Date:	Fri, 27 Jan 1995 08:05:31 -1000
From: (David Gomberg)
Message-Id: <>
Organization: Harvard University Office of Information Technology
Subject: Kite Clubs in Colorado

Colorado has one of the most creative and fun loving groups of
fliers I have met anywhere. And considering the number of GREAT
clubs out there, that's quite a statement.

Contact Phli Delta Phli at 3555 Jubilant Pl, Colorado Springs 80917.
I believe you can reach the President at 719-596-9088.

Clubs from Denver and C Springs combined several years ago. They
cover the whole front range. And considering how poor the winds
are in your neighborhood, you have an amazing collection of kite
talent clustered between Boulder, Denver, and the Air Force

Have Fun!!

David Gomberg                             phone 503-996-3083
Box 113, Neotsu OR 97368 USA              fax   503-334-9692

Never try to teach pigs to sing - it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

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Date:	Sun, 29 Jan 1995 05:56:47 -1000
From:	Art Newsome <>
Message-Id: <3ggdrv$>
Organization: Rocky Mountain Internet Inc.
Subject: Re: Kite Clubs in Colorado


thanks bunches for the reply on the kite club here. Of course no
sooner did I actually consider getting my kites out - it decided
to actually snow! we've got 3" on the ground right now. maybe
we'll go find a local field and our "saucer sleds" and a couple
kites and see if we can find some fun that way! :>

our winds here are very variable.... if it's warm outside during
the winter - you can probably bet that the winds are over 25 mph
with gusts to 50mph and the house rattles.  but one can always 

thanks again! karla & art newsome

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