"LMS-THE VIDEO GAME" by John Goettle

Part 1 - Beginning

[Library card stuff]

The story description is "LMS THE VIDEO GAME is a
Action Interactive
 Fiction Game were you battle Evil Robots, collect items, earn points in order to take back control at Langley Middle School.".

The story headline is "Action Interactive Fiction".

the story genre  is "Action/Fun". 

The story creation year is 2008.

The Release Number is 7.

[Story Info]

Asking for Story Info is an action out of world.
Understand "Story Info" as asking for Story Info.
Carry out asking for Story Info:  say "Three Evil Robots have taken over Langley Middle School (LMS) and have taken all the teachers and students. You are the last student at LMS. You must now alone take on
the three Evil Robots in order to take back control at Langley Middle School.
Three teachers (Mr. Barrat, Mr. Bergquist and Mr. Snelling) have defeat some of the evil robots
and hide. Evil Robots. They may be able to help you on your


DESTROY EVIL ROBOT: Evil Robot is in The Courtyard.
Destroy him by
 attacking him with your Sword, net or other weapons.

DESTROY MEGA BOT: Mega Bot is in the Cooler which is
west of the lunch
 room. Destroy him by attacking him with your Sword,
net or other

DESTROY R7-24: R7-24 is in the Basket Ball Court which
is west of The
 Two Story. Destroy him by attacking him with your
Sword, net or other

EARN 1100: You also need to earn 1100 points. You earn
points by
 taking/eating items and attacking.

You can also collect items and earn points to complete
the game. 

For fun you can go to the School Store which is east
of The Two Story
 and buy stuff."


Understand the commands "sit" and "sit on" and
"sit in" as
something new. 

Sitting on is an action applying to one thing. Understand "sit in/on [something]"
as sitting on. 

Carry out sitting on: say "You sit on [the noun], wacthing time pass...".

Instead of sitting on a person: say "That's not something you can sit on."; stop the action.

[Max Score]

The maximum score is 1620.

[Carrying Limitations]

The carrying capacity of the player is 11.

After printing a parser error: say "Are you new to Interfractive Fiction, type story info for help and info"

[Controling things by time]

Every turn:
AT 12:30 PM: say "Hint: After you defeat or kill a
robot you get one of
 there weapons.  You may want to check you inventory
to see all your
 items. Check inventory by typing i or inventory.".

Every turn:
AT 12:47 PM: say "Hint: A plunger is in the boy's
bathroom which is
 below the Two Story and west of the hall. The plunger
can be used as a
 powerful weapon.".

Every turn:
AT 12:03 PM: say "Hint: Type story info for help and
story and your list
 of adjectives to complete in this game.".

Every turn:
AT 2:30 PM: if the score is not greater than 400,
remove the Sword from

Every turn:
AT 12:42 PM: if A Evil Robot is not dead, end the game
in death.


The Courtyard is a room.
"You walk into the Courtyard with your backpack on
your back. You see
 round stones. North you see the Two Story. West you
see a door leading
 to the Lunch room. East you see the Parking Lot.
South you see a
 door leading to Barrat Land.

You look up to the right and see the school sign. The
sign says,
 Welcome to LMS THE VIDEO GAME. You also see a

Every turn:
if the player is not carrying the backpack, change the
description of
 the Courtyard to "You see round stones. North you see
the Two Story.
 West you see a door leading to the Lunch room. East
you see the
 Lot. South you see a wooden door leading to Barrat

You look up to the right and see the school sign. The
sign says,
 Welcome to LMS THE VIDEO GAME. You also see a


The player carries a backpack. The backpack is a
container. The
 backpack is openable and closed. 

The backpack contains a credit card. The backpack
contains a note.

The description of the note is "The note reads,
Welcome to the Langley
 Middle School Interactive Fiction Video Game!".

After taking the credit card: end the game saying "YOU
WON! You found
 Bill Gate's  credit card with 58 billion on it. ".

After dropping the backpack: say "You set your
backpack on the

[Evil Robot]

A Evil Robot is a thing in the courtyard. "Evil Robot
says, Evil Robo
 must kill.". The description of A Evil Robot is "Evil
Robot is a small
 short robot with red eyes and is sliver.". Understand
"ER" and "evil
 robo" as A Evil Robot.

Every turn:
  if the player is in courtyard and Evil Robot is
not dead, change
 the right hand status line to "EVIL ROBOT: [current
hit points of A

After attacking a evil robot with a weapon for the 7th
time: award 300
 points; say "Good job.. Keep it up.".

Every turn:
if A Evil Robot is dead, now the
Lightsaber is carried by the player.

[Sword and Net]

The description of the Sword is "Your sword is a
trusted weapon. It can
 be very useful in combat.".
After dropping the Sword: say "You dropped your Sword
on the ground.".

After dropping the Net: say "You dropped your Net on
the ground.".


Section 1 - Hit Points 

A person has a number called maximum hit points. A
person has a number
 called current hit points. 

The maximum hit points of the player is 445. The
maximum hit points of
 the A Evil Robot is 100.

When play begins: 
    repeat with victim running through people 
        now the current hit points of the victim is
the maximum hit
 points of the victim; 
    end repeat. 

Definition: a person is dead if his current hit points
are less than 0.

Section 2 - Diagnosis 

Diagnosing is an action applying to one visible thing.
 "diagnose [something]" as diagnosing. 

Check diagnosing: 
    if the noun is not a person, say "Only people can
have diagnoses."

Carry out diagnosing: 
    say "[if the noun is the player]You
have[otherwise][The noun]
 has[end if] [current hit points of the noun] out of a
 [maximum hit
 points of the noun] hit points remaining." 

Section 3 - Weapons 

A weapon is a kind of thing. A weapon has a number
called the maximum
 damage. The maximum damage of a weapon is usually 15.

A Evil Robot carries a weapon called a Lightsaber. The
maximum damage
 of the Lightsaber is 14. A Evil Robot carries a
weapon called a
 Sock Stick. The maximum damage of the Electric Sock
Stick is 14.

Every turn:
if the player carries the Lightsaber, now the maximum
damage of the
 lightsaber is 22.

The player carries a weapon called a Sword. The
maximum damage of the
 Sword is 27. The player carries a weapon called a
net. The maximum
 damage of the net is 12.

Section 4 - Attacking it with 

Understand the commands "attack" and "punch" and
"destroy" and "kill"
 and "murder" and "hit" and "thump" and "break" and
"smash" and "stab"
 and "shoot" and "squirt" and "torture" and "wreck" as
something new. 

Attacking it with is an action applying to one visible
thing and one
 carried thing. Understand "attack [someone] with
[something preferably
 held]" as attacking it with. 

Understand the commands "punch" and "destroy" and
"kill" and "murder"
 and "hit" and "thump" and "break" and "smash" and
"stab" and "torture"
 and "shoot" and "squirt" and "wreck" as "attack". 

The attacking it with action has a number called the
damage inflicted. 

Setting action variables for attacking something with
    if the second noun is a weapon 
        let the maximum attack be the maximum damage
of the second
        change the damage inflicted to a random number
between 1 and
 the maximum attack; 
    end if. 

Check an actor attacking something with something
(this is the can't
 attack with something that isn't a weapon rule): 
    if the second noun is not a weapon 
        if the actor is the player, say "[The second
noun] does not
 qualify as a weapon."; 
        stop the action; 
    end if. 

Check an actor attacking something with something
(this is the can't
 attack a non-person rule): 
    if the noun is not a person 
        if the actor is the player, say "[The noun]
has no life to
        stop the action; 
    end if. 

Carry out an actor attacking something with something
(this is the
 standard attacking it with a weapon rule): 
    decrease the current hit points of the noun by the
    if the noun is dead, remove the noun from play. 

Report attacking a dead person with something (this is
the death-report
 priority rule): 
    say "You attack with [the second noun], killing
[the noun]!"

Report attacking someone with something (this is the
normal attacking
 report rule): 
    say "You attack [the noun] with [the second noun],
causing [damage
 inflicted] point[s] of damage!" instead. 

Report someone attacking the player with something
when the player is
 dead (this is the player's-death priority rule): 
    say "[The actor] attacks you with [the second
noun], finishing you
    end the game in death; 
    stop the action 

Report someone attacking the player with something
(this is the
 standard report someone attacking the player with
    say "[The actor] attacks you with [the second
noun], causing
 [damage inflicted] point[s] of damage!" instead. 

Report someone attacking something with something
(this is the standard
 report attacking it with rule): 
    say "[The actor] attacks [the noun] with [the
second noun], causing
 [damage inflicted] point[s] of damage!" instead. 

When play begins: 
    change the left hand status line to "You: [current
hit points of
    change the right hand status line to "EVIL ROBOT:
[current hit
 points of A Evil Robot]" 

Every turn: 
    if the player is in the courtyard and A Evil Robot
is not dead, try
 A Evil Robot attacking the player with a random
weapon which is
 carried by A Evil Robot. 

Test me with "hit Evil Robot with Sword / kill
Evil Robot / drop
 Sword / attack Evil Robot / attack Evil Robot
with Sword / g / g".
Part 2 - Middle

[Lunch room]

North of the blue door is the Lunch room. The Lunch
room is a room. "You
 walk through the hall to the lunch room. You see
several lunch tables.
 West you see  a gray door leading to the cooler.".

A tray of food is in the lunch room. The tray of food
is edible. "You
 see a tray of food on the ground.".

After eating the tray of food for the first time:
award 100 points.

A cookie is in the lunch room. A cookie is edible. The
description of
 the cookie is "The cookie is a declivous chocolate
chip cookie with
 peanut butter."

After taking cookie for the first time: award 70

Instead of eating the cookie: end the game saying "You
feel heart burn
 as you bit down on the cookie.".

[Door 3]

The blue door is west of The Courtyard and east of the
lunch room. The
 blue door is a door.  The blue door is lockable and
locked. The brass
 key unlocks the blue door.

After opening the blue door: say "You open the blue
door."; now the
 player is in the lunch room.

[Outside of the game stuff]

Understand "save" as Saving the game.

Understand "q" and "quit" as Quitting the game.

Understand "restart" and "r" as Restarting the game.

Understand "score" as Requesting the score.

[Room tally]

Requesting the room tally is an action out of world. 
Report requesting the room tally: say "You have been
to [number of
 visited rooms] out of [number of rooms] room[s]." 
Understand "rooms" as requesting the room tally. 

[Pausing the game]

Requesting to pause the game is an action out of
Report requesting to pause the game: say "The game is
paused. type
 resume game or unpause to unpause the game. ".
Understand "pause game" and "pause" and "p" as
requesting to pause the

Requesting to unpause the game is an action out of
Report requesting to unpause the game: say "The game
is unpaused."..
Understand "resume game" and "unpause" as requesting
to unpause the

[Requesting Time]

Requesting the time is an action out of world.
Report requesting the time: say "the time is [time of
Understand "time" as requesting the time.

[Motion Clock]

A clock is a kind of device. A clock has a time called
the current
 time. A clock can be analog or digital. The current
time of a clock is
 usually 11:25 AM. The description of a clock is "It
shows the time to
 [if analog]about [the current time to the nearest
five minutes in
 words][otherwise][the current time][end if]." 

Understand "set [clock] to [time]" as setting it by
time. Setting it by
 time is an action applying to one thing and one time.

Instead of setting a clock to something: 
    say "[The noun] can be set only to a time of day,
such as 11:25 AM,
 or midnight." 

Carry out setting a clock by time: 
    change the current time of the noun to the time

Report setting a clock by time: 
    say "You set [the noun] to [time understood]." 

Every turn: 
    repeat with item running through switched on
        change the current time of the item to one
minute after the
 current time of the item; 
    end repeat. 

The battery clock is a switched on digital clock in the
lunch room. After
 taking the battery clock: say "Taken."..

After printing the name of the battery clock while taking
inventory: say
 "(Time: [time of day])."

The time of day is 12:00 PM. 

[The Cooler]

The Cooler is a room. The description of the cooler is
"The Cooler is
 the oldest of all three P.E room's at LMS. You see
the Weight lifting
 room to the west. It's called the Cooler because it's so cool".

[Door 4]

The gray door is west of the lunch room and east of
the cooler. The
 gray door is a door.

After opening the gray door: say "You open the gray
door."; now the
 player is in the cooler.

A hockey stick is in the cooler. A hockey stick is a
weapon. The
 maximum damage of the hockey stick is 21. The
description of the
 hockey stick
 is "The hockey stick is for playing hockey, but can
be used as a

A fire alarm is a device. A fire alarm is in the
Cooler. The fire alarm
 is switched off.

Understand "Pull [something switched off]" as
switching on. 

Every turn:
if the fire alarm is switched on, end the game saying
"You pulled the
 fire alarm. You hear police and fire truck sirens.".

[Weight Lifting room]

The Weight Lifting room is west of the cooler. The
Weight Lifting room
 is a room. The description of the weight lifting room
is "You see
 dumbbells and other types of Weight Lifting equipment. You
also smell sweet.".

A 70 pound dumbbell is a thing in the Weight Lifting room.
 "dumbbell" as 70 pound dumbbell.

After taking the 70 pound dumbbell: say "You lift up the
heavy 77 pound

After dropping the 70 pound dumbbell: say "You drop the
heavy 70 pond dumbbell
 barely missing your feet.".

[Mega Bot]

Mega Bot is a thing in the cooler. "Mega Bot says,
you, prepare to
 die!". The description of Mega Bot is "Mega Bot is a
tall cyber robot
 red eyes and strong mental armor." The maximum hit
points of Mega Bot
 is 200. Mega Bot carries a weapon called a Staff. The
maximum damage
 the Staff is 14. Mega Bot carries a weapon called a
Blaster. The
 maximum damage of the Blaster is 14.. Understand "MB"
and "bot" as Mega

Every turn: 
    if the player is in the cooler and mega bot is not
dead, try Mega
 Bot attacking the player with a random weapon which
is carried by Mega

Every turn:
  if the player is in the cooler and Mega Bot is not
dead, change the
 right hand status line to "MEGA BOT: [current hit
points of Mega Bot]"

After attacking Mega Bot with a weapon for 14th time:
award 300 points;
 say "Come on. Keep it up.".

Every turn:
if Mega Bot is dead, now the Staff is carried by the player.

[Door 2]

The wooden door is south of The Courtyard and north of
Barrat Land. The
 wooden door is a door. 

After opening the wooden door: say "You open the
wooden door."; now the
 player is in Barrat Land.

[Barrat Land]

South of the wooden door is Barrat Land. Barrat Land
is a room. "You
 walk into Barrat Land from the Courtyard. You see
tons of signs on the
 walls. You see the Blue room to the west.".

Mr Barrat is a man in Barrat Land. "Mr. Barrat says,
something is
 just wrong with pancakes in a can! Oh, your here. All
give you my
 ring for a chocolate chip cookie with peanut butter."
The description
 of Mr Barrat is "Mr. Barrat is short, fat and mold.".
Understand "Rat" as Mr Barrat.

Mr Barrat holds a wedding ring. The wedding ring is a
thing. The
 description of the wedding ring is "Mr. Barrat's
wedding ring is shiny

Instead of giving the cookie to Mr Barrat: say
"Mr. Barrat says, Thank
 you. I will consume this immensity. Oh I forgot, here
you go.
 (Mr. Barrat gives you his wedding ring)"; now Mr
Barrat holds the cookie; now the
  wedding ring is carried by the player.

Instead of attacking Mr Barrat with a weapon: end the game saying "Mr. Barrat grabs his ruler and hits you with it. You lose consent.".

[Light switch]

A Light switch is a device. A light switch is in
Barrat Land. The
 device is switched on.

Understand "flip [something switched off]" as
switching on. Understand
 "flip[something switched on]" as switching off.

After switching off the light switch: say "Now it is
pitch black in

After switching on the light switch: say "Now it is
lighted in here.".

[Blue room]

West of Barrat Land is the Blue room. The blue room is
a room. The
 description of the blue room is "The blue room is
painted blue. To the
 you see a window. You see box's of Mr. Barrat's junk
in here.".


The window is a door. The window is west of the blue
room and east of
 the district yard.

Instead of searching the window: 
    say "Through the window, you see [the other side
of the window]." 

Instead of climbing the window: 
    try entering the window. 

Understand "climb through [something]" as climbing.
Understand "jump
 through [something]" as climbing. 

Instead of going through the closed window: 
    say "The window is shut: you'd break the glass." 

After opening the window: say "You open the window.";
now the player is
 in the district yard.

[District yard]

The District yard is a room. The District yard is west
of the window.
 The description of the District yard is "You
see trees above,
 the sunny sky and birds. Your outside of the District

A soda is in the District yard. The soda is
edible. "You see a
 Pepsi Max on the ground.". Understand "pepsi" and
"pepsi max" as soda.

Above the District yard is a Tree. A Tree is a room.

A bird's nest is in the tree. A bird's nest is a
container. The bird's
 nest contains a Egg.
A Egg is a thing.

Instead of taking the Egg:
say "The mother bird fly's down, grabs you and drops
you."; now the
 player is in the district yard; stop the action.

After going from the district yard to the tree: say
"You climb up the
 tall tree."; continue the action.


Include Rideable Vehicles by Graham Nelson.

A dirt bike is a rideable vehicle in the courtyard.
 "dirtbike" and "dirt-bike" and "bike" as dirt bike.

After mounting the dirt bike: say "You get on the
sweet dirt bike.";
 award 50 points; continue the action.

Instead of going by the dirt bike from the parking lot
to the
 courtyard: say "The sign says, No bikes on school
grounds."; stop the

Instead of going by the car from the parking lot to
the courtyard for
 the first time: say "The sign says, No vehicles on
school grounds.".

Instead of going by the car from the parking lot to
the courtyard for
 the second time: say "You run over the sign and ride
your car from the
 parking lot to the Courtyard."; now the player is on
the car in the

Instead of opening a door when the player is on a
rideable vehicle: say
 "You can't open a door when your on the dirt bike.
Try getting out of
 the dirt bike."; stop the action.

[Parking lot]

East of the courtyard is the Parking Lot. The Parking
Lot is a room.
 "You jump off the sidewalk of the Courtyard into the
Parking Lot. You
 the ground covered with guileful. Northeast is
Langley road.".

A car is a rideable vehicle in the Parking Lot. "You
see a sweet feria
 in the parking lot.". Understand "feria" and "sweet
feria"as car.

After mounting car for the first time: award 100

Northeast of the parking lot is the Langley road.

Instead of going from the parking lot to Langley road:
say "You can't
 leave school grounds. Unless you find a way to sneak
out some other
 way."; stop the action.

[Two Story]

North of the courtyard is the Two Story.. The Two Story
is a room. "The
 Two Story is the oldest building at LMS, back when
 High School). Your outside of the Two Story. West you
see the Basket
 Ball Court. East you see the School Store."

After going to the Two Story Entrance from The Two
say "You walk up a few steps throw a door to the Two
Story Entrance.";
 continue the action.

The Two Story Entrance is north of the red door. The
Two Story Entrance
 is a room. "You walk into the cozy Two Story. You see stairs leading to the school
library above and
 stairs leading to the hall below.".

[hiding items under othere items]

Underlying relates various things to one thing. The verb to underlie (he underlies, they underlie, he underlaid, it is underlaid, he is underlying) implies the underlying relation. The verb to be under implies the underlying relation. The verb to be beneath implies the underlying relation.
Instead of looking under a thing which is underlaid by something (called the lost object):
say "You find [the list of things which underlie the noun]!"; now every thing which underlies the noun is carried by the player; 
    now every thing which underlies the noun does not underlie the noun.

The rug is in the Two Story. The brass key is under the rug. The brass key unlocks the blue door.

The description of the brass key is "This key unlocks the blue door.".


Instead of drinking the soda: 
    remove the noun from play; 
    say "You gulp down the Pepsi. Not bad."; award
 10 points.

A drink is a kind of thing. The soda is a drink.


The red door is north of the Two Story and south of
the Two Story
 Entrance. The red door is a door. 

After opening the red door: say "You open the red
door."; now the
 player is in the Two Story Entrance.

[Basket ball court]

West of The Two Story is The Basket Ball Court. The
Basket Ball Court
 is a room. "You walk to the School Basket Ball Court.
You see the
 sky and basket ball hoops. To the left you see a
fence. West you see
 the field.".

A dodge ball is in The Basket Ball Court. The dodge
ball is a thing.
 The description of the dodge ball is "The dodge ball
is red.".
 "Dodge ball" and "ball"
as dodge ball.


The Field is south of the Track. The Field
is a room. The
 description of the field is "The Field is the place
where guys play
 Football. You see grass, The LMS Cougars Football
score board  and the
 Memoir. You see a Hill North.


The football is a thing in the field. The description
of the football
 is "This is a signed football by Matt Hasselbeck.
Matt Hasselbeck is a
 player for the Seattle Seahawks.".

After taking the football: say "You now carry a
Football signed by Matt
 Hasselbeck in your backpack."; award 100 points.


North of the Field is the Hill. Hill is a room. "You roll down the
hill into the
 grass. South you see the Field. East you see a Frence.".


East of the Hill is a Frence. 

Instead of going east from the Hill: Now the player is in the Basket Ball Court.


West of The Basket Ball Court is the Track. The Track is a room.
"You see that
 the Track is covered with guileful and is 1 mile
long. South is the Field".

A soccer ball is in the Track. The soccer ball is a
thing. The
 description of the soccer ball is "A soccer ball.".

After taking the soccer ball: award 70 points.


R7-24 is a thing in the basket ball court. "R7 says,
beep, beep, your
 about to face death.". The description of R7-24 is
"R7-24 is a short,
 powerful, shiny black and red robot." The maximum hit
points of R7-24
 275. R7-24 carries a weapon called a Sock Shooter.
The maximum damage
 of the Sock Shooter is 18. Understand "R7" as R7-24.

Every turn: 
    if the player is in the basket ball court and
R7-24 is not dead,
 try R7-24 attacking the player with a random weapon
which is carried

Every turn:
if R7-24 is dead, now the Sock
Shooter is carried by the player.

Every turn:
  if the player is in the basket ball court and R7-24
is not dead,
 change the right hand status line to "R7: [current
hit points of
 R7-24]" .

After attacking R7-24 for the 20th time: award 300
 points; say "Come on. Keep it up.".

[School Library]

The School Library is above The Two Story Entrance.
The School Library
 is a room. "You walk up the stairs to the school
library. You see
 several book selves filled with books. Northeast you
see the Annex. ".

A book is in The School Library. "You see a old book
laying on the
 floor. The title of the book is THE TIME MACHINE
(1895).". The
 of the book is "THE TIME MACHINE (1895) by H.G. Wells
 Understand "THE TIME MACHINE" as book.

After taking the book: say "The book slips into your
backpack"; award
 20 points.

After dropping the book: say "You drop your book on
the cold ground.".


The Hall is below The Two Story Entrance. The hall is
a room. "You walk
 down some stairs into the hall. You see a water
fountain. West you see
 the boy's bathroom. Northeast you see Mr. B's room.".

[Boy's bathroom]

The boy's bathroom is a room. The boy's bathroom is
west of the hall.
 "You walk into the boy's bathroom. You here sounds of

A Toilet is inside the boy's bathroom. The toilet is fixed in place.
The description of the toilet is "A dirty toilet.".

A weapon called a plunger is in the boy's bathroom.
The maximum damage
 of the plunger is 20. The description of the plunger
is "A plunger is
 tool used to unclog a toilet. Don't know how much use
you will have
 with this but, okay. Maybe you can use it as a

After taking the plunger for the first time: say "You
now carry a
 plunger" ; award 50 points.

Part 3 - End

[Status line]

When play begins: 
    change the left hand status line to 
        "[the player's surroundings] / You: [current hit points of player] / Score: [score] / Exits:[exit list] / Time: [time of day]"; 

To say exit list: 
    let place be location; 
    repeat with way running through directions 
        let place be the room way from the location; 
        if place is a room, say " [way]"; 
    end repeat. 

[Mr. B's room]

Mr B's room is a room. Mr B's room is northeast of the
hall. "You walk
 into Mr. B's room.".

Mr Bergquist is a man in Mr B's room. "Mr. Berquist
says, What's Up?".
 The description of Mr Bergquist is "Mr. Bergquist is
a tall man with a
 short bread.". Understand "Mr B"
as Mr Bergquist.

Instead of giving the dodge ball to Mr Bergquist: say
"Mr. Bergquist
 says, Thank you, runs out the door to the Basket
Ball Court."; now
 the dodge ball is carried by Mr Bergquist; now Mr
Bergquist is in the
 basket ball court.

A Macintosh Computer is in Mr B's room. The Macintosh is a device. The device is switched off. Understand "Turn [something  switched off]" as switching on. 
Understand "Turn [something  switched on]" as switching off.
 Understand "Mac" and "Apple Mac" and "Apple Macintosh" and "Computer" as Macintosh Computer. After switching off Macintosh Computer: say "You switch off the Mac"

 After switching on Macintosh Computer: say "You switch on the Mac" 

Every turn: 
After switching on the Macintosh Computer: award 15 points

The description of the Macintosh Computer is a "A beloved Apple 2006 iMac with Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger"

Instead of taking the Macintosh Computer: remove the Macintosh Computer from play; say "As you lift the iMac, you drop it. The iMac breaks into thousands of pieces! Woops";
 award 50 points.. 

Instead of asking Mr Bergquist about "evil robots/robots" :
say "Mr. Bergquist
 says, Here take this.This may help you. (Mr. 
Bergquist gives you a spoon)
 Your epic battle with the robots awaits you."; now
the spoon is carried by the player.

Mr Bergquist holds a spoon. A spoon is a weapon. The
maximum damage of
 the spoon is 7.

Instead of attacking Mr Bergquist with a weapon: end the game saying "Mr. Bergquist slams you down to the floor. You lose consent. ".

[School Store]

The School Store is east of The Two Story. The School
Store is a room.
 "The school store is the place where students buy
what ever they want.
 North you see Downtown Langley.".

Tux is a man in The School Store. "Tux
says, Welcome to the
 LMS Store.". The description of Tux is
"Tux is the
 manager of the school store. Tux is a Penguin".

Instead of asking Tux about "buying stuff": say "Tux says, you can buy the water gun, the candy bar or the ice cream.".

Instead of asking Tux about "the water gun": say "Tux says, I would recommend you buy the water gun. Because it's a powerfull weapon against those the robots that have been hanging around here.".

Instead of asking Tux about "the candy bar": say "Tux says, the candy bar is special dark chocolate.".

Instead of asking Tux about "the ice cream": say "Tux says, the ice cream is a declivous vanilla ice cream.".

Instead of buying Tux: say "You can't buy the manager of the store!"

[Downtown Langley]

Downtown Langley is north of the school store.
Downtown Langley is a
 room. The description of Downtown Langley is
"Downtown Langley is the
 busiest place in Langley. You see cars and business's
everywhere you
 look. North is the Beach".

After going to Downtown Langley from the school store:
say "You sneak passed on your dirt bike. You feel the
cool wind blow
 throw your hair as you ride down the hill to Downtown
 the action.

Instead of going to Downtown Langley from the school
when the player is not on a rideable vehicle : say "It
will take to
 long to walk to Downtown Langley. Maybe you should
get a dirt bike and
 riding down there.".

A trash can is in Downtown Langley.. The trash can is a
container. The
 trash can contains a banana peel. The trash can is
openable and

The description of the banana peel is "A old gloss banana peel.".

After taking the banana peel: say "You pick up the old
banana peel.".

After opening the trash can: say "You lift up the
trash can lid and
 throw it on the ground. You see a old gloss banana peel in
the trash can.".

After closing the trash can: say "You pick up the
trash can lid and put
 it back on the trash can.".

A wrapper is a thing in downtown Langley. The
description of the
 wrapper is "A old candy bar wrapper.".

After taking the wrapper: say "You pick up the wrapper and get zip points for it.".

Instead of inserting the wrapper into the trash can: end the game saying
"YOU WON! Way to clean up. Victory is yours!".

North of Downtown Langley is Langley Beach. Langley Beach is a room. "You step on to the the sandy beach. North is the water" 

North of Langley Beach is the Water.

Instead of going to the Water from Langley Beach: end the game saying "You get into the Water and get eaten by a Shark!"

Instead of going to Langley Beach from Downtown Langley when the player is on the dirt bike: say "You can't ride your bike onto the beach."

[Money and Buying]

Price is a kind of value. $10.99 specifies a price. A
thing has a
 price. The price of a thing is usually $3.00. After
 something for
 sale that is in the school store, say "It can be
yours for [the price
 of the noun]."

Before buying something for sale when the money is
    say "You're broke." instead. 

Definition: a thing is free if the price of it is
Definition: a thing is for sale if it is not free. 

Instead of taking something that is in the school
    say "You'll have to pay for that." 

Before buying something for sale when the money is not
in the wallet: 
    say "You're broke." instead. 

Before buying something for sale when the price of the
money is less
 than the price of the noun: 
    say "Your funds do not run to the price of [the
noun]." instead. 

Instead of buying something when the player carries the wallet: 
    change price of the money to the price of the
money minus the price
 of the noun; 
    say "You fork over [the price of the noun] for
[the noun], leaving
 yourself with [the price of the money]."; 
    if the money is free, remove the money from play; 
    change the price of the noun to $0.00; 
    now the player is carrying the noun. 
The wallet is in the backpack. The wallet contains
money. The price of
 the money is $10.00. The printed name of the money is
"[price of the
 money] in cash". Understand "cash" as the money. 

Instead of taking the money: 
    say "Best to leave it alone until you need to buy

Instead of buying something free: 
    say "[The noun] is yours already." 

Instead of buying the money: 
    say "The money belongs to you; you buy things with

[items you can buy]

The vanilla ice cream is an edible thing in the School
Store. The price
 of the ice cream is $2.45. The description is "In the
scale of ice
 creams, you recognize this as a very inferior vanilla
because it has
 adjectives in the title." 

The candy bar is an edible thing in the School Store.
The price of the
 candy bar is $1.12. The description is "A declivous
dark chocolate
 candy bar.". 

The water gun is a weapon in the school store. The
price of the water
 gun is $6.00. The description of the water gun is "A
powerful water
 that shoots out allot of water pressure. 
". The maximum damage of the water gun is 20.

After attacking with the water gun: say "You squirt
water at [the
 noun], socking [the noun]! causing [damage inflicted]
point[s] of

After attacking a dead person with the water gun: say
"You squirt water
 at [the noun] , killing [the noun]!".


The Annex is northeast of the school library. The
Annex is a room. "You
 walk to the Annex. You see several Apple Macintosh computers.
Above the Annex
 is the chill room."

A Apple is in the Annex. The Apple is
edible. "You see a
 declivous apple on the floor.".

After taking the Apple for the 1st time: award 50

Instead of eating the Apple: end the game saying
"You bit into the
 apple. You drop dead to the ground.".

Mr Snelling is a man in the Annex. The description of Mr Snelling is "Mr. Snelling is a tall man with a bread.". "Mr. Snelling says, hi.". Understand "CS" as Mr Snelling.

Instead of asking Mr Snelling about "PCS": say "Mr. Snelling says, Windows sucks.".

Instead of asking Mr Snelling about "Macs": say "Mr. Snelling says, Macs are Wonderful!"

Instead of attacking Mr Snelling with a weapon: end the game saying "Mr. Snelling lifts you over his head and slams you down to the floor. You lose consent.".

[Chill room]

Above the Annex is the chill room. The chill room is a
room. The
 description of the chill room is "The chill room is a
place where you
 chill, get away from annoying 14 year old girls and get fresh air, look
out the window
 the streets of Langley or just hang-out and drink
water out of the

A cup of water is in the chill room. A cup of water is
edible. "You see
 a cup of water by the water fountain.".

Instead of drinking the cup of water: 
    remove the noun from play; 
    say "You gulp down the water. You feel refreshed."

The cup of water is a drink.

[Ending the game]

Every turn:
if R7-24 is dead and Mega Bot is dead and A Evil Robot
is dead and the
 score is greater than 1100, end the game saying "YOU
 Congratulations! You have defeated all the Evil
Robots and have
 restored the
 teachers and students to LMS. Now wasn't that easy.".

Every turn:
If the score is greater than 1300, end the game in