[ANNOUNCE] WackyComp Author: David Glasser <glasser@DELETEuscom.com> Date: 1999/01/18 Forum: rec.arts.int-fiction ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The mini comps last year were fun. WackyComp: write games, submit them {ano,pseudo}nymically, we guess who they were written by. Fun for the whole family. Get them to me (email glasser@uscom.com or something else) by the last day of February. They must be related to one of the following quotes: --- No knot unties itself. Sometimes the things you most wish for are not to be touched. The harder to get, the better to have[0] Slotted spoons don't hold much soup. The prettier the flower, the farther from the path. Opportunity is not a lengthy visitor. You may know what you need, but to get what you want, better see that you keep what you have. --- Prizes, winners? Who knows. Let's just write some games. --David "so the script was in front of me" Glasser [0] Agreed? [1] Agreed. -- David Glasser glasser@NOSPAMuscom.com http://onramp.uscom.com/~glasser