the hopper, spraying the ceiling, the rafters and trusses, then landed with a sickening splat on the floor in front of Pink Belly and the boys, splashing their feet.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[The Javelina squealed in delight.](stop:)]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-left")[Diamondback recoiled from the crack in the wall. She covered her mouth to stop herself from retching.](stop:)]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[She turned away from the hideous sight, unable to watch it any (link-goto: "longer.","83b. Into the grinder you go! 2")](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(unless: (track: 'AnimaliaTrack74', 'isplaying', 'islooping'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack74', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack74', 'play')]]<span id="box1-1">
(css: "line-height: 1em")[<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(if: (random: 1,6) + $swiftfeet < 10)[(track: 'AnimaliaTrack69', 'play')(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "rumble")[◈ Diamondback misses and is
shot by Bobcat and his boys!] (set: $Glockbullets to it - 1)(set: $health = $health - (random: 2,6))(if: $health < 1)[(go-to: "89a. Diamondback killed")](else:)[
(transition: "pulse")[⛨ Health: $health.]]]]](if: $Glockbullets < 1)[(go-to: "89b. Game over 2")](else:)[(track: 'AnimaliaTrack70', 'play')(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[ ⚔ Glock Bullets: $Glockbullets.]
(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Shoot again|88a. The shootout 2]]</span>]]]]]]\
(else:)[(track: 'AnimaliaTrack69', 'play')(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "rumble")[◈ Diamondback hits!
(either: "Bobcat","Tusk","Snort") takes (either: 1,2,3) damage.](set: $Bobcatandhisboyshealth to it - 1)(set: $Glockbullets to it - 1)]]](if: $Bobcatandhisboyshealth < 1)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>[[⛨ Bobcat and his boys
turn tail and run!|90a. Diamondback wins.]]</span>]]]]](else:)[(track: 'AnimaliaTrack70', 'play')
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⚔ Glock Bullets: $Glockbullets.]
(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Shoot again|88a. The shootout 2]]</span>]]]]]]</p></div></body></html>]
</span><span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Tusk and Snort let Pink Belly go.
Horrified, Pink Belly crumpled to his knees.
He covered his ear holes, burying his lizard face in his arms and his fat pink belly.
Bobcat (link-show: "re-pushed",?1) the red button. |1)[(transition: "dissolve")[The
Thompson stopped. "Mr. Long Horn told us to make an example of 'em, Pink. Of what happens to the unfaithful who split from the herd. And we do what we're told."]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat looked down at Pink Belly.](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Y'all can hate us if you want, but we're just the (link-show: 'messengers."',?2) Bobcat patted hard the top of Pink Belly's studded-skin head.](stop:)]] |2)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Mr. Long Horn says he's willin' ta forgive y'all's little involvement in this matter because you provide a valuable service to the family. But... always a *but* in there, am I right? Don't worry 'bout answerin' that one. The Bull says if *anything* like this ever happens again."]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat snatched the bottom of Pink Belly's jaw, forcing him to (link-show: "look up.",?3)](stop:)]]|3)[
(transition: "shudder")[*"It's into the grinder you go!"*]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat shoved Pink Belly's face aside.](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")["And it won't just be you, Pink. No, sir. First, we'll make ya watch them (link-show: "dirty snakes",?4) go in. Am I makin' myself clear?"](stop:)]]|4)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Diamondback looked at the gun. Maybe she could have saved Red Fox and Kit? But her indecision had cost them their (link-show: "lives...",?5)]] |5)[(show: ?8)(transition: "rumble")[*NO!*]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[She would have been dead now too had she intervened. The same as the two foxes. Foully murdered the way Bobcat had murdered them.](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Or would she?...](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|8)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
<span class='glow2'>(font: "Khand")+(link: "✦ Decide what
Diamondback should do.")[(show: ?7)]</span>|7)[(font: "Amarante")+(color: #00ffff)[Diamondback:]
<span class='glow6'>(cyclinglink: bind $whatdoesDiamondbackdowiththegun2, "watched and waited.", "opened fire.")</span>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>[[⛤|84b. Drums in the distance. 2]]</span>]
(set: $counter to 20)(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(text-style: "rumble")[Hurry!] You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left![ (live: 1s)[ (set: $counter to it - 1) (if: $counter is 0)[(set: $whatdoesDiamondbackdowiththegun2 to "watched and waited.")(go-to: "84b. Drums in the distance. 2")] (replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(if: $whatdoesDiamondbackdowiththegun2 is "opened fire.")[(go-to: "87. The shootout")]\
(else:)[(set: $KitFoxburstfromthehopper to 1)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Pink Belly puked into his lap.
Grinning, Bobcat evilly bared his sharp yellowed fangs.
"Our work here is done, boys. First round of boilermakers is on me!"
Tusk and Snort squealed in approval.
Pink Belly wept.
Diamondback heard (link-reveal: "drums...")[ (transition: "dissolve")[drums in
the distance.]]
Something... *moved* inside the (link: "Thompson.")[(show: ?1)]|1)[(transition: "dissolve")[Thompson—and from the hopper keened a long, ear-splitting howl.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Tusk and Snort stopped squealing.](stop:)]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat (link-show: "looked",?2) up.](stop:)]]|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Kit Fox burst from the hopper where the meat was dumped and ground inside the giant machine! Every inch of her large, furry ears, gray rust-toned fur coat, black-tipped tail, and ripped prairie dress drenched in blood.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Her mother, Red Fox, had gone down into the machine feet first and sacrificed her own body so that Kit could stand on her and survive. The grinder had shredded the edges of Kit's (link: "dress")[dress, (transition: "dissolve")[almost
dragging her into the machine with her mom]], and the tattered dress slopped against her crimson wet fur as she (link: "scrambled up into the steel rafters.")[(show: ?3)]](stop:)]]|3)[scrambled up into the steel rafters, (transition: "dissolve")[crawling and slipping across the blood-soaked tract work toward the open window and (link-goto: "freedom.","85b. The drums beat louder. 2")]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>]<span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Reaching in his suit jacket, Bobcat pulled a Colt .45 pistol, aiming at the back of Kit's head.
The drums beat *louder.*
Diamondback heard chanting and singing. The Spirit of the Prairie was singing.
The wind howled, trying to break free of the evil taint that had caged the wind and imprisoned the land, as Diamondback's heart and soul (link-show: "cried out:",?1)|1)[
(transition: "rumble")[*Do something!*]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|1)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
<span class='glow2'>(font: "Khand")+(link: "✦ Decide what
Diamondback should do.")[(show: ?2)]</span>|2)[(font: "Amarante")+(color: #00ffff)[Diamondback:]
<span class='glow6'>(cyclinglink: bind $whatdoesDiamondbackdowiththegun3, "watched and waited.", "opened fire.")</span>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>[[⛤|86b. Watch and wait 2]]</span>]
(set: $counter to 10)(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(text-style: "rumble")[Hurry!] You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left![ (live: 1s)[ (set: $counter to it - 1) (if: $counter is 0)[(set: $whatdoesDiamondbackdowiththegun3 to "watched and waited.")(go-to: "86b. Watch and wait 2")] (replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(if: $whatdoesDiamondbackdowiththegun3 is "opened fire.")[(go-to: "87. The shootout")]\
(else:)[(set: $mission7 to 2)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Jumping to his feet, Pink Belly sprang at Bobcat. Pink Belly slammed into Bobcat's shoulder. Bobcat fired and missed. Kit Fox escaped through the open window at the end of the tract work that the clockwork doves had used earlier. Then Bobcat wheeled the gun on Pink Belly and (link-show: "shot him",?5) between the eyes.|5)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Had to be the hero. Now lookatcha. Dead as disco." Bobcat holstered the Colt .45. "Let's go get her, boys! We'll come back and deal with the snakes later."]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Yee-haw!"](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Hoo-ie!"](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Tusk and Snort squealed, gleefully.](stop:)]
(live: 4s)[(transition: "dissolve")[And, on all fours, Bobcat and his boys raced from the slaughterhouse, chasing after Kit across the darkening prairie.](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Seven.]]]]|5)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|Lore Check 6]]</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>](set: $mission7 to 2)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Jumping to his feet, Pink Belly sprang at Bobcat. Pink Belly slammed into Bobcat's shoulder. Bobcat fired and missed. Kit Fox escaped through the open window at the end of the tract work that the clockwork doves had used earlier. Then Bobcat wheeled the gun on Pink Belly and (link-show: "shot him",?7) between the eyes.|7)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Had to be the hero. Now lookatcha. Dead as disco."]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Pink Belly! No!" Diamondback screamed. She fired, and the bullet whizzed past Bobcat's head. "Murdering psychopath!"](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Crazy bitch is pitchin' a dyin' duck fit, boys!" Bobcat dodged, firing back. "I think she really means to kill us. Let's (link-reveal: "skedaddle.")[(show: ?8)] We'll come back and deal with them dirty snakes later."](stop:)]]|8)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Yee-haw!"]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Hoo-ie!"](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Tusk and Snort squealed gleefully, firing at Diamondback with their revolvers, but they missed.](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(transition: "dissolve")[They holstered their weapons, and on all fours, Bobcat and his boys raced from the slaughterhouse, chasing after Kit across the darkening prairie.](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Seven.]]]]|8)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|Lore Check 6]]</span>]]](if: $magicpoints >= 1)[
(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #D4AF37)[~or~]]
(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Khand")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>[[⛤ -1 Magic Point to curse Bobcat.|91. Lay Curse]]]]](if: $magicpoints >= 2)[
(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #D4AF37)[~or~]]
(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Khand")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>[[⛤ -2 Magic Points to invoke the
Creator Spirit's wrath on Bobcat.|92. Invoke Creator's wrath]]]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[Diamondback runs out of bullets
and is killed in a hail of gunfire!]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI5")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span>(if: $magicpoints is >= 3)[<span id="content7-1"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #D4AF37)[~or~]]
(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Khand")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "⛤ -1 Magic Point to bring her
back to life with +10 Health?")[(set: $health to 10)(set: $magicpoints to it -1)(go-to: "88a. The shootout 2")]]]</p></div></body></html></span>]\
<img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')(if: $KitFoxburstfromthehopper is 1)[(go-to: "90b. Diamondback wins 2")]\
(else:)[(set: $Diamondbackwins to 1)(set: $hasgun to 1)(set: $power to it +1)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>From the Thompson meat grinder keened a long, ear-splitting howl.
Kit Fox burst from the hopper where the meat was dumped and ground inside the giant machine! Every inch of her large, furry ears, gray rust-toned fur coat, black-tipped tail, and ripped prairie dress drenched in blood.
Her mother, Red Fox, had gone down into the machine feet first and sacrificed her own body so that Kit could stand on her and survive. The grinder had shredded the edges of Kit's (link: "dress")[dress, (transition: "dissolve")[almost
dragging her into the machine with her mom]], and the tattered dress slopped against her crimson wet fur as she (link: "scrambled up into the steel rafters.")[(show: ?1)]|1)[scrambled up into the steel rafters, (transition: "dissolve")[crawling and slipping across the blood-soaked tract work toward the open window and freedom.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Diamondback heard (link-show: "drums...",?2)](stop:)]|2)[ (transition: "dissolve")[drums in
the distance.]]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Reaching in his suit jacket, Bobcat pulled a Colt .45 pistol, aiming at the back of Kit's head.](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(transition: "dissolve")[The drums beat *louder.*](stop:)]
(live: 4s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Diamondback heard chanting and singing. The Spirit of the Prairie was singing.
The wind howled, trying to break free of the evil that (link-goto: "tainted","86c. Watch and wait 3") the land.](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>](if: $Bobcatwillbegoingnow is 1)[(go-to: "88. The shootout 2")]\
(else:)[<span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Diamondback looked at the gun again, filled with doubt.
Maybe it would be better to use this opportunity to escape right now with her niece?
Diamondback feared what Bobcat would do to Little Sidewinder.
A cold terror that he would shoot Diamondback dead, and then do unspeakable things to her niece, crept over her feathery scales.
Even should she manage to take them by surprise, she doubted she was fast enough to shoot all three of them in time.
Bobcat continued: "We'll be going (link-show: 'now."',?1)|1)[
(transition: "slide-right")["No! Red Fox! Get out of there!" Pink Belly yelled.]
(transition: "slide-left")[Tusk and Snort grabbed his arms, holding him back.]
(transition: "slide-right")[Diamondback watched, petrified.]
(transition: "slide-left")[*Villian!*]
(transition: "slide-right")[Bobcat (link-reveal: "pushed")[(show: ?3)] the red starter button on the Thompson.]]|3)[
(transition: "slide-left")[The meat grinder started and the screams of Red Fox and Kit shrieked from inside the giant machine.]
(transition: "slide-right")[Blood geysered out of the hopper, spraying the ceiling, the rafters and trusses, then landed with a sickening splat on the floor in front of Pink Belly and the boys, splashing their feet.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[The Javelina squealed in delight.](stop:)]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-left")[Diamondback recoiled from the crack in the wall. She covered her mouth to stop herself from retching.](stop:)]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[She turned away from the hideous sight, unable to watch it any longer, and her doubt turned to (link-goto: "rage.","88. The shootout 2")](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(unless: (track: 'AnimaliaTrack74', 'isplaying', 'islooping'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack74', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack74', 'play')]](set: $Diamondbackwins to 1)(set: $hasgun to 1)(set: $mission7 to 2)(set: $power to it +1)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Jumping to his feet, Pink Belly sprang at Bobcat. Pink Belly slammed into Bobcat's shoulder. Bobcat fired and missed. Kit Fox escaped through the open window at the end of the tract work that the clockwork doves had used earlier. Then Bobcat wheeled the gun on Pink Belly and (link-show: "shot him",?5) between the eyes.|5)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Had to be the hero. Now lookatcha. Dead as disco."]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Pink Belly! No!" Diamondback screamed. She fired, and the bullet whizzed past Bobcat's head. "Murdering psychopath!"](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Crazy bitch is pitchin' a dyin' duck fit, boys!" Bobcat dodged, firing back. "I think she really means to kill us. Let's (link-reveal: "skedaddle.")[(show: ?7)] We'll come back and deal with them dirty snakes later."](stop:)]]|7)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Yee-haw!"]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Hoo-ie!"](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Tusk and Snort squealed gleefully, firing at Diamondback with their revolvers, but they missed.](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(transition: "dissolve")[They holstered their weapons, and on all fours, Bobcat and his boys raced from the slaughterhouse, chasing after Kit across the darkening prairie.](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Seven.]]]]|7)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|Lore Check 6]]</span>]]](if: $magicpoints >= 1)[
(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #D4AF37)[~or~]]
(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Khand")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>[[⛤ -1 Magic Point to curse Bobcat.|91. Lay Curse]]]]](if: $magicpoints >= 2)[
(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #D4AF37)[~or~]]
(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Khand")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>[[⛤ -2 Magic Points to invoke the
Creator Spirit's wrath on Bobcat.|92. Invoke Creator's wrath]]]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>\
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Silver Bear walked for what seemed like many hours.
Still unsure of where he was going, or what he was doing.
Yet, the glorious sun stayed fixed on the horizon of the clear dusky sky.|1)[
(if: $longwalk is "stopped to rest.")[(set: $darkening to 1)(transition: "dissolve")[Huffing, he sat down on the dry prairie grass and sandy ground. He had been in much better shape during his time in the Army.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Though it hadn't been that long since his Honorable Discharge, the time had caught up with him and his fitness had suffered.](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[His growling breathing slowed, and feeling better now, he continued his [[long walk|94. The Cottonwood Tree]] into the prairie.](stop:)]]\
(else:)[(show: ?2)(transition: "dissolve")[Ignoring his labored breathing, his sore feet, he [[soldiered on.|94. The Cottonwood Tree]] He had been in much better shape during his time in the Army.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Though it hadn't been that long since his Honorable Discharge, the time had caught up with him and his fitness had suffered.](stop:)]]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[50/50</span>]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>Silver Bear:
<span class='glow6'>(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $longwalk, "continued walking.", "stopped to rest.")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-show: "⛤",?1)</span>]</p></div></body></html></span></div><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|2)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")+(transition: "pulse")[(color: black)[-1 Muscle.
-1 Health.(set: $muscle to it -1)(set: $health to it -1)]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(track: 'DreamHeaven-Happiness', 'loop', true)(track: 'DreamHeaven-Happiness', 'play')
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[Diamondback is killed
in a hail of gunfire.]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI5")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span>(if: $magicpoints is >= 3)[<span id="content7-1"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #D4AF37)[~or~]]
(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Khand")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "⛤ -1 Magic Point to bring her
back to life with +10 Health?")[(set: $health to 10)(set: $magicpoints to it -1)(go-to: "88a. The shootout 2")]]]</p></div></body></html></span>]\
<img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')(set: $mission1 to 2)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Snapping Turtle said as Silver Bear gathered the wood:
"A long time ago, the wind once blew free across the prairie.|2)[(set: $continue95 to it +1)(if: $continue95 is 4)[(show: ?7)](set: $freewind to 1) (transition: "dissolve")[But a great evil sickened the land and (if: $SilverBearreflection is 'asked, "What
stopped the wind?"')[caged the wind.](else:)[(link-show: "caged the wind.",?3)]]]|3)[(set: $continue95 to it +1)(if: $continue95 is 4)[(show: ?7)](if: $freewind is 1)[(set: $freewind to 2)] (transition: "dissolve")[The wind could not (if: $SilverBearreflection is 'asked, "What
stopped the wind?"')[(link-show: "blow free",?2)](else:)[blow free] the way it wanted to. And this (if: $SilverBearreflection is "pondered Snapping
Turtle's words.")[angered](else:)[(link-show: "angered",?4)] the wind and the land.]] The land still waits to be healed, and the wind still waits to be freed. That is one of the reasons why I have brought you here."|4)[
(set: $continue95 to it +1)(if: $continue95 is 4)[(show: ?7)](if: $freewind is 2)[(set: $freewind to 3)](transition: "dissolve")[Silver Bear (link-show: "pondered",?1) this, wondering what the other (if: $SilverBearreflection is "pondered Snapping
Turtle's words.")[(link-show: "reasons",?2)](else:)[reasons] were. A gibbous moon rose high into the starry black sky.]]|1)[
(set: $freewind2 to 1)(if: $freewind is 3)[(show: ?5)](else:)[(show: ?6)](transition: "dissolve")[Gathering all the wood, Silver Bear stacked it, building a magnificent pyre.|7)[(replace: "magnificent pyre.")[[[magnificent pyre.|96. Snap your fingers]]]]](set: $continue95 to it +1)(if: $continue95 is 4)[(show: ?7)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[~ choose wisely ~</span>]]]]|6)[(replace: "~ choose wisely ~")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span class='glow6'>Silver Bear:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearreflection, "listened.", "pondered Snapping
Turtle's words.", 'asked, "What
stopped the wind?"')]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[(if: $SilverBearreflection is "listened.")[(show: ?2)](if: $SilverBearreflection is "pondered Snapping
Turtle's words.")[(show: ?4)](if: $SilverBearreflection is 'asked, "What
stopped the wind?"')[(show: ?3)]]</span>]</p></div></body></html></span></div><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>|5)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.(set: $secrets7 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +1)]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission One.]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>"There, I have gathered the wood," Silver Bear said, huffing.
He was tired after his long walk, and after the time spent gathering and stacking the wood.
"Now how will I light it?"
(link-show: '"Snap',?1) your fingers," Snapping Turtle said.|1)[
(if: $power is >= 60)[(show: ?2)](else:)[(show: ?3)](transition: "dissolve")[Silver Bear did as Snapping Turtle suggested and snapped his (link-reveal: "fingers.")[ The pyre burst into flame and the [[bonfire|97. The death of Snapping Turtle]] waved at the night.]]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #c8a2c8)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ Unlock a Magic Point.]]]
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[~ Lore ~</span>]]]]|3)[(replace: "~ Lore ~")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]
(transition: "rumble")[Not enough Lore!]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>|2)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #367588)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "rumble")[+1 Magic Point.(set: $magicpoints to it +1)(set: $magicpoints7 to 1)]]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⚿ Arcana Updated:
Where the Wind
Once Blew Free.]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")<span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Long, tall shadows cast on the cliff face.
Silver Bear stared into the fire. He saw what had come before, and what was to come.
First, he saw his smaller family, known by one of the Ancient's languages as *el oso plateado*—the silvery bear; or the *pissini* by another of their nearly forgotten tongues. Names that were kept alive in the memory of his smaller family; and, for as long as his smaller family continued to exist in the World Tree and the tree continued existing, their names in the Ancient languages would live on in their memories. He thought of his (link-show: "smaller family",?2) that was part of the greater that made up the World Tree.|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Though we come from different smaller families," Snapping Turtle said. "All of Werekind is part of the same (link-show: 'larger family."',?3)]]|3)[(replace:'larger family."')[larger family,] (transition: "dissolve")[sharing a] (live: 1s)[(transition: "pulse")[(link-show: 'common bloodline."',?4)](stop:)]]|4)[(replace:'common bloodline."')[common bloodline,] a (transition: "pulse")[(link-show: 'common ancestry."',?5)]]|5)[(replace:'common ancestry."')[common ancestry.] (transition: "dissolve")[The World Tree has] (live: 1s)[(transition: "pulse")[(link-show: 'many branches."',?6)](stop:)]]|6)[(replace:'many branches."')[many branches,] (transition: "dissolve")[yet all] (live: 1s)[(transition: "pulse")[sprout](stop:)] (live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[from the same](stop:)] (live: 3s)[(transition: "pulse")[[[trunk."|98. The terrible images of war]]](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>In the flames Silver Bear saw the war.
He saw the terrible images of war that were burned into his mind, and stained upon his spirit.
He saw the War of Ten Dogs. Then the fateful night Snapping Turtle was killed in the Red Sands desert.|1)[
(if: $thewar is "looked away.")[(transition: "dissolve")[He tried to push the painful memories from his mind, but they always came back to haunt him, the way the faces of the dead soldiers did. The way the kind, leathery face of Snapping Turtle appeared to Silver Bear every time he closed his eyes.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Silver Bear was laying on his bunk, inside the Combat Housing Unit that he shared with Snapping Turtle on Outpost War Eagle. The bear was playing Xbox, Gears of War.](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Snapping Turtle was cleaning his rifle. He croaked, "Got another letter and care package from my (link-show: "Grandmother",?2) today."](stop:)]](else:)[(transition: "dissolve")[Silver Bear was laying on his bunk, inside the Combat Housing Unit that he shared with Snapping Turtle on Outpost War Eagle. The bear was playing Xbox, Gears of War.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Snapping Turtle was cleaning his rifle. He croaked, "Got another letter and care package from my (link-show: "Grandmother",?2) today."](stop:)]]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[50/50</span>]]]]|1)[(if: $thewar is "continued watching.")[(replace: "50/50")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>Silver Bear:
<span class='glow6'>(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $thewar, "continued watching.", "looked away.")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-show: "⛤",?1)</span>]</p></div></body></html></span></div><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|2)[(if: $thewar is "continued watching.")[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|99. Red Vines]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]]|2)[(if: $thewar is "looked away.")[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+2 Lore.(set: $power to it +2)]]]](if: $power is <= 64)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|125. Bad-ass soldier boy]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]]]|4)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|99. Red Vines]]</span>]]]]|2)[(if: $thewar is "looked away.")[(if: $power is >= 65)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[◈ -5 Lore for +3 Swift Feet?]
<span class='glow1'>(dropdown: bind $Swiftbonus, "Yes", "No")
(css: "font-size: 1.5em")[(link: "✧")[(if: $Swiftbonus is "Yes")[(set: $power to it -5)(set: $swiftfeet to it +3)(show: ?3,?4)](if: $Swiftbonus is "No")[(show: ?4)]</span>]]|3)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)+(transition: "pulse")[Bonus applied.]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]]]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'DreamHeaven-NostalgicMemories', 'loop', true)(track: 'DreamHeaven-NostalgicMemories', 'play')<span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Silver Bear continued playing the game. "How is she?"
"Fine..." said Snapping Turtle. "She (link-show: "misses me,",?1) of course. Wants to know the day we're coming home.|1)[(transition: "dissolve")[ She asks
that every time, even though I write her and tell her that I won't know the exact date until we get closer to redeployment.]]"
"She (link-show: "loves",?2) you. You're her only grandson. Can you blame her?"|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Silver Bear looked from the game, (link-show: "smiling.",?3)]]|3)[
(transition: "dissolve")["I'm happy for you, bud. She send more (link-goto: 'Red Vines?"',"100. Grandma Turtle's the best!")]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>"Yep!"
Grinning, Snapping Turtle took a package of Red Vines from his cargo pocket.
He (link-show: "tossed the pack",?1) at Silver Bear.|1)[(replace: "Silver Bear.")[Silver Bear,] (transition: "dissolve")[and
the bear caught it.]]
"And more of that premium coffee and Coffee Mate (link-show: 'creamers?"',?2)|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Of course!" Snapping Turtle nodded.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["That's what I'm talking about, brother."](stop:)]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Silver Bear ecstatically opened the package, (link-show: "chewing",?3) a vine.](stop:)]]|3)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Grandma Turtle's the best! She loves you and you are (link-goto: "lucky","101. I thank the Creator every day.") to have her in your life."]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>"You're (link-show: 'right,"',?1) said Snapping Turtle. "I know, battle."|1)[(replace: 'battle."')[battle.] (transition: "dissolve")[I thank the ](live: 1s)[(transition: "pulse")[Great Creator Spirit](stop:)] (live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[every day for having Grandma
Turtle in my life."](stop:)]]
Silver Bear said, "You make sure to send Grandma Turtle my love and (link-show: 'thanks."',?2)|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")["I will. Hey, Silver Bear. If anything should ever happen to me..."]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Don't (link-show: "talk",?3) like that."](stop:)]]|3)[
(transition: "dissolve")["I know, but you'll tell her what happened, right? That I was a good soldier. You'll tell her, and help her (link-goto: 'understand—"',"102. That's an order, Corporal.")]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>"Nothing's going to happen to you, Snapping Turtle."
Silver Bear reassured him, before offering a piece of friendly advice.
"You're going to make it back to the (link-reveal: "world...")[ (transition: "dissolve")[we both are.]] So, I don't want to hear otherwise. Tracking? That's an order, Corporal."
Snapping Turtle (link-reveal: "laughed.")[(show: ?2)]
"Roger that, *Sergeant.*"|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")[He smiled, ending it at that, right as the early warning [[sirens|103. The rocket]] went off.]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>A rocket punched through the thick cement awning barrier that shielded all the Combat Housing Units from attacks.
The roof exploded over their heads. Before Silver Bear knew what was happening, a chunk of cement cracked him on the skull, knocking him out cold, as the blast rained fire down into the unit and set the sleeve of Snapping Turtle's digital-gray Army Combat Uniform ablaze.|1)[
(transition: "dissolve")[(if: $SilverBearreflection is "dragged Silver
Bear from the CHU.")[Sleeve burning like a road flare, Snapping Turtle ignored the pain, dragging](else:)[Snapping Turtle dragged] Silver Bear from the (link: "CHU.")[(show: ?2)]]]|2)[(set: $continue103 to it +1)(if: $continue103 is 3)[(show: ?8)](if: $burningsleeve is 0)[(set: $burningsleeve to 1)]CHU, (transition: "dissolve")[right before the rest of the roof came down, and (if: $SilverBearreflection is "dragged Silver
Bear from the CHU.")[(link-show: "crushed",?5)](else:)[crushed] the shack flat.]] |5)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Snapping Turtle threw sand over his (link: "arm")[arm(show: ?3)] until the fire was out.]]|3)[(set: $continue103 to it +1)(if: $continue103 is 3)[(show: ?8)](if: $burningsleeve is 1)[(set: $burningsleeve to 2)] (transition: "dissolve")[His sleeve looked like a smoldering piece of (if: $SilverBearreflection is "threw sand over
his burning sleeve.")[(link-show: "charred wood.",?1)](else:)[charred wood.]]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[He (link: "slapped")[slapped(show: ?4)] Silver Bear awake.](stop:)]] |4)[(if: $burningsleeve is 2)[(show: ?6)](else:)[(show: ?7)](replace: "awake.")[awake,](transition: "dissolve")[breathing
a sigh of relief as Silver Bear came around.|8)[(replace: "Silver Bear came around.")[(link-goto: "Silver Bear came around.","104. Incoming! Incoming! Incoming!")]]](set: $continue103 to it +1)(if: $continue103 is 3)[(show: ?8)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[50/50</span>]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span class='glow6'>Snapping Turtle first:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearreflection, "threw sand over
his burning sleeve.", "dragged Silver
Bear from the CHU.")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[(if: $SilverBearreflection is "threw sand over
his burning sleeve.")[(show: ?5)](if: $SilverBearreflection is "dragged Silver
Bear from the CHU.")[(show: ?1)]]</span>]</p></div></body></html></span></div><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|6)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Swift Feet. (set: $swiftfeet to it +1)]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]|7)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>A second (link: "(1.) rocket")[rocket(show: ?1)] exploded into another CHU.
Snapping Turtle ran inside to save the soldiers.
Over the sound of the warning sirens Silver Bear (link: "(2.) heard")[heard(show: ?2)] a third rocket whistling toward them.|2)[
(track: 'AnimaliaTrack60', 'play')(set: $continue104 to it +1)(if: $continue104 is 8)[(show: ?11)](if: $incoming is 0)[(set: $incoming to 1)] (transition: "dissolve")["Incoming! Incoming! Incoming!"—the pre-recorded message shouted over the blaring sirens.]]
He tried to get to his feet in time, but couldn't.|1)[(set: $continue104 to it +1)(if: $continue104 is 8)[(show: ?11)](if: $incoming is 1)[(set: $incoming to 2)]
(transition: "dissolve")[The rocket struck the CHU, (link: "(3.) blowing apart")[blowing apart(show: ?3)] the ridged shell of Snapping Turtle.]]
Silver Bear staggered to his feet. |3)[(set: $continue104 to it +1)(if: $continue104 is 8)[(show: ?11)](if: $incoming is 3)[(set: $incoming to 4)](replace: "But")[but](transition: "dissolve")[He
held Snapping Turtle's hand, screaming for a medic,]] But there was (link: "(4.) nothing")[nothing(show: ?4)] Silver Bear could do.|4)[(set: $continue104 to it +1)(if: $continue104 is 8)[(show: ?11)](if: $incoming is 2)[(set: $incoming to 3)](replace: "do.")[do] (transition: "dissolve")[other than watch Snapping Turtle (link: "(5.) bleed out")[bleed out(show: ?5)] and listen to him (link: "(6.) gasping for breath.")[(show: ?6)]]]|6)[(set: $continue104 to it +1)(if: $continue104 is 8)[(show: ?11)](if: $incoming is 4)[(set: $incoming to 5)]gasping for breath (transition: "dissolve")[through his (link: "(7.) beaked mouth.")[beaked mouth.(show: ?7)]]]|7)[(set: $continue104 to it +1)(if: $continue104 is 8)[(show: ?11)](if: $incoming is 6)[(set: $incoming to 7)](replace: "mouth.")[mouth,] like a dying fish out of water.]|5)[
(set: $continue104 to it +1)(if: $continue104 is 8)[(show: ?11)](if: $incoming is 5)[(set: $incoming to 6)](transition: "dissolve")[Silver Bear watched the life fade out in Snapping Turtle's terrified reptilian (link: "(8.) eyes...")[eyes...(show: ?8)]]]|8)[(if: $incoming is 7)[(show: ?10)](else:)[(set: $failed104 to 1)(show: ?9)] (transition: "dissolve")[and then the turtle was dead.](set: $continue104 to it +1)(if: $continue104 is 8)[(show: ?11)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[2 , 1 , ? , 3 , 6 , ? , ? , 8</span>]]]]|9)[(replace: "2 , 1 , ? , 3 , 6 , ? , ? , 8")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|10)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #367588)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "rumble")[+1 Magic Point.(set: $magicpoints to it +1)(set: $magicpoints7 to it +1)]]]]|11)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|Lore Check 7]]</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]|11)[(if: $failed104 is 1)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|Lore Check 7]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
(if: $power < 65)[<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[You do not have enough Lore
to unlock the rest of the story.]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI6")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>]
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(else:)[(go-to: "End Part VII.")]\
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(font: "Amarante")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "line-height: 1.6em")[(color: black)[(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "underline")[
(css: "font-size: 1.1em")[CHAPTER VII. Complete:]]]</span></p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-1.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-1"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(css: "font-size: .95em")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)[Your Muscle is: (color: #D4AF37)[$muscle]
Your Brain Power is: (color: #D4AF37)[$brainpower]
Your Swift Feet is: (color: #D4AF37)[$swiftfeet]
Your Quick Wit is: (color: #D4AF37)[$quickwit]
Your Shake Down is: (color: #D4AF37)[$shakedown]
Your Health is: (color: #D4AF37)[$health]
Your Lore is: (color: #D4AF37)[$power]
You discovered:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$secrets7 of 3 Secrets]]
You found:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #367588)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$magicpoints7 of 2 Magic Points]](if: $magicpoints7 is 2)[(set: $totalscore to it +5)]
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[None in Chapter VII.]]
Minor Arcana:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[None in Chapter VII.]]
Major Arcana:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You unlocked:]](font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(if: $freewind2 is 0)[
None.](if: $freewind2 is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +2)
Where the Wind Once Blew Free.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You failed to unlock:]](font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(if: $freewind2 is 1)[
None.](if: $freewind2 is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -2)
Where the Wind Once Blew Free.]]]
{(set: $totalscore to it +$muscle)(set: $totalscore to it +$brainpower)(set: $totalscore to it +$swiftfeet)(set: $totalscore to it +$quickwit)(set: $totalscore to it +$shakedown)(set: $totalscore to it +$health)(set: $totalscore to it +$power)(set: $totalscore to it +$secrets7)}
Total Score: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$totalscore]]
Rank: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(if: $totalscore is < 120)[Novice!](else-if: $totalscore is < 135)[Skilled!](else-if: $totalscore is < 150)[Expert!](else:)[Champion!]]]
Grand Total: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(set: $grandtotal to it + $totalscore)$grandtotal]]]]</p></div></body></html>\
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4-1"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader4.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "✦ Retry")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI6")]</span>
<span class='glow1'>{(text-style: "bold")+(link:"✦ Save Game")[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.]]}</span>
<span class='glow1'>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[[[✦ Continue->Part VIII. The Dancing Shadows]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%>
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')(set: $totalscore to 0)<span id="content10">
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(font: "Amarante") + (text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 2.8em")+(text-style: "underline")[CHAPTER VIII.]
(font: "Amarante")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 2em")+(css: "line-height: 1.7em")[The Dancing Shadows]</span></p></div></body></html>
</span>(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")+(font: "Amarante")+(css: "font-size: 1.2em")[<span class='glow'>[[◈ Begin|105. Silver Bear stares into the fire]]](masteraudio: 'stopall')(set: $mission8 to 1)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Silver Bear continued staring into the fire.
"You were right... It's like you knew what was coming... knew what was going to happen that night... I should've listened.
"Maybe if I had listened... I told your grandmother you were a (link: "(1.) good soldier")[(show: ?1)]|1)[(set: $continue105 to it +1)(if: $continue105 is 5)[(show: ?6)](if: $goodsoldiers is 1)[(set: $goodsoldiers to 2)]good soldier, (transition: "dissolve")[just like you asked me to]]... the best I ever served with and had the honor and privilege of knowing.
"I told her you died saving me and your (link: "(2.) fellow soldiers.")[fellow soldiers.(show: ?2)]|2)[ (set: $continue105 to it +1)(if: $continue105 is 5)[(show: ?6)](if: $goodsoldiers is 0)[(set: $goodsoldiers to 1)](transition: "dissolve")[Your brothers and
sisters.]] I gave her my Purple Heart. Told her she had raised you (link: "(3.) right.")[(show: ?3)]|3)[(set: $continue105 to it +1)(if: $continue105 is 5)[(show: ?6)](if: $goodsoldiers is 3)[(set: $goodsoldiers to 4)]right; that she deserved it more than I did for how you saved my life.]
"She (link: "(4.) died")[died(show: ?4)] a few months later.|4)[(set: $continue105 to it +1)(if: $continue105 is 5)[(show: ?6)](if: $goodsoldiers is 2)[(set: $goodsoldiers to 3)](transition: "dissolve")[ It was as if without you she had lost the (link: "(5.) will")[will(show: ?5)] to live.]]|5)[(set: $continue105 to it +1)(if: $continue105 is 5)[(show: ?6)](if: $goodsoldiers is 4)[(show: ?7)](else:)[(show: ?8)](transition: "dissolve")[ As if her heart gave out.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["It wasn't long after her passing that your spirit came to me for the first time.](stop:)]]"</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[? , 1 , ? , 3 , ?</span>]]]]|8)[(replace: "? , 1 , ? , 3 , ?")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span>|6)[<div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>Silver Bear:
<span class='glow6'>(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearsadness, "said nothing more.", "admitted Snapping
Turtle was right.", "could have done
more to save him.")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤")[(go-to: "106. Silver Bear's Sadness")</span>]]</p></div></body></html></span>]<div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>|7)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+2 Lore.(set: $secrets8 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +2)]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Eight.]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(unless: (track: 'AnimaliaTrack43', 'isplaying', 'islooping'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack43', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack43', 'play')]<span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">Diamondback howled for blood for what Bobcat had done to Red Fox and Pink Belly, firing her last bullets at the retreating cat, into the dusk. "Priarie take him. Thwart his every movement. Make him stumble on rocks, and trip on roots. Obscure his smell with your heady scent. Make him lost. Let him run in circles across your unending expanse. Add his bones to the tall grasses! Do not let him escape alive."</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #c8a2c8)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ The curse works! Woe to Bobcat
and what lies in store for him. But it
comes with a hefty price, for in cursing
him, you have also cursed yourself.]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-4 Lore.
-1 Magic Point.
-2 all abilities.(set: $bobcatcursed to 1)(set: $magicpoints to it -1)(set: $muscle to it -2)(set: $brainpower to it -2)(set: $swiftfeet to it -2)(set: $quickwit to it -2)(set: $shakedown to it -2)(set: $health to it -2)(set: $power to it -4)]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|Lore Check 6]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">Diamondback howled for blood for what Bobcat had done to Red Fox and Pink Belly, firing her last bullets at the retreating cat, into the dusk. "Great Creator Spirit, hear me! Strike him dead for what he's done!"
The sky rumbled with thunder. Streaks of lightning flashed and crackled across the ether. A titanic, jagged bolt arced down out of the night, striking Bobcat dead. Steam hissed from his charred, blackened corpse.
More bolts rained down, striking everywhere.
The poor Synth Cows in the corral bellowed in fright and were fried. Lightning struck the slaughterhouse and it burst into flames. The black SUV was hit and exploded. But fortunately the trailer home and Little Sidewinder were spared.
Then a bolt struck in front of Diamondback, throwing her inside the burning building. Blackness overtook her.
As the darkness closed in around her, she thought, at least Little Sidewinder and Kit Fox were safe now that the vile Bobcat was dead.</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Continue|92a. Invoke Creator's wrath]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Silver Bear continued:
"Maybe I could have done more to save you."
He looked down at his hybrid paw-hands gripping the rifle nestled in his lap.
"I should have done more."|1)[
(if: $SilverBearsadness is "nothing more.")[(show: ?4)(show: ?5)](else:)[(show: ?6)(transition: "dissolve")["There was nothing you could have done, Silver Bear. You must stop carrying the guilt," croaked the voice of Snapping Turtle. "It's too heavy a burden. Stop holding onto the past. Let it go. Let go of what happened to me. You live in the past and do not accept it. The fire shows you what you won't accept. Never forget the past, Silver Bear, but do not live in it."]
Silver Bear said (cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearsadness2, "nothing more.", '"I will try."', '"I cannot."')
(align: "=><=")+(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤")[(show: ?2)]</span>]]]|2)[(if: $SilverBearsadness2 is "nothing more.")[(show: ?8)(show: ?5)]\
(else-if: $SilverBearsadness2 is '"I will try."')[(transition: "dissolve")[But Silver Bear knew, in his heart, he wasn't being honest with (link-show: "Snapping Turtle...",?3)]|3)[(transition: "shudder")[ *or himself.*]]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[For the truth of the matter was: Silver Bear couldn't stop living in the past.](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Silver Bear wondered if perhaps that was the other reason why Snapping Turtle had guided him here—to this (link-show: "sacred land",?8,?5) on the prairie?](stop:)]]\
(else:)[(show: ?7)(transition: "dissolve")[The truth of the matter was: Silver Bear couldn't stop living in the past.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Silver Bear wondered if perhaps that was the other reason why Snapping Turtle had guided him here—to this sacred land on the prairie?](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")["I... I can't stop living in it."](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Yes, you can," said Snapping Turtle.](stop:)]
(live: 4s)[(transition: "dissolve")["How?"](stop:)]
(live: 5s)[(transition: "dissolve")["By healing you. By restoring you to (link-show: "balance",?8) within the World Tree."](stop:)]]]
</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[~ choose wisely ~</span>]]]]|5)[(replace: "~ choose wisely ~")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>Silver Bear said:
<span class='glow6'>(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearsadness, "nothing more.", '"If only I had listened."')]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-show: "⛤",?1)</span>]</p></div></body></html></span></div><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|6)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+2 Lore.(set: $power to it +2)]]]]|7)[(set: $SilverBearsadness2 to 1)(set: $secrets8 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +2)(replace: "+2 Lore.")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+4 Lore.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]]]|8)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|108. There on the cliff face]]</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]|4)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|108. There on the cliff face]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Snapping Turtle sang: "Happily may their roads back home be on the trail of pollen. Happily may they all get back. In beauty I walk. With beauty before me, I walk. With beauty behind me, I walk. With beauty below me, I walk. With beauty above me, I walk. With beauty all around me, I walk. It is finished in beauty, it is finished in beauty, it is finished in beauty, it is finished in beauty." Four times he said it. Then he said: "Look... there—on the cliff face..."|1)[
(if: $thedancingshadows is "ignored him.")[(show: ?3)(show: ?4)]\
(else-if: $thedancingshadows is "was growing impatient.")[(show: ?3)(show: ?4)]\
(else:)[(set: $thedancingshadows to 1)(transition: "dissolve")[The shadows danced on the cliff face. The (link-show: "shades of the prairie",?2) danced, prayed, and sang. The echoes of their chanting and their music spilled out across the prairie.] (if: $bobcatcursed is 0)[
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[The Prairie Spirit joined the singing.](stop:)]]|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")[The shades of Silver Bear's ancestors from his smaller family were there, too, participating. (link-show: "Praying and singing.",?5)]]]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #c8a2c8)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ Unlock the spell to
summon the Prairie Spirit.]]]
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[~ Prairie Spirit's favor ~</span>(live: 4s)[(replace: "~ Prairie Spirit's favor ~")[(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 2em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]]]]]]]|3)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>Silver Bear:
<span class='glow6'>(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $thedancingshadows, "looked.", "ignored him.", "was growing impatient.")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-show: "⛤",?1)</span>]</p></div></body></html></span></div><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|4)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>(if: $SilverBearsadness2 is 1)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⚿ Arcana Updated:
Restoring to Balance.]]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|110. Kit Fox ran on all fours]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]|5)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>(if: $SilverBearsadness2 is 1)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⚿ Arcana Updated:
Restoring to Balance.]]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|108a. There on the cliff face]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")<span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Silver Bear missed his brother terribly and wept into his hybrid paws. He felt the gentle stroke of Snapping Turtle's leathery hand upon his brow.
"I know you do, just as I will (link-show: "miss you,",?1) my brother," Snapping Turtle said. |1)[(set: $typewriterText to '"It is the will of the Great Creator Spirit that sets us on our paths,')(display: "Typewriter") (live: 3s)[(transition: "pulse")[and by our choices,](stop:)] (live: 4s)[(set: $typewriterText2 to "brings us to the end of the fated road.")(display: "Typewriter2")(stop:)] (live: 6s)[(transition: "dissolve")[But we will see each other again one day when we meet up in the Glory. I must (link-show: "go",?2) now."](stop:)]]|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Go?... *why?"* cried Silver Bear.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Goodbye, my brother. I love you."](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[The (link-show: "touch",?3) of Snapping Turtle lay upon Silver Bear's mighty brow one last time.](stop:)]]|3)[
(show: ?4)(transition: "dissolve")["Look up."]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⚿ Arcana Updated:
Silver Bear's Ancestors.]]]]|4)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|110. Kit Fox ran on all fours]]</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>\
(unless: (track: 'AnimaliaTrack43', 'isplaying', 'islooping'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack43', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack43', 'play')](set: $mission8 to 2)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Kit Fox ran on all fours across the moon-lit prairie toward the campfire ahead.
In the distance behind her, the laughter and squeals of her pursuers|2)[(if: $chased is 0)[(set: $chased to 8)(show: ?4,?3,?1)](else:)[(show: ?9)](replace: "her pursuers")[(transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat and his boys]]] chased her.
Her bloody dress |3)[(if: $chased is 0)[(set: $chased to 8)(show: ?2,?4,?1)](else:)[(show: ?9)] (transition: "dissolve")[slopping against her red-soaked fur]] was slowing her down.|4)[(if: $chased is 0)[(set: $chased to 8)(show: ?2,?3,?1)] (transition: "dissolve")[She considered freeing herself of the cumbersome (link: "(1.) article.")[(show: ?5)]]]|5)[(set: $continue110 to it +1)(if: $continue110 is 4)[(show: ?12)](if: $chased is 1)[(set: $chased to 2)]article, (transition: "dissolve")[but Bobcat and his boys were too close on her (link: "(2.) heels.")[(show: ?6)]]]|6)[(set: $continue110 to it +1)(if: $continue110 is 4)[(show: ?12)](if: $chased is 3)[(set: $chased to 4)]heels, (transition: "dissolve")[and
she had precious seconds to spare.]]|1)[
(if: $chased is 0)[(set: $chased to 1)(show: ?10,?4,?3,?2)](transition: "dissolve")[Near a dead Cottonwood tree inside a (link: "(3.) crescent-shaped canyon")[crescent-shaped canyon(show: ?7)] sat a bear with silvery fur in front of a raging bonfire.]]|7)[
(set: $continue110 to it +1)(if: $continue110 is 4)[(show: ?12)](if: $chased is 2)[(set: $chased to 3)](transition: "dissolve")[The columnar jointed basalt cliffs rose high into the (link: "(4.) night.")[(show: ?8)]]]|8)[(if: $chased is 4)[(show: ?11)](else:)[(show: ?13)]night (transition: "dissolve")[and long shadows|12)[(replace: "long shadows")[(transition: "dissolve")[[[(5.) long shadows|111. They're here]]]]]
danced and played on the dark rock face.](set: $continue110 to it +1)(if: $continue110 is 4)[(show: ?12)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[~ choose wisely ~</span>]]]]|9)[(replace: "~ choose wisely ~")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]|10)[(replace: "~ choose wisely ~")[(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[1 , ? , 2 , ?]]]]]]|13)[(replace: "1 , ? , 2 , ?")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]|11)[(replace: "1 , ? , 2 , ?")[(color: black)+(text-style: "shadow")[(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "rumble")[Amazing!]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span class='glow6'>Kit Fox:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearreflection, "listened more closely.", "continued running
toward the campfire.", "hated the way
the dress felt.", "wished she wasn't
wearing the dress.",)]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[(if: $SilverBearreflection is "wished she wasn't
wearing the dress.")[(show: ?4)](if: $SilverBearreflection is "listened more closely.")[(show: ?2)](if: $SilverBearreflection is "hated the way
the dress felt.")[(show: ?3)](if: $SilverBearreflection is "continued running
toward the campfire.")[(show: ?1)]]</span>]</p></div></body></html></span></div><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>|10)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Swift Feet.(set: $swiftfeet to it +1)]]]|11)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+3 Lore.(set: $secrets8 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +3)]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Eight.(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[
⛨ Inventory Updated.]]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack78', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack78', 'play')(set: $power to it +1)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>The heavens stayed fixed in a perpetual (link: "(1.) darkening,")[(set: $continue94 to it +1)(if: $continue94 is 7)[(show: ?9)](if: $darkening is 1)[(set: $darkening to 2)]darkening, (transition: "dissolve")[remaining in colorful hues of
red and burnt-orange,]] until at last, Silver Bear spied a (link: "(2.) mountain butte")[mountain butte(show: ?1)] in the near-distance.
On the northern side of the mountain, the butte sloped into the vast prairie. And on the southern side, where the mountain faced him, loomed a sheer cliff face, perhaps fifty-feet tall. Along the southern portion, where the cliff face rose up menacingly, the land approaching the mountain sunk there into the earth, into a kind of (link: "(3.) crescent-shaped box canyon.")[crescent-shaped box canyon.(show: ?2)]
Inside the little deformed canyon, there at the foot of the lonely mountain, stood a barren (link: "(4.) Cottonwood tree.")[(show: ?3)]|3)[(set: $continue94 to it +1)(if: $continue94 is 7)[(show: ?9)](if: $darkening is 2)[(show: ?10)(set: $darkening to 3)](else:)[(set: $darkening to 7)]Cottonwood tree, (transition: "dissolve")[larger
than any he had ever seen before, with two huge, gnarled branches like outstretched arms, and many smaller branches.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[This was the place Silver Bear had arrived to.](stop:)]]|1)[
(set: $continue94 to it +1)(if: $continue94 is 7)[(show: ?9)](if: $darkening is 3)[(set: $darkening to 4)](transition: "dissolve")[He arrived, (link: "(5.) sitting down")[sitting down(show: ?4)] under the tree. Many pieces of (link: "(6.) dead wood")[dead wood(show: ?5)] lay scattered around the (link: "(7.) tree.")[tree.(show: ?6)]]]|6)[(set: $continue94 to it +1)(if: $continue94 is 7)[(show: ?9)](if: $darkening is 4)[(set: $darkening to 5)] (transition: "dissolve")[There, under the tree,
amongst the molted wood, he sat.]]|4)[
(set: $continue94 to it +1)(if: $continue94 is 7)[(show: ?9)](if: $darkening is 5)[(set: $darkening to 6)](transition: "dissolve")[The great tree shook, shedding more wood, though there was no wind.]] |2)[
(set: $continue94 to it +1)(if: $continue94 is 7)[(show: ?9)](if: $darkening is 1)[(set: $darkening to 0)](transition: "dissolve")[At last, the sun set.]]|5)[
(if: $darkening is 6)[(show: ?7)](else:)[(set: $failed94 to 1)(show: ?8)](transition: "dissolve")["Gather the wood," the voice of Snapping Turtle croaked.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Was the voice in Silver Bear's mind, or outside of it? He could never tell.](stop:)](set: $continue94 to it +1)(if: $continue94 is 7)[(show: ?9)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[1 , ? , 2 , 7 , 5 , ? , 6</span>]]]]|8)[(replace: "1 , ? , 2 , 7 , 5 , ? , 6")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]|7)[(replace: "1 , ? , 2 , 7 , 5 , ? , 6")[(color: black)+(text-style: "shadow")[(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "rumble")[Fantastic!]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|10)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+2 Lore.(set: $secrets7 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +2)]]]]|7)[(set: $secrets7 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +2)(replace: "+2 Lore.")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+4 Lore.]]]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]|7)[(replace: "+1 Secrets.")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+2 Secrets.]]]]]]|9)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|95. A long time ago, the wind once blew free]]</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]|9)[(if: $failed94 is 1)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|95. A long time ago, the wind once blew free]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(set: $mission9 to 1)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">The silvery bear wore a War of Ten Dogs veteran's black baseball cap low on his brow. He was weeping into his hybrid paws. Then he looked up.
Seeing Kit, the bear's breath caught in his throat.
The giant bear jumped to his feet. Gripping an AR-15 rifle slung to the front of his chest.
"Help me!" she screamed. She ran to him, hugging his waist like a life preserver.
"Whoa, hang on a sec, calm down. What's the matter? Who are you?" He said, sternly.
"They're after me. They're trying to kill me!"
"What?" He said, concerned yet uncertain. "Who's after you? Who's trying to kill you?"
"It's too late... they're already here."</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Diamond Glow")</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Nine.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|112. Like black floodwaters]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")<span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Kit looked past the bonfire, out into the prairie's dark expanse.
Like black floodwaters the (link-show: "darkness",?1) surged up to the edge of the light, blanketing the prairie in a caliginous shroud that blotted out the stars and moonlight.|1)[
(transition: "dissolve")[A maniacal laugh rang out of the void.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[The (link-show: "deranged laughter",?2) echoed through the canyon.](stop:)]] |2)[(transition: "dissolve")[Mocking (link-show: "laughter.",?3)]]|3)[ (transition: "dissolve")[Bending and twisting the (link-show: "shadows",?4) on the cliff face.]] |4)[(transition: "dissolve")[As though the very shadows themselves were afflicted, (link-goto: "recoiling in terror.","113. Unspeakable evil")]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>\
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack74', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack74', 'play')<span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'> From the darkness materialized Bobcat and his boys as though it'd given birth to their unspeakable evil.
They stepped from the void, (link-show: "laughing.",?1) Tusk and Snort squealed in delight.|1)[ (transition: "dissolve")[Grinning ivory tusks and leering sharp yellowed fangs.]]
(link-goto: '"Howdy,"',"114. Don't let them take me.") Bobcat said.</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>content2-5:
img/AnimaliaAnimatedBackground24.gif<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>The bear's eyes narrowed fiercely. His upper lip quivered trying to hold back a snarl.
Kit hid behind the bear, poking her head around his giant waist.
"Don't let them take me."|1)[(if: $dontletthemtakeme is "did nothing more.")[(show: ?3)(show: ?4)]
(else-if: $dontletthemtakeme is "buried her face into the
bear's thick silver fur.")[(transition: "dissolve")[When was her ordeal going to end? She wished it would just end. She couldn't get rid of the ghastly images of her mom, Red Fox, going down into the grinder—screaming. Holding Kit up atop her shoulders. Standing on mom's head as she went down into the machine. So much blood... so much. Mom screaming. And then just as it seemed Kit would go down into the machine with her mother... the machine (link-reveal: "switched off.")[(show: ?3)(show: ?4)]]]\
(else:)[(transition: "dissolve")[When was her ordeal going to end? She wished it would just end. She couldn't get rid of the ghastly images of her mom, Red Fox, going down into the grinder—screaming. Holding Kit up atop her shoulders. Standing on mom's head as she went down into the machine. So much blood... so much. Mom screaming. And then just as it seemed Kit would go down into the machine with her mother... the machine (link-show: "switched off.",?6)]|6)[
Bobcat and his boys deserved to (cyclinglink: bind $dontletthemtakeme2, "die for what they did.", "die, but it was not for her to decide.")
<span class='glow2'>(align: "=><=")+(css: "font-size: 2em")[(link: "⛤")[(show: ?2)]]</span>]]]|2)[(if: $dontletthemtakeme2 is "die, but it was not for her to decide.")[*(set: $typewriterText to '"Vengeance is mine."')(display: "Typewriter")* (live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Kit heard a (link-reveal: "whispering")[(show: ?4)(show: ?5)] on the air.](stop:)]]\
(else:)[(transition: "dissolve")[Why wouldn't the bear just (link-reveal: "kill them?")[(show: ?3)(show: ?4)]]]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #c8a2c8)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ Unlock the Lifeforce Elixir.]]]
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[~ Prairie Spirit's favor ~</span>(live: 4s)[(replace: "~ Prairie Spirit's favor ~")[(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 2em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]]]]]]]|3)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]|5)[
(transition: "rumble")[The Spirit of the
Prairie favors you!]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>Kit Fox:
<span class='glow6'>(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $dontletthemtakeme, "did nothing more.", "snarled, baring her
sharp little fangs.", "buried her face into the
bear's thick silver fur.")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-show: "⛤",?1)</span>]</p></div></body></html></span></div><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|5)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "pulse")[+1 Health.(set: $LifeforceElixir to 1)(set: $health to it +1)(set: $secrets8 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +2)]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]]|3)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]|4)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|115. Name's Bobcat.]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(unless: (track: 'AnimaliaTrack48', 'isplaying', 'islooping'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack48', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack48', 'play')](set: $mission9 to 2)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Bobcat grinned at Kit evilly then to the bear said: "Name's Bobcat."
Bobcat gestured to Tusk and Snort.
"And these here boys are my associates, (link-show: 'Tusk and Snort."',?1)|1)[
(transition: "dissolve")[The two brawny Javelina spread out to each side of Bobcat.]]
"And now might I have the pleasure of y'all's (link-show: "name,",?2) sir?..."
Bobcat cupped his hybrid paw-hand to the black tufts of his pointed ear.
The bear tightened his grip on the rifle he was holding at the low-ready.|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")[(link-show: '"Silver Bear,"',?3) he snarled.]]|3)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Silver Bear?" Bobcat said, thoughtfully.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Yep..."](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat (link-show: "studied",?4) Silver Bear.](stop:)]]|4)[
(show: ?5)(transition: "dissolve")["Hmm... well, I do declare, y'all definitely look like a *silver* bear ta me."]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Nine.]]]](if: $LifeforceElixir is 1)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⛨ Inventory Updated.]]]]]|5)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|116. My, what big teeth you have]]</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Tusk and Snort spread farther out, trying to flank Silver Bear in a pincer movement.
"My, what (link-show: "big teeth",?1) y'all have," smiled Bobcat. |1)[(transition: "dissolve")[(replace: '"Mighty')[Mighty]"Them there are some pretty impressive chompers, (link-show: "Silvy Boy?",?6)]]|6)[ (transition: "dissolve")[Mind if
I call you Silvy Boy?]] "Mighty impressive (link-show: "rifle",?2) ya got there, too.|2)[(transition: "dissolve")[ Ain't his rifle (link-show: "impressive,",?7) boys?]]"|7)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Uh-huh."]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Impressive."](stop:)]]
"That's (link-show: 'far enough,"',?3) snarled Silver Bear.|3)[
(transition: "dissolve")[The Javelina froze, snorting. Staring, coldly. Long strings of spittle drooling from their tusked maws.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat said: "We're all (link-show: "friends",?4) here, Silvy Boy. |4)[(transition: "dissolve")[No need for hostilities.]] You're probably wonderin' what this is all about. Just what the heck is goin' on here—you're probably (link-show: "askin' yourself",?5) 'bout now. Am I right?"](stop:)]]|5)[ (transition: "dissolve")[(replace: 'right?"')[right?]Don't worry 'bout (link-goto: "answerin'","Lore Check 8") that one."]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
(if: $power < 80)[<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[You do not have enough Lore
to unlock the rest of the story.]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI7")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>]
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(else:)[(go-to: "End Part VIII.")]\
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(font: "Amarante")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "line-height: 1.6em")[(color: black)[(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "underline")[
(css: "font-size: 1.1em")[CHAPTER VIII. Complete:]]]</span></p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-1.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-1"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(css: "font-size: .95em")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)[Your Muscle is: (color: #D4AF37)[$muscle]
Your Brain Power is: (color: #D4AF37)[$brainpower]
Your Swift Feet is: (color: #D4AF37)[$swiftfeet]
Your Quick Wit is: (color: #D4AF37)[$quickwit]
Your Shake Down is: (color: #D4AF37)[$shakedown]
Your Health is: (color: #D4AF37)[$health]
Your Lore is: (color: #D4AF37)[$power]
You discovered:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$secrets8 of 5 Secrets]]
You found:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #367588)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$magicpoints8 of 1 Magic Points]](if: $magicpoints8 is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +5)]
Inventory:(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $LifeforceElixir is 1)[
(set: $totalscore to it +10)(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You found:]]
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[Summon the Prairie Spirit.
Lifeforce Elixir.]]]](if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(if: $LifeforceElixir is 1)[
(set: $totalscore to it +5)(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You found:]]
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[Lifeforce Elixir.]]]](if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $LifeforceElixir is 0)[
(set: $totalscore to it +5)(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You found:]]
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[Summon the Prairie Spirit.]]]](if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(if: $LifeforceElixir is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -10)
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You failed to find:]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[Summon the Prairie Spirit.
Lifeforce Elixir.]]]](if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(if: $LifeforceElixir is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it -5)
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You failed to find:]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[Summon the Prairie Spirit.]]]](if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $LifeforceElixir is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -5)
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You failed to find:]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[Lifeforce Elixir.]]]]
Minor Arcana:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You unlocked:]](font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(if: $SilverBearsadness2 is 0)[(if: $thedancingshadows is 0)[
None.]](if: $SilverBearsadness2 is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +1)
Restoring to Balance.](if: $thedancingshadows is 1)[(set: $totalscore to it +1)
Silver Bear's Ancestors.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You failed to unlock:]](font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(if: $SilverBearsadness2 is 1)[(if: $thedancingshadows is 1)[
None.]](if: $SilverBearsadness2 is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -1)
Restoring to Balance.](if: $thedancingshadows is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -1)
Silver Bear's Ancestors.]]]
Major Arcana:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[None in Chapter VIII.]]
{(set: $totalscore to it +$muscle)(set: $totalscore to it +$brainpower)(set: $totalscore to it +$swiftfeet)(set: $totalscore to it +$quickwit)(set: $totalscore to it +$shakedown)(set: $totalscore to it +$health)(set: $totalscore to it +$power)(set: $totalscore to it +$secrets8)}
Total Score: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$totalscore]]
Rank: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(if: $totalscore is < 150)[Novice!](else-if: $totalscore is < 165)[Skilled!](else-if: $totalscore is < 180)[Expert!](else:)[Champion!]]]
Grand Total: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(set: $grandtotal to it + $totalscore)$grandtotal]]]]</p></div></body></html>\
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4-1"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader4.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "✦ Retry")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI7")]</span>
<span class='glow1'>{(text-style: "bold")+(link:"✦ Save Game")[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.]]}</span>
<span class='glow1'>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[[[✦ Continue->Lifeforce Elixir check]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%>
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')(set: $totalscore to 0)<span id="content10">
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(font: "Amarante") + (text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 2.8em")+(text-style: "underline")[CHAPTER IX.]
(font: "Amarante")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 2em")+(css: "line-height: 1.7em")[Silver Bear]
(font: "Amarante")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 2em")+(css: "line-height: .5em")[and the Darkness]</span></p></div></body></html>
</span>(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")+(font: "Amarante")+(css: "font-size: 1.2em")[<span class='glow'>[[◈ Begin|117. Naughty little filthy fox]]](masteraudio: 'stopall')(set: $mission10 to 1)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">Bobcat stepped closer.
The darkness moved with him.
"Well, Silver Bear, it's simple really. Y'all probably gonna think it's rather silly, actually.
"Though, given the circumstances, I'm sure you're no doubt thinkin' some pretty awful things 'bout me and my boys, right now, this moment, this very second.
"No doubt cuz of the lies that naughty little fox has been spinnin.'
"But... there's always a *but* in there, am I right? Truth of the matter is, Silvy Boy, that naughty little filthy fox clingin' so desperately to your waist right there is my boss, Mr. Long Horn's, daughter.
"She ran away from home and the boss wants her returned pronto. It's a family matter that, well, to put it bluntly, don't rightly concern you. Y'all understand, right Silvy Boy? Y'all can appreciate that? You have family?"</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Amarante")+(color: #00ffff)[Silver Bear:]
<span class='glow6'>(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearandBobcat, "didn't answer.", "aimed his rifle at Bobcat.", 'said, "No, I have no family."', 'said, "I understand and can
appreciate that. Take the brat.
She means nothing to me."')</span>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>[[⛤|118. Duped]]</span>]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Ten.]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(unless: (track: 'AnimaliaTrack48', 'isplaying', 'islooping'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack48', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack48', 'play')](if: $SilverBearandBobcat is 'said, "I understand and can
appreciate that. Take the brat.
She means nothing to me."')[(go-to: "119. Game over 3")]\
(else-if: $SilverBearandBobcat is "aimed his rifle at Bobcat.")[(go-to: "122. Evil little slime shit")]\
(else:)[<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Bobcat stepped closer.
"Yes sir, she's been a naughty little fox, that one. I'll spare you the gory details. I'm sure y'all feel it's probably none of your business no-how. You're just some unwittin' rube she's (link: "(1.) duped")[duped(show: ?1)] into this whole unfortunate mess. You followin'? Am I gettin' through? She's (link: "(2.) conned ya,")[conned ya,(show: ?2)] Silvy Boy. |2)[(set: $continue118 to it +1)(if: $continue118 is 7)[(show: ?11)](if: $duped is 0)[(set: $duped to 1)](transition: "dissolve")[Probably told y'all some
malarky that we're fixin' to hurt her or something to that effect.]]|1)[
(set: $continue118 to it +1)(if: $continue118 is 7)[(show: ?11)](if: $duped is 1)[(set: $duped to 2)](transition: "dissolve")[(link: '(3.) "But...')["But...(show: ?3)]|3)[(set: $continue118 to it +1)(if: $continue118 is 7)[(show: ?11)](if: $duped is 3)[(show: ?9)(set: $dupedbonus1 to 1)(set: $duped to 4)](else:)[(show: ?8)] (transition: "dissolve")[there's that *but* again...]] that dog won't hunt. Yes sir, make no mistake, she's done pulled the (link: "(4.) wool over your eyes.")[(show: ?4)]]]|4)[(set: $continue118 to it +1)(if: $continue118 is 7)[(show: ?11)](if: $duped is 2)[(set: $duped to 3)]wool over your eyes, (transition: "dissolve")[cuz she (link: "(5.) knows")[knows(show: ?5)] she's in deep, deep trouble with her pa, Mr. Long Horn, and he's fixin' to jerk a knot in her tail when she gets home.]] |5)[
(set: $continue118 to it +1)(if: $continue118 is 7)[(show: ?11)](if: $duped is 4)[(set: $duped to 5)](transition: "dissolve")["Knows he's fixin' to tan her hide somethin' fierce by bringing a righteous whuppin' to that sweet little ass of hers. That's why she's concocted whatever elaborate tale she's... concocted.]]
"So, if y'all'd be so kind as ta hand her over to us, we'll be on our way, and let you get back to..."
Bobcat (link: "(6.) gestured")[gestured(show: ?6)] to their surroundings.|6)[
(set: $continue118 to it +1)(if: $continue118 is 7)[(show: ?11)](if: $duped is 5)[(set: $duped to 6)](transition: "dissolve")["... whatever it is you were (link: "(7.) doing")[doing(if: $duped is 6)[(set: $dupedbonus1 to 2)(show: ?10)](else:)[(if: $dupedbonus1 is 0)[(set: $failed118 to 1)](show: ?8)](set: $continue118 to it +1)(if: $continue118 is 7)[(show: ?11)]] out here."]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[2 , 1 , ? , 3 , ? , 6 , ?</span>]]]]|8)[(replace: "2 , 1 , ? , 3 , ? , 6 , ?")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]|10)[(replace: "2 , 1 , ? , 3 , ? , 6 , ?")[(color: black)+(text-style: "shadow")[(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "rumble")[Incredible!]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|9)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "pulse")[+1 Shake Down. (set: $shakedown to it +1)]|10)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+3 Lore.(set: $secrets9 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +3)]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]]|11)[(if: $dupedbonus1 is 2)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|120. Smarter than that]]</span>]]]](if: $dupedbonus1 is 1)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|120. Smarter than that]]</span>]]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]|11)[(if: $failed118 is 1)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|120. Smarter than that]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")]<span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">Bobcat looked surprised.
"Well... I reckon that was easy," he said. "Thank you kindly for being so reasonable, Silver Bear."
"Backstabbing prick!" snarled Kit. "May the Spirit of the Prairie curse you, and the Great Creator Spirit strike you dead!"
Getting on all fours, she ran into the prairie.
Bobcat said, "Let's get her, boys!"
Tusk and Snort squealed, and on all fours, Bobcat and his boys chased after Kit, disappearing into the warm night.
Then a bolt of lightning struck Silver Bear on the head.</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Continue|119a. Game over 3]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Silver Bear aimed his rifle at Bobcat.
"Take one more step you evil little slime shit and it'll be your last."
He (link-show: "sniffed",?1) the warm air. |1)[
(transition: "dissolve")["I can smell your evil stink coming a mile away, so silence your forked tongue, and spare me your lies, you pit of vipers!"]]
Pointing at himself in dismay, Bobcat pretended to be shocked.
"Moi? Evil little slime shit?"
He (link-show: "laughed.",?2)|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Don't think I've ever been called that one before. Have I (link-show: 'boys?"',?3)]]|3)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Nope."]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Uh-uh."](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Squealed the Javelina, (link-goto: "chuckling.","123. We like games")](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>"She says you're trying to kill her..." Silver Bear said.
Appalled, Bobcat pointed at himself with a 'who, me?' look, shaking his head in feigned outrage.
"Why, I never. I always knew she was a bad apple, but if she told y'all that whopper, then she's lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut. Kill her? Puh-*lease*! See, what'd I tell ya? Just like I said, Silvy Boy.
"She's concocted some farfetched story to trick you, |2)[(if: $trickyou is 0)[(set: $trickyou to 1)(show: ?4,?6)] (transition: "dissolve")[play on your (link: "sympathies,")[sympathies,(show: ?3)]]]|3)[ (transition: "dissolve")[and you [[fell for it|121. Touché]] hook, line, and sinker,]] but don't piss on my leg an tell me it's rainin.' Y'all smarter than that, am I right?
"Ain't Silvy Boy *smarter* than that, boys?"|4)[
(if: $trickyou is 0)[(set: $trickyou to 1)(show: ?2,?5)](transition: "dissolve")["Uh-huh," said Tusk.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Yep..." said Snort. "Smarter."](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[50/50</span>]]]]|5)[(replace: "50/50")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span class='glow6'>Silver Bear said:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearreflection, '"Trick me how?"', '"You are right, I am smarter."')]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[(if: $SilverBearreflection is '"Trick me how?"')[(show: ?2)](if: $SilverBearreflection is '"You are right, I am smarter."')[(show: ?4)]]</span>]</p></div></body></html></span></div><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|6)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.(set: $secrets9 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +1)]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Bobcat stepped closer.
He stood directly in front of the bonfire now.
"She's covered in blood, Bobcat," said Silver Bear, "but... |1)[(if: $touche is 0)[(set: $touche to 7)(show: ?7,?2)](if: $touche is 1)[(set: $touche to 2)(show: ?8)] (transition: "dissolve")[there's that *but*...]] I'm sure, being the long-winded, silver-tongued devil that you are, you have a clever excuse to explain it away, am I right, Bob?|2)[(if: $touche is 0)[(set: $touche to 1)(show: ?1)] (transition: "dissolve")[Mind if I (link: "(1.) call")[call(show: ?3)] you *Bob?*]]"|3)[
(set: $continue121 to it +1)(if: $continue121 is 5)[(show: ?10)](if: $touche is 2)[(set: $touche to 3)](transition: "dissolve")["Touché, Silver Bear, (link: "(2.) touché.")[touché.(show: ?4)] Nothing gets by him, (link: '(3.) eh boys?"')[eh boys?"(show: ?5)]]]|5)[
(set: $continue121 to it +1)(if: $continue121 is 5)[(show: ?10)](if: $touche is 3)[(set: $touche to 4)](transition: "dissolve")["Uh-uh."]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[(link: '(4.) "Nothing."')["Nothing."(show: ?6)]](stop:)]]|6)[
(set: $continue121 to it +1)(if: $continue121 is 5)[(show: ?10)](if: $touche is 4)[(set: $touche to 5)](transition: "dissolve")[Tusk and Snort drooled, holding themselves back, barely able to contain their savagery.]]|4)[
(set: $continue121 to it +1)(if: $continue121 is 5)[(show: ?10)](if: $touche is 5)[(set: $touche to 6)](transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat took a (link: "(5.) step closer")[step closer(set: $continue121 to it +1)(if: $continue121 is 5)[(show: ?10)](if: $touche is 6)[(show: ?9)](else:)[(show: ?13)]] around the fire.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["The big bupkis."|10)[(replace: '"The big bupkis."')[[["(6.) The big bupkis."|122. Evil little slime shit]]]]](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[50/50</span>]]]]|7)[(replace: "50/50")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]|12)[(replace: "50/50")[(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[1 , 3 , ? , ? , 5]]]]]]|13)[(replace: "1 , 3 , ? , ? , 5")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]|9)[(replace: "1 , 3 , ? , ? , 5")[(color: black)+(text-style: "shadow")[(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "rumble")[Astounding!]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span class='glow6'>Silver Bear said:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearreflection, '"there is that but..."', '"Mind if I call you Bob?"')]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[(if: $SilverBearreflection is '"there is that but..."')[(show: ?1,?7)](if: $SilverBearreflection is '"Mind if I call you Bob?"')[(show: ?2,?12)]]</span>]</p></div></body></html></span></div><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|8)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "pulse")[+1 Brain Power.
+1 Shake Down.(set: $brainpower to it +1)(set: $shakedown to it +1)]|9)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.(set: $secrets9 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +1)]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")<span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>"Boys, I reckon we all got another hero on our hands," Bobcat said.
"I'm serious as a heart attack," said Silver Bear. "I'm through playing (link-show: "games",?1) with you."|1)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Oh, but we like games, Silver Bear. We like games. Don't we, boys?"]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Uh-huh. Yep. Yep," squealed Tusk and Snort.](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")["And we ain't *through* with you," said Bobcat, melting back into the darkness. "Not by a damn (link-goto: 'sight."',"124. Silver Bear gasped.")](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Tusk and Snort disappeared into the darkness.
Silver Bear gasped.
He darted his rifle side-to-side, scanning his sectors of fire.
Kit's heart leapt into her throat. *Why didn't Silver Bear shoot them when he had the chance?*
They deserved to die for what they did to her mom... and to the kindly Pink Belly... and for what they were going to do to his friends: Diamondback and Little Sidewinder.
Pink Belly would let Kit feed the Synth Cows. Little Sidewinder would play hide-and-go-seek with Kit; Diamondback would help Kit and her mother prepare and cook dinner.
Pink Belly, Diamondback, and Little Sidewinder were good, and decent, and kind, and Bobcat and his boys were evil murderous psychopaths.|1)[(if: $shootthem is "die for what they
did to her mom.")[(replace: "psychopaths.")[psychopaths](transition: "dissolve")[ who (link-reveal: "deserved")[(set: $shootthem to 0)(show: ?2,?4)] to die...]](if: $shootthem is "die, but it was still not
for her to decide.")[
(transition: "dissolve")[But Kit knew those who laid curses would themselves be cursed. Those who sowed destruction would themselves be destroyed. Bobcat, Tusk, and Snort and every wicked hybrid beast and mythological creature like them would face a reckoning... *and soon.* In the all-knowing, all-seeing eyes of the Great Creator Spirit, and the Werebeast Goddess, Garl, whom served the Creator, (and prophecy foretold would be revived to commence the reckoning and reactivate the Colossus), every fiber of her being told Kit that Bobcat and his evil ilk would get what was (link-reveal: "coming")[(set: $shootthem to 1)(show: ?5)] to them.]]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #c8a2c8)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ Unlock the
Gem of Quickness.]]]
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[~ Prairie Spirit's favor ~</span>(live: 4s)[(replace: "~ Prairie Spirit's favor ~")[(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 2em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]]]]]]]|2)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]|1)[(if: $shootthem is "die, but it was still not
for her to decide.")[
(transition: "rumble")[The Spirit of the
Prairie favors you!]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>Kit Fox thought
they deserved to:
<span class='glow6'>(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $shootthem, "die for what they
did to her mom.", "die, but it was still not
for her to decide.")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-show: "⛤",?1)</span>]</p></div></body></html></span></div><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|5)[(if: $shootthem is 1)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "pulse")[+1 Health.(set: $GemofQuickness to 1)(set: $health to it +1)(set: $secrets9 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +2)]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets. ]]]](if: $brainpower is <= 4)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|125. Bad-ass soldier boy]]</span>]]]]|4)[(if: $shootthem is 1)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|125. Bad-ass soldier boy]]</span>]]]]](if: $brainpower is >= 5)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[◈ -5 Brain Power for +5 Health?]
<span class='glow1'>(dropdown: bind $Brainbonus, "Yes", "No")
(css: "font-size: 1.5em")[(link: "✧")[(if: $Brainbonus is "Yes")[(set: $brainpower to it -5)(set: $health to it +5)(show: ?3,?4)](if: $Brainbonus is "No")[(show: ?4)]</span>]]]|3)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)+(transition: "pulse")[Bonus applied.]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]]|4)[(if: $shootthem is 0)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|125. Bad-ass soldier boy]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(set: $mission10 to 2)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>"Stay behind me," said Silver Bear.
Kit nodded, fearfully.
Silver Bear could see the terror in her eyes.
"I won't let them (link: "(1.) hurt")[hurt(show: ?1)] you."
More (link: "(2.) maniacal laughter")[maniacal laughter(show: ?2)] spilled from the darkness. |2)[(set: $continue125 to it +1)(if: $continue125 is 6)[(show: ?9)](if: $soldierboy is 2)[(set: $soldierboy to 3)](transition: "dissolve")[It came from everywhere.
Echoing throughout the canyon.]]|1)[
(set: $continue125 to it +1)(if: $continue125 is 6)[(show: ?9)](if: $soldierboy is 0)[(set: $soldierboy to 1)](transition: "dissolve")["Aw, hear that, boys? Silver Bear ain't gonna let us hurt the fox. I reckon bad-ass (link: "(3.) soldier boy's")[soldier boy's(show: ?3)] got his knickers in a knot and gonna show us just how bad-ass he is," (link: "(4.) laughed")[laughed(show: ?4)] Bobcat.]]|4)[
(set: $continue125 to it +1)(if: $continue125 is 6)[(show: ?9)](if: $soldierboy is 1)[(set: $soldierboy to 2)](transition: "dissolve")[Tusk and Snort squealed, laughing.]]|3)[
(set: $continue125 to it +1)(if: $continue125 is 6)[(show: ?9)](if: $soldierboy is 3)[(set: $soldierboy to 4)](transition: "dissolve")["Just one problem with that there assessment, (link: '(5.) soldier boy."')[(show: ?5)]]]|5)[(set: $continue125 to it +1)(if: $continue125 is 6)[(show: ?9)](if: $soldierboy is 4)[(set: $soldierboy to 5)]soldier boy, (transition: "dissolve")[it seems you don't know shit from shinola how to tap into the magic of the land and (link: "(6.) harness its power")[harness its power(show: ?6)] the way we can.]] |6)[(set: $continue125 to it +1)(if: $continue125 is 6)[(show: ?9)](if: $soldierboy is 5)[(show: ?8)](else:)[(show: ?7)](transition: "dissolve")[Guess they
didn't teach y'all that in Boot Camp."]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[1 , ? , 2 , ? , ? , ?</span>]]]]|7)[(replace: "1 , ? , 2 , ? , ? , ?")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>|8)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.(set: $secrets9 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +1)]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Ten.]]]](if: $GemofQuickness is 1)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⛨ Inventory Updated.]]]]]|9)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|126. The fight begins]]</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(unless: (track: 'AnimaliaTrack74', 'isplaying', 'islooping'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack74', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack74', 'play')](set: $mission11 to 1)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>*But not this time...* no... this time cooler heads wouldn't prevail... not knowing where the attack would come from... knowing the very magic of the land was being used against him, and his guns and bullets might not be enough to save him.
This time, Silver Bear wasn't in control.
The terror (link-show: "gripped him,",?3) stamping the breath from him like a steel-toed kick to the gut.|3)[
(transition: "dissolve")[And for the first time in his life he knew what it felt to be truly] (live: 1s)[(transition: "rumble")[(link-show: "afraid...",?1)](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Diamond Glow")</p></div></body></html></span>|1)[<div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack71', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack71', 'play')(font: "Amarante")+(color: #00ffff)[Silver Bear:]
<span class='glow6'>(if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).")]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.")]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.")]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]</span>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>[[⛤|130. Shoot again]]</span>]
(set: $counter to 30)(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(text-style: "rumble")[Hurry!] You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left![ (live: 1s)[ (set: $counter to it - 1) (if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "137a. Game over 4")] (replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span>]<div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Eleven.]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(set: $SilverBearchoice to 0)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Silver Bear (link-reveal: "roared,")[(track: 'AnimaliaTrack36', 'play')(live: 2s)[(track: 'AnimaliaTrack63', 'play')(stop:)](show: ?1)] opening fire. |1)[
(transition: "dissolve")[But(if: $bobcatcursed is 1)[ even under Diamondback's curse,] Bobcat was too fast for the bear.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[The cat had already slipped back into the inky blackness.](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>|1)[
<span class='glow2'>(font: "Khand")+(link: "✦ Decide what Silver
Bear should do next.
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>")[(show: ?2)]</span>]|2)[Silver Bear:
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)[<span class='glow6'>(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(if: $waited is 0)[(set: $SilverBearchoice to "watched and waited.")watched and waited.]]]](if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[(if: $waited is 0)[(set: $SilverBearchoice to "watched and waited.")watched and waited.]]]]](if: $waited is 1)[(if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(set: $SilverBearchoice to "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).")opened fire with his rifle.]]]](if: $waited is 1)[(if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(set: $SilverBearchoice to "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).")opened fire with his rifle.]]]]](if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[opened fire with his rifle again.]]]](if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[opened fire with his rifle again.]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with his
rifle again (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.")]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with his
rifle again (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with his
rifle again (Swift Feet).", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.")]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with his
rifle again (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "used his grenade.")]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "used his grenade.")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).")]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "used his grenade.", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.")]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]]]</span>]
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>[[⛤|130. Shoot again]]</span>]
(set: $counter to 20)(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(text-style: "rumble")[Hurry!] You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left![ (live: 1s)[ (set: $counter to it - 1) (if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "137a. Game over 4")] (replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[(set: $riflebullets to it -10)⚔ Rifle Bullets: $riflebullets.]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(set: $SilverBearchoice to 0)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Silver Bear unpinned the grenade, heaving it into the darkness.(if: $bobcatcursed is 1)[
Yet, even with Diamondback's curse hanging over him, Bobcat was too fast for the bear. Gasping, he dove back inside the darkness, disappearing within.]
The explosion (link-show: "thundered",?2) on the air... and in a flash of fire, earth, and smoke, the blast lit the inky blackness.|2)[
(track: 'AnimaliaTrack64', 'play')(transition: "dissolve")[But the darkness (link-show: "swallowed the explosion",?1) like a fire purged into the deep, cold vacuum of space.]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Diamond Glow")</p></div></body></html></span>|1)[<div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Amarante")+(color: #00ffff)[Silver Bear:]\
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)[<span class='glow6'>(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(if: $waited is 0)[(set: $SilverBearchoice to "watched and waited.")watched and waited.]]]](if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[(if: $waited is 0)[(set: $SilverBearchoice to "watched and waited.")watched and waited.]]]]](if: $waited is 1)[(if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(set: $SilverBearchoice to "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).")opened fire with his rifle.]]]](if: $waited is 1)[(if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(set: $SilverBearchoice to "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).")opened fire with his rifle.]]]]](if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[opened fire with his rifle again.]]]](if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[opened fire with his rifle again.]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with his
rifle again (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.")]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with his
rifle again (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with his
rifle again (Swift Feet).", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.")]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with his
rifle again (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "used his grenade.")]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "used his grenade.")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).")]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "used his grenade.", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.")]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]]]</span>]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>[[⛤|130. Shoot again]]</span>]
(set: $counter to 20)(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(text-style: "rumble")[Hurry!] You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left![ (live: 1s)[ (set: $counter to it - 1) (if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "137a. Game over 4")] (replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span>]<div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "pulse")[Unpinning the grenade...]|2)[(replace: "Unpinning the grenade...")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "rumble")[Impossible!]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(if: $darkpowers is 1)[(set: $thefightends to 1)(go-to: "136. The fight ends")](else:)[(if: $SilverBearchoice is "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")[(set: $Bobcathealth to 40)(set: $Tuskhealth to 20)(set: $Snorthealth to 20)](set: $thefightends to 1)(set: $mission12 to 1)(set: $mission11 to 2)(set: $power to it +1)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>(if: $SilverBearchoice is "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")[Silver Bear roared. "Spirit of the Prairie, I call on you! Drive them from the (link-show: "darkness...",?1)|1)[(transition: "dissolve")[ into the] (live: 1s)[(transition: "rumble")[light!"](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[A brilliant white light burst over the canyon, turning night to day.](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(transition: "dissolve")[(link-show: "Bobcat",?2) and his boys reeled in horror.](stop:)]]|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit," he said surprised, shielding his eyes.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")["Looks like they taught ol' Silvy Boy how to harness the magic in Boot Camp after all."](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[The last remnants of darkness swirled around Tusk and Snort and they started growing, almost doubling in size, as if feeding off what remained of the darkness and each other's presence, their bulging muscles ripping through their black suits, tearing apart the fabric.](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Together, they uprooted a small boulder, and with howl-like squeals of bloodlust, they (link-show: "hurled the rock",?3) at Silver Bear...](stop:)]] |3)[(set: _result to (random: 1, 6) + $swiftfeet)(if: _result >= 12)[(show: ?4,?6)
(transition: "dissolve")["Look out!"]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Pushing Kit aside, he combat rolled out of the way in the nick of time, springing to his feet onto his stubby legs.](stop:)]](else:)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Look out!"]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Pushing Kit out of the way, he tried to leap clear in time, but the rock (link-reveal: "crushed")[(set: $health to it - (random: 10,20))(if: $health is <= 0)[(go-to: "137c. Game over 4")](else:)[(show: ?5,?6)]] him!](stop:)]]]](else:)[Silver Bear threw more of the glowing wood onto the bonfire.
Seeing what he was doing, Kit helped him, and more and more bright light burst over the canyon, (link-show: "driving away",?6) the last remnants of darkness.]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>|4)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "pulse")[+1 Swift Feet.(set: $swiftfeet to it +1)]]|5)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "pulse")[Health: $health.]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Eleven.
◈ Mission Twelve.]]]]|6)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|136. The fight ends]]</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>](set: $SilverBearchoice to 0)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Silver Bear heard the patter of pawed feet.
From the darkness appeared Bobcat, running past in a flash. (if: $bobcatcursed is 1)[
But Diamondback's curse caused him to (link-show: "stumble.",?1)](if: $bobcatcursed is 0)[
With his claws he swiped Silver Bear's right (link-show: "arm.",?1)]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Diamond Glow")</p></div></body></html></span>|1)[</span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(if: $health is <= 0)[(go-to: "137. Game over 4")](font: "Amarante")+(color: #00ffff)[Silver Bear:]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)[<span class='glow6'>(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(if: $waited is 0)[(set: $SilverBearchoice to "watched and waited.")watched and waited.]]]](if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[(if: $waited is 0)[(set: $SilverBearchoice to "watched and waited.")watched and waited.]]]]](if: $waited is 1)[(if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(set: $SilverBearchoice to "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).")opened fire with his rifle.]]]](if: $waited is 1)[(if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(set: $SilverBearchoice to "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).")opened fire with his rifle.]]]]](if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[opened fire with his rifle again.]]]](if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[opened fire with his rifle again.]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with his
rifle again (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.")]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with his
rifle again (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with his
rifle again (Swift Feet).", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.")]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with his
rifle again (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "used his grenade.")]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "used his grenade.")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).")]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $openedfire is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "used his grenade.", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.")]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $waited is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(if: $openedfire is 0)[(if: $waited is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "watched and waited.", "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]]]</span>]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>[[⛤|130. Shoot again]]</span>]
(set: $counter to 20)(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(text-style: "rumble")[Hurry!] You have |amount>[$counter] seconds left![ (live: 1s)[ (set: $counter to it - 1) (if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "137a. Game over 4")] (replace: ?amount)[$counter]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span>]<div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "pulse")[Health: $health.]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(if: $SilverBearchoice is "used his grenade.")[(set: $hasgrenade to 0)(go-to: "128. Used his grenade")]\
(else-if: $SilverBearchoice is "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")[(set: $SummonPrairieSpirit to 0)(set: $magicpoints to it -2)(go-to: "135. Drive away the darkness")]\
(else-if: $SilverBearchoice is "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).")[(set: $openedfire to 1)(go-to: "127. Opened fire with his rifle")]\
(else-if: $SilverBearchoice is "watched and waited.")[(if: $bobcatcursed is 0)[(set: $health to it - (either: 3,4,5))](set: $waited to 1)(go-to: "129. Waited")]\
(else:)[(set: $SilverBearchoice to 0)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Again, the patter of pawed feet repeated from the darkness.
But this time, Silver Bear was fast, wheeling his rifle in that (link-show: "direction.",?3) |3)[
(track: 'AnimaliaTrack36', 'play')(live: 2s)[(track: 'AnimaliaTrack63', 'play')(stop:)](transition: "dissolve")[Roaring, he emptied the rest of the magazine and the muzzle flashes peeled back the void, like an ebony scab over a luminous wound... but like a ventriloquist throwing their voice, Bobcat had tricked the bear with the direction of the sound and appearing from the opposite side, Bobcat ran past in a flash of razor claws, (link-reveal: "raking")[(set: $health to it - (either: 3,4,5))(if: $health is <= 0)[(go-to: "137. Game over 4")](else:)[(show: ?1, ?2)]] Silver Bear's left shoulder.]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|1)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "pulse")[Health: $health.]|2)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[(set: $riflebullets to it -10)⚔ Rifle Bullets: $riflebullets.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|131. A Silvery Light]]</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>]<span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Silver Bear's mighty roar trembled the air. The trunk of the great Cottonwood tree shook. The branches shuddered.
A silvery light pulsed from the trunk and the darkness recoiled as the tree shed more dead wood thunking to the ground. The sloughed wood glowed, brighter and brighter.
Aiming, Silver Bear (link-show: "readied",?1) to open fire again.|1)[
(transition: "dissolve")[But Bobcat continued slipping in and out of the concealing darkness and was too quick for the giant (link-goto: "bear.","132. The Glowing Branch")]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(if: $darkpowers is 1)[(set: $mission12 to 1)(set: $Tuskhealth to 40)(set: $Snorthealth to 40)](else:)[(set: $Tuskhealth to 30)(set: $Snorthealth to 30)]\
<span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Tusk and Snort (if: $darkpowers is 1)[appeared from the darkness](if: $darkpowers is 0)[reeled from the light], squealing and slavering.
(if: $darkpowers is 1)[The darkness](if: $darkpowers is 0)[What was left of the darkness] swirled around them and they started growing, almost doubling in size, as if feeding off(if: $darkpowers is 0)[ what remained of] the darkness and each other's presence, their bulging muscles ripping through their black suits, tearing apart the fabric.
Together, they uprooted a small boulder, and with howl-like squeals of bloodlust, they (link-show: "hurled the rock",?1) at Silver Bear... |1)[(set: _result to (random: 1, 6) + $swiftfeet)(if: _result >= 12)[(show: ?2)
(transition: "dissolve")["Look out!"]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Pushing Kit aside, he combat rolled out of the way in the nick of time, springing to his feet onto his stubby legs.](stop:)]](else:)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Look out!"]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Pushing Kit out of the way, he tried to leap clear in time, but the rock (link-reveal: "crushed")[(set: $health to it - (random: 10,20))(if: $health is <= 0)[(go-to: "137c. Game over 4")](else:)[(show: ?4)]] him!](stop:)]]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|2)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "pulse")[+1 Swift Feet.(set: $swiftfeet to it +1)](if: $darkpowers is 1)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Eleven.
◈ Mission Twelve.]]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|135. Drive away the darkness]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>]|4)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "pulse")[Health: $health.](if: $darkpowers is 1)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Eleven.
◈ Mission Twelve.]]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|135. Drive away the darkness]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(set: $Bobcathealth to 50)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>A glowing branch lay at Kit's feet.
Burning brighter, the bonfire raged higher.
She reached for the branch... but Bobcat jumped out from the darkness next to her.|1)[
(if: $Kitschoice is "did nothing.")[(go-to: "133. The fire intensified")](else-if: $Kitschoice is "screamed in terror.")[(go-to: "133. The fire intensified")](else:)[Snarling, she grabbed the branch and bashed his shin.
"Ow! You little bitch!"
Bobcat swatted the branch away, (link-reveal: "backhanding")[(set: $damage to (either: 1,2,3))(set: $Bobcathealth to it - $damage)(set: $health to it - (either: 3,4,5))(if: $health is <= 0)[(go-to: "137b. Game over 4")](else:)[(show: ?2)]] her across her narrow snout.]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>Kit Fox:
<span class='glow6'>(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $Kitschoice, "did nothing.", "screamed in terror.", "hit Bobcat with the branch.")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-show: "⛤",?1)</span>]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|2)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "rumble")[Bobcat: takes $damage damage!]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "pulse")[Your Health: $health.]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|133. The fire intensified]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>The bonfire intensified.
In the fire appeared a face with jagged teeth and jagged eyes.
It licked its lips.
Its hungry mouth opened wide.|1)[
(transition: "dissolve")[A look of recognition came over Silver Bear.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Snatching up one of the glowing branches from the ground, he chucked it into the fire and a brilliant white light exploded within, staving off the darkness. He tossed more and more branches in, and (link-show: "more light",?4) burst over the canyon, turning night to day.](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #c8a2c8)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ Unlock the secret of the fire.]]]
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[~ Quick Wit & Brain Power ~</span>(live: 4s)[(replace: "~ Quick Wit & Brain Power ~")[(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 2em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]]]]]]]|3)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]
(transition: "rumble")[Not enough Quick
Wit & Brain Power!]]|1)[
(color: black)+(text-style: "shadow")[(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "rumble")[Outstanding!]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤")[(set: _result to (random: 1, 6) + $quickwit + $brainpower)(if: _result < 25)[(set: $darkpowers to 1)(set: $mission11 to 2)(show: ?2,?3)](else:)[(show: ?1)]]]|2)[(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|134. Tusk and Snort]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]|1)[(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.(set: $secrets9 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +1)]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]|4)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|134. Tusk and Snort]]</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(set: $mission12 to 2)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">"Run," Silver Bear said to Kit. "Don't look back."
Snort charged on all fours.
Roaring, Silver Bear fired true, riddling the Javelina with bullets.
Crashing face-first to the prairie, the giant pig skidded up to the bear's feet, shrinking back to normal size.
"Snort! *Nooo!"* Tusk howled, shrinking too.</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Diamond Glow")</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Twelve.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|Lore Check 9]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')(set: $typewriterText to "Text goes here")(display: "Typewriter")
(live: 1s)[(transition: "pulse")[Text goes here](stop:)]
border: 8px double #720027;
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lilac: #c8a2c8
gold: #D4AF37
aqua: #00ffff
teak: #c29467
teal blue: #367588
Four diamonds html code: ❖
1-side Die html code: ⚀
2-side Die html code: ⚁
3-side Die html code: ⚂
4-side Die html code: ⚃
5-side Die html code: ⚄
6-side Die html code: ⚅
Squared Key html code: ⚿
Crossed Swords: ⚔
White Diamond in Square: ⛋
Pentagram: ⛤
Black Cross on Shield: ⛨
Skull and Crossbones: ☠
Skull: 💀
Scruple: ℈
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>This text is centered.</p></div></body></html>
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center1 {vertical-align: middle;}</style></head><body><div class="center1"><p>I am vertically centered.</p></div></body></html>
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>div.sticky { position: -webkit-sticky; position: sticky; top: 0; z-index: 1; }</style></head><body><div class="sticky">text goes here</div></body></html>
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<h2>Alert Messages</h2>
<p>Click on the "x" symbol to close the alert message.</p>
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<strong>Danger!</strong> Indicates a dangerous or potentially negative action.
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<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><style>#snackbar3{visibility: hidden;min-width: 250px; margin-right: -135px; background-color: #000; color: #fff; text-align: left; position: fixed; z-index: 1; right: 15%; bottom: 200px;}#snackbar3.show { visibility: visible; -webkit-animation: fadein 0.5s, fadeout 0.5s 2.5s;animation: fadein 0.5s, fadeout 0.5s 2.5s;}@-webkit-keyframes fadein { from {bottom: 0; opacity: 0;} to {bottom: 200px; opacity: 1;}}@keyframes fadein { from {bottom: 0; opacity: 0;} to {bottom: 200px; opacity: 1;}}</style></head><body><div id="snackbar3">(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)[+1 Quickwit.]</div><script>function myFunction3() { var x = document.getElementById("snackbar3"); x.className = "show"; setTimeout(function(){ x.className = x.className.replace("show", ""); }, 3000);}</script></body></html>
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<p onclick="myFunction()"><span class='glow6'>(link-reveal: "dust")[(show: ?1)(set: $quickwit to it +1)]</span></p>
<div id="snackbar">(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[+1 Quickwit.]]]</div>
function myFunction() {
var x = document.getElementById("snackbar");
x.className = "show";
setTimeout(function(){ x.className = x.className.replace("show", ""); }, 3000);
<span style="
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to {
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<span style=" color: #ff005e;
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-webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s;
-moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s;
-o-transition: 500ms linear 0s;
transition: 500ms linear 0s;
-webkit-animation: glow 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
-moz-animation: glow 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
animation: glow 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
outline: 0 none;
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from {
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-webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s;
-moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s;
-o-transition: 500ms linear 0s;
transition: 500ms linear 0s;
-webkit-animation: glow3 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
-moz-animation: glow3 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
animation: glow3 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
outline: 0 none;
@-webkit-keyframes glow3 {
from {
text-shadow: 0 0 5px #6495ed, 0 0 7.5px #6495ed, 0 0 10px #6495ed, 0 0 12.5px #6495ed, 0 0 15px #6495ed, 0 0 17.5px #6495ed, 0 0 20px #6495ed;
to {
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}">{<!-- Create a variable to track the position within the $typewriterText string -->
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Create a hook to hold the typed text -->
<!-- Set a delay of 20ms seconds per loop -->
(live: 20ms)[
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
}{<!-- Create a variable to track the position within the $typewriterText2 string -->
(set: $typewriterPos2 to 1)
<!-- Create a hook to hold the typed text -->
<!-- Set a delay of 20ms seconds per loop -->
(live: 20ms)[
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput2)[(print: $typewriterText2's $typewriterPos2)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos2 to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos2 is $typewriterText2's length + 1)[
}(if: $goodorbad is 'said, "Bad."')[(set: $quickwit to it +1)(set: $power to it +2)(set: $secrets4 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)]<span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">(if: $goodorbad is 'said, "Bad."')["Bad,](else:)["Good,] maybe. I don't know. It's really none of my business," Pink Belly said.
A Synth, brushing its haunch across the porcupine wood, left with a quill-covered hide. It loosed a morose cry and some of its forlorn companions empathized, curdling the air with their miserable chorus.
"So what have you heard?" Bobcat asked.
"I don't know..." Pink Belly gulped, covering his mouth, and muttered: "Something about you tracking down Were-kin for Mr. Long Horn... *females* mostly... that escape from Old Town."</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>(if: $goodorbad is 'said, "Bad."')[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Quick Wit.]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+2 Lore.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","58. Escaped females")</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="box1-3">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-2]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 160px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[FAILED. -2 Brain Power.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 160px")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ The memories of the war are
(css: "padding-left: 160px")[still too painful for Silver Bear
(css: "padding-left: 160px")[to think about.]]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","3. Why is Silver Bear at the Windless Prairie?")</span>]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span id="box1-4">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-1]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 165px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[FAILED. -1 Lore.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 165px")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ You do not have enough Lore
(css: "padding-left: 165px")[to unlock the secret of Jueyuan.]]]]
<span class='glow1'>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: black)[(link-goto: "✦ Continue","3. Why is Silver Bear at the Windless Prairie?")]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span id="box1-1">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-1]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 155px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[FAILED. -1 Lore.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 155px")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ You do not have enough Lore to
(css: "padding-left: 155px")[unlock the secret of the Ancients.]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","3. Why is Silver Bear at the Windless Prairie?")</span>]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span id="box1-1">(if: $brainpower is >= 2)[(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-1]]](font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 155px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[FAILED. -1 Lore.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 155px")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ The memories of the war are
(css: "padding-left: 155px")[too painful for Silver Bear to think
(css: "padding-left: 155px")[about any longer.]]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","3. Why is Silver Bear at the Windless Prairie?")</span>]]]\
(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #D4AF37)[~or~]]\
(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 164px")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "⛨ -2 Brain Power to try again?")[(set: $brainpower to it -2)(set: _result to (random: 1, 6) + $brainpower)(if: _result >= 6)[(set: $WarofTenDogs to 1)(set: $WarofTenDogspenalty to 1)(set: $power to it +2)(set: $secrets1 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(go-to: "5. What is the War of Ten Dogs?")](else:)[(go-to: "5b. War of Ten Dogs Second Chance")]]]]](else:)[(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-1]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 155px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[FAILED. -1 Lore.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 155px")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ The memories of the war are
(css: "padding-left: 155px")[too painful for Silver Bear to think
(css: "padding-left: 155px")[about any longer.]]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","3. Why is Silver Bear at the Windless Prairie?")</span>]]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span id="box2"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"></head><body><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(text-style: "smear")+(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: .8em")[(color: black)[**$totalsecrets of 50 Total Secrets Unlocked.**]]</p></div></body></html>(text-style: "underline")+(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.2em")+(align: "=><=")[**Minor Arcana:**]{
* <button class="collapsible3">**War of Ten Dogs**</button><div class="content3"><p>(if: $WarofTenDogs is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* The War of Ten Dogs lasted eight years until at last the tyrant, Jueyuan, and his ten mongrel Generals were defeated and driven from the City of Mythicus. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[+2 Lore. +1 Secrets. (if: $WarofTenDogspenalty is 1)[(color: #ff005e)[-2 Brain Power.]]]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 80px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
* <button class="collapsible3">**The World Tree**</button><div class="content3"><p>(if: $WorldTree is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* None know exactly what the World Tree is. Only that it is what the Werekind call their world. It is a magnificent realm, still full of splendor and beauty even after the great destruction inflicted on it by the war. Comprised of: the Windless Prairie in the north; the great City of Mythicus at the heart; and the Red Sands desert and the border towns in the south, known as the southern region. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[+1 Lore.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 80px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
* <button class="collapsible3">**The Windless Prairie**</button><div class="content3"><p>(if: $WindlessPrairie is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* The prairie wasn't always windless. Once upon a time, the wind blew strong and free across the vast shrub steppes of the prairie. The wind blew howling over and around the craggy buttes. Down into the deep canyons. Through the ponderosas and copses of cottonwoods and desert juniper and the many towns, big and small, dotting the prairie and the northern lands of the World Tree.]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 80px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
* <button class="collapsible3">**City of Mythicus**</button><div class="content3"><p>(if: $CityofMythicus is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Mythicus is a great megalopolis at the heart of the World Tree. In fact, it is the only city in the World Tree, where the majority of Werekind live within the borders of its many sprawling districts. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[+1 Brain Power.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 80px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
* <button class="collapsible3">**Werekind**</button><div class="content3"><p>(if: $Werekind is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* A race of hybrid beasts and mythological creatures blended with physical characteristics of the Ancients. The Werekind and the Ancients aren't magical. Only the World Tree is magical. However, some Were-kin of focused mind are able to harness the magic from the land and use it. Though most learn to harness the magic through training; very rarely, some are born with an innate ability to tap into the magic. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[+1 Lore.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 80px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
* <button class="collapsible3">**Spirit of Snapping Turtle**</button><div class="content3"><p>(if: $SnappingTurtle is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Snapping Turtle and Silver Bear served in the Army together during the War of Ten Dogs, but Snapping Turtle was killed in the war. Now, Snapping Turtle's spirit has guided Silver Bear on an unknown mission that has brought him to the Windless Prairie. Silver Bear has never fully recovered from the survivor's guilt caused by the death of his friend. Maybe that is why the turtle has guided Silver Bear to the prairie? Or maybe it is only one of many reasons? Silver Bear doesn't know but that's what he is there to find out. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[+1 Lore. +1 Secrets. (if: $SnappingTurtlepenalty is 1)[(color: #ff005e)[-2 Lore.]]]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 80px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
* <button class="collapsible3">**Evil Taint**</button><div class="content3"><p>(if: $eviltaint is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Silver Bear sensed an evil influence on the Windless Prairie, tainting the spirits of the Ancients, the magical energies and ley lines running through the World Tree. But how the evil taints the magic? Where it comes from? He isn't sure. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[+1 Quick Wit. +1 Lore. +1 Secrets.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 80px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
* <button class="collapsible3">**Night in the Red Sands**</button><div class="content3"><p>(if: $RedSands is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* The night Snapping Turtle was killed //in a rocket attack// during the War of Ten Dogs had happened in the Red Sands desert in the southern regions of the World Tree.]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 80px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
* <button class="collapsible3">**GLOCK 21**</button><div class="content3"><p>(if: $Glock21 is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* A GLOCK 21 Gen4 Semi-Auto Pistol - .45 caliber - Round Capacity 13 + 1 with a fully loaded clip but the gun isn't chambered.]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 80px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
* <button class="collapsible3">**Little Sidewinder's Family**</button><div class="content3"><p>(if: $whathappenedtofamily is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Little Sidewinder was too young to remember exactly what had forced her and Diamondback to flee Mythicus. But it had something to do with a gun. Of that, she is certain. A gun had been the reason why they had escaped north ten years ago to Pink Belly's ranch. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[+1 Lore. +1 Secrets.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 80px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
* <button class="collapsible3">**Pink Belly's Secret**</button><div class="content3"><p>(if: $PinkBellyssecret is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Pink Belly is hiding Red Fox and her daughter, Kit, somewhere on his ranch. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[+1 Lore. +1 Secrets.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 80px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
* <button class="collapsible3">**The Runaways**</button><div class="content3"><p>(if: $runaways is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Red Fox and Kit Fox are runaways from Mr. Long Horn and his followers in Old Town. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[+2 Lore. +1 Secrets.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 80px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
* <button class="collapsible3">**White Lightning**</button><div class="content3"><p>(if: $whitelightning is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* White Lightning is an extremely addictive drug. It amplifies the savagery, the bloodlust, of the Were, reverting them to their primitive state, bringing out the animalistic nature many of them try so hard to reign in with synthetic flesh and synthetic blood. Diamondback has seen countless times on the news and internet what kind of monsters the drug turns the addicts into, the horrible things they are capable of, and it terrifies her. White Lightning has made the Ouroboros Syndicate, (a drug cartel located in the southern border towns), filthy rich and powerful off the violence and misery the drug inflicts. Drug cartels like the Syndicate are the sole manufacturers and suppliers of the drug. Evil Were-kin, like Long Horn, and his followers from Old Town like Bobcat, Tusk, and Snort, are the distribution arm for the Syndicate. They crush any and all opposition to their monopoly with a brutal campaign of kidnappings, torture, murders, and other horrific tactics. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[+1 Lore. +1 Secrets.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 80px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
* <button class="collapsible3">**Restoring to Balance**</button><div class="content3"><p>(if: $SilverBearsadness2 is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Snapping Turtle has told Silver Bear he can stop reliving the past by restoring him to balance within the World Tree. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[+4 Lore. +1 Secrets.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 80px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
* <button class="collapsible3">**Silver Bear's Ancestors**</button><div class="content3"><p>(if: $thedancingshadows is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* The shades of Silver Bear's ancestors from his smaller family have danced, prayed, and sang with the shades of the prairie (if: $bobcatcursed is 0)[and the Prairie Spirit] to restore him to balance within the World Tree. (if: $bobcatcursed is 0)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #367588)[(color: black)[+1 Magic Point.]]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 80px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
}(text-style: "underline")+(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.2em")+(align: "=><=")[**Major Arcana:**]{
* <button class="collapsible3">**Jueyuan**</button><div class="content3"><p>(if: $Jueyuan is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Jueyuan was a Vampire who ruled the City of Mythicus with an iron fist for eight long, terrible years during the War of Ten Dogs. He'd led an army of Werekind commanded by ten mongrel Generals. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[+2 Lore. +1 Secrets.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 80px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
* <button class="collapsible3">**The Ancients**</button><div class="content3"><p>(if: $Ancients is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* A mysterious race who'd lived in a time and place without magic and perished eons ago. Nothing else is known of them except that it is believed the Great Creator Spirit used their dreams and imagination to create the World Tree and all of Werekind. Some Were-kin, like Jueyuan the Vampire, look exactly like the Ancients, while most like the hybrid animals like Silver Bear are only blended with certain physical traits and characteristics such as: hands, fingers, the ability to talk, and stand upright or on all fours. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[+2 Health. +2 Brain Power. +3 Lore. +1 Magic Point. +1 Secrets.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 80px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
* <button class="collapsible3">**Greater Love**</button><div class="content3"><p>(if: $greaterlove is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Soon after his arrival at the Windless Prairie, Silver Bear heard a whispering on the air that said, //"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down their life for their friends."// (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[+2 Lore. +1 Secrets.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 80px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
* <button class="collapsible3">**Quetzalcoatl**</button><div class="content3"><p>(if: $Quetzalcoatl is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Quetzalcoatl was a powerful Were who helped harness the magic of the World Tree in order to build the portals to the district of Mythicus known as Aztlán. His descendants still have the feathery scales of his lineage, but his bloodline has become so diluted that they no longer have wings. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[+1 Brain Power. +2 Lore. +1 Secrets.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 80px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
* <button class="collapsible3">**Long Horn**</button><div class="content3"><p>(if: $LongHorn is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Long Horn's powerful and corruptive influence reaches like a brewing storm across all the Windless Prairie and all the towns, big and small, outside the great city of Mythicus. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[+2 Lore. +1 Secrets.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 80px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
* <button class="collapsible3">**Old Town**</button><div class="content3"><p>(if: $OldTown is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Old Town is where Long Horn bases his operations from within a massive, walled and near-impreganable compound at the heart of the town. The Bull controls the entire town, and all the surrounding towns, within a hundred miles, and has all the sherrifs and corrupt politicians in his pocket. From Old Town, the Bull runs all his gambling, prostitution, and drug racketeering, supplied by the powerful cartels from the southern border towns of the World Tree. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[+1 Brain Power. +1 Lore. +1 Secrets.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 80px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
* <button class="collapsible3">**White Lightning Bonus**</button><div class="content3"><p>(if: $whitelightningextra is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* The Ouroboros Syndicate has begun using a new component to heighten and intensify the effects of White Lightning, supposedly by infusing the drug with the magical energies of the World Tree itself, but debased and corrupted through the drug's mysterious and highly guarded secret manufacturing process. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[+3 Lore. +1 Secrets.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 80px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
* <button class="collapsible3">**The Lost Boys**</button><div class="content3"><p>(if: $lostboys is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* A Lost Boy is a Were-kin who's been banished from a family, or herd, for unspeakable crimes. They are considered the worst of the worst, infamous for their violence and cruelty. It is for that reason Long Horn uses them as his enforcers. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[+2 Lore. +1 Secrets.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 80px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
* <button class="collapsible3">**Garl the Werebeast Goddess**</button><div class="content3"><p>(if: $Garl is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Garl was a benevolent goddess who had served the Great Creator Spirit in overseeing the Werekind. She was given power by the Creator Spirit to command the Colossus and protect Mythicus from evil rule. But she has disappeared and not been heard from for millennia. This is how Jueyuan was able to conquer the city; and now rumors are spreading of another evil power on the rise... the Minotaur. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[+1 Lore.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 80px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
* <button class="collapsible3">**Where the Wind Once Blew Free**</button><div class="content3"><p>(if: $freewind2 is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* According to the spirit of Snapping Turtle, the wind once blew free across the prairie, but a great evil sickened the land, caging the wind. The wind could not blow free the way it wanted to. And this angered the wind and the land. The land still waits to be healed, and the wind still waits to be freed. One of the reasons why Snapping Turtle has brought Silver Bear to the prairie. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[+1 Lore. +1 Secrets.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 80px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
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(if: $hasrifle is 0)[<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: 1.2em")[**Your inventory is empty.**]]</p></div></body></html>(if: $hasrifle is 1)[(if: $hasmolle is 1)[** <button class="collapsible1">(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #ff005e)[(color: black)[''Colt AR-15. $riflebullets bullets.'']]</button><div class="content1"><p>(font: "Khand")+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(color: #00ffff)[* Rifle sling. Upgraded trigger, allowing full auto rate of fire. MOLLE vest, digital-gray, with x3 ammo pouches w/ x2 30-round mags per pouch.]]</p></div>]\
(if: $hasextramagazine is 1)[** <button class="collapsible1">(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #ff005e)[(color: black)[ ''$extrariflebullets extra bullets.'']]</button><div class="content1"><p>(font: "Khand")+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(color: #00ffff)[* The extra bullets will come in handy.]</p></div>]\
(if: $hasgrenade is 1)[** <button class="collapsible1">(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #ff005e)[(color: black)[''Grenade.'']]</button><div class="content1"><p>(font: "Khand")+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(color: #00ffff)[* M67 Fragmentation Grenade (a keepsake from the war).]</p></div>]\
(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[** <button class="collapsible1">(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #ff005e)[(color: black)[''Summon Prairie Spirit.'']]</button><div class="content1"><p>(font: "Khand")+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(color: #00ffff)[* Summon the Spirit of the Prairie to aid you one time. You will be given the option when the Spirit deems your need is greatest.]</p></div>]]\
(if: $hasgun is 2)[** <button class="collapsible1">(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #ff005e)[(color: black)[''Glock. 13 bullets.'']]</button><div class="content1"><p>(font: "Khand")+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(color: #00ffff)[* Little Sidewinder has decided to keep the gun that her aunt, Diamondback, had hid under a rock next to the well on Pink Belly's ranch.]</p></div>]\
(if: $hasgun is 3)[** <button class="collapsible1">(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #ff005e)[(color: black)[''Glock. $Glockbullets bullets.'']]</button><div class="content1"><p>(font: "Khand")+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(color: #00ffff)[* Diamondback has the gun, but does she have the courage (or the skill?) to use it?]</p></div>]\
(if: $LifeforceElixir is 1)[** <button class="collapsible1">(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #ff005e)[(color: black)[''Lifeforce Elixir.'']]</button><div class="content1"><p>(font: "Khand")+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(color: #00ffff)[* Temporarily boost your Muscle and Health by +5. <span class='glow6'>(link: "Use it now?")[(set: $muscle to it +5)(set: $health to it +5)(set: $LifeforceElixir to 2)(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(transition: "pulse")[Bonus applied.]]]</span>]</p></div>]\
(if: $GemofQuickness is 1)[** <button class="collapsible1">(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #ff005e)[(color: black)[''Gem of Quickness.'']]</button><div class="content1"><p>(font: "Khand")+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(color: #00ffff)[* Temporarily boosts Swift Feet by +5. <span class='glow6'>(link: "Use it now?")[(set: $swiftfeet to it +5)(set: $GemofQuickness to 2)(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(transition: "pulse")[Bonus applied.]]]</span>]</p></div>]\
(if: $bobcatcursed is 1)[** <button class="collapsible1">(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #ff005e)[(color: black)[''Bobcat is Cursed.'']]</button><div class="content1"><p>(font: "Khand")+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(color: #00ffff)[* You have laid a terrible and debilitating curse on Bobcat at great cost to yourself.]</p></div>]
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* <button class="collapsible2">**Mission One:**</button><div class="content2"><p>(if: $mission1 is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Learn why Snapping Turtle has guided Silver Bear to the Windless Prairie.]](else-if: $mission1 is 2)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Learn why Snapping Turtle has guided Silver Bear to the Windless Prairie. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[ COMPLETED. +1 Lore.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 105px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>\
* <button class="collapsible2">**Mission Two:**</button><div class="content2"><p>(if: $mission2 is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Decide what Little Sidewinder should do with the gun.]](else-if: $mission2 is 2)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Decide what Little Sidewinder should do with the gun. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[ COMPLETED.] (if: $hasgun is 2)[ +1 Lore.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 105px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>\
* <button class="collapsible2">**Mission Three:**</button><div class="content2"><p>(if: $mission3 is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Give Pink Belly the courage he needs to face the occupants of the black Escalade.]](else-if: $mission3 is 2)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Give Pink Belly the courage he needs to face the occupants of the black Escalade. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[ COMPLETED. +1 Lore.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 105px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>\
* <button class="collapsible2">**Mission Four:**</button><div class="content2"><p>(if: $mission4 is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Get Diamondback's promise. Unlock a Magic Point by choosing the best outcome.]](else-if: $mission4 is 2)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Get Diamondback's promise. Unlock a Magic Point by choosing the best outcome. (if: $PinkBellyconsoles2 is "hugged Diamondback.")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[COMPLETED. +1 Lore.]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #ff005e)[(color: black)[FAILED.]]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 105px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>\
* <button class="collapsible2">**Mission Five:**</button><div class="content2"><p>(if: $mission5 is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Retrieve the gun that Diamondback hid under the rock next to the well.]](else-if: $mission5 is 2)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Retrieve the gun that Diamondback hid under the rock next to the well. (if: $hasgun is 3)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[COMPLETED. +1 Lore.]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #ff005e)[(color: black)[FAILED.]]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 105px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>\
* <button class="collapsible2">**Mission Six:**</button><div class="content2"><p>(if: $mission6 is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Learn why Bobcat has come to the ranch.]](else-if: $mission6 is 2)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Learn why Bobcat has come to the ranch. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[COMPLETED. +1 Lore.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 105px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>\
* <button class="collapsible2">**Mission Seven:**</button><div class="content2"><p>(if: $mission7 is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Save Pink Belly if you can. Earn a bonus by choosing the best outcome.]](else-if: $mission7 is 2)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Save Pink Belly if you can. Earn a bonus by choosing the best outcome. (if: $Diamondbackwins is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[COMPLETED. +1 Lore.]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #ff005e)[(color: black)[FAILED.]]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 105px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>\
* <button class="collapsible2">**Mission Eight:**</button><div class="content2"><p>(if: $mission8 is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Unlock the spell to summon the Prairie Spirit.]](else-if: $mission8 is 2)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Unlock the spell to summon the Prairie Spirit. (if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[COMPLETED. +1 Lore. +1 Health.]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #ff005e)[(color: black)[FAILED.]]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 105px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>\
* <button class="collapsible2">**Mission Nine:**</button><div class="content2"><p>(if: $mission9 is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Earn the Prairie Spirit's favor and unlock the Lifeforce Elixir.]](else-if: $mission9 is 2)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Earn the Prairie Spirit's favor and unlock the Lifeforce Elixir. (if: $LifeforceElixir is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[COMPLETED. +1 Lore.]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #ff005e)[(color: black)[FAILED.]]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 105px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>\
* <button class="collapsible2">**Mission Ten:**</button><div class="content2"><p>(if: $mission10 is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Earn the Prairie Spirit's favor and unlock the Gem of Quickness.]](else-if: $mission10 is 2)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Earn the Prairie Spirit's favor and unlock the Gem of Quickness. (if: $GemofQuickness is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[COMPLETED. +1 Lore.]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #ff005e)[(color: black)[FAILED.]]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 105px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>\
* <button class="collapsible2">**Mission Eleven:**</button><div class="content2"><p>(if: $mission11 is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Drive away the darkness protecting Bobcat and his boys.]](else-if: $mission11 is 2)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Drive away the darkness protecting Bobcat and his boys. (if: $darkpowers is 0)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[COMPLETED. +1 Lore.]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #ff005e)[(color: black)[FAILED.]]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 105px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>\
* <button class="collapsible2">**Mission Twelve:**</button><div class="content2"><p>(if: $mission12 is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Fight off Bobcat, Tusk, and Snort long enough to allow Kit Fox to escape.]](else-if: $mission12 is 2)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Fight off Bobcat, Tusk, and Snort long enough to allow Kit Fox to escape. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[COMPLETED. +1 Lore. +2 Health.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 105px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>\
* <button class="collapsible2">**Mission Thirteen:**</button><div class="content2"><p>(if: $mission13 is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Pit your Muscle against Tusk to defeat him.]](else-if: $mission13 is 2)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Pit your Muscle against Tusk to defeat him. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[COMPLETED. +1 Lore. +1 Muscle. +3 Health.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 105px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>\
* <button class="collapsible2">**Mission Fourteen:**</button><div class="content2"><p>(if: $mission14 is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Defeat Bobcat once and for all.]](else-if: $mission14 is 2)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Defeat Bobcat once and for all. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[COMPLETED. +5 Lore.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 105px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>\
* <button class="collapsible2">**Mission Fifteen:**</button><div class="content2"><p>(if: $mission15 is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Unlock the best ending for the game.]](else-if: $mission15 is 2)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")[* Unlock the best ending for the game. (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[COMPLETED.]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: .9em")+(css: "padding-left: 105px")[⚿ LOCKED.]]</p></div>
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</html>}<span id="content8"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>[[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton9.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Credits]] [[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton10.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Story]] [[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton8.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Gameplay]] [[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton11.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Start Screen]]
(display: "Pentagram Glow 2")(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: 2.1em")[GAMEPLAY]](display: "Pentagram Glow 2")</p></div></body></html>
<span id="content2-1"><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
<span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3">In some story passages, selecting text choices in a specific order will also unlock secrets and grant you bonus points, but remember, since many of the story passages can only be visited one time, you will have only one chance at solving the correct sequences to unlock them, and the difficulty of the sequences will increase as you progress through the game. These passages will be marked with a (css: "font-size: 1.5em")[⚿] symbol, beneath which will be a hint to the proper sequence.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[2 , 4 , ? , 5</span>]]]]</p></div></body></html>\
In other story passages, you may be provided multiple text choices to cycle through. Some text choices will require an ability check to determine if you succeed or fail. The relevant ability will be shown in parenthesis next to the text. Beneath the text will be a glowing (css: "font-size: 2em")[⛤] symbol. Once you have cycled through all the options and decided which one you want to use, click the symbol to make your selection.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span class='glow6'>Silver Bear:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: "watched and waited.", "used his grenade.", "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]</span>
(align: "=><=")+(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[]</span>]</p></div></body></html>\
Each story passage is numbered at the top. Depending on your text choices, there are multiple story paths that the game can branch into, making it impossible to visit every story passage in sequential order.
Hence, some numbers will appear out of order. But, in some cases, numbers appearing out of order, especially three or more numbers, may be a clue that you have missed something in the game, perhaps even something vital.
You will be notified of bonuses, penalties, updated logs, etc. by alert messages that will appear inside a <span class='glow6'>(link-reveal: "message box")[(show: ?1)]</span> like the one below. <span class='glow6'>[[✦ continued...|Gameplay Continued 3]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Star Glow 2")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3">
|1)[(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[-2 Brain Power.]]]]]
|1)[(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.]]]]]
|1)[(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.
Missions Updated:
◈ Mission One.]]]]]
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><!DOCTYPE html>
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</html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Health.]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[-1 Lore.]]]]<span id="box1-3">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-1]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 165px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[FAILED. -1 Lore.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 165px")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ You do not have enough Lore
(css: "padding-left: 165px")[to unlock the secret of the Great
(css: "padding-left: 165px")[Creator Spirit.]]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","3. Why is Silver Bear at the Windless Prairie?")</span>]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span id="box1-3">(if: $power is >= 2)[(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-1]]](font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 140px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[FAILED. -1 Lore.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 140px")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ The memories of Snapping Turtle
(css: "padding-left: 140px")[are too painful for Silver Bear to think
(css: "padding-left: 140px")[about any longer.]]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","13. Look around.")</span>]]]\
(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #D4AF37)[~or~]]\
(align: "=><=")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Khand")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "⛨ -2 Lore to try again?")[(set: $power to it -2)(set: _result to (random: 1, 6) + $brainpower)(if: _result >= 7)[(set: $SnappingTurtle to 1)(set: $SnappingTurtlepenalty to 1)(set: $secrets1 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +1)(go-to: "12. Who is Snapping Turtle?")](else:)[(go-to: "12b. Who is Snapping Turtle Second Chance")]]]]](else:)[(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-1]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 140px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[FAILED. -1 Lore.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 140px")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ The memories of Snapping Turtle
(css: "padding-left: 140px")[are too painful for Silver Bear to think
(css: "padding-left: 140px")[about any longer.]]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","13. Look around.")</span>]]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span id="box1-3">
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ Silver Bear smelled nothing.]]]</p></div></body></html>\
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","15. Continue 1")</span>]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span id="box1-1">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-$damage1]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 170px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-$damage1 Health.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 170px")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⛨ Rocks struck him on the snout,
(css: "padding-left: 170px")[giving him a bloody nose!]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "✦ Continue")[(if: $health is <= 0)[(go-to: "15b. Continue 1")](else:)[(go-to: "16. Infernal Big Rigs")]</span>]]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[Silver Bear doesn't survive
the savage pelting.]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(go-to: "Start Game")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')<span id="content2"><span id="content2-16"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[*Before I do anything else,* Silver Bear thought. *I better check behind the seat of the truck.* From behind the seat of his](stop:)] (live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-left")[truck, he took a fully loaded Colt AR-15 rifle with sling, and a digital-gray MOLLE chest rig crammed with six thirty-round magazines.](stop:)] (live: 2s)[(transition: "slide-up")[He'd upgraded the rifle with a binary trigger allowing for rapid fire.](stop:)]</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(live: 1s)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⛨ Inventory Updated.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","18. Continue 2")</span>]]](if: $shakedown is >= 3)[
(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #00ffff)[~or~]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "⛨ -3 Shake Down to
double check the seat?")[(set: $shakedown to it -3)(set: _result to (random: 1, 6) + $shakedown)(if: _result < 9)[(go-to: "17a. Extra Ammo and Grenade")](else:)[(set: $power to it +1)(set: $secrets1 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $hasextramagazine to 1)(set: $hasgrenade to 1)(set: $extrariflebullets to 30)(go-to: "17. Extra Ammo and Grenade")]]</span>]]]](stop:)]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="box1-3">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-3]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 180px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[FAILED. -3 Shake Down.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 180px")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ Silver Bear found nothing
(css: "padding-left: 180px")[else behind the seat.]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","18. Continue 2")</span>]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span id="box1-4">
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ Silver Bear heard nothing else.]]]</p></div></body></html>\
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","20. Continue 3")</span>]]]
</span><span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[The night Snapping Turtle was killed during the War of Ten Dogs had happened in the Red Sands desert in the] (transition: "slide-left")[southern regions of the World Tree. But the memories were too painful for Silver Bear to think about.](stop:)]</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(live: 1s)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[-1 Lore.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","22. What different road?")</span>]]](stop:)]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="box1-1">
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 160px")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ You do not have enough Lore
(css: "padding-left: 160px")[to unlock this secret.]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","24a. Decisions, Decisions")</span>]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span id="content2"><span id="content2-17"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">It was a GLOCK 21 Gen4 Semi-Auto Pistol - .45 caliber - Round Capacity 13 + 1 and had a fully loaded clip but the gun wasn't chambered.</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>(if: $glockpenalty is 1)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-2 Brain Power.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⚿ Arcana Updated:
GLOCK 21.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","24a. Decisions, Decisions")</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="box1-3">(if: $brainpower is >= 2)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 160px")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ You do not have enough Lore
(css: "padding-left: 160px")[to unlock this secret.]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","24a. Decisions, Decisions")</span>]]]\
(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #D4AF37)[~or~]]\
(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 170px")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "⛨ -2 Brain Power to try again?")[(set: $glockpenalty to 1)(set: $Glock21 to 1)(set: $brainpower to it -2)(go-to: "25a. Where did she find the gun?")]</span>]]](else:)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 160px")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ You do not have enough Lore
(css: "padding-left: 160px")[to unlock this secret.]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","24a. Decisions, Decisions")</span>]]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span id="box1-3">(if: $brainpower is >= 4)[(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-1]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 155px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[FAILED. -1 Lore.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 155px")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ You do not have enough Lore to
(css: "padding-left: 155px")[unlock the secret of Quetzalcoatl.]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","24a. Decisions, Decisions")</span>]]]\
(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #D4AF37)[~or~]]\
(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 170px")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "⛨ -4 Brain Power to try again?")[(set: $brainpower to it -4)(set: _result to (random: 1, 6) + $power)(if: _result >= 20)[(set: $power to it +2)(set: $brainpower to it +1)(set: $secrets2 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $Quetzalcoatl to 1)(set: $Quetzalcoatlpenalty to 1)(go-to: "27a. Quetzalcoatl")](else:)[(go-to: "27c. Quetzalcoatl")]]]]](else:)[(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-1]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 155px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-1 Lore.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 155px")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ You do not have enough Lore to
(css: "padding-left: 155px")[unlock the secret of Quetzalcoatl.]]]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span id="box1-4">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-4]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 170px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[FAILED. -4 Brain Power.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 170px")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ You are still unable to unlock
(css: "padding-left: 170px")[the secret of Quetzalcoatl.]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","24a. Decisions, Decisions")</span>]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')(set: $Whathappenedtotheirfamily to 1)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Little Sidewinder was too young to remember exactly what had forced her and aunt Diamondback to flee Mythicus. She pushed the (link-goto: "thought","24a. Decisions, Decisions") from her mind. The memories too painful.</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>\
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[Gasping out her last breaths,
Diamondback dies.]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
</span><span id="box1-3">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[+1]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 135px")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[SUCCESS! +1 Lore. +1 Secrets.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 135px")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[Pink Belly is hiding Red Fox and her
(css: "padding-left: 135px")[daughter, Kit, somewhere on his ranch.]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "✦ Who are Red Fox and Kit?")[(if: (random: 1,6) + $power > 30)[(set: $secrets3 to it + 1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1) (set: $power to $power + 2)(set: $runaways to 1)(goto: "34b. Red Fox and her daughter Kit.")](else:)[(goto: "34c. Red Fox and her daughter Kit.")]]</span>]]]
</span><span id="box1-3">
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 150px")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ Pink Belly is too scared to think
(css: "padding-left: 150px")[about it any longer.]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","35. Pink Belly peers inside the slaughterhouse")</span>]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span id="box1-1">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-1]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 170px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[FAILED. -1 Lore.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 170px")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ Pink Belly doesn't trust you
(css: "padding-left: 170px")[enough to reveal anymore info]
(css: "padding-left: 170px")[about his friends!]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","36. Pink Belly needs courage.")</span>]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span id="box1-2">(if: $peptalkpenalty is 1)[(align: "==>")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: .9em")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[+1]]](font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: .9em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[/-3]]]]](else-if: $mightright is 1)[(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")+(css: "padding-right: 8px")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[+2]]]](else:)[(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")+(css: "padding-right: 8px")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[+1]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 170px")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[SUCCESS! +1 Lore.(if: $mightright is 1)[ +2 Muscle.]]]](if: $peptalkpenalty is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[ -3 Quick Wit.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 170px")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(if: $mightright is 1)[Might makes right! The tough
(css: "padding-left: 170px")[love works!]](else:)[Pink Belly is encouraged enough
(css: "padding-left: 170px")[to be sure of what he's doing.]]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "✦ Continue")[(set: $mission3 to 2)(set: $power to $power + 1)(goto: "41. Pink Belly encouraged.")</span>]]]]
(masteraudio: 'stopall')<span id="box1-3">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-1]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 155px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[FAILED. -1 Lore.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 155px")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ You do not have enough Lore
(css: "padding-left: 155px")[to unlock the secret of Long Horn.]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","43. Diamondback's scared.")</span>]]]
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">Synthetic Animals, such as the cows, were normal, non-hybrid animals that weren't imbued with the traits and characteristics of the Ancients. The Were-kin used the magic from the land to create the Synth for food and satisfy Werekind's animalistic hunger for meat and blood.</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Brain Power.]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore. ]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "✦ How does the magic
create the Synth?")[(go-to: "26b. Where is the ranch?")]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>"True..." drawled Pink Belly, chuckling.
"No, it's more than just that. She blames me for..." Diamondback caught herself before she said (link-show: "anymore.",?1)|1)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Pink Belly wondered, *What was it that had brought them north? What reason so terrible that she still couldn't bring herself to speak of it after all these years?*]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[He wished he knew. Maybe (link-show: "some day",?2) she would tell him.](stop:)]]|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")[He looked to the (link-goto: "Escalade","45. Escalade in the distance.") in the distance.]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="box1-3">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-1]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 155px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[FAILED. -1 Lore.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 155px")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ You do not have enough Lore
(css: "padding-left: 155px")[to unlock the secret of Old Town.]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","52. Bobcat's Introduction")</span>]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>"I know who you are," said Pink Belly.
"You *do?* You know who we are? Well shut my mouth," said Bobcat. "He already knows who we are, (link-show: 'boys."',?1)|1)[
(transition: "dissolve")[The Javelina squealed mockingly, like a pair of giggling schoolboys.]]
"That mean you heard of *me?* Don't worry 'bout answerin' that one."
Bobcat leaned in (link-show: "closer.",?2)|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")["I reckon if you know who we are, then you should know who we work for?"]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Pink Belly dropped the hose, (link-show: "covering",?3) his mouth.](stop:)]]|3)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Yeah, I know who you (link-goto: 'work for,"',"53. Bobcat's Introduction 2") he drawled.]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Bobcat's pinkish-red nose wrinkled.
Tusk and Snort fanned the air.
"Good grief," squealed Snort. "Smells worse than yesterday."
"Smells like something crawled inside his mouth and died." Tusk squealed.
They laughed.
Bobcat glared at them and they quieted.
"So who do we work for, Pink? Mind if I call you Pink?"
"That's fine."
Pink Belly sighed.
It was a (link: "(1.) rhetorical question")[rhetorical question(show: ?3)(if: $Bobcatslittlegame is 2)[(show: ?1)](else:)[(show: ?6)]] and Pink Belly was already growing weary of (link: "(2.) playing")[playing(show: ?4)] Bobcat's (link: "(3.) little game.")[little game.(show: ?5)] |5)[(set: $Bobcatslittlegame to 1)(transition: "dissolve")[Pink
Belly gulped, realizing so too was it a deadly game that he played.]]|4)[(if: $Bobcatslittlegame is 1)[(set: $Bobcatslittlegame to 2)]
(transition: "dissolve")[Pink Belly wondered why Bobcat didn't just cut to the chase.]]|3)[
(transition: "dissolve")["You work for Mr. Long Horn."] (live: 1s)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat said: "Is it okay we talk inside?"](stop:)](live: 2s)[
(transition: "dissolve")[(link: '(4.) "Sure."')["Sure."(show: ?2)]](stop:)]]|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")[The Synth Cows grazed in the corral on leftover hay. Synth sifted with their snouts through the powdered dirt for pieces of straw.](live: 1s)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat motioned to Pink Belly.
(link-goto: '(5.) "After you, sir."',"54. Inside the Slaughterhouse")](stop:)]]</span>
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[? , 2 , ?</span>]]]]|6)[(replace: "? , 2 , ?")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|1)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Quick Wit.(set: $quickwit to it +1)(set: $power to it +1)(set: $secrets4 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")<span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Diamondback wouldn't budge.
"I'll be fine," Pink Belly said to Diamondback in Old Animalian.
Reluctantly, Diamondback and Little Sidewinder (link-show: "dropped",?1) their brooms. |1)[(transition: "dissolve")[They
hurried outside.]]
"Yeah, he'll be *fine*." Bobcat said to them in the revised common tongue, smiling. "Nothing to worry y'alls (link-goto: "pretty little heads","55. Diamondback and Little Sidewinder") over."</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">(if: $hasgun is 2)[Sensing something was terribly wrong, Little Sidewinder stopped sulking. Bobcat and his boys scared her; not just her, but she could tell, they had her aunt scared, too.
*Maybe I should give Diamondback the gun?* Little Sidewinder thought.]\
(else:)["Alright... okay," said Little Sidewinder.
"I love you." Diamondback kissed her niece again. "Don't do anything foolish."
And Little Sidewinder slithered off to the trailer home.]</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(if: $hasgun is 2)[(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Amarante")+(color: #00ffff)[Little Sidewinder:]
<span class='glow6'>(cyclinglink: bind $GiveDiamondbackthegun, "gave her aunt the gun.", "decided against it.")</span>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>[[⛤|55a. Diamondback and Little Sidewinder 2]]</span>]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>](else:)[(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","55b. Diamondback and the gun")</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="box1-1">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-1]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 150px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[FAILED. -1 Lore.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 150px")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ You still do not have enough Lore
(css: "padding-left: 150px")[to unlock the secret of Long Horn.]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","52. Bobcat's Introduction")</span>]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')(set: $mission5 to 2)(set: $power to it +1)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Diamondback gripped the gun firmly, confidently. She looked down at the pistol.
If anything happened, what she suspected would happen, and things went from bad to worse, at least now she had a fighting chance.
It was ironic how a gun had caused her, Little Sidewinder, and their family so much pain and sorrow, and yet, it was a gun that might be the only thing tonight that could keep them alive should Bobcat discover what he came searching for...
Diamondback's breath shuddered.
Gulping down the cottony fear lumping in her throat, she steeled her nerves.
And, creeping around to the side of the slaughterhouse, she peeked through a crack in the old paneling. Pink Belly was (link-show: "nervously explaining",?1) to Bobcat.
</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Diamond Glow")</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Five.]]]]|1)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","57. Pink Belly nervously explains")</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>(link: '(1.) "*No...*"')["*No...*"(show: ?1)] Bobcat continued. |1)[(if: $fetidscents is 1)[(set: $fetidscents to 2)](transition: "dissolve")["I find] (live: 1s)[(transition: "pulse")[*wayward*](stop:)] (live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[members of (link: "(2.) Mr. Long Horn's herd")[Mr. Long Horn's herd(show: ?4)] and](stop:)] (live: 3s)[(transition: "pulse")[*return them*](stop:)] (live: 4s)[(transition: "dissolve")[to the (link: '(3.) fold."')[fold."(show: ?5)]](stop:)]]
Behind the Javelina the sun sank into the horizon.
An eerie dusk settled over the prairie.|4)[(if: $fetidscents is 2)[(set: $fetidscents to 3)]
(transition: "dissolve")[The dust that Diamondback and Little Sidewinder had been sweeping, now choked the air, mixing with the (link: "(4.) fetid scents")[fetid scents(show: ?3)] of the slaughterhouse|3)[(if: $fetidscents is 3)[(show: ?2)](else:)[(show: ?6)] and the smell of sweat and synth meat].]]|5)[
(if: $fetidscents is 2)[(set: $fetidscents to 4)](transition: "dissolve")[The reeking-dust (if: $fetidscents is 3)[assailed](else:)[(link: "(5.) assailed")[assailed(show: ?7)]] Pink Belly's eyes and nose.]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[1 , ? , 4</span>]]]]|6)[(replace: "1 , ? , 4")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|2)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Shake Down.(set: $shakedown to it +1)]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","59. Hopelessness and... death.")</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]|7)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","59. Hopelessness and... death.")</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")<span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Pink Belly knew what had brought the occupants of the Escalade to him. The thought washed over him like a foul air more rank than his noxious breath, suffocating him deeper in regret and mounting dread. It wasn't regret or dread for what he was about to do... it was regret that he couldn't do more to save his (link-goto: "friends;","34. What is Pink Belly about to do?") and dread of facing the unspeakable evil inside the SUV drawing closer.</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>\
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack73', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack73', 'play'){<style>
.split {
height: 100%;
width: 53%;
position: fixed;
z-index: 1;
top: 0;
overflow-x: hidden;
.left {
padding-top: 50px;
left: 0;
.right {
padding-top: 50px;
right: 0;
</style>}<span id="content8"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>[[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton9.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Credits]] [[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton10.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Story]] [[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton8.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Gameplay]] [[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton11.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Start Screen]]
(display: "Pentagram Glow 2")(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: 2.1em")[GAMEPLAY]](display: "Pentagram Glow 2")</p></div></body></html>
<span id="content2-1"><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
<span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3">Clickable text either will reveal additional text inside your current story passage, or progress the game and take you to the next story passage, but choose wisely, most passages can only be visited one time, and once you exit them, they cannot be revisited.
What makes Animalia different from standard choose your own adventures are the ability scores, i.e. your stats, that you get to adjust at the beginning of the game.
Some text choices are hidden and will not appear unless you have a high enough score in an ability. Other choices will let you spend ability points to allow you a second chance at unlocking hidden text should your first attempt fail. Making a good choice, succeeding an attempt, will unlock secrets and grant you bonus points to your abilities.
You will also have an Inventory of all the items you acquire throughout the game; a Missions log listing your current objectives and whether or not they have been completed or failed; and a tally of how many Total Secrets you've unlocked as well as Major and Minor Arcana you've discovered.
In every story passage is a:
(display: "Slide Bar")\
This symbol will open a tab bar with the menus (click symbol to open the tab bar now). <span class='glow6'>[[✦ continued...|Gameplay Continued 2]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span><span id="content8"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>[[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton9.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Credits]] [[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton10.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Story]] [[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton8.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Gameplay]] [[<img src='img/AnimaliaButton11.png' width=22.5% height=22.5%>->Start Screen]]
(display: "Pentagram Glow 2")(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: 2.1em")[GAMEPLAY]](display: "Pentagram Glow 2")</p></div></body></html>
<span id="content2-1"><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
<span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3"> At certain intervals throughout the game, if you do not have enough points in an ability, you will be unable to progress any further and the story will end. Just as in the choose your own adventures, there are some text choices that will result in failure or death and end the story. There are likewise a few combat scenarios in the game that will end the story should your health reach zero.
Fortunately, you will have the opportunity to save the game at each new chapter and, should a text choice, combat, or low ability score result in a game over, you'll be given the option to restart from the most recent save point; however, keep in mind that the game is saved in your browser and will be deleted if your browser cache is cleared.
Upon the successful completion of each chapter you will be shown how well you did and given a total score and rank from Novice to Champion. It will also be revealed to you how many secrets you unlocked, bonus points gained, special items acquired, etc. in each chapter out of a total number of secrets.
If there's something you happen to miss, you can choose to restart the chapter from the previous save point if you wish, or continue on.
Good luck!</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span><span id="box1-2">(align: "==>")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: .9em")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[+$PinkBellyconfidence]]](font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: .9em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[/$numberoftriesconfidence]]]]
(if: (random: 1,6) < 3)[
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(if: $numberoftriesconfidence < 1)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[✦ You failed to boost
Pink Belly's confidence.]]]]</p></div></body></html><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>[[⛨ Try something else?|36. Pink Belly needs courage.]]</span>]]]]]</p></div></body></html>(else:)[<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "rumble")[⚿ Pink Belly loses confidence! (set: $numberoftriesconfidence = $numberoftriesconfidence - 1)]]]]</p></div></body></html><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(transition: "pulse")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(if: $numberoftriesconfidence is 1)[(transition: "pulse")[✦ You have 1 try left!]](if: $numberoftriesconfidence > 1)[(transition: "pulse")[✦ You have $numberoftriesconfidence tries left.]]]]]</p></div></body></html><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>[[⛨ If at first you don't succeed...|40. Confidence Booster]]</span>]</p></div></body></html>]](else:)[<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "rumble")[◈ Pink Belly gains confidence! (set: $PinkBellyconfidence = $PinkBellyconfidence + (either: 1,2,3))]]]]</p></div></body></html>(if: $PinkBellyconfidence >= 12)[(set: $power to $power + 1)(go-to: "36a. Pink Belly needs courage.")](else:)[<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(transition: "pulse")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[✦ Pink Belly's confidence is $PinkBellyconfidence.]]]]</p></div></body></html><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(if: $PinkBellyconfidence < 3)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>[[⛨ You're doing good!
But he needs more!|40. Confidence Booster]]</span>]]](else-if: $PinkBellyconfidence < 6)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>[[⛨ You're almost halfway!
Keep going!|40. Confidence Booster]]</span>]]](else-if: $PinkBellyconfidence < 9)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>[[⛨ You're almost there!
Don't give up on him!|40. Confidence Booster]]</span>]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>[[⛨ Just a little more to go!|40. Confidence Booster]]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>]]
</span><span id="box1-4">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-4]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 120px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[FAILED. -4 Quick Wit.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 120px")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ Diamondback is still too scared to tell
(css: "padding-left: 120px")[you anything about Red Fox and Kit.]]]]
<span class='glow1'>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: black)[(link-goto: "✦ Continue","63. Bobcat sniffed the dusty air")]]
</span><span id="box1-4">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-4]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 170px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[FAILED. -4 Brain Power.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 170px")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ You are still unable to unlock
(css: "padding-left: 170px")[the secret of White Lightning.]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Continue|75. Old habits die hard]]</span>]]]
</span><span id="box1-4">(set: $Bobcatandhisboyshealth to 2)
(css: "line-height: 1em")[<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Diamondback charged in,
gun blazing. She opened fire...|88a. The shootout 2]]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack71', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack71', 'play')<span style=" color: #00ffff;
-webkit-text-fill-color: #000;
-webkit-text-stroke-width: .1px;
-webkit-text-stroke-color: #000;
text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff;
-webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s;
-moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s;
-o-transition: 500ms linear 0s;
transition: 500ms linear 0s;
-webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
-moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
outline: 0 none;
@-webkit-keyframes glow1 {
from {
text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff;
to {
text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff;
}">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[⛤]</span><span style="
color: #6495ed;
-webkit-text-fill-color: #000;
-webkit-text-stroke-width: .8px;
-webkit-text-stroke-color: #000;
text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #6495ed, 4px -1px 12px #6495ed;
-webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s;
-moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s;
-o-transition: 500ms linear 0s;
transition: 500ms linear 0s;
-webkit-animation: glow3 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
-moz-animation: glow3 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
animation: glow3 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
outline: 0 none;
@-webkit-keyframes glow3 {
from {
text-shadow: 0 0 5px #6495ed, 0 0 7.5px #6495ed, 0 0 10px #6495ed, 0 0 12.5px #6495ed, 0 0 15px #6495ed, 0 0 17.5px #6495ed, 0 0 20px #6495ed;
to {
text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #fff, 0 0 5px #6495ed, 0 0 7.5px #6495ed, 0 0 10px #6495ed, 0 0 12.5px #6495ed, 0 0 15px #6495ed, 0 0 17.5px #6495ed;
}">(css: "font-size: 1.2em")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: black)[ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ]]</span><span style="
color: #6495ed;
-webkit-text-fill-color: #000;
-webkit-text-stroke-width: .8px;
-webkit-text-stroke-color: #000;
text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #6495ed, 4px -1px 12px #6495ed;
-webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s;
-moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s;
-o-transition: 500ms linear 0s;
transition: 500ms linear 0s;
-webkit-animation: glow3 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
-moz-animation: glow3 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
animation: glow3 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
outline: 0 none;
@-webkit-keyframes glow3 {
from {
text-shadow: 0 0 5px #6495ed, 0 0 7.5px #6495ed, 0 0 10px #6495ed, 0 0 12.5px #6495ed, 0 0 15px #6495ed, 0 0 17.5px #6495ed, 0 0 20px #6495ed;
to {
text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #fff, 0 0 5px #6495ed, 0 0 7.5px #6495ed, 0 0 10px #6495ed, 0 0 12.5px #6495ed, 0 0 15px #6495ed, 0 0 17.5px #6495ed;
}">(css: "font-size: 1.3em")+(text-style: "bold")[ ⚳ ⚴ ⚵ ⚷ ⚸ ]</span>
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[Diamondback is dead.]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI5")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')(if: $SilverBearsadness is "said nothing more.")[(go-to: "108. There on the cliff face")]\
(else-if: $SilverBearsadness is "could have done
more to save him.")[(go-to: "107. Never forget the past, but do not live in it")]\
(else:)[<span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">Silver Bear continued:
"You were right, Snapping Turtle. You knew what was going to happen that night. I didn't see it coming. But you *did.* Why didn't I see it coming? If I had... maybe..." He fought back tears. "Maybe things would have turned out differently..."</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+2 Lore.(set: $secrets8 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +2)]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|107. Never forget the past, but do not live in it]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>](if: $bobcatcursed is 1)[(go-to: "108b. There on the cliff face")]\
(else:)[(set: $power to it +1)(set: $health to it +1)(set: $magicpoints to it +1)(set: $magicpoints8 to it +1)(set: $SummonPrairieSpirit to 1)<span id="box1-1">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #367588)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[+1]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 105px")[(color: #367588)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[SUCCESS! +1 Magic Point.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 105px")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[The Spirit of the Prairie favors you! At a cost
(css: "padding-left: 105px")[of 2 Magic Points you can summon the Prairie]
(css: "padding-left: 105px")[Spirit to aid you one time, but only when the]
(css: "padding-left: 105px")[need is greatest.]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Continue|109. The Will of Creator]]</span>]]]
</span>]<span id="box1-1">
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 135px")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[The Spirit of the Prairie disapproves
(css: "padding-left: 135px")[of your curse on Bobcat and does not
(css: "padding-left: 135px")[favor you!]]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Continue|109. The Will of Creator]]</span>]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[Silver Bear is dead.]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI8")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[Silver Bear doesn't survive
the savage clawing.]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI8")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span>(if: $magicpoints is >= 3)[<span id="content7-1"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #D4AF37)[~or~]]
(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Khand")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "⛤ -2 Magic Points to bring him
back to life with +10 Health?")[(set: $health to 10)(set: $magicpoints to it -2)(go-to: "130. Shoot again")]]]</p></div></body></html></span>]\
<img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[Silver Bear is too slow and is
killed by Bobcat and his boys.]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI8")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span>(if: $magicpoints is >= 3)[<span id="content7-1"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #D4AF37)[~or~]]
(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Khand")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "⛤ -2 Magic Points to bring him
back to life with +10 Health?")[(set: $health to 10)(set: $magicpoints to it -2)(go-to: "130. Shoot again")]]]</p></div></body></html></span>]\
<img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')<span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>The darkness loomed everywhere, enveloping the stars and moon and canyon.
Only the raging bonfire and the dead Cottonwood tree remained.
Panicked, Silver Bear aimed his rifle in every direction trying to (link-show: "anticipate",?1) Bobcat's attack.|1)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Silver Bear had been in firefights before, seen plenty of action during the war, and was no stranger to fear. Yet he had always kept it under control. Always managed to keep his wits about him even in the fiercest of [[battles...|126a. The fight begins]]]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[Kit Fox doesn't survive
the brutal backhanding.]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI8")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span>(if: $magicpoints is >= 3)[<span id="content7-1"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #D4AF37)[~or~]]
(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Khand")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "⛤ -2 Magic Points to bring her
back to life with +10 Health?")[(set: $health to 10)(set: $magicpoints to it -2)(go-to: "133. The fire intensified")]]]</p></div></body></html></span>]\
<img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[Silver Bear is squished
to death by the boulder.]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI8")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span>(if: $magicpoints is >= 3)[<span id="content7-1"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #D4AF37)[~or~]]
(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Khand")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "⛤ -2 Magic Points to bring him
back to life with +10 Health?")[(set: $health to 10)(set: $magicpoints to it -2)(if: $SilverBearchoice is "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")[(go-to: "136. The fight ends")](else:)[(go-to: "135. Drive away the darkness")]]]]</p></div></body></html></span>]\
<img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')<span id="box1-1">
(css: "line-height: 1em")[<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(if: $SilverBearchoice is "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).")[(track: 'AnimaliaTrack36', 'play')(live: 2s)[(track: 'AnimaliaTrack63', 'play')(stop:)](if: (random: 1,6) + $swiftfeet < 15)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "rumble")[◈ Silver Bear misses and is
shot by Bobcat and his boys!] (set: $riflebullets to it - 10)(set: $health = $health - (random: 2,6))(if: $health < 1)[(go-to: "137d. Game over 4")](else:)[
(transition: "pulse")[⛨ Health: $health.]]]]](if: $riflebullets < 1)[(if: $hasextramagazine is 0)[(go-to: "137e. Game over 4")]](if: $riflebullets < 1)[(if: $hasextramagazine is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[ ⚔ Silver Bear
uses his extra magazine! (set: $hasextramagazine to 0)(set: $riflebullets to 30)
(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Round $thefightends|136. The fight ends]]</span>]]]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[ ⚔ Rifle Bullets: $riflebullets.]
(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Round $thefightends|136. The fight ends]]</span>]]]]]]\
(else:)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "rumble")[◈ Silver Bear hits!
(set: $hit to (either: "Bobcat","Tusk","Snort"))$hit takes (set: $damage to (random: 2,5)) $damage damage.](if: $hit is "Bobcat")[(set: $Bobcathealth to it - $damage)](if: $hit is "Tusk")[(set: $Tuskhealth to it - $damage)](if: $hit is "Snort")[(set: $Snorthealth to it - $damage)]
(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>(link: "✦ Continue")[(if: $Bobcathealth < 1)[(go-to: "136c. The fight ends")](else-if: $Tuskhealth < 1)[(go-to: "136c. The fight ends")](else-if: $Snorthealth < 1)[(go-to: "136c. The fight ends")](else:)[(show: ?2)]</span>]]]]]|2)[(set: $riflebullets to it - 10)(if: $riflebullets < 1)[(if: $hasextramagazine is 0)[(go-to: "137e. Game over 4")]](if: $riflebullets < 1)[(if: $hasextramagazine is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚔ Silver Bear uses
his extra magazine! (set: $hasextramagazine to 0)(set: $riflebullets to 30)
(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Round $thefightends|136. The fight ends]]</span>]]]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⚔ Rifle Bullets: $riflebullets.]
(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Round $thefightends|136. The fight ends]]</span>]]]]]]]](if: $SilverBearchoice is "used his grenade.")[(track: 'AnimaliaTrack64', 'play')(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "rumble")[◈ Silver Bear unpins the
grenade and chucks it!]]]]
(transition: "pulse")[(font: "Amarante")[Damage:] (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[Bobcat:(set: $damage to (random: 10,20)) $damage. Tusk:(set: $damage1 to (random: 10,20)) $damage1. Snort:(set: $damage2 to (random: 10,20)) $damage2.(set: $Bobcathealth to it - $damage)(set: $Tuskhealth to it - $damage1)(set: $Snorthealth to it - $damage2)(set: $hasgrenade to 0)]
(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>(link: "✦ Continue")[(if: $Bobcathealth < 1)[(go-to: "136c. The fight ends")](else-if: $Tuskhealth < 1)[(go-to: "136c. The fight ends")](else-if: $Snorthealth < 1)[(go-to: "136c. The fight ends")](else:)[(show: ?1)]</span>]]]]]](if: $SilverBearchoice is "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")[(track: 'AnimaliaTrack38', 'play')(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "rumble")[◈ Silver Bear calls
on the Prairie Spirit!]]]]
(transition: "pulse")[(font: "Amarante")[Damage:] (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[Bobcat:(set: $damage to (random: 10,20)) $damage. Tusk:(set: $damage1 to (random: 10,20)) $damage1. Snort:(set: $damage2 to (random: 10,20)) $damage2.(set: $Bobcathealth to it - $damage)(set: $Tuskhealth to it - $damage1)(set: $Snorthealth to it - $damage2)(set: $SummonPrairieSpirit to 0)(set: $magicpoints to it -2)]
(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>(link: "✦ Continue")[(if: $Bobcathealth < 1)[(go-to: "136c. The fight ends")](else-if: $Tuskhealth < 1)[(go-to: "136c. The fight ends")](else-if: $Snorthealth < 1)[(go-to: "136c. The fight ends")](else:)[(show: ?1)]</span>]]]]]]|1)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Round $thefightends|136. The fight ends]]</span>]]]]]</p></div></body></html>]
</span>(set: $thefightends to it +1)<span id="box1-4">
(css: "line-height: 1em")[<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(if: $GemofQuickness is 1)[(if: $LifeforceElixir is 2)[Use the: <span class='glow6'>(link-replace: "Gem of Quickness?")[(set: $swiftfeet to it +5)(set: $GemofQuickness to 2)(replace: "Use the:")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)+(transition: "pulse")[Bonus applied.]</span>]]]](if: $LifeforceElixir is 1)[(if: $GemofQuickness is 2)[Use the: <span class='glow6'>(link-replace: "Lifeforce Elixir?")[(set: $muscle to it +5)(set: $health to it +5)(set: $LifeforceElixir to 2)(replace: "Use the:")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)+(transition: "pulse")[Bonus applied.]</span>]]]](if: $GemofQuickness is 1)[(if: $LifeforceElixir is 1)[Use the: <span class='glow6'>(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice2, "Gem of Quickness?", "Lifeforce Elixir?")</span> <span class='glow1'>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(link: "◈")[(show: ?1)]]</span>|1)[(if: $SilverBearchoice2 is "Gem of Quickness?")[(set: $swiftfeet to it +5)(set: $GemofQuickness to 2)(replace: "Use the: Gem of Quickness?")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)+(transition: "pulse")[Bonus applied.]]](if: $SilverBearchoice2 is "Lifeforce Elixir?")[(set: $muscle to it +5)(set: $health to it +5)(set: $LifeforceElixir to 2)(replace: "Use the: Lifeforce Elixir?")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)+(transition: "pulse")[Bonus applied.]]]]]]
Silver Bear roared and:
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)[<span class='glow6'>(if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(set: $SilverBearchoice to "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).")opened fire with his rifle.]](if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[(set: $SilverBearchoice to "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).")opened fire with his rifle.]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.")]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.")]]](if: $hasgrenade is 0)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]](if: $hasgrenade is 1)[(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice, "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "used his grenade.", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]]</span>]
(align: "=><=")+(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>[[⛤|136a. The fight ends]]</span>]</p></div></body></html>]
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[Silver Bear is killed
in a hail of gunfire.]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI8")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span>(if: $magicpoints is >= 3)[<span id="content7-1"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #D4AF37)[~or~]]
(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Khand")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "⛤ -2 Magic Points to bring him
back to life with +10 Health?")[(set: $health to 10)(set: $magicpoints to it -2)(go-to: "136. The fight ends")]]]</p></div></body></html></span>]\
<img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[Silver Bear runs out of bullets
and is killed in a hail of gunfire!]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI8")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span>(if: $magicpoints is >= 3)[<span id="content7-1"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #D4AF37)[~or~]]
(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Khand")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "⛤ -2 Magic Points to bring him
back to life with +10 Health?")[(set: $health to 10)(set: $magicpoints to it -2)(go-to: "136. The fight ends")]]]</p></div></body></html></span>]\
<img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')<span id="box1-1">(set: $power to it +1)(set: $health to it +2)
(css: "line-height: 1em")[<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>[[⛨ Silver Bear holds off Bobcat and his
boys long enough for Kit Fox to escape!|136b. The fight ends]]</span>]]]]</p></div></body></html>]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')<span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Kit Fox ran on all fours. She raced to the western tip of the crescent canyon and sprinting beyond the rise where the butte sloped, (link-show: "darted",?1) across the Windless Prairie. |1)[(transition: "dissolve")[Behind her the staccato of a rifle and pistols cracked the air and thundered across the lonely expanse of yellow grass and rabbitbush and desert goldenrod but she didn't [[stop|139. The cabin]] running.]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>\
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack78', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack78', 'play')
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
(if: $power < 90)[<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[You do not have enough Lore
to unlock the rest of the story.]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI8")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>]
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(else:)[(go-to: "End Part IX.")]\
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(font: "Amarante")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "line-height: 1.6em")[(color: black)[(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "underline")[
(css: "font-size: 1.1em")[CHAPTER IX. Complete:]]]</span></p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-1.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-1"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(css: "font-size: .95em")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)[Your Muscle is: (color: #D4AF37)[$muscle]
Your Brain Power is: (color: #D4AF37)[$brainpower]
Your Swift Feet is: (color: #D4AF37)[$swiftfeet]
Your Quick Wit is: (color: #D4AF37)[$quickwit]
Your Shake Down is: (color: #D4AF37)[$shakedown]
Your Health is: (color: #D4AF37)[$health]
Your Lore is: (color: #D4AF37)[$power]
You discovered:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$secrets9 of 6 Secrets]]
Inventory:(if: $GemofQuickness is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[
(set: $totalscore to it +5)You found:]]
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[Gem of Quickness.]]](if: $GemofQuickness is 0)[(set: $totalscore to it -5)
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[You failed to find:]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[Gem of Quickness.]]]
Minor Arcana:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[None in Chapter IX.]]
Major Arcana:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[None in Chapter IX.]]
{(set: $totalscore to it +$muscle)(set: $totalscore to it +$brainpower)(set: $totalscore to it +$swiftfeet)(set: $totalscore to it +$quickwit)(set: $totalscore to it +$shakedown)(set: $totalscore to it +$health)(set: $totalscore to it +$power)(set: $totalscore to it +$secrets9)}
Total Score: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$totalscore]]
Rank: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(if: $totalscore is < 160)[Novice!](else-if: $totalscore is < 175)[Skilled!](else-if: $totalscore is < 190)[Expert!](else:)[Champion!]]]
Grand Total: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(set: $grandtotal to it + $totalscore)$grandtotal]]]]</p></div></body></html>\
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4-1"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader4.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "✦ Retry")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI8")]</span>
<span class='glow1'>{(text-style: "bold")+(link:"✦ Save Game")[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.]]}</span>
<span class='glow1'>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(link: "✦ Continue")[(if: $LifeforceElixir is 2)[(go-to: "Lifeforce Elixir & Gem of Quickness check")](else-if: $GemofQuickness is 2)[(go-to: "Lifeforce Elixir & Gem of Quickness check")](else:)[(go-to: "Part X. The Lonely Cabin")]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%>
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')(if: $health <= 0)[(go-to: "137f. Game over 4")](set: $totalscore to 0)<span id="content10">
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(font: "Amarante")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 2.8em")+(text-style: "underline")[CHAPTER X.]
(font: "Amarante")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 2em")+(css: "line-height: 1.7em")[The Lonely Cabin]</span></p></div></body></html>
</span>(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")+(font: "Amarante")+(css: "font-size: 1.2em")[<span class='glow'>[[◈ Begin|138. Run, fox, run]]](masteraudio: 'stopall')<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>The air smelled crisp—clean; the way it did after a long rain.
Kit felt electric... *alive.* She realized for the first time it was the scent of freedom that she smelled.
A shape loomed out of the pale night ahead... a... house of some sort... a cabin.
The gunfire quit. The fresh, clean air grew deathly still. Nothing stirred. Not a cricket (link: "(1.) chirped.")[chirped(show: ?1)(set: $continue139 to it +1)(if: $continue139 is 6)[(show: ?11)](if: $cabin is 2)[(set: $cabin to 3)(set: $cabinreveal to 1)(show: ?9)]] |1)[(transition: "dissolve")[as though all the
sound had gone mute in the World Tree.]]
Kit (link: "(2.) froze.")[froze.(show: ?2)(set: $continue139 to it +1)(if: $continue139 is 6)[(show: ?11)](if: $cabin is 1)[(set: $cabin to 2)]] |2)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Terror gripped her. She couldn't move.]] It felt as if something ominous were at her back, some horrifying monster that was about to (link: "(3.) reach out.")[reach out,(show: ?3)(set: $continue139 to it +1)(if: $continue139 is 6)[(show: ?11)](if: $cabin is 0)[(set: $cabin to 1)]] |3)[(transition: "dissolve")[grab her, and snatch
her away into the baleful night.]]
A flash of lightning streaked through the sky and then the prairie was alive with (link: "(4.) sound")[sound(show: ?4)(set: $continue139 to it +1)(if: $continue139 is 6)[(show: ?11)](if: $cabin is 0)[(set: $cabin to 6)](if: $cabin is 1)[(set: $cabin to 6)](if: $cabin is 2)[(set: $cabin to 6)]] again.|4)[(track: 'AnimaliaTrack38', 'play')(replace: "again.")[again](transition: "dissolve")[—the sound of thunder rumbling over the scratchy yellow grass. The sound freed her of her fear. She ran to the (link: "(5.) crooked structure")[crooked structure(show: ?5)(set: $continue139 to it +1)(if: $continue139 is 6)[(show: ?11)](if: $cabin is 3)[(set: $cabin to 4)](else:)[(set: $cabin to 6)]] sitting alone on the prairie.]]|5)[
(transition: "dissolve")[It was a (link: "(6.) cabin")[cabin(show: ?6)(set: $continue139 to it +1)(if: $continue139 is 6)[(show: ?11)](if: $cabin is 4)[(show: ?8,?10)](else:)[(show: ?7)]] after all—lonely and rundown, made of old, sun baked timber.]] |6)[(transition: "dissolve")[The roof was made of wooden
shingles—many of them missing; the door was also old wood with a simple curved wooden handle but no lock.]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[3 , 2 , ? , ? , 5 , 6</span>]]]]|7)[(replace: "3 , 2 , ? , ? , 5 , 6")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]]]|8)[(replace: "3 , 2 , ? , ? , 5 , 6")[(color: black)+(text-style: "shadow")[(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "rumble")[Magnificent!]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|9)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "pulse")[+1 Shake Down.
+2 Health.(set: $health to it +2)(set: $shakedown to it +1)]|10)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+2 Lore.(set: $secrets10 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +2)]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]]|11)[(if: $cabinreveal is 1)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|140. Dog Tired]]</span>]]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]|11)[(if: $cabinreveal is 0)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|140. Dog Tired]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">The door creaked open.
A musty odor spilled out: oppressive... stale... dirty.
She didn't want to enter. But she had nowhere else to go and she was dog tired. There was nothing for miles around but the endless prairie under a cloak of night.
She just wanted the long night to end. When would it end? When would her trial be over?
She just wanted it to end and stepped inside.</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>Kit Fox:
<span class='glow6'>(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $Dogtired, "exhausted, went to sleep.", "exhausted, looked
around. (Shake Down)")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤")[(go-to: "141. Inside the cabin")]</span>]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(if: $Dogtired is "exhausted, went to sleep.")[(set: $muscle to it +1)(set: $health to it +2)(go-to: "142. Kit sleeps")]\
(else:)[<span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>(if: (random: 1,6) + $shakedown >= 15)[Broken furniture lie scattered across an earthen floor. Against the western wall squeaked the rusted skeleton of a spring bed frame. A decrepit, rickety-looking table creaked in front of a stone fireplace built against the back wall, near a tarnished cast iron, wood burning stove. Everything was caked in thick cobwebs and (link-show: "thicker dust.",?2)](else:)[Broken furniture lie scattered across an earthen floor. A stone fireplace had been built against the back wall, near a tarnished cast iron, wood burning (link-show: "stove.",?1)]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|2)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "pulse")[+1 Shake Down. (set: $shakedown to it +1)]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|142. Kit sleeps]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>]|1)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[-1 Health.(set: $health to it -1)]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|142. Kit sleeps]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>]<span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Kit curled up on the cold ground. The chill of the hard earth pierced her blood-matted fur. And yet, she couldn't remember a more comfortable, satisfying place she had ever lain her head in all her short years.</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(if: $Dogtired is "exhausted, looked
around. (Shake Down)")[(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|143. Kit's dream]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>](else:)[(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "pulse")[+1 Muscle.
+2 Health.]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|143. Kit's dream]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Kit's drowsy head swam into sleep. She dreamed of her mom screaming... being pulled down into the Thompson meat grinder... drowning in her mother's blood... the earth trampled... something thudding the ground: something big. Its huge paws charged across the prairie—toward her. The monster had found her... *it was (link-goto: "coming.","144. Not a dream after all.")*</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Kit bolted upright.
It hadn't been a dream after all. The tremors of the heavy thudding footfalls shook the ground and the cabin as the monster grunted and snarled on its approach.
The door flew open.
In the threshold loomed the monster's silhouette, filling the doorway.
Her heart pounded. |2)[
(transition: "dissolve")[She rushed the thing like a cornered animal. Growling. (link-goto: "Biting","145. Silver Bear's alive") at it with her fierce little teeth. Wildly swinging her hybrid-paws.]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>Kit Fox:
<span class='glow6'>(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $monster, "screamed in terror.", "ran for her life.", "attacked the monster.")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[(if: $monster is "screamed in terror.")[(go-to: "145. Silver Bear's alive")](if: $monster is "ran for her life.")[(go-to: "145. Silver Bear's alive")](if: $monster is "attacked the monster.")[(show: ?2)]</span>]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>"Hey!"
Silver Bear caught Kit by the wrists.
"Relax. It's me."
His features came into focus. Kit was so relieved. She hugged him.
"I thought they'd killed you and..." she hugged him tighter. "I was all alone."
He hugged her back.
"It's okay. I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere."
He kissed her on the forehead.
"It's gonna take more than a strung out cat and a couple of roid-raging pigs to get rid of me."
And for the first time in a long time she felt safe.
"Is it over?" she asked, looking up into his kind eyes. "Is it finally over?"
But he was reluctant to answer, yet it didn't matter, for in that moment together, safe in his arms, the way her father used to hold her when she was scared, nothing else mattered and all was right with the world.</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>(if: $monster is "attacked the monster.")[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "pulse")[+1 Muscle.(set: $muscle to it +1)]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[-1 Health.(set: $health to it -1)]]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|146. Evil laughter]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>The shrill, evil laughter of Bobcat and Tusk spilled over the prairie.
"We're not out of the woods yet," dismayed, Silver Bear answered at last.
Kit's heart sank.
Shutting the cabin door, Silver Bear (link-show: "ejected",?1) a spent magazine from his rifle.|1)[(track: 'AnimaliaTrack70', 'play')(replace: "rifle.")[rifle,] (transition: "dissolve")[inserting a new one from his MOLLE vest.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[He pulled the charging handle and it snapped back into place.](stop:)]]
"Whatever happens, I..."
But he couldn't seem to find the words he wanted to say.
He kissed her on the forehead again, pointing to a cast iron, wood burning (link: "stove.")[stove(show: ?2)]|2)[(transition: "dissolve")[ near a stone (link-show: "fireplace",?3) against the back wall.]]|3)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Hide behind the stove. If you get the chance, (link-goto: "run,","147. A thousand cuts.") and don't look back. No matter what happens."]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack66', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack66', 'play')<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>The laughter came again and hell with it.
Its wickedness settled over the cabin like the blackest heart.
It settled on Kit's fur: in her bones... *in her soul.*
Her heart raced.
An icy shiver sickened her like the touch of death. It jolted through her body like electricity, like the prick of a thousand pins and needles.
The death of her courage by a thousand cuts.|1)[
Something skittered across the roof. The (link-show: "patter",?3) of small paws dislodging shingles.
Bobcat laughed, evilly.]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>Kit Fox:
<span class='glow6'>(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $tinycuts, "hid behind the stove.", "fled, screaming in terror.", "listened intently (Quick Wit).")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[(if: $tinycuts is "hid behind the stove.")[(go-to: "149. Test of Strength")](if: $tinycuts is "fled, screaming in terror.")[(go-to: "158. Game over 5")](if: $tinycuts is "listened intently (Quick Wit).")[(if: (random: 1,6) + $quickwit >= 15)[(show: ?1)](else:)[(set: $quickwit to it -2)(go-to: "148. Kit hears nothing")]]]</span>]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]|1)[
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.(set: $secrets10 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +1)]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]|3)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|149. Test of Strength]]</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>]</p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")<span id="box1-3">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-2]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 170px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[FAILED. -2 Quick Wit.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 170px")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ Kit Fox heard nothing else.]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Continue|149. Test of Strength]]</span>]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')(set: $mission13 to 1)(set: $TuskMuscle to 12)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Suddenly, a blue flame exploded from the fireplace, and out of the flames leapt Tusk, grabbing Silver Bear's arms in a four nelson.
"You're gonna (link-show: "pay",?1) for what you did to my brother!" Tusk squealed.
Spit sprayed from his slavering maw. Long strings of drool oozed over Silver Bear's shoulder.|1)[
(transition: "dissolve")["First, I'm gonna rip off your arms."]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Tusk (link-show: "tightened",?2) his hold.](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Silver Bear grunted.](stop:)]]|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Then, I'm gonna rip off your head and] (live: 1s)[(transition: "pulse")[*shit down your neck!"*](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Thirteen.]]]]|2)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|149a. Test of Strength]]</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack65', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack65', 'play')(set: $power to it +1)(set: $muscle to it +1)(set: $health to it +3)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>A ghostly, bluish light arose from the floor.
Silver Bear resisted Tusk with all his might. The glow seeped into Silver Bear's body. His silvery fur (link-show: "glowed.",?1)|1)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Rip off my head and shit down my neck...?"]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[He (link-show: "snarled.",?2)](stop:)]]|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")["You...] (live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[ain't...](stop:)] (live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[got..."](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Inch by inch, he (link-show: "pulled",?3) his huge arms forward.](stop:)]] |3)[
(transition: "rumble")[(link-goto: '"... what it takes!"',"151. The Death of Tusk")]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(set: $mission13 to 2)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Silver Bear smashed the back of his head into Tusk's snout.
Tusk let go, holding his bleeding snout, and staggered backward.
Silver Bear turned and (link-show: "faced",?1) Tusk. |1)[(transition: "dissolve")[Rearing up to his full eight foot height, Silver Bear bellowed a terrifying roar that shook the walls and Tusk squealed, shrinking away in horror, as the bear lunged forward and (link-show: "enwrapped",?2) him in a bone-crushing hug.]]|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")[Tusk's ribcage popped and (link: "snapped.")[snapped,(show: ?3)]]]|3)[(transition: "dissolve")[ filling the stale air with a sickening crunch.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Razor claws raked open his back and fangs like daggers chomped into his neck, rending his head from his body!](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Thirteen.]]]]|3)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|151a. The Death of Tusk]]</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span><div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>The door flung open. Bobcat leapt howling through the doorway like a speeding bullet of grayish-brown fur.
Bobcat leaped on Silver Bear's chest, scratching and biting, and cut the rifle sling with his claws.
The weapon clattered across the floor, sliding near the stove.
With a hard thud, Silver Bear landed flat on his back and all the fight and air wheezed out of him.
Kit peeked out from behind the stove, horrified.
Yowling triumphantly, Bobcat put a claw to Silver Bear's throat.
"Run." Silver Bear tried to say, gasping.</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Diamond Glow")</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>Kit Fox:
<span class='glow6'>(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $runfoxrun, "ran for her life.", "picked up the rifle.", "continued watching, petrified.")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤")[(if: $runfoxrun is "ran for her life.")[(go-to: "158b. Game over 5")](if: $runfoxrun is "picked up the rifle.")[(go-to: "154. Kit grabbed the rifle")](if: $runfoxrun is "continued watching, petrified.")[(go-to: "158c. Game over 5")]]</span>]</p></div></body></html></span></div><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #00ffff)[~or~]]|1)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]
(transition: "rumble")[Not enough Lore!]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "✦ First try and help Kit Fox to
overcome her innermost fears?")[(if: (random: 1,6) + $power >= 85)[(go-to: "153a. Kit's innermost fears")](else:)[(replace: "~or~")[(show: ?1)]]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(set: $allthree to 1)<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Kit couldn't believe her eyes. Bobcat was going to win. There was no justice left in the World Tree. No goodness. They had ceased to exist. Day by day the goodness declined, while the wicked grew stronger in number.
Kit wept.
She had been just a foolish, naïve child to believe otherwise—to believe in the stories and the fairy tales her parents would read to her before bedtime; she had sorely wanted to *believe...* but where had the knights in shining armor all gone to? The happily ever afters?
Gone were the heroes. The tales of good triumphing over evil. In their place were antiheroes and moral relativism; or, in some cases, depraved acts of outright villainy, portrayed in a sympathetic light as misjudged or misunderstood.|4)[
(transition: "dissolve")[The light was dying and the darkness was growing, festering in the hearts and minds of Werekind. They were becoming more immoral, more unethical, more unruly, more indecent, more irrational and hypocritical, more uncivilized and lawless.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Each generation was worse than the last: they preached and scolded and judged and condemned, all while holding themselves to different standards. The ones who signaled their virtue were the least virtuous, the ones who pointed to their righteousness were the least righteous, the ones who lauded their tolerance were the least tolerant, the ones who saw injustice everywhere in everything were the least just, the ones who proclaimed to be the most open-minded and critically conscious were the most narrow of vision; because beneath their feigned empathy and facade of noble intent, their actions were hateful, treacherous and manipulative. They closed their hearts and minds to anything that didn't confirm or conform to their beliefs and desires, projecting onto their perceived enemies all the same failings within themselves. They howled and demanded, hellbent to have it their way and get what they wanted, by any means necessary, no matter how unscrupulous or violent.](stop:)]
(live: 3s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Some did it for power, others for money or fame. Some were zealots. Some did it just to destroy and watch the World Tree burn. Their reasons were varied and mixed, yet all (link-reveal: "selfish.")[(if: (random: 1,6) + $power >= 90)[(show: ?5)](else:)[(show: ?1,?6)]]](stop:)]]|5)[
(transition: "dissolve")[She wept harder.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[She had badly wanted to believe that good triumphed evil. That love triumphed hate.
That there was more kindness and beauty in the world than ugliness.
That there was still good worth fighting for... *worth dying for.*](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[She wept for all the good that had been lost in the World Tree and all the light that was dying and she heard a (link-show: "voice whisper",?3) on the air:](stop:)]]|3)[(show: ?6)
*"(set: $typewriterText to "The days are coming when they will say, 'Blessed are the barren and the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!' Then they will begin to say to the mountains, 'Fall on us,' and to the hills, 'Cover us.' For if they do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?")(display: "Typewriter")"*]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #c8a2c8)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ Unlock all of
Kit's innermost fears.]]]
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤")[(if: (random: 1,6) + $power >= 80)[(show: ?4)](else:)[(show: ?2,?6)]]</span>]|1)[(replace: "Excellent!")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]
(transition: "rumble")[Not enough Lore!]]]|2)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "expand")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[FAILED.]]]]
(transition: "rumble")[Not enough Lore!]]|4)[(color: black)+(text-style: "shadow")[(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "rumble")[Excellent!]]]|5)[(replace: "Excellent!")[(color: black)+(text-style: "shadow")[(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "rumble")[Outstanding!]]]]</p></div></body></html></span><div class="column"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>|5)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #00ffff)+(transition: "pulse")[+3 Health.(set: $health to it +3)]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.(set: $secrets10 to it +1)(set: $totalsecrets to it +1)(set: $power to it +1)]]]]|4)[(set: $power to it +1)(replace: "+1 Lore.")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+2 Lore.]]]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.]]]]|5)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #367588)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "rumble")[+3 Magic Points. (set: $magicpoints10 to it +3)(set: $magicpoints to it +3)]]]]]|6)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|153b. Kit's innermost fears]]</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]<span id="content16">(css: "font-size: .86em")[ (display: "Modal 3")(display: "Modal 2")(display: "Modal 1")](color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></div></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span></div>\
(display: "Split Screen")(set: $thefightends to 1)(if: $bobcatcursed is 1)[(set: $Bobcathealth to 20)](if: $bobcatcursed is 0)[(set: $Bobcathealth to 40)]<span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13"><span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")</span>(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Bobcat howled triumphantly. His claw at Silver Bear's throat.
"Run," Silver Bear tried to say.
Kit grabbed up the (link-show: "rifle.",?1)|1)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Just what in blue blazes y'all think ya gonna do with *that,* little girl?"]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Bobcat laughed.](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[He (link-show: "patted",?2) Silver Bear on the side of the snout.](stop:)]]|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Don't worry, big boy. This'll only take a second (link-goto: "with the fox.","154a. Kit grabbed the rifle") Then you and me can finish our fun."]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow Red")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>\
(unless: (track: 'AnimaliaTrack65', 'isplaying', 'islooping'))[(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack65', 'loop', true)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack65', 'play')](set: $mission14 to 2)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-6"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>The rifle bucked, nearly jumping from Kit's trembling hybrid paws.
Bobcat (link-show: "stiffened.",?1) |1)[(transition: "dissolve")[He looked at her in
utter disbelief.]]
She tightened her (link-show: "grip",?4) now that she knew what to expect.|4)[
(transition: "pulse")[(link-show: '"For Diamondback!"',?2)]]|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")[She shot him again and he slumped over. She kept (link-show: "shooting.",?3)]]|3)[
(transition: "pulse")["For Little Sidewinder!] (live: 1s)[(transition: "pulse")[For Pink Belly!"](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[When the rifle clicked, she (link-show: "smashed",?5) the butt of the weapon into his bullet-riddled body.](stop:)]]|5)[
(transition: "rumble")["FOR RED FOX!"]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[(link-show: "Four",?6) times she said it...](stop:)]]|6)[ *(set: $typewriterText to "for four was the magic number and the key to unlocking the secrets of the World Tree, the universe, and all creation.")(display: "Typewriter")*]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Fourteen.]]]]|6)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|156. The long night was over]]</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')(set: $mission15 to 1)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-8"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Silver Bear held Kit's arms. Gently, he took the rifle and she hugged him. It was over. At last, it was over.
Her long night had come to an end, but she had to know.
"Is it over?" she asked.
"Yes... it is over," he said.</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Fifteen.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|End Game]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'MuswayStudio-EpicHeroic', 'play')(set: $mission15 to 2)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-9"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")[Through the open door of the cabin, Kit saw the spirits of Red Fox, Pink Belly, and two Were-kin she didn't recognize... two smiling turtles.](stop:)]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-left")[They stood side-by-side on the prairie. Their ghostly (link-show: "bodies",?1) shimmering in the pale moonlight.](stop:)]|1)[
(transition: "slide-right")[Silver Bear gasped for he saw them too. "Snapping Turtle and Grandma Turtle..."]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-left")["I hear them," Kit said. "They whisper to me."](stop:)]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "slide-right")["You hear them? What do they (link-show: 'say?"',?2)](stop:)]]|2)[
(transition: "slide-up")["We have freed the wind, and in freeing the wind, you have freed yourself and restored balance. There is hope again. The land can heal. And so can you. Snapping Turtle loves you. He will (link-show: "always love you.",?3) His brother."]]|3)[
(transition: "slide-right")[Silver Bear fought back tears.]
(transition: "slide-left")["I love you, Snapping Turtle. I'll never forget you... *my brother*."]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Fifteen.]]]]|3)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|157a. Bonus ending]]</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'MuswayStudio-SimplePictures', 'play')
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[Kit Fox flees the cabin and is
shot in the back by Bobcat.]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI9")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span>(if: $magicpoints is >= 3)[<span id="content7-1"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #D4AF37)[~or~]]
(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Khand")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "⛤ -2 Magic Points to bring her
back to life with +10 Health?")[(set: $health to 10)(set: $magicpoints to it -2)(go-to: "147. A thousand, tiny cuts.")]]]</p></div></body></html></span>]\
<img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')<span id="box1-4">
(track: 'AnimaliaTrack36', 'play')
(css: "line-height: 1em")[<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'> (link: "✦ Silver Bear roared, resisting with
all his might to break Tusk's hold...")[(show: ?1)]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>]|1)[(css: "line-height: 1em")[<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(if: (random: 1,6) + $muscle < 15)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "rumble")[◈ Silver Bear tires, losing Muscle!]]] (set: $muscle = $muscle - (random: 1,3))(if: $muscle < 1)[(go-to: "158a. Game over 5")](else:)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⛨ Muscle: $muscle.] (transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Keep resisting|149a. Test of Strength]]</span>]]]]]]]\
(else:)[(set: $muscledamage to (either: 1,2,3))(set: $TuskMuscle to it - $muscledamage)(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "rumble")[◈ Tusk tires, losing $muscledamage Muscle!]]]](if: $TuskMuscle < 1)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>[[⛨ Tusk tires to exhaustion!|150. You ain't got what it takes]]</span>]]]]](else:)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Keep resisting|149a. Test of Strength]]</span>]]]]]]</p></div></body></html>]]
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[Silver Bear tires to exhaustion
and his neck is snapped!]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI9")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span>(if: $magicpoints is >= 3)[<span id="content7-1"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #D4AF37)[~or~]]
(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Khand")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "⛤ -2 Magic Points to bring him
back to life with +10 Muscle?")[(set: $muscle to 10)(set: $magicpoints to it -2)(go-to: "149. Test of Strength")]]]</p></div></body></html></span>]\
<img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')(set: $mission14 to 1)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-5"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>Tusk's body dropped slack to the floor. Slowly, his (link-show: "body was dragged",?1) across the ground as if by invisible hands. His head rolled back into the blue flames as a fit of maniacal laughter bounced around the cabin.|1)[
(transition: "dissolve")[The body was pulled into the flames. In another fiery explosion, his head and body were sucked up the chimney with a loud pop.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Silver Bear (link-show: "snarled.",?2)](stop:)]]|2)[
(transition: "dissolve")["Burn in hell with your brother,] (live: 1s)[(transition: "pulse")[scumbag!"](stop:)]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(color: #D4AF37)+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "blurrier")[(color: black)[✸]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[Missions Updated:
◈ Mission Fourteen.]]]]|2)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>[[✦ Continue|152. Like a speeding bullet]]</span>]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[Kit Fox escapes, leaving
Silver Bear to die.]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI9")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[Bobcat kills Silver
Bear and Kit Fox.]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI9")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span>(if: $magicpoints is >= 3)[<span id="content7-1"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #D4AF37)[~or~]]
(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Khand")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "⛤ -2 Magic Points to bring them
back to life with +10 Health?")[(set: $health to 10)(set: $magicpoints to it -2)(go-to: "152. Like a speeding bullet")]]]</p></div></body></html></span>]\
<img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')(set: $thefightends to it +1)<span id="box1-4">
(css: "line-height: 1em")[<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(if: $GemofQuickness is 1)[(if: $LifeforceElixir is 2)[Use the: <span class='glow6'>(link-replace: "Gem of Quickness?")[(set: $swiftfeet to it +5)(set: $GemofQuickness to 2)(replace: "Use the:")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)+(transition: "pulse")[Bonus applied.]</span>]]]](if: $LifeforceElixir is 1)[(if: $GemofQuickness is 2)[Use the: <span class='glow6'>(link-replace: "Lifeforce Elixir?")[(set: $muscle to it +5)(set: $health to it +5)(set: $LifeforceElixir to 2)(replace: "Use the:")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)+(transition: "pulse")[Bonus applied.]</span>]]]](if: $GemofQuickness is 1)[(if: $LifeforceElixir is 1)[Use the: <span class='glow6'>(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearchoice2, "Gem of Quickness?", "Lifeforce Elixir?")</span> <span class='glow1'>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(link: "◈")[(show: ?1)]]</span>|1)[(if: $SilverBearchoice2 is "Gem of Quickness?")[(set: $swiftfeet to it +5)(set: $GemofQuickness to 2)(replace: "Use the: Gem of Quickness?")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)+(transition: "pulse")[Bonus applied.]]](if: $SilverBearchoice2 is "Lifeforce Elixir?")[(set: $muscle to it +5)(set: $health to it +5)(set: $LifeforceElixir to 2)(replace: "Use the: Lifeforce Elixir?")[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)+(transition: "pulse")[Bonus applied.]]]]]]
Kit Fox growled and:
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(color: #D4AF37)[<span class='glow6'>(if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 0)[(set: $Kitschoice to "opened fire with the rifle.")opened fire with the rifle.](if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints < 2)[(set: $Kitschoice to "opened fire with the rifle.")opened fire with the rifle.]](if: $SummonPrairieSpirit is 1)[(if: $magicpoints >= 2)[(cyclinglink: bind $Kitschoice, "opened fire with the rifle.", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]]</span>]
(align: "=><=")+(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>[[⛤|154b. Kit grabbed the rifle]]</span>]</p></div></body></html>]
</span><span id="box1-1">
(css: "line-height: 1em")[<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(if: $Kitschoice is "opened fire with the rifle.")[(track: 'AnimaliaTrack63', 'play')(if: (random: 1,6) + $swiftfeet < 15)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "rumble")[◈ Kit Fox misses and
is shot by Bobcat!] (set: $riflebullets to it - 10)(set: $health = $health - (random: 2,6))(if: $health < 1)[(go-to: "158c. Game over 5")](else:)[
(transition: "pulse")[⛨ Health: $health.]]]]](if: $riflebullets < 1)[(if: $hasextramagazine is 0)[(go-to: "158c. Game over 5")]](if: $riflebullets < 1)[(if: $hasextramagazine is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[ ⚔ Kit Fox
uses the extra magazine! (set: $hasextramagazine to 0)(set: $riflebullets to 30)
(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Round $thefightends|154a. Kit grabbed the rifle]]</span>]]]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[ ⚔ Rifle Bullets: $riflebullets.]
(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Round $thefightends|154a. Kit grabbed the rifle]]</span>]]]]]]\
(else:)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "rumble")[◈ Kit Fox hits!
Bobcat takes (set: $damage to (random: 3,10)) $damage damage.]
(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>(link: "✦ Continue")[(set: $Bobcathealth to it - $damage)(if: $Bobcathealth < 1)[(set: $power to it +5)(go-to: "155. Bobcat's death")](else:)[(show: ?2)]</span>]]]]]|2)[(set: $riflebullets to it - 10)(if: $riflebullets < 1)[(if: $hasextramagazine is 0)[(go-to: "158c. Game over 5")]](if: $riflebullets < 1)[(if: $hasextramagazine is 1)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚔ Kit Fox uses
the extra magazine! (set: $hasextramagazine to 0)(set: $riflebullets to 30)
(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Round $thefightends|154a. Kit grabbed the rifle]]</span>]]]]]](else:)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⚔ Rifle Bullets: $riflebullets.]
(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Round $thefightends|154a. Kit grabbed the rifle]]</span>]]]]]]]](if: $Kitschoice is "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")[(set: $SummonPrairieSpirit to 0)(set: $magicpoints to it -2)(track: 'AnimaliaTrack38', 'play')(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "rumble")[◈ Kit Fox calls on
the Prairie Spirit!]]]]
(transition: "pulse")[(font: "Amarante")[Damage:] (font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[Bobcat:(set: $damage to (random: 10,20)) $damage.]
(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>(link: "✦ Continue")[(set: $Bobcathealth to it - $damage)(if: $Bobcathealth < 1)[(set: $power to it +5)(go-to: "155. Bobcat's death")](else:)[(show: ?1)]</span>]]]]]]|1)[(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Round $thefightends|154a. Kit grabbed the rifle]]</span>]]]]]</p></div></body></html>]
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
(if: $grandtotal < 1000)[<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[Your grand total score isn't high
enough to unlock the bonus ending.]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI9")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>]
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(else:)[(go-to: "157. Bonus ending")]\
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<div class="split left"><span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(font: "Amarante")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "line-height: 1.6em")[(color: black)[(css: "font-size: 1.5em")+(text-style: "underline")[
(css: "font-size: 1.1em")[CHAPTER X. Complete:]]]</span></p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-1.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-1"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(css: "font-size: .95em")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)[Your Muscle is: (color: #D4AF37)[$muscle]
Your Brain Power is: (color: #D4AF37)[$brainpower]
Your Swift Feet is: (color: #D4AF37)[$swiftfeet]
Your Quick Wit is: (color: #D4AF37)[$quickwit]
Your Shake Down is: (color: #D4AF37)[$shakedown]
Your Health is: (color: #D4AF37)[$health]
Your Lore is: (color: #D4AF37)[$power]
You discovered:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$secrets10 of 3 Secrets]]
You found:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #367588)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$magicpoints10 of 3 Magic Points]](if: $magicpoints10 is 3)[(set: $totalscore to it +5)]
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[None in Chapter X.]]
Minor Arcana:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[None in Chapter X.]]
Major Arcana:
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[None in Chapter X.]]
{(set: $totalscore to it +$muscle)(set: $totalscore to it +$brainpower)(set: $totalscore to it +$swiftfeet)(set: $totalscore to it +$quickwit)(set: $totalscore to it +$shakedown)(set: $totalscore to it +$health)(set: $totalscore to it +$power)(set: $totalscore to it +$secrets10)}
Total Score: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[$totalscore]]
Rank: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(if: $totalscore is < 180)[Novice!](else-if: $totalscore is < 195)[Skilled!](else-if: $totalscore is < 210)[Expert!](else:)[Champion!]]]
Grand Total: (font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(set: $grandtotal to it + $totalscore)$grandtotal]]]]</p></div></body></html>\
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span></div><div class="split right"><span id="content2-2"><span id="content2-4-1"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader4.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-3"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-4">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%>
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "✦ Retry")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI9")]</span>
<span class='glow1'>(text-style: "bold")[(link-goto:"✦ Main Menu","Start Game")]</span>]]
(font: "Amarante")+(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "bold")[~or~]
(font: "Khand")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[[[✦ Bonus Ending->Lore Check 10]]</span>]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=56% height=56%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: .86em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .961em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%>
(display: "Split Screen")(masteraudio: 'stopall')<span id="content9"><video src='vid/AnimaliaBookOneEnding1-1-1.mp4' width=100% height=100% autoplay></video>
<span id="content2">(live: 76s)[<span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2">(transition: "dissolve")[The spirits of Red Fox, Pink Belly, Snapping Turtle and Grandma Turtle waved.]
(live: 1s)[(transition: "dissolve")[Hand in hand, they walked with renewed hope toward the shining city, Mythicus, at the heart of the World Tree and faded into the night, as a gentle wind stirred, blowing free across the prairie once more.](stop:)]
(live: 2s)[(transition: "dissolve")[(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")+(font: "Amarante")[<span class='glow6'>(link-goto: "~The End~","Start Game")</span>]]</span>(stop:)]</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]](stop:)]</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(if: $LifeforceElixir is 2)[(set: $health to it -5)(set: $muscle to it -5)<span id="box1-4">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-5]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 160px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-5 Health. -5 Muscle.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 160px")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ The power of the Lifeforce Elixir
(css: "padding-left: 160px")[has expired.]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","Part IX. Silver Bear and the Darkness")</span>]]]
(else:)[(go-to: "Part IX. Silver Bear and the Darkness")](if: $LifeforceElixir is 2)[(if: $GemofQuickness is 2)[(set: $swiftfeet to it -5)(set: $health to it -5)(set: $muscle to it -5)(if: $muscle < 0)[(set: $muscle to 0)]<span id="box1-4">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-5]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 155px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-5 Health. -5 Muscle. -5 Swift Feet.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 155px")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ The power of the Lifeforce Elixir
(css: "padding-left: 155px")[and Gem of Quickness has expired.]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","Part X. The Lonely Cabin")</span>]]]
(if: $LifeforceElixir is 2)[(if: $GemofQuickness is 1)[(set: $health to it -5)(set: $muscle to it -5)(if: $muscle < 0)[(set: $muscle to 0)]<span id="box1-4">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-5]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 160px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-5 Health. -5 Muscle.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 160px")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ The power of the Lifeforce Elixir
(css: "padding-left: 160px")[has expired.]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","Part X. The Lonely Cabin")</span>]]]
(if: $GemofQuickness is 2)[(if: $LifeforceElixir is 1)[(set: $swiftfeet to it -5)<span id="box1-4">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-5]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 135px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-5 Swift Feet.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 135px")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ The power of the Gem of Quickness
(css: "padding-left: 135px")[has expired.]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","Part X. The Lonely Cabin")</span>]]]
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[The drain on Health when the
Elixir expired kills Silver Bear!]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI8")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span>(if: $magicpoints is >= 3)[<span id="content7-1"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #D4AF37)[~or~]]
(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Khand")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "⛤ -2 Magic Points to bring him
back to life with +10 Health?")[(set: $health to 10)(set: $magicpoints to it -2)(go-to: "Part X. The Lonely Cabin")]]]</p></div></body></html></span>]\
<img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')<span id="box1-4">
(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 170px")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>[[⚿ Empower Kit Fox to overcome|153. Kit's innermost fears]]
(css: "padding-left: 170px")[[[her innermost fears.|153. Kit's innermost fears]]]</span>]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')<span id="box1-3">
(css: "line-height: .5em")[(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 85px")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)["Not all the light has gone out, child." The voice of
(css: "padding-left: 85px")[Red Fox filled Kit's thoughts. "Not yet."]
(css: "padding-left: 85px")[Kit felt the touch of Pink Belly's scaly hand on her
(css: "padding-left: 85px")[cheek and in her mind she heard him say, "Not
(css: "padding-left: 85px")[while it still shines within you."]]]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Continue|153c. Kit's innermost fears]]</span>]]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')<span id="box1-3">
(css: "line-height: .5em")[(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 95px")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[Drums beat angrily in the distance.
(css: "padding-left: 95px")[The shades of the prairie danced and sang. Their
(css: "padding-left: 95px")[chanting filled the prairie, riding in on the wind
(css: "padding-left: 95px")[howling to be freed.]]]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Continue|153d. Kit's innermost fears]]</span>]]]]
</span><span id="box1-3">
(css: "line-height: .5em")[(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 85px")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[No. Bobcat's wickedness would not go unpunished.
(css: "padding-left: 85px")[Not while Kit still drew breath. She wouldn't stand
(css: "padding-left: 85px")[idly by. The Prairie Spirit cried out for justice, and
(css: "padding-left: 85px")[Kit would be its deliverer!]]]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>[[✦ Continue|154. Kit grabbed the rifle]]</span>]]]]
</span><span style=" color: #00ffff;
-webkit-text-fill-color: #000;
-webkit-text-stroke-width: .1px;
-webkit-text-stroke-color: #000;
text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff;
-webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s;
-moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s;
-o-transition: 500ms linear 0s;
transition: 500ms linear 0s;
-webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
-moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
outline: 0 none;
@-webkit-keyframes glow1 {
from {
text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff;
to {
text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff;
}">(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")[⛤]</span><span id="box1-1">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-1]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 190px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[FAILED. -1 Lore.(set: $power to it -1)]]]
<span class='glow1'>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 190px")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ Pink Belly has a secret..."
(css: "padding-left: 190px")[but he is too scared to tell you.]]]]</span>
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","35. Pink Belly peers inside the slaughterhouse")</span>]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span id="box1-3">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-1]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 170px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[FAILED. -1 Lore.(set: $power to it -1)]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")+(css: "padding-left: 170px")[(color: black)[⚿ Pink Belly is too humble. He
(css: "padding-left: 170px")[doesn't want his ego stroked!]]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","36. Pink Belly needs courage.")</span>]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span id="box1-1">
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ The Pep Talk didn't work.]]]
(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link-goto: "✦ Continue","36. Pink Belly needs courage.")</span>]]]\
(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #D4AF37)[~or~]]\
(align: "=><=")+(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Khand")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "⛨ -3 Quick Wit to try again?")[(set: $quickwit to it -3)(set: _result to (random: 1, 6) + $power + $quickwit)(if: _result >= 28)[(set: $power to $power + 1)(set: $peptalkpenalty to 1)(go-to: "36a. Pink Belly needs courage.")](else:)[(go-to: "37a. Pep Talk Second Chance")]]]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span id="box1-4">(align: "==>")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.3em")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[-1]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "padding-left: 165px")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[FAILED. -1 Lore.]]]
(font: "Khand")+(css: "padding-left: 165px")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #00ffff)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[⚿ You do not have enough Lore
(css: "padding-left: 165px")[to unlock the secret of Garl.]]]]
<span class='glow1'>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: black)[(link-goto: "✦ Continue","10. What is Werekind?")]]
</span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')(set: $Garl to 1)<span id="content2"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<span style=" color: #00ffff; -webkit-text-fill-color: #000; -webkit-text-stroke-width: .2px; -webkit-text-stroke-color: #720027; text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff; -webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s; -o-transition: 500ms linear 0s; transition: 500ms linear 0s; -webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; outline: 0 none;}@-webkit-keyframes glow1 { from { text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff; }} to { text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff; }">(align: "=><=")+(text-style: "bold")[(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: black)[
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content13">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-2"><span class='glow6'>(live: 1s)[(transition: "pulse")[Garl was a benevolent goddess who had served the Great Creator Spirit in overseeing the Werekind. She was given power by the Creator Spirit to command the Colossus and protect Mythicus from evil rule. But she has disappeared and not been heard from for millennia. This is how Jueyuan was able to conquer the city; and now rumors are spreading of another evil power on the rise... the Minotaur.](stop:)]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Slide Bar")</span><span id="content2-1-4"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3-3">\
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span class='glow6'>Silver Bear:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: bind $SilverBearreflection, "worried for the
fate of Werekind.", "growled angrily for
the fate of Werekind.", "trembled in fear for
the fate of Werekind.", "prayed for the return of
Garl to save Werekind.", "hoped for a better
future for Werekind.", "would do what he
must to save himself.")]</span>
(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[(show: ?1)]</span>]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%>|1)[(if: $SilverBearreflection is "worried for the
fate of Werekind.")[(go-to: "10. What is Werekind?")](if: $SilverBearreflection is "growled angrily for
the fate of Werekind.")[(go-to: "10. What is Werekind?")](if: $SilverBearreflection is "trembled in fear for
the fate of Werekind.")[(go-to: "10. What is Werekind?")](if: $SilverBearreflection is "prayed for the return of
Garl to save Werekind.")[(show: ?2)](if: $SilverBearreflection is "hoped for a better
future for Werekind.")[(show: ?2)](if: $SilverBearreflection is "would do what he
must to save himself.")[(show: ?3)]]|2)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[BONUS: +1 Lore. (set: $power to it +1)]]]](live: 2s)[(go-to: "10. What is Werekind?")]]|3)[
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[PENALTY: -1 Lore. (set: $power to it -1)]]]](live: 2s)[(go-to: "10. What is Werekind?")]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.]]]]
(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[⚿ Arcana Updated:
Garl the Werebeast Goddess.]]]]
<img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-4.png' width=60% height=60%></p></div></body></html></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]](display: "Diamond Glow")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .980em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
<span id="content16"> (display: "Modal 6")(display: "Modal 5")(display: "Modal 4")(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-5.png' width=100% height=100%></span>(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack72', 'play')<span id="content"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Pentagram Glow 2")(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-style: "outline")[(text-style: "underline")+(color: #00ffff)+(css: "font-size: 2em")[ABILITIES]](display: "Pentagram Glow 2")</p></div></body></html>
<span id="content2-1"><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
<span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3">You have 30 points to adjust your stats. Use the + and - to raise or lower. Use the RESET button to reset all scores to 0. When you're finished making your adjustments, click START.
More interested in the story than the RPG you say? Well, we've got you covered! For those who don't want to bother with having to earn ability points in order to progress in the game, you have the option to enable GOD MODE.
Enabling GOD MODE will raise all stats to 100 allowing you to complete the story in its entirety and earn the best story ending for the game. With GOD MODE enabled you can breeze through the story in 1-2 hours.
However, keep in mind there will still remain the possibility of multiple story branches since these are determined by your choices in game and not by ability scores. <span class='glow6'>[[✦ continued...|Stat Selection 2]]</span></span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
</span> <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span style=" color: #00ffff;
-webkit-text-fill-color: #000;
-webkit-text-stroke-width: .1px;
-webkit-text-stroke-color: #000;
text-shadow: -1px 4px 12px #00ffff, 4px -1px 12px #00ffff;
-webkit-transition: 500ms linear 0s;
-moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s;
-o-transition: 500ms linear 0s;
transition: 500ms linear 0s;
-webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
-moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
outline: 0 none;
@-webkit-keyframes glow1 {
from {
text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff;
to {
text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #000, 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff;
}">(css: "font-size: 1.2em")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: black)[☽ <img src='img/AnimaliaEye.png' width=15% height=70%> ☾]]</span></p></div></body></html>
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[Pink Belly doesn't survive
the vicious knockdown.]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI4")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span>(if: $magicpoints is >= 3)[<span id="content7-1"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(text-style: "outline")+(color: black)[(color: #D4AF37)[~or~]]
(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")+(font: "Khand")[(color: black)[<span class='glow1'>(link: "⛤ -2 Magic Points to bring him
back to life with +10 Health?")[(set: $health to 10)(set: $magicpoints to it -2)(go-to: "70. Dead tired")]]]</p></div></body></html></span>]\
<img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')
<span id="content7"><span id="content2-7"><img src='img/AnimaliaDivider1-6.png' width=100% height=100%>
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "shudder")[Bobcat pulls a Colt .45 pistol
from his suit jacket and
shoots Pink Belly dead!]]]]</p></div></body></html>(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[###The end.]]]<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[<span class='glow'>(link: "💀 Game Over")[(load-game: "AnimaliaBookI4")]</span>]]]</p></div></body></html>
(display: "Pentagram Glow")
</span><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%>
(masteraudio: 'stopall')(track: 'AnimaliaTrack75', 'play')<span style=" color: #ff005e;
font-weight: bold;
-webkit-text-fill-color: #000;
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transition: 500ms linear 0s;
-webkit-animation: glow 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
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outline: 0 none;
@-webkit-keyframes glow {
from {
text-shadow: 0 0 5px #ff005e, 0 0 7.5px #ff005e, 0 0 10px #ff005e, 0 0 12.5px #ff005e, 0 0 15px #ff005e, 0 0 17.5px #ff005e, 0 0 20px #ff005e;
to {
text-shadow: 0 0 2.5px #fff, 0 0 5px #ff005e, 0 0 7.5px #ff005e, 0 0 10px #ff005e, 0 0 12.5px #ff005e, 0 0 15px #ff005e, 0 0 17.5px #ff005e;
}">(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 2.5em")[❖]</span><span style="
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-webkit-text-fill-color: #000;
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transition: 500ms linear 0s;
-webkit-animation: glow3 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
-moz-animation: glow3 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
animation: glow3 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
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@-webkit-keyframes glow3 {
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text-shadow: 0 0 5px #6495ed, 0 0 7.5px #6495ed, 0 0 10px #6495ed, 0 0 12.5px #6495ed, 0 0 15px #6495ed, 0 0 17.5px #6495ed, 0 0 20px #6495ed;
to {
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}">(css: "font-size: 1.2em")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: black)[ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ]]</span><span style=" color: #00ffff;
-webkit-text-fill-color: #000;
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-webkit-text-stroke-color: #000;
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-moz-transition: 500ms linear 0s;
-o-transition: 500ms linear 0s;
transition: 500ms linear 0s;
-webkit-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
-moz-animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
animation: glow1 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
outline: 0 none;
@-webkit-keyframes glow1 {
from {
text-shadow: 0 0 5px #00ffff, 0 0 7.5px #00ffff, 0 0 10px #00ffff, 0 0 12.5px #00ffff, 0 0 15px #00ffff, 0 0 17.5px #00ffff, 0 0 20px #00ffff;
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}">(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")+(css: "font-size: 1.5em")[⚿]</span>
<span id="content8"><span id="content2-1"><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")]
<span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3">Animalia is an interactive fiction RPG set in a place called the World Tree populated by mythological creatures and animal hybrids.
You begin as Silver Bear—a veteran of the War of Ten Dogs. Broken, with war-scarred mind, he has arrived at the border of the Windless Prairie, guided there by the spirit of Snapping Turtle, his friend killed in the war. Snapping Turtle saved Silver Bear's life; now the bear has come to the prairie to repay the life debt.
Gameplay is similar to a choose your own adventure in which you will be given multiple choices to select (mostly in the form of hypertext), and, depending on the choices you make, you determine the outcome of the story.</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3">Clickable text either will reveal additional text inside your current story passage, or progress the game and take you to the next story passage, but choose wisely, most passages can only be visited one time, and once you exit them, they cannot be revisited.
What makes Animalia different from standard choose your own adventures are the ability scores, i.e. your stats, that you get to adjust at the beginning of the game.
Some text choices are hidden and will not appear unless you have a high enough score in an ability. Other choices will let you spend ability points to allow you a second chance at unlocking hidden text should your first attempt fail. Making a good choice, succeeding an attempt, will unlock secrets and grant you bonus points to your abilities.
You will also have an Inventory of all the items you acquire throughout the game; a Missions log listing your current objectives and whether or not they have been completed or failed; and a tally of how many Total Secrets you've unlocked as well as Major and Minor Arcana you've discovered.
In every story passage is a:
(display: "Star Glow 2")\
This symbol will open a tab bar with the menus. </span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3">In some story passages, selecting text choices in a specific order will also unlock secrets and grant you bonus points, but remember, since many of the story passages can only be visited one time, you will have only one chance at solving the correct sequences to unlock them, and the difficulty of the sequences will increase as you progress through the game. These passages will be marked with a (css: "font-size: 1.5em")[⚿] symbol, beneath which will be a hint to the proper sequence.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[2 , 4 , ? , 5</span>]]]]</p></div></body></html>\
In other story passages, you may be provided multiple text choices to cycle through. Some text choices will require an ability check to determine if you succeed or fail. The relevant ability will be shown in parenthesis next to the text. Beneath the text will be a glowing (css: "font-size: 2em")[⛤] symbol. Once you have cycled through all the options and decided which one you want to use, click the symbol to make your selection.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span class='glow6'>Silver Bear:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: "watched and waited.", "used his grenade.", "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]</span>
(align: "=><=")+(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[]</span>]</p></div></body></html>\
Each story passage is numbered at the top. Depending on your text choices, there are multiple story paths that the game can branch into, making it impossible to visit every story passage in sequential order.
Hence, some numbers will appear out of order. But, in some cases, numbers appearing out of order, especially three or more numbers, may be a clue that you have missed something in the game, perhaps even something vital.
You will be notified of bonuses, penalties, updated logs, etc. by alert messages that will appear inside a <span class='glow6'>(link-reveal: "message box")[(show: ?1)]</span> like the one below. </span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Star Glow 2")</span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3">
|1)[(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[-2 Brain Power.]]]]]
|1)[(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.]]]]]
|1)[(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.
Missions Updated:
◈ Mission One.]]]]]
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3"> At certain intervals throughout the game, if you do not have enough points in an ability, you will be unable to progress any further and the story will end. Just as in the choose your own adventures, there are some text choices that will result in failure or death and end the story. There are likewise a few combat scenarios in the game that will end the story should your health reach zero.
Fortunately, you will have the opportunity to save the game at each new chapter and, should a text choice, combat, or low ability score result in a game over, you'll be given the option to restart from the most recent save point; however, keep in mind that the game is saved in your browser and will be deleted if your browser cache is cleared.
Upon the successful completion of each chapter you will be shown how well you did and given a total score and rank from Novice to Champion. It will also be revealed to you how many secrets you unlocked, bonus points gained, special items acquired, etc. in each chapter out of a total number of secrets.
If there's something you happen to miss, you can choose to restart the chapter from the previous save point if you wish, or continue on.
Good luck!</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
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span3.onclick = function() {
modal3.style.display = "none";
<span id="content8"><span id="content2-1"><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-4">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
<span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3">Animalia is an interactive fiction RPG set in a place called the World Tree populated by mythological creatures and animal hybrids.
You begin as Silver Bear—a veteran of the War of Ten Dogs. Broken, with war-scarred mind, he has arrived at the border of the Windless Prairie, guided there by the spirit of Snapping Turtle, his friend killed in the war. Snapping Turtle saved Silver Bear's life; now the bear has come to the prairie to repay the life debt.
Gameplay is similar to a choose your own adventure in which you will be given multiple choices to select (mostly in the form of hypertext), and, depending on the choices you make, you determine the outcome of the story.</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3">Clickable text either will reveal additional text inside your current story passage, or progress the game and take you to the next story passage, but choose wisely, most passages can only be visited one time, and once you exit them, they cannot be revisited.
What makes Animalia different from standard choose your own adventures are the ability scores, i.e. your stats, that you get to adjust at the beginning of the game.
Some text choices are hidden and will not appear unless you have a high enough score in an ability. Other choices will let you spend ability points to allow you a second chance at unlocking hidden text should your first attempt fail. Making a good choice, succeeding an attempt, will unlock secrets and grant you bonus points to your abilities.
You will also have an Inventory of all the items you acquire throughout the game; a Missions log listing your current objectives and whether or not they have been completed or failed; and a tally of how many Total Secrets you've unlocked as well as Major and Minor Arcana you've discovered.
In every story passage is a:
(display: "Star Glow 2")\
This symbol will open a tab bar with the menus. </span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3">In some story passages, selecting text choices in a specific order will also unlock secrets and grant you bonus points, but remember, since many of the story passages can only be visited one time, you will have only one chance at solving the correct sequences to unlock them, and the difficulty of the sequences will increase as you progress through the game. These passages will be marked with a (css: "font-size: 1.5em")[⚿] symbol, beneath which will be a hint to the proper sequence.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p>(display: "Key Glow")
(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[<span class='glow2'>(link: "⛤ hint ⛤")[2 , 4 , ? , 5</span>]]]]</p></div></body></html>\
In other story passages, you may be provided multiple text choices to cycle through. Some text choices will require an ability check to determine if you succeed or fail. The relevant ability will be shown in parenthesis next to the text. Beneath the text will be a glowing (css: "font-size: 2em")[⛤] symbol. Once you have cycled through all the options and decided which one you want to use, click the symbol to make your selection.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>.center {text-align: center;}</style></head><body><div class="center"><p><span class='glow6'>Silver Bear:
(font: "Khand")[(cyclinglink: "watched and waited.", "used his grenade.", "opened fire with
his rifle (Swift Feet).", "summoned the Spirit
of the Prairie (Magic).")]</span>
(align: "=><=")+(css: "font-size: 2em")[<span class='glow2'>(link-reveal: "⛤")[]</span>]</p></div></body></html>\
Each story passage is numbered at the top. Depending on your text choices, there are multiple story paths that the game can branch into, making it impossible to visit every story passage in sequential order.
Hence, some numbers will appear out of order. But, in some cases, numbers appearing out of order, especially three or more numbers, may be a clue that you have missed something in the game, perhaps even something vital.
You will be notified of bonuses, penalties, updated logs, etc. by alert messages that will appear inside a <span class='glow6'>(link-reveal: "message box")[(show: ?1)]</span> like the one below. </span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span><span id="content2-4-2">(display: "Star Glow 2")</span><span id="content2-1-2"><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3">
|1)[(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #ff005e)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[-2 Brain Power.]]]]]
|1)[(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Lore.]]]]]
|1)[(align: "=><=")+(font: "Khand")+(text-style: "bold")[(color: #D4AF37)+(text-style: "smear")[(color: black)[(transition: "pulse")[+1 Secrets.
Missions Updated:
◈ Mission One.]]]]]
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3"> At certain intervals throughout the game, if you do not have enough points in an ability, you will be unable to progress any further and the story will end. Just as in the choose your own adventures, there are some text choices that will result in failure or death and end the story. There are likewise a few combat scenarios in the game that will end the story should your health reach zero.
Fortunately, you will have the opportunity to save the game at each new chapter and, should a text choice, combat, or low ability score result in a game over, you'll be given the option to restart from the most recent save point; however, keep in mind that the game is saved in your browser and will be deleted if your browser cache is cleared.
Upon the successful completion of each chapter you will be shown how well you did and given a total score and rank from Novice to Champion. It will also be revealed to you how many secrets you unlocked, bonus points gained, special items acquired, etc. in each chapter out of a total number of secrets.
If there's something you happen to miss, you can choose to restart the chapter from the previous save point if you wish, or continue on.
Good luck!</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
<span id="content8"><span id="content2-1"><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")]
<span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3">The War of Ten Dogs is over.
Jueyuan and his ten mongrel Generals have been defeated.
The veterans have returned home.
Many return to the city of Mythicus at the heart of the World Tree.
Others return to the Windless Prairie, or the southern border towns.
Guilt-stricken, wondering with every breath why they survived, and their comrades didn't?
But the war was not the only place to know suffering.
It was not the only place to know violence or bloodshed.
For there was much to be found elsewhere in the World Tree...
Those who lay curses will themselves be cursed.
Those who sow destruction will themselves be destroyed.
Those who invoke the Creator Spirit's wrath.
Will themselves receive it.</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
<span id="content8"><span id="content2-1"><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
<span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3">The War of Ten Dogs is over.
Jueyuan and his ten mongrel Generals have been defeated.
The veterans have returned home.
Many return to the city of Mythicus at the heart of the World Tree.
Others return to the Windless Prairie, or the southern border towns.
Guilt-stricken, wondering with every breath why they survived, and their comrades didn't?
But the war was not the only place to know suffering.
It was not the only place to know violence or bloodshed.
For there was much to be found elsewhere in the World Tree...
Those who lay curses will themselves be cursed.
Those who sow destruction will themselves be destroyed.
Those who invoke the Creator Spirit's wrath.
Will themselves receive it.</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
<span id="content8"><span id="content2-1"><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")]
<span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3">(align: "=><=")[
####Interactive Fiction
####Role-Playing Game
(color: #D4AF37)[story:]
(text-style: "underline")+(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[Southwest]
Writing Krew
(color: #D4AF37)[music & artwork:]
(color: #D4AF37)[designed and
published by:]
(font: "Khand")+(css: "font-size: .8em")[made with Twine 2.3.5 and Harlowe 3.1; all music used in the production of this game was listed as license free/public domain, Creative Commons, and/or has been provided attribution to meet the requirements of usage and is used in good faith; all artwork was listed as license free/public domain, and/or Creative Commons, and used in good faith, and has been recreated into original and unique transformative artwork under fair use and owned by No Sell Productions; images were checked using TinEye Reverse Image Search www.tineye.com and to the best of our knowledge none of the images used in the production of this game violate copyright; all music used in the production of this game is done so in good faith that said music has been accurately listed by their creators as license free/public domain, Creative Commons, and/or Creative Commons requiring attribution; No Sell Out Productions is not liable or responsible for any misrepresentation by said creators of their works and will immediately remove any images/music from the game should they be proven to be in violation of copyright.]
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(display: "Star Glow")]
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]
<span id="content8"><span id="content2-1"><span id="content11"><img src='img/AnimaliaHeader3.png' width=100% height=100%></span><span id="content2-1-2">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Multi-Symbol Glow")
<span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span><span id="content2-3">(align: "=><=")[
####Interactive Fiction
####Role-Playing Game
(color: #D4AF37)[story:]
(text-style: "underline")+(css: "font-size: 1.16em")[Southwest]
Writing Krew
(color: #D4AF37)[music & artwork:]
(color: #D4AF37)[designed and
published by:]
(font: "Khand")+(css: "font-size: .8em")[made with Twine 2.3.5 and Harlowe 3.1; all music used in the production of this game was listed as license free/public domain, Creative Commons, and/or has been provided attribution to meet the requirements of usage and is used in good faith; all artwork was listed as license free/public domain, and/or Creative Commons, and used in good faith, and has been recreated into original and unique transformative artwork under fair use and owned by No Sell Productions; images were checked using TinEye Reverse Image Search www.tineye.com and to the best of our knowledge none of the images used in the production of this game violate copyright; all music used in the production of this game is done so in good faith that said music has been accurately listed by their creators as license free/public domain, Creative Commons, and/or Creative Commons requiring attribution; No Sell Out Productions is not liable or responsible for any misrepresentation by said creators of their works and will immediately remove any images/music from the game should they be proven to be in violation of copyright.]
</span><span id="content12">(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]
(display: "Star Glow")
(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")+(css: "font-size: .994em")[(color: black)[⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋⛋]]</span></span></span>
(align: "=><=")+(color: #720027)+(text-style: "outline")[(color: black)[⛋]]