The Z-machine, And How To Emulate It

                     ...being a Rewrite of Graham Nelson's
                  Standard 0.2 Specification of the Z-machine

                         version 0.6e, 28 November 1996
                  (this text file created on 28 November 1996)

                   by Marnix Klooster <>


- From version 0.6d onwards, this document is written using the document
  formatting language Lout.  This makes it is available in both plain ASCII and
  PostScript, but not in DVI format.
- Feedback on all aspects of this rewrite is very welcome.  These include my
  (ab)use of the English language, typos, errors, obscurities, structure, and
  the Questions that appear throughout.  Feel free to write me, and get your
  name mentioned in the introduction!

Major changes from version 0.6 to 0.6a

- Renumbered sections 3-6 to 5, 4, 6, 3.
- Simplified text style handling.
- Simplified the buffering process.
- Completed section 8.

Major changes since version 0.6a

- Introduced modes `predictable' and `unpredictable' for the random generator.
- Added an index.

To Do

- Add something on menus.
- Correct fixed/variable-width font selection in V3 (and higher?).
- Check all details against Standard 0.2 [Nelson], the changes described in the
  Informal Z-machine Newsletter #1, and Stefan Jokisch's list of comments.
- Disallow output characters 1024-65535?
- Add table describing the graphics font; or create a separate document for
  that; or refer to [Nelson] (but then this document won't be self-contained).
- Complete, correct, and beautify the index.
- Add a diagram describing the Z-machine's structure.

Contents              Page numbers differ between PostScript and text versions!

0.  Introduction  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     2
1.  How To Read This Document    .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     3
2.  General Structure And Operation    .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     5
3.  Data Structures  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    11
4.  The Video Card   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    18
5.  Characters, Fonts, And Styles   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    24
6.  The I/O Card  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    28
7.  The Structure Of Instructions   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    32
8.  A Catalogue Of Instructions  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    35
Miscellaneous Tables    .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    56

                                     - 2 -

References  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    63

Index    .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    65


The Z-machine is a (basically) elegant imaginary computer that runs text-
adventure games. It was conceived and designed by the founders of Infocom,
a company that produced a line of high-quality adventure games in the 1980s.
By writing these in Z-code, and emulating the Z-machine on many different
computers, Infocom succeeded in reaching a wide audience.  Their emulators
-- and a number of free ones -- make programs written for the Z-machine very
portable.  Over the years there has been a large amount of archeology into
the world of the Z-machine and its emulators, the main investigators being
the InfoTaskForce (ITF), Paul David Doherty, Mark Howell, Matthias Pfaller,
and Mike Threepoint.  The reason for these investigations is that today, the
Z-machine still is a good vehicle for running text adventures -- or Interactive
Fiction, as the admirers of this form of art like to call it.

Below, I attempt to completely describe the Z-machine, and give hints about
its emulation; therefore, this document might be of use to writers of emulators
and Z-code alike.  I draw heavily on the definitive guide to the Z-machine and
its history, Graham Nelson's ``Specification of the Z-machine'' [Nelson]; in
fact, his Specification inspired me to do this rewrite.  To steal a quotation
from it:

     ``The highest ideal of a translation [...] is achieved when the
     reader flings it impatiently into the fire, and begins patiently to
     learn the language for himself.''

Well, here is another translation for you to feed to the flames.  I am well
aware that I can't hope to match Graham's literary style of writing; but what
I lose in poetry, maybe I can make up for in clarity.  I wrote this mainly for
myself, as a clarifying and concise supplement to his Specification; perhaps
others find it useful too.  If not, feel free to ignore it.  In any case,
please let me know what you think.

An alert reader will probably find places where this rewrite contradicts the
Specification.  In such cases he or she should follow the Specification -- and
I wouldn't mind being informed of these contradictions.

Many thanks go to Paul David Doherty and Stefan Jokisch for their detailed
comments on earlier versions of this document -- which probably never
would have existed at all without everything Graham Nelson has done for the
interactive fiction community.

There is an electronic mailing list available for discussion of the Z-machine,
thanks to the kind people at GMD in Germany.  To subscribe, send electronic
mail to containing the following text in the BODY of the

     subscribe z-machine YourEMailAddress@Goes.Here

                                     - 3 -

Unsubscribing can be done similarly, replacing subscribe by unsubscribe.  For
more information on Infocom, Inform (Graham Nelson's compiler targeted at
the Z-machine [Inform]), or interactive fiction in general, take a look
at the Interactive Fiction Archive [IFA], or read the Usenet newsgroup

After section 1, which introduces some terminology, the overall structure of
the Z-machine is described in section 2.  Section 3 explains the main data
structures.  The video card is the subject of section 4.  Section 5 details the
fonts and styles, and section 6 describes how the I/O card uses these.  Next,
section 7 delves into the structure of instructions, and the last section
details the effect of every legal Z-code instruction.  It is followed by an
appendix containing reference tables, and I close off with a few references to
literature and software.


This document describes the structure and operation of the Z-machine.  This
is not an easy thing to do, since there are in fact a number of different
Z-machines. It all began of course with the Infocom Z-machine, of which six
versions were created over the years.  After Infocom deceased, there have been
a number of attempts and proposals to refine and extend the Infocom Z-machine.
The most recent result in this direction is the Standard Z-machine, an attempt
to clear up a number of fuzzy issues, at the same time collecting some useful
extensions.  This document basically describes the Infocom Z-machine, with
Standard extensions and changes marked down explicitly as such.

We will refer to the six different versions of the Z-machine as V1 to V6, Vn+
meaning all versions from n to 6.  Within each version, there are Z-machines
with different capabilities; for instance, some Z-machines can show pictures,
while others cannot.  The machine language of the Z-machine is called Z-code,
which differs a bit between versions.  A game file that is to be run on a
Z-machine is called a Z-program.

STANDARD EXTENSION: Versions 7 and 8 were invented as non-Infocom extensions
by Graham Nelson to accommodate very large Z-programs.  These are completely
equivalent to V5, except for the version number, the meaning of packed
addresses, the maximum program size, and the meaning of the header word at $1A;
see 2.3, and the VERIFY instruction in section 8.

1.1.  Emulators

Since the Z-machine is (still) an imaginary computer, the only way to run
Z-programs is by emulating this machine.  We distinguish between the Z-machine
and its emulators (or interpreters).

It is important to realize that an emulator is only committed to producing the
behaviour that is described in here.  How this behaviour is achieved, i.e.,
how the emulator is implemented, is not important for the purposes of this
specification.  For instance, in the following a distinction is made between
a call stack and a routine stack; an emulator might very well use one stack to
implement these (as indeed ZIP and Frotz do).

On the other hand some emulators might not be able to completely follow the

                                     - 4 -

specification, e.g., for technical reasons.  (For example, most emulators
probably won't implement the unlimited call and routine stacks discussed below.
Or an emulator might just emulate enough of the Z-machine to run one version,
or even one specific game file.)  In such a case, this deviation should be
clearly indicated (e.g., by giving an appropriate message), and if possible a
behaviour in the spirit of the Z-machine should be substituted.

1.2.  Different behaviours

There are some terms that are used here in a technical sense only:  *error*,
*unspecified*, and *legal*. If something is called an *error*, then the
Z-machine presumably crashes at that point.  A friendly emulator would display
an error message and halt, but an unfriendly one might crash, or even go
on as if nothing has happened.  Note that an erroneous construct -- be it
instruction or data structure -- is only an error if it is encountered or
used.  Sometimes the result of an operation is called *unspecified*, and this
is often accompanied by the description of a recommended behaviour.  In this
case an unfriendly emulator might crash, but a friendly one would behave as
recommended, optionally displaying a warning message.  Anything that is not an
error or unspecified is called *legal*; the effects of all legal operations are
completely specified in this document.

The writer of Z-code should avoid anything that is not legal.  Of course, any
situation set down as illegal in this document, but not occuring in an existing
Z-program (i.e., Infocom or Inform game file), could be made legal if the
writers of emulators agree on its interpretation.

1.3.  Notations

There are a number of terms used to refer to numbers:

bit:      either 0 or 1.  In any sequence of bits, the individual bits are
          numbered from right to left, counting from zero.

bottom (top) bit:
          the least (most) significant bit, i.e., the bit with the lowest
          (highest) number.

byte:     a sequence of 8 bits.

word:     a sequence of 16 bits.

natural number:
          0, 1, 2, ...

integer:  ..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...

unsigned: a sequence of bits is read as natural number.

signed:   a sequence of bits is read as an integer.  Let n be the unsigned
          natural number represented by the sequence of bits.  If the top bit
          is 0, the sequence is read as n ; if the top bit is 1, the sequence
                         number of bits
          is read as n -2              .

                                     - 5 -

If x is a sequence of bits, the phrase `x is byte-valued' is used to mean:  x
has an (unsigned) value between 0 and 255, or equivalently:  all bits from bit
8 upwards are 0.

Any sequence of bytes can be interpreted as a sequence of bits, by taking first
the bits of the first byte, then the bits of the second, etc.  Conversely, any
sequence of a 8 *n bits (e.g., a word or a longword) can be split up into n
bytes.  The top 8 bits form the first byte, the next 8 the second byte, etc.

The percent sign `%' followed by a number of bits stands for that sequence of
bits.  (Note that [Nelson] and [Inform] use `$$' instead of `%'.) The dollar
sign $ followed by a number of hexadecimal digits also stands for a sequence
of bits, each digit representing four bits.  The notation `n/m' means bit m at
address n.

Another useful piece of notation is the m-n-table, which consists of m bytes
representing an unsigned number, followed by that much entries of n bytes long.

Taking a number `modulo n' (for n >0) means that a multiple of n is added
to or subtracted from the number to make it at least 0 and less than n. For
example, -535 modulo $10000 equals 65000. The expression floor (n) stands for
the greatest integer that is not greater than n. For example, floor(-3 .1415) =


The main components of the Z-machine are the central processing unit (CPU),
the memory, the call stack, the random number generator, the I/O card, and the
video card; these are connected to the outside world in various ways.  From
version 3 the Z-machine contains a sound card.  From version 4 a timer is
added, and different text styles can be used.  From version 5 the Z-machine
optionally has a save memory, which can be used to revert to a previous
state; and non-ASCII fonts may be provided.  In version 6 the video card can
show pictures, and an optional mouse can be used.  This section describes
all components; a detailed description of the video and I/O cards is deferred
to sections 4, 5, and 6. Finally, the initialisation and operation of the
Z-machine are described.

2.1.  CPU

The CPU is the spider in the web:  it is connected to memory, call stack,
random number generator, video card, and the V3+ sound card.  The CPU reads
instructions from memory, and then decodes and executes them.  It is possible
to interrupt the CPU by giving the address of a routine (see 3.7) to be
executed.  In this case control is passed to the interrupt routine, and the
result of this routine is returned to the caller.  Note that the CPU does not
contain a program counter or any registers; these are found at the top of the
call stack.

2.2.  Call stack

The call stack is a stack of frames, which is unlimited in size.  Each frame
contains a program counter (PC), up to 15 local variables and a routine stack,

                                     - 6 -

and also some administrative information in V3+. On start-up a single frame
is put on the call stack.  When a routine is called a newly created frame is
pushed on top, passing control to the called routine.  On a return instruction,
the top frame is removed and the previous frame comes on top again.  Only
the top frame can be accessed and modified; it gives the current state of the
Z-machine.  A frame consists of the following elements:

o    The PC contains a natural number, which is the memory address where the
     next Z-code instruction is to be found.  Note that this is not limited to
     the size of a word or longword.  This means that in principle memory can
     have any size (although there are reasons that limit the size of memory
     in practice).

o    The routine stack is a stack of words, which is unlimited in size.  A word
     can be pushed on top of the stack, or pulled off again.  It is an error to
     pull a word from an empty routine stack.  A routine stack can only be used
     to store values within one (execution of a) routine; in particular, it
     cannot be used to pass values from one routine to another.

o    The local variables contain words.  There are 0 to 15 local variables
     (numbered from 1 onwards), and this number can not be changed.  It is an
     error to refer to a non-existing local variable.

o    In V3+, each frame also stores the way this routine was called:  as a
     function, procedure, or interrupt. (This is used on a RETurn instruction;
     see 8.5.)

o    In V5+, each frame also contains the number of values passed with the call
     that created this frame.  (This is used to implement the CHECK_ARG_COUNT
     instruction; see 8.5.)

It is an error for any instruction to leave the call stack empty.  Because of
the way the Z-machine works, this amounts to saying that it is an error for a
return instruction to be encountered in the `main routine.'

In V5+ a frame on the call stack can be tagged with a word, called the frame
pointer; at any time, all frame pointers of the call stack must be different.
A frame pointer is created by the CATCH instruction, and removed when its frame
is removed from the call stack.  Frame pointers are used in the instructions

The call stack has a link to a `save file' outside the Z-machine.  Through this
link the current contents of the call stack can be saved, and read back later
(see SAVE and RESTORE in 8.13).

     NOTE: Although in theory the call and routine stacks are unlimited,
     most emulators will have to limit their lengths. As a minimum the
     present limit of ZIP is recommended, which is as follows.  With each
     frame we associate a `size' equal to the number of local variables
     in it, plus the length of its routine stack, plus 4.  The emulator
     should then operate as specified as long as the total `size' of the
     frames on the call stack remains less than 1020.

2.3.  Memory

The memory consists of an unlimited number of bytes, numbered by addresses from

                                     - 7 -

0 onwards.  We will refer to a sequence of bytes (byte, word, etc.)  stored
from address n upwards as ``the ... at n''.

Z-programs use a number of ways to refer to addresses; each is represented as
a word.  A byte address is an unsigned word that is simply read as an address.
A word address is an unsigned word w that is read as the address 2 *w.  (Note
that word addresses are only used in the abbreviations table; see 3.2.) In
order to be able to reference even higher addresses, the notion of a packed
address is introduced.  This is a word w that is read as an address a using the
following formula:

                             2 *w        for V 1  -  3

                         a=  4 *w        for V 4  -  5
                             4 *w +8 *o  for V 6  -  7

                             8 *w        for V 8

here, the offset o is the contents of the header word at $28 (for routines)
or at $2A (for Z-strings).  Note that this means that (in V6-7) there are two
different kinds of packed addresses, one for routines and one for Z-strings.

On a signal from the CPU, a part of the memory beginning from address 0 is
initialized with a Z-program via a link to the outside world.  The length of
a Z-program is the number of locations that are initialized.  It is an error
to reference a non-initialised byte of memory.  From now on, when we speak of
`memory,' we mean `the initialized part of memory.'

Although not strictly necessary, the following limit is imposed on the length
of a Z-program:

                                  V1-3:  128K
                                  V4-5:  256K
                                  V6-7:  576K
                                  V8:    512K

It is unspecified what happens when a Z-program is run that exceeds this limit.
It is recommended that it is processed as usual.

Depending on the contents of the memory, its locations are divided into RAM,
ROM, and IROM (for Initialisable ROM). The contents of every location can be
read, but only RAM may be written to by Z-instructions.  It is an error to
write to ROM. IROM may be written to by the CPU on special occasions (e.g., on
start-up), but it is an error for a Z-instruction to directly write to IROM.

The first 64 bytes of memory are called the header; this is a mix of RAM,
ROM and IROM. The meaning of the header information, and the types of its
locations, are laid out in table 3 in the appendix.

     NOTE: To help disassemblers, it is strongly recommended that all
     unused bits and bytes of a Z-program are set to 0.  Note that this is
     mandatory for the header; see table 3 in the appendix.

Memory is divided into two contiguous parts, which are known as dynamic and
static memory, respectively.  (Dynamic memory is also known as the `save
area.') The byte address in the header word at $0E gives the address of the
first location of static memory.  It is an error if there are non-initialized

                                     - 8 -

locations before this one.  Every non-header byte in dynamic memory is RAM;
static memory consists entirely of ROM.

It is unspecified what happens if dynamic memory is less than 64 bytes long.
Recommended behaviour is to behave as described, or else to display an error
message and halt.

     NOTE: Because of the Z-machine's instruction set, above address $FFFF
     only strings and routines stored at packed addresses can be accessed
     by a Z-program.  This means that at most 64K is available for general

The memory, just as the call stack, has a link to the outside world that is
used to read or write the contents of dynamic memory.  In V5+, there is a
similar link to the save memory.

Finally, there is another way to divide memory into two contiguous parts:
resident and paged (or high) memory. This distinction has no effect on the
behaviour of the Z-machine at all, but can be used to speed up its emulation.
It was made to help emulators on computer systems that do not have enough
memory to store an entire Z-program.  The resident part of Z-machine memory
should be quickly accessible, for speed reasons; in practice, this means that
this part should always be in computer memory.  For the paged part, speed is
not that critical; in practice, pieces of paged memory (`pages') can be read
from disk when they are needed.

Paged memory begins at the byte address stored in the header word at $04.
It is unspecified what happens when paged memory begins in dynamic memory;
it is recommended that paged dynamic memory can be read and written just as
resident dynamic memory.  Note that most existing emulators can not handle this

2.4.  I/O Card

The I/O card, which is connected to the CPU, handles all character based input
and output of the Z-machine.  It reads input from the keyboard (and in V6 the
optional mouse), or from a command script; it can output to the video card, a
game transcript, a command script, and memory.  For this reason it has access
to the different fonts and styles.  A detailed description of its operations is
deferred to the section 6.

2.5.  Video card

The video card is placed between the I/O card and the screen, and its job is
to show the text output of a Z-program on the screen in windows.  In V6 it
also has access to data for showing pictures; these are not stored anywhere in
Z-machine memory, and the Z-machine neither knows nor cares about the picture
format that is used.

The Z-machine neither knows nor cares about the format of the picture data.
Pictures are just rectangles of units, and they are numbered with non-zero
natural numbers.  The video card answers questions from the CPU about the
height and width of the pictures it has access to.  A V6 Z-machine should set
header bit $10-$11/3 correctly on start-up, to let the Z-program know whether
it can show pictures or not.  It is unspecified what happens when a V6 machine

                                     - 9 -

without picture capability encounters a picture instruction.  Recommended
behaviour is to ignore the instruction.

The capabilities of the video card are described in detail in section 4.
Because the video card always handles one screen, in the rest of this document
we will often ignore the distinction between these two.  Note however that the
screen is not a part of the Z-machine, but just a rather dumb output device
that only knows how to show rectangles of (possibly coloured) characters or
pixels, and (in V6) can be asked about the displayed colours.

2.6.  Random number generator

The random number generator is used to introduce a chance element in
Z-programs.  On request, it generates a number in the range from 1 to n
inclusive, where n is a given number between 1 and 32767 inclusive; see the
RANDOM instruction in 8.14. The generator is in one of two modes:  predictable
or unpredictable.  Initially, it is in unpredictable mode, which causes the
generated numbers to be really random and uniformly distributed.  When putting
the generator in predictable mode, a `seed' is supplied.  In this case, for
the same seed the same sequence of requests is guaranteed to generate the same
sequence of numbers.

     NOTE: Z-programs should not rely too much on the randomness of
     the generated numbers.  Emulators should try hard to produce good
     random numbers; there is a case known where a bad generator made a
     game unwinnable.

2.7.  Sound Card

From V3 the Z-machine contains a sound card.  This card has access to the sound
data; these are not stored anywhere in Z-machine memory, and the Z-machine
neither knows nor cares about the sound format that is used.  A Z-program
refers to sounds by numbers beginning from 1. Sounds 1 and 2 are a high-pitched
and a low-pitched beep respectively.  The other sounds (`sound effects') are
unspecified, and are generally emulator-dependent.

Header bits $10-$11/4 (V3), $10-$11/7 (V5+), and $01/5 (V6) indicate whether
the sound card can produce sound effects.  These bits should be set on start-
up, according to the configuration of the Z-machine.  The sound card should
produce the sound effect that is asked for, or a good substitute; if that is
not possible the sound card should be silent, which in most cases has the same
effect as ignoring the sound instruction.  (If a sound effect cannot be played,
a warning message might be displayed by the emulator.)

The sound card plays at most one sound effect at any given time, independently
of the operation of other parts of the Z-machine.  A sound effect can be played
at 8 volume levels, it can (in V4+) be repeated 1 to 254 times or indefinitely,
and (in V5+) an interrupt can be generated when playing has been completed.
Beeps are played independently of sound effects.  Initially the sound card is

2.8.  Timer

From V4, a timer is added to the Z-machine.  This makes it possible for the

                                     - 10 -

CPU to wait for a given number of (real world) seconds in the range of 0.1 to
6553.5 seconds, with a resolution of 0.1 seconds.

2.9.  Save memory

In V5+ the Z-machine optionally has a save memory, which can be used to
store and restore a snapshot of the dynamic memory and the call stack of
the Z-machine.  On a signal from the CPU, the contents of dynamic memory and
call stack are copied to save memory, or vice versa.  It is unspecified what
the contents of the save memory are directly after start-up, a restart, or a
RESTORE_UNDO instruction; a RESTORE_UNDO instruction fails in these cases.

[TODO: Add something on multiple undo?]

2.10.  Mouse

A V6 Z-machine can optionally be connected to a mouse; if none is present at
start-up, header bit $10-$11/5 should be cleared.  Mouse clicks are reported
to a Z-program as special input characters, the so-called `function keys';
see section 5.1. On a mouse click, the screen coordinates of the mouse pointer
are written in the first two words of the `extension table,' (see 3.9).
If the Z-machine is connected to a mouse, this table must have at least two
entries.  The first of these contains the mouse x coordinate, the second the
y coordinate.

It is possible to constrain the mouse pointer to a given screen window, using
the MOUSE_WINDOW instruction; see 8.12. In this case all clicks outside this
window are ignored.  Initially the mouse pointer is constrained to window 1.

2.11.  Initialization

When the Z-machine is started or restarted, a number of initialisation steps
are performed.

o    On restart only, the current value of the `printer transcript bit' (header
     bit $10-$11/0) is remembered.

o    The memory is initialized with a Z-program; on a restart, this is the same
     Z-program as used on start-up.

o    A number of bits and bytes in the header are written, depending on the
     capabilities of this specific Z-machine.  This includes most of the bits
     marked ``IROM'' in table 3 in the appendix.  On restart only, the `printer
     transcript bit' is set the to the value remembered in the first step.

o    All components are initialized; e.g., the screen is cleared, the sound
     card is silenced, etc.

o    The call stack is made to contain a single frame, containing in V1-5:

     --   a PC which is set to the byte address in the header word at $06;

     --   no local variables;

                                     - 11 -

     --   an empty routine stack.

     In V6 execution begins at a routine, the packed routine address of which
     is in the header word at $06.  The single start-up frame is now almost the
     same as the one created for a call instruction using that address:

     --   a PC which is set to that address plus 1;

     --   a number of local variables which is found in the byte at that
          address, all initialized to zero;

     --   an empty routine stack.

     In V5+ it is unspecified what the number of passed values to this routine
     is set to; 0 is the recommended value.  Note that in V5+ it is not
     necessary to specify how this routine was called, as this fact is never
     used:  a return instruction is illegal from the `main routine.'

After this, the Z-machine begins to execute Z-code.

2.12.  Operation

While the Z-machine is running, the following steps are repeated until it is
halted (i.e., a QUIT instruction is carried out):

o    If an interrupt has been generated by an outside event (i.e., a sound
     effect has finished), that routine is called as an interrupt without
     passing it any values, and ignoring the returned value.  This step is then
     executed again.

o    The Z-code instruction beginning at the PC address is read.  (This
     excludes the so-called string, result, and branch arguments.)  Note that
     it is legal for a Z-code instruction to appear in RAM; this makes self-
     modifying code possible.

o    The PC is set to the address after the instruction.

o    The instruction is carried out, possibly resulting in changes to the PC,
     or any other writable locations.

It is an error to try to execute an instruction that is not recognized by
the Z-machine which is used. Still, after displaying a suitable message, an
emulator might try to ignore the offending instruction and continue execution.
This is especially the case with unrecognized `extended instructions' (see
section 7.1) which are probably post-Infocom extensions.


There are a number of regions in a Z-program containing information that is
used in a special way by the Z-machine.  This section describes these data
structures, beginning with those concerning text.

                                     - 12 -

3.1.  Z-strings and Z-characters

A Z-string is a sequence of words that represents a piece of text.  Text is in
fact just a sequence of output character numbers (see 5.1) to be printed in the
current font and style.

Each word of a Z-string consists of an end marker (bit 15) and three
Z-characters of five bits each (bits 14 to 10, bits 9 to 5, and bits 4 to
0).  Only the last word of a Z-string has an end marker of %1.  In this way
a Z-string is in fact a sequence of Z-characters.  (Note that many Z-strings
stored in memory begin at packed string addresses, but this is not mandatory.)

Note that the concepts `Z-character' and `output character' must not be
confused.  Also note that the term `word' is used exclusively for a sequence of
16 bits.

A Z-character is a number in the range of 0 to 31.  The meaning of a
Z-character depends on the current alphabet.  There are three alphabets, for
lower case (L), upper case (U) and punctuation (P).  The following table shows
the built-in character set. A circumflex (^) indicates that this Z-character
has a special meaning that is described below.  The other Z-characters are
converted to the ASCII-codes of the characters shown.

                                1    1    2    2    3
                      0    5    0    5    0    5    0
                  L    ^^^^^abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
                  U    ^^^^^ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
                  P    ^^^^^^0123456789.,!?_#'"/\<-:()  (V1)
                  P    ^^^^^^^0123456789.,!?_#'"/\-:()  (V2+)

As an example, Z-character 6 in alphabet L represents the output character
97, which is the ASCII code for `a'.  Note that Z-character 0 means output
character 32 (an ASCII space) in all alphabets.

Note that the distinction between the character shown in the above table and
its ASCII-code becomes important when using a non-ASCII font (see 5.2).

The special codes have the following meaning.  In V1-2, characters 2 to 5 are
used for alphabet changes.  In V1, character 1 means newline in all alphabets.
In V2+, character 7 in alphabet P means newline.  In V2, character 1 is an
abbreviation character.  In V3+, characters 1 to 3 are abbreviation characters,
and only characters 4 and 5 are used for alphabet changes.  In all versions,
character 6 of alphabet P indicates that a literal output character is given.

Because the number of characters in a Z-string is always a multiple of 3,
in some cases extra characters have to be added -- this is called `padding.'
For this purpose all alphabet change characters can be used; conventionally
character 5 is used, as this is also the pad character used by ENCODE_TEXT.
The use of character 5 is mandatory in padding entries in a sorted dictionary
(see 3.3).

In V5+ a Z-program can contain an alternative character set, which replaces
(part of) the built-in one described above.  The word at $34 in the header
contains either 0, or the byte address where the alternative character set is
stored.  It consists of three sequences of 26 bytes, for Z-characters 6 to 31
from alphabets L, U and P, respectively; each of these bytes is interpreted as

                                     - 13 -

an output character.  Characters 0 to 5, and characters 6 and 7 from alphabet
P, have the same meaning as for the built-in character set.  (This means that
the alternative values for characters 6 and 7 from alphabet P are ignored.)  It
strongly recommended that all output characters in an alternative character set
are different.  [Question:  Should this be mandatory?]

3.2.  Converting a Z-string

This subsection describes how to convert a Z-string to a sequence of
output characters.  This is done by taking one (or sometimes two or three)
Z-characters at a time.  During conversion two alphabets are remembered,
called the `current' and `lock' alphabets.  The current alphabet is the one
in which the next Z-character must be interpreted, while the lock alphabet
gives the long-term interpretation.  After converting one (or two or three)
Z-characters that was not an alphabet change, the current alphabet is set to
the lock alphabet.  At the beginning of converting a Z-string both alphabets
are L. (Note that the description below implies that in V3+ the lock alphabet
is always L.) The next paragraphs state how to convert individual Z-characters:
ordinary characters, newlines, abbreviations, literal output characters and
alphabet changes.

A Z-character that is not a special code in the current alphabet is converted
to an output character, using either the built-in or the alternative character
set; see above.

A newline Z-character (i.e., 1 in all alphabets in V1, or 7 in alphabet P in
V2+) is simply converted to output character 13, i.e., a newline.

An abbreviation character (i.e., 1 in V2, and also 2 and 3 in V3+, in all
alphabets) is always interpreted together with the next character.  These
characters represent an abbreviation, which is stored as a Z-string.
(Incomplete abbreviations are ignored.)  If a is the abbreviation character
and b is the next character, then these point to abbreviation Eq(a-1)*32+b.
A table of abbreviations is stored in memory (usually in RAM) beginning
at the byte address stored in the header word at $18.  This is a contiguous
list of 32 (in V2) or 96 (in V3+) words, which are the word addresses where
the abbreviation Z-strings are stored.  An abbreviation is converted to
whatever its Z-string converts to.  It is unspecified what happens if an
abbreviation Z-string itself uses abbreviations; recommended behaviour is to
behave as described above, and give an error message if abbreviations are used
recursively.  [Question:  [Nelson] says that an abbreviation Z-string may not
end with an incomplete multi-Z-character construction.  I don't see why not.]

Character 6 in alphabet P is always interpreted with the next two Z-characters,
and converted to a single output character of 10 bits.  (Incomplete literal
output character constructions are ignored.)  This is done by taking the five
bits of the first of these characters, followed by the five bits of the second.

Alphabet changes are converted to nothing, but they can change the current and
lock alphabets.  Their effects are given in the following table:

                                char.  L   U  P
                                2,4    U   P  L
                                3,5    P   L  U

                                     - 14 -

(Note that only 4 and 5 are alphabet changes in V3+.) This gives for the
current alphabet and for each character from 2 to 5 the alphabet that is
changed to, i.e., the new current alphabet.  If the character is 4 or 5, in
V1-2 the lock alphabet is also set to this alphabet; otherwise it remains
unchanged.  Note that this means that the lock alphabet is always L under V3+.
Note also that a sequence of alphabet changes at the end of a Z-string has
no effect.

     NOTE: Because of differences between existing emulators, it is
     strongly recommended that the writer of Z-strings avoids multiple
     `shift' alphabet changes (V1-2: 2,3; V3+: 4,5) in a row, except for
     padding purposes (see above).  Such a sequence is otherwise useless,
     since it can be replaced with a single alphabet change having the
     same effect.

[Question:  For V3+ the behaviour described here differs a bit from what
[ZIP] and [Frotz] do and [Nelson] says, but it is what Paul David Doherty says
Infocom interpreters do.  In effect, in V3+ ZIP and [Nelson] set the current
alphabet to L before processing an alphabet character in the way described
above.  This difference shows itself in some unlikely cases.  An example is a
Z-string beginning with Z-characters 5, 5, 20. The described procedure converts
this to `O' (character 20 from the U alphabet), but ZIP gives `!' (from the
P alphabet).  On a related note, the ITF interpreter generates `!' for this
sequence in V3+, but all following characters are interpreted in the P alphabet
too.  This means it erroneously has a `shift lock' in V3+.]

3.3.  Dictionaries

The main dictionary, which is pointed to by the byte address in the header word
at $08, begins with a header.  This consists of the separators (a 1-1-table of
input characters), an (unsigned) byte representing the length of each entry,
and a (signed) word representing the number of entries that follow the header.
Then follow the entries themselves.

It is an error for a dictionary to have an entry length of less than 4 (V1-3)
or 6 (V4+). The first 4 (V1-3) or 6 (V4+) bytes of an entry contain a Z-string
(of 6 or 9 Z-characters), and the Z-machine does not care about the contents of
the other bytes.  [Question:  Should we demand that the Z-strings are unique?
Or perhaps only in the sorted case?] To be useful, the Z-string in an entry
must not use abbreviations or characters 6-31 from alphabet U, and use 5 as the
padding character; for an explanation, see ENCODE_TEXT in 8.14.

The dictionary entries must be sorted on the Z-strings they contain, except as
noted below.  The Z-strings are compared in numerical order, regarding their 4
or 6 bytes as an unsigned integer.  This means that the order is more or less
alphabetical for the built-in character set.

In V5+ there are instructions that can use an alternative dictionary which has
the same structure as the main one.  In an alternative dictionary, however, it
is legal to give a negative number of entries, say -s.  This means that there
are s entries, but that they are unsorted.  It is an error for a dictionary
with a positive number of entries to be unsorted.  It is unspecified what
happens when the main dictionary is unsorted.  Recommended behaviour is that it
is used as usual.

                                     - 15 -

3.4.  Objects, their attributes and properties

Simulation of a world using the Z-machine relies on objects.  An object stores
all relevant information about a single entity in the simulated world.  The
number of objects is finite, but is not stored explictitly in a Z-program.
Objects can be changed (and even added or deleted) by writing directly to the
memory locations where they are stored -- but this is not recommended.

Every object has a name, attributes, and properties. There is a fixed set of
attributes.  For each object, each attribute is either true or false. There is
a fixed set of properties.  For each object, a property is either present on
the object, and contains a sequence of data bytes; or it is absent.  For every
property, there is a word that gives a default value; this is used when reading
a property which is not present on an object.

The objects are arranged as a collection of family trees.  Every object has
at most one parent, and zero or more children (which are thus siblings of each
other).  Each object knows only three of its relations:  its parent, its first
child, and its next sibling; or commonly:  its parent, child, and sibling.

The object tree must be consistent, i.e., the following must hold:

o    Every object that has a (next) sibling also has a parent.

o    Each object is the parent of the objects in the `sibling chain' that
     begins with its (first) child, and only of those.  (This chain is
     understood to be empty if there is no (first) child; the object is then
     the parent of no object at all.)

o    No object occurs in the `sibling chain' that begins with its own (next)
     sibling.  (As above, this chain is empty if the object has no (next)

It is an error to use an inconsistent object tree, but most emulators are
probably not able to check this properly.  Note that the object tree is
consistent if it is so initially, and only the REMOVE_OBJ and INSERT_OBJ
instructions are used to change it.  The emulator might show a warning message
if the object tree is initially inconsistent.

Note that recursive trees are not forbidden, because there exist Infocom games
that produce them (although due to bugs).  They can be avoided by following
this additional consistency rule:

o    No object occurs in the `parent chain' that begins with its own parent.
     (As above, this chain is empty if the object has no parent.)

This can be ensured if the object tree is initially consistent, and the
INSERT_OBJ instruction is used carefully; see its description in section 8.

Note that Inform [Inform] uses an `aged' terminology:  the first child of an
object is called the eldest, and the last of its children the youngest.  This
is a bit odd, since INSERT_OBJ -- the only instruction to add children -- adds
an object as the first of the sibling chain; it seems reasonable to refer to
this newly added object as the *youngest* child.

                                     - 16 -

3.5.  Representing objects

Because the representation of objects differs between V1-3 and V4+, this
subsection gives a description for V1-3, with changes for V4+ put in

Objects are numbered from 1, and `object number' 0 is often used to mean `no
such object exists.'  Note that this is sometimes called `object 0.'  That is
not done here, since this `object' is unlike all others:  it has no name, no
attributes, and no properties.

The number of objects is at most 255, an unsigned byte (65535, an unsigned
word).  [Question:  Frotz 2.01 uses a maximum of 2000 objects.  Where does
this restriction come from?] It is an error to reference a non-existing object,
but most emulators do not check this.  Attributes are numbered from 0 to 31
(47).  Properties are numbered from 1 to 31 (63).  Each property present on an
object contains 1 to 8 (63) data bytes; this length can not be changed during
execution of a Z-program, except by directly writing the property lists --
which is legal, but not recommended.

The byte address in the header word at $0A is either 0, and there are no
objects; or it points to the beginning of the object table. The object table
consists of two parts:  first comes the property defaults table, and then the
object entries.  Each object entry stores its attributes and relations, and
a pointer to its property list; this stores the property information for the
object, and also its name.

If the Z-program has objects, it is mandatory that a property list be stored
directly after the last object entry.  This requirement makes it possible to
compute the number of objects.  [Question:  Why should this be mandatory, and
not a recommendation?  Failing this condition would simply mean that tools like
`txd' cannot compute the number of objects.] Note that existing Infocom and
Inform game files store all property lists there, and Inform even puts them in
object order.

     NOTE: In theory the number of objects is not fixed, since the memory
     locations where they are stored can be arbitrarily manipulated by
     the Z-program.  In practice most emulators assume that this is not
     done, but a really friendly emulator might issue a warning message if
     it is.

The property defaults table contains 31 (63) words, giving the default property
data for each property.  It is followed by the object entries, beginning from
object 1.  Each entry contains 4 (6) attribute bytes, followed by three bytes
(words) indicating the parent, sibling, and child objects, and finally a word
giving the byte address at which the object's property list begins.  The top
bit of the attribute bytes refers to attribute 0, the bottom bit to attribute
31 (47).  If an object number in an entry is 0, this means that the object has
no such relation.

A property list consists of this object's name -- which is a Z-string preceded
by an unsigned byte containing its length in words -- a number of property
entries, and a zero byte that terminates the list.  A property entry contains
one (one or two) size byte(s), followed by 1 to 8 (63) bytes of property data;
the (first) size byte holds the number of data bytes minus 1 in the top 3 (2)
bits, and the property number in the bottom 5 (6) bits.  (In V4+ there is one
exception:  if the top bit of the first size byte is %1, i.e., the number of

                                     - 17 -

bytes would be either 3 or 4, there are two size bytes.  The second size byte
contains the number of data bytes as its bottom 6 bits, and its top bit is %1;
the number of data bytes may not be 0. The use of bit 6 of a second size byte
is unknown; Inform always sets it to %0.) The entries in a property list must
be sorted in order of descending property number; it is an error for a property
number to occur more than once in a property list.  It is also an error for
property number 0 to occur.

3.6.  Global variables

There are 240 global variables, numbered 0 to 239.  As with the local
variables, each global variable contains a word.  Unlike the local variables,
the global variables are stored in memory (usually in RAM), as 240 consecutive
words beginning from the byte address found in the word at $0C.

For V1-3 the first three global variables have a special meaning in
constructing the status bar; see section 4.

     NOTE: In V1-3 global variable 0 contains the number of the object
     representing the location where the player is.  It is strongly
     recommended that global 0 is always used in this way, if the
     Z-program has a notion of `current location.'  Similarly, if a score
     and a number of turns (or a time in hours and minutes) is kept, it is
     strongly recommended to store these in globals 1 and 2 respectively.

3.7.  Routines

A routine is nothing more than a very simple header that is put before Z-code
instructions, and always begins at a packed routine address.  The first
(unsigned) byte of a routine indicates the number of local variables the
routine has.  It is an error for this to be greater than 15.  In V1-4, this
is followed by the same number of words, giving the default initial values
for the local variables.  (Note that in V5+ a default initial value of zero is
assumed.)  Execution of the routine begins at the address after this routine

A routine can be called in three different ways:  as a function or procedure,
using a CALL instruction; and as an interrupt, on specific events, such as
an input timing out, a sound effect finishing, and a `newline count' reaching
zero.  Details about CALLing and RETurning from routines can be found in
2.2 and 8.5.  When a routine is called as an interrupt, in effect a CALL
instruction is executed, but the newly created call stack frame now stores that
this was an interrupt call.

[Question:  A non-Infocom extension that could easily be implemented using
interrupts is an action to be taken when the screen size changes.  A word
in the extension table (see 3.9) could be used to point to an interrupt
routine to be called whenever the screen size is changed, zero indicating
that no interrupt routine is provided.  If there are plans to introduce more
interrupts, it might be better to use an interrupt table, pointed to from the
extension table.]

                                     - 18 -

3.8.  User stacks

User stacks are available in V6.  A user stack is a stack of words that,
unlike the routine stack, is stored in memory.  It consists of an unsigned word
representing the number of words that can still be pushed onto it (the stack
pointer), followed by that many words (the free words), and after that the
words that are on the stack (beginning with the top element).

When the stack pointer is 0, it is impossible to push anything onto the stack.
When a word is pushed onto a user stack, it is written in the highest free
word, and the stack pointer is decremented by one.  When a word is pulled off,
the stack pointer is incremented by one, and the contents of the (now) highest
free word is returned.

Note that there is no way to detect underflow (i.e., pulling off an empty
stack) for user stacks:  a user stack is a bottomless pit.  A Z-program must
make its own arrangements to remember where the bottom of the stack is located.

3.9.  Extension table

The extension table is a 2-2-table beginning at the byte address stored in the
header word at $36.  (If there is no extension table, this address is 0.) The
first two words, if present, store the x and y coordinates of the mouse pointer
(see 2.10). The meaning of the other entries, if present, is unspecified; they
might be used for future Z-machine extensions.


To make interaction possible there must be a way to put data into the
Z-machine, and get results out of it.  The center of interactivity is the
screen, which is only accessible via the video card.  This section describes
the operations that the video card can perform, and its initial state.

4.1.  The screen

The screen that is connected to the video card is a rectangle of units, a unit
being the smallest addressable part of the screen.  A unit is always indicated
by its position relative to some origin, as a pair (y, x).  y gives the number
of units minus 1 to do down from the origin; x gives the number of columns
minus 1 to go to the right.  This means that the origin itself has coordinates
(1,1), relative to itself.  All dimensions and distances on the screen are
expressed in units, unless otherwise stated.

Note that a unit usually contains a character or a pixel, but this is not
specified.  [Question:  Nelson [Nelson, 8.4.2] says that a unit must contain a
character in V1-4.  This seems incorrect, as it would make an emulator using a
variable-width font impossible for these versions.]

The size of the screen is set at start-up, and can be changed at any time.
It is unspecified what the screen looks like after a screen size change; it
is recommended that the screen is cleared (using an EraseScreen operation).
The screen can be set to be infinitely high; in this case it has no bottom
edge.  [TODO: Add how the header bytes at $20 and $22 (in V4+), and the header

                                     - 19 -

words at $24 and $26 (in V5+), should be set.] [Question:  What does `number
of lines' mean when a V4+ interpreter uses styles of different heights?  And
what does `number of characters per line' mean when a V4+ interpreter uses a
variable-width style?] [Question:  Is an infinite height legal in all versions?
What should the `screen height in units' (header word $24) be in this case in
V5+? Or is that value ignored?]

The contents of the screen can only be written, not read, with one exception:
at any time the foreground colour of the unit at the current window's cursor
position (see below) can be read.  This is used by the SET_COLOUR instruction.
The screen contents can only be changed by using the operations of the video

4.2.  Windows

The video card is used to access the screen in an orderly fashion.  For this
purpose it provides a number of windows to which output can be sent.  The state
of the video card is completely determined by the properties of the windows,
the current window, and the state of the screen cursor.

The number of windows is fixed:  it is 1 in V1-2, 2 in V3-5, and 8 in V6; they
are numbered from 0 upwards.  A window is a rectangle of screen units, with
a location determined by its top left corner and its vertical and horizontal
size.  To address a unit within a window, the top left corner is used as the
origin (1,1).

For every window the video card keeps an number of properties.  Changing these
doesn't change the contents of the screen; to do that, an output operation
must be performed.  The properties include location and size, cursor position,
buffer mode and other attributes, font, style within that font, colours, etc.
In principle each of these properties can be changed separately.

     NOTE: The attributes and properties of windows should not be confused
     with those of objects.

At any given time there is one window that is used for output operations; this
is called the `current' or `selected' window.

At any given time either a `screen cursor' is shown at the cursor position of
the current window, or there isn't.

The following subsections describe the properties of the windows, the
operations of the video card, and its initial state.

4.3.  Window properties

Each window has the following properties, which are all unsigned words:

0.   Y location
1.   X location
     These give the position of the top left corner of the window, in units
     relative to the top left of the screen.  It is legal for this position to
     be outside the screen.  Only output to the visible part of the window is
     shown; the rest is ignored.
2.   Y size

                                     - 20 -

3.   X size
     These give the height and width of the window in units.  Again, it is
     legal if part of the window is off the screen; see above.
4.   Y cursor
5.   X cursor
     These give the position of this window's cursor, in units relative to its
     top left corner.  It is legal for the cursor to be outside the window, but
     it is illegal to try to output something to it in that case.
6.   Left margin size
7.   Right margin size
     These give horizontal margins that the text should be kept between, in
     units from the window edge inwards.  A value of 0 means that the margin
     coincides with the window edge.
8.   Newline routine (packed routine address)
9.   Newline countdown
     See the description of the NewLine operation below.
10.  Style within current font
     The number of the style for the next output.
11.  Foreground (first byte) and background (second byte) colours
     The meaning of these colour numbers are:

     2.   black
     3.   red
     4.   green
     5.   yellow
     6.   blue
     7.   magenta
     8.   cyan
     9.   white

12.  Font
     The number of the font to be used for the next output.
13.  Style height (first byte) and width (second byte)
     The height of the style indicated by properties 10 and 12.  This is the
     only property that is not writable; it changes with properties 10 and 12.
14.  Attributes
     The bits of this word contain a number of attributes of the window; these
     are detailed below.
15.  Line count
     [Question:  What is the meaning of this property?  How and when should it
     be changed?  Note that e.g.  `Zork Zero' only sets this to -999.]

Property 14 of each window contains 16 attributes (numbered 0-15), which can be
either on or off.  These are stored in the bits with the corresponding number,
where %1 means that the attribute is on.  Only the meaning of window attributes
0 to 3 is specified:

0.   Is character wrapping on?
     [Question:  What is the exact meaning of this attribute?]
1.   Is scrolling on?
     This indicates whether it is allowed to scroll the contents of the window
     up to make room for a new line.
2.   Is output to this window transcripted?
     This controls whether output to this window is to be sent to output stream
3.   Is the buffer mode on?
     This bit indicates whether output to this window is sent directly to the

                                     - 21 -

     screen (buffer mode off) or is first buffered to avoid consecutive non-
     spaces being spread over two lines.

Only under V6 can all properties (except 13) be read and written.  For earlier
versions, some are either ignored or cannot be changed during execution.

4.4.  Operations

This subsection describes the output operations that can be performed on the
video card.  Only by using these operations the contents of the screen can
be changed.

o    ShowStatusBar(s, a, b, flag) --- Show the status bar with the given data.
     (Only used in V1-3.)

     The top lines of the screen are filled with a status bar containing the
     given data.  s is a sequence of output characters without newlines; this
     represents the name of the current location.  a and b are signed numbers
     representing either score and number of turns (if flag is %0) or the time
     in hours and minutes (if %1).

     The height of the status bar is unspecified, but must remain constant
     during execution of a Z-program.  Note that this height might be 0 units,
     in which case no status bar is shown; it is also legal for the status bar
     to occupy more than one line, to accommodate narrow screens.

     The contents of the status bar are unspecified, but it show as much of the
     given data as possible.  The following describes the recommended format.
     It consists of one line, and is printed in the inverse video style of the
     roman font (see section 5.2).  On the left hand side appears the name of
     the current location.  If the name cannot be completely shown, an initial
     part should be shown with an ellipsis (``...'') added.  If flag is %0,
     on the right hand side appears ``Score:'', a , ``Turns:'', b ; if %1,
     ``Time:'', a , ``:'', b .  The rest of the status bar is empty.  It is
     allowed to display time in an a.m./p.m.  notation (as ZIP and Frotz do)
     since Infocom did this too.  However, this gives strange results for V3
     Z-programs not set on Earth.  [TODO: Make this description more precise,
     and state 23 character limit for location name.  State that this is
     Infocom behaviour.]

     Note that this operation is used at specific moments only, viz. while
     executing a READ or SHOW_STATUS instruction.

o    ScrollWindow(w, y) --- Scroll the contents of the given window up over
     the given distance, filling with the background colour and moving the
     cursor also.

     The contents of window w are moved y units up, thus moving down if y is
     negative.  The units that scroll away are overwritten, the `new' part is
     filled with the background colour.  The cursor is moved the same way by
     adding y to the vertical cursor position.

          NOTE: Note that the ITF emulator and some versions of ZIP
          erroneously fill with the foreground colour if an inverse video
          style is selected for the window.

                                     - 22 -

o    ShowChar(w) --- Show the given character description (with colours) at the
     cursor position of the current window.

     (See section 5 for more information on character descriptions.)  Call the
     height of the description (in units) h and its width w.  It is an error if
     the character doesn't fit between the cursor position and the right window
     edge.  If it doesn't fit between the cursor position and the bottom window
     edge, and if the scrolling attribute is set, a ScrollWindow(n,m) operation
     is performed, where n is the current window, and m the number of units
     needed to fit the description in.  It is an error if the character still
     doesn't fit.

     The character description is now written to the screen with the given
     colours, taking the cursor position as the upper left corner.  Then the
     cursor is moved to the right by w.

o    NewLine --- In the current window, move the cursor to the left margin of
     the next line.

     Move the cursor down the height of the style of the current window, and to
     its left margin. If its newline countdown property is not zero, decrement
     it by one; if it then becomes zero, call the newline routine as an
     interrupt without passing it any values, and ignoring the return value.

     Note that scrolling is handled by ShowChar instead of NewLine.  This is
     done to handle text lines with fonts of different heights.  Scrolling on
     a newline would scroll up by the height of the then current style, but
     if higher characters follow an error would result.  [TODO: Change if all
     fonts have the same height.]

     Note that strictly speaking NewLine is not an output operation, since it
     doesn't alter the contents of the screen.  It was made into a separate
     operation because of its complexity.

o    ShowPicture(p, y, x) --- Show the given picture in the current window.

     Show picture p in the current window with (y, x) as the top left corner.
     [Question:  What happens when the picture doesn't fit?]

o    ErasePicture(p, y, x) --- Erase a rectangle of the size of the given
     picture in the current window.

     In the current window, fill a rectangle of the size of picture p with
     (y, x) as the top left corner with the background colour.  [Question:
     See ShowPicture.]

o    EraseWindow(w) --- Erase the given window.

     Fill the given window with its background colour.  In V1-4 the cursor is
     moved to the bottom left of the window, in V5+ to the top left.

o    EraseScreen --- Erase the entire screen.

     Fill the entire screen with the default background colour, which is found
     in the header byte at $2C in V5+ and unspecified in V1-4. Nothing else

                                     - 23 -

4.5.  Initial state

When the video card is initialized (i.e., on start-up or restart), the screen
is cleared, all window attributes and properties are set to their initial
values (see below), the buffer is cleared, ExtraNL (see below) is set to false,
window 0 is selected, and the screen cursor is turned on.

The following table gives the initial values of the attributes and properties
for all versions, and also states whether they can be changed during execution
of a Z-program.

             Table 1.  Initial values for properties and attributes

                           V1-2  V3    V4     V5    V6
               prop  0-5   D *   D **  D **   D **  D
                       6   0 *   0 *   0 *    0 *   0
                       7   0 *   0 *   0 *    0 *   0
                       8   ---   ---   ---    ---   ?
                       9   0 *   0 *   0 *    0 *   0
                      10   0 *   0 *   0 **   0 **  0
                      11   U *   U *   U *    H **  H
                      12   1 *   1 *   1 *    1 **  1
                      13   U *   U *   U *    U **  U
               attr    1   0 *   0 *   0 *    0 *   0
                       2   1 *   D *   D *    D *   D
                       3   1 *   D *   D *    D *   D
                       4   1 *   1 *   1 **   D     1

               Meaning of the symbols:
               ---: not used;
               ?:   no default value;
               D:   different for different windows;
               H:   a default value from the header is used;
               U:   unspecified, i.e., emulator-dependent;
               *:   cannot be changed using Z-code instructions;
               **:  changes for all windows at the same time.

In all versions, initially window 0 is the only window that has the scroll and
transcript attributes set.  For V1-5 this cannot be changed, but for V6 these
can be toggled.

Buffer mode is always on for all windows in V1-3.  In V4 it is initially on for
both windows, and is toggled for both at the same time.  In V5 it is initially
on and can be toggled for window 0, and always off for window 1.  In V6
buffering is on by default for all windows.  [Question:  Is this correct?]

In V1-4, and in V5+ when header bit $01/0 or $10-$11/6 is cleared, the colour
of characters on the screen is unspecified and cannot be changed.  In all other
cases the initial colours are found in the header bytes at $2C and $2D. In
V5 these can only be changed for both windows simultaneously, but in V6 each
window has its own colours.

                                     - 24 -

In V1-2 there is one window, which occupies the entire width of the screen.
The lines of the screen are divided into two regions:  the status bar (see
below) and the window.  The dimensions of the window cannot be changed.

In V3-5 there are two windows; window 0 is known as the `lower' and window 1
as the `upper' window.  Both occupy the entire width of the screen.  The lines
of the screen are now divided into two or three regions:  the status bar (if
present; see below), the upper window, and the lower window.  The upper window
initially has zero height, and this can only be changed in V3+ using the
SPLIT_SCREEN instruction.  Note that if header bit $01/5 is cleared in V3, the
SPLIT_SCREEN instruction is illegal, or in other words:  the upper window is
never shown.

The status bar is only present in V1-2, and in V3 when header bit $01/4
is cleared.  Its height is unspecified, but constant and non-zero (see the
ShowStatusBar operation above for more details).

A V6 Z-machine has 8 windows, which can each be located anywhere on the screen.
It is legal for a window to extend beyond the screen:  everything written
outside the screen is simply ignored.  Initially all windows have their top
left corners at the top left corner of the screen; window 0 occupies the entire
screen, window 1 spans the width of the screen and has zero height, and all
other windows have zero height and width.  A status bar is never shown.

The initial cursor position for a window is its top left corner, except for
window 0 in V1-4 where the cursor begins at the bottom left.  Initially the
screen cursor (at the cursor location of the current window) is on.

Initially the roman style of the standard font is selected for every window
(see section 5).  The height and width of this style determine the initial
value of window property 13.


Interactive fiction revolves around text, and Z-machine text is divided into
characters.  This section describes the legal character values, and what the
output characters look like.

5.1.  Characters

Input and output characters are represented by numbers from 0 to 65535, as
indicated by the following table.  All numbers not in this table are illegal.

                     Table 2.  Input and output characters

      Number      I/O  Meaning
      9           O    paragraph indentation (V6 only)
      11          O    wide space (V6 only)
      13          I/O  newline
      32-126      I/O  ASCII characters, or other for a non-ASCII font
      127         I    delete

                                     - 25 -

      129-132     I    cursor up, down, left, right
      133-144     I    function keys F1-12
      145-154     I    keypad keys 0-9
      155-163     I/O  German special characters
      164-251     I/O  unspecified; reserved for other special characters
      252         I    in V6 only:  menu selection mouse click
      253         I    in V6 only:  double mouse click
      254         I    in V5: any mouse click; in V6: single mouse click
      256-767     O    unspecified
      768-1023    O    unspecified, but reserved by Graham Nelson
      1024-65535  O    unspecified

All numbers marked `I' or `I/O' are called `input characters,' and all marked
`O' or `I/O' are `output characters.'

Standard extension:  0 (null) is an output-only, and 27 (escape) is an input-
only character.

5.2.  Styles and fonts

A style is a set of descriptions which determine what an output character
should look like on the screen.  A font is a set of related styles.  Fonts and
their styles are accessed through the I/O card; there is no way for a Z-program
to access them directly.  It is unspecified what happens when fonts or styles
are changed during execution of a Z-program.  Recommended behaviour is to
reset the screen, and use the new fonts from that time on; resetting the screen
is obviously unnecessary when the new characters have the same sizes as the
old ones.

A character description occupies a rectangle of units, and says how the
character should be shown on the screen.  This description refers only to two
colours:  foreground and background.  Note that a unit usually contains either
a character or a pixel; see section 4 for details.

A style is a mapping from numbers to character descriptions, covering at least
the numbers 32-126 (and in V6 also 9 and 11), and optionally more in the ranges
155-251 and 256-65535.  Note that these are the output characters except 13
(newline).  In this section we will often use `character' to mean either the
character number or its description.

Note that there are three different ways for the Z-machine to produce output
characters, which are described elsewhere in this specification:

o    in an alternative character set (8 bits, i.e., 0-255);

o    as a literal character in a Z-string (10 bits, i.e., 0-1023);

o    in a PRINT_CHAR instruction (16 bits, i.e., 0-65535).  [Question:
     [Nelson] says characters 1024-65535 are not allowed.  Is he correct?  This
     seems to be an arbitrary restriction on the PRINT_CHAR instruction.]

All characters within a style have the same height, but they need not have the
same width.  The width of a style is defined to be the width of its character
48 (which is a `0' in an ASCII font; see below).  A style is called `fixed-
width' if the width of every character in it is a multiple of the width of

                                     - 26 -

its character 48; otherwise it is called `variable-width.'  Note that not all
characters in a fixed-width style need have the same width; an example are the
two-character equivalents for accented German letters.

Styles are ordered in fonts, and numbered by non-negative integers.  All styles
in a font consist of the same output characters.  If set, the bottom bits of a
style number give an indication what the style looks like:

o    bit 0: reverse video;

o    bit 1: bold;

o    bit 2: emphasis;

o    bit 3: fixed-width.

All other bits are always %0.  Style 0 is called `roman.'

A style is called a `base style' for all styles whose numbers can be made by
setting zero or more bits to %1 in the base style number.  For example:  style
5 (reverse video and emphasis) has styles 0 (roman), 1 (reverse video), 4
(emphasis), and itself as its base styles; the roman style is a base style for
all styles.  Note that the concept of a base style is introduced to cater for
Z-machines that do not have all styles available; see the description of the
SET_TEXT_STYLE instruction in section 8.

In V1-3 a font consists of just one style (0, i.e.  roman), making special
effects impossible.  In V4+ bits 0, 1, and 3 of a style number may only be %1
if the relevant bits of the header byte at $01 are set.

In V1-4 there is only one font, numbered 1 and called the standard font.  If
(in V3) the roman style of the standard font is fixed-width, header bit $01/6
should be cleared on start-up; otherwise it should be set.  In V5+ there can be
more fonts, numbered from 1 upwards:

o    1: standard;

o    2: picture;

o    3: character graphics;

o    4: fixed-width.

The standard font must be present, all others are optional.

5.3.  The character descriptions

What should the characters that the I/O card uses look like?  The fonts and
styles are not specified in detail.  Rather, some restrictions are given in
this subsection.

The standard and fixed-width fonts are ASCII fonts.  Characters 32 to 126
of all styles in an ASCII font faithfully represent the corresponding ASCII
characters, as shown in the following table:

                                     - 27 -

                     $20   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?
                     $40  @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_
                     $60  `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~

Note that character 32 ($20) is a space, and that character 127 ($7F) is not
an output character.  An ASCII font may also have German characters numbered
from 155 to 163.  It is legal for these characters to be represented by
multi-character ASCII equivalents.  Characters 164-252 of an ASCII font
are unspecified, but reserved for further specification.  These characters
might be used for accented characters of languages other than German.  All
special characters are shown in table 5 in the appendix.  Standard extension:
characters 164-223 are specified as additional optional special characters; see
also table 5 in the appendix.

[Question:  I specify above that the multi-character equivalents are just
alternative character descriptions.  Because character descriptions are always
printed as a whole, this implies that these two-character sequences are never
split over two lines.  Most interpreters that use them, however, will happily
split them.  Since this case rarely occurs in practice (only with words that
don't fit between the margins), and since I feel that these combinations should
never be split, I specify things this way.  I think it gives the most `natural'
specification, too.]

The picture font is unspecified, because it was never used in the Infocom
games; it is recommended not to use it.  The character graphics font should
look like the (slightly varying between platforms) one supplied with the
Infocom game `Beyond Zork.'  In the fixed-width font all styles must be
fixed-width and have the same width.  The fonts numbered from 5 upwards are
unspecified.  [Question:  Font 5 could be reserved for a Unicode or similar
ASCII font, which gives the ability to print all kinds of characters in all
kinds of languages.]

     NOTE: The behaviour of 'Beyond Zork' story files w.r.t. character
     graphics deviates from this specification.  First, if the interpreter
     number (header byte at $1E) is 1, font 3 is always used, ignoring
     the return value of SET_FONT. Second, if the interpreter number is 6
     (IBM PC) or 8 (Commodore 64), then `Beyond Zork' assumes that output
     characters in font 1 are printed using the built-in font of these
     machines, instead of the Z-machine font.  This means that a Z-machine
     without a character graphics font should never use interpreter
     numbers 1, 6, and 8. Alternatively, one could use interpreter number
     6 or 8, and use a font 1 that resembles the IBM PC or Commodore 64
     graphics font, respectively.  (This is what ZIP does.)

Within a font, the roman style is the one that is initially used.  Bold and
emphasis styles are appropriately modified versions of this one; emphasis is
usually shown using underlining or italics.  A reverse video style is usually
the same as one of its base styles, but with the foreground and backgroud
colours reversed.  A fixed-width style is usually the same as one of its base
styles if that is fixed-width.  Only if a non-roman style is completely the
same as one of its base styles, it is legal (but not mandatory) to use special
colours or effects to indicate such characters on the screen.

Characters 9, 11, and 32 are called spaces, and they should look like spaces
appropriate for their text style.  (This means for instance that character 32

                                     - 28 -

in a reverse video style uses only the foreground colour.)  Character 32 has
the width of a normal space between words in a sentence.  Character 11 is
a wider space, such as commonly used after a period (`.') ending a sentence.
Character 9 is even wider, and is only used for paragraph indentation.  Note
that spaces are never split over two lines, since character descriptions are
always output as a whole.

[Question:  A possible extension is to add a new output character (with a
number less than 32?) that looks the same as 32 but is not a space.  It can
be used to ensure that two consecutive words do appear on the same line.]
[Question:  Another possible extension is a hyphen that is only printed at the
end of a window line, and is otherwise ignored.]

Characters 768-1023 are unspecified in any font, but reserved for further
specification by Graham Nelson.  These characters might be used as additional
special codes for special effects.  [Question:  Wouldn't it be better to use
unused output characters less than 32 for this?  Or aren't these enough?]

     NOTE: Authors of game-specific emulators are asked to use either
     output characters 256-767 or 1024-65535, or fonts 5 and higher, for
     their own special characters.


The I/O card manages all character based input and output of the Z-machine.
This includes input from keyboard and mouse, and buffered output.  Screen
output is sent through the video card; all other input and output is handled by
the I/O card itself.

6.1.  Output streams

All character based output is performed by sending output character numbers to
output streams, of which there are four:

o    1: screen;

o    2: transcript;

o    3: memory;

o    4: command script.

(Output streams 3 and 4 are only available in V3+.) At any given time, an
output stream is either open or closed.  Anything sent to a closed output
stream is simply ignored.  There is no way for a Z-program to find out which
output streams are open.

Output to stream 1 (and maybe to stream 2, see below) is buffered if and only
if the buffer mode of the current window is on.

The following subsections describe for each output stream what happens with the
characters sent to them.

                                     - 29 -

6.2.  Output stream 1: the screen

Characters sent to stream 1 are to be displayed on the screen, using the video
card.  To make word-wrap possible, an output buffer is used.  All output is
first stored in this buffer before it is processed further.  The buffer is a
sequence of character descriptions with colours; first come spaces, then non-
spaces.  The width of the buffer is the sum of the widths of its elements.  The
buffer is initially empty.  If buffering is off for the current window, then
the buffer is empty.  Note that the buffer is added to on outputting a non-
newline to output stream 1, and cleared when the buffer is flushed; these are
the only ways to change the buffer.

During screen output sometimes an extra newline is generated to avoid crossing
the right margin.  To record this the I/O card keeps a boolean called ExtraNL
meaning `the last output character on stream 1 was an extra newline generated
by the output process.'  It is used to determine the way to output character 9
in V6 (see below); and to correctly output a sequence of non-spaces wider than
a window line.  ExtraNL is initially false, and is set to false when the buffer
is flushed.

`Flushing the buffer' means that the following steps are executed:

     IF width of buffer > distance from cursor to right margin
     AND ExtraNL is false:
        remove all spaces from buffer
        do a NewLine
        set ExtraNL to true
     WHILE buffer is not empty:
        remove the first char.  description from the buffer and call it c
        WHILE width of c > distance from cursor to right margin:
           do a NewLine
        do a ShowChar(c)
        set ExtraNL to false

Note that if buffering is on, the above process in effect replaces all spaces
by a newline at the end of a window line.  [Question:  As far as I can see
ZIP and Frotz don't do this, but instead remove only the first space from
the buffer.  (Because of this, [Inform] includes a facility that replaces two
consecutive spaces by a single one.)  Is the above specification the desired
behaviour, or are ZIP and Frotz correct?]

When output stream 1 is open and a character is sent to it, it must be shown
in the current window.  Character 13 (newline) is output by flushing the buffer
and performing a NewLine operation.  (Standard extension:  character 0 (null)
is ignored.)  All other output characters force a screen change as detailed

If in V6 character 9 is to be output, and the cursor is to the right of the
left margin, or ExtraNL is true, then character 32 is used instead.

Call c the description of the output character in the current font and style,
with the current colours.  It is unspecified what happens when the character
does not occur in that style; recommended behaviour is to use a description
representing a question mark (`?') with the current style height in the current
colours instead.  The following steps are now executed:

     IF c is a space AND buffer contains non-spaces:

                                     - 30 -

        flush the buffer
     add c to buffer
     IF buffering is off for the current window:
        flush the buffer

Non-standard extension used by [Frotz]: It is legal to add the clause ``OR c is
a hyphen'' to the condition of the last IF statement above.

     NOTE: Note that some ports of the ITF interpreter (for V5)
     erroneously uses the buffer mode for window 0 when writing to window
     1.  Because of these and other bugs, it is recommended that buffering
     is turned off before writing to window 1 in V3-5.

6.3.  Output stream 2: the transcript

Characters sent to stream 2 are sent directly to the outside world.  This is
intended as a transcript of all output that the Z-program has produced.  This
specification prescribes nothing about the transcipt; but it is recommended
that it `looks like' the output shown on the screen through output stream 1 and
picture instructions.  [Question:  What about sound effects?] Formatting of the
transcript may use the buffer mode of the current window.

Note that the Z-machine may sent special messages to stream 2 on certain
events, e.g., when displaying a picture on the screen.

Output stream 2 is opened or closed as with the OUTPUT_STREAM instruction when
bit $10-$11/0 is set or cleared.

6.4.  Output stream 3: memory

Output characters sent to stream 3 are stored in memory, either in a one-line
or multi-line format.  The memory address addr and the format are given with
the OUTPUT_STREAM instruction that opens stream 3.  [TODO: Memory contents from
addr are unspecified while stream 3 is open.]

For the one-line format, the unsigned word at addr is the number of characters
that have been output, and the bytes after that hold the characters themselves.
A new character is stored after the others, and the number of characters is
incremented by 1.

For the multi-line format, a number of `lines' are stored from addr onwards,
followed by a zero word.  Every `line' is an unsigned word, followed by that
many characters.  A new character is stored either after the last of the last
`line' (as for the one-line format), or a new `line' is created with the new
character as the first.  Exception:  a character 13 is not stored, and an empty
new `line' is created.

The decision whether to go to a new 'line' depends on information given when
the output stream is opened:  the text is justified

o    as if it was printed to a given window (taking its then-current buffer
     mode, horizontal cursor position, and margins into account); or

o    as if it was printed to a window of a given width (taking the buffer mode
     of the then-current window into account); this window has the buffer mode

                                     - 31 -

     of the then-current window, margins coinciding with the window edges, and
     the cursor at the left window edge.

After opening the stream, changes to the windows' properties or screen contents
have no effect on the way text is justified.  [TODO: Make this unspecified]

An output character above 255 is either ignored, or replaced by a sequence of
byte-valued characters representing it in some way.  In V6 the total width of
the descriptions of the stored characters in memory is stored in the header
word at $30; the descriptions used are the same as would be shown on the
screen, in the current font.  [Question:  Is this also correct for the multi-
line format?  Or is the maximum width of all lines stored there?  Or the
width of the last line?] [Question:  The details of this above paragraph were
invented by me, since [Nelson] is not clear at this point.]

6.5.  Output stream 4: the command script

This output stream is intended as a record of all user input to a Z-program.
All input is sent through a link to the outside world, and can be retrieved by
the Z-machine via input stream 1; see below.  This output stream is special in
two respects:  it handles input characters (as opposed to output characters),
and, in V4+, it also handles time-out information.  To be precise, all
characters and time-out information received in response to READ and READ_CHAR
instructions are sent to this stream.

     NOTE: Most existing emulators do not write time-out information to a
     command script.

[Question:  There are other factors determining the behaviour of a Z-program
except user input:  mouse pointer locations, the numbers generated by the
random number generator, the interpreter number given by the emulator,
finishing of sound effects, the availability of pictures and fonts, etc.
Should these be written to a command script too?]

6.6.  Input streams

The input streams are

o    0: keyboard;

o    1: command script.

The first is connected to a keyboard, and in V6 an optional mouse; the second
reads back information previously written out on output stream 4; see above.

A Z-program has no way of knowing which input stream is used:  the Z-machine
(probably instructed by the user in some way) may freely switch between the
two.  The only thing a Z-program can do is to switch to one of these streams
using the INPUT_STREAM instruction; but nothing prevents the Z-machine from
immediately switching back.

                                     - 32 -


A Z-code instruction is a sequence of bytes, describing an operation for the
Z-machine to perform.  Most instructions contain operands.  Some instructions
are followed by one or more extra arguments.  These are not part of the
instruction proper, but indicate what should happen with the result of the
operation; these arguments are described in detail below.  Note that the terms
`operand' and `argument' are used consistently to stress the difference.

7.1.  The structure of an instruction

Instructions come in different formats, depending on the number of operands
they take:  short (zero or one), long (two), variable (up to four), double
variable (up to eight), and extended (up to four). Double variable instructions
are available in V4+, and extended ones in V5+.

Note that the adjective `variable' when applied to instructions has nothing to
do with local or global `variables'; the former refers to the varying number
of operands of an instruction, the latter to a location where a value can
be stored.

Note that the `extended' instructions look a lot like variable instructions;
this form was created for the V5+ Z-machines, because there were not enough
instruction numbers left to squeeze in all the new features.

An instruction consists of two parts:  the opcode and the operands.  The first
one to three bytes contain the opcode and the types of the operands.  The
following bytes contain the operands themselves.  Table 2 in the appendix gives
a breakdown of instructions according their `operation byte,' i.e., the byte
containing the opcode.

Opcodes consist of a kind and a number; they are denoted as KIND:n, where KIND
is one of 0OP, 1OP, 2OP, VAR and EXT, and n is the opcode number.  Instructions
of different formats contain different kinds of opcode:

o    short:  0OP or 1OP;

o    long:  2OP;

o    variable:  2OP or VAR;

o    double variable:  VAR;

o    extended:  EXT.

Each opcode has a symbolic name -- a mnemonic -- that describes its effect.
Note that some mnemonics in this document differ from those used by [Nelson]
and others; table 8 in the appendix summarizes these.

There are three types of operand, which are often indicated by a pair of bits:

o    %00: a word constant;

o    %01: a byte constant;

o    %10: a variable number (a byte).

                                     - 33 -

The absence of an operand is often indicated by %11.

A variable number is a byte that indicates a certain variable.  The meaning of
a variable number is:

o    0: the top of the routine stack;

o    1-15: the local variable with that number;

o    16-255: the global variable with that number minus 16.

Writing to the variable with number 0 means to push a value onto the routine
stack; reading this variable means pulling a value off.  If an instruction uses
variable number 0 more than once, these operands are processed from left to
right.  For example,

     PUSH `constant 5'
     PUSH `constant 7'
     SUB `variable number 0' `variable number 0' <result>


     SUB `constant 7' `constant 5' <result>

are completely equivalent.

At the risk of blurring an issue that might be perfectly clear to the reader,
as an example here are three different forms of the STORE instruction.  The
instruction STORE var a says to `store the value a in the variable with number
var' (see 8.2). Thus

     STORE `byte constant 3' `byte constant 18'

puts the number 18 in local variable 3 (i.e., the variable with number 3).
Instead of putting a constant such as 18 into this variable, we can also, e.g.,
copy the contents of global variable 2 to it with

     STORE `byte constant 3' `variable number 18' ;

note that number 18 indicates global variable 2.  What happens if we

     STORE `variable number 3' `byte constant 18' ?

Using the definition of STORE, this should store the number 18 in the variable
with the number that is stored in the variable with number 3.  Thus if local
variable 3 contains 0, this instruction pushes the number 18 onto the routine
stack.  If local variable 3 contains 77, this instruction puts the number 18 in
global variable 61 (= 77- 16).

7.2.  Decoding an instruction

If (in V5+) the first byte of the instruction is $BE, it is an extended
instruction.  The second byte contains the EXT opcode.  Then follow the
operand types (one byte) and the operands themselves, in the same format as
for variable instructions (discussed below).  It is an error for an extended
instruction to occur in V1-4.

                                     - 34 -

Otherwise, the instruction format depends on the top bits of the first byte:

o    %0: long;

o    %10: short;

o    %11: (double) variable.

The first byte of a long instruction is of the form %0abxxxxx.  Here, %xxxxx
is the 2OP opcode number, and %a and %b are abbreviated type-indicators for the
two operands:

o    %0: a byte constant;

o    %1: a variable number.

These correspond to the types %01 and %10, respectively.  The next two bytes of
the instruction contain the operands, first %a, then %b.

The first byte of a short instruction is of the form %10ttxxxx.  Here, %tt is
the type of the operand (or %11 if absent), and %xxxx is the 1OP (or if the
operand is absent:  0OP) opcode number.  If the operand is present, it follows
the first byte.

The first byte of a variable instruction is of the form %11axxxxx (except for
the two double variable instructions, discussed below), where %xxxxx is the
(2OP or VAR) opcode number.  If %a is %0 then this instruction contains a 2OP
opcode; if %1, a VAR opcode.  It is an error for a variable instruction with
a 2OP opcode not to have two operands, except when the opcode is 2OP:$1 (i.e.,
the instruction is JE).  The second byte is a type byte, and contains the
type information for the operands.  It is divided into pairs of two bits, each
indicating the type of an operand, beginning with the top bits.  The following
bytes contain the operands in that order.  A %11 pair means `no operand'; it is
an error if a %11 bit pair occurs before a non-%11 pair.

There are two double variable instructions, viz. %11101100 ($EC, opcode VAR:$C)
and %11111010 ($FA, opcode VAR:$1A).  Their structure is identical to that of
variable instructions, except that they do not have a type byte, but instead a
type word.

7.3.  String, result, and branch arguments

Some instructions are followed by one or more additional arguments.  How these
arguments are handled is described below.  After reading such an argument, the
PC is set to the address after it.

Some instructions (viz. PRINT and PRINT_RTRUE ($B2 and $B3)) have a string
argument.  These instructions are followed by a Z-string.

Some instructions return a result.  These instructions are followed by a single
byte called a result argument.  This byte is the number of the variable where
the result should be stored (i.e., it looks like an additional operand of
type %10).

Some instructions require a jump (or branch) to be made to another part of
the Z-program, depending on the outcome of some test.  These instructions are

                                     - 35 -

followed by one or two bytes called a branch argument.  Bit 7 of the first
byte indicates when a branch occurs, a %0 meaning that the branch logic is
`reversed': branch if the instruction doesn't want to, don't if it does.  If
bit 6 is %1, the branch argument consists of a single byte and the branch
offset is given by its bottom 6 bits (unsigned, i.e., from 0 to 63).  If bit
6 is %0, the branch argument consists of two bytes, and the branch offset is
given by the bottom 6 bits of the first byte followed by all bits of the second
(signed, i.e., from -819 2 to 8191).

The following happens when a branch is to be made.  If the branch offset is 0
or 1, then instead of branching the instruction RFALSE or RTRUE, respectively,
is carried out.  Otherwise, the branch is made by setting the PC to

     Address after branch argument +Branch offset -2 .

Note that a branch argument, if present, is always the last of a sequence
of arguments.


The last part of this document is perhaps the most difficult:  it specifies the
effect of all instructions.  The difficulty lies in the special cases:  what
if an instruction occurs only a few times, or never, in existing Infocom game
files?  And what to do with all kinds of overflow and underflow?  Most of the
information stated below comes from [Nelson], sometimes supplemented by details
found in the source of [ZIP] and [Frotz].

8.1.  The entries

Each entry below describes the effect of an opcode.  The opcodes are grouped
according to their functionality; within each group they are roughly ordered by
the version in which they first appear.  For reference, table 7 in the appendix
lists all opcodes in numerical order.

An instruction is written as a mnemonic, possibly followed by the operands
and arguments:

                MNEMONIC operands arguments --- opcode, versions

Here, opcode is denoted as KIND:n; versions is the range of versions for
which the instruction is valid, ``V1+'' being the default.  A list of optional
operands is surrounded by square brackets (`[...]'); an initial part of this
list must be present.  (For example, `[a1 a2 a3]' means that either none,
or just a1, or a1 and a2, or all must be present.)  It is an error for an
instruction to have more or less operands than stated.  The arguments are zero
or more of `<string>', `<result>', and `<branch>', always in that order.

The opcode uniquely identifies the instruction format, except in the case of
2OP opcodes.  Every 2OP opcode can be used in a long or a variable instruction.
However if the instruction is to have a word constant operand, or if there are
not exactly two operands, the long format obviously cannot be used.  Note that
if an instruction with a 2OP opcode can be encoded both ways, the long form is
one byte shorter.

                                     - 36 -

All operands are assumed to be unsigned numbers, unless stated otherwise.  For
some operands, special names are used, sometimes adorned with a suffix.  These
indicate the kind of operand that is expected there:

o    s, t: a signed number.

o    bit: either 0 or 1.

o    byte: byte-valued, i.e., a value between 0 and 255.

o    var: a variable number, i.e., 0 for the top of the routine stack, 1-15 for
     local, and 16-255 for global variables (see section 7.1).  It is an error
     if this operand is not byte-valued.

o    baddr: a byte address.

o    raddr: a packed address referring to a routine.

o    saddr: a packed address referring to a string.

o    obj: a legal object number.

o    attr: a legal attribute number.

o    prop: a legal property number, or 0 for the GET_NEXT_PROP instruction.

o    window: a legal window number, or a special negative value.  In the V4+
     ERASE_WINDOW and the V6 MOUSE_WINDOW instructions -1 means the entire
     screen; in V6 -2 also means the entire screen for an ERASE_WINDOW. In
     V6 -3 is always interpreted as the current window.  An optional window
     operand defaults to the current window.

o    time: any non-zero number, in tenths of seconds.  It is unspecified what
     happens when this is zero; recommended behaviour is to behave as if no
     time operand has been given.

o    pic: a legal picture number.  Note that the legality of picture numbers
     can be checked using the PICTURE_DATA instruction.

It is an error if another value is given for one of the above operands.

     NOTE: The above restrictions are often not reiterated in the
     instruction descriptions below!

The phrase ``The result is...'' means that the stated value is stored in the
variable given as the result argument.  In some descriptions `ST' is used as an
operand.  This stands for the top-of-routine-stack variable, i.e., the variable
with number 0.

8.2.  Reading and writing memory

LOAD var <result> --- 1OP:$E

     The result is the value of the variable with number var.

STORE var a --- 2OP:$D

                                     - 37 -

     Set the variable with number var to a.

LOADW baddr n <result> --- 2OP:$F

     The result is the word at baddr +2 *n.

STOREW baddr n a --- VAR:$1

     Store a in the word at baddr +2 *n.

LOADB baddr n <result> --- 2OP:$10

     The result is the byte at baddr +n.

STOREB baddr n byte --- VAR:$2

     Store byte in the byte at baddr+n.

PUSH a --- VAR:$8

     Push a on top of the routine stack.

PULL var --- VAR:$9, V1-5
PULL [baddr] <result> --- VAR:$9, V6

     Pull the top off the user stack beginning at baddr, and put the result in
     the variable with number var (V6: in the result variable).  If no stack is
     given use the routine stack.  In that case it is an error for the routine
     stack to be empty.

POP  --- 0OP:$9, V1-4

     Remove the value on top of the routine stack.  It is an error for the
     stack to be empty.

     Note that this opcode is occupied by CATCH in V5+.

SCAN_TABLE a baddr n [byte] <result> <branch> --- VAR:$17, V4+

     Search for the byte or word a in a table that begins at baddr and is n
     entries long, according to the given format byte.

     The top bit of the format byte is %0 to search for a byte, %1 for a word;
     the remaining 7 bits give the (unsigned) length of an entry in bytes.  The
     default format is $82, asking to look for a word in a table of words.  If
     it is a table of bytes, it is an error if the first operand is not byte-
     valued.  [Question:  An alternative is to always fail the search, and give
     a warning message.]

     The byte (word) a is searched for among the first bytes (words) of all
     entries, in order.  If it is found, the result is the first address at
     which it occurs, and the branch is made; if not, the result is 0, and no
     branch is made.

     It is unspecified what happens when the entry-length is 0, or when it is 1
     and a word is searched.  Recommended behaviour is to proceed as described
     above.  Since these cases are propably bugs, a warning message should be

                                     - 38 -

     given if possible.

COPY_TABLE baddr1 baddr2 s --- VAR:$1D, V5+

     If s is positive, copy a region of s bytes beginning from baddr1 to
     the region of s locations beginning at baddr2, such that afterwards the
     second region is equal to the initial state of the first region.  (This
     is important if the regions overlap.)  If s is negative, -s bytes are
     copied, and copying proceeds forwards.  Exception:  if baddr2 is zero,
     then the first region is zeroed.

PUSH_STACK a baddr <branch> --- EXT:$18, V6

     Push a onto the user stack at address baddr if possible, and branch
     if successful.

POP_STACK n [baddr] --- EXT:$15, V6

     Remove n words from the top of the user stack beginning at address baddr.
     If no stack is given, use the routine stack.  In that case it is an error
     for the routine stack to contain less than n words.

8.3.  Arithmetic

ADD a b <result> --- 2OP:$14

     The result is a +b modulo $10000.

SUB a b <result> --- 2OP:$15

     The result is a -b modulo $10000.

MUL a b <result> --- 2OP:$16

     The result is a *b modulo $10000.

DIV s t <result> --- 2OP:$17

     The result is floor(s/t) modulo $10000. It is an error if t is 0. Note
     that s and t are interpeted as signed numbers.

MOD s t <result> --- 2OP:$18

     The result is s -t *floor(s/t) modulo $10000. It is an error if t is 0.
     Note that s and t are interpeted as signed numbers.

INC var --- 1OP:$5

     Increment the value of the variable with number var by 1, modulo $10000.
     Equivalent to

          LOAD var ST
          ADD ST 1 ST
          STORE var ST

DEC var --- 1OP:$6

                                     - 39 -

     Decrement the value of the variable with number var by 1, modulo $10000.
     Equivalent to

          LOAD var ST
          SUB ST 1 ST
          STORE var ST

INC_JG var s <branch> --- 2OP:$5

     Equivalent to

          INC var
          JG var s <branch>

DEC_JL var s <branch> --- 2OP:$4

     Equivalent to

          DEC var
          JL var s <branch>

OR a b <result> --- 2OP:$8

     The result is the bitwise `or' of a and b.

AND a b <result> --- 2OP:$9

     The result is the bitwise `and' of a and b.

NOT a <result> --- 1OP:$F, V1-4; VAR:$18, V5+

     The result is the bitwise `not' of a.

     Note that the opcode 1OP:$F is occupied by CALL_P0 in V5+.

LOG_SHIFT a t <result> --- EXT:$2, V5+

     The result is floor(a *2 ) modulo $10000. Note that a is interpeted as an
     unsigned number.

ART_SHIFT s t <result> --- EXT:$3, V5+

     The result is floor(s *2t) modulo $10000. Note that s is interpeted as a
     signed number.

8.4.  Comparisons and jumps

JZ a <branch> --- 1OP:$0

     Branch if a is 0.  Equivalent to

          JE a 0 <branch>

JE a [b1 b2 b3] <branch> --- 2OP:$1

                                     - 40 -

     Branch if a is equal to at least one of the other operands.

          NOTE: Some emulators might not handle this instruction correctly
          if just one operand is given; correct behaviour is to branch

JL s t <branch> --- 2OP:$2

     Branch if s <t.  Note that s and t are interpreted as signed numbers.

JG s t <branch> --- 2OP:$3

     Branch if s >t.  Note that s and t are interpreted as signed numbers.

JIN obj n <branch> --- 2OP:$6

     Branch if n is the parent object of obj, or if n is 0 and the object has
     no parent.  Equivalent to

          GET_PARENT obj ST
          JE ST n <branch>

TEST a b <branch> --- 2OP:$7

     Branch if the `bitwise and' of a and b is equal to b.  Equivalent to

          AND a b ST
          JE ST b <branch>

JUMP s --- 1OP:$C

     Unconditional branch:  set the PC to address after instruction +s -2.
     (This strongly resembles the formula for branch arguments; see section

8.5.  Call and return, throw and catch

CALL_F0 raddr <result> --- 1OP:$8, V4+
CALL_P0 raddr --- 1OP:$F, V5+
CALL_F1 raddr a1 <result> --- 2OP:$19, V4+
CALL_P1 raddr a1 --- 2OP:$1A, V5+
CALL_FV raddr [a1 a2 a3] <result> --- VAR:$0
CALL_PV raddr [a1 a2 a3] --- VAR:$19, V5+
CALL_FD raddr [a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7] <result> --- VAR:$C, V4+
CALL_PD raddr [a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7] --- VAR:$1A, V5+

     Call the given routine, passing it the given values.  Exception:  if raddr
     is 0, either the result is 0 (if there is a result argument) or nothing

     Note that the last character of the mnemonic indicates the number of
     passed values, where V (for variable) means 0 to 3, and D (for double)
     means 0 to 7.  The character before that indicates whether the instruction
     has a result argument (F for function) or not (P for procedure).  Note
     also that V1-3 have only one call instruction, viz. CALL_FV, and that the
     CALL_P versions exist only in V5+.

                                     - 41 -

     The call is executed as follows.  Let r be the address at which the
     routine starts (found by `unpacking' the packed routine address raddr);
     let L be the number of local variables of the called routine (found in
     the byte at address r); and let n be the number of values that are passed
     to the called routine (i.e., the number of operands of the instruction
     minus one).  If n >L, then read L for n in the following.  (Note that
     this makes it legal to call a routine with too many values; the extraneous
     values are simply ignored.)  A new frame is pushed on top of the call
     stack, with the following contents:

     --   The PC is set to the address of the first instruction of the routine,
          directly after the routine header (i.e., to r +2 *L +1 in V1-4, or r
          + 1 in V5+).

     --   The routine stack is empty.

     --   L local variables are created.  The n lowest of these are set to
          the passed values a1, ..., an.  The others are initialized to their
          default initial values.  In V1-4, these are found in the L words from
          address r +1; in V5+, they are 0.

     --   In V3+, the fact is stored that this routine is called as a function
          (for the CALL_F instructions) or as a procedure (for the CALL_P

     --   In V5+, the number n is stored.

     In this way control is passed to the called routine, until a return
     instruction is encountered.  Note that the PC in the previous frame now
     contains the address after the call instruction (either pointing to its
     result argument or to the next instruction).

     Note that opcode 1OP:$8 (for CALL_F0) is illegal in V1-3; 1OP:$F is
     occupied by NOT (instead of CALL_P0) in V1-4.  [Question:  Why wasn't
     opcode 1OP:$8 used in V1-3?]

RET a --- 1OP:$B

     Return from the current routine with return value a.  The following steps
     are executed:

     o    Check the top frame of the call stack to see whether this routine was
          called as function, procedure, or interrupt.

     o    Remove the top frame from the call stack.  It is an error for the
          call stack to be left empty.

     o    If the routine was called as an interrupt, return the value a to
          the caller.

     o    Otherwise, if the routine was called as a function, the current PC
          is pointing to it:  store the return value a there, moving the PC one
          byte on to the next instruction.  Control has now been passed back to
          the calling routine.

     Note that the following instructions do a RET implicitly:  PRINT_RTRUE,

                                     - 42 -

RTRUE  --- 0OP:$0

     Equivalent to RET 1.

RFALSE  --- 0OP:$1

     Equivalent to RET 0.

RET_PULLED  --- 0OP:$8

     Equivalent to RET ST.

CHECK_ARG_COUNT n <branch> --- VAR:$1F, V5+

     Branch if the call instruction to the current routine passed at least n
     values.  (Remember that the number of values passed to the current routine
     is stored in the top frame of the call stack.)

     Note that it is unspecified what happens when this instruction is
     encountered in the `main routine'; recommended behaviour is to branch
     only if n is 0.  (Note that ZIP crashes instead.)  See also sections 2.2
     and 2.11.

CATCH <result> --- 0OP:$9, V5+

     Store a pointer to the frame currently on top of the call stack.  Tag the
     top frame on the call stack with a frame pointer not currently used, and
     return it as the result (see section 2.2).  This frame pointer can then be
     used by a THROW instruction.

     Note that the CATCH instruction can be `nested' at most 65536 times, but
     to reach that maximum a call stack of at least that many frames is needed.

     Note that this opcode is occupied by POP in V1-4.

THROW a fp --- 2OP:$1C, V5+

     Return with return value a from the routine that did the corresponding
     CATCH; this routine is found using the frame pointer fp. fp must point
     to one of the frames currently on the call stack (see section 2.2).  The
     call stack is popped until that frame is on top.  Then a RET a instruction
     is executed.

          NOTE: THROWing the frame pointer of a call stack frame that
          has been popped since its CATCH leads to nasty bugs.  If there
          currently is no frame with that same frame pointer, the error
          can theoretically be caught by the emulator (but in practice
          most do not).  If there is one, the error goes unnoticed,
          leading to strange behaviour later.

8.6.  Objects, attributes, and properties

GET_SIBLING obj <result> <branch> --- 1OP:$1

     The result is the (next) sibling object of the given object, or 0 if it
     doesn't exist.  Branch if the result is not 0.

                                     - 43 -

GET_CHILD obj <result> <branch> --- 1OP:$2

     The result is the (first) child object of the given object, or 0 if it
     doesn't exist.  Branch if the result is not 0.

GET_PARENT obj <result> --- 1OP:$3

     The result is the parent object of the given object, or 0 if it doesn't
     exist.  (Note that unlike GET_CHILD and GET_SIBLING this instruction has
     no branch argument.)

REMOVE_OBJ obj --- 1OP:$9

     Remove obj from its current location in the object tree; all its children
     move with it.

     The given object is removed from between its siblings (closing the sibling
     chain again), and is changed to have no parent and no siblings.  If obj
     has no parent -- and therefore no siblings -- nothing happens.

INSERT_OBJ obj1 obj2 --- 2OP:$E

     Remove obj1 from its current location in the object tree, and insert
     it as the first child of obj2, before all other children.  All obj1's
     children move with it.

     Object obj1 is first removed from its current location, as with
     REMOVE_OBJ obj1.  It is then made the (first) child of obj2, with the
     formerly first child as its (next) sibling.

     Note that a consistent non-recursive object tree is made recursive by
     this instruction if and only if obj1 occurs in the (finite) parent chain
     that begins with obj2. In this case the emulator might print a warning
     message, since this is probably a bug.

TEST_ATTR obj attr <branch> --- 2OP:$A

     Branch if object obj has attribute attr set.

SET_ATTR obj attr --- 2OP:$B

     Set (i.e., make 1, or true) attribute attr on object obj.

CLEAR_ATTR obj attr --- 2OP:$C

     Clear (i.e., make 0, or false) attribute attr on object obj.

PUT_PROP obj prop a --- VAR:$3

     Set property prop on object obj to a.  The property must be present on the
     object.  If the property length is 1, then a must be byte-valued.

GET_PROP obj prop <result> --- 2OP:$11

     The result is the first word (if the property length is 2) or byte (if it
     is one) of property prop on object obj, if it is present.  Otherwise the
     result is the default property word stored in the property defaults table.

                                     - 44 -

     The result is unspecified if the property is present but does not have
     length 1 or 2.

GET_PROP_ADDR obj prop <result> --- 2OP:$12

     The result is the address where the property prop of object obj begins.
     The property must be present on the object.

GET_NEXT_PROP obj prop <result> --- 2OP:$13

     If prop is zero, the result is the number of the first (highest numbered)
     property on object obj.  Otherwise, prop must be present on this object,
     and the result is the number of its next (lower numbered) property.  In
     all cases, if no such property is present the result is 0.

GET_PROP_LEN baddr <result> --- 1OP:$4

     The result is the length (in bytes) of the property starting at address
     baddr.  This is stored in some bits of the byte at baddr -1:

     o    V1-3: the top 3 bits;

     o    V4+, top bit is %0: bit 6;

     o    V4+, top bit is %1: the bottom 7 bits.

     To compute the length, interpret these bits as an unsigned number, and
     (except in the third case) add 1.

     It is an error if an address is given where no property begins.  Note that
     most emulators (e.g., ZIP) do not check this.

8.7.  Windows

GET_WIND_PROP window p <result> --- EXT:$13, V6

     The result is the value of property p of the given window.  It is an error
     if an illegal property number is used.

PUT_WIND_PROP window p a --- EXT:$19, V6

     Property p of the given window is set to a.  It is an error if an
     illegal property number is used.  It is also an error if property number
     13 is used.  Note that nothing else happens, in particular the output
     buffer is not flushed.  It is recommended to use this instruction only
     for properties 8, 9, and 15, and use the following instructions for
     the others:  SPLIT_SCREEN (0-5), MOVE_WINDOW (0,1), WINDOW_SIZE (2,3),
     SET_FONT (12), BUFFER_MODE (14), WINDOW_STYLE (14).


     Flush the buffer, and position windows 0 and 1 so that they tile the
     region below the status bar (if present), with window 1 occupying the
     upper n units.  (If this is not possible window 1 is made as large as
     possible, while window 0 gets height 0.) This is done by setting window

                                     - 45 -

     properties 0 to 3 of windows 0 and 1 accordingly.  The cursor positions
     for windows 0 and 1 (properties 4 and 5) are changed too, such that they
     remain at the same location on the screen.  Exception:  If, for windows 0
     and 1, the cursor would end up outside the window, the cursor is placed at
     the top left of the window.

     [Question:  I think the above is wrong, since n is probably given in lines
     instead of in units.  If so:  how to convert lines to units -- use the
     height of the current style of window 1?]

     It is an error when this instruction is encountered in V3 and header bit
     $01/5 is cleared.

SET_WINDOW window --- VAR:$B, V3+

     Flush the output buffer and make window the currently selected window.
     When window 1 is selected in V3, it is cleared with an EraseWindow(1)
     operation; in V4-5 its cursor is set to (1,1).  Note that it is legal
     to select a window with zero size, although it is not possible to print
     anything to it.  It is an error to give a negative value for window,
     except -3 in V6, in which case nothing happens.

SET_CURSOR s x --- VAR:$F, V4-5
SET_CURSOR s x [window] --- VAR:$F, V6

     Flush the buffer and set the cursor for the given window (i.e., window
     properties 4 and 5) at position (s, x).  It is an error in V4-5 to use
     this instruction when window 0 is selected.  [Question:  Is the window
     operand optional or not?]

     Exception:  The first argument can be negative.  If it is -2 (and the
     second argument is 0), the screen cursor is turned on.  If it is -1, it
     is turned off; the second argument is ignored in that case.

GET_CURSOR baddr --- VAR:$10, V4+

     Flush the buffer, then put the y and x coordinates of the current
     window's cursor in the words at addresses baddr and baddr +2 respectively.
     [Question:  Maybe 2 should be put in the byte (or word?)  at baddr,
     and the y and x coordinates at the next two words, but PDD says not.]
     [Question:  Graham Nelson suggests as an alternative to let the result of
     a GET_CURSOR be unspecified if the buffer is not empty.  I think the above
     is a cleaner solution.]

BUFFER_MODE bit --- VAR:$12, V4+

     Flush the output buffer and set the buffer mode (attribute 4) of both
     windows (V4), of window 0 (V5), or of the current window (V6) to bit.

SET_COLOUR byte0 byte1 --- 2OP:$1B, V5+

     Set the colour property (11) to 256 *byte0 +byte1 for both windows (V5)
     or the current window (V6); the meaning of the colour values is given in
     section 4.3.  It is an error if another colour value is used.  Exceptions:
     Three special colour values can be given, viz.

     o    0: Don't change the colour, i.e., use the current colour;

                                     - 46 -

     o    1: Set to the default colour in the header byte at $2C or $2D;

     o    255: Set to the foreground colour of the unit at the current window's
          cursor position.

     [Question:  Should the output buffer be flushed before changing colours?
     I think not.]

SET_TEXT_STYLE n --- VAR:$11, V4+

     Set the text style (property 10) for all windows (V4-5) or for the current
     window (V6), to 0 if n is 0, and to current_text_style `bitwise or'
     n otherwise.

     Note that also property 13 and the header words at $26 and $27 must be
     changed; these store the size of the current style.

     Note that the output buffer is not flushed.

SET_FONT n <result> --- EXT:$4, V5
SET_FONT n [window] <result> --- EXT:$4, V6

     Set the font property (12) to n, if it is available; otherwise do
     nothing.  In V5 the font is set for all windows; in V6 it is set for the
     given window only.  The return value is the previous value of the font
     property, or 0 if the requested font was not available.  [Question:  Is
     the window operand optional or not?] [Question:  Is a SET_TEXT_STYLE 0
     also performed?]

     Note that also property 13 and the header words at $26 and $27 must be
     changed; these store the size of the current style.

     Note that the output buffer is not flushed.

MOVE_WINDOW window y x --- EXT:$10, V6

     Flush the output buffer and set the coordinates of the top left of
     the given window (i.e., properties 0 and 1) to y and x, respectively.
     [Question:  What happens with the cursor position?  It should remain at
     the same relative or absolute position.  In the latter case, if the cursor
     would end up outside the window, the cursor should be placed at the top
     left corner (cf. SPLIT_SCREEN).]

WINDOW_SIZE window y x --- EXT:$11, V6

     Flush the output buffer and set the vertical and horizontal size of
     the given window (i.e., properties 2 and 3) to y and x respectively.
     [Question:  What happens if the cursor is outside the resized window?  I
     suggest setting it to the top left corner.]

SET_MARGINS xl xr [window] --- EXT:$8, V6

     Flush the output buffer and set the margin properties (6 and 7) of
     the given window to xl and xr respectively.  [Question:  And set the x
     coordinate of the cursor (property 1) to xl? Graham Nelson says not.]
     [Question:  Is the window operand optional or not?]

                                     - 47 -

WINDOW_STYLE window flags op --- EXT:$12, V6

     Set the attribute property (14) of the given window to a new value,
     depending on op:

     o    0: flags;

     o    1: the `bitwise or' of current and flags;

     o    2: the `bitwise and' of current with the `bitwise not' of flags;

     o    3: the `bitwise exclusive or' of current and flags.

8.8.  Input and output streams

OUTPUT_STREAM s --- VAR:$13, V3-4
OUTPUT_STREAM s [baddr] --- VAR:$13, V5
OUTPUT_STREAM s [baddr w] --- VAR:$13, V6

     If s >0 then open output stream s; if s <0 then close output stream  -
     s.  It is an error for s to be zero, or an illegal output stream number.
     [Question:  [Nelson] declares this to be legal.  Why?]

     Only if s is 3, the baddr operand must be given.  This is the address
     where storage begins.  If the optional w operand is not present, the one-
     line format is used; if it is, the multi-line format.  In the last case,
     if w �0 then the properties of window w is used for text justification;
     if w <0 then an imaginary window with width  -w is used.  See section 6.4
     for further details.

INPUT_STREAM n --- VAR:$14, V3+

     Switch to input stream n.  It is an error to give an illegal input stream

8.9.  Input

READ baddr1 baddr2 --- VAR:$4, V1-3
READ baddr1 baddr2 [time raddr] --- VAR:$4, V4
READ baddr1 baddr2 [time raddr] <result> --- VAR:$4, V5+

     First refresh the status bar.  Then read a sequence of characters from
     the current input stream, simultaneously displaying it on the screen, and
     optionally calling a `time-out routine' at intervals.  Finally tokenise it
     using the main dictionary.

     First, if a status bar is present, a SHOW_STATUS instruction is performed.
     The now-current state of the Z-machine and the screen (call it S) is
     remembered.  Note that this remembered state plays a crucial role in the
     explanation below.

     A sequence of input characters is now constructed by reading the device
     associated with the current input stream (i.e., the keyboard or a command
     script).  How this construction is done is not specified, but it usually
     begins with the empty sequence, and it is legal to edit the input sequence

                                     - 48 -

     in any way imaginable (using, e.g., delete, insert, and cursor keys).  It
     is also legal to limit the input line to a certain length, e.g., to the
     length of the current window line, or to the length of the input buffer
     (see below).

     During the construction process, but only if output stream 1 is open, it
     is mandatory show the sequence constructed thus far on the screen.  To
     be precise, at any given time the screen should look as if the current
     sequence was printed using PRINT_CHAR instructions from state S.  (Note
     that the PRINT_CHAR instructions are not actually performed, so that only
     the screen changes.  In particular, nothing is sent to any output stream.)

     Construction ends when a so-called `terminating character' is entered by
     the user.  Character 13 (newline) is always a terminating character.  In
     V5+ the header word at $2E contains either zero, or the byte address of
     a zero-terminated list of additional terminating characters; an entry of
     255 in this table means that any input-only character (i.e., any `function
     key') terminates input.  (Input-only characters that are not terminating
     and have no special meaning to the interpreter are simply ignored.)
     [Question:  If the delete key is a terminating character, and it is
     pressed during construction, one can use it (i) to edit the sequence under
     construction (ii) as a terminating character.  Option (iii) is to make it
     illegal for 127 to be a terminating character.  I prefer (ii).]

     In V4+ it is possible to interrupt the construction process if it takes
     longer than a given time.  To achieve this, the time and raddr operands
     must both be given.  (It is an error if only the time operand is given.)
     In this case the following happens after time/10 seconds have elapsed.
     First the screen is reverted to state S.  Then the routine at the given
     packed address is called as an interrupt, without passing it any values.
     If the return value is zero, the remembered state S is replaced by the
     then-current Z-machine and screen state, and construction continues (with
     the input sequence being shown as before).  If the return value of the
     time-out routine is non-zero, the constructed sequence is made empty, and
     the construction process is ended with 0 as the terminating character.
     [Question:  Is it an error for the time-out routine to return another
     value than 0 or 1?]

          NOTE: Some versions of ZIP erroneously call the routine every
          time seconds, and pass time to it.

     After the construction process has terminated, the screen is reverted
     to state S, and the sequence of input characters is sent to all output
     streams.  If the terminating character is 13, it is also sent to all
     output streams.

     The sequence of input characters (excluding the terminating character) is
     stored in the buffer that begins at address baddr1, but with upper case
     letters converted to lower case.  Call the unsigned byte at that address
     n.  In V1-4, the characters are stored in the bytes from address baddr
     1 +1 upwards, and followed by a zero byte.  In V5+, the buffer already
     contains a sequence of characters, beginning at address baddr1 +2, with
     the number of characters stored as an unsigned byte at baddr1 +1.  The
     sequence just read is stored after the characters already present, and
     the total number of characters is stored in the byte at baddr1 +1.  The
     maximum number of characters that may be stored in the buffer is n -1
     (V1-4) or n (V5+).  It is an error to attempt to store more characters.

                                     - 49 -

     (Note that in practice, the construction process should be such that this
     limit cannot be exceeded.)

     Finally, if baddr2 is not zero in V5+, the sequence stored in the buffer
     is tokenised, just as if a TOKENISE baddr1 baddr2 instruction was used.

     In V5+ the result is the terminating character.

     Note that it is legal to execute a READ instruction in any window.

READ_CHAR 1 [time raddr] <result> --- VAR:$16, V4+

     One input character is read from the current input stream, and is returned
     as the result.  In V4+ the time and raddr operands may (both) be given,
     just as with the READ instruction.  They are used in the same way:  on a
     return value of 0 reading continues; otherwise the instruction finishes
     without reading a character, and the result is 0.  [Question:  Should the
     read character (and possible time-out information) be output to output
     stream 4?]

     Note that the first operand must be 1.  The meaning of this operand is
     not known.

8.10.  Character based output


     Output character n to all output streams except 4.  [Question:  [Nelson]
     says characters 1024-65535 are not allowed.  Is he correct?  This seems to
     be an arbitrary restriction on the PRINT_CHAR instruction.]

NEW_LINE  --- 0OP:$B

     Equivalent to PRINT_CHAR 13.

PRINT <string> --- 0OP:$2

     Convert the Z-string given as the string argument to a sequence of output
     characters (see section 3.2), and output this sequence as if PRINT_CHAR
     instructions were used.

PRINT_RTRUE <string> --- 0OP:$3

     Equivalent to

          PRINT <string>

PRINT_ADDR baddr --- 1OP:$7

     Like PRINT, but using the Z-string beginning at address baddr.

PRINT_PADDR saddr --- 1OP:$D

     Like PRINT, but using the Z-string beginning at the packed string address

                                     - 50 -


PRINT_NUM s --- VAR:$6

     Convert s to a list of output characters representing a signed decimal
     number, and output these characters in sequence as with the PRINT_CHAR
     instruction.  No leading or trailing spaces are printed, and a sign is
     only printed if the number is negative.

PRINT_OBJ obj --- 1OP:$A

     Like PRINT, but using the name of object obj stored as a Z-string in the
     header of its property list.

PRINT_TABLE baddr x [y n] --- VAR:$1E, V5+

     Print a rectangle of output characters stored from address baddr on the
     screen, with width x and height y (default 1).  The characters are printed
     using PRINT_CHAR, and inbetween lines the cursor is moved to a new line
     using SET_CURSOR with appropriate arguments.  [Question:  Should the
     cursor end up after the last character of the last line, or on the left
     hand side of the rectangle on the line below it?  Frotz does the former,
     but the latter might be more appropriate, at least for y >1.  It might be
     best to leave this unspecified.] [Question:  Is it an error for y to be 0,
     or should nothing be done in that case?  I prefer the latter.]

     The characters to be printed are stored in the bytes beginning at baddr.
     First come x characters to be printed, then n (default 0) characters to be
     ignored, again x to be printed, etc.

PRINT_FORM baddr --- EXT:$1A, V6

     Print a number of `lines' stored in memory, in the same way as stored
     using output stream 3 (see section 6.4).

     The `lines' begin at address baddr, and are followed by a zero word.
     Every `line' is an 2-1-table of output characters.  For every line, these
     characters are output using PRINT_CHAR, and at the end of each line a
     NEW_LINE is output.

SCROLL_WINDOW window s --- EXT:$14, V6

     Execute the ScrollWindow(window,s) operation.  [Question:  This moves the
     cursor also.  Is that correct?]

8.11.  Miscellaneous screen output

ERASE_LINE  --- VAR:$E, V4-5
ERASE_LINE [n] --- VAR:$E, V6

     Erase a rectangle of the current window with the cursor position as its
     top left corner; use the current background colour.  [Question:  Is this
     correct for all versions?] The height of this rectangle (in units) is the
     height of the current style in V4-5, and 1 in V6.  Its width is n -1 if n
     is greater than 1; otherwise it is the distance from the cursor position
     to the right margin.  n defaults to 1.  [Question:  Is the operand

                                     - 51 -

     mandatory in V6? Is 0 an illegal value for it?]

ERASE_WINDOW window --- VAR:$D, V4+

     If window is not negative, perform an EraseWindow(window) operation.
     If -1: perform an EraseScreen operation followed by a SPLIT_SCREEN 0
     instruction.  If -2 in V6: perform an EraseScreen operation.

DRAW_PICTURE pic [y x] --- EXT:$5, V6

     Do a ShowPicture(pic,y,x) operation on the video card.  If y and x are not
     given, they default to the cursor position of the current window.  It is
     an error if only y is given.

ERASE_PICTURE pic [y x] --- EXT:$7, V6

     Do an ErasePicture(pic,y,x) operation on the video card.  If y and x are
     not given, they default to the cursor position of the current window.  It
     is an error if only y is given.

PICTURE_DATA n baddr <branch> --- EXT:$6, V6

     If n is a legal picture number, store the height and width of that picture
     in two words at address baddr and branch.  If n is zero, store the highest
     legal picture number in the word at baddr, and the release number of the
     picture file in the next word.  It is an error if n has any other value.
     [Question:  Should these be 2-2-tables?  PDD says not.]

PICTURE_TABLE baddr --- EXT:$1C, V6

     Do nothing.  This hints the Z-machine that some pictures will be shown
     soon, using a 2-2-table at address baddr which contains the picture
     numbers as unsigned numbers.

8.12.  Sound, mouse, and menus

SOUND n [op vol raddr] --- VAR:$15, V3+

     This instruction has a complicated semantics, which depends on the sound
     number n.  If this is 1 or 2, a high-pitched or low-pitched beep is
     played, independently of running sound effects; it is an error to give
     more operands.  If n >2 the op operand must be present, and lie between 1
     and 4.  This gives the action to be taken:

     o    1, prepare:  the sound effect will soon be started.

     o    2, start:  if the required sound effect is already running, change
          its repeats, volume, and interrupt routine; otherwise stop the
          current sound effect, and (if it can be played) start the required
          one, with the given repeats, volume, and interrupt routine.  The high
          byte of the vol operand is the number of repeats (default 0, always 0
          in V3), the low byte is the volume (must be 1-8 or 255, default 255).
          [Question:  Is the default volume correct?] `0 repeats' really means
          `play once'; `255 repeats' means `repeat indefinitely'; and `volume
          255' means `the loudest possible.'  Note that the interrupt routine
          is only called when the sound effect has been played completely the

                                     - 52 -

          required number of times.  The routine is called without passing it
          any values, ignoring the return value.

     o    3, stop:  stop the current sound effect.  The sound number is

     o    4, finish with:  the sound effect will not be used for some time.

     It is legal for n to be zero.  The vol and raddr operands are only allowed
     when n >2 and op =2.

     It is legal to postpone starting a new sound effect until the current
     one has ended, if no input has been read from any input stream since
     the current sound effect has been started.  The interrupt routine
     for the current sound effect is not called in this case.  (This is
     to cater for ``The Lurking Horror''s assumption about the low speed of
     its interpreter.)

     Note that ``The Lurking Horror'' sometimes uses this instruction in a
     complicated and presumably buggy way.

READ_MOUSE baddr --- EXT:$16, V6

     Read the current state of the mouse, and write them in four words at
     baddr.  The words contain the y and x coordinates, a button word, and
     a menu word.  The button word contains a %1 bit for every mouse button
     pressed, with bit 0 representing the rightmost button, bit 1 the next,
     etc.  The high byte of the menu word is the menu number, the low byte
     is the item number.  [Question:  Since the mouse state includes a menu
     choice, I presume that this state is refreshed only at mouse clicks.  Is
     that correct?]

MOUSE_WINDOW window --- EXT:$17, V6

     Restrict the mouse pointer to the given window, or remove the current
     restriction if window is -1; see section 2.10.

MAKE_MENU n baddr <branch> --- EXT:$1B, V6

     Create or replace the menu with number n, or remove that menu if baddr
     is zero.

     The menu is stored as a sequence of ASCII strings.  The first string is
     the menu title, the others are the menu entries.  The word (byte?)  at
     baddr stores the number of strings, and is followed by that many strings.
     Each string is an unsigned word (byte?)  followed by that many ASCII
     character bytes.

8.13.  Save, restore, and undo

SAVE <branch> --- 0OP:$5, V1-3
SAVE <result> --- 0OP:$5, V4
SAVE [baddr1 n baddr2] <result> --- EXT:$0, V5+

     Save the dynamic memory plus the call stack, or the part of memory
     beginning at baddr1 of n bytes long, via a link to the outside world.

                                     - 53 -

     (It is an error if only the baddr1 argument is present.)  The optional
     1-1-table of ASCII character bytes at baddr2 gives a suggested name for
     the location of the saved data.

     In V1-3, if the save operation failed or on a succesful restore, execution
     continues after the SAVE instruction; if the save operation succeeded
     the branch is made.  In V4+ the result is 0 for failure, 1 for success,
     and 2 for succesful restore, and execution always continues after the
     SAVE instruction.

     If the call stack is saved, it is illegal for it to contain interrupt
     frames.  This implies that it is illegal to use this instruction from
     within a routine called as an interrupt.

     It is legal for the Z-machine to have a dialogue with the user about the
     location of the saved data, and show it in window 0. [Question:  Or should
     that be the current window?]

RESTORE <branch> --- 0OP:$6, V1-3
RESTORE <result> --- 0OP:$6, V4
RESTORE [baddr1 n baddr2] <result> --- EXT:$1, V5+

     Restore the dynamic memory plus the call stack, or the part of memory
     beginning at baddr1 of n bytes long, via a link from the outside world.
     (It is an error if only the baddr1 argument is present.)  The optional
     1-1-table of ASCII character bytes at baddr2 gives a suggested name for
     the location of the restored data.

     Just as when the Z-machine is initialized, header bit $10-$11/0 is not

     If the restore operation succeeds and the call stack is restored (i.e.,
     no operands are given), execution continues after the corresponding SAVE
     instruction, in the restored environment (and its result is 2). Otherwise,
     execution continues after this RESTORE instruction; the V4+ result is the
     number of bytes restored, or 0 if the restore failed.

     Note that the V1-3 branch argument is ignored.

     If the call stack is restored, it may not contain interrupt frames (see
     SAVE above).

     It is legal for the Z-machine to have a dialogue with the user about the
     location of the saved data, and show it in window 0. [Question:  Or should
     that be the current window?]

SAVE_UNDO <result> --- EXT:$9, V5+

     Like V4 SAVE, but saving to the save memory instead of to the outside
     world.  The result is -1 if the Z-machine has no save memory.  [TODO: Add
     something on multiple undo?]

     Note that in V5+ opcode 0OP:$5 is illegal.

RESTORE_UNDO <result> --- EXT:$A, V5+

     Like V4 RESTORE, but restoring from the save memory instead of from the

                                     - 54 -

     outside world.  (The result is 0 if the save memory is not initialized,
     i.e., if there was no previous SAVE_UNDO.) The result is -1 if the
     Z-machine has no save memory.

     Note that in V5+ opcode 0OP:$6 is illegal.

8.14.  Miscellaneous

NOP  --- 0OP:$4

     No OPeration, i.e., do nothing.

RANDOM s <result> --- VAR:$7

     If s >0, the result is a random number between 1 and s, inclusive.  If s
      <0, the random generator is seeded with s and the result is 0.  If s is
     0, all future random numbers will be `really random,' and the result is 0.
     See also section 2.6.

          NOTE: Early ports of ZIP do not reseed the random generator when
          s is 0.

RESTART  --- 0OP:$7

     Initialize the Z-machine, thereby restarting the original Z-program; see
     section 2.11 for a description of what exactly happens.

QUIT  --- 0OP:$A

     The Z-machine is halted.


     Refresh the status bar by performing a ShowStatusBar(s,a,b,flag)
     operation.  Global variable 0 must contain a legal object number; the name
     of that object (i.e., the Z-string in the header of its property list)
     is converted to a sequence of output characters and called s; it is an
     error if s contains a newline.  a and b are the (signed) values stored in
     globals 1 and 2 respectively.  In V3 flag is header bit $01/1; otherwise
     it is %0.

     Note that this instruction is implicitly used in the V1-3 READ

VERIFY <branch> --- 0OP:$D, V3+

     Compute a checksum from the non-header bytes, and branch if this matches
     the checksum in the header.

     Let n be the number stored in the header word at $1A, and f be the
     `program length scale factor': 2 for V3, 4 for V4-5, and 8 for V6-8.  This
     instruction sums (modulo $10000) the bytes from addresses $40 upwards
     to n *f -1 inclusive.  This sum is compared with the header word at $1C,
     branching if equal.  The sum is defined to be zero if n *f -1 is less than
     $40; this means that the branch is always made if the header words at $1A
     and $1C are both zero, which is the case in early V3 Infocom games.

                                     - 55 -

PIRACY <branch> --- 0OP:$F, V5+

     This is a conditional branch instruction, but the condition is
     unspecified.  Originally this was supposed to branch if the emulator
     thinks an official copy of the current Z-program is used.  Because most
     emulators probably have no means to check this, it is recommended that
     this instruction should always branch.

TOKENISE baddr1 baddr2 [baddr3 bit] --- VAR:$1B, V5+

     Tokenise the input characters stored in the text buffer at baddr1, into
     the parse buffer at baddr2.  If baddr3 is present and non-zero, use the
     dictionary at that address; otherwise use the main dictionary.

     The input characters are stored in the bytes from address baddr1 +1 with
     a zero terminator (V1-4), or from address baddr1 +2 with the number of
     bytes in the byte at baddr +1 (V5+).  Note that this is the format that is
     produced by READ.

     The text is divided into tokens.  Division takes place at characters
     32 (spaces) and at the separator characters stored in the header of the
     dictionary; the former are ignored, the latter are made into separate
     tokens.  [Question:  What happens if 32 is used as a separator?  I suggest
     it is made into a token just like any other separator.] As an example,
     if the comma ``,'' is a separator character, the text fred,go fishing is
     divided into the four tokens ``fred'', ``,'', ``go'', and ``fishing''.
     For each token the starting location p (w.r.t. baddr1) and the number of
     characters n is remembered.  Each token is converted into a Z-string, as
     with the ENCODE_TEXT baddr1 n p instruction.  This Z-string is looked up
     in the dictionary, and the address of its entry is remembered.

     The first byte of the parse buffer gives the maximum number of tokens; it
     is an error if the text buffer contains more tokens.  The actual number of
     tokens is stored in the next byte, and subsequently a 4-byte block follows
     for every token.  A block consists of the byte address of the dictionary
     entry (or zero if the token doesn't occur in it); the length n of the
     token (a byte); and the location p of the token (also a byte).  Exception:
     If the bit operand is present and non-zero, 4 bytes are skipped for every
     token not in the dictionary (instead of storing a 4-byte block).  Note
     that this can be used to incrementally tokenise a text using different
     dictionaries having the same separators.

     Note that this instruction is used implicitly to do the lexical analysis
     for READ in all versions.  That is the reason for mentioning V1-4 in the
     above description.

ENCODE_TEXT baddr1 n p baddr2 --- VAR:$1C, V5+

     Create a Z-string that converts to as long an initial part of the given
     sequence of output characters as possible.  This sequence is n bytes long,
     and begins at address baddr1 +p; it may contain all output characters
     less than 256, except 13 (newline).  The resulting Z-string is stored from
     address baddr2; it must have the same structure as one in a dictionary:
     it is 4 (V1-3) or 6 (V4+) words long and padded out with Z- character
     5.  The encoding should use the built-in or alternative character set
     as much as possible; it should not use abbreviations or multiple shift
     Z-characters (V1-2: 2,3; V3+: 4,5).  [Question:  Did Infocom interpreters

                                     - 56 -

     really not use the latter?  If they did, change this into a 'strong
     recommendation.'] Note that there may be different Z-strings that encode
     the given output characters; in such a case it is unspecified which is
     chosen.  [Question:  Or is this an error?]

     Note that this instruction is used implicitly by TOKENISE, which
     is implicitly used by READ in all versions.  That is the reason for
     mentioning V1-4 in the above description.

Miscellaneous Tables

Below, some tables are collected for easy reference.  Most of the information
in these tables is copied from [Nelson].

1.  The header

Table 3 gives the meaning of all bits in the 64-byte header.  All addresses are
given as hexadecimal numbers.  The `Ver' column gives the range of versions in
which the header entry is used, with 1+ as the default.  The `Mem' column gives
the type of the locations, the default being ROM.

                              Table 3.  The header

 Addr     Ver   Mem   Description
 00                   version number
 01/0     ---   ---   [unused, maybe intended for reverse byte order]
 01/1     3           status line type (0=score/turns, 1=hours:minutes)
 01/2     3           [unknown, always set in V3]
 01/3     3     IROM  run program in censored mode?
 01/4     3     IROM  status line not available?
 01/5     3     IROM  upper window available?
 01/6     3     IROM  is the default font variable-width?
 01/7     ---   ---   [unused by Infocom, used in Standard]
 01/0     5+    IROM  colours available?
 01/1     4     IROM  inverse video styles available?
          5     IROM  picture displaying available?
 01/2     4+    IROM  boldface styles available?
 01/3     4+    IROM  emphasis styles available?
 01/4     4+    IROM  fixed-width styles available?
 01/5     6     IROM  sound effects available?
 01/6     ---   ---   [unused]
 01/7     ---   ---   [unused by Infocom, used in Standard]
 02-03                release number
 04-05                begin of paged memory (byte address)
 06-07    1-5         first instruction (byte address)
          6           first routine (packed routine address)
 08-09                begin of dictionary (byte address)
 0A-0B                begin of object table (byte address)
 0C-0D                begin of global variables table (byte address)
 0E-0F                begin of static memory (byte address)
 10-11/0        RAM   set to turn transcripting on

                                     - 57 -

 10-11/1  3-4   RAM   set to force printing in fixed-width style
 10-11/2  6     RAM   must status line be redrawn?
 10-11/3  5+    IROM  does program want to use pictures?
 10-11/4  5+    IROM  does program want to use the UNDO instruction?
 10-11/5  5+    IROM  does program want to use a mouse?
 10-11/6  5+    IROM  does program want to use colours?
 10-11/7  5+    IROM  does program want to use sound effects?
 10-11/8  5+    IROM  does program want to use menus?
 10-11/9  ---   ---   [unused]
 10-11/A  ?     IROM  [maybe set on a transcription error; not in V4+]
 10-11/B  ---   ---   [unused]
 10-11/C  ---   ---   [unused]
 10-11/D  ---   ---   [unused]
 10-11/E  ---   ---   [unused]
 10-11/F  ---   ---   [unused]
 12-17    2+          serial code (ASCII, usually a date YYMMDD)
 18-19    2+          begin of abbreviations table (byte address)
 1A-1B    3+          file length (divided by 2 (V1-3), 4 (V4-5), or 8 (V6-8))
 1C-1D    3+          file checksum
 1E       4+    IROM  interpreter number (see below)
 1F       4+    IROM  interpreter version (V4-5: ASCII; V6: number)
 20       4+    IROM  screen height (lines)
 21       4+    IROM  screen width (characters)
 22-23    5+    IROM  screen width (units)
 24-25    5+    IROM  screen height (units)
 26       5+    IROM  height of current font&style (units)
 27       5+    IROM  width of current font&style (units)
 28-29    6           routines offset (divided by 8)
 2A-2B    6           string offset (divided by 8)
 2C       5+    IROM  default background colour number (2-9)
 2D       5+    IROM  default foreground colour number (2-9)
 2E-2F    5+          begin of terminating char's table (byte address)
 30-31    6     IROM  width of text sent to output stream 3 (units)
 32-33    ---   ---   [unused by Infocom, used in Standard]
 34-35    5+          begin of alternative char.  set (byte address)
 36-37    5+          begin of extension table (byte address)
 38-3F    6     IROM  login name of player (ASCII)

The rest of this section describes the allowed values for the header entries.
All bits and bytes that are unused by a Z-program (e.g., because the entry is
not valid for its version, or because the program doesn't need certain tables)
must be 0.

At start-up or restart the Z-machine sets all header entries for its version
marked `IROM' (except the word at $30) to initial values depending on the

Bit $10-$11/0 is initialised to %0. The Z-program sets and clears this to
open and close output stream 2. This is also changed on an OUTPUT_STREAM 2 or
OUTPUT_STREAM -2 instruction.

[Question:  What does bit $10-$11/1 mean exactly?]

Bit $10-$11/2 is initialised to %0, and set by the Z-machine when it thinks the
status line on the screen needs to be redrawn.  The Z-program is expected to
detect this, do the redraw, and clear the bit.

                                     - 58 -

Bits $10-$11/3-8 should be set in a Z-program if the program wants to use these
features.  On initialisation the Z-machine should clear the bits for features
it cannot provide.  [Question:  [Nelson] makes an exception for bit 6, which
indicates colours.  Why?]

It is not known what bit $10-$11/$A was used for.  It is recommended that this
bit is set to zero at initialisation, and left alone.

The file length given in entry $1A-$1B need not be exactly the same as the
length of the Z-program, but it may also be less (even zero). In particular,
the length of a Z-program is not limited by the largest file length that can
be stored here.  The file checksum should be such that the VERIFY instruction

The interpreter numbers ($1E) used by Infocom are listed in the following

                         Table 4.  Interpreter numbers

                             No.   Description
                               1   DECSystem-20(1)
                               2   Apple ][e
                               3   Macintosh
                               4   Amiga
                               5   Atari ST
                               6   IBM PC
                               7   Commodore 128
                               8   Commodore 64
                               9   Apple ][c
                              10   Apple ][gs
                              11   Tandy Color

An interpreter should choose a number most suitable for the machine it runs
on; this might imply choosing a new number above 11. Most ports of the ITF
interpreter use 2; most ports of ZIP use 6. (Note that the behaviour of `Beyond
Zork' w.r.t. character graphics in fact depends on the interpreter number; see
section 5.3 for more information.)

[Question:  To what values are $20 and $21 to be set, if a unit represents,
e.g., a pixel?]

The width and height of the current font and style are set to that of the
initial font and style of the initial window, and kept up-to-date.

The default colours ($2C-$2D) must only be set when the Z-machine can handle

The user name ($38-$3F) is best ignored.  Note that $3C-$3F is interpreted
differently in the Standard extension described below.

(1)This was Infocom's own mainframe.

                                     - 59 -

STANDARD EXTENSION: As a non-Infocom extension, Graham Nelson proposes to use
the following hitherto unused header entries:

                    Table 5.  The Standard header extensions

      Addr   Ver   Mem   Description
      01/7   4+    IROM  input time-out available?
      32-33        IROM  interpreter revision number (unsigned, unsigned)
      3C-3F        IROM  Inform compiler version (ASCII, e.g., ``6.01'')

[Question:  It would be more consistent to make $01/7 mean `input time-
out *not* available,' wouldn't it?  Also, I think things such as the Inform
compiler version are better placed in the `extension table' (see 3.9).]

The Z-machine writes its revision number into $32-$33 on initialisation.  (Note
that this makes the revision number of all Infocom interpreters 0.0.) This can
be used by a Z-program to check which features it can expect.

2.  The instructions by operation byte

This table gives a breakdown of instructions w.r.t. their `operation byte,'
i.e., the byte that contains the opcode number.  This is either the first byte,
or the second in case of an extended instruction.  Note that the opcode number
can be computed by subtracting the first number in the operation byte range
from the operation byte.

                  Table 6.  The instructions by operation byte

  Operation byte      Opcode      Remarks
  $00-$1F             2OP:$0-$1F  Both operands are byte constants
  $20-$3F             2OP:$0-$1F  Operands are byte constant, variable number
  $40-$5F             2OP:$0-$1F  Operands are variable number, byte constant
  $60-$7F             2OP:$0-$1F  Both operands are variable numbers
  $80-$8F             1OP:$0-$F   Operand is word constant
  $90-$9F             1OP:$0-$F   Operand is byte constant
  $A0-$AF             1OP:$0-$F   Operand is variable number
  $B0-$BF except $BE  0OP:$0-$F   $BE indicates extended instruction
  $C0-$DF             2OP:$0-$1F  Variable instruction format
  $E0-$FF             VAR:$0-$1F
  $00-$FF after $BE   EXT:$0-$FF

3.  The instructions by opcode

The following table gives the instruction corresponding with each opcode.

The version column says for which versions the opcode is valid; the default
value is 1+. If different from the lowest of these, a number between
parentheses gives the first version in which this opcode is actually used;

                                     - 60 -

a ``(--)'' means that it is not found in any existing Infocom story file.  A
``---'' means that this opcode is not used in any version.

The last column gives the mnemonical notation of the instruction and its
arguments, identical to that used in section 8.

                        Table 7.  Instructions by opcode

     Opcode    Version  Mnemonic, operands and arguments
     0OP:$0             RTRUE
     0OP:$1             RFALSE
     0OP:$2             PRINT <string>
     0OP:$3             PRINT_RTRUE <string>
     0OP:$4    (--)     NOP
     0OP:$5    1-3      SAVE <branch>
               4        SAVE <result>
     0OP:$6    1-3      RESTORE <branch>
               4        RESTORE <result>
     0OP:$7             RESTART
     0OP:$8             RET_PULLED
     0OP:$9    1-4      POP
               5+ (--)  CATCH <result>
     0OP:$A             QUIT
     0OP:$B             NEW_LINE
     0OP:$C    3        SHOW_STATUS
     0OP:$D    3+       VERIFY <branch>
     0OP:$E    ---      [the first byte of an extended instruction in V5+]
     0OP:$F    5+ (--)  PIRACY <branch>

     1OP:$0             JZ a <branch>
     1OP:$1             GET_SIBLING obj <result> <branch>
     1OP:$2             GET_CHILD obj <result> <branch>
     1OP:$3             GET_PARENT obj <result>
     1OP:$4             GET_PROP_LEN baddr <result>
     1OP:$5             INC var
     1OP:$6             DEC var
     1OP:$7             PRINT_ADDR baddr
     1OP:$8    4        CALL_F0 raddr <result>
     1OP:$9             REMOVE_OBJ obj
     1OP:$A             PRINT_OBJ obj
     1OP:$B             RET a
     1OP:$C             JUMP s
     1OP:$D             PRINT_PADDR saddr
     1OP:$E             LOAD var <result>
     1OP:$F    1-4 (4)  NOT a <result>
               5+       CALL_P0 raddr

     2OP:$0    ---
     2OP:$1             JE a [b1 b2 b3] <branch>
     2OP:$2             JL s t <branch>
     2OP:$3             JG s t <branch>
     2OP:$4             DEC_JL var s <branch>
     2OP:$5             INC_JG var t <branch>
     2OP:$6             JIN obj n <branch>

                                     - 61 -

     2OP:$7             TEST a b <branch>
     2OP:$8             OR a b <result>
     2OP:$9             AND a b <result>
     2OP:$A             TEST_ATTR obj attr <branch>
     2OP:$B             SET_ATTR obj attr
     2OP:$C             CLEAR_ATTR obj attr
     2OP:$D             STORE var a
     2OP:$E             INSERT_OBJ obj1 obj2
     2OP:$F             LOADW baddr n <result>
     2OP:$10            LOADB baddr n <result>
     2OP:$11            GET_PROP obj prop <result>
     2OP:$12            GET_PROP_ADDR obj prop <result>
     2OP:$13            GET_NEXT_PROP obj prop <result>
     2OP:$14            ADD a b <result>
     2OP:$15            SUB a b <result>
     2OP:$16            MUL a b <result>
     2OP:$17            DIV a b <result>
     2OP:$18            MOD a b <result>
     2OP:$19   4+       CALL_F1 raddr a1 <result>
     2OP:$1A   5+       CALL_P1 raddr a1
     2OP:$1B   5+       SET_COLOUR f b
     2OP:$1C   5+ (--)  THROW a fp
     2OP:$1D   ---
     2OP:$1E   ---
     2OP:$1F   ---

     VAR:$0             CALL_FV raddr [a1 a2 a3] <result>
     VAR:$1             STOREW baddr n a
     VAR:$2             STOREB baddr n byte
     VAR:$3             PUT_PROP obj prop a
     VAR:$4    1-3      READ baddr1 baddr2
               4        READ baddr1 baddr2 [time raddr]
               5+       READ baddr1 baddr2 [time raddr] <result>
     VAR:$5             PRINT_CHAR n
     VAR:$6             PRINT_NUM s
     VAR:$7             RANDOM s <result>
     VAR:$8             PUSH a
     VAR:$9    1-5      PULL var
               6+ (--)  PULL [baddr] var
     VAR:$A    3+       SPLIT_SCREEN n
     VAR:$B    3+       SET_WINDOW window
     VAR:$C    4+       CALL_FD raddr [a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7] <result>
     VAR:$D    4+       ERASE_WINDOW window
     VAR:$E    4-5      ERASE_LINE
               6        ERASE_LINE [n]
     VAR:$F    4-5      SET_CURSOR s x
               6        SET_CURSOR s x [window]
     VAR:$10   4+ (--)  GET_CURSOR baddr
     VAR:$11   4+       SET_TEXT_STYLE n
     VAR:$12   4+       BUFFER_MODE bit
     VAR:$13   3-4      OUTPUT_STREAM s
               5        OUTPUT_STREAM s [baddr]
               6        OUTPUT_STREAM s [baddr w]
     VAR:$14   3+       INPUT_STREAM n
     VAR:$15   3+       SOUND n [op time raddr]
     VAR:$16   4+       READ_CHAR 1 [time raddr] <result>
     VAR:$17   4+       SCAN_TABLE a baddr n [byte] <result> <branch>

                                     - 62 -

     VAR:$18   5+ (--)  NOT a <result>
     VAR:$19   5+       CALL_PV raddr [a1 a2 a3]
     VAR:$1A   5+       CALL_PD raddr [a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7]
     VAR:$1B   5+       TOKENISE baddr1 baddr2 [baddr3 bit]
     VAR:$1C   5+       ENCODE_TEXT baddr1 p n baddr2
     VAR:$1D   5+       COPY_TABLE baddr1 baddr2 a
     VAR:$1E   5+       PRINT_TABLE baddr x [y n]
     VAR:$1F   5+       CHECK_ARG_COUNT n <branch>

     EXT:$0    5+       SAVE [baddr1 n baddr2] <result>
     EXT:$1    5+       RESTORE [baddr1 n baddr2] <result>
     EXT:$2    5+       LOG_SHIFT a s <result>
     EXT:$3    5+ (--)  ART_SHIFT a s <result>
     EXT:$4    5        SET_FONT n <result>
               6        SET_FONT n [window] <result>
     EXT:$5    6        DRAW_PICTURE pic [y x]
     EXT:$6    6        PICTURE_DATA pic baddr <branch>
     EXT:$7    6        ERASE_PICTURE pic [y x]
     EXT:$8    6        SET_MARGINS xl xr window
     EXT:$9    5+       SAVE_UNDO <result>
     EXT:$A    5+       RESTORE_UNDO <result>
     EXT:$B    ---
     EXT:$C    ---
     EXT:$D    ---
     EXT:$E    ---
     EXT:$F    ---
     EXT:$10   6        MOVE_WINDOW window y x
     EXT:$11   6        WINDOW_SIZE window y x
     EXT:$12   6        WINDOW_STYLE window flags op
     EXT:$13   6        GET_WIND_PROP window p <result>
     EXT:$14   6        SCROLL_WINDOW window s
     EXT:$15   6        POP_STACK n [baddr]
     EXT:$16   6        READ_MOUSE baddr
     EXT:$17   6        MOUSE_WINDOW window
     EXT:$18   6        PUSH_STACK a baddr <branch>
     EXT:$19   6        PUT_WIND_PROP window p a
     EXT:$1A   6        PRINT_FORM baddr
     EXT:$1B   6        MAKE_MENU n baddr <branch>
     EXT:$1C   6        PICTURE_TABLE baddr
     EXT:$1D   ---
       ...     ...
     EXT:$FF   ---

4.  Equivalent mnemonics

This table contains mnemonics used in a number of sources, and their equivalent
in this document.(1)

                         Table 8.  Equivalent mnemonics

(1)It is tempting to change more mnemonics to better reflect the operations; I
try to resist as long as possible.  New mnemonics should be easy to understand
for someone familiar with old ones.

                                     - 63 -

      Mnemonic       Equiv.  to    Remarks
      AREAD          READ          Inform name for V5+ READ
      BEEP           SOUND         Inform name for SOUND without operands
      CALL           CALL_FV       Inform name for V1-3 CALL_FV
      CALL_1N        CALL_P0
      CALL_1S        CALL_F0
      CALL_2N        CALL_P1
      CALL_2S        CALL_F1
      CALL_VN        CALL_PV
      CALL_VS        CALL_FV
      CALL_VN2       CALL_PD
      CALL_VS2       CALL_FD
      DEC_CHK        DEC_JL
      ICALL          CALL_FV       Inform name for an `indirect call'
      INC_CHK        INC_JG
      SOUND_EFFECT   SOUND         Inform name for SOUND with operands
      SREAD          READ          Inform name for V1-4 READ
      VJE            JE            Inform name for variable instr.  form

5.  Special characters

This table describes what characters 155-223 should look like in an ASCII font.
Note that characters 164-223 are Standard extensions.

[TODO: Insert table of German characters 155-163, and Standard 0.2 (plus
Z-letter #1) characters 164-223; also include suggested multi-character


[Frotz]   Stefan Jokisch <>. Frotz. One
          of the most accurate Z-machine emulators currently available, and a
          spin-off from ZIP. Current version 2.01 runs V1-8 Z-programs under
          MS-DOS, and a Unix version runs all except V6. Accurate and with many
          useful features.  Available from the infocom/interpreters directory
          of the IF archive.

[IFA]     The Interactive Fiction Archive. URL
          Maintained by Volker Blasius <>.

[Inform]  Graham Nelson <>. Inform. The compiler that
          produces Z-programs, and comes with a comprehensive library to
          build your own text adventures with.  Current compiler version 6.05,
          current library version 6/2. Available from the infocom/compilers
          directory of the IF archive.

[Nelson]  Graham Nelson <>. The Specification of the
          Z-machine and Inform assembly language (Standard 0.2: 15th
          November 1995). TeX source and plain ASCII version are in the
          infocom/interpreters directory of the IF archive. This is a

                                     - 64 -

          consultation version, intended as a prelude to standard 1.0. The
          ``Informal Z-machine Newsletter #1'' (10th December 1995, circulated
          by Graham Nelson) contains a number of corrections and further
          remarks, and recently Stefan Jokisch also published a list of
          remarks; both can be found in the above mentioned directory.

[ZIP]     Mark Howell <>. ZIP. An accurate
          Z-machine emulator for V1-5, which runs on a large range of computer
          systems, including IBM PC, Amiga and Unix.  The most well-known
          version is version 2.0, dated 10 March 1993. From August 1995
          maintained by David Rose <>. This version and
          a number of derivatives are in the infocom/interpreters directory of
          the IF archive.

                                     - 65 -


$, 5                                       ERASE_WINDOW instruction, 36, 51
$$, 5                                      ErasePicture operation, 22
%, 5                                       EraseScreen operation, 22
n/m, 5                                     EraseWindow operation, 22
abbreviations table, 13                    error, 4
ADD instruction, 38                        extension table, 10, 17, 18
address                                    floor, 5
  byte, 7                                  frame, see call stack
  packed address, 7                        function, 6, 17
  word, 7                                  function keys, 10
AND instruction, 39, 40                    GET_CHILD instruction, 43
ART_SHIFT instruction, 39                  GET_CURSOR instruction, 45
bit, 4                                     GET_NEXT_PROP instruction, 36, 44
  bottom or top, 4                         GET_PARENT instruction, 40, 43
BUFFER_MODE instruction, 44, 45            GET_PROP instruction, 43
buffer mode window attribute, 20           GET_PROP_ADDR instruction, 44
byte, 4                                    GET_PROP_LEN instruction, 44
byte-valued, 5                             GET_SIBLING instruction, 42, 43
CALL instruction, 17                       GET_WIND_PROP instruction, 44
CALL_F0 instruction, 40                    global variables, 17
CALL_F1 instruction, 40                    Interactive Fiction, 3
CALL_FD instruction, 40                    illegal, 4
CALL_FV instruction, 40                    INC instruction, 38, 39
CALL_P0 instruction, 39, 40                INC_JG instruction, 39
CALL_P1 instruction, 40                    Infocom, 2, 3
CALL_PD instruction, 40                    Inform, 3
CALL_PV instruction, 40                    INPUT_STREAM instruction, 31, 47
call stack, 5--6                           INSERT_OBJ instruction, 15, 43
  frame pointer, 6                         integer, 4
  length, 6                                Interactive Fiction, 2
CATCH instruction, 6, 37, 42               interpreters, see emulators
character set                              interrupt, 6, 11, 17
  alternative, 12                           newline, 20, 22
  built-in, 12                             I/O card, 8
character wrapping window attribute        JE instruction, 34, 39, 39, 40
   , 20                                    JG instruction, 39, 40
CHECK_ARG_COUNT instruction, 6, 42         JIN instruction, 40
CLEAR_ATTR instruction, 43                 JL instruction, 39, 40
colours, 20                                JUMP instruction, 40
COPY_TABLE instruction, 38                 JZ instruction, 39
CPU, 5                                     legal, 4
cursor, see screen cursor or window        LOAD instruction, 36, 38, 39
   cursor                                  LOADB instruction, 37
DEC instruction, 38, 39                    LOADW instruction, 37
DEC_JL instruction, 39                     local variables, 5, 6, 17
dictionary, 14                             LOG_SHIFT instruction, 39
  alternative, 14                          MAKE_MENU instruction, 52
  main, 14                                 margins, see window margins
DIV instruction, 38                        memory, 6--8
DRAW_PICTURE instruction, 51                dynamic, 7
emulators, 2                                header, 7
ENCODE_TEXT instruction, 12, 14, 55         RAM, ROM, and IROM, 7
ERASE_LINE instruction, 50                  resident vs.  paged, 8
ERASE_PICTURE instruction, 51               static, 7

                                     - 66 -

MOD instruction, 38                        READ_CHAR instruction, 31, 49
modulo, 5                                  READ_MOUSE instruction, 52
mouse, 10                                  REMOVE_OBJ instruction, 15, 43
MOUSE_WINDOW instruction, 10, 36, 52       RESTART instruction, 54
MOVE_WINDOW instruction, 44, 46            RESTORE instruction, 6, 53, 53
MUL instruction, 38                        RESTORE_UNDO instruction, 10, 53
natural number, 4                          RET instruction, 6, 17, 41, 42
NEW_LINE instruction, 49, 50               RET_PULLED instruction, 41, 42
NewLine operation, 22                      RFALSE instruction, 35, 41, 42
newline countdown, see interrupt,          routine, 17
   newline                                  main, 6
newline routine, see interrupt,            routine stack, 5, 6
   newline                                 RTRUE instruction, 35, 41, 42, 49
NOP instruction, 54                        SAVE instruction, 6, 52, 52, 52, 53
NOT instruction, 39, 40                    SAVE_UNDO instruction, 53
object, 15--17                             save area, see memory, dynamic
  attributes, 15                           save file, 6
  child, 15                                save memory, 8, 10
  name, 15, 16                             SCAN_TABLE instruction, 37
  parent, 15                               screen, 8, 18--19
  properties, 15, 16                        cursor, 19
  sibling, 15                               erasing, 22
  table, 16                                 reading from, 19
OR instruction, 39                         SCROLL_WINDOW instruction, 50
OUTPUT_STREAM instruction, 30, 47,         scrolling window attribute, 20
   47, 57                                  ScrollWindow operation, 21
PC, see program counter                    separator characters, 14
PICTURE_DATA instruction, 36, 51           SET_ATTR instruction, 43
PICTURE_TABLE instruction, 51              SET_COLOUR instruction, 19, 44, 45
pictures, 8                                SET_CURSOR instruction, 44, 45, 45
  showing and erasing, 22                     , 50
PIRACY instruction, 55                     SET_FONT instruction, 27, 44, 46
POP instruction, 37                        SET_MARGINS instruction, 44, 46
POP_STACK instruction, 38                  SET_TEXT_STYLE instruction, 26, 44
PRINT instruction, 34, 49, 49, 50             , 46
PRINT_ADDR instruction, 49                 SET_WINDOW instruction, 45
PRINT_CHAR instruction, 25, 47, 47,        SHOW_STATUS instruction, 21, 47, 54
   49, 49, 50                              ShowChar operation, 22
PRINT_FORM instruction, 50                 ShowPicture operation, 22
PRINT_NUM instruction, 50                  ShowStatusBar operation, 21
PRINT_OBJ instruction, 50                  signed number, 4
PRINT_PADDR instruction, 49                SOUND instruction, 51
PRINT_RTRUE instruction, 34, 41, 49        sound card, 9
PRINT_TABLE instruction, 50                SPLIT_SCREEN instruction, 24, 44, 44
procedure, 6, 17                              , 46, 51
program counter, 5, 6                      stack
property defaults table, 16                 call, see call stack
PULL instruction, 37                        routine, see routine stack
PUSH instruction, 37                        user, see user stack
PUSH_STACK instruction, 38                 status bar, 17, 21
PUT_PROP instruction, 43                   status line, see status bar
PUT_WIND_PROP instruction, 44              STORE instruction, 33, 36, 38, 39
QUIT instruction, 11, 54                   STOREB instruction, 37
RANDOM instruction, 9, 54                  STOREW instruction, 37
random number generator, 9                 SUB instruction, 38, 39
READ instruction, 21, 31, 47, 47, 49       m-n-table, 5
   , 55                                    TEST instruction, 40

                                     - 67 -

TEST_ATTR instruction, 43
text adventures, see Interactive
THROW instruction, 6, 41, 42
timer, 9
TOKENISE instruction, 47, 55
transcripting window attribute, 20
unsigned number, 4
unspecified, 4
user stack, 18
VERIFY instruction, 3, 54, 58
video card, 8--9
  initial state, 23--24
  operations, 21--22
window, 19
  attributes, 20--21
  colours, 20
  current, 19
  current font size, 20
  cursor, 20
  erasing, 22
  font, 20
  line count, 20
  location, 19
  margins, 20
  properties, 19--21
  size, 19
  style, 20
WINDOW_SIZE instruction, 44, 46
WINDOW_STYLE instruction, 44, 47
word, 4
Z-character, 12
Z-code, 2, 3
  unknown instruction, 11
  code, see Z-code
  compiler, see Inform
  emulators, see emulators
  extended versions, 3
  initialization, 10--11
  interpreters, see emulators
  mailing list, 2
  operation, 11
  program, see Z-program, 3
  Standard, 3
  versions, 3
Z-program, 3
  length, 7
Z-string, 12