Die Vollkommene Masse by Alice Merridew (AKA Omega). (Translation: The Perfect Mass)
This is a walkthrough for the game; it�s pretty nonlinear and you can do whatever you want in what order, to a certain extent. There is a total possible score of 100; by everything that earns you points is the point number in parentheses. When you should go a direction, I just put the direction.
This walkthrough is written by the author of the game, so it�s 100% accurate. n_n
Needless to say, this walkthrough is rank with spoilers. If you�d rather have a hint then a spoiler, type �hint� in the game.
First off... ways to die!
- Try to touch the fire on floor four.
- Wear Djoser�s heretic�s fork
- Tell Djoser that you deserve respect
- Drink Djoser�s belladonna and aconite tea
- Take the rock candy and robe from the drawer.
Under NO circumstances should you eat this rock candy!
- Search the robe and find the doll necklace. (5)
You can go south if you wish and take all; there�s a book bag you can put everything into if you start running out of room. Nothing else here really has a use, though Mbizi loves the smell of the perfume.
You can talk to Usi here; my game uses Menutalk by Guilherme De Sousa, used with his permission. Usi can give you basic information. If you look at him then talk, you can call him handsome. You can do this with all characters, so I�ll not mention it again. You can also kiss and hug the characters.
Northeast, then northwest.
- Take the bear and the gloves. The other items don�t matter, but you can take them if you want.
- West. If you don�t have the church candle, you can�t see here.
- Read the books here and they�ll give you some information. Take the herbal guide and The Darkness. The other items don�t matter; the card catalogue lists all the books.
- Talk to Eloy; Marsali can�t understand him, but you might be able to. He speaks German and his knowledge of English is very limited. But he�s a child, and what do all children love? That�s right, candy! You didn�t eat that rock candy, did you?
- Give the rock candy to Eloy; in return, he gives you a set of underwear for a doll; a corset and a pair of panties. (10)
- Give the teddy bear to Eloy. After a good snuggling, he�ll give you a doll shirt. (5)
- Now go southeast and search the pile for the pants.
- Now you�ve got all the clothes! Go down to the second floor; you�re on the fourth now. Refer to the maps if you need help.
- Find the dolly in the area between the two banisters... pick her up and take a look... notice something missing? Mmyep. Time to dress her! The clothes MUST be put on in this order!
- Attach panties to doll. (5)
- Attach corset to doll. (5)
- Now the pants. (5)
- Shirt. (5)
- Gloves. (5)
- The necklace. (5)
- Oh! She isn�t a doll after all; she�s a fairy! She stays wherever you dressed her at; she�ll be there if (IE, when) you need her again.
- Talk to her and you�ll discover she has a headache; that�s where the books come in. Read the herbal guide to figure out what herbs cure this ailment.
- South.
- Up.
- Northwest twice.
- Take the balm tea.
- Go back to Naataliss, give her the tea. Yay! Now she�s happy. You�re not required to please her, but if you don�t you won�t get full score. (5)
- Go all the way to the basement and follow the path to where Djoser is. Ask him what you can do, and he�ll give you a note; take this to Naataliss.
- Give the note to Naataliss; she�ll then give you the key to her trunk. If you�re not there already, go to the third floor and go to the servants� quarters. If you don�t know how, from the staircase go northwest. If you�re in the good dining hall, go southwest, if you�re in the servant hall, go northwest. From the kitchen go southwest.
- Unlock the box.
- Take the phoenix tears and the dress.
- Take the dress back to Naataliss and give it to her.
- Now go back to the basement to Djoser. Talk to Naataliss and ask what was wrong. Now talk to Djoser and ask what Naataliss did. (5)
- Now Naataliss is outside. If you want to end the game here you can, but you won�t get all the ending options, and you won�t get full score. To end the game, go talk to her and pick one of the endings.
- Give the phoenix tears to Mbizi. He wanders, so I can�t tell you an exact location, but he�ll be on floor 2. (10)
- Now go to the top floor and go to the room outside your bedroom and give Usi the copy of The Darkness you got from the library. (10)
- Go to Usi�s room on floor two; search the bookshelf and find his diary.
- Read it. (10)
- 85 points now!
- Now go to Mbizi�s room and find his extra robe in his shrunk.
- Search it to find his extra gloves. (5)
- Now go talk to Naataliss. Pick your ending. (5)
- You win! YAAAY