Pansy-ass, huh?! Can�t solve a text adventure, huh?! Need my help?
Then you owe me, Omega, author of this game, $1,000 for each step. That totals to $1,000,000, meaning that you owe me a lot of money AND that I can�t count. MWAAHAAHAAHAAA.
I kid. I kid. Here�s a walkthrough. Any steps that make you receive points has the point value in parentheses at the end. There are a total of 100 points.
- You start in Poppet�s bedroom. Open the dresser and take the poetry book. (5)
- Read the poetry book.
- Take the photograph.
- Check it. (2)
- Take the bookbag. If your hands start to get too full, you can start shoving stuff inside of it, it has unlimited room. Aaah, so THAT�S how Poppet carries stuff everywhere with him.
- Go east.
- Take the perfume.
- Wear it. (3)
- Look in the mirror if you want to see what you look like. Dalix, you sexy bitch!
- You can take a bath or play with the sink if you�d like.
- Well, now it�s time to work on that gift, huh? If you know the series, you know Poppet and what he�d like. If you don�t, the photo will give you a clue.
- Get dressed. It doesn�t matter which outfit you wear, but you�ll want to put on one. You�re wearing nightclothes so you�re not nude, but you WANT to wear something to get the full score. Both outfits are in the cabinet in the bedroom.(10)
- Okay, we�re dressed, Dalix. Go south.
- Take the box on the coffee table.
- You�ll need to open it. It�s locked... and there�s no key. So what do you do? THROW IT, BABY! Throw that bitch at the wall, man! (5)
- Take the knife from the now open box. (5)
- Thirty score now.
- Go south.
- Go southeast twice.
- Take the heart-shaped card. (10)
- Go east.
- Take the bolline. (10)
- Fifty now.
- Well, now that you have the bolline in hand, the cashier won�t let you leave. So you�ll have to do something about it.
- Go north.
- Take the morning star. (5)
- Take the bowie knife. (5)
- Attack the cashier with the bloody knife. (5)
- Attack the cashier with the bloody knife again. (5)
- Take the leather water skin- you�ll fill it full of blood instantly. (5)
- Take the key.
- Seventy-five now. I think you�re done with presents for Poppet now, so go home.
- If you can�t figure out how, I pity you.
- Alright, south, west, northwest, northwest, north.
- Poppet�s home! Give him the presents, baby- the morning star, the blood, the bolline, the card, and the bowie knife. Each is worth one point. (5)
- Now talk.
- Eighty now. Ooh- he�s gonna take a shower! Follow him, you dirty boy.
- North, east. Enter the tub with him.
- Talk to him- the conversations are different here.
- Give him a hug. (5)
- Do it again if you want, there�s a different reaction.
- Give him a kiss. (5)
- Kiss him again if you want, different reaction.
- Wash his back and hair, if you want.
- Now- if you were Dalix, what would you do now? Yes, that�s right. (10)
- Awww. That was cute, wasn�t it? You win! Yaaaaay!
Ways to screw yourself over:
There�s only one. Go into the store without the bloody knife.
Pointless things to do:
- Put on makeup.
- Take the various soaps.
- Get yourself some vodka. Dalix loves his vodka.
- Wash up Poppet�s back and hair.
- Get some candy at the candy store- take all you want, she doesn�t mind.
- Shoplift at the boutique.
- Give cotton candy rock candy to Poppet.
- Eat candy.
And there you go. If you�re offend by the ending, that�s too fucking bad. If you have a problem with two people who love each other making love, then you�re a very sad person.