Date:	Wed, 22 Mar 1995 12:19:34 -1000
From: (Ronald van der Putten)
Message-Id: <>
Organization: XS4ALL, networking for the masses
Subject: Buggying prohibited in Holland?

I have heard that buggying is not allowed on the Dutch beaches especially in
the vicinity of IJmuiden. Can anybody enlighten me concerning this issue and
what will be the penalties like when caught in the act? 


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Date:	Fri, 24 Mar 1995 15:46:51 -1000
From: (Brian Johnsen)
Message-Id: <>
Organization: Tethered Airfoil R&D Pty. Ltd.(C)(R)(TM) CD CASS
Subject: Re: Buggying prohibited in Holland?

In article <>,
Ronald van der Putten <> wrote:
>I have heard that buggying is not allowed on the Dutch beaches especially in
>the vicinity of IJmuiden. Can anybody enlighten me concerning this issue and
>what will be the penalties like when caught in the act? 

  Here on the ocean beaches in NW america they are closed at certain times
to protect the clams that live there.  How would you like to be crushed by
a monster truck while snogging in your living room?

  The fines here are several hundred $us depending on the season and where
you are caught.
"Does Captain Kirk Exist?" American Dentists Offer New Evidence
  Brian Johnsen   Seattle, Washington USA

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