Date:	Mon, 21 Aug 1995 07:13:40 -1000
From:	John Ruggiero <>
Message-Id: <41aes4$>
Organization: TechGnosis
Subject: Flying in Belgium

I will be visiting Belgium on business from 8/29/95 through 9/8/95.  Are 
there any Festivals, Flys, etc. going on in Belgium that I might attend ?

Short of an organized event, I would love to meet some local kite flyers 
and visit some kite shops in Brussels.

Thanks in advance,

- John

- John Ruggiero                            -
- TechGnosis, Inc.                                                      -
- Voice: 617-229-6100  Fax:   617-229-0557                              -

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Date:	Tue, 22 Aug 1995 17:14:52 -1000
From: (David Chapman)
Message-Id: <>
Organization: HCS/PTInfoSys, Kansas City
Subject: Re: Flying in Belgium

-> From: John Ruggiero <>
-> Subject: Flying in Belgium
-> Short of an organized event, I would love to meet some local kite fly
-> and visit some kite shops in Brussels.
Chris Moore is doing the European tour thing as we speak.  Belgium
included.  I'll get in touch with his kite shop (Wind Wizards) and see
if we can get some info to you.

| Dave Chapman       |      |
| HCS/PTInfoSys      | Aj      PGP public key available:  |
| Kansas City MO,USA |           |

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Date:	Mon, 21 Aug 1995 23:34:35 -1000
From: (Jansen Robert)
Message-Id: <>
Organization: Brussels Free University (VUBnet)
Subject: Re: Flying in Belgium

In article <41aes4$>, John Ruggiero
<> wrote:

> I will be visiting Belgium on business from 8/29/95 through 9/8/95.  Are 
> there any Festivals, Flys, etc. going on in Belgium that I might attend ?
> Short of an organized event, I would love to meet some local kite flyers 
> and visit some kite shops in Brussels.
> Thanks in advance,
> - John
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> - John Ruggiero                            -
> - TechGnosis, Inc.                                                      -
> - Voice: 617-229-6100  Fax:   617-229-0557                              -
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Don't know about events,.. but, can find the phone number of the
belgium kite association "Le Nouveau Cervoliste Belge" in the FAQ.

There are 2 kite shops in brussels (got the adresses from the "Le Nouveau
Cervoliste Belge")
1) Heaven
   Rue des Minimes 58 (hope this is correct,...forgot my adress book)
   (Near a place which is called "Le Sablon" (french)/ "Zavel" (dutch)  )
   Practically in the center of brussels.
2) Fufulu
   Chaussee de Boondael 68
   In Elsene (Ixelles (french name) (district of Brussels, but still
Brussels, not a suburb)

Godd luck.

Brussels University
Pleinlaan 2
Computer Center VUB/ULB (VUBnet)
Ing. Robert Jansen
B-1050 Brussels
Belgium (Europe)

Tel:  +32-2-650.37.29
Secr: +32-2-650.37.38
Fax:  +32-2-650.37.40

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