Date:	Wed, 18 Oct 1995 13:18:39 -1000
From: (GadgetWest)
Message-Id: <46420f$>
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Subject: Flyin in Central Park-NYC

Lately I have been in Central Park with my stuntkites but hav enot found a
good place to fly.

Anyone out there got a good place in central park?

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Date:	Wed, 18 Oct 1995 18:58:24 -1000
From: (Theodore Manekin)
Message-Id: <464ltg$>
Organization: The Pipeline
Subject: Re: Flyin in Central Park-NYC

On Oct 18, 1995 19:18:39 in article <Flyin in Central Park-NYC>,
' (GadgetWest)' wrote: 
>Lately I have been in Central Park with my stuntkites but hav enot found a

>good place to fly. 
>Anyone out there got a good place in central park? 
Surely you jest.  The Great Lawn is closed off for a couple of years which
means the Sheep Meadow will be more crowded than ever.  However, maybe a
midnight fly will be just the thing.  (Please don't try this at home!) 
Ted Manekin 
New York, New York 
I can't imagine why you would think that I'm expressing anyone's ideas but
my own! 

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