Date:	Fri, 20 Oct 1995 04:48:43 -1000
From: (Todd Garoutte)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Festivals in Germany?

Can anybody tell me the up comming kite attractions in Germany?

      A-4000/040 33Mhz 18Mb 2Gig
        Fax  +49-611-428970        
Kite fliers are friends of mine....

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Date:	Sat, 21 Oct 1995 21:26:11 -1000
From: (Gertraud Umlauft)
Message-Id: <>
Organization: magnet Online Service
Subject: Re: Festivals in Germany?

>Can anybody tell me the up comming kite attractions in Germany?

The german festivals I dont know at the moment. But Austria is not very 
far, so I can tell you about the 9. Vienna Spring Festival on 13.-14.4. 
1996 at the Isle in the Danube. At this festival we normally have many 
guests from Germany and other countries nearby and usually the "Decorators"
England are here (I do not know, if they will come this spring). At the 
festival we fly oneline, dual and quadline kites, have demonstrations of 
several individuals, pairs (Eurocup winner Just4Fun) and teams, but we also 
often invite fighter kite speciallists, so there is normally covered the 
whole range of kiteflying. There may be a little dual line fun competition 
as well, maybe a mystery music ballet.
We are planning the festival at the moment. If you would like to get 
further informations, please contact me on e-mail or phone:
Gertraud & Fritz Umlauft
Tel&Fax: +43 1 74 89 341

Many greetings from Vienna
Gertraud Umlauft
--- OffRoad 1.9g unregistered

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