From:	David Feder <>
Subject: any kite clubs in South Florida?
Date:	Mon, 29 Apr 1996 03:21:39 -1000
Organization: CyberGate, Inc.
Message-ID: <>

My organization is looking for a kite organization to do a demonstration
day at a park for our kids. 

Please mail me back any information and contact numbers.

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Subject: Re: any kite clubs in South Florida?
Date:	Mon, 29 Apr 1996 04:07:36 -1000
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Message-ID: <4m2if8$>

There are two groups in So. Fla. that have what you might call Kite Clubs.

One is Delphi Institute.  They have started a program called Kids n' Cops
n' Kites.  This program goes to the local dade county schools and conducts
kitemaking workshops with police officers and children.  Their goal is to
bring kids and cops together through kiting to build friendly
relationships so that kids learn that cops are not people to be feared and
not the bad guy.  They are caring people just like us.  You may contact
Linda Gelinas (program director) at (305)667-7756.

Dan Ward and Luis Mugunani of Skyward Kites will be forming a Kite Club in
the near future.  They currently have an informal kite club and fly all
over So. Fla.  Contact Dan Ward at (306)945-1681.  If you need someone to
help you conduct kitemaking workshops or just come out and fly large and
small kites at your parks, these are the people to call.

Good luck!

Get high on Kites, not on drugs!

Carolyn Weir

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