Date:	Fri, 15 Dec 1995 03:31:39 -1000
From: (Robert C. Neitzke)
Message-Id: <>
Organization: Bayer Corporation
Subject: aoxomoxoa in advertising

Just a general observation / question ...

The boss told me to use up my vacation befor the end of the year.
So ...
Yes I've been watching too much TV lately, however ...

There's one of those Nintendo ( or Sega )  game adds on TV and
it, as usual, flashes a lot of images in subliminal fashion
and I'm sure that I've seen  the letters ...


embedded on the screen a couple of times during the commercial.

Has anyone else ?

Is my Spectra about to melt a room temperature?

No, I'm NOT experiencing "Holiday Depression Syndrom"  ...

I fly kites -  for fun  ---  Can't happen !

Happy Holidays 

and Hey ...

Stay outa da treez

Bob Neitzke		e-mail work
CAD Sys Mgr Elkhart Site       home
Bayer, Diagnostics Div.	web-page

Stay outa da treez

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Date:	Sat, 16 Dec 1995 05:32:31 -1000
From: (Brian W. Gordon)
Message-Id: <4auoqf$>
Organization: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Subject: Re: aoxomoxoa in advertising

Robert C. Neitzke ( wrote:
: There's one of those Nintendo ( or Sega )  game adds on TV and
: it, as usual, flashes a lot of images in subliminal fashion
: and I'm sure that I've seen  the letters ...

YEAH!  I think I saw it too.  I couldn't really make out all of the 
letters.  I didn't really notice the letters the first couple of times I 
saw the commercial.  I just had a sort of warm aoxo feeling all over.  

Either that or I pee'd my pants.

Keith Kiddering

I can't wait for Sony to come out with "Buggy Commander" for the 

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