Date: Fri, 20 Jan 1995 15:30:57 -1000 From: (Steve Millspaugh) Message-Id: <> Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest) Subject: Fort Worden Kitemaker's Conf. 95 - repost Fort Worden Kitemaker's Conference, March 3-5,1995 Scheduled for March 3-5, 1995, the 12th annual Fort Worden Kitemakers Conference is shaping up as one of the best ever. This event is held at historic Fort Worden State Park in beautiful Port Townsend, Washington, on the Olympic Peninsula. It's your chance to join kite makers and fliers >From around the world for three days of learning, sharing, fun and festivities. The list of teachers is looking especially impressive this year. Joining us from Wales, in the UK, will be Steve Brockett, Kite Artist, and Martyn Lawrence, master fighter kite maker. Steve Brockett was a featured guest at the 1993 WSIKF, where we had the opportunity to see his amazing painted creations. Recently profiled in American Kite, Steve doesn't believe in just flying a painting, but uses his skills to create kites that are art, not just art on a kite. Martyn Lawrence has adapted modern materials and techniques to fighter kites based on classic principles to create kites that represent both the newest and the oldest of kite designs. These provide time-tested flight characteristics with modern features. Capacity at Fort Worden is limited, so write or call now to make sure you are included in this exceptional kiting event. For additional information and registration forms, you should write Bob Alford at 320 NE Fourth Street, North Bend, WA 98045, or call him at (206) 888-2812. Those who attended the 1994 conference are already on the mailing list, but the rest of you should respond now to make sure you don't miss this opportunity. Your room, meals, and all classes and activities are included at one low price. Slide shows, socials, tall tales contest, and the famous Fort Worden raffle are some of the additional fun activities. The proceeds >From the raffle provide the funds to bring international guests to this conference, so your donations, whether you attend or not, are encouraged and appreciated. Besides the featured guests mentioned above, the list of teachers for 1995 is "awesome". With more being added as the schedule permits, it already includes some of the premier kitemakers from the Northwest and around the country. Among the people coming to help you learn about kites, kitemaking, and kite flying are: Spencer Chun, Scott Skinner, Mike Sterling, J.R. Tolman, Mark Reed and Scobie Puchtler, Dan Kurahashi, Deb Cooley, Sam Huston, Tom Sisson, Dave Colbert, Gerry Pennell, Stormy Weathers, Roger Maddy, Dick Curran and Francis Hall. Although I highly recommend that you contact Bob as stated above, I will be happy to answer questions via email. Steve Millspaugh <> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 15:15:25 -1000 From: (Brian Johnsen) Message-Id: <> Organization: Cap'n Puget's Roadside Tako Stand Subject: Re: Fort Worden Kitemaker's Conf. 95 - repost In article <>, Steve Millspaugh <> wrote: >Fort Worden Kitemaker's Conference, March 3-5,1995 > >Scheduled for March 3-5, 1995, the 12th annual Fort Worden Kitemakers >Conference is shaping up as one of the best ever. Hey, what would be really cool is to reserve the karate barn for indoor flying. It has a very high ceiling, but I can't remember if the front doors will close or if there are lights inside. Be nice to have it available in case of rain as well. -- Eating Mangoes Can Give You Flatulence, Pronounce Russian Gynocologists -- O= --'|\ Brian Johnsen Seattle, Washington USA = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =