Date:	Fri, 19 Jan 1996 12:00:06 -1000
From:	Derek Kuhn <>
Message-Id: <>
Organization: None
Subject: Disasters in Colombia

  I have just received some disturbing news from YARIPA, our
good friends in Colombia, South America.

  Firstly, on 30th November 1995, their traditional flying site
was burned after a fireworks display. The site, El Volador, is a
beautiful hill overlooking the city of Medellin, and is a site
of outstanding natural beauty. With their help, it had become a
Conservation area, and is used for recreations such as Kite
Flying, festivals and walking. The site is now devastated: all
the plants and trees are gone.

  Secondly, during the night of 6th January 1996, a freak
accident resulted in the YARIPA office being completely burned.
Luckily, nobody was in the building, but all the contents have
been lost in the flames.

  YARIPA is a social, ecological and environmental group, who
use kites as their medium, holding workshops, talks,
demonstrations and festivals. They are very active in education,
particularly with children. YARIPA celebrated their official 5th
birthday during the 3rd International Kite Festival in August
last year. Jairo Montoya and Ines Elvira Uribe have been working
within the communities in Colombia for the past 12 years under
appalling conditions and facing severe financial difficulties.

  The fruit of the last 12 years work is gone: all the kites,
books, letters, materials, everything. Apart from their personal
tragedy, their overriding concern is for the information that is
missing, principally the names, addresses and telephone numbers
of the many friends they have made around the world. They have
made an appeal for all their kite friends, past and future, to
renew that contact. Their telephone/fax number is 57 for
Colombia, then 4 254 8466.

  On a personal note, I hope also that a few words of
encouragement may help the Phoenix arise from the ashes
invigorated and refreshed. To build anew needs more courage and
commitment than ever before. I urge you to let them know that
their efforts have not been in vain, and that there is support
for them in their time of need.

  They have no access to the Internet, so I will co-ordinate any
information and send it to them myself.

Derek Kuhn

Please eMail replies to:
: Derek Kuhn                    _/\                                      :
: Hon. President              _/_/_\    In the free being of Man         :
: Midlands Kite Fliers      _/_/_/_/\     The Universe is gathered up.   :
: _/_/_/_/_/_\                        - R.S.     :

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