Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 08:24:31 -1000 From: (Mr. Kiteman) Message-Id: <> Organization: Pro-Entropy +1-305-994-3578 (DAR Systems Int'l -- Miami, FL) Subject: Kite Buggy-ing In North Carolina Since I've seen discussion on kite buggy stuff in Daytona Beach, Florida, I was wondering if anybody knows of any kite buggy events (or just a place for general riding) in the northern part of N.C., from Nags Head northward? I'm moving up that way in a few months, and would like to check it out in person. Thanks for the info. ..."Real kites have one line- and a camera suspended below...." ..."Those with more than one had better be pulling something...." || // |__ __| |__ __| | _____| ||\\ //|| //^\\ ||\\ || ||// || || ||____ || \\// || //aka\\ || \\ || ||\\ __||__ ||HE ||_____ ||Miami,|| //Allan\\ || \\ || || \\ | | || | | ||FL-USA|| // Gaines\\ || \\|| = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =