From: (Steve Irby)
Subject: Re: Kite article in USA Weekend
Date:	Thu, 4 Apr 1996 18:55:53 -1000
Organization: Northwest Buggy Pilots Assoc.
Message-ID: <4k2882$> (Elliott Fried) wrote:

->Just a quick note to say that there is a nice article in the USA
->Weekend section of the this Sundays (3/31/96) newspaper. In my
->our sport needs more main stream coverage like this. Most people do
->not even know what sport kite flying is. To all event organizers how
->about calling your local paper when ever you are gonna have an
->first to tell then that you are having it so that they can list it
->there things to do sections and secondly to do some kind of coverage
->for the event it self. I think everyone involved needs to make an
->effort to bring this sport to more and more peeople. There was also
->short bit on CNN Headline news last week. So call your local papers
->and call your local TV station you would be surprised at how happy
->they would be to cover an event as a human interest story or a fun
->family thing to do. What do you all think?? 

->Keep it in the window
->Elliott Fried
->Ray Kataryniak

->Central Jersey Kite flyers
Couldn't agree more.
That "Weekend" insert article was a feature on stunt kite flying with
David Bui.  Pretty informative.  I clipped it to share with my non
kiting friends.

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