Date:	Sun, 1 Oct 1995 17:24:55 -1000
From:	griebeno@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Kai Griebenow)
Message-Id: <44nm28$pbh@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU>
Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Subject: Re: EuroCup 95 in Hamm/Germany

Hi Alex,

wo ist denn das Team Drama abgeblieben? Waren die nicht da? Hat mich ja
doch gewundert, dass sie nicht in den Tabellen aufgetaucht sind. 

War Norbert Richter da? Wenn ja, gruess Ihn von mir :-). 

Ansonsten Glueckwuensche zur erfolgreichen Durchfuehrung des Euro-Cups in Hamm.

Kai (in Boston..will auch mal wieder ein deutsches Drachenfest besuchen)


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Date:	Sun, 1 Oct 1995 08:31:00 -1000
From: (Alexander Hesse)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: EuroCup 95 in Hamm/Germany


Here are the results from the:

************************ EuroCup 1995 ************************

********************** 30.09.95-01.10.95 *********************

*********************** Hamm - Germany ***********************

                                    Ballet   Precision  Sum
 1   Piere Marzin            F       74,72   -
 2   Patrick Guggenheim      CH      74,64   -
 3   Carl Robertshaw         GB      73,32   -
 4   Rouben Ter Minassian    F       72,08   -
 5   Stefan Maier            D       69,16   -
 6   Mauro Rea               I       69,08   -
 7   Robo Spitters           NL      68,84   -
 8   Peter Leclercq          B       66,84   -
 9   Daniel Wolfinger        CH      64,28   -
10   Joerg Knudsen           D       61,24   -
11   Gertraud Umlauft        A       59,04   -
12   Fons Weenink            NL      57,24   -
13   Simo Salanne            SF      57,00   -
14   Guy Blitgen             L       55,48   -
15   Oliviere van de Weege   B       54,92   -
16   Andrew Phelps           GB      54,36   -
17   Lorenzo Bensi           I       52,88   -
18   Heinz Dieter Haring     A       49,00   -
19   Marc Wolff              L       45,24   -

                                    Ballet   Precision  Sum
 1   Just 4 Fun              A      66,36     75,27     70,82
 2   Keops 2                 F      71,84     65,54     68,69
 3   Skyworks                CH     59,96     59,27     59,62
 4   Pirates                 NL     62,96     55,01     58,99
 5   Don't ask me            D      56,96     59,16     58,06
 6   Loopholes               GB     58,04     56,42     57,23
 7   Astro Chicken           NL     52,64     54,55     53,60
 8   A66 - Ueberholspur      D      46,24     56,58     51,41
 9   Les Toiles Du Ven       F      44,84     56,63     50,74
10   Duo Morzatello          A/CH   55,08       -       27,54

                                    Ballet   Precision  Sum
 1   Skydance                GB     74,68     65,83     70,26
 2   Lung Ta                 F      78,48     61,58     70,03
 3   Lucky Landing Albatros  CH     64,88     68,37     66,63
 4   Fun unlimited           D      67,40     65,28     66,34
 5   Dust Devils             NL     72,40     58,39     65,40
 6   Kite-O-Holix            A      67,80     61,63     64,72
 7   Air de Rien             F      64,60     53,67     59,14
 8   Die Luftpiraten         D      63,96     49,59     56,78
 9   High Life               B      60,68     48,26     54,47
10   Evolution               I      55,64     38,17     46,91
11   The Swallows            NL     50,76     39,76     45,26
12   Swiss Precicion         CH     49,20     38,26     43,73

                                    Ballet   Precision  Sum
 1   Christian Taraschinski  D      -         53,87
 2   Axel Prevoet            F      -         51,80
 3   Stefan Furter           CH     -         50,40

                                    Ballet   Precision  Sum
 1   Carl Robertshaw         GB     77,12     77,04     77,08
 2   Ronald Schrabmair       A      73,04     76,28     74,66
 3   John Mitchell           D      68,52     73,28     70,90
 4   Paolo Milana            I      55,84     56,66     56,25
 5   Norbert Klier           D      57,88     41,72     49,80
 6   Gregor Westemeyer       L      48,84     24,94     36,89
 7   Bert Jansen             NL     34,16     30,24     32,20

 1   Holm Gottschling           D      62,24
 2   Team "Wir tun's trotzdem"  D      56,74
 3   Team "Crazy Albatrosses"   CH     53,00
 4   Peter Leclercq             B      52,72
 5   Team "International"       DK     47,58
 6   Oliviere van de Weege      B      45,30
 7   Mike Dechmann              L      37,84
 8   Bert Jansen                NL     37,06

 1   Aircraft                   GB
 2   Die anderen Baertigen      D
 3   Dust Devils                NL

It was great!


Alexander Hesse                                      ALEX.HESSE@IUS.GUN.DE
Pair "DON'T PANIC!"                          AlexanderHesse@2:2448/2430.11
Krefeld, Germany

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Date:	Tue, 3 Oct 1995 06:10:09 -1000
From: (Philippe Lepez)
Message-Id: <44rn91$>
Organization: Free University of Brussels
Subject: Re: EuroCup 95 in Hamm/Germany

In article <>, (Alexander Hesse) says:

>Here are the results from the:
>************************ EuroCup 1995 ************************

>                                    Ballet   Precision  Sum
> 1   Piere Marzin            F       74,72   -
If you still read this group congratulation Pierre !

What happend to AirKraft ?


Philippe Lepez       (CP 125), |                           |     Good kite
Universite Libre de Bruxelles, | Email:   |+    Good wind
50 av. Roosevelt,              | Phone: 32.2.6503553       |----------------
1050 Bruxelles,      Belgique. | Fax  : 32.2.6503323       |= A lot of fun !

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Date:	Thu, 5 Oct 1995 03:53:26 -1000
From: (Simo Salanne)
Message-Id: <450o0m$>
Organization: STACK Finland
Subject: Re: EuroCup 95 in Hamm/Germany

In <44rn91$> (Philippe Lepez) writes:

>What happend to AirKraft ?

Airkraft was not there, they... well there's different
rumours of the reasons: concentrating on World Cup, making
space for another (young) UK team SkyDance to have an opportunity
to wild card qualify for WC, which they did!

Actually "Airkraft" was there, they won Rok Battle, but it was
just Carl with some helping hands who joined the Rok team.

--                     STACK Finland & STARRC Chair
Are you familiar with Kite Flyers Web Site?

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Date:	Fri, 6 Oct 1995 01:22:47 -1000
From:	Andy Wardley <>
Message-Id: <>
Organization: Peritas Multimedia
Subject: Re: EuroCup 95 in Hamm/Germany

Simo Salanne writes:
>Actually "Airkraft" was there, they won Rok Battle, but it was
>just Carl with some helping hands who joined the Rok team.

I think the reason AirKraft weren't there was because they were flying
a demonstration somewhere in the UK.  I'm sorry, I can't remember where
or what the event was, suffice it to say that it wasn't a kite festival.

In Carl's absence, the team's "first reserve", Lee (whose surname I 
forget, but ex-half of UK #2 pairs "Free Spirit") flew with them.


Andy Wardley is the man from  Thricefold decorated
in the winky wars, he loves each and every one of you.  No really, he does.
Harry "FM" Teazly: "I'm honored and all that crap, but does this mean we're 
starting another round of quoting each other with the names munged?"  
                                             -Sean Willyhard"  -Andy Wardly

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Date:	Mon, 9 Oct 1995 10:47:14 -1000
From: (Simo Salanne)
Message-Id: <45c1oi$>
Organization: STACK Finland
Subject: Re: EuroCup 95 in Hamm/Germany

In <> Andy Wardley <> writes:

>Simo Salanne writes:
>>Actually "Airkraft" was there, they won Rok Battle, but it was
>>just Carl with some helping hands who joined the Rok team.

>I think the reason AirKraft weren't there was because they were flying
>a demonstration somewhere in the UK.  I'm sorry, I can't remember where
>or what the event was, suffice it to say that it wasn't a kite festival.

>In Carl's absence, the team's "first reserve", Lee (whose surname I 
>forget, but ex-half of UK #2 pairs "Free Spirit") flew with them.

Well, this is close to something, which is possible when "a team
can have three or more members" and "can reconfigure as they like"
Rok battle was just for fun (shouldn't every competition be?) and
what the rest of AirKraft were doing was apparently far from
competition, but should the rules limit that a team can compete
only at one competition at the same time - what's "same time"?

--                     STACK Finland & STARRC Chair

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Date:	Mon, 16 Oct 1995 06:47:39 -1000
From: (Volker Wenk)
Message-Id: <45u2bb$>
Organization: ImproWare AG Fuellinsdorf, Switzerland
Subject: Re: EuroCup 95 in Hamm/Germany

Andy Wardley ( wrote:
: Simo Salanne writes:
: >Actually "Airkraft" was there, they won Rok Battle, but it was
: >just Carl with some helping hands who joined the Rok team.

Can it be that the absence of AIRKRAFT is a political thing? Now there will be twoere two  
two teams from UK flying in Australia...
greetings volker

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