Date: Thu, 21 Jul 1994 07:41:32 -1000 From: (Dale Stipe) Message-Id: <30mc0c$> Organization: Honeywell IAC/PHX Subject: Flying in Arizona I have been monitoring this group for some time and have communicated with various individuals, thanks to all that have replied. I fly a phantom and a MEFM, both are very good kites. I have other smaller kites but our wind here is either very light or very very windy so I have to use the ultra-lights as much as possible. The reason for the post is two fold: First, are there other kiters in the Phoenix area, or is there even a club? Second, I would like to try bugging before jumping into it, The cost is a little high to go out and buy everything without even knowing if I like it. Anyone have any ideas as to how to try it first. California isn't that far away for a weekend trip but do any shops let you rent or try out this equipment first? Dale = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Date: Fri, 22 Jul 1994 19:41:05 -1000 From: (SKELLYM) Message-Id: <30qahh$> Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Subject: Re: Flying in Arizona Dale, unable to e-mail you directly. give me a call and i'll tell you whats happening in arizona vaughn miller, 331-1151 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Date: Mon, 25 Jul 1994 02:00:23 -1000 From: (Mr. Kiteman) Message-Id: <> Organization: Pro-Entropy +1-305-265-9073 (DAR Systems Int'l -- Miami, FL) Subject: Re: Flying in Arizona (Dale Stipe) writes: >The reason for the post is two fold: >First, are there other kiters in the Phoenix area, or is there even a club? >Second, I would like to try bugging before jumping into it, The cost is a >little high to go out and buy everything without even knowing if I like it. >Anyone have any ideas as to how to try it first. California isn't that far >away for a weekend trip but do any shops let you rent or try out this equipment >first? >Dale As far as the buggies go... pick up the current copy of "KiteLines" magazine [Spring-Summer 1994, Vol. 10 No. 4]. There are buggy articles starting on page 40, including an article on how to make your own starting on page 42. That same issue has a listing of kite stores, and the three in Arizona are 'Flag & Kite Factory' in Yuma (602-343-2434), 'I'Maginations' in Tucson (602-326-3442), and 'Jutenhoops' in Phoenix (602-957-8006). At least one of those should carry the current issue of KiteLines. BTW, I was out in Phoenix in June 1988. Seemed like the winds weren't too good. Do you have a particular place you fly, or is your flying seasonal? Also, a friend and I climbed "Piccacho <sp?> Peak" while we were there. *THAT* would make an interesting kite aerial photography subject. {Considering that the tallest mountains in S. Florida are the land fills.} Your Friendly Neighborhood Kiteman ============================================================================= Internet Address: That's MISTER Kiteman To You, DUMMY! <g> a.k.a. Allan "Kiteman" Gaines in Miami, Florida- USA. A *NATIVE* Floridian!!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<REAL Kites Have ONE Line>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =