Date:	Sun, 17 Apr 1994 05:49:00 -1000
From: (Ben Woods)
Message-Id: <>
Organization: The LAND OF ENCHANTMENT BBS! Albuquerque, NM 505 857-0836
Subject: fly in an airshow?
date: 4-17-94

Hey Dick this is real early, but, would you and JOTS be interested in
doing a kite demostration at the Nov 94 Airshow at Alliance? I have been
approached to put together the Hot Air Balloon show and I of course
thought of you and your group. Should meet with them this week and will
know more in the near future...
All my best.,.
Ben in Texas
. SLMR 2.1a . Variables won't; constants aren't.

|   LAND OF ENCHANTMENT BBS!  Albuquerque, New Mexico (USA) (505) 857-0836  |
|   MS-DOS/OS-2/Windows - 60M a month!  U'NI/Intelec/ILink/Basenet/P.E.N.   |

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